#he’s so CUTE AAAAAAAAAA \(//∇//)\
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Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky~
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Inspired from This post of @just-dol-headshots and this ask from @hakusins. Don't worry I'm still aiming for your ass Haku-Dean :) References and something under the cut
We all have to agree Bully Robin should have some softer and caring sides. When there's only them two and no one else is around to judge, he can let loose and slip back into that kinda of "Original Robin" we know and I love. I mean, that's what JDOLH made that got me into these swap messes from the beginning jsjkhskjhd you knowww the HUG!!
Reference: Barbie Girl (Aqua) and this cute ecchi Clamp Chobit piece
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All in all I'm a pink bietch and Dollya won't be losing her V-card anytime soon that I can promise so hang in there okay mr.Bully.
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alumiasgo · 8 months
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narrator design belongs 2@vellichorom
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10jo10ge · 2 years
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merakiui · 5 months
I PAUSED MY EDITING SO FAST TO CHECK AND OOOOOOOOOO,,,,,,, ojiisan is too cute. >_< he looks like a sweet, elderly shop owner who is polite, but will also become quite fearsome in certain circumstances. The sharp smile… The way he’s bent over slightly……. The clasped hands…………… THE HAT AND SCARF. OMG AND THE LOVELY TRADITIONAL WEAR!!! I want to pretend this is a stance his father adopts sometimes,,, he feels like your definitely-not-but-absolutely mafia grandfather who is the retired head of the business and now he just runs a tea shop. <3
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 6 months
I don't have anything to ask, I just wanted to give you this drawing I did of Morax based on your drawings from Cyanide Narwhal.
I wasn't sure how else to send this to you.
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So here you go! :D
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stop he's adorable i love it so much,,,,,,,,,,,
thank you;;,,
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azucar-skull · 1 month
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I can't I CAN'T
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homeless202 · 9 months
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no home being uncomfortably realistic yet again
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hatkuu · 7 months
omggg creative pc making kylar a hand knit sweater. or literally any handmade gift. you just know he’s gonna bawl and treasure it forever
AAAAAAAAAA i love this so much. guys i love to crochet so you already KNOW ill be making kylar beanies and sweaters and gloves if he even MENTIONS being cold in winter.
like. he'd treasure all of your gifts so so much. he doesn't care about the school uniform at all - will happily get in trouble with leighton if it means wearing all of the gifts you've given him. sighh like. you'd give him a pair of knitted gloves and he just. starts sobbing because you care about him so muuch!! he probably mentioned not liking the cold weather and you stayed up all night knitting for him AAAAA
and it'd be even more special if you picked a black wool (bc that's his favourite colour teehee thanks vrel) he'll start bawling even LOUDER because not only do you care about him but you retain all of the info he gives you about himself!! (crying he's such a SWEETIE)
he puts it on immediately after you put it in his hands and he will LATCH onto you in a suffocating hug while he cries from happiness. does not leave you alone for the rest of the day. you'll glance over at him and he'll be smiling down at the gift like :) and he will not stop until you're like: "...kylar..?"
(this also leads into pc making lunches for kylar after he mentions not liking the school food. he'd scoff it down and sob from happiness. he'd be looking at you teary-eyed with cheeks stuffed full of food. tells you how good you are at cooking while his mouth is full.
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glambots · 2 years
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sadkois · 1 year
your shrimp nishiki is gorgeous. holy shit. (he actually reminds me of this one time someone sewed their izo plushie a tempura outfit on twitter idk if you've seen that) thank you for your service, we nishikinators are finally getting FED ‼️ nishrimpki is very rich in nutrients!!(?) he is good with hot soba!!(?) i would make this an anon ask but apparently i can't send images with that on so here is a quick nishrimpki doodle i made as a token of appreciation for blessing my eyes with him today!!!!
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i have the need to clarify (just in case) this is already an existin skin for shinada in y5,, i just put nishiki on it asgdhj. that out of the way I LOVE THIS SM ITS SO CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT HIM JUST CHILLIN
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Hey guys guess what we just got reminded of♫
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fluffiwrites · 1 year
if your requests are still open could you pleaaaaaase write something about like zelda (or maybe even one of the champions) finding a new tickle spot on link and link not realizing he was really ticklish there ?? pls and thank you !!
I adore lee!link sm omfg 🤬 ty for requesting this 😭🙏 I decided to do it with revali because he’s a little shit + im currently working on another ler!zelda (๑>ω<๑)
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Characters: Lee!Link, Ler!Revali. Warnings: this is a tickle fic ^^
P.S. i didnt know whether to verbalise link or not it’s always tricky to write with it like that, BUT it kinda takes away his character! So I still ended up *not* giving him THE POWER OF ✨WORDS✨
Anyway enjoy pfpfppfpfpf
~First Aid~
After getting to know eachother more Revali & Link were actually quite fond of eachother, the bird brain just in denial of feeling anything other than persistent hatred for this poor man.
They’d been on an “adventure” together in the Hebra Mountains to find the safest area for research to take place, including the princess.
However, a few “scratches” were taken along the way, from wildlife attacks & dangerous rocks. So, they were giving eachother a little care to make sure everything was ok.
Doing so would prove a difficult task, though. Because Link was ticklish, *very* ticklish. Revali already knew this & well, it was just common knowledge by now. But the snooty Rito hadn’t seen it for himself.
..what a perfect opportunity to do so, right?
The blonde was sat on the floor cross-legged, cuts, gashes & bruises piled on one another. Revali sat behind him, with a first aid kit & a pair of feathered wings to accompany them.
