#haikyuu x gn reader
satoruzlove · 1 year
thinking ab bf suna who holds your neck from the side of u and kisses your temples firmly
thinking about bf suna who puts things on high shelves just so you ask him for help
bf suna who takes videos of you doing mundane things like putting away your hair iron, and when you ask him to stop he simply pouts, “ but you’re so cute doing everything, just pretend you don’t see me”
bf suna who just gives anyone else who flirts with him the stink face, because ever since he met you he can’t find anyone else attractive
bf suna who has a necklace with a heart pendant that has your name engraved into it. whenever he does an interview, he puts it on. sometimes the interviewer asks him about what keeps him motivated, his passions outside volleyball, but he simply makes eye contact with the camera and kisses the pendant gently - “ my lover. they’ve always had this way of making me a better man, and if that’s not worth working for then i’ll simply just wither away.”
bf suna who bites back the urge to bite you whenever you say something kind to him, smiling so hard that his cheeks redden and then getting close- mumbling a , ‘you’re so perfect,’ into the skin of your lips
bf suna who bumps his hips into yours when you cook, then turns away and pretends he’s never done anything wrong his entire life
bf suna who hears wedding bells as you talk shit about him with his sister
bf suna who turns to osamu when you walk down the isle, not because he’s laughing or trying to be calm, but because there are tears pricking at his eyes. osamu’s eyes widen , and as you make your way to your fiancé he sniffles. “ thank you, yn,” he smiles down to you,” for being with me, for choosing me, promise i’ll take care of you, ‘kay? forever.”
bf suna who uses your perfumes when he’s away- even if he smells like ‘sweet sugar cookies’ he doesn’t care. it makes him feel closer to you.
bf suna that earns a ‘🤨’ from your parental figure because they fear that suna knows you better than them. he’s got everything about you memorised thanks to your mutual pining during college.
bf suna who rubs his face against you like a cat randomly when you two hang out in silence.
bf suna who would light himself on fire if you were cold [ his words, not my own 🤞🏻]
bf suna ☹️<3
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shimishimii · 2 months
everybody’s falling in love but me
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⟿ wc; 2k+
⟿ Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn reader ; dramatic fluff, for me this is really a cute fic, hope you like it
⟿ have you ever felt like everyone’s been experiencing love and relationships as if it was a trend and you’re getting left behind? I wrote this fic because of that
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He hears another rant from Atsumu. Hinata rushes to guess, and Sakusa doesn’t need to listen further to determine what this is all about.
Love. Again.
How long did Atsumu’s previous partner lasted? Two weeks? 6 days? A night?
He sat at the gym floor and sees Bokuto smiling cheekily despite his girlfriend coming over to scold him for overexerting given his shoulder injury. Hinata is on a call with Kageyama, grinning and jumping, as if practice was not tiring enough.
He passes on Atsumu’s request, heavily declining to stay up until midnight taking care of wobbly legs and liquor drowned cognition. And for a well-built set of athletes, it sure is a heavy work.
Besides, the topic will be the same. Atsumu vents, hogs all the drama, Bokuto and Hinata would comfort him while Meian tries to give a man-to-man advice. And when the night breeze grows heavy and their hazy eyes starts to cloud with brimming tears with a weird mixture of laughter, only tales of love would escape their lips.
Sakusa shakes his head and hurries packing up knowing the blonde setter would drag everyone out for a drink. And no matter what kind of opinion he says, his teammates would point out his own demise. Right, he is not even in a relationship.
All his friends seem to feel warm and giddy talking about the important people in their life. Sure, their partners had flaws, but all those details seem to fit the puzzle. Drawn back by time again and again, as if tethered by invisible threads of affinity, through complains and smiles, they keep coming back.
Like it was meant to be.
Even if it meant his heart would always be at the edge of heaven and hell all the time?
He likes his comfort zone as it is even if it means he is alone. Alone but not lonely, well, most of the time.
Sakusa can’t fathom the idea of how they can be willing to gamble on the table, hoping that their partner would show a card of heart.
Of all computed probabilities, love must be a question of chance.
Dumb luck. Fate. Destiny.
Whatever it is, his walls are tall enough for love to even take a peek.
Sometimes, confusion spreads over him, was he being left out? Is his heart just half a piece and there’s actually a need for someone to complete it?
Actually, he never liked putting much effort in liking someone. Simply, the time and attention to spend, he thinks it is not worth it.
He assumes several points, mostly illogical, but he thinks otherwise.
First, to get used to someone’s warmth and the eternal winter that would follow once it’s gone. Second, he doesn't want to be a memory in someone's past, archived and forgotten as though once upon a time, he was just a side character in a story.
