the-cpu-system · 4 months
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(Render by @smpsys !!)
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timsstims · 3 months
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[ ♪ ] Drive / Jack Campbell
MLM Holojack with plants
top middle gif by @stimming-puppet!!
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handsomejack-ingoff · 3 months
so like. the "nothing" holojack described. is he like. frozen in time? or is time still progressing for him. if the eye did get revived years later, would he resume, confused, as if nothing had happened, or would he have years and years of crippling nothingness behind him now? which would be worse, knowing your life can just be paused without your control, or having suffered years of pure, excruciating, torturous nothingness?
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(This fanfic takes place in modern day, the gender of y/n is up to the reader👍also I had to write this 2 times because tumblr is an ass)
As y/n was walking home they thought about their day not gonna lie they were having a shit type of day they were late on rent,their cat died today and their parents just couldn't stop complaining, they kept walking but suddenly they heard a crash and a bang it sounded horrible but they wanted to know what caused such a racket, they started walking to the loud noise it turned out to be a ship wreck but it was no ship they've seen before it was yellow with bold stripes of white and gray with gray letters that said 'hyperion' they wondered what's hyperion.
That thought was interrupted by a groan they heard coming from a pile of rubble they ran to it maybe there was a survivor that was on board as they tore back all the rubble they found a very bloody man laying on his back groaning with his eyes closed they were startled by the amount of wounds he had on him they decided to drag him to a tree and let him lean on it for awhile until he opened his eyes and looked at them and jumped a little "hey hey wait it's okay I'm here to help you" the man started to breath heavily but put a hand to his side and winced at the sudden pain "i..I could help bandage you up if you would let me" the man looked y/n in the eyes trying to figure out their intentions to him he slightly smiled at them and nodded, y/n reached out their hand grabbing his then pulling him up onto their shoulder wrapping an arm around him and then started walking back to their apartment.
they got to the apartment unlocked the door and went straight to the bathroom setting jack down onto the closed toilet and went into the cabinet next to the sink looking for a first aid supplies, they found what they needed and rushed back to him he was groaning but he had his eyes opened watching their every little move, they started to lift up his shirt "hey what do you think your doing pumpkin? I mean I love your enthusiasm but-" "I'm just trying to help bandage you up...what was your name again?" "Handsome jack but you can call me jack princess" He winked at y/n they slightly blushed,they started to lift up his shirt off revealing his chest it was covered in old scars and fresh new wounds, they started to wipe his chest clean with some disinfectant and then patch him up.
(Fast forward a little) y/n was making dinner "mm that actually smells good I hope u made enough for both of us" they turned around to find jack waiting at the dinner table for the food. They started to plate the food and brought it over to the table setting the plates down, but before they sat down they got some water, y/n went into the fridge grabbed two bottles of water and walked back to the table only to find jack wolfing down the food they made.
somehow this made them smile no one really liked their food THAT much I mean he probably was starving but still it brought a smile to their face, jack looked up to find them staring at him "what?" "Nothing" he watched them walk back to the table with 2 bottles of water he was still gonna watch their every move.
They finished dinner y/n grabbed the plates and put them into the sink. Y/n walked to bed ready to finally sleep after the day they had and "AHH JACK what are you doing in my room!?" "I'm going to bed...listen you can complain all you want too but I'm definitely not sleeping on the couch so..yeah goodnight cupcake" there he was laying in their bed smiling at them, y/n had an idea "fine" they said and with that they claimed into bed and snuggled next to jack they heard him chuckle and slightly flinch at their touch, as y/n closed their eyes they felt jacks hand hold their's as they both drifted off to sleep....
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frankenbridez · 6 months
handsome jack mind blast btw. nothing in particular just making you think of him. Beaming him into your brain maybe even. like holojack - girlghostface
AUGHHHH *explodes into viscera and this is all thats left behind*
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sosorryjack · 3 months
hi. for rhack asks. i think everyone who ships rhack has an au like this tucked away somewhere. how do you feel about rhys keeping the eye and building holojack a robo body? how do you think rhys would make the body, do you think hed keep control over it, do you think hed use that power over jack, would jack love it or hate it, etc etc etc. just gimme any thoughts you have (guy who may or may not be brewing a fic about this concept and looking for ideas)
from @handsomejack-ingoff (the day they let me send asks as sideblogs is the day i finally ascend to heaven)
I feel like if Rhys ever brought Jack back in any way shape or form, I do not think these two would hug and make things up in an instant. While we love to see a reunion between these two it’s important to remember that Jack was clearly traumatized by the entire thing. Especially in their final encounter, he was betrayed and hurt. He thought he and Jack had some sort of relationship. But hey, we all love a slow burn when it comes to Rhack. As how Rhys is going to bring back Jack? I just think a hologram is best, just for a precaution. Because oh my god, giving Jack a body that can touch and feel things already is not the smartest thing to do. Again, if Rhys ever brings Jack back, they both need time to trust each other again.
I very much love these aus. If done correctly.
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huecycles · 2 years
I just realized I’ve been reading Halojack’s name as Holojack this whole time. As in…holographic Jack???? I guess????
ok so. MANY people thought her name was Holojack.
so i decided to make Jevil call her "Holohack" even if she corrects him because he's a little shit
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cyanthrope · 1 year
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anyway my bff and I rp’d a scenario where rhys brought back holojack from the eye as a digijack like timothy’s skill but in order to go out in public he needed jack to be in disguise and jack was literally more comfortable as a dog than as a human that didn’t look like himself
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Why does it feel like the borderlands tag has been all tftbl rhys and holojack recently
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doggirlviscera · 2 years
do you guys remember my old holojack design. the fucking stupid
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blazeball · 2 years
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the-cpu-system · 2 months
I miss them
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timothylawrence · 2 years
hello hello hello!! im sorry your day wasnt good. i have two questions! do you like cats and would you like to see a photo of mine
hii newttt !! yes please i love cats they're my favorite animal and i have two!!!!!! i'd love to se your baby :D!
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handsomejack-ingoff · 3 months
if i made a new hyperion ceo oc would u guys be mad at me
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9000-series · 3 years
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cl0wnpuk3 · 3 years
Commission for a friend! <3
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