#he always seems to like sink in on himself like you can hear him like. backing away from the mic
lila-lou · 3 days
✨His true fate - Part 1/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Language, tough topics
Word Count: 4167
A/N: Alright. I'm only going to write this once. Danneel doesn't come off well in this story. She's pretty much described as the devil himself. She does and says things that are absolutely awful. In this Story she's pretty much the biggest bitch. I don't want to hear any complaints because it's just a story. Fiction. No hate towards anyone. So, that being said, I hope you enjoy reading it.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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Jared parked in front of the airport in Austin, his fingers tapping restlessly on the steering wheel. It had been too long since he had seen Jensen outside of the conventions. This visit was different, just for spending time together, no panels, no crowds. As he waited, Jared couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness. It was the first time Jensen was visiting him after he moved away from Austin, a chance for them to catch up without the chaos of their usual meet-ups.
As Jared watched the stream of passengers disembarking from the plane, his mind drifted back to the rocky path that had led them to this moment. Their friendship had weathered its fair share of storms, strained by distance, conflicting schedules, and the pressures of their respective careers. Yet, despite the challenges, they had somehow found their way back to each other. It had taken time, effort, and countless late-night conversations, but slowly, they had begun to rebuild what they had once thought lost.
This weekend, as they celebrated Jared's birthday together, it felt like a new chapter unfolding. Jensen's decision to fly to Austin, despite his busy filming and convention schedule, spoke volumes about the strength of their renewed bond. As Jared caught sight of Jensen emerging from the crowd, a genuine smile spread across his face, washing away any lingering doubts or tensions. This weekend was about reconnecting, about rediscovering the camaraderie that had always defined their relationship.
Jensen opened the trunk and unceremoniously tossed his suitcase inside before collapsing into the passenger seat with a heavy sigh. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, looking every bit as exhausted and worn-out as Jared had feared.
"Wow, someone looks like they've been through the wringer", Jared teased, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips as he started the car.
Jensen shot him a mock glare, his eyes heavy with fatigue. "Thanks, Jared. Always great to get a warm welcome", he quipped, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice despite his worn-out demeanor.
"Just calling it like I see it, man", Jared chuckled, pulling out of the parking spot and heading towards the exit. "But seriously, you look like you could use a week-long vacation on a deserted island".
"Tell me about it", Jensen muttered, sinking back into the seat and closing his eyes for a moment. "Filming has been brutal lately. I swear, I'm starting to feel every single one of my thirty-something years".
Jared couldn't help but chuckle at Jensen's dramatics. "Thirty-something? More like ancient, old man", he teased, earning himself a playful shove from Jensen.
"Hey, watch it, Padalecki. I may be old, but I can still kick your ass", Jensen retorted with a smirk, the weariness momentarily forgotten as the car with little laughter.
As Jared merged onto the highway, the gentle hum of the car filled the silence between them. Glancing over at Jensen, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that there was more going on beneath the surface.
“So, it’s just the filming that’s got you looking like you’ve aged a decade overnight?”, Jared ventured, keeping his tone light but his concern evident.
Jensen let out a heavy sigh, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. “Yeah, filming’s been intense, but that’s not all of it”, he admitted, his voice tinged with resignation.
Jared knew better than to push too hard, but he couldn’t ignore the sense of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. “Is everything okay at home?”, he asked tentatively, knowing full well the delicate balance Jensen was trying to maintain.
Jensen’s jaw tightened, a flicker of pain crossing his features before he masked it with a forced smile. “Yeah, everything’s fine”, he replied, his tone betraying the lie.
But Jared wasn’t about to let him off that easily. “Come on, man. You don’t have to pretend with me”, he pressed gently, his concern outweighing any discomfort he felt broaching the topic.
Jensen hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. “Things… haven’t been great”, he admitted, his gaze fixed on his hands folded in his lap.
Jared could sense Jensen's internal struggle, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Before he could push him further, however, Jensen seemed to retreat, throwing up his defenses like a shield.
"Hey, forget I said anything, okay?", Jensen mumbled, his voice barely audible over the sound of the car's engine. "Let's just focus on having a good time this weekend. I could really use a break… from everything".
Jared nodded, respecting Jensen's boundaries even as his heart ached for his friend's pain. "Yeah, of course", he replied, his tone gentle yet supportive. "We'll make sure this weekend is all about relaxing and having fun. No drama, no stress".
Jensen managed a small, grateful smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Thanks. I appreciate it", he said quietly, a hint of vulnerability slipping through his usual facade of strength.
As they continued down the highway, the weight of their unspoken conversations hung heavy in the air, but for now, they both agreed to set aside their worries.
As the miles flew by, a more simple conversation flowed easily between Jared and Jensen, the tension of their earlier exchange dissipating with each passing moment. It didn't even take 30 minutes until Jared pulled into the familiar driveway of his family home.
"Home sweet home", Jared announced with a grin, turning off the engine and casting a sideways glance at Jensen. "Welcome back to Casa Padalecki".
Jensen chuckled, the weariness in his eyes momentarily replaced by a spark of excitement. "Thanks, man. It's good to be here", he replied, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
As Jared and Jensen climbed the front porch steps, they were met with the eager faces of Tom and Shep peeking out from behind the screen door. The boys' eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of Jensen standing there, and their excitement was palpable.
"Uncle Jensen!", Tom exclaimed, darting forward to wrap his arms around Jensen in a tight hug, his enthusiasm bubbling over.
Shep followed suit, his smaller frame joining in the embrace as he grinned up at Jensen. "We didn't think you were really coming!", he said, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and joy.
Jensen chuckled warmly, returning their hugs with equal affection. "Well, here I am", he replied, tousling their hair playfully. "I couldn't miss the chance to hang out with you two".
As they stepped inside the house, laughter and chatter filled the air, the boys buzzing with excitement at the prospect of spending time with their favorite ´uncle´. Jared couldn't help but smile at the sight, grateful for the bond that had formed between Jensen and his sons over the years. With Jensen back in their lives, even just for the weekend, he knew that memories would be made and cherished for years to come.
As Tom and Shep dashed off to explore the backyard, their laughter echoing through the house, Jensen turned to Jared with a curious expression.
"So, where's Gen and mini Gen?", Jensen asked, a playful twinkle in his eye as he referred to Jared's wife and daughter.
Jared glanced at the clock on the wall, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "They're out shopping", he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "Looks like it's just us guys for now".
Jensen chuckled, nodding in understanding. "Ah, a little father-son bonding time, huh?", he remarked.
"Yeah, something like that", Jared replied, his gaze drifting toward the backyard where the sounds of his sons' laughter drifted in through the open door.
As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the backyard, Jared and Jensen found themselves sitting side by side, beers in hand, watching as Tom and Shep played with the chickens.
Jared took a sip of his beer, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. "So, how are the kids?", he asked, his tone casual but genuine.
Jensen's smile faltered slightly at the mention of his own children, a flicker of sadness crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a forced grin. "They're good", he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "Busy with school and all that".
Jared nodded, though he could sense there was more to the story than Jensen was letting on. He had seen firsthand how Jensen had thrown himself into his work, often using it as a means of escape from the troubles at home.
"Must be tough juggling all that work and family", Jared remarked sympathetically, knowing all too well the pressures of balancing a career with family responsibilities.
"Yeah, it's… still challenging", Jensen admitted, his gaze drifting off into the distance. "But hey, enough about me. How's Gen and the kids? They keeping you on your toes?".
Jared chuckled, grateful for the diversion. "Always", he replied with a fond smile. "But wouldn't have it any other way".
As they sat together in the fading light, the sound of laughter and chatter filling the air, Jared couldn't shake the feeling that there was still so much left unsaid between them.
As the evening wore on and the sky darkened, Gen and Odette returned home, their arrival greeted with hugs and laughter from Jensen. They exchanged pleasantries and caught up on each other's lives, the warmth of their conversation filling the air.
However, as the hour grew late and the kids were ushered off to bed by Gen, a sense of tranquility settled over the house. Now alone in the quiet of the evening, Jared and Jensen found themselves relaxing on the porch once more, the glow of their beers casting long shadows in the dim light.
But their peace was short-lived as Jensen's phone rang, breaking the serene atmosphere with its shrill tone. With a frustrated groan, Jensen glanced at the caller ID, his annoyance evident.
"Danneel?", Jared asked quietly, his brow furrowing with concern as he watched Jensen quickly silence the call.
Jensen nodded, his jaw clenched in frustration. "Yeah", he muttered, his voice heavy with irritation. "Probably just checking in to make sure I'm not having too much fun".
Jared could sense the tension radiating from his friend, the weight of Jensen's strained marriage casting a shadow over their evening.
Jared let out a heavy sigh, the weight of unspoken words pressing heavily on his chest. Finally, unable to contain his thoughts any longer, he spoke up, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and concern.
"Jensen, can I ask you something?", Jared began, his gaze fixed on his friend. "Why won't you just finally leave her?".
The question hung in the air, laden with the weight of years of silence and suppressed emotions. Jared knew it was a delicate subject, one that had been tiptoed around for far too long, but he couldn't stand by any longer and watch his friend suffer in silence.
Jensen's expression hardened, a flicker of defiance crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a forced smile. "It's complicated. You know that", he replied evasively, his voice betraying the turmoil raging beneath the surface.
"But is it really?", Jared pressed, his tone gentle yet insistent. "I mean, I get that there are always reasons, but at what point do you say enough is enough?".
Jensen's jaw tightened, his gaze drifting off into the distance as he wrestled with his inner demons. "I wish it were that simple", he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "But you have no idea what she's capable of".
Jared's heart ached at the pain etched into Jensen's features, the deep-rooted fear and resignation that seemed to consume him. But he refused to back down, knowing that sometimes, the hardest conversations were the ones that needed to be had the most.
"I know it's fucking scary", Jared admitted softly, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on Jensen's shoulder. "But you don't have to face it alone, you know. We're here for you, no matter what".
Jensen's grip tightened around his beer bottle, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "You don't get it, Jared", he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness. "If I try to leave, she'll make sure I never see my kids again. She'll ruin me. In every fucking way possible".
Jared's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "And what do you think she's doing right now? Keeping you trapped, suffocating you with her control", he retorted, his voice tinged with anger. "She's already ruining you, Jensen. Can't you see that?".
Jensen's jaw clenched, his fists balling at his sides as he struggled to find the words to express the turmoil raging within him. "I can't risk losing my kids, my image, my career", he finally admitted, his voice choked with emotion. "I can't".
Jared's heart ached for his friend, the pain etched into every line of his face. But he refused to let Jensen succumb to the fear and manipulation any longer.
"You're stronger than that, Jensen", Jared said firmly, his voice filled with conviction.
Jared's frustration softened into determination. "Listen to me, Jensen. You need to stop letting her control you", he said firmly, his voice unwavering. "You just need to get yourself a damn good lawyer".
Jensen's gaze flickered with uncertainty, the weight of Jared's words sinking in. "But what if it's not enough?", he whispered, his voice filled with doubt.
"It's a start", Jared replied, his tone resolute. "And you're not alone in this. We'll find you the best lawyer, one who'll fight tooth and nail to make sure she won´t ruin your life more than she already did".
As they sat in the quiet of the backyard, the weight of their conversation hanging heavy in the air, Jensen felt a glimmer of hope stir within him. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of the darkness that had consumed him for so long.
But then, with a heavy sigh, Jensen's resolve wavered as he confessed, "I can't take it anymore, Jared. Every time I'm home, I feel like I'm suffocating. I drown myself in conventions just to get away from her. And when I am home, I'm mostly drunk just to be able to deal with her".
Jared's heart sank at the raw honesty in Jensen's words, the pain and despair evident in every syllable. But he refused to let his friend continue down this destructive path.
"We'll figure it out, Jensen," Jared said firmly, his voice filled with conviction.
Jared knew how bad Jensen really was. For years he could do nothing but watch as Danneel destroyed his best friend. Publicly humiliated him, manipulated him and mentally abused him. She gradually destroyed his self-confidence, his friendships and caused him to isolate himself from everyone. Jared wanted nothing more than to finally see his best friend happy again. Truly happy. But with Danneel and her toxic personality by his side, that wouldn't happen. So he hoped to use the time they had together well enough to somehow get through to Jensen.
As Jensen made his way to the guestroom an hour later, the weight of the evening's conversation hung heavy on his shoulders, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of emotions and stress. Each step felt like a burden, the familiar sense of suffocation creeping in as he retreated from the warmth of Jared's home to the solitude of his temporary sanctuary.
Slipping into the guestroom, Jensen closed the door behind him with a heavy sigh, the darkness of the room enveloping him like a shroud. He sank onto the edge of the bed, his head in his hands as he tried to quiet the storm raging within him.
But despite his best efforts, the memories and fears clawed their way to the surface, threatening to overwhelm him with their intensity.
And as he lay there in the silence of the night, the weight of his burdens pressing down upon him, Jensen couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a way out of the darkness that had consumed him for so long. But for now, all he could do was try to find solace in the quiet of the night, hoping that somehow, someway, he would find the strength to face another day.
The next morning, Jared and Gen bustled around the kitchen, the savory aroma of breakfast filling the air as they worked together with Odette by their side. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the room, a stark contrast to the heaviness that had hung over the house the night before.
As they set the table with plates of pancakes and fresh fruit, Jared glanced at Gen with a playful smirk. "Think Jensen will be able to handle waking up to the smell of your cooking?", he teased, earning a chuckle from his wife.
Gen rolled her eyes, though there was a hint of amusement in her expression. "He better be ready for the Padalecki family breakfast experience", she replied with a grin, her culinary skills on full display.
Just then, Tom bounded into the kitchen, his energy infectious as he eagerly awaited his next task. "Can I go wake up Uncle Jensen now, Dad?", he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
Jared nodded with a smile, ruffling Tom's hair affectionately. "Go for it, buddy. Just try not to scare him too much", he replied, unable to contain his own amusement at the thought of Jensen's reaction to being roused from his slumber.
With a mischievous grin, Tom dashed off to carry out his mission, leaving Jared and Gen to share a knowing look.
As Tom made his way towards the guestroom, his excitement bubbling over, he couldn't help but feel a mischievous urge creeping in. Quietly, he slipped inside, tiptoeing towards Jensen's bed with a grin plastered on his face.
With a sly glance towards Jensen, still lost in slumber, Tom couldn't resist the temptation. He settled himself down beside Jensen, his heart racing with anticipation. And then, with a mischievous gleam in his eye, he let out a loud fart, breaking the silence of the room with a resounding blast.
Jensen jolted awake with a start, his eyes wide with shock as he stared at Tom in disbelief. "What the…", he sputtered, his voice trailing off as he tried to process what had just happened.
Tom couldn't contain his laughter, doubling over with mirth as he reveled in the chaos he had created. "Gotcha, Uncle Jensen!", he exclaimed between giggles, unable to contain his excitement at the successful prank.
Jensen instantly grimaced, his hand flying to cover his nose as the pungent odor assaulted his senses. "Oh, man, Tom! What did you eat?", he exclaimed, his voice muffled by his hand as he tried to escape the noxious fumes.
Tom doubled over with laughter, barely able to catch his breath between fits of giggles. "Sorry, Uncle Jensen!", he managed to squeak out between laughs.
Jensen waved his hand in front of his face, desperately trying to dispel the stench that hung in the air. "You're absolutely your dad's kid", he grumbled, his tone laced with both amusement and exasperation. "Damn, that fucking stinks!".
Again Jensen waved his hand in front of his face, still trying to rid the room of the lingering smell. "Alright, alright, Tom", he said with a chuckle, trying to mask his amusement. "Why don't you go air out that stinking butt of yours while I get dressed?".
Tom grinned mischievously, his laughter echoing through the room as he bounded out of the guestroom, leaving Jensen to shake his head in amusement.
Dressed and somehow awake, Jensen made his way towards the kitchen, the promise of breakfast and laughter drawing him forward.
Jensen took a seat at the table, a grin playing at the corners of his lips as he recounted Tom's prank to Jared. "You won't believe what your son just did", he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.
Jared raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh? What did he do this time?", he asked with a smirk, already bracing himself for another one of Tom's antics.
"He let out the loudest fart I've ever heard right next to my face", Jensen replied, his laughter infectious as he recounted the incident. "I swear, that kid is just like his old man".
Jared couldn't help but laugh at the image of his son terrorizing Jensen with his infamous flatulence. "Well, I guess he takes after me in more ways than one", he quipped, a proud smile spreading across his face.
Shep and Odette's laughter filled the room, their amusement at Tom's antics contagious as they teased their brother relentlessly. Gen couldn't help but shake her head affectionately at their sibling banter.
Turning to Jared, Gen's smile widened as she made a suggestion. "Hey, do you think you and Jensen could handle getting the drinks for tonight's party?", she asked, her tone hopeful as she looked between her husband and his friend.
Jared grinned at the idea, nodding eagerly. "Of course", he replied, excitement lighting up his eyes. "Consider it our mission. We'll make sure we have plenty of drinks to keep the party going all night long".
Jensen nodded in agreement. "You can count on us", he chimed in.
As they made plans for the evening's festivities, the anticipation of the birthday party ahead filled the room with a sense of excitement.
Two hours later, Jensen found himself sitting in the passenger seat of Jared's car, the hum of the engine and the rhythm of the road soothing his frayed nerves. They were on their way to the next liquor store, their mission to stock up for Jared's birthday party well underway.
Jared glanced over at Jensen with a grin, the excitement of the evening ahead evident in his eyes. "Ready to make a dent in the liquor aisle?", he joked, his tone light as he navigated through the traffic.
Jensen chuckled, a sense of camaraderie washing over him as he settled back into his seat. "You bet", he replied. "Just promise me we won't end up with more beer than we can carry".
Jared laughed, shaking his head at his friend's jest. "No promises", he teased, though there was a hint of mischief in his tone.
As Jared disappeared in search of the restroom, Jensen remained leaning against the overflowing shopping cart, his expression a mix of boredom and introspection. With each passing moment, he found himself sinking deeper into his own thoughts. Again the weight of his troubles pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.
He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within, the nagging sense that he was trapped in a life that no longer brought him joy. Despite the excitement of Jared's birthday party looming on the horizon, Jensen couldn't escape the shadows of his own turmoil that threatened to engulf him at every turn.
Lost in his thoughts, Jensen barely noticed the bustle of shoppers around him as they navigated the crowded aisles of the liquor store. His mind was a whirlwind of memories and regrets, a tangled web of emotions that left him feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
Lost in his thoughts, Jensen barely registered the collision until he felt the impact against his back. Startled, he stumbled forward, nearly losing his balance as he turned to see what had caused the disturbance.
