sparklingjay · 2 days
So, a few days ago, I made a post about getting the feeling that Sonadow has become much more popular in the last few years and that it's the fandoms biggest ship now, surpassing the other biggest ship sonamy. I looked it up, and this is what I found:
The best indicator about what people are interested in right now and what's popular is Google trends. It shows you how much people looked up a certain search term on Google over a time period. So let's look at some graphs.
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This is the graph for the search term "sonamy". The biggest spike in the interst is 2015. After that, it decreased. The interest in it now is on the same level it was in 2008.
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That is the graph for sonadow. The biggest trend was in 2023, but it only decreased a little bit after that.
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And this is Sonamy compared to Sonadow. Sonadow surpassed Sonamy in popularity/interest in 2022. Sonadow is getting more popular over time and Sonamy less popular.
Of course, there are other things such as the tumblr tag for sonadow having a lot more members and sonadow having more than 3 times as may fanfics on ao3. But fandom spaces are kind of different, so I wouldn't necessarily count that as proof.
So there you have it. Sonadow is pretty much the most popular Sonic ship at the moment.
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courtingwonder · 10 months
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Guide For The Geological Time Periods In Order
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lycorim · 1 year
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I made this instead of doing actual stats homework you're welcome
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warandpeas · 5 months
Number of Graphs
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View On WordPress
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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fabrikrattejaks · 8 months
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Good graphs don't need a title.
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todays-xkcd · 2 months
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If you're really savvy, you can hide an entire set of illicit transactions by timing them to draw what looks like a graph inset.
Tick Marks [Explained]
[A graph with two axes is shown. Each axis has tick marks with every fourth mark a bit longer than those in between. The Y-axis is labeled with text rotated 90 degrees clockwise. There is no label on the X-axis. The graph is a jagged curve with three clear peaks; the area beneath the curve is shaded in light gray. After the third and highest peak the curve drops to zero. At the point of decline, a dotted line goes up to a label above the last peak. To the right of this dotted line, the X-axis and the ticks on it are clearly thicker than the axis and the ticks to the left.] Y-axis: Activity Label: Deadline
[Caption beneath the panel:] If you need to conceal activity, try timing it to hide behind the tick marks on the graph axis.
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sufficientlylargen · 2 months
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I've found my new favorite units chart (from wikimedia commons).
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nemfrog · 5 months
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The rapid change in how people got around in New York City, 1913-1916. Graphic presentation. 1939.
Prelinger Library via Internet Archive
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stewupdate · 1 year
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A study into The Captain and all the random stuff he does. Largely inspired by the graphs that @m0ose-idiot made about ghosts insults. I tried my best, but the data is probably not perfect.
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peachesanmemes · 7 months
I saw your DD graph asking for other ideas, so... if you still have any desire to do further Dracula graphs I'd be curious to see how the word count per character breaks down (not how much they speak but how much they write. Adding all their diary entries together, etc.). Obviously Mina wins by default from having typed up the whole novel but outside of that detail, how much did each person author?
Thank you so much for this ask! What an interesting data set this one is! Lots of unexpected information.
So first off, if you just want to visualize the author breakdown, ta-dahhhh!
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Seward was staunchly in the lead, talking his head off and burning through those wax recording drums like no ones business. Poor Mina for having to transcribe it all. In total his words made up 39.3% of Dracula. Nearly 40%!
Seward unsurprisingly had the most individual entries overall at 47, and had the longest streak for being the narrator in an entry at 10 days (09/02 - 09/11) with Mina following right behind at 9 days (08/10 - 08/19)
Mina surprisingly was 3rd overall both in word count and number of entries. She wasn't even in the top 3 for most words in a day which is as follows.
1 - Seward October 3rd - 9942 words
2 - Seward September 29th - 7206 words
3 - Jonathan October 3rd - 5944 words
Van Helsing only had 9 entries total but still came in number 4 for word count, in front of Lucy. It's interesting to note that the amount a person writes doesn't correlate to the amount of time they are being written about/appear. Which is why Arthur and Quincey don't even beat out the newspaper clippings for words, lol.
There are lots of authors we only hear from a single time, like Sister Agatha. So I've decided to make a small fry pie as well. (Authors under ~500 words)
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The captain of the Demeter and Van Helsing both had more days written than Lucy! Though I didn't break up number of entries, like when the log of the Demeter had 3 or 4 on one day or Lucy wrote a letter and in her diary.
If there is any data I haven't presented here that you're interested in feel free to tag me or shoot me an ask like this lovely person did!
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arlcchin · 4 months
Ratio/Veritas (my beloved) icons!!! + transparent icons/chibis for you because ily <3
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Mwah (^з^)-☆
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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not-a-font · 1 year
@debb987 here it is in all its glory
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