Lastly, but of course you will never hear him admit it.
He feels scared. Once he ends up alone, back to how he always was, he does not know how to cope with such loss.
With that, he prefers not feeling anything, getting attached, or falling in love at all.
There’s the constant fear of being left alone and hurt. For a heart to get used to a rhythm and then long a melody of what your heartbeat used to dance to.
But of course, he knows it is more complicated than that. And it was never easy admitting it. It’s hard to express this feeling. Of hoping to love and be loved, at the same time still enjoying the peace of solitude.
It seems to be an ignorant bliss, when you don’t know love drawn along the lines of commitment. Sure, he can admire someone but not in a way there’ll be a ring on his finger someday and vows will be exchanged.
His feelings were often intellectualized, and the words just never materialize.
There’s another fear that lingers, that admitting his feelings means a promise. That he will never leave them too.
What if his feelings change along the way?
He admires the concept of affection and intimacy but not when it is about someone’s name to be carved in his heart.
It seems fun. No, fun is not the word for it. It’s difficult to describe, but loving and being loved must be something special.
‘Who am I to find joy in such experience?’ He often asks himself.
So, he will simply think about this for a few nights, or days, or during showers, in-between tv shows, just enough to acknowledge this feeling and let it go.
See, there’s a lot of issues he is still working on. And may it be a decade or a century, he wishes to be well prepared before he falls in love.
Because he knows when he falls, it will be like gravity had him on a chokehold.
“You’re meeting again?” Bokuto asks. Suddenly, everyone’s attention is on him.
It’s an early end for their practice today. It barely warmed him up. Although Sakusa protests, he plays anyway. He grumbles but still plays volleyball all too well. Hinata complains how he can hate and love a thing, and still be good at it.
“Right Omi, I wonder why’s that” Atsumu sneaks a remark, with a hand placed on his shoulder, eyebrows wiggling. His teammates are too good at jumping, often at conclusions.
“It’s for that case settlement” Sakusa replies.
“The house ownership?” Everyone pauses to listen as Atsumu speaks. “Wonder how someone did manage to scam you” Atsumu’s right. He thinks of himself as ahead of analyzing people, turns out he’s vulnerable when someone offers something with the label ‘sale’.
“Why not let it go? You’re rich, unless you want to keep going on those ‘case meetings’ huh”
Sakusa simply sighs. The scammer was caught months ago, but there wasn’t any progress on who gets the house. Sakusa Kiyoomi, who finally decided to buy a house, somehow ended up tangled with you.
Both of you paid the full amount for the house, caught off guard by the ‘sale’. Said it was 50% off (it never was). Truly, the scammer knows capitalism by its roots, selling the house to both Sakusa and you, presented as a bargain but gained twice the amount. And unfortunately, the money was gone in thin air. The positive side was, it was named after you and Sakusa but both of you have to decide how to settle the ownership.
The judge suggested two options:
a) one gets the house, the other compensated with money
b) sell the house, both gets compensated with money
However, both of you refuses to give away the house. It’s a perfect deal, both near your workplaces, spacious, newly renovated, completely furnished, and has that perfect aesthetic of the interior you both dreamed of.
Sakusa already told this dilemma to his teammates. He has no choice, it’s been months, and both of you kept meeting but ends up arguing. No wins, no losses. A perfect stagnant problem.
“Let Kiyoomi enjoy his dates—”
“It’s a meeting” Sakusa retorts.
“Right, and the sun’s a star” Atsumu rolls his eyes.
“It’s a star?” Hinata quickly replies, with furrowed brows.
“Well, whatever you call it, seems like you’re enjoying anyways” Atsumu shrugs. Bokuto and Hinata nods.
“They’re annoying at best” Sakusa replies, massaging his forehead thinking what chaos it will be again later.
“If you don’t like each other so much, why bother meet all the time?” Hinata asks.
“Specifically, at least twice a week” Bokuto agrees.
And Sakusa’s left defenseless. His walls came crashing down.
He ignores everything they say after, as he usually does. He finishes packing up and proceeds to check your message. He searches the location where your date will be—discussion, he smiles at his silly mistake.
On the other hand, you are getting uneasy how today will turn out although you are sure an argument will be present. It’s quite a joke you kept meeting someone despite your desire to avoid things that are a waste of time.
Meeting Sakusa is not a waste of time, isn’t it?
You deny the excitement building up waiting on him as he shows up in gym clothes compared to your academia themed outfit. It was like someone on a fitness journey was meeting up with a crumbling postgrad student.
With black sweatpants, an inch higher than his ankle, and his regular fitted black shirt, you spot Kiyoomi. As marvelous and nonchalant as ever.