"Hey, fucking watch where you're going!", he grumbled irritably, his frustration evident in his tone as he glanced over his shoulder.
But as he turned around, ready to unleash a torrent of curses, Jensen's words died on his lips as he met your gaze.
"Sorry", you apologized quickly, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you struggled to regain your composure and the bottles of whiskey in your arms. "I didn't see you there".
Jensen's irritation faded, his annoyance evaporating as he took in your apologetic expression. "It's okay", he replied more softly. "No harm done".
A/N: I wanted to give you a little preview. I don't know exactly when it will continue. If you want to be tagged, please let me know <3 It's going to be a damn long story, that's for sure, lol.
Please let me know what you think.🥰
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oetscop · 17 days
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impressive how "family" is still able to make you feel like a stupid little kid every time you open your mouth even when youre literally 25
155 notes · View notes
sunarc · 7 months
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Shop owner Choso who fucks you in the back office of the store when noone is around. You look so pretty falling apart when he sinks his cock into you.
“This what you wanted huh” he’s breathlessly panting the words into your ear while he fucks you like he’s derranged. 
His cock slips so easily into you. He has you sitting on his desk, legs spread while he shoves his cock into your core. He’s so desperate to have you he can’t even fully take his clothes off. His pants form a puddle around his ankles while his hand keeps your panties pushed to the side for easier access to what he has claimed as his own. 
“F-fuck you feel so good” Choso’s voice trembled.
He wanted to keep quiet fearing that any customer could hear the loud moans and whimpers mixed with the wet sounds of your cunt sucking him in. 
“Keep your eyes on the door,” he groaned into the crook of your neck. “I wouldn’t want anyone coming in to see you creaming so pretty on my cock like this” 
His fingers dig into the fat of your thighs as he drags you closer to the edge of the desk. He’s been thinking about this all day. The moment he sees you walk into his store, his cock strains against his pants. The crappy day that he had been having seems to fade into existence. You look so pretty, hips swaying as you walk through the isle picking up your favorite candy. Your ass looks so plump and delicious as you bend over to pick up the sweet tasty treat. Choso has been through this plenty of times with you. You come in and give him a sweet teasing show and he takes you to the back and fucks you until your limping your way out the door. It's a routine, one the Choso loves. He cant seem to get enough of you, your sweet vanilla scent, the cherry flavored lip balm you always use, the way your cunt drips and makes a mess all over his desk anytime he fucks you. He gets so drunk off the thought of you.
 He lips pressed wet needy kisses onto your skin. He couldn’t handle this overwhelming feeling of needing you so bad. 
“Mmm Shit I can’t get enough of you” his whimpers filled the room. His thrust were wild as he fucked himself into you. His cock felt so thick and long filling you up. The two of you pulled each other in need of one another like a drug. 
Choso had completely forgotten about the outside world. Customers who were probably making a line at his counter waiting for him or the unlocked door that someone could easily open all seem so unimportant when he had his cock buried in your warmth. 
“ ‘s so tight baby, fuck c-can I cum inside” his voice was nothing like how it usually was. 
His once emotionless stature now completely gone leaving a needy whimpering mess of a man. You nod your head eagerly begging to be filled by him.
“Pussy feels so-fuck” he can barely think straight. 
His thrusts are wild as he recklessly plunges his cock into you. He can hear footsteps walking with purpose in the direction of the two of you but he can’t seem to stop.
“Shit shit shit shit cum with me baby please” he begs
The thought of getting caught fucking you like a feral animal doesn’t even seem to phase him anymore 
“Make a mess f- fuck make this shit messy baby”he whimpers slamming his cock into you relentlessly. 
You can’t hide the moans flowing from your mouth any longer. The two of you are loud and you know anyone waiting outside can hear the sloppy sounds of your orgasm. Choso’s forehead rests on your panting heavily as he comes down. He pulls out leaving you gasping at the sudden emptiness. His cum spills out like a waterfall. A knock at the door takes you out of your trance. The two of you turn to see a man with long dark hair smirking leaning against the door frame 
“Can I have a turn?”
4K notes · View notes
fayes-fics · 1 year
Second Son
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: The second son is, for once, the first choice...
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Warnings: none really... mild angst, family dynamics, love at first sight.
Word Count: 2.9k
Authors Note: Request fill for anon here, about Benedict being the second choice for everything.... until his love turns up. Thanks for this request; I hope this is angsty enough for you anon. Im not sure about it tbh. Sorry that it's taken more than three months to get to it on my WIP list. Unbetaed. Enjoy <3
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Benedict Bridgerton was born into privilege and can have few complaints. Except perhaps that he is always second. The spare. The just-in-case option. Being a familial insurance policy lends one more freedom than the burden of being the titled first son, perhaps, but it also feels like your whole existence, in some respects, can seem like a contingency plan.
His stomach swoops with excitement as the arrow pierces the target dead on the bullseye. And on his first ever archery lesson, just after his twelfth birthday.
He turns around to see if anyone is there to witness his triumph, but it goes unmarked. All his young siblings gathered around Anthony, patting him on the back for his achievements in doing the same moments before. Being a good shot is an essential skill for the next Viscount indeed. The fact that he has been receiving instruction for months already and this is Benedict’s first lesson hurts a little.
But he doesn't bother to bring attention to his arguably more impressive feat. It seems pointless now. Wordlessly he shrugs and walks towards the target, plucking out his arrow and starting again. Perhaps next time, they will notice.
“Is that the new Viscount Bridgerton?” Benedict hears a young girl murmur as he sweeps into the first societal event of the season, the spring following his father's death. 
“Oh no, my dear, sadly not; I believe that is one of the brothers,” her mother replies, acting as if he has no sense of hearing, even trying to ignore it as he is, surveying the crowd.
“Such a shame,” the young girl huffs, “he is so very handsome.”
“Yes, dear, but sadly not titled. We can do better,” her mother chides, moving them along out of earshot.
He will never get over how cutthroat the Ton can be, a part of his tender seventeen-year-old heart sinking. Not that he had a potential interest in that girl, more the principle that he will somehow be rendered as an also-ran, at best a consolation prize, for the rest of his life.
What is most galling, perhaps, is that, when his mother needs their presence the most on a night like tonight, the new VIscount is nowhere to be seen. Has not even bothered to show his face, running off to some spurious gambling den and brothel, spending the night indulging himself rather than facing society. 
So here Benedict is, stepping up to play the dutiful son that his elder brother should be. Being the support their mother so desperately needs at her first event as a widow, her arm looped heavily through his, her whole bodyweight seeming to use him as her literal pillar of support. As he escorts her around the room, he is filled with admiration at her brave face. He can see the overwhelming sadness in her eyes every time the word dowager is invoked, and his heart cracks a little at the loneliness he can feel emanating from his mother’s very soul. 
“Tis a shame the Viscount did not deign the first event of the season worthy of his patronage,” she states pointedly as she sips champagne.
“I am sure he has very good reasons for his absence,” Benedict replies soothingly, covering for his errant brother, attempting to shield their mother from the truth of his philandering ways. Benedict knows it is Anthony’s way of dealing with the responsibility of the title of Viscount being thrust upon him so young. But sometimes, just sometimes, Benedict wishes he could escape his grief in such a manner, Anthony taking his turn attending a stuffy ball and playing guardian to a grieving woman. Their burdens may be different, but the wish to escape them is often not, Benedict realises.
She catches his eye at a garden party at Aubrey Hall. She is a pretty young lady, maybe eighteen to his twenty-three, with bright eyes and a sweet, happy face. She makes his palms slightly sweaty. He watches her from a distance, uncertain how to approach or what to say, feeling a little tongue-tied, even. 
Just then, Anthony materialises at his shoulder.
“Who is that pretty young thing?” Anthony asks, tracing Benedict’s line of sight.
“Miss Bradstreet,” he replies, watching as she turns to face the sun, closing her eyes, basking in its warmth. The light captures her cheekbones perfectly, and he itches to have his sketchbook and capture her likeness. He would very much like to get to know her better.
“Let's go provide a warm welcome,” Anthony smirks, clapping a hand on Benedict’s shoulder and practically dragging him across the lawn.
Benedict reluctantly follows, a flutter of excitement as her eyes land upon them as they approach. 
“Miss Bradstreet,” Anthony swaggers. “Viscount Bridgerton at your service; I am so very pleased to be your host today,” he bows.
Benedict's stomach plunges as he watches her practically melt into the lawn right there, virtually swooning at Anthony’s feet.
“Oh, and this is my brother, Benedict,” Anthony adds, almost as an afterthought. 
She flicks her head to the side briefly to politely acknowledge Benedict before returning to Anthony. All of her undivided adoring attention on him as he regales the story of his latest hunting triumphs upon her insistence. Benedict heaves a sigh and watches as yet another young lady he likes chooses his brother over him. He is almost used to it now, but it doesn't stop the sting every time.
Your world grinds to a halt as you see him. He is descending the stairs with what you assume is the rest of his family. He is very much in the middle of a tight circle, walking behind what appears to be his mother and perhaps older brother. Quite the most beautiful man you have ever seen, your heart pounding in your ears, your throat suddenly dry despite the lemonade in your hand. You assume they must be the hosts, seeing as they are the very last to enter the ballroom here at Bridgerton House, and there is no announcement of their name.
“Who is that?” you whisper, leaning towards your elder sister. She has been out among society for a year and knows the Ton better than you.
“That is the Bridgerton family, of course,” she replies. “Illustrious in the extreme. Our hosts for this evening. The Viscount there is the most eligible bachelor of every season… and every season, he has resisted a match. So I wouldn't bother if I were you,” she sniffs.
“Which is the Viscount?” you check, your eyes unable to leave the beautiful man with a cravat tied in the most unconventional fashion.
“The one with his arm looped with their mother, the dowager Viscountess, naturally,” your sister rolls her eyes as if patently obvious.
“And what of the others?” you inquire keenly, realising the man you admire cannot be the one your sister is referring to. “Do you know their names?”
“I do not,” she admits, “such things are not really important when one is looking for a titled husband,” she points out airily. 
You nod, knowing the responsibility your sister must carry as firstborn to find a suitable match that can provide for your widowed mother and, indeed, perhaps yourself and your younger sister should neither of you be able to find a husband. You don’t envy her position one little bit. 
You are, however, desperate to get closer to the most beautiful man you have ever seen. And so you spend your evening working towards them, in as polite of a fashion as you can, your stomach in knots of excitement to know him.
“Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton, it is an honour and a pleasure to meet you,” you curtsy, heart pounding as he now stands a few feet away, unable to look at him so close by.
“Hello, my dear and you are?” she asks politely.
“Miss y/n y/l/n, it is my very first season; I am so honoured to be here,” you explain. “I must provide the apologies of my mother, Mrs y/l/n, who could not attend tonight due to a cold, but she is so very thankful for the invitation.”
“Oh, of course,” the viscountess smiles. “I am so sorry to hear of her illness; please pass on my best regards… Anthony!” she turns to her side to grab the attention of a man. The viscount’s head whips around from where he is in discussion with another. “Come meet Miss y/l/n,” she needles pointedly. “Miss y/l/n, this is the Viscount Anthony Brdgerton, and he is so pleased not only to make your acquaintance but also for your presence here tonight,” she welcomes on his behalf, and you do not miss the subtle nudge in the ribs she gives him.
Then his regard is drawn to you. He is handsome certainly, and you appreciate his polite but absent-minded greeting. His attentions are obviously elsewhere, but then you cannot fault him as yours are the same. Your gaze strays over his shoulder to the man who first captures your attention. And your breath is stolen by how his hazy blue eyes stare intently at you.
Benedict is twenty-six years old when he is struck by lightning. Not literally. But that is the sensation that runs through his body when he first lays eyes on you—politely introducing yourself to his mother and thanking her for your invitation to this ball. 
He thought he knew what attraction was until this point. He thought he knew the depths to which one could fall in love in an instant. He was an utter fool. He looks at you, and at once, everything is so quiet and loud all at once. He is desperate to know you in a way he has never felt. To grab your hand, take you somewhere, and ask you a million questions to get to know your soul. He also wants to kiss you so much that his lips tingle. And inside, his lungs want to scream as his mother does the natural thing and introduces the beautiful, polite young lady to her most eligible son… Anthony. 
Then his heart jolts as your eyes stray from Anthony and meets his, your pupils dilating in a way that makes his lungs too small to inhale air. It is the first and only time a young woman has had Anthony’s full attention and has looked away from it. And to him, no less. The tidal flood of chemicals in his system makes it feel like he is vibrating in his very shoes.
You try your best to be polite and look at Anthony as he speaks, but your sight is drawn to this other man like a moth to a flame. From appearance, the second son, as you are the second daughter. A flare of understanding and sympathy in your chest as to how that is. You want to grab his hand and run away with him.
“My lord,” you find your voice and snap your eyes back to the Viscount, “would you do me the honour of introducing me to the rest of your wonderful family?” your ask, almost timid.
He looks temporarily taken aback, as if mystified why anyone in the Ton would care about the status of anyone beyond his mother and himself. You smile at him expectantly and do not miss, from the corner of your eye, how the beautiful man’s face is awash with surprise at your request.
“Oh, most certainly,” Anthony seems to snap out of his temporary stupor and turns to introduce his siblings in attendance. A tall, baby-faced young man stands to attention as Anthony moves from left to right. “This is Colin; he has just returned from his travels in Greece,” you nod and smile politely, knowing nothing of the subject. “And this is my sister, Eloise; it is her first season, and she is not in the slightest bit happy about that,” he adds dryly, and you can't help but giggle and feel a kinship with the spirited young lady who returns your wry smile. “My eldest sister, the Duchess of Hastings, who is visiting us,”
You curtsy and bow your head. “It is an honour, your Grace,” you add, and she smiles sweetly at you, her arm looped in her mother's.
“Obviously, you have met my mother,” he continues, and suddenly he is the last in the line. You feel your palms clench, sweaty in anticipation of learning his name “... and this is my brother, Benedict; he hopes to be an artist.”
You are finally brave enough to meet his eyes again. He is so achingly beautiful that the rest of his family, indeed the whole ballroom, melt away from your view—he is all you can see.
“Oh, I adore art,” you stutter, mesmerised, offering your hand to him, the first and only person in the family you do so to. Unseen by you, your gaze only on one man, Anthony’s mouth drops open in surprise.
Nothing can prepare you for when Benedict’s gloved hand gently touches yours, him bowing to kiss the back of your hand. You catch a woody citrus scent that makes your mouth water as he does so. And then you feel the warmth of his lips through your glove, and you are utterly undone.
“Miss y/l/n,” he rumbles quietly, the sound making your insides melt even more; it's deep and resonant and makes every inch of your body tingle.
“Please call me y/n,” you murmur, moving closer, knowing how scandalous that might be, but seemingly unable to stop yourself. He has a hypnotic hold over you that you don't want to fight.
“Only if you shall call me Benedict,” he breathes, and it takes Anthony clearing his throat to make you spring apart, suddenly remembering where you are.
His lips touch the silk of your glove, and he is gone. 
Already planning a future, his mind supplying images of you at his cottage out in the country, the lady of the house. Tending to the herb garden, reading happily curled up in front of the fire in the drawing room, fearlessly plucking a bow as you stand in front of joint archery targets gently teasing him for losing to a girl, and finally, the image that truly knocks the wind out of him, you naked under him, desperately moaning his name as you move together, entwined in ecstasy.
He hears your sharp inhale, and his heart skips at the idea you feel it too. That you are the first woman ever that sees him and not Anthony. Really sees him. Not as the second son. Not as a consolation prize. 
And when your body seems to sway towards him, he is already mentally asking his mother for a betrothal ring from her grandmother, which she said she is keeping just for him.
“Benedict,” his name feels wonderful in your mouth, like a gift from the heavens. “Please, may we take a turn around the gardens?” you implore, the boldest you have ever been in your whole life. 
“It would be my very greatest pleasure,” he responds.
And you know with absolute certainty you have met your husband, the father of your children, your very future. 
“It is not as if this is my show….” he sighs.
“You should not do that, darling,” you say affectionately, ruffling his hair as you move to fix his cravat; it definitely needs to be more jaunty, in your opinion.
“Do what?” he breathes, his wedding ring catching the light as he places his hands gently over yours and stills your motions.
“Think of yourself as second,” you argue, running your hand over his cheek. “This gallery opening may feature others' work too, but you are the star of the exhibit,” you reassure, tilting his forehead down so it rests upon yours.
There it is again. That look that always floors you. Even now, a year later. Like you are the most wondrous creature, and he can scarcely believe you are his.
“Never forget, you will always be first to me,” you utter fiercely, watching his eyes soften with devotion. “And not just me….” you guide his sizeable warm hand onto the swell of your belly, “to us. We love you so much, Benedict,” your tone is ardent, wanting him to believe he deserves this recognition, that he should believe in himself the way that you do.
“I love you, too,” he responds quietly, reverentially. “So very much. Both of you are my whole world,” his voice choked with emotion, and you throw your arms around him and squeeze hard, wanting to telegraph just how much he is the very centre of your universe.
An hour later, you clutch your hands over your chest as you watch him being brought onto the raised stage and introduced to the crowd as they applaud him and his work rapturously, awaiting to hear him talk of his art. As he does so, you stroke your belly unseen under your cloak, beaming with pride for your wonderful husband.
He sees your face in the crowd, and as ever, it calms him, especially at this landmark moment. So as he finishes the speech that he has rehearsed for days now, he decides to do something perhaps unconventional but something he seems unable to resist.
“Lastly, before I allow you back to your champagne,” he jests, finally at ease with the attention and recognition. “I want to thank my life’s inspiration, the very reason I stand before you today. My wonderful wife. Thank you, my love, for being the light of my life; for always making this second son your first choice. You will always, always be my first choice. I love you.” 
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23 @last-sheep
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cowboylor · 2 months
gold-skinned eager baby
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— the only thing that can bring charles down to earth after a race. charles leclerc x fem!reader (18+) oral (f. receiving), soft dom charles, (1) spank.
your sundress is hiked up to your waist before he sinks to his knees.
charles fists the floral pattern in his hand, snaking the other to hastily rub his fingers against you—quickly, without keeping rhythm in mind, anything to keep you whimpering into his neck.
“charles,” you’re saying between his rough kisses. “baby—”
you can't finish any thought when he gets like this. so stoic and eager to have his way with you that you can't help but abandon all words and let him spread your legs however he pleases.
when he finally trails past your navel and he's peering up at you from his knees, you're dry-mouthed and not sure where to put your hands.
“let me taste you,” he orders gruffly, using both hands to keep your dress above your panty line. your head falls back when you feel his breath waft over your clothed core. pressing his mouth against you, he murmurs, “open up for me, mon amour.”
you’re suppressing your moan through bitten lips, resisting the urge to press yourself deeper onto his face but trying to remain considerate.
