#i don't really Actually have flowers to sell especially because you can't actually sell flowers in the market box but that's fine
nexus-nebulae · 2 months
it took. so many weeks but i Finally managed to collect all the major terrain things i wanted for my campsite in pocket camp and im Very happy i love my little garden corner
#i have a florist van as well#cause you have three things you can decorate in pocket camp#your campsite your cabin and your camper van#and the camper goes with you when your little character gets placed in other players worlds#and i decorated the first floor of my cabin to have a little treat serving area and then a flower bouquet ordering counter#and then the upper floor to have a bedroom and tons of crafting supplies and flowers scattered everywhere#like I'm making the bouquets in the upper section and then taking them downstairs to the cooler to be displayed and sold#i don't really Actually have flowers to sell especially because you can't actually sell flowers in the market box but that's fine#i like making little environmental storytelling things#and my campsite has even more flowers#an azalea hedge instead of fences and sakura trees and blossoms everywhere#and a little food selling area with like. a dango stand a bakery stand and a sakura themed counter#and a little table with food set out#and sitting areas like benches scattered all across the campsite (we need good public seating ofc)#and then the cabin has like. a bunch of games and instruments on the first floor like an activity area#and then as many food related things as i could fit on the second floor like a massive cafeteria that I'd let anyone in to eat#and then the top floor is my Proper Bedroom when I'm not zooming around in my florist van#with a bunch of cozy comfy things everywhere and also books and gems and shiny things#now all i need is actually nice looking wallpapers and floor patterns. sigh. i must wait another century#(seriously WHY are the wallpapers so damn expensive PLEASE make the reissues cheaper please 🥺)
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nightcityace · 1 month
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Sunny: I guess technically Sunny was a nickname before it became official, but I've also been called Sunshine, Sunbeam, Ray of Sunshine… you can probably see the pattern. Interviewer: And what is your real name? Sunny: Sunny is my real name. Just because it might not be the first name I had doesn't mean it's not my real name.
None for me, thanks.
Misty says I’m an Aquarius. I guess I never really put much thought into any of that, but she really enjoys it so that makes it fun for me too.
5’ 9”, but some of my boots make me a little taller. No platforms or anything though, I wouldn't be able to walk to save my life.
Only interested in men, but I guess I don't really try to define myself often. Just queer in general is probably the best term I suppose.
That's another one I never really think too much about. A lot of people tend to think my family are Nomads, but we’ve been here since before Night City was Night City. My… (counts on fingers) great-great-great grandparents actually bought our property back when California was still one state, so we’re about as local as you get. Before that I think someone came from New York and before that I don’t really know, all over Europe I think.
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Strawberries, not like synthetic ones or those over priced cloned ones, real strawberries. We managed to get a little section of them growing at home and nothing can compare. 
Probably spring. I love getting to watch everything sprout and bloom, even out in the desert. 
Sunny: People usually expect me to say something cliche like sunflowers, but I genuinely love dandelions. Especially when they grow up out of cracks in pavement or sidewalks. It's proof there's still nature in the city, even when they try to hide it under all the concrete. They’re stubborn little flowers and they're perfect. Interviewer: Aren't dandelions weeds? Sunny: Only because someone wanted to sell people on the idea of a perfectly sterilized, useless, solid patch of grass which completely destroyed the biodiversity of most yards. They’re yellow, they're cute, I like them. Interviewer: Got it…
This is a hard one to describe, but do you know how sometimes you can kind of smell outside? Not like… exhaust and garbage obviously… but there's a certain smell that gets in your hair and clothes when you've been out in the wind and sun and you can just tell that's what it is.
Yes please, all of it.
Probably about 6 or 7 normally. I tend to wake up early after having to for most of my life, but I love going back to bed. I'll usually wake up about sunrise or earlier and go have a cup of coffee and check my plants to see if they need water and if Vik isn't up yet I'll scooch back under the covers and go right back to sleep for a few more hours. Plus naps, naps are great.
Chickens. Okay okay, I know obviously I can't have them in the city, but the farm is well outside the avian exclusion zone. Seriously, they're adorable. (Pulls out phone to show no less than 300 different pictures of chicks and chickens)
Honestly I don't know. I like being close to my family and being in NC, so I don't think I'd want to go anywhere long. I have some Nomad friends though so a trip with them might be fun, maybe somewhere with actual mountains since I really like climbing around the canyons and stuff we have out in the Badlands. 
Hmmm… I'm gonna go with Bugs Bunny. Both extremely cute and extremely chaotic, I respect that.
I usually start with one or two, but I tend to run warm so by the time I wake up it's not uncommon for them all to be kicked down to the end of the bed or piled up on Vik’s side.
Sunny: About me or just like… a fact I like? Hm, how about: it's surprisingly easy to get a wild coyote into the front seat of a locked car. You wouldn't think so, but getting it out is actually much harder. Interviewer: Okay... That's slightly troubling... how about a fact about you? Sunny: I know how to get a wild coyote into the front seat of a locked car. 
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This was so fun to do!! Thank you @dreamskug for tagging me!
I have a few other tag things I still need to do with Sunny, I swear I havent actually forgotten, I just have terrible time management... >.>
EDIT: oh dang I forgot to tag people D: I think most of my cp friends have been tagged already so I'll toss it to @wraithsoutlaws bc I want someone to have the audacity to interview Dagger :P
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petitfarron · 10 months
I really want to write more about my dumb rabbit so, uh... enjoy?
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Farron was born in Rak'tika 76 whole years ago. Which, I guess if we're thinking of viera/vii as dog years compared to human years he's around 27 years old. He's not ancient, I promise! (Unlike the cranky, old man rabbit he adopted as a father. ♡)
I don't know if I should get into his totally-not-at-all-traumatizing past now or not as it's alot but I'll say that he 'was' close with his mother and his father is a horrible, stinky man.
As he grew up in vii society - which I headcanon so much worse than it actually is because delicious drama - Farron ended up secluded alot. He became a forest guardian and was away from the village more than he was ever in it. As such, he became a big fan of all things plants and flowers. Ask him anything about any plant and he can most likely tell you everything about it and where to find it too. They bring him alot of joy and having a hobby he could lose himself in while secluded was a big bonus.
On the odd times he was back in the village and not being swarmed by women because we have to make babies for future warriors, Farron would sell potions and tinctures of his own making.
I imagine Rak'tika was extra feral so, uh... no technologies or currency, nothing like that. Trading animal skins, food and medicine to the occasional outsider they didn't kill and amongst themselves was about the jist of it.
Back on track!
