heathcliffdaily · 3 days
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pearl-the-artist · 2 days
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Potential trio.
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rugwurm · 1 day
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I must be the reason why
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showmey0urfangs · 2 days
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE S02 | WUTHERING HEIGHTS ↳ For @thefairylights Happy Birthday ma chérie ♥️
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yaoicarus · 5 hours
happy pride month
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Erlking heathcliff: you're gonna kill yourself don't feel guilty kill yourself
Erlking heathcliff: rather then humiliate her killing yourself is the mercful thing to do
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mirikitakato · 3 days
[Translation] 4th Anni Card Episodes of Shino, Heathcliff and Oz.
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Because they're nicely written by Bunta so I think I should translate them when I have them in hands. I also like the Oz's one a lot because it's funny but when you think about it, it's pretty wholesome in a very Northern way.
Akira: I heard that on the shores of Borda Isle, there is a door that allows you to see the past. Speaking of the past, when I first came to this world, I still had a lot of uneasiness in my heart. But when I recalled a certain memory, I felt at ease.
Shino: What memory?
Akira: The memory of a trusted adult reading a book to me as a child.
Shino: Is that so.
Akira: Is there any memories that would act like a talisman for you, Shino? Memories that provide comfort to you.
Shino:..... Somehow...
Akira: Yes?
Shino: I keep thinking about Heath.
Akira: Ah, I see. You two are childhood friends after all...
Shino: No, it's not good because I'm a servant. Memories of being with my master shouldn’t make me feel at ease. By the way, what did Heath say?
Akira: I haven't asked him anything yet.
Shino: What? Why didn't you?
Akira: S-sorry...
Shino: The feelings I had before were not for Heath, but for the time I spent with the master and mistress.
Akira: Would it make you feel at ease to remember that?
Shino: Guess so. Taking care of Heath is just a forced job.
Akira: You're saying that again...but your relationship isn't a forced one.
Shino: I know. Heath is my true master now. I can't allow myself to feel at ease when I think of my master.
Akira: I see...
Shino: I'll set an image for myself to remember. If I repeat it enough times, I can control these feelings.
Akira: Huh......!? Is that something you can control yourself?
Shino: If I have these feelings because a certain image comes to mind, then I can. Hmm, what kind of scene do I need to remember to feel at ease and become stronger?
Akira: (Even if you remember Heath, you won't become weaker though...)
Shino: Maybe Oz? After all, he's the strongest in the world. Hmm...? If I feel relieved when I see a strong guy come along, does that mean I'm weak?
Akira: It feels like a very random stream of consciousness, but thanks anyway...
Akira: I heard that on the shores of Borda Isle, there is a door that allows you to see the past. Speaking of the past, when I first came to this world, I still had a lot of uneasiness in my heart. But when I recalled a certain memory, I felt at ease.
Heathcliff: A certain memory...Can I ask what it’s like?
Akira: The memory of a trusted adult reading a book to me as a child.
Heathcliff: Ah, I see. As a child, I was always drawn to the stories that adults would tell me.
Akira: Is there any memories that would act like a talisman for you? Memories that provide comfort to you.
Heathcliff: Hmm...well...there are many. Compared to other wizard children, my parents' love for me even made me feel guilty. They must have taken extra care of me so that I, who was born a wizard, wouldn't be in pain. My parents told me countless times how much they loved and cherished me. So...I've been living a peaceful life since then. Shino and the people who work at Blanchett also make me feel at ease. I'm so grateful to everyone for being able to live like this.
Akira: (Heath... Just listening to him makes me feel so happy...) (For some reason, he can't catch his breath. Is it because he’s suffocating or because he feels guilty?) (It's like he's talking to himself.) (Maybe because Heath is so sensitive, he knows that his parents and Shino want him to have a happy life.) (No matter what it is, if you're expected to do something, it's bound to put some pressure on you...) (...Heath has it tough too...)
Akira: I'm glad that Heath is surrounded by kind people. I also want Heath to live a peaceful and happy life.
Heath: Thank you, Sage.
Akira: But...I'm not saying I want you to live a perfect, ideal happy life. What I mean is that I want Heath to be able to live freely like everyone else, according to his own will. To enjoy happiness and sadness. Isn't that what everyone else wants?
Heath: Sage... I remember something. A scene that made me feel at ease when I was sad...
Akira: Please tell me about it. What kind of memory is it?
Heath: I may have mentioned this before, but... It's a memory of the orange tree in the greenhouse near Blanchett Castle.
Akira: I heard that on the shores of Borda Isle, there is a door that allows you to see the past. Speaking of the past, when I first came to this world, I still had a lot of uneasiness in my heart. But when I recalled a certain memory, I felt at ease.
Oz: A certain memory...?
Akira: The memory of a trusted adult reading a book to me as a child.
Oz: ........
Akira: Is there any memories that would act like a talisman for you? Memories that provide comfort to you.
Oz: .....Making myself feel at ease with memories...?
Akira: I-is my question strange?
Oz: No... I always win against Mithra.
Akira: Yes.
Oz: I’ve never lost to Owen and Bradley. The same goes for the twins and Figaro, I won't lose to them now.
Akira: I know.
Oz: These memories and achievements make me feel at ease. It's not to the point of being relaxed, but just a statement of fact.
Akira: Okay...
Oz: Is this what you want to hear?
Akira: To be honest, that's not what I meant... It should be more heartwarming memories, right? The kind that can make people relax...
Oz: ......
Akira: (Oz and the Northern wizards, do they not have any memories that make them feel at ease, or any moments of relaxation?)
Oz: A long time ago, when I was still small and my power was far from what it is now... The twins and Figaro made me drink poison.
Akira: Eh??
Oz: Of course, I would never drink it obediently. I resisted with my life, and those guys were also seriously injured. After a few similar incidents, I understood. What they were giving me wasn't poison, but medicine.
Akira: (It's a little story about feeding medicine to a wild beast...)
Oz: I didn't know there was such a thing as medicine back then. I used magic to heal myself from minor and major injuries. And the medicine tasted terrible. But now, I can drink it without worry. Will a story like that do?
Akira: (It's barely heartwarming...)
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prokopetz · 9 months
I genuinely think the Heathcliff guy has cracked the code. Newspaper comics are subject to a constant demand to be as inoffensive as possible, and no one can make a credible argument that you've offended them if no one can explain what it is that you are doing.
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arealtrashact · 4 months
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Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
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al-norton · 2 months
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Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad!
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blazemalefica · 1 month
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𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦. 𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘧.
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heathcliffdaily · 2 days
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thelostpretzel · 4 months
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we had a kitchen episode, a cleaning one could also appear...................
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firestorm09890 · 25 days
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it's the end of Canto III. you're Ishmael. Heathcliff is seated behind you, eating chicken kebabs at an alarming rate and being extremely loud about it. "At least you're normal, Meursault," you sigh, rolling your eyes and turning to look at your seatmate. he's dumping an entire bottle of ketchup onto his kebab. sauce everywhere. all over his clothes. it's like a crime scene. he has not taken his gauntlets off. the bottle's been obliterated. his expression is stone cold. this is canon
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buzzsawbrando · 2 months
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rate my canto 6 fanart
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mistgardens · 1 year
Sinclair comes out
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