#happy pride lads
not-that-debonair · 1 year
Heartbreaking! Person goes through several year long gender crisis only to discover that they are literally just some guy.
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sysig · 4 months
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Gift (Patreon)
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thinkanamelater · 1 year
Polly Perks: "Oh I get it, they call us "Monstrous" because they are afraid of the little girls they see us to be, and even more of our exploration and defiance of gender roles and expression, and the bonds we can create in the process"
Maladict, foaming at the mouth: "Polly for the last time I'm a fucking Vampire"
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rainbowtie25 · 21 hours
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My favorite lesbians
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cactustreesmotel · 6 months
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fraser minten pride tape send post
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kuravix · 1 year
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takonei · 16 hours
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... I am definitely some flavor of asexual, aren't I
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Happy pride month!!
Appearing real quick to wish everyone a very good month and to always know and remember that your boy Keith will always support you no matter who you love or identify as!
And remember, if you harm others for who they are...I'm taking your shins as payment!
Okay! Bye now!!
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roll-of-royces · 2 months
HC: How the LaDS Celebrate Trans Day With You (A Trans Person)
Happy Trans Day to all you lovelies out there! I tried to make this one as gender neutral as possible. I want all Trans people to feel included!
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At first Xavier doesn't remember what day it is until his Hunter's Watch beeps and reminds him. Then he panics. He's out of his apartment racing toward the closest store as soon as he's awake, which is already the middle of the morning. But he can still salvage this!
He rushes into the general store, scanning the aisles for some of your favorite snacks, grabs you a coffee, and is racing back (his Evol saves him precious time) toward your apartment door. Hands full of last minute goodies he forces himself to relax and not look like he just ran there and back, before knocking with his shoe.
You open the door, spot him standing there, and smile. You always look so wonderful when you smile, Xavier smiles back. "Happy uh Trans Day, starlight. Do you want to celebrate with me?"
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He's had the day marked on his calendar for months, so of course he's prepared. Zayne has taken the day off work, had a special bouquet of flowers (whites, blues, and pinks) prepared at a local flower shop, and is sitting in his car outside your apartment complex. Flowers have always meant something special to him so he figures this is a good way to show that he supports you.
When you slip into the seat next to him he holds the flowers out, watching the way you brighten and take them. "They suit you." Zayne says quietly.
He starts his car and pulls into traffic, "Breakfast first, and then would you like to see a movie? I know a theater that's running a few specials today with trans actors."
You nod, looking down at your flowers, "Thanks, Zayne."
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To say he's been preparing for months wouldn't actually be an exaggeration this time. He's been working on this project in secret every chance he gets while still squeezing out his normal works so you wouldn't be suspicious. Thomas is thrilled, of course he is, because Rafayel will actually be attending for once.
He's given you strict instructions (texting you twelve times) to come to a specific building at a specific time. He dresses in a white suit, adorned with blue and pink accents, because he may as well match and waits for you to arrive.
When you do you're met with tons of people all clustering around an art auction. Art all by Rafayel. Art all themed around being trans. He's not trans himself, but he listens when you talk and so your feelings are across the canvases.
They're not just flag colors and basics, some of them are beautiful and painful, and raw. He holds your hand as you look at them all.
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You're awoken to a pounding on your door. When you open it, fresh and early in the morning Caleb is standing there, stuffed animal in hand. He thrusts it out to you so quickly you barely notice it's holding a little trans flag before your hair is being assaulted by his hand as he barges inside.
"So what are we doing today?" He asks, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "I'm sure you planned something right." He's teasing you, soft toned and grinning as you rub sleep from your eyes.
"Did you have to get here so early?" You grumble.
"We've only got a day to celebrate your transness." He jokes, "Figured we should get started."
"I'm trans all year long you know." You mumble walking to put on coffee.
"Huh, I never noticed." He says with a smile.
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gingus-doon · 1 year
my official spiderverse assessment:
miles: bi (or pan! actually pan!) but doesn't know it yet
gwen: bi but doesn't know it yet since she's still getting used to being free in her gender (transfem gwen confirm 🏳️‍⚧️💗)
pavitr: transmasc bi king and he Knows this
miguel: bi but too traumatized to even consider another relationship, keeps himself personally isolated (my little skrunkly...)
hobie: gay, or aroace! or Both !
also miles is probably transmasc. like, scientifically speaking.
& hobie cant be arsed w gender / is The nb
and for funsies jess is a lesbian. her husband is a lesbian guy butch dude dont shoot the messenger yall
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carrottyshark · 1 hour
First time using pride icons because I moreso never focused on my sexuality or gender (I know for a fact I am straight and trans, at least) but I worry I'm not using it right because even with asexuality I like sex, the heck is wrong with me? It feels really nice to have it on though :D
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solarisgod · 3 days
Our two volunteer program instructors let me ramble about Antineon Hieraeon for like six minutes straight until the art class had to start what did they do to me 😭😭😭
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Art Credit to Joe Phillips
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mistninja · 1 year
read monstrous regiment 👍
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Pride Month, Day 9: Donald (unofficial design)
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(it is midnight at the time of me making this so this will be a short one, I do not have the brain function at the moment)
I managed to finish this piece for day nine of Pride Month, here we have Donald, who is omnisexual and a transgender man.
Not much of a story with his sexuality, the second cousin of pansexual. All that there really is to say is that he has a preference for men. I am very tired so I won't be able to get into his and Duck's story but you have some of their story in Duck's pride post.
But the story lies in his transition, which I will tell because I am also trans and I am patriotic; I will not reveal his birth name, I may one day but not today. Donald had never really felt feminine, even when very young, he never liked girl's clothes or looking like a girl, often stole his brothers clothes because they wore the same size and it was easy to get to. But when he first saw himself as male was around 13 when he cut his hair short for the first time. At this time he and Douglas looked very similar, especially since Donald continued to wear his brother's clothes, and often times people would mistake Donald for Douglas and he wouldn't correct them, because they would gender him correctly and see him as male. Douglas was honestly a big inspiration through Donald's transition, he even chose a similar name to him. But they had varying styles, Douglas was much more sophisticated and classy while Donald didn't care so much and was a bit more rough. Douglas would even get mad when Donald would take his clothes and "mess them up" to better fit the style he liked. Of course, Douglas was still the closest person in Donald's life and one of the people he loved the most, so he was the first one he came out to. And while it was a big change, Douglas supported him 100%, and also helped him in his transition. It was a bit more difficult to come out to his parents and they weren't the most accepting at first, but over time they got used to the idea and learned to love him all the same.
Donald is currently very happily transitioned, having had top surgery and having no desire to get bottom surgery. And he is in a very happy relationship with Duck.
My eyes hurt, I'm that tired, but I had to get this ready. Speed running an art post at midnight, that's my vibe.
Okay, happy Pride Month, I love you all, thanks, peace. ✌️✨
I'm going to bed...
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theartofangirling · 2 years
cas really said I love you huh
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