Since he was booted off into the forest alone at 13, he had to learn to fend for himself quickly. Injuries happen, especially in the midst of a war, and if you can't heal yourself, well... you're as good as dead, right? So he put his botany knowledge together with a love of creating and working with his hands and tada! Crazy plant alchemist man is born. It was really handy for him and others, so of course he was really into that. He does love helping others, even if the others in the village thought he was crazy that he even cared if someone, aside from himself, lived or died.
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I appear to be rambling but the short of it is his time in Rak'tika was not a good time. Funny that he lived there for 55 years before finally getting the courage (and a proper out) to leave. Which I can talk about another time because wow this is getting long and I feel bad.
I'm excited to have a place where I can shove him in people's faces, though. So if you read this... thanks! ♡ And I'm sure I'll babble about him more in the distant (not so distant) future!
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hiya bestie, hope your doing well and staying hydrated! My current daydream is a lovely mix of 17. Miscommunication and reader telling Daryl D or Eddie M they are pregnant (angst/comfort vibe) Totally understand of you don't wanna.
Love from a silent follower 🔆
Choosing my man Eddie for this one since an idea immediately popped into my head lmao.
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I can't believe he blew me off.
My legs bounce up and down as I watch my front door, waiting and hoping that it flies open any minute now, revealing my boyfriend in all of his late glory. He's never late, not for me and not for Hellfire Club. Those are the two things he holds so dearly to his heart, the two things he would never skip out on and the two things that are never pushed to the back burner.
So where is he?
Claiming he's at Hellfire Club for an impromptu meeting on a Sunday but then forgetting to inform Lucas, Mike and Dustin? They were shocked when I saw them at the grocery store just hours ago when I told them that Eddie had told me that there was a campaign today. I could tell by their fumbling that they weren't telling the truth and immediately trying to cover their asses and Eddie's, their loyal leader.
I hear a car door shut outside, my heart leaping in my chest but my anxiety only increases at the thought of telling him what's actually going on, why I'm so freaked and why I'm so pissed that he's late.
The door opens timidly in front of me, Eddie's sad and sorry smile immediately seen as he kicks off his shoes. "Hi sweetheart." He mumbles, shoulders drooping a bit and he shuts the door, making his way towards me slowly with clasped hands.
"Could've brought me flowers or something to make up for the fact that you're late." I fold my arms over my chest as his face drops, lips parting but I continue. "Ya know, and for blatantly lying to my face."
"L-Lying?" He stumbles, sitting down beside me on the couch, brows pulled together.
"You said you had Hellfire. Well, I saw the three musketeers at the store earlier and they looked like they were going to shit themselves trying to lie for you." I explain with a bitter laugh, nausea churning in my stomach. "If you're lying to me, great. But just like dump me now if you're cheating on me or you plan on continuing to lie to me because I have much bigger fish to fry right now." My voice is stone cold, Eddie's eyes widen a sobering amount as it begins to set in what this conversation is.
"Wait, no. I'm sorry, I did lie." He admits, reaching over to take my hands in his. "It's just really complicated and I don't know how to explain it to y-you. Fuck, if you could just give me like a day to figure it out and talk to some people then-"
"Is it drugs?" I cut him off and he pauses, brows ticking up in confusion. "Did you sell to the wrong person and now you're deep in debt?"
"No, fuck no, I'm not that stupid." He blows out a breath but I don't find any of this funny. What couldn't he tell me? What's too complicated for me, his beyond loyal girlfriend, to understand? "I don't even know how to vaguely explain it to you without fucking it up- um, Hawkins is cursed and there's a very small group of us, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley- you know Robin- and the kids, who actually understand what's going on." My mind spins as I think back to the terrible things this town has been through the last few years, the disappearances, the random killings, the overall weird vibes- it makes sense, but why is Eddie involved. "I just need them to explain it to you. I can't do that especially when you're threatening to dump me if I sound the slightest bit disingenuous." His voice cracks fearfully and I frown, reaching up to run a hand through my hair.
"I'm not just thinking about myself anymore, Eds." My voice quivers as frustrated tears prick at my eyes. "I don't know how to tell you this and I don't want you to be angry, I just-" I cut myself off with a deep breath, pressing my shaking hands into my knees. "I'm pregnant." His face immediately turns a shade of green, but not out of disgust, he's afraid.
"Pregnant. So forgive me for getting mad about you lying to me and being late." His face drops into his hands as he nods, his whole body tense in anxious energy.
"Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, his voice squeaky and I let out a bitter laugh, throwing my arms up.
"I wasn't going to tell you over the phone!" He immediately breaks a bit, laughing embarrassingly as he nods, waving his arms in front of me, brushing off his previous question.
"Right, right." He mutters, scooting closer to me and he pauses, his lips parted in shock as he tries to find the right words to say. I understand that this is a big thing to drop on him, that we both needed comfort and reassurance, but I'm the one who's been holding onto this, worried that he's out there lying and cheating on me. "A-Alright, we'll figure it out." He shrugs breathlessly, squeezing my hands in his.
"After you find a way to explain what's been going on." I add, watching him gulp but a soft smile stretches across my lips, calming his anxiety a bit as his eyes flicker down to look at my belly. Five different emotions pass through his expression at once, almost as if he's trying to prepare himself for the next nine months and so on.
"Yes, right- you're right." He laughs, leaning forward to rest his head on my shoulder. "You still love me?" His question makes me laugh as I wrap an arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Get over here. Of course I do."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr
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oozmium · 6 months
Ranking the smt ivf collab Cafe as someone who will never have the chance to taste it ft. probably inaccurate translations of their names
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Part 1 featuring the actual meals because I forgot tumblr has an image limit
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1. "Godslayer" Meat Platter
We got steamed chicken and duck meat with some salsa and salad... that sounds yummy but man idk why but this just looks so unappetizing. I mean at least I can stomach duck though so I'd totally be open to eating this. But also it doesn't look like a sizable portion so hm.
6/10: presentation kills this meal sorry Nanashi
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2. Dagda's Large Fried Rice
Good god this is a lot of rice... I'd imagine this would pair well with Nanashi's meal. Looks like a nice batch of fried rice but I have to take points off for the overkill on the sesame seeds... I want my rice not seeds... though apparently the seeds are inspired by Dagda's color scheme so huh.
7/10: it's rice. Too much seeds. I'd complain it's a big portion but the famitsu article notes this is meant for 2-3 people so that's fair.
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3. 阿修羅会御用達 悪ピザ (tls to smth along the lines of Ashura-Kai Purveyor Pizza?? I didn't trust the machine tl so I'm putting the kanji)
Now this is something I'd definitely eat. A nice piece of pizza bread will always make me happy. The famitsu article notes that this was the meal most recommended by reporters.