Kiyoomi looks from outside the cafe’s window and pauses for almost a minute, thinking of something nice to say.
You also prepared a few phrases on your mind, something about the weather. How cloudy skies compliments the hue of his hair and eyes, captivating his features so well.
But the moment you meet, and words come out from your mouths, he was baffled how something about the weather turned into an argument about ecological footprints. Maybe because Kiyoomi kept on using his car despite the training venue being streets away. You point it out and Kiyoomi would never admit his purpose of hoping to drive you home sometime. So, he contradicts your words by the number of items you kept on purchasing and why consumerism keeps on depleting the earth’s resources.
After some lengthy banter, silence precedes.
But Sakusa wonders what remains loud, no one’s talking but something remains loud.
Then he realizes, there’s the beat on his chest.
He begins to get baffled by how many paradoxes can exist all at once.
Like how he can hate your guts but keeps making his days available just to see you.
How can he be so selfish of not wanting to give up the house just so he can hear you ramble about your life, why it was your dream house, how can it benefit your working hours, and how you hate pets are not allowed in your current apartment complex.
He hates this. How his practice tires him out but ends up coming back to meet you. Like it was meant to be.
You could also list your reasons to hate him.
You hate how he becomes silent suddenly. But his nonverbal gestures tell a lot and more than what you need to know. Like how his lips slowly lift when your reasoning was actually right. Or the way he orders for the both of you and never misses any detail, he gets it right without even asking you. Even the way he leans forward slightly just so he can hear you clearly and remind you he is listening whenever you share anything.
You begin to remind yourself, think with your head not that thing in your chest.
Of all computed probabilities, love may not be a question of chance…but a choice.
Dumb luck. Fate. Destiny.
Whatever it was, he might be slowly getting it.
You are not there to complete him. Neither he does. But simply sitting in front of him, with his pretty hair, and cute grunts. And all his snide remarks, the comments how your outfit suits you, remembering what your favorite coat is, his random sarcasm, how he remembers all the stories you told him.
His mandatory habit of collecting the receipt with your doodles, how he informs you ahead of his schedule making sure you are a part of it, and simply being with each other.
It is not just a question what this situation is. It is an enigma.
You hate him.
And damn right, he hates you too.
But you both say goodbye with smiles on your face.
Another meeting is set on a shared online calendar you previously both agreed on.
Also, the house still belongs to both of you.
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a/n: I admit I get jealous of the "love experience" and I admit I never tried a relationship. Because like what I wrote, it was not the fear of love, it's the fear of losing someone you love.
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bloodymiso · 15 days
★ pakisabi nalang sa kanya — multifandom x gn!reader
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how did they show their love for you pre-confession + how did they confess?
a/n: always wanted to do one of these posts teehee:3 | fandoms: genshin impact, stardew valley, l&co + haikyuu!! | warnings: none!
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— through letters “sometimes, love creates a poet.”
words weren’t enough to explain their love for you, but putting some action into it might help. day and night, they put their admiration for you into sweet, beautiful words they wished would help them explain what you had done to their hearts. though they knew those words could never explain even a third(1/3) of what their heart ached to say. once, twice, even thrice a week you’d arrive to school/work with a little note under your desk, locker, or even in your lunchbox. letters filled with toe-wiggling poems, songs, and beautiful paragraphs which overflowed with love in every single line started piling up in your room. they wondered what you even did to their letters, were they rotting away in the trashcan? were they turned to dust by the fire you lit in your backyard? or were they kept safely in a small box under your bed, a heart encircled on its cover? little by little, they added clues to their identity, whether it be a flower which was related to them, or a little trinket from your past encounters. one day, they handed you a letter by hand, after of course getting you on a whole treasure hunt to find out where to go. that little adventure led you to a garden. with you sweaty, stressed out, and confused, they confessed right there.
gi. KAZUHA, diluc, fischl, XINGQIU, kokomi, alhaitham(HEAR ME OUT), charlotte sdv. ELLIOT l&co. kipps(again, HEAR ME OUT) + your faves!! ♡
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— quietly “in silence, we often find the deepest connection.”
it took them a while to understand what was happening, the way their hearts beat faster at your mere presence, the way the curve on your lips seemed to infect their own, the way they always couldn’t wait for the next day purely because of you. after hours of staring at the ceiling, they came to a conclusion—it was love. that was all. you weren’t some sorcerer who snatched their heart, nor were you a weirdo who spiked their drink, you were you, and apparently, they liked that. ever since their “awakening” they started doing little things for you. whether it was returning one of your pens they saw on the floor, or refilling your water bottle whenever you were too focused on works/studies. all these little things came unnoticed by you, but they knew they were making a difference
day by day, the spark between you grew. smiles were exchanged as you made eye contact, now, they weren’t afraid to do things for you in the dark, now they could step out of the shadows, and help you as they were. their confession was abrupt, and unexpected at that. as they stood in front of your desk, they held out a singular rose.