“you—” you feel your eyelids involuntarily flutter when his nose nudges against your clit. “you don’t have to.”
your body shudders when you feel him chuckle against you, before moving to look you in the eye. you swallow roughly, staring back at his dark eyes that seem more blown out than usual.
“this,” his fingertips hook around the band of your underwear. “is for me.”
it becomes clear. pleasing you is always something charles has been able to control. something that he takes pride in—hearing the noise you make whenever he takes you over the edge is something he'll remember even after he forgets his own name. it's a constant. it can't be taken away by a bad qualifying session. and when would you ever deny him?
he’s quick with it; his calloused hands running up your thighs before gripping them tightly, pulling you against his mouth again. he presses a wet kiss against your swollen bud, murmuring incoherent praises into you until you’re whining and pulling his hair with nowhere to go but the wall behind you.
“charles,” you gasp his name like a prayer. “please.”
he hitches your leg over his shoulder, his mouth continuing to work against your cunt—drawing sloppy, figure eights with the tip of his tongue and glancing up at you for stolen looks at your fucked-out expression.
“right there,” you muse through bitten lips. “you’re good—you’re so good.”
your praise is met with a swift slap to the side of your thigh.
his muffled agreement against your cunt makes you stifle a smile and you have to resist the urge to tell him how good he is again. how good he is at everything he does and especially, how good he is at making you fall apart on his tongue.
“fucking—” he growls between sloppy, open-mouthed kisses. “—soaking.”
you’re mewling, arching against the wall and as he holds your thighs apart. you just about melt when he peers up at you again, eyebrows knitted in frustration from everything else and desire for you. your mouth runs dry. his face is smothered against you before you could remind him how much you love him.
“come for me,” he groans into you—the vibration sending shocks down your spine. “come all over my mouth.”
there are not enough oh god's left in you by the time the heat in your lower stomach coils and you're tugging on his hair harshly. when his nose presses harshly into your clit as he lapping at your core, your thighs begin to shake.
when he pulls your sundress back down, he’s turning you around just as quickly. pressing you against the wall from behind, you gasp as he moves to press himself into you.
“you can take more, can’t you, cherie?” he’s muttering on the cusp of your ear. your eyes roll back because yes, yes—you would take everything he gave you in this moment. “be a good girl and take more for me, yes?”
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cloudzoro · 4 months
Kink Discovery | haikyuu ♡
individual reaction/headcanon scenarios on kink discovery with haikyuu characters!
reaction/headcanon requests for jjk, one piece, haikyuu, fmab & death note (male & female characters) are OPEN!
jjk vers | op vers | masterlist
genre: smut (minors dni)
characters included: aran, atsumu, daichi, mattsun, tsukki, ukai, bokuto, tendo
cw: drunk sex (atsumu), public sex, facefucking, deepthroating, dom!tendou, biting, spitting, marking, jealousy, ukai is kind of a meanie, fem!reader
Aran Ojiro - lingerie
When you wake up on your birthday, Aran has already left for work. There's a small gift bag sitting on the dresser, stuffed with tissue paper. Beneath all the tissue paper sits a cute lacy lingerie set and a note.
Happy birthday, baby. I'm only working a half shift today. Be ready when I get back.
- your loving husband
You spend the rest of the morning getting ready, excited for what the second half of your birthday will bring you. The lingerie set fits perfectly; Aran has been adamant about knowing your size in everything when you first started dating. You feel sexy in it, and knowing that your husband wants to see you in it, you take some mirror selfies. You put effort into finding the sexiest poses and position yourself so your husband can see multiple angles. You sort through your favourites and send them to him with a message asking when he'll be home. He responds immediately, telling you to sit pretty and wait for him to be home soon.
It doesn't take long for Aran to get home. As soon as you hear the door click shut behind him, you exit the bedroom and meet him face-to-face. He takes a second to look you up and down.
“The pictures don't do you justice,” he says, pulling you into a kiss and patting your thigh. You jump at his signal, wrapping your legs around him, and your big, strong husband carries you back to your bedroom. Initially, Aran bought the lingerie because he knows it makes you feel sexy. He always thinks you look beautiful in it, but he never went as crazy over it as he feels now. He drops you down to the mattress and removes his shirt.
“Happy birthday, sweet girl,” he says, leaning down to kiss you again. He kisses around the edge of the lace on your chest and down to the waistband of your panties. He showers you in compliments, letting you know how much of a goddess you are to him and how he worships the ground you walk on. He pulls your panties to the side instead of sliding them down your leg. “I'm not ready to take these off yet”, he says before diving in and flicking his tongue against your clit.
Atsumu Miya - public
Atsumu backs you against the door of the club bathroom, refusing to part from your lips as he reaches for the lock. He told you before you even left the house, there's no way he'd ever be able to behave himself around you in that dress. One of his hands wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to his body, and the other slips underneath the skirt of your dress.
“You look so good”, he growls. He moves his kisses down to your neck. You're so worked up by the combination of alcohol and lust in your system. His hand dips into your underwear and he groans against your skin when he feels how wet you are. He kisses your lips again and walks you over to the sink. He turns you around to face the mirror, and you stumble forward slightly, angled over the sink. Atsumu pushes you further over the sink. “Love seeing you like this.”
He's quick and desperate when he pulls your underwear down your legs. He waits for you to kick them away so he can pick them up and tuck them into his jeans pocket. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls his cock free, lining it up with your pussy. When he pushes into you, Atsumu moans louder than expected; the walls of your pussy always seem to unravel him.
“Quiet tsumu, someone might hear us” Your plea, however, only makes Atsumu louder as he pictures one of his friends walking in on the two of you.
“And what if they did, huh? What if someone walked in to see me fucking this pretty pussy? I'd keep going, let ‘em watch. Would you like that?” You hear him growl under his breath when you nod in response.
You look up at his face in the mirror's reflection and see a grin plastered on his. He lifts one of your legs, using the counter to support it, and pulls the rest of your body upright. You turn your head to look at him properly, and he immediately kisses your lips, pushing his tongue into your mouth. His hips pick up speed, and he gets rougher with you, desperate to make you cum. When you start whining that you're close, Atsumu moves his hand that was holding your leg to play with your clit, getting you closer and closer to cumming.
“scream for me, baby, let everyone out there know I'm fucking you good.”
Daichi Sawamura - facefucking
Daichi returns home from work, and within seconds, you're standing in the entryway, waiting to throw yourself into his arms. It's late in the evening, but you don't mind; all you want is to see your husband. After he takes his jacket off and hangs it up, he looks you in the eye and steps towards you. He reaches out, and you waste no time pulling him into a kiss. His arms wrap around you, squeezing you as tight to him as you can get.
“I missed you today. Sorry I'm home so late”, he sighs after pulling away, touching his forehead against yours. You cup his face and push him back slightly to see his face properly. Daichi stares at you with tired eyes, struggling to focus on you.
“I missed you too. How about we get you to bed so we can spend the day together tomorrow?” you say, running a hand through his hair. He shakes his head in protest, leaning back in to kiss you. You smile into the kiss. You drag him into the living room and tell him to sit on the sofa. He groans as you drop to your knees in front of him. He reaches down to unbutton his trousers, and you swat his hands away.
“let me take care of you,” you say, doing it for him.
“You're so good to me, baby”, he groans as you lick up his cock. You take his cock into your mouth, and he loudly moans. He's too tired to keep his composure, so his hips buck up into your mouth. You try to push your mouth as far down as it will go. “don't take all of me if you can't do it, baby; this already feels insane”, he says. You ignore his words and relax your throat. His tip hits the back of your throat, and you gag slightly. The strangled noise Daichi makes is unlike anything you've heard from him before. He pulls you off his cock, panting loudly.
“Is everything OK?” you ask, voice tired and raspy. Your husband smiles at you, nodding his head.
“Perfect baby, I just - let me fuck your face,” he says. “Please”, he adds. You nod, opening your mouth for him. His hand grabs the back of your hair, holding you in place and thrusting his hips up into your mouth. The tight feeling of your throat has him cumming the quickest he ever has. You swallow everything he gives you, and he watches you in awe. He tucks himself back into his trousers and pulls up onto his lap.
“Was that good?” you ask, and he laughs at the ridiculousness of your question.
“I'm barely even functioning right now. You were perfect. Give me a few minutes to recuperate, and we can go to bed.”
Issei Matsukawa - marking
Mattsun wishes he could control his jealousy problem. He knows you would never cheat, but seeing you laughing away with his friends leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He knows it shouldn't bother him, but when you give Makki a goodbye hug and wish him happy birthday, it makes his skin crawl.
When he finally gets you home, he immediately pulls you to the bedroom, growling under your breath about how he's so much better than stupid Makki. You roll your eyes at his muttering, but you're not going to complain when he's channelling his jealousy into fucking you.
It doesn't take long before you're on your back, legs wrapped around Mattsuns waist as his cock stretches you. You claw at his back as he buries his face in your neck, fucking you slow and deep.
“You're mine. I'm gonna mark you up, maybe then my friends will remember you're taken” Your neck muffles his voice, but the raspy tone of his voice still makes you whimper. He attaches his lips to your neck, teeth grazing the skin and sucks a pretty mark into your neck. When he's finished, he leans back to look at the mark. He's overcome with the urge to add more, so he does. He continues slowly rocking his hips and sectioning his mouth over any patch of skin he can get to.
When he's finally done, your neck and shoulders are covered in very obvious red and purple marks. Feeling satisfied and accomplished, he picks up his pace. His large hands grip the back of your thighs and push your legs up to your chest. He fucks your harder, eyes flickering from your marked up chest to your blissed out face.
“You're so fucking pretty”
Kei Tsukishima - Spitting
The two of you are at a house party. Tsukki stands in the kitchen chatting to Kyotani, and you cling to his side. He looks good, and you can't help teasing him. He tries not to give in because he's in public, but when you wait for Kyotani to get another drink and lean up to whine in his ear, his patience wanes. He grabs your hand and drags you into the nearest bedroom.
“You're so needy,” Says Tsukki, pushing his hands into your panties. “You seriously couldn't wait until we went home?.” His words may sound harsh, but there's a smile on his face as he kisses you. The feeling of his tongue in your mouth has your mind going hazy. You don't even register your words until they leave your mouth.
“spit on me”, you whine, opening your mouth for him. He pauses to think it over, it's the first time you've ever requested him to spit on you. He obliges, spit landing on your tongue, then reconnects your lips. He pushes his fingers inside you as his kisses get messier. He has you pressed against his friend's bedroom wall, fingering you and you cling to him.
“if you're good and cum for me now, I'll take you home and fuck you properly.” he growls moving his kisses to your neck. “I'll be as nasty as you want me to be. I'll spit on that pretty pussy before I eat it. I'll make a real mess of you” He's usually mouthy during sex but he's never dirty talked like this before. You're both desperate and he grinds against your leg as he works you to your orgasm.
You cum almost immediately, legs shaking as he holds you upright. He kisses you, sucking on your tongue as he lets you ride out your orgasm. He sucks his fingers into his mouth and walks out of the party, not even bothering to say goodbye to the host. He has something much more appealing in his mind.
Keishin Ukai - begging
Keishin leans back against the sofa, staring at you with a smug grin on his face as you ride his cock. In the heat of an argument, you had told him you didn't need him to get off, that you could do all the work yourself. After talking through your petty argument, he found the comment lingering in his head so he decided to prove you wrong. He kissed all over your pretty skin, spoke soft words and got you all worked up, only to sit back and tell you that if you want to cum then you have to do it yourself or take back what you said. You, ever the stubborn type, accepted his terms and took the reins for once. His cock feels so good, reaching all the deepest spots inside you.
“feels so good” Your voice comes out as an airy whine, and your boyfriend tries his best to keep his composure as you clench around him. Your hand presses into his bare shoulders to use as leverage to keep your hips moving. After a few minutes, the muscles in your thighs start to burn, and you slow down, choosing to grind down on him instead of bounce. Keishin notices what you're doing and laughs, trying his best not to show you how affected he is.
“I thought you could do it all yourself. What's wrong, baby?” he asks condescendingly. Your thighs shake slightly as you will yourself to keep moving. “If you want me to take over, all you have to do is tell me how much you need me”, He says in a smug sing-song voice. You groan, you don't want to admit defeat, but if your boyfriend doesn't put you on your back and fuck your brains out, then you might combust.
“Please, Keishin”, you beg, “I need you so bad. Want you to pin me down and fuck me” He's never heard you beg before, but the way your voice trembles when like you're so desperate for him you're going to cry flips a switch inside him, and he happily turns you so you're laying with your back against the sofa cushions.
“Don't you worry, baby I got you.”
Kotaro Bokuto - size kink
Your boyfriend's size was always a major turn-on for you, but he never gave your size difference much thought until now. Bokuto has you in his arms, fucking you against the wall.
“You take me so well, pussy was made for me”, He moans in your ear. You hold on to him the best you can as he stretches you out. The way your pussy is clenching around him has him seeing stars.
“You're so big, Kou”, you whine, and he almost cums on the spot. He's used to compliments about the size of his muscles, but the way you cry out about the size of his cock and struggle to take him full ignites a different kind of fire within him.
“You can take me; you always do”, he growls. He's always sensitive, your tight pussy brings him to the edge fast, but he tries to hold off as he makes you cum with him. His grip tightens around you as he puts you on the bed. He leans over you fucking you harder. He dwarfs you in size, which is made clearer by the way you're hidden in his shadow. If someone were to walk in, they might not even see you. His size makes him feel like he can protect you no matter what and fuels his pride. His words are slurred and garbled together as his hips rut wildly into you. You're both close, and it doesn't take long for you to cum. Bokuto follows soon after, unable to withstand the way your pussy pulses around his huge cock, and he fills you up with cum.
“Fuck”, you groan, dragging out the vowel. “Sometimes it scares me how much you stretch me out. You're too big,” you whine, clenching around him again. He hasn't moved from inside you, opting instead to squish you slightly. You don't miss the way his cock twitches when he compliments your size. “round two?” you ask, pulling his head up so he can look you in the eyes.
“I thought you said I was too big?” he asks playfully. He lifts himself back up to his forearms and pulls you into a sweet kiss, rocking his hips into you again.
Satori Tendou - biting
Tendou has always been a bit wild in the bedroom, and he's never afraid to bring things up with you, so when he asks mid-stroke if he can sink his sharp teeth into your skin, you don't hesitate to say yes.
He has you positioned face down, ass up. Your face is squished against the sheets as Tendou holds you down by your hair. He fucks you slow and hard to begin with, building you up to an orgasm, then holding still and tearing it away from you. You can feel his breath on your shoulder blade; he occasionally presses sloppy kisses there or lets his teeth scrape against your skin, but he has yet actually to bite down. You know it's coming, and the anticipation is making you restless that, combined with the frustration of a denied orgasm, almost has you in tears.
“‘Tori” you whine, and he softly shushes you.
“It's ok, angel. I'll make you come soon I promise” he coos, pressing another kiss to your back. His hips speed up and you feel the coil tighten in your stomach. He pays close attention to your reactions and just when you get lost in the feeling of your impending orgasm he leans down and bites the skin of your shoulder blade. The sudden sting makes heat fill your body as you cum. Your legs shake and your boyfriend's skilled hands rub soothe your tired muscles. The feeling of sinking his teeth into you is ingrained in his brain and he admires the mark on your back as you catch your breath.
“That was incredible” you breathe out, cutting yourself off with a moan when Tendou runs his tongue over the teeth marks in your skin.
“You're incredible” He smiles before kissing your shoulder again.
thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
comments and reblogs are massively appreciated ♡
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avival · 4 months
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Older neighbor!Leon, who has no social skills, but occasionally watches you making apple pies.
Older neighbor!Leon, who wants to try your pies, but you don't know each other yet.
Older neighbor!Leon who, despite not knowing you really well, always responds to your "Good morning" or "Have a great day". Leon doesn't know yet—, but you find him very attractive.
Older neighbor!Leon, that ends up protecting you when a random guy comes to bother you. You think he is very intense. Husky deep pretty voice.
Older neighbor!Leon who, after checking that you are ok, asks your name and then introduces himself. Now you are friends.
Older neighbor!Leon, who likes to watch you at night, doesn't do anything, he just likes to look at you through the big windows of your house. You know that, somehow, you like it when he looks at you.
Older neighbor!Leon who peeks at you through the window and gets embarrassed. He saw you walking around the house, naked.
Older neighbor!Leon who is willing to give you all the attention at night. And he ends up watching you masturbate.
Older neighbor!Leon who doesn't take his eyes off you while you play with your nipples and pussy. Your fingers disappear between your legs and all Leon can do is watch you.
Older neighbor!Leon who thinks it's wrong to jerk off thinking about the neighbor who is a few years younger than him. But he wants you.
Older neighbor!Leon, who spends a few days without watching you. He feels guilty, ignores the bulge on his jeans when he remembers your soaking wet pussy.
Older neighbor!Leon, who still avoids you, but one summer Friday he is invited by you to eat pie at your house.
Older neighbor!Leon, who accepted your invitation, flushed. You look so pretty in clothes you wear, a skirt so short that Leon can see your ass cheeks.
Older neighbor!Leon who, when he finishes eating a slice of pie, chokes when hears you saying "Do you want to fuck me, Mr. Kennedy?"
Older neighbor!Leon who at first seems hesitant. But now he's eating your pussy with his mouth, sucking your clit, fucking your cunt with his tongue and sucking you so good. You’re practically dripping into his mouth, moaning, your face grinding against his cock.
Older neighbor!Leon who says "Open these legs and spread those pretty pussy lips. Wanna see that juicy ass bouncing while I suck you, doll" you obey, your nipples are sore, Leon fucks you so well.
Older neighbor!Leon who also says "You're a whore, showing yourself to me without any clothes, you wanted my cock that much, hm? The pie was delicious, but not as much you, pretty."
Older neighbor!Leon who spanks your pussy and fucks you so good. You imagined his dick was thick, but not that much, fuck— You feel your pussy being sore, the tip of his dick reaching your core, you love Leon's big dick, you love your older neighbor's huge thick cock. Looking now, he is monstrously bigger than you, his hands cover your entire waist.
Older neighbor!Leon who just wants to fill you with his cum. He commands your body and sinks you against the couch, spanks and squeezes your ass, says "You're so wet'nd warm... I'm going to cum on you and you're going to keep it all inside that slutty cunt."
Older neighbor!Leon who spits in your mouth while he fucks you and you kiss him. He pulls your hair, plays with your nipples and feels you squeezing his dick. You come and he does the same afterwards.
Older neighbor!Leon who after fucking you, worries about you, offers you affection. Leon enjoys your company, thinks you're cute, you melting in his lap and him caressing your skin. “I hope you come for pie more often,” you say.
