#glitch in time perception
knotty-et-al · 2 months
Another surreal soup - WIP [2024/04/07]
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There is a melt clock with clock hands that split and somehow stick stickily together. The split hour clock hands turn into the petals of a plant.
From these two petals two tadpoles drop down - one tadpole is older/more evolved than the other tadpole.
The split minute clock hands turn into very thin petals/straws. The tadpoles are falling down the hour-clock-hands- petals onto the minute-clock-hands- straws, sliding down into the melt clock. The melt clock has root-like structures on its dial.
The plant is blossoming with a blossom that is a bit similar to that of an orchid. The orchid-like blossom has a tiny chamber in the shape of half a walnut. A tiny frog is sitting in that tiny chamber, looking out and having large eyes. The frog looks relaxed. The frog's hands slightly hang down from the blossom.
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nethergreatrack · 1 year
Did ‘The Puzzler’ actually say that the answer was on gl!Slimecicle but then the mask altered gl!Ranboo’s perception of what he said? It glitched and gl!Slime was screaming so we know gl!Ranboo’s perception was being altered in that scene and Puzzler seemed kinda disturbed by it.
Also, the fact they got the hat that temporarily freed gl!Sneeg from the brainwashing from gl!Slime. Did they pull it out of him of did he hand it to them? Was it actually covered in slime or blood? Since both gl!Sneeg and gl!Slime are labeled friend, are they all friends outside of the brainwashing? Did they put gl!Sneeg’s hat on him, smeared with his friends blood, for him to be suddenly aware of his friend bleeding out in front of him? Did gl!Ranboo unknowingly butcher his own friend and then leave him to possibly bleed out (I mean they kept talking about getting him help so idk)?
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pedanticat · 30 days
This moment is fascinating to analyze cause it reveals some interesting things about Danny's perception of himself. Fun Danny views Super Danny as someone burdened with responsibility due to his ghostly powers who have no family because of that duty. But Super Danny still sees the Fentons as his family despite being a full-time hero who isn't burdened with a double life. This is especially ironic given that Dark Dan doesn't seem to care about them and even actively try to ensure that they die so that he can be created. Though as seen in A Glitch In Time, we learn that he does miss his family.
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Super Danny also thinks that Fun Danny is a disappointment to their family due to their irresponsibility, which implies that Danny himself believes that his family views him as a disappointment. I love how such a seemingly silly episode provides so many interesting insights into Danny, which was later capitalized to its fullest in A Glitch In Time.
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eldritchravens · 3 months
Welcome Home - The Homewarming Update : A compilation of the secrets I could find
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This post is simply a compilation of all the things I could find during my exploration of the website. I'm not going to delve too much into theories. Enjoy the read!
1- Statics
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Every background is now filled with statics. I tried zooming out but I couldn't find anything. Not really a secret, but still interesting to note.
2- It's a dog! Oh, and a pea!
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Found in the "Official Welcome Home Cook Book" in the merchandise page. I am... A little worried about Barnaby. For those who are aware, the pea is foreshadowing for a much bigger secret.
3- Audio distortion
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Surprisingly, I was only able to find one instance where the audio distorts. In the "Homewarming Storybook Record", when Wally speaks here (timestamp is 18:16), the audio gets distorted. Please let me know if you found more audio glitches on the main website!
4- The page is breathing
I was able to capture something that made my skin crawl. Look very closely at this illustration. It's... breathing. I'm unsure if any other image in the website does that too. Very troubling.
5- Lost track of time
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Uh-oh! Looks like our beloved writer is losing their perception of time itself. An effect of the black substance maybe? You can find this on the News page.
6- Pixels? Smudges? Oh, and a new friend!
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In The Neighboorhood page, Home now has little white pixels around him? I'm unsure if this was intentional or not. Interestingly, the secret link under Home dissapeared along with every other traces of Wally.
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The logo on certain pages looks... dirty? Look closely, there are brownish stains on some letters. This doesn't appear everywhere.
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And! New friend! Hello new friend!
7- Symbols!
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Okay, now onto the main course. Something I think we've all noticed straight away! There's a ton of tiny little doodles splattered around the website. The doodles are all named after a letter. Here is every letter translated from their respective symbol you can find on the website :
Home : M I O A Merchandise : P Y E R Media : Y G About us : A R Stickers : E News : T Neighboorhood : S F N E Wally : W Exhibition : N Ghestbook : W W W Transcript : Y
"www" huh? Interesting, like a web link. At first, all of this doesn't really mean anything, until we stumble upon this!