There is one other thing to note about this one: it's meant to be split between two or three people! ... like Hallelujah and his "Bro".... 😦
10/10: I'm not immune to pizza bread and reporters really liked it so I'm sure it was delicious
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4. Asahi's Energetic and Healthy Coriander Salad
This one is really cute, although I have to admit I've never tried coriander but there's a first for everything! The flower is a very cute touch too, but I'm a picky guy so the peppers are a bit of an ick for me... I can't eat them in salad it needs to be put in stuff like a sandwich for me to eat it.
7/10: unsure on if this would be tasty but the presentation really sells it!
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5. Flynn a la Mode (aka Furin a la Mode)
Ooo now this is a yummy looking dessert! Would absolutely demolish it (sorry Flynn).
They said the pun was unintentional; instead the idea was everyone's beloved Flynn wanted to make a dessert everyone loves (I hope I'm reading that correctly 🥺)
9/10: I'd give it a 10/10 (and it really deserves one) but I'm very picky on those extra gummies surrounding the pudding...
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6. Jonathan's Grilled Beef Tongue
Er. Apparently chosen for Jonathan for its elegant and luxurious taste ... anyway this looks very yummy and it gets extra points for the kewpie mayo 🤤. The onions are a nice touch too... guess I have to concede and agree this is really elegant!
9/10: I've never tried tongue personally but the kewpie mayo would be enough to get me on board with eating it.
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7. Father's Fisherman's Meal
They want you to think Walter's dad caught the fish that went into this meal... I laughed a bit ngl. Anyway I'm always down for poke-esque meals I guess it'd come down to the quality of the meat 🤔 though the amount of fish in there might leave me wanting more...
6/10: unsure if I want to give this higher bc I don't personally know how the fish tasted... also could use more fish.
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8. Fairy Forest Mushrooms
Maybe they're not appetizing to you but I absolutely LOVE mushrooms. They're so yummy to me and especially when you add some nice butter for extra flavor... mmm very yummy 🤤.
8/10: I'm biased I like eating mushrooms I'd devour this in a heartbeat
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9. Gaston's Long Skewer Platter
This was the 2nd funniest item on the menu (you'll see the funniest one soon). Other than that, skewers are always tasty with some soy sauce and lemon for extra flavoring... although apparently it was a guessing game to discover what was inside the skewer?
7/10: unsure if i wanna play skewer roulette with Gaston 😦
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box-architecture · 5 months
i really love your comunication knife au. it's so interesting and has it's wholesome moments. Especially for how the three have really different dynamics with it's fucked up and cute details. I love your cpunz so much!! i really like the warden!dream au with c!Q and c!Sam bc it's so fucked up but so good too. And also the idea of c!Q trying to sell c!dream's milk it's kinda funny
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I thought "yes I will respond to this very coherently and well thought out" but actually I got a bad grade in Talking To People so you're getting this meme. Does this convey my affection. You're receiving love and warm blankets. Unless its Hot where you are. Then you're getting an air conditioning.
Listen Listen. You See. cPunz is objectively so fucking fun as a character. He knows he's hot shit and is fully confident in who he is as a person. He likes to murder people and there's no tragic sad reasoning for it he's just Like That. He feels emotions, like anger, so strongly but he's a master of schooling his expressions because he needs to be. Things have to be a certain way for him, no he can't tell you Why things need to be like that they just Do.
He doesn't need to wear a mask or pretend around Dream because Dream accepts him fully for the ride or die madman he is, and Punz can't lose him and live in a world where no one sees Punz, only The Mercenary only Just A Guy Who Exists only shallow smiles of friendliness but never any deeper connections because Punz is a complex and complicated person, but no one wants the Punz who complains about poor quality in jewelry, or the Punz who Hates being late to appointments, because the part of him that likes making contracts, likes things A Certain Way considers being late A Breach Of Contractual Obligation.
They don't want to put up with his quirks, his insistence on runes being carved into his friends armor, because he's got old superstitions from when he was a kid, and even if the runes he's got aren't enchantments, it makes him feel better to know he's personally carved the rune for 'protection' into their armor. Its about how Punz can and will read the trashiest novel specifically to highlight and mark it up and explain Why it sucks and how it could be improved, and he will infodump about it for hours if you let him, but only Dream does anymore, only Dream will look over his shoulder at Punz's work and ask in depth questions and let Punz ramble, genuinely makes time for Punz to be himself. Wears armor with runes that don't glow with power but were placed with love and care, and has learned to show up on time or a few minutes early because he Knows its important to Punz. People don't want to know Punz, they just like what Punz can do for them.
This was just a really long ramble that can be tldr into Punz Is Autistic. To Me.
Next time I'll ramble about the Neurodivergent Triangle and how Dream is ADHD and Sam is OCD probably. Listen its Important for you to understand the intricacies of Sam's OCD-
Ok listen you know Quackity is the sort of problematic man who would look at the stupidest shit and think "how can I turn a profit out of this" because his inner capitalist can't be contained. He's the level of cringefail man that attempts to run an mlm and ends up with 600 products he can't get rid of because no one on the server uses fragrances except Hannah who is a living fragrance diffuser that constantly smells like flowers occasionally tinged with copper. He has decided not to sell to her.
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seikotakai · 5 months
Thoughts on Tekken 8 demo (so far)
>I'm enjoying it so far. I already got that warrior rank by destroying everyone with my boy Jin Kazama. Also I am so glad Bandai Namco finally added vs CPU as an option (which they should've done years ago smh, but better now than never I guess). I always spent most of my time playing Soul Calibur 6 just playing as my favorite characters or customizations in the vs CPU mode. The vs CPU really does add replay value to the game (playing as your favorite characters, wanting to see your favorite characters's special intros with the other characters in the roster which is epic). Glad they're bringing back Tekken Ball as well. Oh maybe some more single player content would be great too (like idk bring back survival mode, time attack, or team battle).
>Still hoping Tekken 6 gets retconned (ex. jin got brainwashed by azazel like how nina got brainwashed by shrek in tekken 3) and Kazuya does not fucking die.(πーπ)
>I'm actually so happy Kazuya defeated Jin in the first chapter. Sure eventually of course at the end of the game Jin Kazama will get stronger and beat him in a rematch. But like...after watching every single mortal kombat villain (except Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, and the bug bitch who killed Mileena) being pathetic jokes who get their asses kicked every 5 seconds. It's refreshing to me seeing Kazuya finally be a threat instead of being like Team Rocket or FANG from Street Fighter V's story mode. *shudders* (oh and also people on youtube comments won't complain about "jIn AlWaYs WiNs" because he lost to kaz here and he also lost to both hwoarang and miguel).
>can't put kazuya in the cute little flower booba shirt because no customization in demo. ( ╥ω╥ ) on the bright side, the main menu literally lets you stare at kazuya's sexy tits and sexy dilf body in general in multiple directions. beautiful.