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tacticalprincess · 2 months
a/n i need him in ways that wouldve gotten me lobotomized in the 50s…
himbo!könig wanted your first time together to be special. after all the months of work he put in getting you to take him seriously, all of his dumb attempts at courting you, he wasn’t going to fumble his chances with you now.
he’s usually pretty confident in himself, almost to the point of delusion, but something about you makes him so nervous, and he can’t wrap his head around someone like you genuinely being interested in a goofy guy like him :( that’s why he misses all of the opportunities you give him to fuck you, always taking your hints and attempts at seducing him the wrong way…
“it’s so hot in here, köni.” “are you getting sick, liebchen? should i turn the air on?” “no, i think i’m wearing too many clothes…” “…you don’t look overdressed to me.”
at some point you start to question if he actually does want you in that way. but the way even the slightest touch from you has him popping boners is enough to shake you out of those doubts. everything about you seems to turn him on. he’s convinced you were plucked straight from his wettest dreams, and he can’t stand to be in close proximity to you for too long without being affected. but he thinks he hides it well enough— always covering the proof of his arousal with a subtle pillow over his lap whenever you’re around.
of course he wants to make the move, but he wants to do it properly. it happens the night he takes you to a small town carnival. he planned on kissing you on top of the ferris wheel, but he unfortunately surpassed the weight limit. instead he holds your hand on the rollercoasters and you feed each other fair food. he insists on stopping at every game until he’s won you too many stuffed animals for you to carry and eventually you’re forced to leave.
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he’s shaking in his boots by the time you get back to his place, tripping over the mess on his floor and stumbling over his words. sensing his hesitancy, you’re the one to lead him to his room, your hand wrapped around his large finger.
“are you sure, maus? we don’t have to, i have DVDs–”
“shut up and fuck me, köni.” you huff, already fully naked and exposed on his bed. “please.”
he plans to take it slow, he really does. getting the chance to please you, to be let inside your hot body for the first time, is a privilege he doesn’t take lightly. he wants you both to savor it, he has to make it good for you :(
instead, he absolutely loses himself the moment his fat, pulsing cock sinks into your gummy cunt. he goes full caveman, your headboard slamming against the wall with the force of his thrusts for all your poor neighbors to hear :( all thoughts leave him when he’s sheathed inside of you except for how perfect your sopping pussy feels around him, borderline animalistic as he uses your smaller body as a fleshlight. the sounds of his heavy balls smacking against your ass accompanied by your pretty whines and moans only spur him on.
he fucks you in missionary so it’s more intimate, but there’s nothing romantic about the way he’s mounting you. you thank god for making you flexible as he’s pushing your knees up to your ears, seemingly trying to push his cock deeper than your small cunny has room for, stretching your poor cunt past its limit. you swear you can feel him all the way in your stomach, mushroom tip bruising your cervix with each thrust.
you don’t even notice you’re sobbing until he does. “are you okay, liebe? does it hurt?” he asks through heavy pants. “fuck, i’m sorry. i don’t think i can stop myself, you just— you feel so fucking good. you’re so… warm… squeezing me so tight. just- just hang in there for me, ja?”
your brain can’t work for long enough to form words, rough thrusts drawing nothing but high pitched staccato “uh-uh-uh”’s from your throat. you’re drunk on the feeling of his thick cock splitting you open, the way his heavy body squishes yours, barricading you in so you’re completely engulfed by him. his hairy stomach ruts against your sensitive, puffy clitty until you’re clenching around him, your sudden orgasm draining the cum out of his tight balls. “so good. fuck, you’re so perfect. best pussy i’ve ever felt.” he fucks you through the high, mindlessly overstimulating you both until you have to physically push him off of you.
you might’ve created a monster…
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lovrspell · 3 months
Pairing: Astarion x Afab!Reader (no gender specific pronouns used, only anatomy)
Summary: Astarion can't see his own reflection as he fucks you, but he can still see yours.
Warnings: 18+. Katoptronophilia. Body worship. Fingering. Hair pulling. Sprinkled some dry humping in there. PiV. Creampie. Astarion has an oral fixation. Overstimulation. Aftercare.
Word count: 3,3k.
(Screenshot ↷ by @cheekylittlepupp, I cropped it a bit)
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Astarion has accepted the fact that he'll never truly know his own appearance. Denied the privilege to see himself through his own eyes, he must rely solely on others' description to gather an image of himself.
Something which makes him feel particularly vain is hearing your own portrayal of him. You make him feel so beautiful, basically flawless.
You would tell him that he has hypnotizing ruby eyes, you would tell him about the way his white strands curl around his pointy ears or about the sensual curve of his upper lip — and he'll love it all.
In your bedroom, there is a mirror right next to your shared bed, against the wall. He likes to watch you through it when you get ready for the day or, which he prefers most, when you get ready for the night. Your pre-bed routine is sacrosanct and he somewhat finds it relaxing, too. He has learned the smallest of your habits in depth.
On the other hand, during your most intimate moments, he likes to turn his head to admire the shapes of your body, or, when he takes you from behind and holds his hand in the locks of your hair, making you sink your head into the soft mattress, he notices how your cheek slumps against it; how you drool, how your face contorts in pleasure...
On all the times it has happened, it has always been the breaking point for him. That view is all he needs to come undone. Perhaps that's why he doesn't do it too often.
So it usually ends at a quick glance, nothing more.
He had different plans in mind tonight, it seems.
It's one of those nights where having sex was inevitable. It occurs when you feel that simply being close is not enough anymore; when you feel the compelling desire to mold into a shared existence and become one.
It's not that difficult to do something that makes the other shiver with the familiar thrill of arousal. By now you are used to it: you immerse yourselves in intimacy, in each other, ending up in a realm with no name, that is simply all yours. In moments of passion, you lose all sense of surroundings: be it on the bed, on a table, against a wall — on the floor, even. Nothing matters anymore, just the two of you.
“Come here,” he whispers against your lips, finally detaching from them after yet another intense kiss. He grabs your hips and pushes you onto his lap, his back resting against the headboard of the bed.
You follow the motion as your lips come to latch on his throat, where you plant wet kisses. Your arms reach around his back to wrap around him, bodies nestled perfectly like a lock and a key.
As you do so, you feel him doing something you absolutely adore: he lets himself go.
It's always a wonderful feeling: his muscles softening under your touch as he lets himself be touched, loved, explored; you touch him as if you are rediscovering him every single time. Moments like these remind you of how much he trusts you.
His head tilts to the side and he groans, arms snaking around your form and coming to a stop once they reach your rear, of which he grabs an handful.
He gives it a few gentle slaps, something he does to encourage you to come closer.
You oblige, scooting closer with your hips, making your sexes brush against one another above the fabric of your clothes.
His sex bumps into yours as he buckles his hips up gently one, two, three times. Enough for you to feel his cock slowly getting harder and harder under your spell.
The gentle movements earn a languid whine out of you, and you pull back from his neck only to meet his gaze.
Astarion leans in, parting his lips as his front teeth gently catch your cheek in an affectionate nibble, ensuring his canines don't intrude in it.
He adores those soft spots of yours. Perfect for his teeth to sink into.
You grin, giggling softly as you press yourself down against his hardening member; he feels the damp heat coming from your sex, even through your pants. Not surprising after your intense make out session that had been going on for at least thirty minutes.
A slow drag of your hips along his length is enough to make his nose scrunch up as he suppresses a hiss. You big tease.
His cock twitches for you.
But he's not going to let you know just how needy he is yet.
He moves his hands to your hips, bringing his lips to your ear and mumbling a gentle command: “Lie down, darling.”
You hum in understanding, but pull back from him reluctantly. The friction between your sexes had just started to feel nice.
You adjust on the mattress and as he scoots closer to you, your hands immediately reach for him again.
As he's at your side, his hands go for the hem of your trousers. His thumbs slip past the fabric so he can get ahold of your panties too, and slowly, he starts to pull them down.
Your breath is uneven already.
“Part your legs for me, yes?” he whispers, smiling wryly at you. He's awfully aware of how much these alluring commands can turn you on.
“Gods, Astarion...” you whine, biting the inside of your cheek.
He knows what that's about.
“Oh, come on. Don't be coy. You can't possibly be any wetter than what I've made you on other occasions.”
You roll your eyes, watching him as he slips those clothes past your ankles and finally, your feet.
Tossing them aside, his gaze returns to you and he gives you a knowing smile.
“Let me see it.”
You spread your thighs slowly, making space for him in between them — a space he immediately occupies. He looks down at your exposed sex, raises his eyebrow and hums.
“Could've been a lot worse.”
He takes such pride in knowing he can make you wet with so little. He'll brag about it. Tease you as if you can't make him hard as brick without even touching him.
“Oh, please. Don't start.” you reply, scowling.
“You know you love it.”
You're grateful he didn't notice the clench down there.
It is true, after all, that deep down you love it when you're left bare and exposed for him in all your glory — and sticky wetness.
Before you can muster up something to say, you feel a pair of cold fingers brush over your clit.
You gasp softly, as Astarion starts to trace delicate circular motions, swelling up that particularly sensitive spot. The pace is slow, but he puts a noticeable amount of pressure on it — enough to make your legs twitch slightly every time he touches it from a specific angle.
“How does it feel?” he purrs, persistently keeping his eyes on yours. “Feels good?”
All you can manage is a nod. Now, come on, you could've certainly saw his response coming,
“Use your voice, dear.”
You swallow, then mumble “It feels good.”
With his free hand he caresses your inner thigh, before slowly trailing it towards the hem of your shirt and pulling it up, up, up, until your breasts are left exposed.
The view is certainly pleasing to him — you could swear that you saw his ears perk up a little.
He sighs deeply, leaning down to plaster kisses all over your breasts. His lips find your nipple and he nibbles gently, sucking on it a bit. When he pulls back from it, a string of saliva still connects him with its hardened surface. You writhe in pleasure, wrapping both arms loosely around his head.
He rests the side of his face on your soft tit, his sensitive ear right where your heart sings a rhythmic armony. He listens carefully as it beats against his ear, closing his eyes. That's life flowing inside you. Your body hot and and lively and vigurous with passion is something he'll never tire to admire, feel or taste.
He can hear the noise the blood coursing through your veins makes, your heart pounding faster and harder as the pleasures builds.
In the meantime, his fingers trace your swollen clit for one last time before his fingers slide down to trace your folds expertly. When they reach the entrance to your sex, he traces a few circles around it.
“So wet,” he comments, sliding a pair of fingers inside.
They follow an agonizingly slow in-and-out rhythm. You squirm, moving your hips in the direction of his hand — it's not enough.
He feels his pants going quite tight as he works his fingers inside you, caressing your sweet spot in deep strokes.
“More,” you whine, squeezing his waist with your thighs.
He doesn't answer, but he does move his thumb to circle your clit gently.
He has to bite back a groan when your walls hug his fingers tightly and a pool of warm wetness drenches them.
You writhe underneath him and his cock responds to that unexpected motion with a twitch.
He pushes his hips down the mattress and ruts against it, since his cock is too far away from any part of your body that he could possibly hump.
He turns his head from one side to the other and as he newly nestles against your chest, adjusting comfortably.
Then he sees it.
Your reflection.
In the mirror, your arms wrapped around his head look like they're floating.
Back arched, lips parted, thighs squirming, eyes shut rightly...
You look sublime.
It's not the first time he's greeted by such view, but even so he can't refrain himself from commenting on it. You're stunning when you have any part of him inside you and you need to know that.
“Look,” he mumbles, but you don't hear him.
Lifting his head from your chest, he smoothly raises his free hand to grab your chin, turning your head toward the mirror. The abrupt motion interrupts your pleasure momentarily; his cheek presses against yours as you both face the mirror.
“Look at that,” he repeats, his fingers curling into your sweet spot deeply enough to earn a high pitched moan out of you.
Knuckles deep, his fingers now fuck you at a rather frantic pace.
“Gods, you're beautiful...” he mumbles, his eyes fixed on that image before him.
You don't even have time to process what he's saying that he's basically already grinding his hips against your inner thigh. He skillfully maintains a coordinated rhythm with his fingers even while he's pleasuring himself.
But this dance doesn't last long.
He has to be inside you.
You're about to approach the edge of an orgasm when he pulls away from you.
“Up,” he gestures with an hand, patting your thigh impatiently with the other. As you do so, taking your time, he's already unbuttoning his pants. Only when he lowers his underwear enough to let his cock spring free he does exhale a quiet sigh of relief. He pumps it a bit, glancing up at you as he does.
He's not surprised to catch you staring, lips parted to form an ‘o’ shape.
“Up, honey. On your hands and knees. And face that mirror.”
“...The mirror?” you echo, raising your brows and searching his gaze again.
“Did I stutter?” he retorts, raising his brows in a familiar fashion, playfully mocking you. “Go ahead.”
You take a few moments to process that order but you eventually oblige, placing yourself on all fours in front of said mirror.
Astarion scoots behind you, hands coming up to the small of your back to press on it, making you arch. He hears your sigh as his hardened cock presses against your ass. His lips curve in a knowing smile when one of his hands cups your rear and squeezes gently. He drags his cock along it again, grunting.
You whine, looking back at him from behind your shoulder. “Stop teasing.”
“Patient is the key,” he murmurs, leaning onto you and planting a tiny kiss on your shoulder before his chin comes to rest on it. He observes your reflection with feline attention.
“Look up.” he orders, and so you do. You meet your own eyes, feeling a certain embarrassment; you've always found it kind of creepy how, whenever you cross a reflective surface and you're in his company, he's simply not there.
“Do I have to?”
“I'm not going to let that go unseen,” his hips press into you and he uses an hand to help himself part your damp folds with the tip of his cock. “you look so pretty when I fuck you senseless.”
You grunt as your lips part in delight, eyes fluttering closed. He fills you with his whole length, slowly, and you're already at his mercy as he begins thrusting at a lazy rhythm. Astarion's lips press on your ear and he hushes you when you whine, “I've not even started yet,” he mumbles, reaching an hand up to grasp your hair so to hold your head up. Yet again, you're forced to meet your own reflection.
“That's the problem.” you answer, earning a chuckle out of him.
“Trust me, darling, if I had let my instincts win I would have been ravaging you by now. But waiting makes the experience better, doesn't it?”
Every word whispered brings sweet shivers down your spine. His lips move down the nape of your neck as he makes sure you feel every single inch of him as he pushes in and out. The pace picks up gradually and his eyes never leave the immacolate vision ahead of you.
You look in absolute bliss, lip twitching up whenever he speeds up a bit. It's impressive how you seem to forget about the rest of the world in a flash whenever he takes you.
Astarion starts to get impatient with himself. His cock is straining and all he wants is to get straight to the point and fuck you into oblivion until you're a sobbing, stuttering, trembling mess. But he insists on fighting against that urge; he always plays this ‘edging’ game with himself. It makes it all the better, somehow.
“You there?” he asks after a few seconds, given the fact that you've gotten silent and dropped the whining. He lifts off your back and straightens his own. His hand leaves your hair, trusting you to keep you head up on your own.
“Hm,” you hum in response. It seems you've gotten quite fond of the slow, gentle rhythm.
He has to fix that.
Can't have you falling asleep now, can he?
His hands find the soft curve of your hips and he gives them a strong squeeze that only lasts for a second, like a warning. It seems to stir you up a bit.
He angles his hips in a way that ensures that each movement he makes meets your deepest spot. He switches to a rapid pace so suddenly that it almost makes you lose your balance and slip your hands past the edge of the bed.
Fortunately, Astarion is there for you.
He grabs you by the hair not so gently, pulling you up. Your back arches naturally as a yelp escapes you.
He grins, letting out quick puffs of breath with every thrust. One of his hands finds your throat and his fingers curl around it, while the other rests on your ass for good measure. He tilts his head back, loosing himself in the warmth of your wet walls.
But he quickly raises his head back up towards the mirror. Your breasts, partially covered by the shirt you didn't bother to take off, bounce with every thrust. And as if that sight isn't enough to make his dick twitch inside you, he catches a glimpse of you rubbing your clit as he's fucking you.
This view somehow encourages him to give you more. So much more.
Until you can't handle it.
He uses the hand around your throat to pull you against his chest: an hoarse moan rumbles in your chest and fills the room as the movement chokes you a bit, but you don't mind.
His hand leaves your neck and find the hem of your shirt, lifting it up to expose your breasts further. His other arm snakes around your stomach and your head tilts back, resting against his shoulder.
Astarion doesn't miss the opportunity to plant kisses all over your neck, nibbling here and there and leaving a few scratches with his sharp fangs. He doesn't make too much of an effort to find the point in which your pulse pounds, pressing his parted lips on it and sucking.
When he makes sure he has left an hickey, lips find your earlobe and he bring it in between his lips, suckling it gently. “Such elegance in your every movement,” he sighs, voice low and alluring. “impressive.”
You whimper in response, and as he tilts his to the side, he catches your hand trembling in the reflection.
Your brain fogs up and you reach that moment in your ecstasy in which you go limp, letting yourself go completely. Your stomach slowly twists in a knot as your orgasm approaches.
“Let me do it for you,” he whispers, gently pushing your hand away, replacing it with his own. His fingers circle your clit in quick movements that match the pace of his thrusts, which, however, gets messier and sloppier as he approaches the sweet edge as well.
He groans as his free hand gropes you all over, squeezing and pulling on the softest spots of your body he knows by heart by now. You manage to open your eyes and see clearly for a couple of seconds and, well, you're surprised to notice that the view ahead of you does turn you on some more.
There's just... Something in the way you know that it's Astarion reducing you to such a mess and and most of all, it's to be witnessing it in real time what earns a clench of your walls around his member.
The way your sex responds to that vision can't go unnoticed when Astarion is balls deep inside it.
He smirks, biting the shell of your ear as he rams inside you, chasing both yours and his orgasm. Your moans sound breathless as your clit swells with arousal under the tips of his fingers, aching for a release. You raise an hand up to grasp his hair, desperate for something to hold onto. You tilt your head so that you can meet his lips for a messy kiss, which Astarion reciprocates.
However, he breaks away with a growl when you start panting into his mouth. He watches the climax happen on your face, then your body: you tremble, losing control over your hips that chase those fingers on your clit and his cock. Both your shaking hands find his hips and you grip them tightly, dipping your nails in his flesh.
Your clit swells and your walls clench deliciously around his member, squeezing him in.
He stares, eyes wide and basically glowing.
His pace doesn't falter, not even for a second, although he pulls his hand back from your clit in order to focus on his cock straining inside you.
He whimpers desperately, getting impatient to come, which results in sloppier thrusts. His name leaves your lips in a sobby moan; you lose balance, letting yourself sink into the mattress.