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Fascinating, it's a code! Eddie here is giving us the translation to every single doodle. Next, if we solve the question here "What does Home wear at parties?", it gives us the next clue we need. The answer is "ADDRESS". Address? Now, remember the "www" thing? That's right! We need to assemble the letters we found to make a link!
8- Away from Prying Eyes
After assembling a link, you will be able to visit a secret page. In it is by far the biggest secret in this update : https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/
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When I tell you I lost my marbles when I discovered this. There is a lot to say here! Firstly, one thing to note is that unlike any other secrets we had found in previous updates, Wally didn't put this here. Instead, it was this mysterious "W". Go read the whole thing! It's PACKED with information!
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"W" purposely put this here for US to find. W is in distress, confused and scared; this looks like a call for help.
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Might or might not be important, but the word "Paranoid" here starts with a capital. It did catch my eye, so maybe it is noteworthy.
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This entire phone call is absolutely fascinating and gives us answers about the lore. I highly recommend people to give it a listen : https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/phone
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AND THIS??? OH MY GOODNESS!!! Clown is spoiling us with gifts for this Homewarming! Truly, thank you Clown and the whole WH team, you're doing such a marvelous job. Watch the whole thing here : https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/commercials
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And what's this hidden among the commercials? Eddie! Remember how I said the pea was foreshadowing? Eddie can hear Home's heartbeat. Well, our dearest mailman doesn't look too well :( Thankfully Frank seems to be looking out for him!
Important things to note: This update is almost completely void of any trace of Wally infesting the website. The symbols were placed by the website manager here. Wally is not there anymore. Also, Eddie is purposely left out of the main update, only to be the center of attention in the commercial compilation.
Well! That's all I managed to find for now! Please let me know in the replies if I've missed anything. Thank you for reading, and Happy Homewarming! <3
Edit : Added some new things I just noticed!
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Vox’s Rivalry with Alastor: Need for Control
The whole thing with Vox is control. He’s the embodiment of modern technology and surveillance. The privacy issues we face? In Hell that’s all Vox. And when you think of it like that his whole rivalry with Alastor makes so much sense on a logical level.
Things Vox Controls:
-The public: constant surveillance, brainwashing, and further control over media content they consume. He doesn’t just control what people watch but he watches people.
-This partners (to a degree): we see this with how he interacts with Valentino. He isn’t the one in CHARGE, but the thing with Valentino is he tends to be very explosive, and Vox is able to direct the blast in a direction that won’t harm him (offers to bring up employees for Val to kill so he won’t make a public display about Angel)
-Himself: We see how he puts so much energy on to be publicity ready and have a smile on his face. Talking very much like a businessman or politician. He acts completely different in front of camera.
Even his smile. Both Vox and Alastor use smiling as a mechanism to hide their true selves. But with Alastor it works as a way to keep people guessing, to inspire a level of fear oftentimes.
Vox isn’t like that. He puts on a fake, plastic smile. Alastor tries to make himself off putting on purpose, Vox doesn’t. He does it to keep them complacent. Alastor smiles so people won’t figure him out. Vox smiles so people trust him enough not to try.
We see that the second Alastor is brought up that smile vanishes. His self control is gone. Throughout the song we see him lose more control over his public persona, getting more visibly angry, while at the same time the public turns more to Alastor. Meanwhile Alastor also butters his partners up and publicly announces to the world that “no, Vox can’t control me. Trust me, he tried.”
Every single thing Vox controls is threatened when Alastor is involved. Vox has no way to control him.
-Methods he uses on the public? Surveillance and media? Won’t work because Alastor can’t be captured on camera well and hates modern technology. Brainwashing the public? Won’t work if they’re paying more attention to Alastor than him.
-His partners? Alastor declined his partnership and is willing to poke at the relationship between the Vees. All the Vees carry some weight in the relationship, but Alastor could make Vox seem obsolete. He’s able to control their public perception, yes- but one of them could easily go rogue and blow that to bits.
