#hotd costume
emynarnen · 15 days
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Daemon’s red and black outfit
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1.01 “The Heirs of the Dragon" // 1.05 "We Light the Way"
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thequeenwechoose · 6 months
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Rhaenyra Targaryen's silver red maternity dress in 4k
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
What is your favorite dress of young Alicent? And older alicent?
ooh such a good but hard question
for young alicent, her first dress is easily my favourite
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its so simple and elegant, it feels... childish... and for a character who had that robbed of her, its just refreshing to look back on. while she looks great in green, blue was her color and really birhgtened her up. I love how this dress looks and what it signifies for her.
older alicent is so tough though, cause I loved every one of her dresses so much. but I think I have to go with this one;
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I love all the little details and all the things I know she would have loved about it. it looks comfortable and light, with the modest v neck and loose sleeves. it covers her up, which is something we see to important to her, as she tends to keep very modest (which makes sense for her as a character) while not smothering her. its also just very elegant, with the cold embroidering and the cape she has. 10/10 dress.
she does have two dresses that don't compare and are their own s teir ranking and its The green dress and her 7-pointed star dress:
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you just can't compare, it's not possible. the regalness the modesty, the power they hold. they're their own category nothing beats them.
and an honorable mention, cause it's not really a dress and the scene it's in is so heartbreaking but it's just so pretty, her nightgown;
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it's just so feminine in a simple, dainty way. the sleeves the neckline the flow of the fabric, it's just perfect. I want it for myself.
Edit: I just realized that the second dress not only had a cape she can wear, but a long vest like cover layer (see middle photo). I love such a simple detail.
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lavenderinoz · 1 year
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Costume designs for Daemon Targaryen - Concept Art from "House of the Dragon - Inside the Creation of a Targaryen Dynasty" (2023)
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Daemon’s costume with his dagger and his Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
What I Liked About HotD Season 1
I already expounded on why I despise this show's storytelling, costumes, basic writing quality, portrayals and use of the Velaryons, and misogyny against Alicent, Laena, Rhaenys, and Rhaneyra. And I am sure there will be more with the 2nd season definitely coming.
Now for what I like:
the dragons and their visual diversity
Rhaenyra's investiture outfit from head to toe
Alicent's hair (both Young and Older)
Daemon's episodes 3, 4, & 5 hair
most of the hair on the noble female extras
Rhaenys' hair accessories
Matt Smith: his acting, his performance, AND his complete understanding of canon Daemon; he's my favorite of the cast, but all the actors really carry this show w/their performances
Rhaenyra and Daemon's dynamic and chemistry all before the last episode
Harwin Strong/Ryan Corr are both zaddy (not my fav character, male or female, but he is very attractive to me and has been since his smile at bloody Rhaenyra)
speaking of, Rhaenyra killing the boar and the white stag scenes
making Baela and Rhaena part of the fight/scene where Aemond's confronted after claiming Vhagar
most of episodes 4 and 7: most of Rhaenyra w/Daemon in Flea Bottom and their steamy encounter; all of Alicent and Rhaenyra's confrontation; Alicent and Rhaenyra's fight over their sons' fight; Corlys' support for the V boys, esp Lucerys. It played genuine and seemed like he actually cared for this kid. It's also canon compliant; the obviousness of Rhaenys' love for her grandkids
Rhaenyra shutting Otto down in the selection of guardsmen for her and her father
episode 2-Rhaenyra on her dragon Syrax *[Corrected mistake on which episode]
*the Velaryons, anyone in a high aristocratic position, being black (but this one's conflicting for me) and being crucial figures to the story and its protagonist
all the times Alicent, being canon compliant, showed snark (episodes 6 & 7)
Alicent's scene w/Dyana -- showed, rather than told, the deal with her, her priorities, her relationship w/Aegon, and Aegon's own character in what I thought was very blunt about how Aegon's protection from accountability and Alicent's own hypocrisies
the self-determination & fierceness of Younger Rhaenyra (that could/should have still logically carried over to Older Rhaenyra as in canon) AND still showed insecurity like when talking to Rhaenys about the lords and to Alicent during their confrontation
*Vaemond's death (sort of, parts of it)
the cinematography of Aemond's chasing Lucerys and Lucerys' death
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romanoffshifting · 5 months
2024 comicon I will be cosplaying as a House of th dragon character
2022 was TVA loki
2023 was magician Aziraphale
I need help deciding which character for 2024. I have a fakeish sword I got when I was in France staying with a friend so any character really (if anyone suggests Otto hightower i will gut you like a fish)
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sapphirehearteyes · 7 months
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absolutedoorknob · 10 months
So it’s late at night and I’m scrolling through the simplicity pattern website when, this is not a drill….
I saw House of the Dragon sewing patterns!!
Technically they’re not licensed or anything but if you know anything about sewing patterns for costumes, you know it gets pretty dang obvious.
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Ok so it’s a pretty basic shape, and it looks like we’ve got an Alicent and a Rhaenyra dress based off of the styling of the models and the colours of the garments. They are not accurate to one single dress either of these characters wear, but it’s a great start, open to plenty of relatively easy modification (take this opinion with a grain of salt I have never modified a pattern) for creativity and maximum cosplay potential. I wish they’d make a Green Green Dress pattern, but I do know that designers and companies are limited to what pieces they can fit inside an envelope (this is the reason why in View B of Simplicity 1009 there isn’t a separate underskirt).
So let’s do some examination!
Starting with View B because it’s on the left, I said it looks like a Rhaenyra pattern mainly because of the color— young Rhae wears a lot of these dull golds (a desert gold if you will?) and beiges when she’s younger, when she’s not wearing red or her dragon-riding fits.