gi. NEUVILLETTE, cyno, diluc, XIAO, sucrose, freminet, wanderer sdv. sebastian, leah, penny hq. KAGEYAMA TOBIO, kozume kenma + your faves!! ♡
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— proudly “you can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”
oh this little shit. they couldn’t get enough of you, nor could practically everyone else around them, they had no choice! always blabbing about how angelic you were, how your happiness seemed to be so..contagious. “okay so today—“ they started, before their poor friend quickly placed a hand on their somehow always open mouth. “don’t even start.” you’d think people would like to keep their crushes secret, especially to the one they admire but nope! even you knew! get ready for flirting galore. i don’t think they would even need a confession, the whole nation practically knew at this point. there were times you thought their love for you was fake, that they were just joking. i mean, they never actually confessed.
well, until now, of course. they got news to spread around town that they got a lover and that they’ve been spotted at the local cafe which may or may not have caught your attention. now, they stood there, bouquet in hand(coffee in the other) and friends all around.
“so uh, would you like to be that lover?”
gi. TARTAGLIA, KAEYA, baizhu, beidou sdv. sam(?) l&co. LOCKWOOD hq. iwaizumi haijime, OIKAWA TOORU, tanaka ryūnosuke + your faves!! ♡
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— through teasing “pride often gets in the way of love.”
oh god did you hate their ass. woke up at 5am just to be early to work/school?oops! they beat you there, now they won’t stop talking about it! they love teasing you, they just can’t stop. sometimes they wonder if the real reason theyre teasing you is to cover up what’s really under their skin, to cover up the hook you pierced through their heart. it ate them up from the inside, but no way were they gonna admit that! if someone’s gonna confess, it better be you first..
they would have confessed rather stupidly. having gone to a bar in the evening with their friends, they called your number(which they got after getting down on their knees and begging) and confessed right there, their voice slurred, it was obvious how many glasses they chugged down. the next day, they remembered absolutely nothing, it took you a few days before finally confronting them about it.
“wait what?! i confessed to you? d-do you like me back?”
gi. TARTAGLIA(again), KAEYA(again), itto, sdv. shane(ig) hq. kuroo tetsurō, TSUKISHIMA KEI, bokuto kōtarō + your faves!! ♡
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extra. through songs/music ( kazuha, itto, elliot sdv, tsukishima kei & lucy carlyle) . through food ( XIANGLING, ningguang, emily sdv + me/hj)
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(><) wanna support? reblog with tags pookie!!
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lemon-pie-enjoyer · 1 month
Oikawa: *running towards Y/n with open arms*
Y/n: *moves out of the way*
Oikawa: Hey, why'd you move?!
Y/n: I thought you were going to attack me!
Oikawa: I was going to hug you!
Y/n: Why would you hug me?
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 10 months
Quite the Uncanny Resemblance
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Wanna see similar content? Check out my Maste-rlist!
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stffed · 1 year
#30 with good boyfriend Kenma? :)
some stuff - kenma kozume x gn reader
prompt: “i love you.” / “i love you even more.”
warnings: animal crossing reference, short
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the both of you were sat in the living room. you wore matching hoodies and shared a soft blanket. a film was playing on the television but you ignored it, favouring the consoles in your hands. various snacks and drinks were laid out on the coffee table in front of you.
“can i borrow some stuff?” you asked him. kenma nodded, not looking up as he decorated his island.
you proceeded to take some random bits and bobs from his island. by the time you had collected everything you needed, it was night in game.
“kenma, come sit with me on the bench.” you made your character sit on a bench situated on the cliff overlooking his beach. it was decorated with different flowers and a singular lamp post.
you only waited a minute or two before kenma’s character sat on the bench with you. as his character sat down, he saw the shooting stars in the background which made for a romantic backdrop. the both of you took a picture, small smiles on your faces.
“thank you for the items,” you said to him. “i love you.”
kenma leaned his head against your shoulder. his character was now following your character around the island, watching you interact with his different villagers.
“i love you even more.”
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yuecrown · 8 months
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⟡ ( RULES ! )
i write for gn, male, & ftm readers only.
no nsfw content.
my inbox is always open for brainrot, random thoughts, and spontaneous drabbles ! <3
if you’re not sure if your request is within my comfort zone, send me a dm or anon ask! i’ll reply as soon as i see it.
the animanga listed below are the ones i usually write for, but i like a lot more, so if you want to know whether i would write for an anime or manga not mentioned below, send me an ask and i'll let u know !