>the arcade quest was neat too, at least the avatar characters are kind of cute (they are not ugly and shit as the stupid fucking Sportsmates from Nintendo Switch Sports who tried to replace the miis). I had fun kicking everyone's asses and I cheered when Kazuya won that tournament and kicked someone's ass.
>Jin's special intros with some characters like Xiaoyu are cute. Too bad you cannot fight Hwoarang in the demo so you cannot get his and Asuka has no special intro with him for some stupid reason.
>there's also some hope that maybe some of the side characters will be relevant in this game and get to shine (keyword maybe...knowing every game since tekken 6, they will probably drop the ball). it was neat seeing everyone joining the tournament in the intro chapter including lili, paul, and steve. i mean in tekken bloodline king gets to do some cool shit and paul was not a joke that time.
>Fighting and almost losing to Panda made me more upset Anna is not in this game come on now. I know Bandai Namco obviously lowkey hates Bruce Irvin because they replaced him twice now. First he was replaced by Bryan in Tekken 3 (don't worry Bryan ily problematic babygirl) and then Josie in Tekken 7. But man, why can't either of Kazuya's bodyguards be in this game or Tekken 7 at launch (although to be fair, Eddy is not in Tekken 8 either so). Fucking make Kuma an alternate costume of Panda, then BRING BACK ANNA! We gotta have both Nina and Anna, man! At least Kazuya still has the greedy coffee CEO lady Azucena by his side tho. She knows Kazuya will make her coffee sell more $$$ and Kazuya looks hot.
>So you can make your own ghost data now or something...okay.
>I adore the voice acting in this game so far, especially Isshin Chiba's amazing work as Jin Kazama as usual. I love listening to his voice, it's so badass and yet it's also a quality asmr voice. Masanori Shinohara also does wonders as Kazuya Mishima.
Still not too sure whether to buy this game or not (yet)...but I'm a little more optimistic now.
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japanifornication · 6 months
9, 22, 26 for the fic writer asks!
hi rylan, tysm for the ask!!! 🥰
9. what fic meant the most to you to write?
this is a pretty tough question! looking back i wrote a lot more than i thought this year (2023 has been so long jfc) but i guess i would have to give this to status. mostly just because it finished off the series that really kicked me into gear in this fandom 💕
22. share an excerpt from your favorite scene.
it was an open secret they were frustrated with each other, phoenix with edgeworth for running away again, edgeworth with him for “giving up.” things were made worse by the distance, made worse by the constant friction in the ways they’d both always done little things that drove each other crazy and now amplified into disaster by everything else.
so the notion of edgeworth being a “friend” instead of someone he just miserably wanted to hatefuck just to get over him was laughable, but he couldn’t tell his daughter that.
he’s been thinking about it too long and he knows she knows that. he pulls away from the half-hug she’s got him in and picks up her crooked hat from atop her head, ruffling her hair softly then setting it back down straighter and pulling her back in for a tighter hug. “yeah. everything’s fine, kiddo. sometimes he’s just annoying, you know? seems like he knows everything, doesn’t it?”
that earns a laugh, which always makes him feel a little lighter. “i think he does, daddy. he’s so smart. but you’re smart too, just in a different way.” she leans her head against his shoulder and it tips her hat again.
“mm. you think so?” he asks with a low chuckle, scratching at his stubble.
“mhmm! he reads like a lot of books, i bet. and probably wikipedia, for fun. i like to do that too sometimes. like i bet if i asked him… the national flower of austria, he could tell me in a second. but you’re better at people. like, you could tell that snake guy was a good man who wasn’t just selling us a sick snake for more than it was worth, right? d’you think miles would be able to tell that?” she asks. her eyes are closed as she talks, and phoenix wonders what she’s picturing in that endless imagination of hers.
“i think he could have gone online and done the research to find out, but i don’t think he would have agreed to this in the first place,” phoenix snorts.
“because he’s too proper for a pet like a snake,” trucy sniffs with a faux air of decorum, and phoenix lets out a loud laugh. he’s needed that; she always knows what he needs.
“yeah, he is. but it’s not his decision. he’s helping but ultimately it’s still my decision, and i know you’ll take good care of ant.”
my favorite parts of writing decadence are actually the scenes between trucy and phoenix. i think during 7yg he really does need her just as much as she needs him, and i wanted their relationship to be more than just set dressing to the nrmt, even though that is the focus. i hope i pulled that off and keep pulling it off. more soon! i know i keep saying that but... more soon (croaks and dies).
26. if you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
also a hard question. if we're talking about specifically writing, and not like, anything related to posting the writing, it has to be writing decadence. i just find a lot of catharsis in writing arguments, especially of characters in very unhealthy (manic, anxious, etc.) mindsets. it's a place i know very intimately from my own life but with Help have come a long place from, and don't want to return to obviously, because it's not fun in real life. but it makes for compelling writing/reading imo, i can't really explain why misunderstandings and arguments are some of my favorite things to dig into. i guess there's still some part of me, even now that i am medicated and doing okay, that loves the satisfaction of being the architect of fights and deciding who gets the last word and when it's over, something that very much is not how it works when you are the one having a manic episode or anxiety attack.
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anemonecoronaria · 6 months
the tags on your post about the levant actually have me crying and missing home, so i hope you don't mind me gushing about syria in your inbox for a bit 😭❤ i've only ever been in syria in the levant, and i was only there from birth until i was 11 when the war started and my family left.
my memories are very foggy, but i remember damascus most of all (i've also been to hama a lot and tartus once). damascus is where i was born and god, it's so beautiful in a way i can't describe. i'm definitely biased haha, but it's just so charming. it feels both big and endless as well as cozy and intimate. also, because it's such a mountainous region and my neighborhood was like waaay up a mountain, there are parts of the city that are so vertical and you just keep going up, up, up. maybe it's because i was a kid, but everything felt so grandiose and magical.
i have a lot of memories of souq al-hamidiyah. it was so busy like 100% of the time, and it was always exciting and so cool. my uncle used to sell street food there, and every time we went, we would go to his cart and he'd give us chocolate for free.
there were also just so many incredible historic sites all over, especially in the old city, and i remember that as a kid i never understood their significance but i could just feel this sense of how grand and important they were and i felt excited just to pass by them in the car.
also, one silly little detail: all of my memories of damascus smell like jasmine. i know it's probably my memories mixing together because it was so long ago haha, but it is true that a lot of people grow jasmine flowers including ALL my extended family so i think that scent is just one that i associate so strongly with home. it's forever my favorite flower and my favorite smell in the world <3
i could go on and on lol, but i just wanted to get it out of my system 😂 i love my home so so SO much and i literally always want to share that love with everyone who will listen, and you said you've never been to syria so i had to share. my entire view of it is very much through the lens of a happy child's memories, and i get really sad when i think that i've never gotten the chance to grow up in my own country. i have the exact same dream as you to explore every inch of the levant, and i hope we can both live that dream <3
FEEL FREE PLEASE. You made me cry with your descriptions of Damascus, you made me feel like these memories were my very own in a way.