He sounds so good. You grip the sheets tightly and he leans down, lips against the nape of your neck.
“Just a little more, a little bit more... I know you can handle it,” he mumbles breathlessly, feeling his cock twitch and balls tightening.
He looks up to meet the blessed view of you, squirming and spent as you cry into the mattress, muttering phrases of ecstasy he doesn't quite catch; he finds it adorable how you kind of... Lose your ability to speak properly when you're drunk on his cock.
His hips falter and he groans, sinking his fingers into your flesh and pushing you down against him. He feels his knees abandon him for a second or two as he spills his semen inside your aching cunt. The thought of pulling out didn't even cross him, not when you clench around him so tantalizingly.
He grunts, mumbling your name a few times as the last thrusts guide him over the wave of his ecstasy.
Next, he collapses on top of you.
You lower your ass under his weight, grunting. It takes a few moments, but he eventually lazily pulls out of you, unable to contain a small, content grin at the sight of his cum spilling out of your puffy sex.
He lays on his back beside you, making the mattress bounce gently with his weight as he settles. You turn your head to him, propping yourself up on your elbows.
He's following your every movement with his eyes.
“Are you alright?” he asks quietly, hand raising to caress your face.
You snuggle against the cool palm of his hand, giving up on trying to keep your eyes open. You give a slight nod, then ask: “Are you?”
“Do I not look like it?” he replies, smiling lovingly, fangs peeking at the corners of his mouth.
A comfortable silence falls between you two, but you're the one to break it:
“I might be into this whole mirror thing, y'know.”
He grins, narrowing his gaze. “Oh, love. I always knew you were a bit of an exhibitionist.”
“...It was your idea, I shall remind you.”
“And you went along with it.”
“I did.”
You yawn, leaning in to rest your head against his unmoving chest. He wraps you up into his arms and you do the same, lifting your head up to print small kisses all over his face.
You both lay there for a while, not bothering to get cleaned up right away: it has been like this ever since you've grown more comfortable around each other. You take it easy, savoring the aftermath of passion and the softness that comes with it, between giggles and stolen kisses.
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mirohlayo · 3 months
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( Lando notices that your lips are chapped, so he fixes that. )
warning : none, just pure fluff, all fluffy
note : i'm in love with this one cuz my lips are always chapped
word count : 927
You finish spreading the cream on your face, before closing the lid on the already half-finished pot. The tap water flows as you lather a bar of sweet-smelling soap in your hands.
You hear the door to your apartment close with a loud thud, indicating that your boyfriend has returned from his round of golf with a few of his close friends. A faint smile appears on your face when you hear Lando call you in a soft voice.
"Baby, I'm back. Where are you?" He asks you in a calm manner and his footsteps seem to trace every inch of your living room. You let out a small laugh, knowing full well that Lando can't wait to see and kiss his girlfriend. “In the bathroom” You reply simply.
And not a second later, the door suddenly opens to reveal your boyfriend all smiles, his eyes admiring you with tenderness and affection. He can't help but giggle when he sees his pretty girl, just like you can't hide your gaping, silly smile. He then leaves the door handle to approach you.
His arms come delicately around your waist, as he squeezes it gently. He lets himself be transported by the softness and graceful beauty of your face, his look as loving as ever. “You're beautiful baby” He said in a low voice to address this compliment to you and only you.
Your cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink, your smile growing bigger, as his eyes slowly drift to your lips. You thought he was going to kiss you, like he does every time he comes back from a long day, but when he stops on your lips, it's his eyebrows that furrow.
You're confused for a little while. “Your lips are chapped, princess” He remarks, while naturally running his thumb over the bottom of your lip. "I know. I always have chapped lips, I hate it" You answer in such a way that Lando can effortlessly guess that you're used to having this dead skin on your lips.
His hands come to rest on your hips, as he presses a light kiss to your temple. His arms tighten the grip he has around you, pulling your body closer to his. “Wait, I'll fix that” You say suddenly, pulling back to get out of his grip, but his arms hold you so tightly that he comes to trap you in his embrace again.
You smile shyly at the action, and then you try as best you can to open the small drawer under the sink. After reaching there, your eyes finally fall on the little blue lip balm placed at the bottom of the drawer, hidden between several other skin products. You grab it quickly and close the drawer with your elbow.
Lando examines the small blue object between your fingers, understanding that it is indeed a lip balm. You then remove the cap from the tube to apply the product to your lips, but a hand grabs the object before you can bring it to your lips.
"Let me do it for you, sweetheart.” Your boyfriend delicately holds the tube in his hands, and you let yourself do so since you know that he will never give up applying balm to your lips. With his fingers, he carefully lifts your chin so that your head is higher, and accompanied by soft and careful gestures, he applies a generous layer of balm to your pink lips.
His eyebrows furrow slightly and his lips purse, signs that he is focused on his task. You can't help but admire his beautiful blue eyes, his shiny curly hair, the beauty spots on his tanned skin. He is just sublime.
He continues to apply product to you, then he stands up and stops the contact of the balm on your lips by putting the cap back on the tube. "All done. Much better." He smiled to himself, proud of himself. You rub your lips together to disperse the balm evenly.
“Thank you, Lan” You tell him simply. Then, the corner of his lips stretches to form a smirk. “Wait, I have chapped lips too” He announces while looking at you mischievously. Your eyes drift to his lips as you try to grab the lip balm from his hand. “I’ll put some on you too then” You offer.
“I have a better idea than that, princess” And without further ado, he presses his lips against yours. His hands come to caress your hips with their thumbs, while his arms close to bring you closer to him. He delicately and tenderly moves his lips on yours, in order to spread the balm of your lips on his. He is careful with his gestures, there is simply love and affection escaping from this kiss.
Then he pulls back, pleasantly surprised and above all amused to see your face so red and embarrassed. He smiled shyly, his cheeks also taking on a rosy tint. He rubs his lips together, reveling in the neutral scent of the balm. “I think our lips are hydrated enough as it is” You finally say shyly.
“I don’t think so, baby.” His lips come to rest on yours again in a quick kiss. “I think I love it when your lips are chapped.” He places another light kiss. "I just want to kiss them. I want to kiss you."
And with those words, he ends up pulling you into another deep and passionate kiss, which ends with a cuddle session under the covers of your bed.
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basicinstnct · 1 year
can’t quit you / miguel o’hara
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word count: 1642
tags: oral sex, size kink, friends with benefits, strength kink, slight angst, commitment issues
ao3 link: here
summary: you know what an addiction is, and the definition doesn't seem too far off.
a/n: i’d like to add a better graphic but the movie just came out. one day!
small prequel: here
“This is practically breaking and entering,” you tease. You’re less than new to returning from work to a huge form sprawled across your couch. Miguel has no issue making himself at home, at least not in your apartment. You figure it’s a sign that you don’t scream at the sight of him, even if you’re stuck on how weird it is, coming home to a shadow at night and not being bothered. It’s part of his strange charm (and you secretly revel in the fact that he’s only this comfortable with you).
“Wouldn’t have to break in if you’d let me have a key,” he’s entirely serious.
“You know why that can’t happen,” you say, like you’ve had to say a dozen times. Any number of excuses come to mind. You’re emotionally intelligent enough to know that he’s emotionally unavailable, no matter what he says, or thinks.
“I can be your man,” he says with his typical resilience, “more, if you’ll let me.”
You don’t even know what more means, if he’s already in your apartment like it’s his, if he’s already been inside you like you’re his. What will one more step do? You know what an addiction is, and the definition doesn't seem too far off.
“Miguel…” He’s run out of reasons to refuse you. You’ve run out of reasons to refuse him. Nice reasons, at least. But knowing what’s good for you doesn’t mean that’s what you want.
He rises from the couch, and it is a rise. He normally towers over every piece of furniture in your place, over you. It doesn’t take much trying. You’ve wondered if it’s hard for him to always be the biggest thing in the room, but a guy like him probably likes that, likes being unavoidable.
Miguel only knows how to kiss one way, sloppy. When his lips meet yours it’s like all the desperate parts of him come out of hiding. His tongue grazes all parts of your mouth like there’s something sweet inside, and you whimper when you realize he’s swapping spit with you. Even his saliva runs a bit hotter. It makes you pull back, panting in lieu of straight up whining.
“Baby,” he says with your face in his hands, like he knows it’ll make you weak. You try to avoid his gaze but he catches your jaw, squeezed a little the way he knows you like. “No,” he sighs, long and heavy. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna say no now.”
“I’m not saying no…” 
Miguel sinks to his knees and looks up at you like you take the wind out of his sails. Being able to look down at Miguel is a hard pill to swallow. “Gonna let me taste that sweet pussy again? Or are you gonna make me beg like you did last time?”
If you remember well, denying him didn’t end well for you the last time. You have flashes of being put in a press, legs to your ears with Miguel growling, talking about the feeling of your wet cunt on his dick, about how good you felt milking him, about how if he didn’t know any better he’d think you want his cum. You didn’t even know he could talk like that, talk about anything other than preserving and protecting. It’s like a switch is flipped when he’s with you, even if it’s been weeks or months between seeing him.
You give an inch and he takes a mile. Lifts your thigh over his shoulder so he can get at what’s between your legs. His hands travel up your thighs, gripping at parts of your flesh just to hear the sighs you make. When he goes under your skirt you expect to feel something, his fingers or tongue, but instead it’s just him breathing against you. Smelling you.
“You’re disgusting,” you whine, flushed anyway.
It doesn’t stop him, probably encouraging him instead seeing as he nestles his face in deeper, grabbing your hips so you can’t pull away. Your squirming only pushes him further into you. You can feel his nose bump your clit, and his tongue pushes fabric against your pussy.
“Miguel, come on.” You feel so ridiculous, even though he can’t see you.
“I want you to beg me,” you hear him say, “I want you to beg me like you made me beg the last time. Bet you feel just as needy as I did. I can hear it in your voice. so it shouldn’t be that hard.” He starts to palm you just to prove a point, dragging thick fingers up and down your slit. It doesn’t take long for you to start soaking through the fabric. 
“Please,” you murmur, “pleasepleaseplease.”
“Please what?”
“Please, Miguel, touch me. Touch my pussy.”
“All you have to do is ask, baby.”
You feel him drag your underwear down your legs, toss it somewhere in the room. Then he’s free, free to pull apart your folds so he can see you clench and drip around nothing. He leaves you just like that, before you feel the heat of his tongue, lips following soon after. And it’s not just touching, it’s like he’s making out with it. You can’t help the throb that goes through you, and you’re sure he can taste it in his mouth. 
You shiver at the heat of him, aggressive and persistent, not unlike a raging fire. Your body is torn between reactions, goosebumps on your flesh and sweat on your brow.
“It’s ok, baby,” he’s saying, sounding like he’s got a mouthful of you. “I won’t look at the faces you make. I know how embarrassed you get.”
Miguel slides two fingers in deep, and then starts curling. It doesn’t make much of him for you to feel split open. He’s big all over, everywhere where it counts.
“Cute,” he mutters, when you buck against his hand, “you still think you’re strong enough to get away from me.” His words have the intended effect. You feel powerless, so you give in. You’re barely standing on your own feet, his hand and shoulder and face giving you all the support you need.
“I know,” you moan, “I know, I can’t.” You feel yourself gone boneless in his grasp. He has you.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen: I’m gonna keep you on my fingers until you soak my hand, and then I’m gonna make us both come, okay.”
“Yes, yes, okay,” you agree without listening, “Miguel, please make me come.” 
He takes away his fingers, but not before sliding them against your pussy again, like he’s trying to collect all that drips out of you. When he moans shamelessly into you, and you start to hear a slick sound, you realize that can only mean one thing.
“Are you…” You can’t say the words.
You can hear him fist his cock, spread what he took from you all over his dick, using it as lube. The sound of wet skin so loud you can almost see him. Shlick. Shlick. Shlick. You know how he gets when he’s pent up, how he leaks like a faucet if he hasn’t come recently. You’ve felt him throb in your hand, seen the dark look he gets when your hand can’t even wrap around him. Miguel moans like he knows what you’re thinking, and goes at you harder. You barely feel there, like he’s just using the taste of you to get off.
“You’re wet,” he slurs, like he’s confirming, “‘s gonna make me come.” 
“Me too,” you sigh, high on the feeling of him. “I’m gonna come too.” But you can’t yet, not until you see. Your hands are clumsy and shaking as you fumble with the buttons of your skirt. You pop them out one by one until it all falls away and you can finally see Miguel.
He looks as debauched as expected. His jaw and mouth shine with what you’ve done to him, and when his eyes flicker open he looks like he’s under a spell.
“What’s wrong?” His voice is a lilting tease, “I thought you wanted me to make you come.” He looks you straight in the eyes as he leans back in, licks your clit until you whine. You’re right back on the verge of orgasm. 
You know he’s close too by the way he shivers. It’s his tell, you’d realized the first time he fucks you. Miguel shakes like the pleasure is too much, and when it finally is you hear it rather than see it. Thick streams of his cum wasted on the floor beneath you. The sound of him so eleated, knowing it’s the taste of you that has him like this, has you right where he wants you. 
You grab onto him as you come, feel his strong shoulders tense with the effort to hold you tight. He doesn’t let up with his mouth, licking up all of you until you shake from the stimulation.
It’s not surprising that you teeter when Miguel lets go of your legs, still weak from your orgasm. “Oh, baby,” he says, “if you needed to lay down you should have said so.”
You end up intertwined on the floor, his hand combing through your hair. You can hear him breathe deeply, and the peace of it threatens to send you into a deep sleep. It’s laughable to have him fawn over you like this, when in the morning you’ll choose to go back to separate lives, so much so that you can’t help but joke about it. “You treat all your girls like this?”
“There are no girls.”
“Sure,” you giggle, “so when I don’t see you for a month…”
You don’t believe him for a minute until you look at him, and his face is so honest, so genuine, that in the back of your mind you wonder if there could be a future for the two of you after all.
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wheeboo · 6 months
01:10am | choi seungcheol
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SYNOPSIS. in which your cuddly boyfriend interrupts your late night reading time. PAIRING. choi seungcheol x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship WARNINGS. a lil suggestive, reader is smaller than cheol, lil makeout kissing sesh oops, terms of endearment, cheol is whipped, self-indulgent fr WORD COUNT. 1.1k
notes: i just have this thing for soft cuddly bed scenes w cheol :(
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Seungcheol really doesn't know why that out of all other times of the day, you choose to read during the depths of the night.
But he's not at all complaining𑁋he's blessed with this grand view of you with your headphones on as you're sitting up against the frame of the bed behind, knees almost propped up to your chest, with a tiny, dim book light attached to the bridge of your book highlighting your face. Seungcheol thinks this might be one of his new favourite views of you.
He flips himself over to face your direction, opening an eye so he could quietly watch you. Seungcheol takes a moment to appreciate the cute, subtle details of your face when you're focused𑁋the way your eyelashes cast delicate shadows on your cheeks, the steady rise and fall of your chest, and the way your lips occasionally move, silently forming the words you're reading. The only sounds in the room he can hear are the rustling of you turning the page, the distant murmur of the city outside, and the faint music escaping from your headphones.
Letting out a yawn, he takes a moment to check the time on his phone, eyes widening to see how late it was. Yet when he turns back to you, he only pauses, because you seem too immersed in the book to be able to go to sleep right now, and he really doesn't want to disturb you.
"Baby?" he calls out to you softly, yet you don't hear him as expected, only furrowing up a brow at what Seungcheol could assume was you reading a peculiar scene in your book. He feels his shoulders deflate.
Instead, with a huffed breath, he can only take to sinking back within the bedsheets and hoping that you'd fall asleep after him.
But he can't fall asleep, no matter how much tossing and turning he does, since it's almost outrageous to his mind to the thought of him falling asleep without at least holding you in his arms like he always does.
Seungcheol turns himself over once more, a pout at his lips as he scoots closer towards you, yet you still don't seem to notice him. He contemplates for a moment, glancing down at your free hand at your side, and a thought crosses his mind. Slowly, he grabs your hand into his, intertwining your fingers together, and the action is just so natural and instinctive like a missing puzzle piece fitting perfectly into place.
He glances at you, noticing the slight smile that tugs at the corners of your lips as you continue reading. It isn't until he starts drawing circles on your palm and picking at your sleeve that finally grabs your attention, and you pick your head up to look at him, slipping your headphones off.
You watch the way he continues playing with your hand𑁋from drawing shapes on it, tracing the creases on your palm, to running a finger over your knuckles𑁋like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"Cheol, what are you doing?" You ask bemusedly, attempting to pull your hand away but he just tugs it back.
"Hmm, missing you," he coos softly, adjusting your hands so that your flat palms are touching each other. The fact that the size of your hand is perfectly smaller than his is utterly adorable. "Your hand is small, you know?"
You roll your eyes, as if annoyed. "And yours is huge. We've been over this already."
"It's cute." He locks your fingers together again, tilting his head slightly to look at you. "You're cute."
You only click your tongue, biting back the smile to your face and the heat threatening up your neck as you bring your attention back to your book.
You release your hand from his. "Let me go read𑁋"
But before you can go back to reading, you feel a pair of arms wrap around and pull you into a tight embrace, knocking the book off your lap. A surprised gasp flies out of you, and in one swift motion, Seungcheol flips you both over so that he's now hovering over you. Your book is long forgotten on the floor as you stare up at him in surprise, the dim light casting a soft glow on both your faces.
Something catches in your throat as you lock eyes with him. If you listen closely, his breathing is just as unstable as your heartbeat, like he's breathless already. His dark gaze seems to hold a silent request, glancing between your eyes and your mouth. It bares a question that doesn't need words, and you answer with a small nod.
And with that, he leans down to press a kiss to your lips. It's soft, tender like always, and it doesn't take much for your body to go all limp below his as it deepens. He presses his weight against you carefully, making sure you're comfortable beneath him.
You feel the way he trails his fingers along your arm until he reaches your hand once again. With a deliberate move, he laces your fingers together before bringing your hand up to pin it gently against the pillow behind your head.
Seungcheol breaks the kiss, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort.
"Okay?" he asks, voice a low murmur.
You nod, even though your heart is more than ready to burst out of your chest at any given moment. "Okay."
His eyes only soften, the smile to his face widening, a couple of shy giggles escaping your mouths together and into the thick air surrounding you both. He captures your lips once again in another sweet, lingering kiss, before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
"So pretty," Seungcheol whispers against your skin, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. He starts peppering feather-light kisses along your jawline, his hand gentle on your waist as he revels in the simple joy of holding you close. You lightly run your fingers through his hair, the soft strands slipping through your fingertips.
"Why are you being so... so touchy right now?" You tease impishly, sighing contentedly at his touch, feeling the soft vibrations of his laughter against your cheek.
