#i knowww theres gonna be annoying people responding to this too
spearxwind · 7 months
Ough thinkingabout the godzilla monsterverse movies. The 2014 one is genuinely just so.. good. Like.
But then all the others are insanely bad I dont get it. The only one that's ever so slightly passable is the second one (kotm) but the more I look back on it the worse it is as like, a movie
and yeah yeah before you say "well its good because its just supposed to be a movie about monsters fighting" well dont you think it could have been done better?
the first movie works very well because its not made as a monster movie its made as a natural disaster movie, where the natural disasters are huge monsters. Their actions have weight, the budget people have to fight back is limited, there are genuine stakes (and the fights have more weight to them as well) and the human element does matter and helps move the story along (for better or for worse) no matter how much people complain that they "didnt care what the humans did" or didnt care to watch them, maybe part of why you didnt like the movie is because you weren't paying attention to what they did
In the rest of the movies though every human factor is almost if not completely pointless. In kotm they just kinda fuck around as supposedly ecoterrorists and wake up ghidorah but then ghidorah doesnt do anything the whole movie except fly around ominously (he doesnt even kill anyone i dont think they fake out of that like 4 times its infuriating) and then in the gvk movie its just absurd. like theres no cohesion to it
(that's another one, skull island is a fantastic movie, very stylish)
like season one of strangers things "something fucking weird is happening in this town and we are realistically responding to it" versus season three "a bunch of kids sneak into a super secret russian complex and fuck shit up somehow" its just a progression that doesnt make sense
I know the monsterverse is marketed to children and has plots a child would make and are increasingly """child-friendly""" but man idk I just wish they would have done it better. Monsterverse has just become the marvel avengers of kaijus and I am using marvel in a derogatory way. Like yeah sure its cool monster fighting movies but objectively you have to admit theyre just not good.
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