I understand your pain so much, even though I currently live in the levant, Jordan to be specific, I still feel like something is amiss you know? I feel like like I empathise and relate to the plight of Syrians the most out of everybody, and I hope one day we will be able to roam free in our Sham, drink tea in the alleys of Jerusalem, play chess in the streets of Damascus, walk along the beaches of Beirut, and just…soak it all in.
Haha, somehow I feel like I knew Damascus would be like this mainly because my neighbourhood in Amman is juuuuuust as high and mountainous and I feel going to the dokaneh is a workout in and of itself. Something about Damascus feeling ‘big and endless but also cozy and intimate’ rings so true, but I feel the opposite about Palestine. The west bank is actually claustrophobically small and its alleys tiny and narrow and shabby…but I feel like I know these sharp turns and they hug me in a way, like I’ll just melt into them. You feel the narrowness but also how high the walls are, with the sky like a skylight above you and its glass will shatter and the sky itself will fall on you and cut you up but it feels GOOD because it’s mine. Like I hear gunshots from my window everyday from one am to the fajr athan and I somehow feel most at ease sleeping there in that rickety bed listening to those gunshots, I feel so protected in Palestine it’s unexplainable, like the land hugs you and loves you back despite everything. It’s mainly that if I die now I’d have died in Palestine <3
If it’s any comfort to you, Amman’s streets smell like jasmine at every corner. You’ll pass next to a house and they’ll have the most fragrant jasmine scent wafting into the street. Our house in Palestine still has jasmines covering an entire wall, so I’m sure Damascus is blooming just as much with its jasmines and roses. I really want to hear the toll if the church bells and the athan from the mosques at the same time, I feel like it’d be enchanting.
I promise you we’ll be able to go back home and hear the birdsong at dawn, sweat while walking the streets in the summer, smell the jasmines, peel oranges in the winter, frolic on the beach, dip our feet into rivers, attend the olive harvest, drink sahlab on the sidewalk. Maybe you’ll open a shop like your uncle did and give your own nieces and nephews free chocolate…
I feel your pain and longing, I feel it so much and I wish I could hug you. If you want to say anything else to let it out of your system PLEASE feel free to, I feel like we don’t talk about this longing enough.
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prismaticgray · 7 months
chapter 1 is finally released! it's less of a chapter 1 and more of a prelude but who's counting. also i released it a few days ago. but still. longform authors note under the cut!
dear lord this one's been brewing for a while. so to first elaborate on the choices i made in the writing process i have to first explain the basis of the au so bear with me here
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no one can ever know is based on the 2021 kamen rider season kamen rider revice, and is a partial retelling while also being a slight rewrite? because i think if i had to write adhering to revice canon i'd actually cry. with that being said, here are the main character roles that each sekai character is fitting
ena shinonome -> sakura igarashi
akito shinonome -> ikki igarashi
toya aoyagi -> vice
kohane azusawa -> daiji igarashi
an shiraishi -> kagerou
mizuki akiyama -> aguilera
mafuyu asahina -> olteca
kanade yoisaki -> julio
tsukasa tenma -> hiromi kadota
this isn't like a hard rule it's just like severely basic. for example ena is seriously the protagonist in this story despite being in sakura's place! there are also smaller changes to the story (no legend rider forms because i don't need to sell toys, stamps are based on flowers rather than animals, name changes of the organizations, etc) but i'll be going over those as they appear if i have something to say about them.
ok the actual chapter 1 content starts here.
so i rewrote this chapter 3 times lmao. the first time because i, delusional, thought i'd be covering most of the setup with one chapter. however it turns out its a lot easier to jump into a kamen rider episode when you have a press conference explaining the premise of your series and also the help of being a visual medium. so this was a little difficult. the second was because i had a really hard time striking the right balance of what was happening in real time and kanade's inner monologue, especially when it came to how much backstory should be shown. anyway that doesn't really matter but if it still seems clunky that's why!
kanade is really not the most reliable narrator here. that's pretty clear from the fact she is absolutely definitely in a cult don't even worry about it. yet she's still actually the most recent member of the group! the timelines for the other two aren't quite nailed down yet but they're definitely both before kanade.
the name "nightcodes" comes from the period of time when niigo was mistranslated at "25-ji, nightcode de" rather than "nightcord".
i didn't actually have a select song in mind when describing the songs kanade composed but i did listen to samsa like nonstop while writing, so it's probably that lol
on the other hand i DID have outfits in mind for kanade and mafuyu. they're their "someday from the depths of despair" outfits!
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kanade's hair is also specifically her wedding lim braid hairstyle.
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mizuki does not have an exact match for their outfit but the idea was for it to pretty much be the same as aguilera's outfit in the show because that dress rules.
the idol's identity is purposefully left vague due to the fact that the corresponding main villain in revice, giff, was kind of a rock coffin and also dead i think. but if you were wondering yes i basically made hatsune miku the villain of my kamen rider story. don't worry about it.
in revice, the intro scene of the deadmans was some sort of party at their base? it was only on screen for a few minutes so it wasn't exactly elaborated on. i combined both this scene and the first main fight of the show by having sekai raid it. it's also explicitly a recruiting event / initiation here. also it can't be a proper fight in kamen rider without it being in a warehouse so that's where it is.
it'll be made clear in the next chapter but the three members of sekai i described are ena (the leader), tsukasa, and kohane.
ok i think that's it!! thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next one!!
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childofaura · 9 months
Any thoughts you have on Cristina Vee?
She did Athena, Lachesis, Tatiana, Merrin and Nerthuz.
I uhhhh... DO have thoughts on her acting. Bit mixed. Also RIP I meant to respond to this but I got bodied by allergies yesterday.
But anyways, I like her as an actress, I think it's awesome that she plays Tulin (and she had me fooled because I thought it was Veronica Taylor from the trailer we first got), she does a great job playing Marinette (even though I haven't seen Miraculous, though that's one I've kind of wanted to check out), and... I feel SO bad that she's apparently part of that trainwreck Oye Primos show. But she's a great actress! Just... when it comes to FEH I have some opinions.
But to start, she plays Athena, Lachesis, Tatiana, and Nerthuz... And also actually plays as Fjorm's singing voice for Flower of Ice!