"I dunno," he admits simply, pulling back slightly to look into your eyes. "You were reading too much."
"I was only reading for, like, an hour. That's not that long."
"An hour too long," he counters sulkily, pressing a soft peck to the tip of your nose. "I can't fall asleep without you."
You let out a playful scoff, running your fingertips up the exposed skin of his back ridden up from the black hoodie he wore. "You're such a big baby, Cheol."
Seungcheol leans down so his mouth is just a breath away, and before you could register it, he's rolling over once again so that you're on top of him this time, his hands coming to rest firmly at your hips. There's a smirk to his face that you can hardly see, yet you already know what he's thinking.
"Only for you."
"For... me?"
"Just for you," he murmurs against your lips. "I'm all yours."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag
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gamermattsgf · 5 months
The favour // fwb Chris
Warnings: (there’s a lot) heavy smut / dom Chris x dom fem reader / fingering / cunilingus / face sitting / wet grinding / collar kink / exhibition kink / riding / overstimulation / praise kink / degradation kink / doggy / princess kink / hair pulling / choke kink / wave riding / cream pie / breeding kink / slapping / sadism + masochism / cockwarming (erm… sorta)
Summary: you and Chris are best friends. And you just can’t seem to get off. Chris offers to help you. And it’s as simple as that.
Author’s notes: ah yes, my ‘politically correct’ piece of writing. If you do not like it. Y’all can leave it… go on I’ll wait. BUT ANYWAYS an epic battle of top vs top, goddamn, complete switch up from what I usually write, since I’m kinda known for writing submissive shit and mommy kinks hehe. I was so scared to publish this one but fuck it. I’m too deep in now to stop.
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“Don’t try to take it further, focus on the friendship, get a little sidetracked…” - Best friends, The Weekend
‘You’re serious?’ Chris sputters with his eyebrows raised in disbelief and a small smirk on his face.
You shake your head and shrug your shoulders ‘I’m being dead serious bro, no one has ever been able to get me off’.
Chris blows out a flabbergasted breath, both of you lying side by side on your backs on top of his bed. He has his hands leisurely rested on his stomach, his fingers intertwined as his head sinks further into one of the pillows.
Chris and you are best friends. But you’re also both players. You don’t have a preference, you don’t care, you just like to get people off. And then whenever you hang out, you tell each other about your various different escapades.
It’s fun. You always enjoy hearing about the mirage of strange stories he tells you with little smirks over his face.
You sit in contemplative silence for a bit, yourself feeling a little awkward after expelling that uncalled for fact about your sexual wellbeing.
The white ceiling blurs as you refocus your eyes, but then you hear the bedcovers crinkle beside you, and then the sound of Chris’ body rolling over to you echoes within your ears.
Your breath hitches as he tosses one of his legs over your lying one, before hoisting his body over it completely. Then he sits back on his calves, his knees sinking into the mattress as his arms shoot out in front of him.
‘Chris what the fuck are you doing’.
His hands curl around the backs of your knees and you squeak a little in surprise as he flexes his arms to pull you vigorously toward him. Then he falls forward, catching himself with his hands on either side of your head. Suddenly you feel his lower body press up onto your hips.
‘What the fuck do you mean ‘what am I doing?’?’
He spits sarcastically, groaning in effort as he lowers down further onto you by bending his elbows and lying them down onto the mattress.
‘I’m getting you off’ he mumbles before immediately nuzzling his nose into your neck. Your voice falters and your mouth drops open. Your thighs desperately want to squeeze together but Chris’ thick hips weighting down on your core prevent this.
‘If other guys can’t do it for you then I will’
‘Chris-’ you sputter, slightly in amusement, but also slightly in shock at the image of his body on top of yours. You feel his tongue, and it slicks out quickly onto your neck, the consistency hot and soft as your skin grazes his lips.
‘Let’s make some bruises first though…’ he muses teasingly into your neck. Then his mouth bites down and you hiss, finally putting your shaking hands to good use by clawing them at his shoulder blades.
He continues to kiss, and you throb, liquids trickling and your stomach churning in desire. Your nails curl and they make a slow descent down his back as you pant into the air. Chris smirks smugly into your neck, knowing that he already has you dripping wet for him.
‘Go on… scratch my back all up, I dare you’
He drawls out gleefully, finding the roots of your hair after one of his hands slithers under your head to tug it back aggressively.
You whimper, but Chris only licks his lips at the unmarked skin, his mouth watering at the attractive angle your head is tilted at. He can’t wait to make your eyes roll into the back of your head. He dives in again, and muffles his groans with your neck at the feeling of your back arching up welcomingly into his touch.
‘Chris…’ you try again, but it comes out as more of a sigh since you can no longer speak anymore words.
Suddenly he detaches his mouth from your neck, slithering his body down the length of yours as his nose brushes against every inch of your clothed figure on his way down. Your breathing is laboured, and you have to sit up onto your elbows to look down lustfully at the way his arms snake their way underneath your thighs, his chin resting on your pubic bone before he effortlessly lifts your calves up onto his shoulders.
‘Chris- a-are you seriously gonna’ you start before swallowing meekly and cutting yourself off at his eye roll.
‘When have I ever said something I didn’t mean, huh?’
His hands feel their way up to the waistband of your sweats before he hooks his fingers into it and slowly pulls it away. He goes until your panties are exposed to him and again, you try to squeeze your thighs together in anticipation, but it only ends up trapping Chris’ head into a firm lock.
He smirks, before dipping his head down and softly kissing your clothed centre. You drip behind your panties when you feel his lips press against the burning skin, your heart beating in your throat. You swallow harshly again, your cheeks a heavily flushed pink, before Chris looks up once more with dilated pupils.
‘I’ve wanted to eat you out for so fucking long…’
Your back arches yet again in desire, but it doesn’t surprise you, both Chris and you hung out quite a lot, and went into very sexually explicit detail when you chatted, hence the obvious attraction. However, it doesn’t make it any less hot as he slides his hands up once again to slip off your last layer.
He allows your legs to drop from his shoulders for just a second so that he can take off both your sweats and your panties, leaving yourself exposed to his wet, cherry red mouth.
‘Please… squeeze your thighs hard baby, really wanna feel you, want you to fucking suffocate me with these pretty legs’
He pleads, his hands splaying out widely onto your inner thighs as he trails them back up to your core feverishly, admiring them and spreading your legs open for him as he goes before he props your legs back up onto his shoulders.
‘I’m gonna eat you out so good… make you think I’m the only man in the world capable enough to handle you…’
‘Please…’ is all you can breathe in return before a smirk carves into Chris’ face again at being able to coax you into begging for him.
‘That’s my good girl’ he praises quietly before gathering saliva into his mouth and spitting a thick jewel of it all over your core. It drips right down your throbbing heat, and Chris licks his lips whilst observing his work, before dropping his nose right onto your clit.
You hiss in pleasure at the sensitivity when he slides his face down your slit, his mouth kissing your centre hungrily as he grabs onto the tops of your thighs to squeeze them feverishly and keep you close to him.
‘We look so fucking pretty together with my face between your legs don’t you think?’
You whimper instantly, squeezing your eyes shut and arching you back at the slick consistency. Your hips buck, and you grind yourself down onto Chris’ face. He inhales with a dreamy smile on his lips before you look your head back down to him, yourself still propped up on your now shaking elbows. Chris’ dilated eyes flick up to connect with yours, and just as he does this, his tongue purposefully darts out so that he can lick a bold strip right up the centre of your clit.
Your chest rises and falls, and you mewl at the sensation of his tongue working along the spongy nerve. His eyes drop for a second, to close and simply enjoy himself as he licks away your sweetened juices, his nose constantly bumping and pushing against your tender clit because of how deeply he forces himself. However, now that the initial shock of Chris wanting to eat you out has worn off, you begin to feel your normal sexual tendencies seeping through your mind once again.
With that being said, as Chris sprawls out below you, licking into your heat and gripping onto your supple flesh, one of your thighs twitch, and somehow, you can’t seem to just let him try and get you off without adjusting the position to suit yourself.
Your thigh flexes and knocks into the side of Chris’ head, which catches him off guard. This then allows you to gravitate your hips to the side, causing a chain reaction within Chris’ body. He tips, then falls onto his back with a ‘humph’ before you are able to effortlessly gravitate your body up on top of his so that now, you are sitting on his face with each side of your thighs trapping his head onto the bottom of the mattress.
You smirk and grind down onto his nose evilly, but Chris only allows you to have this freedom of power for about 10 seconds. He continues to suck and kiss against you, but his toleration is not great, and you peek down to see that he is glaring up at you.
Soon, his hands slither their way up to your hips, and he roughly wrestles you off of his face. Rather violently, he throws you back down into your original position and you squeak in shock when he rolls back into his cozy spot in between your legs.
And so the fight for dominance begins. You fucking knew this would happen, it’s a spoken truth that both Chris and you are tops, so it was just a matter of time before something like this occurred.
Instead of putting his face back down there however, he leers up to you, his torso slithering like a snake’s as he arches his back and towers his crawling body over yours threateningly.
He looks bigger, more muscular this way. But it only makes you wetter in attraction.
Bringing up his right hand to his face, he lollipops his pointer and middle finger into his mouth, reaching them all the way down his throat so that he can wetly coat them with spit before taking them out and guiding them towards your lower half.
‘I’ve been waiting to do this for fuck knows how long…’ he begins in a chastising manner, now his long fingers finding your throbbing clit and stroking it slowly. ‘So I want to be able to watch your face when I eat you out’.
You have to quickly bite on your lip and feather your eyes closed when those two fingers slip inside of you, his thumb quickly manoeuvring to take over with rubbing your clit so both things are being done simultaneously.
‘And I can’t fucking do that if you’re sitting on my face like that can I?’ He begins to growl, reprimanding you as his fingers go at an agonisingly slow pace to teach you a lesson. Suddenly his left hand quickly comes to give the side of your thigh a harsh but playful slap. ‘So, be my good girl and stay fucking still for me whilst I have my treat yeah?’
‘And what if I don’t do as I’m told?’ You smirk and challenge him back, knowing all too well how this game goes, you’ve played it plenty of times before - Chris is just a little bit better at it than most people.
But he still has you dripping the same, even only as friends.
Something changes within Chris’ eyes in that moment. The softness of them hardens, and this little ordeal no longer feels like a kind and friendly favour.
You have a feeling he’s going to get rough with you in a minute…
Now the gaze he portrays is more ravenous, it morphs right before your very eyes and he looks as though he’s about to make a meal out of your body.
The hand wetly slipping in and out of you abruptly stops, and instead exits your hole, only to gravitate back up to your collarbones. Chris’ jaw clenches and his nostrils flare slightly at your defiance.
It’s as if he forgets that you’re just as dominant as him within the sheets, because he seems to want all of the control to himself… typical top behaviour. And it’s only a matter of time before you realise that the hand moving up to your collarbones is actually making its way up to your exposed neck instead.
Cupping your throat, his veined and sticky hand presses down onto it and slowly begins to put pressure on your wind pipe, choking you from breath.
‘I don’t think you have much of a choice baby… because I’ll make you’ he smirks, speaking to you and leaning his head down until his nose touches the tip of yours.
‘I don’t like it when you’re on top, so I guess I’ll just have to fuck you into a whiny little bottom for me, won’t I?’ He chastises you in a babied voice, as if he is talking to a small animal, which contrasts to his clamped hand that is now making you feel slightly dizzy with light-headedness.
You swallow, your heat gushing at the bruise-inflicting grip his fingertips have against your throat, and you think Chris knows that you are enjoying it just as much as he is.
‘Pretty little necklace for a pretty little neck…’ he mumbles, leaning his head down slightly further, just enough so that his lips can feather against yours. ‘I wanna find out how much I can make this pretty little neck scream’ he cheekily muses against your lips, before releasing his pressured grip slightly.
This allows you time to take in a huge, stuttering breath as you look up at Chris with glassy eyes.
The clang of a heavy belt undoing rings within your ears, the leather flapping against itself when Chris manages to slip it off with only one hand. You’re impressed. But there are only so many things that you can focus on at once, and currently you are still hyper fixated on the way his hand expertly chokes you from air.
‘Ahh fuck, I’m so hard for you princess’ He meekly whimpers onto your mouth after loosening the button and zipper to his jeans, only now just realising how furiously hard his cock is after slipping his hand down his pants and cupping it.
It throbs and leaks within his boxers whilst his hand grips against it to start jerking it. He feels so sexually pent up after discussing sex with you almost all day, not getting any of it himself until now. With that, and the added experience of licking you clean, Chris feels as though he could explode at any moment. But he’s too good at this for his own good, and can hold on for a while, he’s experienced at edging and has done it all before.
You whine rather loudly up onto Chris’ lips at the nickname, squeezing your thighs against his body once again.
This has him retracting his head up so that he can fully take in your face as he smirks once again, the devil dancing along his mouth and his eyebrows furrowing in confused pleasure.
‘Yeah? You like that? Has my pretty little girl got a princess kink?’
He raises his eyebrows at an antagonising rate, clearly getting off on teasing you as he works himself with his own hand back down near your hole.
You whine again.
Shouting at him in embarrassment, you cover both of your blushing cherry cheeks with your hands, not wanting to admit to your friend that the notion of him calling you a princess makes your heart beat down at your clit.
‘I think she doesssss’ he drawls out within a singsong, poking you playfully with the hand that was resting against your throat. You squirm, before gritting your teeth. But then his energy changes.
‘Fuck, I actually think that’s really hot’ he groans into your ear gutturally, after rubbing against his own tip, now practically pressing his whole entire body weight down on top of yours and trapping you underneath him. But, you are not going to be fucking humiliated and degraded by Chris, no matter how attractive his dominating sex appeal may be.
So you push against his shoulders roughly, and once again it sends him flying to the side. He whimpers in surprise but you are already turning so that you can yank his hand up from out of his boxers. He moans aggressively at the lose of contact before he is widening his eyes and swallowing.
You then clamber on top of his lap, slapping one of your hands down onto his chest before he can push himself back up again. Chris looks at you with slightly erratic eyes, and you can tell that he really didn’t see that one coming. Good.
Slowly, you begin to swirl your hips, rolling them on his cock, which finally, gets him to falter. He weakens within your hold, his eyelashes feathering and his mouth opening slightly to let out another high-pitched moan. His back arches delightfully, and you glow in your newfound power, adoring looking down at a defenceless Chris who white knuckles the bed sheets and squirms around like a little boy.
‘Jesus- just like that princess’ he mumbles vaguely, panting, now also with two flushed red cheeks that acquire perspiration with every grind of your fluid hips.
Thinking that you’re not quite teasing him enough to match the kind of embarrassment that he just put you through, you shift your naked lower half down slightly so that you can sit on his thighs, clad within red Calvin Kleins.
Reaching your fingers into the waistband on either sides of his hips, you smile innocently before pulling down the stretchy fabric, allowing his reddened cock to spring free.
Chris takes in a shaky, heaving inhale, his head tilted back as he focuses on his breathing with his eyelashes feathering and his chest laboured. You take him suddenly and Chris rips a gasp from his chest whilst you feel around to get a perfect grip on him. It doesn’t take long however, because his prick is already perfect.
‘Jesus Chris, you never told me how big you were’ you mumble in admiration, having no shame in fixing your stare right onto his cock, your mouth practically watering at the angry vein lacing its way to his tip, his girth thick and lengthy. Chris finds it in himself to recover and smirk cockily at the compliment, already knowing how big he is.
‘Yeah? Think you can take me princess? Am I too big for you?’
His hands slide their way behind his head, giving it something to suavely lean on as his smug eyes glance down at the way you watch his prick. Gritting your teeth in annoyance at his clear show of dominance still, you grip it tightly before lunging your lower half forward to sit back down, this time so that his cock brushes heavily against your clit.
Chris squeezes his eyes tightly shut once again, knocking his sharpened jaw back as he curses up into the air and whines.
‘Think your cock can handle me?’ You bite back, flipping the question on its side as you slowly grind backwards and forwards over Chris’ sensitivity, his back now arched fully and his hands out to his sides once again so that he can grip onto his bedsheets.
He looks as though he’s about to lose consciousness, so your hand shoots forward and roughly grips his chin, forcing his head to glance upwards in a dizzied spell of pleasure.
‘Look at me pretty boy…’ you whisper, sliding your other hand that was once at his chest, down your thigh to squeeze it for Chris’ benefit. You know how much he loves thighs; due to previous conversations you have had in the past about them. His eyes are hooded and his mouth is open whilst he takes panting breaths.
‘I want you to watch me play with you’
His dilated eyes flit to the erotic sight of his cock disappearing in between your folds slickly after ever grind, the pleasure he feels from just watching blowing through the roof at the sensual exhibition of wet sex. His lips are moist, due to his tongue passing over them every couple of seconds.
‘Pretty cock for a pretty boy yeah?’ you pout playfully and shrug, which gets Chris nodding and babbling a distracted ‘Uhuh’, almost as if he is in a drunken stupor. But you enjoy it, nonetheless.
And it goes on like this for a while, before you stop and lift yourself from him, deciding that you have teased him enough. Grabbing his throbbing cock back within you hand, you squeeze him and angle him upwards with the intention of fully sinking down onto him this time, finally feeling the ache to ride him.
But, within your loss of concentration on his face and the vulnerability that comes with gravitating up onto your knees above him, Chris sees a point of instability. Looking at your wobbling legs, he realises that he can knock you off balance easily, and so grins devilishly, his mouth practically dripping with drool at the thought that spins within his head of a sexual fantasy he’s always wanted to recreate with you.
Quickly flexing his stomach, he crunches upwards to a sitting position, wasting no time in shooting out his hands and swallowing your hip bones within their expanse.
It all happens so fast.
But you squeak as you are caught off guard.
Chris quickly and effortlessly lifts you away from him, his biceps greedily flexing and giving you an eyeful before you are spun around fully and tossed onto your hands and knees. You hardly have any time to recover before you are choking out a moan because of the way Chris crawls up right behind you, also on his hands and knees.
Now, one thing about Chris’ room layout, is that at the foot of his bed, he has a walk in closet, and the doors to said closet are mirrored, meaning that currently you are staring at a reflection of yourself, with a ravenous Chris leaning over you.
You wheeze as he pounces forward, throwing his back over yours and using his left knee to kick one of your thighs apart so that your legs can spread to make room for him. You feel your stomach churn at the notion of watching Chris fuck you, your eyes fixating upon your animalistic reflections. He too looks at you both in the mirror, smirking at you in victory through the fogged glass, knowing that there is absolutely no way you’re going to be able to even the odds again in such a submissive position.