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HOW TO REQUEST !⠀⠀tell me the genre (ex: fluff, angst, etc) and if you want a oneshot, imagine, headcanon, etc. have a plot or summary stated in your ask (details always help!)
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WHAT I WRITE FOR !⠀⠀haikyuu. bungou stray dogs. jujutsu kaisen. kuroko's basketball. ron kamonohashi: deranged detective. obey me. omniscient reader's viewpoint. eleceed. blue lock. death note. blue period.
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
hiyaa !!
i’d like to request fluff sjsjsjsjsj
i’ve recently got back into hq,, once again<3
so teru pls n ty cause just,, he
anyway if you pls, male/gn reader who gets rejected and basically gets comforted n then realises,, oh shit i like you not this mfer 😦😦 so there’s sobbing and ilys but then a real ily and it’s just all so
anyway !! don’t feel pressured to write ever, have a good day :]]
my b!! forgot to sign off lol,,
yr recent ask was me !! i have returned <3
we're gonna pretend i didn't get this ask several months ago ok im sorry
small conversations, smaller confessions
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Character: Terushima Yuuji
Warnings: some kissing at the end, maybe a little cursing?
Notes: i decided to empty out my drafts/inbox and this was the latest thing in my inbox again i am so sorry. thank you @possiblypoe for the help love /p <3
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It was hard to stay upset when your best friend had ice cream smeared on his nose and was giving you a retelling of a conversation he’d had with his four-year-old brother, while somehow managing to sound exactly like his brother when he mimicked him. 
For the last ten minutes, Terushima had been parading around your room, overdramatically imitating his brother while taking quick breaks to shove more ice cream (from the giant tub, by the way—you were sharing it since he forgot to buy himself anything on your way home) in his mouth. 
The person you’d had a crush on rejected you at school, and since they had, Teru had been right by your side. You had to threaten him to get him to go to class, actually. He was trying to be incredibly supportive, though, and comfort you in any way he could. 
Which lead to him insisting on going to the store, buying a ton of your favorite junk food, and now he was doing everything in his power to make you laugh. Including some rather inappropriate jokes that had him laughing harder than you. 
He sat on your bed, kicking his feet up and putting them on your lap. “How you feeling now?” he asked, taking a rather large scoop of ice cream and putting the whole thing in his mouth. 
You stared at him for a moment. “Worried you're going to get a brain freeze, Yu.”
He shrugged. “Eh, whatever,” he said through a mouthful of ice cream. “Not what I meant. You feeling better about what’s-their-name?”
“A little.” You let out a long sigh before shoving his feet off of you, deciding to lay down. Your pillows were on the other side of him, so you laid your head on his leg. He smiled down at you as you kept talking. “You’ve done a lot for me. Thank you, Yu.”
“Anything for you,” he said, booping the tip of your nose. “Y’know, that person’s kind of a jerk, anyway. I don’t think that would have worked out well for you.”
“Did you hear something or are you saying that to make me feel better?”
“It’s just to make you feel better.” 
You scoff and roll your eyes at him. 
“I’m sorry! I don’t think I’ve heard one person say something bad about them! President Perfect, if you ask me. Maybe a little too perfect.”
The comedic suspicion in his voice made you laugh again. What would you do without him?
Teru was…amazing, really. He was there to comfort you at any given moment, always had something to make you laugh, and had this energy that drew people to him like a magnet. He was always so chipper and, despite sometimes needing someone to reign his shenanigans in, really cared about the people around him and made sure they knew it. 
When you looked up at him again, a content smile stuck on his face as he looked back, something seemed like it clicked in the back of your head. You’d been pining after this person for a few weeks and sure, maybe you liked them, but there was something different about Yuuji. How much of that was years of friendship, and how much of that was something else?
You sat up abruptly, shaking the thought from your mind. You didn’t need to go there right now, what if he didn’t feel the same? What were you saying—you yourself weren’t sure how you felt about him! You needed to get your head straight first and then you could figure out what the hell all this meant. 
“You alright?” he asked, following you by sitting up as well, reaching out a hand to make sure nothing was wrong. 
Quickly, you nodded, jumping up and heading toward your door. “Yeah! I’ll, uh…ill be back in a sec. Feel free to finish off the ice cream.”
He made a weird face but you didn't take the time to look, instead running for the hallway and deciding to lock yourself in the bathroom for a moment. What were you thinking? Years of friendship down the drain because of a fleeting thought? But now you were thinking about it more and—
“Dammit!” you cursed, half-whispered as you slammed your fist on the counter. Now what were you going to do?