Ok so performance... Let's focus on the positives first. Athena is really fun, and like I mentioned in the Faye Mata review, Cristina got to give Athena an accent of some kind (what it really was, I have no idea, lol) which really sells the foreign tongue aspect of Athena's character. And it makes her lines really fun to listen to, especially because she gets to fluctuate her tone a lot. Tatiana is very sweet, she definitely has the delicate maiden voice but the absolute scandalous nature of her thinking you poking her is Zeke getting saucy makes me laugh super hard. And... For what it's worth, Nerthuz, though I can't stand her character being a shallow milf-type (pardon my use of the word) character, has great regular lines and I'm convinced that this is a character who genuinely finds life on earth adorable. Just... cannot stand her critical lines, and I pulled three copies of that lousy lady when I was trying to get Freyr. But it's still a good performance. Now the not-so-good performance... That would be Lachesis. I think it's less Cristina's fault and more the casting director's fault, because I think Cristina can obviously do younger character voices pretty well; look at her lines as Marinette, playing a teenager. But Lachesis is just so low-energy and monotone and... the voice is kind of deeper than the character's youthful appearance. So in that regard, I'd say that Lachesis isn't her strongest display of her acting. Oh, also, her singing role as Fjorm: I think she sings very well! But, and this 100% isn't her fault, the translated lyrics for Flower of Ice have the WORST tempo. Translated songs from Japanese to English usually don't flow very well, and unfortunately Flower of Ice falls into that category. The only song I think that was actually translated the best in Fire Emblem was Heritors of Arcadia; the archaic word choice ("Lo, an angel they see" or "Hark, an anthem he drums; can you hear?").
I think she was a good fit for Athena, Tatiana, and Nerthuz. Just... not really for Lachesis.
I can actually say there's quite a decent range between Athena and Tatiana/Nerthuz, and even Lachesis. They're pretty noticeably different from each other; not drastic but pretty well-distinguished.
So I think overall, I'd put Cristina at an 8/10. The Lachesis bit drags her score down a little, but she's really a good actress. Haven't heard her Merrin yet, but I'll definitely built Merrin up when she gets added to FEH, to make up for the fact that I ignored her in Engage.
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mental-mario · 7 months
My WONDERFUL Diagnoses
Hey friends! I hope you enjoyed reading about my experience in the mental hospital. Next time I will have to get myself thrown into solitary so I can recount what that's like as well! I went for a follow-up with psych the other day, and he threw a couple more diagnoses in my hat. I thought it would be fun, if you humor me for a moment, for me to list my ongoing disorders in alphabetical order!
Feel free to sing along and list yours in the comments!
Antisocial Personality Disorder (except for you fine folks!)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Binge Eating Disorder
Bipolar II ("can't rule out")
Borderline Personality Disorder
Cannabis Use Disorder (not a disorder!)
Major Depressive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Substance Abuse Disorder
So looks like we're up to 10 and counting! I'm sorry if there's any of you I'm forgetting. I'll be sure to give you a shout out as well!
Now, onto my uber mega important review of SMB Wonder! It's late, but that is because it's far more prestigious than any of these so-called "professional" outfits!
I'm reminded of the phrase "an elephant never forgets," and Elephant Mario (or character of your choice) does indeed make for an unforgettable experience! Yes, this is another positive review, and if you happen to think the game sucks, you're wrong.
I don't think I have heard or seen a negative comment about this game, aside of some complaints about the frequency of the talking flower, but Nintendo did give the option to shut the voice off. For me, it isn't a big deal, and I actually enjoy it for the most part.
It really can't be said enough just how beautiful and vibrant this game is. The art is gorgeous, and the animation blows me away! I particularly love the different animations for entering/exiting the warp pipes, and I also love the attention to small details, such as the use of both hands alternating when throwing fireballs. The various facial expressions throughout the game also really help bring it to life.
If I had to provide any critiques, it would really be nitpicking. I guess maybe if Prince Florian could remind us about 100 more times that we can change badges by pressing R, maybe then I would remember...seriously though, I wouldn't mind having up to 6 players for co-op, some of the Wonder scenes are a bit repetitive, showing practically the same theme of effects in different courses. I might've liked more variety of power-ups, but again, nitpicking. I would also love to change the entire button mapping to suit playing with other controllers, but that's a complaint I have with many Switch games. I mean, why sell the retro controllers and make it so I can't use them?!
I love that the game moves so fluidly, even in multiplayer. I like that the game doesn't hiccup when a player dies, gets hit, or gets a power-up. I love that the game has accessibly easy courses for my kids to play along, but also some legit challenging 4 and 5 star courses for more experienced old grizzled vets like myself (not to mention the secret exits and courses). I also like the star rating system for each course's difficulty. It is also rather funny, and my family and I were hysterical plenty of times throughout the campaign. I think the piranha plant parade deserves its own spin-off!
Finally, I absolutely love the online mode. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it, but it really works. It can be toggled on/off with a quick pause of the game, and I think having shadows of other players only added to my experience. I would've liked to see some more emojis to communicate a bit more with others, but I am happy to see that I didn't experience any latency or slow-down with the online play. The heart point system for reviving players, sharing a saved power-up, and reaching the goal concurrently also makes for some nice feels, especially when playing solo late at night and feeling lonely while smashing a full family sized box of Pop Tarts. I regret nothing! I recall having one spot in particular where I was stumped and threw the question mark above my head, and someone else immediately ran over and mimed what I should do. It worked, and that was an awesome feeling! That and having someone else share a power-up with me made me feel like somebody cares and that I'm not alone, and I've actually been able to friend a lot of the players I've encountered!
In conclusion, you couldn't wipe the smile off my face while playing, especially in that first hour that I was playing it for the first time when it dropped at midnight, and putting that smile on faces is exactly what SMB is about. I've heard a lot of comparisons to Mario World. I don't know if I would go that far, but I do recommend playing the game with the SNES controller if you have it. That controller is still the best of all time, but that's for another post!
Please tip your blogger. My psychiatrist is worried about me, and I could use the help! Besides, I have to buy the family a new box of Pop Tarts! And be sure to friend me on Switch so we can play some online races and campaign together as well! I'd love to get a whole party going online. Then I can feel like I've got real friends while also being able to cater to my introverted ways and bounce if I need to! I'll try not to do that to you, though! It would be nice to play with each other for once, instead of the usual playing with myself...
Friend code is: SW - 4419 - 5159 - 3401
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Part 2 on the way
- beach episode but macaque stays hidden under the umbrella judging everyone
Ma supervising
Wukong either running around to look for cool rocks or sleep the whole time
And Ba and Beng being cute around
Also yk those people who sell like granite (i swear how do you say it in English) ? Okay wukong would zoom just to get the peach flavored and then go back to sleep like a grandpa
- i like to think that Beng didn't know how to swim, and felt stupid for it because he was scared of water (and never learned how to swim)
So one day, when he tried to swim, Mac was watching, Ba was teaching him, and Ma was making sure Beng wasn't scared or anything.