The bird got to work, cleaning wounds, placing plasters, putting ice on bruises, etc. The whole thing was unbearable for Link, who was flinching at every brush of feathers, the soft, fluttery feeling sending shivers down his spine.
Revali noticed at last, pushing him to ask,
“Link, is this bothering you?” He shook his head quickly in response.
“Then why are you squirming so much? Is something the matter?” He teased, he knew exactly what he was doing.
The knights ears turned pink in embarrassment, as he *prayed* for the Rito not to say that awkward word.
Revali continued on his torso, this time purposefully pressuring his sides, emitting strained giggles & gasps.
The boy held tightly on to the rug as he suppressed his ticklish reactions. Every touch he could feel buzzing throughout his nervous system, the sound of his own giggles echoing in his head.
This “first aid” should’ve been over by now, but Revali had other ideas, chuckling. Readying his feathers & latching on to Links bare lower torso, the other jolting & squealing from the sudden sensation.
He squeezed & pinched carefully at the sensitive skin, adorable laughter filling the room as the blonde lunged over in an attempt to stop the tickly feeling, but it only kept the feathers in place as they brushed along his sensitive tummy.
“Aw, such cute laughter, hm?”
The champion of flight slipped his hands from the trap, & went for Links neck. He howled, his shoulders seeming to be a newfound death spot.
So he spidered along them, giving occasional pokes & swipes to his tummy & back as Link twitched & squirmed.
“I never expected you to have ticklish shoulders, how cute.” The knight cringed at the mention of that dreadful word. His face painted pink & his eyes wrinkled with fluster.
He was now lay in his lap, trying to hide his expression from the attacker. But he just couldn’t win, because whenever he lifted his arms, Revali would scribble right under his armpits & send him into a giggle fit.
The younger boy kicked his legs & flailed his arms about, screeching & his laughter raising once his knees were found.
“My, what do we have here? If the princess found you were this sensitive, she would really have fun with you, wouldn’t she? Such a ticklish knight to mess with, hm?” He teased, Link whining through his cackles.
As his laugh finally went silent, Revali decided it was time to let up. He placed the boy on the soft bed & lay him to rest.
Before he could tell him how cute he was, Link was already asleep. Who knew the way to wipe out a hero was to cover him in tickles?
The end (。-∀-)
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alsojnpie · 3 months
HI hopefully this isn't a weird question to ask, but i was just wondering if you have any particular headcanon for what Papyrus would look like as a human?? :00
no it's not a weird question!! I'm delighted you asked me! but i hope you don't mind my answer which is: i hate thinking about that!!!!!! if i think about him being a human i am not attracted to him AT ALL and it feels weird! if he somehow got turned into a human i would cry real tears! sometimes i think about that just to check if anything changed but it never has!!!! SOMETIMES I THINK ABOUT THAT as angst fodder because it would be a pure tragedy if he somehow became a human!!!!!!!
oh anyway i just realized i didn't answer your ACTUAL question because you didn't ask me how i felt about it. as for his looks i have zero feelings. EXCEPT!!!! that he would have the cutest smile in the world to me. (that means it would look exactly like my husband's smile)
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hopkei · 1 month
i havent watched rampfan yet but i saw sota vs kaisei arm wrestling and im cRYING sotasota you are the cutest boy alive
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thesharkcollector · 8 months
Shark of the Week! :Whale Shark
☆ 24/9/23 ☆
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♡ The LARGEST known shark in today age (LARGER than a schppl bus :O )
♡ Their literally organic filters! 😋 Meaning they can neither bite OR chew. And instead filter small fish and such in their mouth!
♡ Guess how stretchy their mouth is? 4 FEET WIDE! Thats literally the size of a HOCKEY NET!
♡ Are you an adventurous type and would LOVE to swim near these big fellas, well todays your day because they literally can be found ANWHERE! (Except for the mediterrian sea) In warm waters of course. :D
♡ Could you outrun outswim a whale shark? Well for anybody that competive, you got yourself an easy win! Why? Because they can only swim at not 10, not even 7 or 5 BUT ONLY 3/mph! slower than my grand papa 👴
♡ Makes you really wonder how they can migrate thousands of miles all around just to feed! Their quite motivated arent they?
♡ Their quite literally, a ocean-made strainer! When they close their mouth in a big chunk of small fish, plankton, etc. You may wonder if they just swallow the water with it, but thats far from the truth! Instead they use their gills to just strain the water out!
♡ Your probaly thinking that theirs nothing else intresting about these big sea dogs, WELL DO I HABE SOMETHING FOR YOU!
Did you know they have teeth on their eyes? You read right, TEETH! Their super tiny and are called dermal denticles, baha what a funky name- anyhow, why would a shark need this? Do they somehow eat out of their eyes too? Nope! Its protection against anythong out to harm them as they DONT have eyelids 👀
♡ Wanna know something really neat? Whale sharks can literally live up to 5 generations! A generation is qbout 20-30 while these sharks can live from 70 all the way up to 100!!
☆Now these sharks are all cute and dandy but their is a underlying issue here, their endangered sadly, over the last 75 years their population has dwindled more than 50% and still decreasing each year due to unfortunate truth of them global warming, water pollution and being fished,
where they're captured and have their fins and meat be taken, only to be dropped back into the harsh waters as their forced to suffocate and bleed out...
These whales are EXTREMELY important as their a long term regulation of plankton, with to much plankton it can start to harm the fish, shellfish, birds, mammals and even YOU! ☆
• 1-6 :
• 7-9 :
•10 : https://defenders.org
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spicy-rainbow-pizza · 3 months
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