hermoonself · 4 months
whoever said king and lionheart is about bagginshield, thank you and fuck you kindly
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
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Luke @ The 5SOS Show Tour Manchester
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watchyourbuck · 8 months
“No one will ever fight for my son as hard as you” this is madness guys, what- how you gone get shot then reveal to ur gay parallel love story blond bitch boy that he has a son
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ralvezfanatic · 16 days
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i am genuinely freaking out over this holy shit dnsnsnsnsn
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murderofravens · 4 months
guys. i genuinely haven't been the same ever since i saw this art. i wish i had words to describe how badly i need him. if i could genuinely express what is going on through my head i would be tossed in solitary confinement in maximum security prison. i need him till my body is drained of every drop of water. i genuinely need him to fuck my mouth so hard my oesophagus ruptures like a broken tire. i would genuinely do anything he asked me to. let me kiss his pretty face and his scars. or drink his piss. i want to feel his children floating in my stomach. i would suck his toes. anything would work. just let me be in his vicinity and i will be blessed forever.
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art by r5x95r13ros on twitter
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gasstationpopcorn · 3 months
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smoments · 6 months
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no bc the way that gojo looks at geto (kenjaku) when he’s getting sealed never fails to make me physically sick. like even as he knows he’s going to be captured and there’s nothing he can do about it it’s SO clear from looking at his face that all he can think about is the fact that his supposedly dead best friend is in front of him and i feel the lostness and the confusion radiating off of him and it's like he's still in shock & trying to cling on to that last shred of hope that he could still be alive. he's searching for suguru in kenny's smile even though HE KNOWS IT'S NOT HIM!!! it’s so wide eyed and vulnerable and childlike and i’m going to cry and throw up lord
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millsheat · 1 year
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forwarding this to my therapist
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cyborgdumptruck · 7 months
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This is some vent art. I wanted to write a short story behind it, but I can't put my thoughts in order...So I will just leave like that. Sam is broken mentally, he is crying for help and Raiden is the only one who is there for him.
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anime-dreams · 1 month
Idk man pt 2??? Jjk season 2 was traumatising (gege 😡) but sukuna was really hot
Anyways heres Shokos pov after ✨Gojoe✨ and 🗣️Geetoes🦶breakup (i love shoko omg shes so hot and shes savage)
I could barely recognise you after he left. Those blue eyes no longer held the familiar warmth and glow. Your mood swings were so sudden, your silence was so loud, i could not stand to be around you for too long anymore. But you know what i could not stand most? Seeing you, the supposed “strongest” wasting away, like a dimming star. What have you became? Unrecongisable. 
I still keep in touch with Geto. I receive his letters twice a week, and the way he talked about you, it was like you hung stars in the sky. Each one of those letters never failed to mention your name, never failed to ask me to check up on you. And that day, i knocked softly on your door, with a bag full of your favourite snacks. You were crying. I heard it. You never cried, at least, not in front of me. But when you opened the door, you greeted me with a smile that did not reach your eyes. Why are you hiding your feelings from me? Have i also not been with you for the past 2 years? I reached out my hand to pat your back, to try to comfort you, and you flinched, taking a step back, as my hand came into contact with seemingly nothing. Oh yeah, i forgot. Your infinity has been on ever since he left. You took one more step back awkwardly, not meeting my eyes. I know that i can never replace him, but for you to act like im a complete stranger… was i not there? Your actions following his disappearance… it made me question myself if my place in your lives have ever been as meaningful as i had thought. Was i merely an afterthought in the story of our friendship? I didnt even remember how i felt, but i heard myself yell: “Can you suck it up and get the hell over him already?” and the already flickering light in your eyes went out, completely. Before i knew it, your amplification blue took away the whole ceiling and turned it into shambles. Those chipped pieces of wood and shattered pieces of glass held my gaze, as i saw, reflected in them, an image of us. Once strong, now cracked and split. It hurts, you know. Is this how it’s going to end? 
We still talked, but every word you said, every smile you flashed at me, your eyes remained void. Every joke you cracked, every prank you pulled, hollowness echoed after them. I could do nothing but leave you to wallow in your misery. After all, im not him. I cant get you to open up to me like you do with him. You need to know when it’s necessary to let things go, simply for the reason that they are heavy. Deep down, i believe that you havent lost who you are, you’re just different, and that’s okay. But it was painful, to see you like that. 
I stared at the image of you crouching over him, debating if i should disturb the moment. You said something, and he smiled, holding tightly onto his still bleeding shoulder. His lips moved, conveyed his last thoughts to you, then his arms slackened, and his head drooped. You remained there, saying nothing. Your blindfold was off, your shoulders were hunched, your jaw was clenched, and in those swirling shades of blue in your eyes, i could somehow only see emptiness. It wasent long before i had to step in. i was supposed to take care of his body’s disposal, after all. And before i could even touch him, you pushed me aside, with so much force that i almost fell. Your head turned, your eyes cast a piercing gaze at me, and those blue were no longer empty. In them, a whirlwind of emotions swirled, some of which i could not comprehend. How can i, anyway? When you never told me anything. I took that as my cue to leave. 
You and him fit each other perfectly, like yin and yang. Then… where am I? To you and him, what have i been this whole time? In some other life, we are standing side by side, and laughing at the fact that in some other life, we are apart. Gojo, Geto, i really hope that we will meet again, that in another life, our paths will cross again, not as Gojo, Geto, or Shoko, but 3 strangers that become the best of friends. Maybe in another life, our fates won’t be sealed and our destinies won’t be so complicated. Maybe in that other life, I will no longer feel invisible.
(😭😭😭its so sad that shoko stuck by toru and sugu all those times and shes like, so damn invisible. 'theres always a duo in a trio' 😢 i love her so much)
Anyways thanks for making it here!! Im the type that only writes when i feel really emo or when im free (student life's really busy :() so im not really active here BUT i appreciate any constructive feedback/criticism if any so pls do comment and TYSMMM FOR MAKING IT HERE 😍
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cherrymayy · 6 months
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real footage of me trying not to stick my phone inside me as I try to finish writing my fic
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hermanunworthy · 6 months
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📸: Anna Muradás
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hariboz · 2 months
i don’t know how much longer i can “this is a hidden message it equals 7!! riize is 7 seunghan is coming back TRUST” myself through life i’m spiralling badly can we just get him back please
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superblysubpar · 2 months
Girl, between that tongue and a visceral need for that nose to be nudging against me like that I can't even...
I honest to god, cannot think about the kissing video or his tongue and his nose at the same time.
Like, kissing like that exists, or his nose and handsome profile exists. They cannot both be true. They cannot exist together at the same time in my brain, or I'll physically, actually, horribly, blow up.
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5283 · 7 months
they had to end with that shot of gicheol and junmo going down the street, smoking and smiling at each other. they really had to break me like this. huh
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