You choke, still not yet accustomed to how he had switched the power dynamic so quickly between the two of you, before he’s gripping himself and slipping right into your dripping hole.
You whine, your elbows buckling to the mattress at the stretched burn, which sends your front barelling to the duvet, sticking you ass further up into the air and pushing Chris ever deeper. Chris grunts, his stomach heaving as it rises and falls against your tailbone. His breath is hot on your neck as he admires the way he looks pushing his cock into you.
‘Good girl.’
He gutturally whispers into you ear knowing that you’re watching him speak this from through the mirror. His praise is slightly condescending, with a teasing twinge to it and you know that it’s because he’s bragging about getting the better of you.
You knew he was going to put up a fight for it, you just didn’t realise how rough he’d get.
‘Don’t you look like such a pretty angel on your hands and knees for me?’ He hums fondly, now leering forward on your back even further so that he can whisper directly into your ear, his eyes still absolutely fixated upon the mirror.
‘You’re practically begging for me to take you from behind’ he scoffs before simply sitting inside of you, refusing to move until you acknowledge him and admit to him that he’s right.
‘I’m not moving until you beg for it…’ he sticks up his nose, leaning on one of his hands whilst the other one slithers up your sweater that had drooped open with gravity to squeeze onto one of your braless tits and rub his thumb over your nipple. You roll your eyes, your cheeks flushed and sweating before you snort it defiance.
Chris soon looses his patience and removes his hand from its stimulating grip on your tit, only to bring it back out and hardly swat it against the side of your thigh.
‘Say it’
He bellows through gritted teeth, his hand softly soothing the now reddened hand print plastered over your thigh by rubbing over the stinging skin.
You grit your own teeth, hissing slightly in pain but still keeping your mouth shut. Chris delivers another slap, this time nearer to your ass and hurting a lot harder. Tears form within your eyes but you still throb the same, adoring how the waves of pain feel as they warmly spread through your gut and melt into pleasure instead.
You do want to desperately get off though, and so you swallow down your pride, being humiliated as a top once again today by breaking your stare from the mirror and twisting your head behind you so that you could look a lustful Chris in the eyes.
‘Please! I want your cock, please give it to me pretty boy… please’.
Chris seems satisfied enough with this answer, because he smirks, before reaching his hand underneath your chest and slithering it right up to your neck so that he can twist your head back around to face the mirror yet again.
‘There’s my pretty girl…’
His choking grip stays near your jaw as he forces you to watch the way he slowly begins to stroke in and out of you.
‘I jerk off thinking about you a lot y’know, imagining us doing something just like this, sometimes replaying it on the wall, on the floor… in the shower’.
As Chris reels off each of these different scenarios, you can’t help but picture each of them in your head as well, your eyes rolling into the backs of your sockets whilst you bite your lip and suppress a whine at the feeling of his tip reaching a sensitive spot within you.
He doesn’t stop there with his verbal onslaught however, for he keeps going, nearly moaning into your ear whilst mumbling ‘you always make me so horny when you come over princess.’
Which in part, you know is truthful, you just didn’t quite grasp how horny it really made him.
Sure you two talk about sex a lot, since it is primarily what adolescent minds are fixated upon these days- however you were not aware that it had gotten to the extent where Chris could no longer control his hormones anymore.
You know he’s good at suppressing these feelings, he did it too much to not be an expert at it by now, but you guess he just couldn’t help himself this time when the opportunity to give you a good dicking arose.
And fuck was he good at giving it.
‘From now on… if you need help with getting off, you come to me’ He possessively announces into the air as his motions start to make the bed rattle up against the thin back wall.
The bedroom window to his apartment is cracked wide open, which means anyone passing underfoot nosy enough to stop and listen in would no doubt hear your filthy moans as you fucked. Which you suppose isn’t really a bad thing in your minds, as it is yet again something that you openly discussed about in the past, coming to the unanimous decision that it both turned you on even more.
‘I don’t think-’ you try to speak but are abruptly cut off by a yelp of pain when he delivers another brutal slap to the skin of your thigh. It irritates you slightly, because you know exactly what he’s playing at.
‘The only word you should be fucking speaking is my name, over and over again princess, so I don’t wanna hear anything else out of that filthy little mouth of yours unless it’s to do with how good I fuck you’
This is humiliating and degrading as a top, and your cheeks flush with embarrassment, the blood rushing to them as his cock thickly stretches you out and you have to take stuttering inhales to catch your breath.
Your blood boils and you go to shout back at him, but then you stop when something within your stomach flips, and the tickling pleasure intensifies, cooking and rolling within your gut. You have to press your face into his mattress to moan when an orgasm tugs at your mind.
You try to hide your face there so Chris can’t hear how noisy you’re being to protect your dignity as a top, but that doesn’t work, because Chris gets a surge of power that fuels his god complex every time he looks down at the submissive nature he had managed to force you into.
The hand cupping around your neck slides into the back of your hair and grips it roughly. A dull ache melts across the roots of it as he yanks your face back up again to watch the mirror. ‘Don’t you fucking dare’ he spits into your ear harshly. ‘When I said I wanted to hear you scream I fucking meant it… I want everyone outside to know how good I fuck my girl’.
He chastises you from through the mirror, his blue eyes glinting and oozing with masculine dominance whilst he admires the way your shoulders heave and you whimper into the air uncontrollably because of his doing.
‘Chris…’ you pant, not being able to help it anymore because you need to come, your body sweating and burning up as your eyes feather closed. Chris smirks, knowing that you would never willingly do as you were told like a submissive unless you absolutely had to, meaning that he had just done his job at getting you off.
‘Does my princess need to come?’ He teases into your ear, before letting go of your hair and reaching his hand underneath your body. He trails it down your stomach so that he can play with your clit, which only makes your stimulation even worse.
‘Chris please-‘ you whine, but you physically cannot get anymore words out because your brain is too concerned with chasing your high as your thighs begin to weaken and wobble within their stance. ‘Do you think you deserve to come?’ He questions, again teasing you with malicious intent as his thrusts suddenly slow, his pointer finger now circulating your clit at a lazy pace. This gets your high to diminish, which irritates you.
He is not fucking getting away with edging you, even if it means you need to beg for him.
So, as much as you hate it, you whine into the air, now grinding your hips backwards so that you can meet his forward strokes, which gets him to hiss unexpectedly and smirk from behind you.
‘Yes- yes I- please Chris please- I’ll be your good girl… I’ll- I’ll come to you when I need to fuck someone, I promise… just please- I wanna come… please…’
You cannot believe you are grovelling at his feet like this, you sound pathetic, but to be fair to him, it is worth it, because god can Chris fuck… you’re not too mad about him offering his cock to you whenever you need it either, even though that entails the idea of friends with benefits… and everyone knows that those kind of favours usually end in disaster.
But the favour is just too good of an offer to pass up.
Satisfied with your begging, Chris smirks once again, weighting his back down heavily and getting into a good position before he muses a quick ‘there’s my good girl’. He speeds his pace yet again, and the faster he goes the more your orgasm threatens to snap like a thread.
And it doesn’t take long, before you burst and give a final whine into the air, throwing your head back so that it hits his muscled shoulder whilst the heat of your orgasm melts down your thighs and spreads across your chest. Chris rides you through it, still stroking but this time thickly and slowly as your cum drips down his cock. Finally, after your orgasm is over, he kisses your temple and mumbles into your ear ‘such a good girl for me’ before caressing you and pulling out.
This makes you wince quietly, as his hands now soften against your body and help you lie down, sprawled across his mattress. As you come down from your high, Chris’ sweating body presence slowly slips away, and you hear the duvet covers crinkle beneath his knees as he stretches the expanse of his body over to his nightstand.
Hearing the wooden drawer scrape open within your ears and his hand rustling around the compartment you listen while you pant, trying to calm your sodden core and slow your heart rate down.
Closing your eyes, you breathe with exhaustion.
But you open them again when Chris comes back behind you, your head, that is resting on his mattress turned to look at the way one of his hands lean on the bed covers right in front of your eyes with his knuckles.
Then, metal and the flap of leather is heard within the ear on the other side of your head, your vision probably purposefully obscured from seeing the object by Chris himself.
Why did he have his belt with him?
Until you realise that when you feel leather sliding under your chin… it isn’t Chris’ belt.
His breathing is thick and his presence overwhelming as the smell of sex permeates the air. His hand that was resting right by your face then reaches forward so that he can grab the item and stop you from moving away from it.
You are now trapped from both sides.
‘Chris! What the fuck!?’ You question angrily before a deep and condescending chuckle is heard from behind you as Chris yanks your neck up by the leather and you feel the metal clip catch to fasten the collar tightly onto your skin.
He’s using his favourite collar… on you.
‘What? You didn’t think you’d get away with me not using this did you? It’s my favourite toy…’
You sit up with a mortified look on your face, gazing into the mirror at the simple black neck accessory. Chris smirks from behind you, admiring the collar and throbbing at the perfect fit it possesses over you neck. Leering forward, he uses his fingers to twist your jaw so that he can softly kiss against your lips.
It takes you by surprise, but you brush over the fact that you have a sadists’ collar on your neck in favour of hesitantly kissing Chris back. Each of you get lost within the twists of your tongues and the breaths you take, trying to coat as much of your scents onto each other as possible.
He moans into your mouth, grabbing at your face aggressively before one of his hands slides down so that he can play with the collar, tugging on the leather to pull you closer to him. To say he gets carried away is an understatement, because he sits back on his haunches as he grasps your thighs so that he can pull you into his lap.
Still kissing you, he mumbles into your lips ‘can my brave girl manage another orgasm?’
You falter, your lips stopping as you open your eyes to look down at him, not quite sure because of how sensitive you are, however… the tables turn after he adds some sweetness to the offer.
Kissing and grazing his teeth against your bottom lip he drawls a tempting ‘I want you to sit on my cock, so bad’. Something you weren’t quite expecting from someone like Chris, who is very obviously a control freak and rarely lets girls top. You suppose he makes a special exception for you though, because you can tell he wants to show off and exceed the expectation of not only giving you one, but giving you two orgasms back to back.
So you swallow, before nodding your head and letting Chris scoop his hands underneath your armpits so that he can lift you up above his reddened cock.
You screw up your face and whimper a little when he helps you onto him. Chris hisses and mewls quietly into your neck, trying not to let on to the fact that he had been sorely hard for a while with no stimulation after slipping out of you. Your walls ripple and sting slightly with sensitivity but you hold your wheezes down by focussing in on the way Chris willingly lets you sit on top of him without putting up a fight this time.
His hands rest on the curves of your hips, squeezing them and breathing raggedly as you start to grind. He bites his bottom lip and looks up at you with glassy, dilated eyes that gleam with arousal.
‘Shit, you’re taking me so well baby… want me to help?’
You nod your head distractedly, just grateful that he isn’t prepared to let your tired limbs do it all yourself. Your first orgasm has tired them and your clit is still aching, but as soon as he starts hoisting your hips upwards then smoothing them back downwards leisurely, you have time to catch your breath.
Your stomach clenches once again, your body exhausted but your mentality thirsting for another orgasm, which you’re sure Chris will have no problem giving you. This time however, it proves to be a lot more challenging to build you back up again, so Chris has to work twice as hard to please you.
The barrier between pleasure and pressure takes a while to break as Chris pants into the air, resting his forehead on your shoulder because of how good your walls feel squeezing around him. The cum from your first orgasm also makes it extra easier and even more erotic as he slides inside and out wetly, only making it twice as painstaking for him to hold on and not cum all over you himself. His narcissism simply doesn’t let his bodily needs win, because he cannot go back on his own promise of giving you a second orgasm and he would never let himself live it down if he did. He’s good at what he does, and he’s not going to sacrifice his pride simply because it’s you and he can barely control himself around your body normally.
‘You look so pretty when you come… I wanna see that face again’
Chris coos up to you, which makes you squeeze your eyes shut and look towards your bottom halves so that you don’t have to face his piercing eyes. Chris voices this as absentminded dirty talk, but of course there is also the secret notion of you returning more than once to get what you want from him hidden within the statement, hopeful and pining for your sex just as much as you pine for his.
‘Chris it’s a little sore still’ you whine to him, complaining at the pace he is going at, Chris only hushes you like you are a small child, before lunging upwards so that he can have your lips on his once again.
He decides he likes kissing you… a lot.
‘I know you can handle it’ he simply mumbles back, his fingertips digging into the fleshy part of your ass so that he can squeeze the skin in his hands and speed up your grinds. ‘Just gotta build you back up again’ he speaks once again, referring to working away your body’s sensitivity and turning it into a high once more after you start to get pleasure out of the strokes instead of pain.
So you two go on like this, into a period where you fall into silence, the only noises being your raggedy breathes, the gentle squeak of the wooden bed and the backs of your thighs gently hitting against the tops of his. You look into each other’s gleaming eyes, your noses almost touching and your hearts racing. your fingers thread into the back roots of his darkened brunette hair, the long silky strands running through your fingertips easily and making you smile at their softness
But after a while, you suddenly get restless, and your clit no longer begs for mercy, instead it melts into a hungrier sensation, and you feel as though Chris has successfully just gotten you out of the overstimulated slump of your first orgasm, readying you for your second.
‘Chris I- I think’ you stutter and swallow, suddenly grabbing onto his shoulders and squeezing them as your eyes widen in realisation. Chris raises his eyebrows cockily, because he knows what’s going to happen so, he lurches forward with you in his arms and your back lands onto his mattress once again.
Your head cushions between his two fluffed pillows and he takes up most of your personal space, right in between your thighs so that this time he can take over the thrusting. ‘Yeah? Is my baby needing to come again?’ He questions in a sultry manner, your thighs squeezing his hips in desire at how annoyingly confident and smirky he is.
‘Shut up Chris’ you say back with a blush decorating your cheeks, not helping the way you ache for him as his cock fills you up completely. After hearing this, Chris frowns, pulling out of you and then grabbing you so that he can effortlessly flip you around.
You yelp again with your stomach on the mattress and your face buried into the pillows, in so much pain because of the absence of his cock, which is intensified by the aggressive slap he gives the back of your left thigh.
‘Don’t be so ungrateful princess…’ he chastises you harshly whilst soothing his hand over your skin before spreading you out and entering you once again, which gets you to halt your whines and choke out whimpers instead.
Your toes curl as Chris darts out his tongue to lick a bold stripe right up your spine before beginning to kiss the back of your neck.
You hum an apology into the mattress, but only after Chris tugs on the collar with a ‘listen if you’re gonna give me attitude then maybe I shouldn’t be so nice… next time I might force you to give me head instead of giving you an orgasm if you’re not fucking careful sweetheart… how does that sound hm?’
Fumbling around, your shaking hands finally manage to steady themselves by gripping onto his duvet and white knuckling it.
Again, Chris tries to think about what kind of other things he can say to get you off quicker, because he too, is feeling like he needs to come pretty soon… and it has absolutely destroyed him to hang on for this long.
Wracking his brain as he thrusts, he then ponders the idea of trying something new, something that he has never done before but is willing to wager with you, because he’s not going to lie, the notion makes him harder than he’s ever willing to admit. He decides that it’s worth the try… not fearing at all about the reaction, since you’re the least judgemental person he knows.
‘If we weren’t best friends, I’d fuck a baby into you right now’ he rasps into your ear from behind you.
His front weighs heavily on top of your back as his left hand tangles within the strands of your hair, yanking it and pushing your face into the pillow to muffle your whines.
‘Squeezing me so nice and tight ma’.
But the comment only makes your back arch further into the mattress, your hands clawing and wringing against the duvet cover.
Chris smirks, before he thinks to milk it even further, considering the fact that it is working almost too well, even for him. Along with this… he is also not wearing a condom, knowing that his pull out game is strong. However, it only makes it feel all the more real to both of you.
‘My baby would look so pretty with your eyes….’ he adds on, slipping the top of your ear into his mouth so that he can tug on it.
His hips move at a gorgeous pace, ramming you into the bed whilst his other hand grips the headboard that bangs against the wall rhythmically.
‘I want to give you one so bad… you take me so fucking good princess… you’d be such a good mommy for me’
At this rate he’s going to get bruises all over his knuckles, but he really just doesn’t give a fuck. His main concern is getting you off for the second time this evening - this time with the added addition of his collar, straight after he finished you off the first time.
Your stomach flips in pleasure, especially after he whines ‘fuck… I never wanna wear a condom with you ever… you feel too fucking good wrapped around me like this…’
A pure animalistic kind of hold takes over your body within that moment, and you have to screw your neck into a turn to get it from out of the muffle of the pillows so that he can hear you clearly as you sputter ‘come inside me then- I’m, I’m on the pill’.
You know saying this will drive Chris insane, so you don’t hesitate. You feel as though there is a primal need within you to have his cum dripping out your hole, to make it clear as to who you belong to within that moment. Chris’ mouth falls open as he groans once again when he begins to pick up the pace at this lecherous comment, knowing that he is on the brink of coming. This sends him over the end.
As he rams into you, you feel him burst as he whimpers, letting all of his cum drip out uncontrollably from his tip as it mixes with the rememants of your second orgasm, each of your bodily fluids leaking and mixing with each other’s.
Taking deep stuttering breaths after his high, Chris practically collapses on top of you, both of your shoulders heaving as you suddenly collectively laugh in disbelief.
‘Shit...’ he mumbles into your hair, albeit a little starstruck at his impulsive decision to cum inside of you. You return with an equally as stunned ‘wow… um…’, before you both burst out giggling once again at what had just happened, each of you still hyper aware of his cock inside of you.
‘You wanna go pee?’ He affectionately muses, back to his friendly tone that you know so well, yet still very much naked in his lower half section. You chuckle, grateful that he cares about looking out for you with aftercare, yet also shrugging and snuggling down into the pillow lazily before you close your eyes.
‘Yeah… in a minute… can we just lie here for a bit though?’ You question sleepily, absolutely bone-tired from how hard Chris had railed you into his bed, to which he quips a quick ‘sure’ and plonks his head down onto your shoulder blades.
His heavy weight on top of your back feels oddly comforting, in a twisted, friendly way.
Finally, to end your little adventurous escapade, Chris reaches up his hands to take off the collar from your neck, making your heart squeeze a little as he mumbles ‘that was honestly some of the best sex I’ve ever had, thank you bro’ whilst pulling out the leather sex toy from underneath you.