A quiet knock sounded from the other side of the door and you heard Yuuji’s voice. “(Y/N)?” he asked. “You good? Thought I heard something fall…”
You sighed and turned, opening the door. He offered an encouraging smile that broke whatever sanity you had left in your mind. 
All the emotional exhaustion finally got to you. Maybe it wasn't a great decision, it was definitely rash, but you grabbed his hand and pulled him a little closer, asking, “would you freak out if I kissed you right now?”
He stared, wide-eyed, but shook his head. Without a second thought to let your sense of reason kick in, you dropped his hand, grabbed him by the collar, and kissed him.
It was fast—much too fast—but you could feel the tension cut through the air and dissipate the closer you got. Expectantly, you looked at him as you pulled away, waiting for one of you to say something. You tried to, but the words didn’t want to come out. 
He spoke up first, barely above a whisper. “I have been waiting to do that for years,” he muttered before leaning in again. This time, he kissed you breathless, one hand gently on your hips and the other holding the side of your face. Your hand dropped from his collar and played with the (quite soft, actually) buzzed hair at the bottom of his head. 
You stayed there for a while, back against the counter, just kissing. Neither of you wanted to pull away from the other, he was more important than air, and apparently, he thought the same. 
After a minute or so of that, he leaned his forehead against yours, smiling against your lips. “You have no idea how much I wanted to do that,” he said, bumping his nose against yours. 
You leaned back quickly, looking him in the eye, expression that of shock. “You what?” you asked, just now processing his earlier words. 
He laughed and laid his head on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, (Y/N), I…I never wanted to say anything, but I’ve had a massive crush on you since…what, probably first year?”
Gently, you smacked the back of his head, asking, “why didn’t you tell me?”
Yuuji picked his head up and kissed your cheek. “I didn’t know you’d feel the same!” he said, mimicking your tone. “Let’s just…skip that part. Less talking, more kissing.”
He paused for a moment to make sure you didn’t want to argue/would be okay with that (always a gentleman) so you closed the gap between you. He was right, talking could wait.
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@emswordss @kodzukoi @animated-moon @duckymcdoorknob @mysterystarz @sirimirihiro @momoewn @otaku-thingz
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satoruzlove · 1 year
something about college bf ! kenma has me giggling n twirling my hair🤭
kenma that has his hair in a claw clip that you got him, now being a pro and twirling it into said clip
kenma that gives you a key to his apartment and isn’t surprised when he feels you behind him, hands on his shoulders as he works on another last minute assignment
kenma who holds your hands all the time, because “they’re really soft, i dunno, i just find them comforting”
kenma who’s known widely around campus as ‘that one box dyed quiet guy’ but to you, is your chaotic, beautiful boyfriend
kenma who stays up til odd hours with you, doing stupid things and screaming at eachother while you game
kenma who only laughs at your jokes because “we have the same humor , obviously. we’re just better than everyone else.”
kenma who refuses to give back anything you lend him. clothes, clips, books, pens, he keeps everything of yours. he also wears your clothes half the time to campus, but no one really knows that it’s yours. they just assume he has a very spontaneous dressing style.
kenma who cannot go a day without you scratching his under cut, running your nails over it and massaging all his worries away.
kenma who looks at you with heart eyes whenever you talk about your course, because “you just light up when you talk sometimes, it’s really cute to look at”
kenma who sends you the sweetest ‘hey, i know you’re asleep but..’ paragraphs at ungodly times, so you wake up happy
kenma who confessed by pulling up to your house with a boom box playing ‘pluto projector’ and waiting for you to let him in. he sat down on the couch and made you listen to him recall every moment that led up to him falling inlove with you.
“and then there was that time when you made me coffee when i was working, even though i told you to fuck off and..” he looks at you with shiny, gleaming eyes,” you sat on the floor next to me, and waited, and when i was done you said you were proud-,” he stops himself from raising his voice, hands finding your own as stray strands of bleach- blond hair fall into his eyes at the aggression of his movement,” i can’t remember the last time someone saw me, my work, my effort. they always thought i wasn’t trying or that i didn’t care to try but you, yn,” your best friend got close, so close that you couldn’t breathe, so close that if he was any closer - you think he’d kiss you,
kenma was breathless trying to explain- trying to get his point across as he continued,“you always saw me. who i am and who i’m not. and i realised that the reason you never got tired of me is because you couldn’t get enough of me and god,” a loud sigh left his lips as a wide smile etched across his face ,” i’ve never felt more wanted in my life. “
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shimishimii · 2 months
six degrees of separation
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Kuroo Tetsurou x gn reader | six-part mini series | (TAGLIST OPEN)
⎯ exes to enemies to lovers? | fluff, angst
⎯ no major warnings, just parenting stuff but it's not your baby, side character death, minimal miscommunication but not too much, because I also get frustrated with that
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis┆When a mutual friend tragically dies in an accident. You and Kuroo Tetsurou were forced back into each other's lives, to take care of the baby your friend has left. Unaware that you broke up months ago, you're both faced with the challenge of becoming foster parents as ex-lovers.