Wukong? Under water holding Beng up so he didn't sink. Just standing at the bottom giving Beng a chair with his hands.
- imagine you're relaxing and suddenly wukong says "lmao" out of no where.
- like to think that sometimes or deadass every Friday Beng and Ba receive a gift. A gift for both, maybe a book for Ba and something else for Beng, anything that they would like.
They don't know who is the person who gives them a gift, and honestly they have started to wait for them each Friday.
Little did they know it's wukong giving them gifts.
- this hc is really funny to me but- macaque being jacket but not being able to open a jar of pickles, then you see wukong, this skinny man, being able to lift a whole mountain. Even better if you think that wukong is a bit chubby because he doesn't train and keeps eating junk.
- feel like Mami, despite wukong horrible choices, is very proud of wukong.
He started as some stubborn child, and ended up as being half if not all china hero and a god. He matured a lot and she's proud of her son for it.
- wukong as both a grave for Ma and one that used to belong to macaque, he used to stay there and sit and give flowers to each grave.
He still does, but doesn't do it to Macaque one anymore, since he isn't dead anymore.
- wukong still has a big amount of animals in his house, especially weird cats and horses.
- wukong used to groom his friends a lot, monkey way to show affection 💪
Sometimes he gave flowers too because apparently humans did it to show that they loved someone. He didn't quite get it was rather more romantically than platonic. But did he care? No.
- wukong likes salami. That's it. Bono er salame
- wukong acted like a grandpa since he was a kid, maybe he took it from langur and horse, unknown, he was just a grandpa since birth man. The ultimate old sun.
- both handsome monkey king and old sun were nicknames made by his monkeys,
Handsome monkey king because he reached both demons and monkey standards,
And old sun because everyone saw their king as a second parent or directly their grandpa.
- Ma was likely the first one with Beng to ask wukong to train them, both wanted to protect their people when wukong wasn't there!
- monkey king is so bored as a god that he knows how to code, sew, draw, paint, and make a rocket
Like wow dude
- if Beng and Ba ever visit again wukong the first thing they'll see is probably wukong with 7 monkeys on him, one grooming him, one attached to his leg, one trying to tackle him and push him, one playing with his tail, and one asking questions for the next three hours (imagine wukong and the monkey asking questions like : "wabadababa is that true? Yeh")
- i imagine the whole group feeling bad in different ways for wukong, they already do because of jttw (other than Mac). because despite Tripitaka treating wukong so badly, wukong still misses him and can't let go. It's just..sad. y'know? (I'm talking about Ma if she was alive too)
- they all liked Mami. Mami is a very likeable person and wukong will beat up whoever says otherwise.
whenever the ground had a sleepover to wukong house Mami always made food that wasn't fruits, everyone liked that.
- speaking of the house, wukong house was a human one, so Mami and wukong were the only monkeys who lived in an actual house and not maybe little camps or also caves. That's why doing a sleepover there was the best. Cozy house.
- bet Ba and Beng would have loved how well taken care and full of life flower fruit mountain is again!
- apparently, monkeys do get periods! Yes menstrual ones. so i can only imagine wukong taking good care of Mami whenever her period came, he did the exact same to Ma and Ba too. Just helping like a true gentleman. (i do wonder if he would have periods too because of my trans headcanon..)
- if the monkeys could ever meet MK, what would be their reaction? We know that Mac didn't had the...best first impression, but he's working on it.
We already talked about how Mami treats MK like her kid just like wukong, (i don't know if you ever talked about MK with langur and horse, i remember you saying that wukong tried to hide the fact that he had a successor from them but failed though!)
Part 1
(I think it's like a gelato kinda situation, you just call it granita I guess. Because granite is the rock)
Oh, I love the idea of Beng not knowing how to swim and Ba teaching him! That's very cute.
Of course Mami is proud of her son! Yes he made mistakes, but that is part of growing and he did his best to atone for them
Man god ADHD and was alone for 500 years. That is a dangerous combination, no wonder he knows how to do so many things
I didn't know monkeys get menstrual periods too. I'm sorry for them, I hoped they would be free from that pain
I did say that Wukong tried to keep MK a secret from Langur and Horse. That's because he knew the two would have made fun of him, calling him a dad even when he had only started to train the kid. Both immortals like MK very much, he's a sweeter version of Wukong to them.
And while I'm sure Ba, Beng and Ma would absolutely adore MK too, they would also be equally worried about him because 1 he's a kid, and 2 why would Wukong even need a successor?
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mortimer · 1 year
honestly, I don't believe you should need a formal engineering degree to work with a cnc. like obviously there's basic knowledge and safety training you definitely should have, but that aside I think many people can and should use them! we actually had a 3 axis back at my secondary school and some of us (myself included) got to use it for text engravings, it was very educational! supervised ofc
also I recently saw a work where they cnc'd away the background of a picture of flowers, iirc it was done with a 3 axis but because they worked the design out so well beforehand, it actually looked a lot more intricate than what you can usually get out of it - all of which is to say, I actually think cncs and especially 3 axis machines can be an incredible tool for artists, just the right balance of precision and limitation, so I think it's great that you're coming at it from an artist background rather than an engineering one.
generally speaking, I'm a huge fan of doing stuff that produces physical results, be it crochet, wood turning or 3d printing but my weakness is that while I write and did theater and thus can by some definitions be considered an artist, I'm not very good at visual arts, especially 3d ones. closest I'm halfway decent at is pottery and you can't compare that to modelling 3d assets so when I print stuff I usually just use other people's stls or tools (eg I used heroforge and similar for dnd minis) and I kinda feel like if I got a cnc I'd fall into that same rut.
but say, as an artist with access to a cnc machine, if for some reason I were to get one, would you take commissions? I can't remember if there's a standardised file format for cncs but if there is, that would be really cool. this is not like a firm request and I probably won't get a cnc but like... would that be something you'd even consider?
yeah i am actually currently employed as a digital fabrication technician! my comment about the lack of engineering experience was more about being at a disadvantage for getting jobs than operating & doing maintenance on the machine.
and yeah i wouldn't be strictly against doing commissiony things with the cnc but no there is not a standardized format. The downside of anything with digital fabrication is that EVERYTHING is proprietary. I'm currently using shopbot and fusion360, but I'm gonna lose access to fusion after this year more than likely. You can generally bring in meshes to whatever CAD program, fusion or rhino or what have you, but since a CNC is going to make your part subtractively rather than additively you have to take that into consideration with whatever you're making (undercuts and 3-axis machines are not friends.) But once you have the piece you need to toolpath it, and whatever post-processing you use has to be specific to the machine you're using. And fusion is nice because you can do your toolpathing and post-processing all in one place, but iirc Rhino doesn't support that and you have to have a separate program to do your post. (<-- i could be making this up i haven't worked with rhino in a minute.)