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The neckline on the pattern could be easily adapted to either be higher like on the right or more angular like on the left.
The sleeves, however, are reminiscent of two other gowns, with these pattern pieces being good for both Rhae and Alicent.
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I love a good open sleeve, and so do they. Also I swear there was another Alicent one with more open sleeves but google images was not kind to me.
Now on to View A! It’s pretty clear from how the neckline is with the trim plus the belt that this dress is modelled after this blue dress Alicent wears, which may or may not be her mother’s.
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Now unfortunately the sleeve patterns do not have this amazing “ladder detail” but that would be pretty early to modify in, as well as to cut the neckline lower to add the top “ladder bit”.
This pattern also has Princess seams, like the other view, because it is a relatively simple way to get a good fit around the bust. Now, if you were making a “100% accurate with paper silk and I get the cops called on me because they think I stole it from HoTD’s wardrobe department” cosplay, these would have to be drafted out, because no dresses in the show have Princess seams, most likely because they are a relatively modern fitting technique and the shows in Westeros have historically influenced/inspired costuming. To get the fancy bodice like Alicent’s dress, the easiest way I could think of would be to trace the pattern piece twice, then chop one tracing up into sections with the sections being drawn on the other tracing (so you have a guide on how your puzzle fits together) and remember to include seam allowance if you do this, otherwise you will regret it.
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Now this?? This is Daemon. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Because most of the men on the show (or at least Daemon, Hardin when he’s not in armour defending his lady love— i mean Alicent, and Aemond) wear something similar to this, it’s a great bass with plenty to work with. The vest comes with pattern pieces for either no skirting or longer skirting, as seen in View B vs View A. Also, fun fact, the jacket under the vest/jerkin? It’s a crop top.
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There’s a joke to be made here but I just can’t think of it.
These are McCalls patterns, and I have had fit issues in the past with them. Before picking out and cutting your size, I strongly recommend double checking the finished garment measurements, which should be printed on the back of the envelope. This will save you a lot of trouble and from having to buy the same pattern twice in case you cut out a size too small… I speak from personal experience.
Many way, that’s all folks! Personally, I can’t wait to see what Simplicity comes out with in the next few months (they release their new Halloween patterns in like September or something, and suffice to say I’m gnawing at my drywall), and I am praying for a Green Green dress pattern!
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I made a Rhaenyra Targaryen costume and I ended up winning Best Master's at a con which has been a dream of mine for almost a decade. Anyhow, I made the dress in like 200 hours thanks to the embroidery and I'm not sure I'll do something this intense for a while but I'm so happy of how the final product came out. If you have any questions on how I made it feel free to stop in my ask box.
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Guys, in the first episode of HOTD, Rhaenyra wears a headpiece during her coronation announcement. Do any of you have any idea how it was made? Or maybe design templates? Or a YouTube video detailing that? I so so want to make one for myself.
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myfandomprompts · 23 days
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emynarnen · 1 month
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Aemma' pink outfit at the Great Council
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1.01 “The Heirs of the Dragon"
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thequeenwechoose · 2 months
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Alicent Hightower's green lace dress in 4k
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gameofthronesdaily · 5 months
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Rhaenyra’s investiture dress, cloak + headpiece THE HOUSE THAT DRAGONS BUILT | 1.01
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lavenderinoz · 1 year
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Lucerys Velaryon's costume for Storm's End scene - Concept Art from "House of the Dragon - Inside the Creation of a Targaryen Dynasty" (2023)
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horizon-verizon · 10 months
What era is Fire and Blood set in? Do you think the costumes of the show are appropriate?
Yes and No. In general, I think HotD did not deliver in costume and hair. Only a number of looks both look good and make sense for the society/person.
To be clear, HotD and GoT come from a fantasy-fiction universe. It does not have to 100% match real-life medieval and Renaissance clothes and that already would be difficult because there seems to be a mix of English mid-late medieval, English Tudor, and early-late Renaissance clothing with some creative license to stray in select details. What it does have to do is use said eras to create new but recognizable attire that reflects what resources, cultural ideals, and regional climates Westeros has/has had. The attire must reflect gender, roles, status, class, wealth, and profession. AS WELL AS the character's core personality & values and goals for a situation where they are wearing said clothes, accessories, etc. (if they are in the position to choose their own clothing and if that clothes/situation shows how much choice they had).
And because this is a fantasy universe with lots of eras and societies existing all at the same time, we could really be imaginative with the design of the clothing while considering the sociopolitical contexts that shaped the clothes medieval-Renaissance men and women dressed.
Doug Wheatly--with the assumed approval of GRRM--F&B illustrates what looks like a progress of clothing:
Aenys I - Jaehaerys & Alysanne's Early Years
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The Dance of the Dragons
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So far, 15-lizards has suggested incredible real-world inspirations for not only Westeros but most of the ASoIaF world with very involved considerations for climate, history, hierarchal structures, etc. (the following are my own reblogs bc it'd take longer to get each and every post form them, but look through the stuff I didn't include on their own site!)
Hair & Headwear : Lys, Other Free Cities; Various Westeros & Essosi Styles
Clothes: Various Westerosi and Essosi; More from Free Cities; King's Landing; Tarth #1 & #2; Pentos; Asshai; More Dornish; Iron Islands; The North
Septas and Septons
The Lhazareen; Skaagos & Wildlings (Additions); Cragnnomen; the Dothraki #1 & #2; Kayakayanaya, Samyriana, and Bayasabhad;
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