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[first], you think the worst is a broken heart
what's gonna kill you is the [second] part
[third], is when your world splits down the middle
[fourth], you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
[fifth], you see them out with someone else
[sixth], is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little
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yatostar · 2 years
(ゝ。∂) ☆ ; STRAWBERRY CAKE , t. yamaguchi ˚ ₊
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🌙 ── tadashi yamaguchi x gn ! reader
[ sypnosis ] tadashi , your cute puppy boyfriend, plans a date for the two of you.
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tadashi closed his eyes as music filled his ears. he was wearing ear buds as he held a small paper box between his hands. small letters were written on it. tadashi wore a soft smile as he waited for your club to end. he didn't mind waiting for you, heck, he's done it more than once.
he hummed a soft tune to himself as he stared at the sjy. he fiddled with the boxes handle as he let out a sigh. he yearned to see your face again. sure, the two of you had classes together but he needed more than that.
"tadashi!" you spoke loud enough for him to hear you. you had your school bag in your hands as you waved at him, "did you wait too long? i hope you didn't get bored, sorry."
tadashi's cheeks flushed a rosy pink as he looked at you. you slightly chuckled in response as you imagined puppy ears on him. he reminded you so much of a puppy. how cute.
"no, I didn't wait very long! " he spoke as he walked alongside you, "actually, I went to go get... something. I was hoping you'd wanna make a quick stop at the park? the suns still out so it should be fine, I hope."
you nod at his idea, "it'll be like a mini date, don't ya' think?" you teasingly say as you look at what tadashi held between his hands.
tadashi looked at you before looking at the floor, "mhm, it will!"
the boy was quick to become flustered. his face would become a blossoming pink every time you'd do or say something to him.
you turned to him as you gently took hold of his hand. it seemed as if he didn't seem to mind, but the boy himself was resisting the urge to squeal. you made him love sick.
"tadashi, are you okay?"
your words made him realize how stupid he must look, " y── yeah, don't worry aboutme. c'mon hurry up cus' the parks right there!" he laughed his flustered state as he pointed at the park with his free hand.
the two of you walked to a nearby bench as the both of you placed your backpacks down. you turned you body to face his. tadashi laid the box between the both of you.
"tadashi, c'mon, open it!" you encouraged him to open the box as you eagerly exchanged glances between him and the box.
tadashi responded to your words with a faint, "okay, i will."
your eyes followed his hands as he opened the lid of the box. your mouth formed a small 'O' as he revealed a mini strawberry cake, " I know how much you've been wanting to try one, so I ordered this for the two of us to try."
you giggled to yourself as your eyes softened, "gosh, I didn't think you'd remember such a small phrase, but thank you, tadashi."
"im glad to hear you like it, [name], " he responded as he grabbed two forks from his backpack, "I like seeing you smile, [name]. when your happy I'm happy, y'know that?"
tadashi handed you a fork as a short silence filledd the atmosphere, " I could say the same to you, dork."
the sun slowly began to set. though, the two of you didn't seem to mind. it was just the two of you at the park, but it seemed as if it was filled with kids. your laughter and his filled the silence the park once had.
tadashi yamaguchi was a dork for you and your love.
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lemon-pie-enjoyer · 1 month
Incorrect Haikyuu quotes x reader
I, for one, still think 3rd year Karasuno student Y/n is criminally underrated concept.
(No pronouns used.)
Hinata: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me!!
Y/n: Ok.
Hinata: Wait, what's with such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool? ;-;
Daichi: Loosen up, your smile looks forced.
Y/n: That’s because it is.
Noya: Am I right, Y/n?
Y/n: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
Y/n: What are you doing here?
Tanaka: I could ask you the same question.
Y/n: I live here. This is my house.
Tanaka: I should probably ask you a different question.
Y/n: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you.
Noya: This is a sports-related injury. It makes me look cool!
Y/n: Tripping over a volleyball on your way to the bathroom is not cool.
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ethanharli · 2 years
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Requested; yes, 2k prompt event!
Pairing(s); Kiyoko Shimizu x Gn Reader x Yachi Hitoka.
Warning(s); Fluff, Drabble, poly relationship.
Prompts used; "Ten more minutes," and "You said that two hour's ago."