But yeah basically. I would be open to it but because everything is so shop-specific I would almost rather manufacture shit myself. Also, on a semi-related note, I do plan on doing a soft-reopening of my store in the coming months and since I have some crochet stuff that needs to go, I will be selling those... and possibly commissions as well depending on scale etc.....
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randomnameless · 1 year
Engage dialogue makes me sad honestly also now because of certain Changes that I don’t like. Engage Ike and FEH Ike is “I am shonen protagonist who cares for his friends but loves to fight.” YKB just in Engage to be cutesy and no one mentions that she started a war. I know Engage is fanservice but I wish the fanservice wasn’t FEH remix. Billy is surprisingly cute at least, it made straight men angry when he says things like “hello I am Billy I like flowers and fishing and tea time.” But then it made me sad because Billy can get murdered in Hopes and no one seems to care about the Church anymore even though this Billy seems perfect for Lizard Family Time
Veronica just made me extremely angry! She’s just a gimmick! Her attack is just a dumb, stupid, easter egg mechanic “heehee we included FEH summoning!” Maybe I should be grateful Engage is silly fanservice instead of No Hopes pretentious with dumber fans, but I would have wanted a silly game that isn’t winking at us to spend money in FEH, look it has characters from past games ;;;;)))
If this is the future for the games, I am not buying it yet
I'm not the biggest Veronica fan, far from it actually so...
I was always not going to give a fig about her, especially since her base game doesn't either (where is Book 1 Vero?) and gave her a kind of proto-Supreme Leader, without all the things that made Supreme Leader, or should have made Supreme Leader, interesting.
seriously IS should stop to give the "uwu brainwashed!" treatment to their female antagonists for once
I think that was to be expected in a legacy/celebration game, especially since Heroes already flanderised past characters, you can't dwelve that much about Siggy's character arc or uwu about Ike being such a chad when the character dgaf about Tellius post FE10 and ditches his family to live a new "big adventure" with his boyfriend(s).
Billy being cute with his flowers and habit of picking stuff, singing (and dancing!) and eating a lot was already aluded in Nopes, which also reinforced the Jerry isn't the bestest parent ever in that game, but it was eluded because Nopes's "plot" commended us not to care, else some messages would be blurred and Nopes made it clear the game doesn't care about nabateans or nabatean related characters. But I still find a guilty pleasure each time a new Billy alt in FEH is released or with his Engage supports, because it shits on the commonly accepted fandom characterisation of Billy as a caveman who is an ardent follower of r/atheism and prefers to let the world burn because he wants to swing a sword and doesn't want responsabilities.
As for Supreme Leader, well, I still remind firmly convinced her FB's as F!Supreme Leader and B!Supreme Leader were happy flukes, the FeH writers trying to tackle themes/plots FE16 didn't dare to because uwu factor, but now? Supreme Leader is just a bland moeblob used to sell - as if her sailor fuku wasn't a warning sight.
I actually feel bad for what her character was supposed to be, she was just flanderised to be "the chick" in the trio who thirsts after the player character, when she could/should have been much more but... I mostly don't really care tbh.
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nezukoo-channn · 2 years
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
Alright! That's a lot of questions but I'll try answer them all.
J: My favorite fanfiction trope has always been a lot but, currently it is:
right person, not enough time
friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
"this reminds of you"
Idk if it's a trope but flower symbolism
Flowershop au
Happy and healthy friendships
Royalty x commoner
Actors Au
Have I written them? Yes...only some. I've written right person, wrong time in a Jeanlisa fic I've posted. The other tropes, I do have drafts on them but never continued (just scared to mess up the characters really)
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you'd care to share?
My most prominent fandoms (The ones I'm writing docs about) do have some ideas! I have two ideas for a Genshin fanfiction and around three (?) For Naruto.
For Genshin Impact fic ideas:
Jean meets librarian, Lisa in the library she works with. They talk for a while, exchanged numbers and started to see each other. One day, Jean noticed Lisa wasn't there. Worried, she called Lisa up to find out she's sick. Visiting her place, she keeps her company. Jean then discovers that Lisa had an old bucket list she wrote during her years in college and promises Lisa that they'll try their best to finish the bucket list before Lisa's clock runs out. (F/F, Jeanlisa, Modern Au)
Kamisato Ayaka has an image to maintain as the eldest daughter of the Kamisato clan and as a member of the Yashiro commission. That is until during the night of her celebration where she meets a very particular and extroverted woman who just has a love for fireworks, Yoimiya. (F/F, Ayamiya, Nobility x Commoner)
For Naruto fic ideas:
Based on this lovely post. In which, Nara Shikamaru is a simple deer farmer who in a twist of faith is introduced to Suna's princess, ambassador, and advisor to the current Kazekage (is it even possible? But it's Temari, no surprises), Temari. Idk what happens next (actually , I don't know what will happen or how can I continue on it) on but I would like to have a dramatic scene in the rain or something. (F/M, Shikatema, Nobility x Commoner)
Yamanaka Ino finds a new professional make-up artist in her team. Well, more of their old one quitted and a new one has to fill it in. Enter Sai, a new and upcoming make-up artist, who finds himself working in her team of make-up artists for a movie she is a part of. (F/M, InoSai, Celebrity AU)
Hyuga Hinata enters a flowershop she always go to for her flowers she uses on set as a photographer and as someone who sells resin flowers. Only for her to come out with her old feelings rushing back in for the cashier, the man she hasn't in years, Uzumaki Naruto. (F/M, Naruhina, Flowershop AU, Friends to Strangers to Friends to Lovers) (Funfact: I thought of this fic because I realized there isn't much flowershop au Naruto fics and I've read much everything on AO3)
If I'm being honest, I might never write these ideas.
T: Any fanfic trope you can't stand?
Not much but here are some:
Romanticization of things that shouldn't be romanticized in the first place
Unplanned pregnancies (especially if they don't serve any need to the story)
I know there's more but those three really ticks me off the most.
X: How would you categorized your fanfic reading? Are you a voracious reader? Do you pick and choose? Somewhere in between?
- It depends. It depends on the fandom, on the trope, on my mood, etc. Usually, I'd say "oh I'll read anything so long as it doesn't make me uncomfortable" and it's true most of the time. Sometimes, I can be very picky on what to read, I read the tags, I check what people say, I check if it's recommended to me or if I found it by pure luck. And sometimes, I don't read the tags (I forget to read angst tags the most) and just read.
Thanks for asking these questions!
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