You snort, and smile, knowing that what lies ahead of your changed relationship will simply be a lot more repeats of what happened tonight…
Author’s notes p.2: you’d think I’m writing whole ass books from how fucking long these things are, jesus… but anyways, the collar kink was an adventurous gamble and I’m not sure how I feel about it. However, The Weekend’s song Best Friends for sure inspired this piece of writing, plus I just love a old good friends w/ benefits Chris imagine, so I hope u liked my interpretation of it <33
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thatsdemko · 4 months
don’t go - c.leclerc
masterlist | pairing: Charles Leclerc x gasly!reader
summary: a bad date leads you to a certain asshole in your brothers living room…
warnings: NOT intended for minors(18+) + oral (m receiving) + angst + slightly unedited (potential grammatical errors)
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it didn’t have to be so hard to have one successful date, but somehow in the country of Monaco, it was damn near impossible without having to hear some sort of brag about fancy cars and formula one drivers. which funny enough, all of that is what you wanted an escape from. having a brother in the Motorsport meant your whole life revolved around it, and all you wanted was evening where you didn’t have to talk about cars.
“I’m so sorry,” kika softly mutters, her fingers dragging through your hair as you lay your head in her lap, “he sounds like such an asshole.”
you sit up from her lap, taking in the three who sat and listened to your horrific date night: Pierre, your brother—who looks about ready to beat someone up—, kika, who instantly wrapped her arms around you when your stormed in, and Charles. the Ferrari driver who sat silently listening.
“he wasn’t though. he just didn’t need to bring up max verstappen.” you say, the name feeling foreign against your lips. looking across the room, you lock eyes with Charles who shifts rather uncomfortably in his seat, “maybe dating in Monaco is a bad idea.” he suggests.
Pierre barks out a laugh, “and what? just move solely for the men? that’s ridiculous.”
Charles replies with the shrug of his shoulders, “Monaco is all about cars and racing drivers. I’m sorry, y/n, you should expect that.”
“what you should expect is not everyone to want to be involved in this silly little sport, Charles. Monaco doesn’t have to always be about cars and your sport.” kika huffs out rather annoyed at how the conversation has shifted. you would be too, if you weren’t already annoyed about other things— ie: your date.
“he’s being overly dramatic, y/n,” Pierre hisses, his eyes volleying back and forth between his friend and you, “ignore him.”
Charles rolls his eyes mumbling words under his breath no one can make out. the conversation shifted back to you, your brother and his girlfriend consoling you while Charles sits in the corner bored. he’d come over due to Pierre’s invite for dinner, but what he didn’t expect to see was you.
for months you and Charles snuck around sleeping together until one day Charles started publicly dating. you were heartbroken, truly, but you could never show or say why and who had done it to you. the evidence was right under their noses, they just never took the time to look.
“I’m not being overly dramatic,” Charles says rolling his eyes, “I’m being reasonable. I’m sure there are men in Milan for you.”
“what’s up your ass today? seriously, just because she broke up with you doesn’t mean you have to take it out on y/n.”
a smile threatens to tug against your lips. it takes everything in you to turn away from Charles so he doesn’t see your reaction, but he can tell by the crinkles by your eyes. you’re finding this humorous.
“I didn’t come here to get chewed out.”
“well neither did I.” you turn your head back in his direction, eyes sinking in on him, he finds himself back in the uncomfortable gaze.
he hates how intense and blue your eyes get when you narrow in on someone. those ocean blue eyes you have carry a heavy amount of emotion without even having to bat an eyelash.
“let’s just have some more wine.” kika offers rising up off the couch and breaking the growing tension in the room.
“that sounds fine to me.”
the night air of Monaco whips your hair around off your shoulders. standing outside, you needed air from Charles and the tension, but it’s seemed to follow you despite your attempts.
“you know, I didn’t mean to behave the way I did,” he starts, closing the gap between you two, standing beside you, “you should be allowed to date someone who knows nothing about max verstappen or even me.”
“but you’re right,” you say. shifting your gaze from the cars that drive the twist and turns of Monaco, you look up at him and into his chocolate brown eyes, “I should expect that here. Monaco is full of drivers and driver wannabes.”
he snorts replaying the words ‘driver wannabes’ in his head, he remembers the days where he was one of those wannabes. time flew for him, and looking at you is the indication of that for him sometimes. your beauty flourished with age, and only seemed to take his full attention more and more as you grew up, and he wished maybe you weren’t trying to avoid the racing scene because he knows you’d be a great couple.
“don’t move to Milan,” he says moving an inch closer, arms brushing against one another. the action is just enough to erupt butterflies in your stomach, “what would I do without you here?” his face inches closer to yours, and he doesn’t realize he’s doing it but his eyes close and his lips softly land agains yours.
pulling away, you wrap your fingers around the curls in his hair and pull him closer to your body, “tell me, what would you do?” you ask, fingers trailing down the length of his body before undoing the button of his jeans, “would you be doing this?” you yank the zipper, take your fingers against the waistband and sink down to the cement while pulling his jeans to his ankles.
“n-no.” he hesitates, eyes flickering over the light inside the apartment for a brief second, but his thoughts vanish feeling your fingers gently graze his cock.
“fuck, y/n.” he whimpers and it’s pathetic but boosts your ego as your lips wrap around his tip.
his body shivers, knees stiff in place feeling your tongue swivel, lips suck him, and teeth gnaw him. how could he ever have thought someone else could do this to him? how could he ever imagine another woman when you’re on your brothers balcony sucking him off.
your nails dug deep into the skin of his hips, you feel him buckle, hips jutting outward. you can’t hear much of him, ears too red at the tips you only hear the sound of the blood rushing, but you know Charles. you know his weakness is you on your knees in front of him.
coming was quick— as he hadn’t been touched in ages like that— it was almost embarrassing for him, but you don’t mind. dusting yourself off, you take the glass of red wine that was sitting on the ledge of the balcony and watch Charles collect himself back to normal, “maybe I won’t go. you’ll miss me too much.” you press a kiss to his cheek before heading inside to find a movie playing.
“what are we watching?” you ask sinking into the cushion beside your big brother.
Charles rejoins, taking a seat beside kika, far enough distance between you. if that was how you were going to play him, like nothing happened, he could do that too.
tags: @monzabee @lovelytsunoda @burberryfilms @imsorare @leclerc13 @smoothopz @lunnnix (sorry I didn’t tag everyone if you want to be tagged in future posts please let me know!)
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dxxdhood · 5 months
good looking
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pairing: jason todd x gn!reader
summary: jason comes home after patrol, and he looks so nice you can't help but suck him off.
tags: smut (18+), oral (m receiving), hair pulling, slapping, sub!jason todd, dom!reader, brat taming, teasing
wc: 1.2k
It’s dark out, raining hard enough to crack concrete when he finally walks in. Jason’s eyes face the ground as he takes off his jacket and utility belt, bundling them both up and dumping them in the laundry basket to deal with later.
“Hey, how was the patrol?” you call out from the kitchen, fixing up dinner for the two of you.
He trudges over to you, blood finally visible in splotches on his undershirt in the dim kitchen light. “Could’ve been worse.”
Looking him over, you force yourself not to dwell on how attractive he looks in his crime-fighting attire. None of the cuts he has seem too deep. Luckily, most of the blood doesn’t seem to be his own. “No excuse for me not to make it better.”
And even though he’s half turned away and fully trying to hide it, he smirks.
Waiting in the bedroom for Jason usually never takes this long. You’ve already spent forever looking over every piece of the scenery, including Jason's bookshelf filled with novels he never has the time to read. Honestly, your impatience is making every second stretch out for longer than they need to. And even though you tried not to admit it earlier, you wanted to jump his bones the moment he walked in.
His hair was rain-slicked enough to where it curved across the back of his neck in half-curls, and water droplets ran down his cheeks following the strong line of his jaw.
He walks into the bedroom, then, deciding to finally make good on your promise. You run up to him, not even taking a second to admire him only clothed in a towel, and kiss him.
Jason takes a second to reciprocate. There’s always an undercurrent of insecurity when you initiate something with him, like on some level he can’t believe someone dishes out affection so easily. The thought has you kissing him harder, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and into his hair, pulling gently at the strands.
Jason lets out a small sound, and you can feel the vibrations of it through your own body. You break away from the kiss, and he doesn’t have a moment to question it before you grab him by the hand and drag him to the bed.
“Glad to see you, too,” he snorts.
You don’t have the strength to shove him down, but you grip him by the shoulders and attempt to push him to the mattress. Jason, thankfully, takes the hint and lays himself down.
“You sure you don’t wanna eat dinner first? It smelled pretty good while I–” You crawl on top of him and kiss him deeply again, scratching your hands down his shoulders and biceps.
“I’ve been wanting you since you walked in,” you whisper into his ear, seeing his eyes widen from your peripheral vision. 
He exhales and wraps his hardened hands around your hips. “Well, shit, don’t let me stop you.”
You move down his body, now sitting on his thighs. He’s entirely laid out for you, only a towel to cover up his bottom half and he’s gorgeous. You run your hands across his pecs and abs, stopping to kiss at his nipples until he whimpers. Jason covers his mouth with a hand, but you grip it and pull it away, daring him with a gaze to try and stifle what you so badly want to hear. 
You pull the towel away, and sink down lower, head only inches away from his cock before you kiss down his v line and bite at his thighs.
“Holy shit–” he gasps, but you continue kissing up the inside of his thighs, getting dangerously close to his cock. Every time he thinks you’re finally going to lick at the base, you go back to lapping at the new bruises you’ve given him. You can tell it’s starting to turn him desperate by how he’s gripping the bed sheets hard enough to tear them, but he hasn’t begged for anything yet, so you continue teasing him.
“Jesus, baby, can you–” he cuts himself off in an attempt to swallow down another moan. Shame on him, didn’t you remind him already?
“Yes, Jason?” you ask sweetly, feeling up the muscles in his ass and thighs.
“Shit! Can’t you just touch me already?”
You respond by sending a hand up to grip harshly at his hair, sucking a particularly nasty bruise at the apex of one of his thighs. 
“Sorry, sweetie, I'm sensing a tone issue,” Hah, thank god you’re the one in control tonight, because you could tell Jason wanted to spank you for that one.
“Fuck! Please, baby, please touch me. I swear I’ll be g-good, just please–” And in response, you finally lick a stripe from the tip of his cock down to the base. 
Jason groans and fidgets, wrinkling the sheets, but you ignore him and begin swirling your tongue around his head. You get close to taking him in your mouth, your lips perched right at his dick, but whenever you sense his anticipation becoming too great, you go back to teasing him at the base or licking at his balls. 
Before Jason even has the time to beg again, you decide to take him all with no warning, and his hips immediately twitch up. You feel his tip tickling the back of your throat, but you shove his hips back down on the bed, and he whimpers at the harsh treatment.
You stare back up at him, and his eyes are so pretty. Watery and ready to spill over if you don’t start moving soon. You take pity on him and begin sliding up and down at an annoying slow pace. 
He sighs, but he places his hands against your head, scratching against your scalp. You reach a hand from his hips to rub at his nipple, and Jason’s body tenses as he lets out a curse, allowing you to go faster and rub your tongue against his sensitive vein.
“Ah! Fuck, please–” Jason begs, clearly unsure of what he’s even asking for, but his face is so tense, sweat mixing with water from the shower, and you know he needs a little something to push him over the edge. 
You slap his cheek and he moans loud enough for your neighbors to hear. Before he even realizes it himself, his cock starts to twitch and he cums in your mouth. 
He looks horrified for a moment, probably feeling like an asshole for not giving you a heads up, but you slide off of his dick, still making complete eye contact, and swallow right in front of him. 
You swear you see his eyes roll back in his head as he slams his head back down on the pillow.
“That’s was– Oh my god, that was–” you chuckle at how thoroughly you’ve broken him.
“Amazing, right?” you snuggle up next to him, kissing his cheek. “Now what about mine?”
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satoruhour · 5 months
a/n: not sure if other countries have rubbish chutes but my country does! i have to get out of my house to go to the common floor chute to throw my rubbish so this is just a little drabble based on that + spider-man!gojo :) / tagging @osaemu @jabamin @shotorus @hyomagiri @mysugu ✶
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“yes, yes! i’ll take out the trash—” you’re shouting to your mom when you’re called upon again, the third time within ten minutes to take the trash out. through your one-sided airpods (your left one always dies first), you can hear your mom tying the plastic bag and cleaning up at the sink.
it’s always been her bringing it to the chute outside your house; occasionally, you’d help but routine has never really let you do it, so later when you’re awkwardly tucking your phone into your pocket and listening to charlie burg’s voice through the right airpod, you can’t help the grimace that takes over your features at the wetness all over the trash bag.
“oh, it’s just water; stop being dramatic!” your mom chastises whilst on her nightly cup of water, gulping down the beverage before nodding towards the master bedroom, “i’m gonna go to sleep first.”
you hum in a half-hearted response, a little annoyed that you were interrupted from your lazing around but you still manage a soft goodnight when she disappears into the room and the house falls quiet. apart from the background classical music that plays from the stereo in the room and the laughter of the older kids downstairs outside, you’re living in a world of both music and silence, feeling a little disoriented by the one-sided song.
the walk to the outdoor chute is short in your oversized puffer jacket, flip-flops seemingly slapping against the floor in attempts of waking up all your neighbours beside you but thankfully they don’t seem to mind when you walk past their homes. it’s cold, feeling the snow that beats into the open corridors that lead to the rubbish chute. beside it, there’s a ledge that overlooks the other buildings, too.
with one swift step to the foot lever, the chute opens and you’re dumping the trash bag into the dirty, stained metal device and with a listening ear, you grin when you hear the bag travel through the tunnel and reach the bottom with a big plunk!, not really realising the ledge now held something.
or someone.
if your slippers didn’t wake the neighbours up, your scream definitely did when spiderman himself hops off the ledge and leaps forward to place his palm over your mouth. it only fuels your desire to scream even more before you remember that your damn boyfriend is the vigilante that the police are looking for and citizens are rooting for more and more and that calms your racing heart just a bit.
but you still give him his due treatment . .
“what!” smack. “the!” smack. “fuck!” smack. “were!” smack. “you!” smack. “thinking?!” smack.
. . even if the widening of his spider-man mask eyes were adorable.
“sorry! sorry, sorry—” spider-man!gojo only continues to apologise but you can tell he’s enjoying it at least a little, hands gripping your biceps to help you to centre yourself. and as you predicted, once your boyfriend pulls off his mask, there’s a shit-eating grin and a cheeky glint in his eyes.
you muster the most unimpressed face you can — “really? i’m starting to think you’re not really sorry,” your mouth twists when you roll your eyes, getting ready to make a show of heading back into your house before he brings you into his arms. even with a hint of faux protest from you, you’re melting into his embrace, grumbling into his chest.
there’s a hint of wetness along his suit that you feel against your body, probably from the snow outside, but mostly you can feel the cold air against your hair and laboured breaths in your ear.
“i am! i missed you . .” he mumbles, suited fingers gripping your body tight against him like you were an apparition, “i just wanted to, uhm—”
it’s rare that you see your boyfriend having such a hard time with words, but it’s a cute sight when he pulls away and stumbles in his sentences and quickly removes the backpack that he’s webbed to the wall outside. there’s a noise of surprise from you as you watch him crawl outside on all fours and rip the backpack, scrambling to remove something from it.
and you’re so caught off-guard — in his hands are a ruined bouquet of flowers and a mixtape he’s put together for you — that you giggle at the state of it and coo at his downcast expression. he’s looking in the bag, outside, anywhere for what might’ve been the culprit to make the flowers turn out that way until he realises he had bought them a tad bit early and had been swinging around with it the whole day.
“aw . . satoru, they’re still pretty!” you take the gift with grateful hands, something you cherish despite his busy schedule of school and fighting villains. “but maybe don’t go on missions when you’ve got fresh flowers in your bag?”
satoru whines at that as he instinctively webs his backpack again, sulking until you’re leaping forward to give him another tight hug. alas, you would’ve preferred the comfort of his familiar hoodie but you can settle for the spandex of his suit as you squeeze him tight, ignoring the cold air that seeps into your bones.
“thank you, thank you ’toru . .” you smile, pulling away slightly before you take in the state of him. you didn’t have much time before, but now you can fully appreciate his white stark hair that matches the snow outside and the blue of his eyes that mirror his suit.
“it’s the thought that counts right?” he asks awkwardly, scratching his head with the hand that clutches his mask.
you burst out laughing, “yes. yes it indeed is,” you smoothen out his hair, but not before you’re forming an idea, “i’ll— i’ll go put these in water and see if i can salvage them. you, stay here.”
with one peck to his cheek, you’re off back to your house but the bouquet of flowers is only left on your bedside table. in your hands are something else, a scarf and beanie that you take back to the area of the rubbish chute.
it’s not a place you deem romantic, but you’d never pass up a surprise visit from your superhero boyfriend. when you get back he’s removing the fallen petals from his bag, interrupting his activity when you place the scarf around his neck.
“here,” you smile, wrapping it around once and tucking in the ends, “it’s cold.”
satoru looks at you like everything good in the world, a bright grin breaking through when your eyes meet his in the midst of your adjusting.
“just so you know, you might not see this scarf ever again, sweetness.”
you laugh, “why? cause it’s got my scent all over it?”
gojo shrugs and gestures, “partially, but also it might fall off while i’m doing big boy things and swingin’ around in the neighbourhood.”
you push his shoulder lightly and joke, “if my scarf touches the city ground, you’re never hearing from me again.”
and all he does is cross his heart and hold out his hand, “i humbly hold your promise to my heart, your royal highness.”
gently you pull him towards you with the scarf ends, careful not to choke him. there, your lips collide with his glossed ones that manage to stay like that despite the cold weather, while your chapped ones only surprise him. but he swallows the shock soon enough, humming into the kiss softly as he wraps his suited arms around you. you’re so warm, puffer jacket and all and his neck is already heating up from the scarf and his flustered state, enough heat to fuel him through the night.
when oxygen becomes scarce you find that you need to pull away, met again with his pretty eyes that soften just by looking at you, but you both know that he needs to go when the notifications on his phone don’t stop. it’s probably his trackers notifying him about the villain, so you help him put on his mask, making sure the eye holes fit exactly where it needs to go and the sewing lines up with the rest of his suit. the beanie goes on last.
“baby— i . . i just needed to come see you before i fight green goblin,” he mumbles, brushing hair from your face and even with the barrier between the both of you, you know he’s smiling under, “some good luck would suffice, don’t ya think?”
“it would. now, go.” you pat his cheek, pulling away reluctantly as he slings his backpack and you suddenly feel cold again. “stay safe, spider-man.”
satoru cannot wait until he’s in your arms again, so he lunges forward and pulls his mask up just to his nose to give you one last kiss and you indulge him; when your eyes open, he’s already on the ledge.
“merry christmas, baby.” you can see the familiar stunning smile and a soft confession before he’s hopping off and you’re running to it to watch him swing away with a loud, lovesick laugh that sounds a little too much like the star student, gojo satoru, but it doesn’t matter when you know you’re the only one who knows his secret.
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part two
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