A/n- forgot to also mention that only two prompts are allowed, so I hope these two were okay out of the ones you sent. Also I suck at poly stuff, so I hope this was okay-
Yachi stayed curled up against your back, burying her face in your neck with her arms around your waist while Kiyoko stayed cuddled up in your arms. "[Y/n], we really should get up soon" Kiyoko spoke softly, you could feel Yachi smile against your skin while Kiyoko still held onto you, despite her words. "Just ten more minutes.." You mumbled groggily, pulling her closer against your chest. It was the rare day when you all had some time off of work, and you wanted nothing more then to lay in bed cuddled up with your lovers.
"You said that two hours ago," She chuckled softly, pulling away a bit to look at your face while Yachi kissed the back of your head. "And? Nothing wrong with wanting to lay in bed with my partners" You said with a small frown, leaning into the warmth of her hand that rested on your cheek.
"She's right [Y/n], we still have all day, we can go out and do things!" Yachi beamed, sitting up to peer down at you as you rested on your back now. You couldn't help but smile at them, wondering how you manged to get so lucky to be with such wonderful partners, "Alright alright, who's picking this time?"
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stffed · 1 year
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masterlist: haikyuu!!!
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[ ♱ = angst, ✼ = crack, ★ = comfort, ♥︎ = fluff ] 
some stuff - kenma kozume x gn reader [♥︎]
stop it. please - atsumu miya x male reader [♱]
pop-up stall - ryunosuke tanaka x male reader [♥︎]
thursday - issei matsukawa x male reader [✼ / ♥︎]
please - shoyo hinata x male reader [♥︎]
misunderstanding - kiyoomi sakusa x male reader [✼]
little things - osamu miya x male reader [♥︎]
strawberry chocolate - atsumu miya x male reader [♥︎]
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stuff-and-fluffs · 2 years
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character: s. kiyoko genre: fluff warnings: reader has some hair and likes cats a fair bit. very slightly childish reader. slightly ooc kiyoko. reader x fem! character. also, the ending’s a bit abrupt and weird. (i’m sorry if you feel excluded by any of this) wc: 253 words summary: a potential storm cancels your date with kiyoko (that you were excited for) a/n: hellooooo! i’m finally back with a new fic and this time, it’s for all of my fellow lady-lovers. inspired by my crush making me lay on her lap to rest when i said i was a bit sleepy hehe. your ideas can also be my inspirations, btw, as long as you send them here! stay safe y’all. also, happy pride month <3 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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the windows are open, unlike every other day, to let the breeze cool down the house before the storm hits. the forecast hadn’t said anything about an upcoming storm, but judging from the clouds, you both knew that it was a safer bet choosing to stay inside. you frowned at the sky, mentally cursing it as you leaned onto kiyoko’s shoulder. you were, unsurprisingly, bummed. you’d been looking forward to spending some time with your girlfriend and the cats at the cafe after a long week, and apparently it was too much to ask for.
“stupid clouds,” you muttered. “you dumb clouds are ruining everything, you know that?” you asked, knowing full well that there wasn’t that high of a chance of you actually getting a response.
kiyoko laughs, “you’re so worked up about this.” she tentatively starts running her fingers through you hair, growing more sure in her actions as you lean into her touch.
you close your eyes and hum, feeling content with her pampering. “of course i am, i wanted to go to ai cat with you. and this dumbass rain is ruining it,” you complain and rest your head on her lap. “i mean, is it really too much to ask for?” you pout.
she shakes her head and smiles. “you,” kiyoko whispers, “are so adorable.” she pinches your cheek, earning a whine of her name from you. she laughs again, leaning down to press a kiss to your nose. “don’t worry, baby. we can just go there tomorrow.”
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please do not plagiarize!
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 9 months
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Haikyuu Characters I'll write for
KURASUNO: ‣ Hinata | ‣ Kageyama | ‣ Tsukishima | ‣ Yamaguchi | ‣ Yaichi | ‣ Nishinoya | ‣ Tanaka | ‣ Asahi | ‣ Sugawara | ‣ Daichi | ‣ Kiyoko
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NEKOMA: ‣ Lev | ‣ Yamamoto | ‣ Yaku | ‣ Kenma | ‣ Kuroo
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FUKURODANI: ‣ Akaashi | ‣ Bokuto
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AOBA JOHSAI: ‣ Matsukawa | ‣ Kyotani | ‣ Iwaizumi | ‣ Oikawa
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INARIZAKI: ‣ Atsumu | ‣ Osamu | ‣ Suna | ‣ Kita
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SHIRATORIZAWA: ‣ Goshiki | ‣ Shirabu | ‣ Semi | ‣ Tendou | ‣ Ushijima
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Table of Contents:
Welcome Page
Request Rules
Fandoms I'll write for
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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