-Himself? Demolished. Gone. He has a public breakdown. He glitches out. Fully cries at the end of the song. Maybe it’s the fear of what Alastor could do, maybe it’s their past, maybe it’s Vox’s weird hate boner, maybe it’s unrequited feelings. Who knows. All logic and control goes out the window when Alastor is involved.
And the thing Alastor seems very much the same. He hates being under someone’s leash. He needs to be in control. When he’s reminded he’s not he lashes out. The first time we really see their masks break is when they’re reminded of the fact there is someone out there that is a threat to the control the have. The “What did you say?” they both do before lashing out.
I’m interested in seeing how they’ll interact in the future. Because they really do seem like two sides of the same coin. The only difference is we know who Vox is afraid of, we don’t fully know who Alastor is of yet. They need power over others, but more than that they need power over themselves. (Alastor being controlled by whatever the deal he made was. While Vox is controlled by his emotions towards Alastor. And both being controlled by their fear.)
( @gabrielsbubblegumbitch I’m curious on your thoughts? I’ve read some of your analyses 1’s would love feedback.)
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spitdrunken · 4 months
ugh i NEEEEED more of ur hypnosis content w/ vox!! he goes to waste in the hands of people who have NO IDEA how fucked up and sexy an insecure manipulative control freak stalker with mind control powers is <3
so far, u r the only writer who truly understands his rancid vibe
im glad i am feeding into the EXACT brainrot you want because it's the only brainrot i adore for vox LMAO he's a fucking loser <33
notes: yandere, hypnosis, manipulation
He tries to be so suave about how he's pulling you in, like it's some genius master plan of which he's pulling the strings behind the scenes. But, let's be honest with ourselves here, it's just kind of patchetic. If he's truly as charming as he attempts to portray himself, why would he even have to hypnotise to you in the first place? It's absolutely a 'him issue. Because even if you were to fall for him hook, line and sinker, prostrating yourself in utter adoration every day, he'd still put so-called 'safeguards' in place.
Vox would prefer to start with some smaller triggers. Sure, it'd be possible to have you immediately believe you're in love with him... But that doesn't feel like it's a victory well-earned. It leaves a bad taste in his mouth. Instead, he starts more subtle, leaving triggers through temporarily taking over the screen of your phone.
You think your screen is just glitching out for a moment when it flickers from red to white for a couple of seconds. What you don't know is that you simply don't remember the message left for you in between. He'll plant a seed in your mind, something small, like making you think of him every time you see the colour blue. To you, the association between him and the colour doesn't even register, so, perhaps you'll start to wonder as to why you're thinking about him so often- Perhaps you'll start thinking you have feelings for him.
He'll put you in a trance while you're around your friends or your partner, all because you do something as simple as checking your phone for directions. You end up coming to, alone, vague memories of snapping at your friends and saying horrible things to them flickering through your mind... But why would you do that? It doesn't make any sense! You hadn't been upset at all. But yet, you'd done it, and you keep pushing away everyone around you further and further.
You start to become paronoid, starting to lose your trust in your perception of reality. Memories start slipping through your fingers like sand, and you return to your senses to a long string of texts to nearly all of your contacts, that ends with you blocking them. You know you're in Hell, but your life was already shitty enough. This seems to be a bit too much. You think you're losing your mind.
Of course, it's when you are about your absolute lowest point when sweet, sweet Vox swoops in to save you from yourself. Perhaps you can't trust yourself any longer, but you can trust him... Can't you? A mere snap of his fingers is all that it takes to have you mindlessly nodding along.
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circeyoru · 3 months
{Demonic Companion} Reader's Demon Design + What if LK arrives in Hell as well?
To the people that have yet to read {Demonic Companion} and {What If The Lover is A Killer}, major spoilers, so please read those before reading this. Check the Masterlist for the story.
This request can be found in {Demonic Companion _ Part 2}
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Will you be able to do another one where LK goes to hell? I really want to know what’ll happen to LK when alastor finds out LK is in hell. 
Also loved this!!! 🥰🖤🥰🖤
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**Same as before, LK, is the lover with the identity of a killer. But before anything, I’ll start with giving Reader/You a base information on your demon self.
Reader's Demon Design
Demon Title: The Weeping Demon
Demon Species: Demonic Spirit / Ghost Demon
Date of Death: 20XX (as long as it’s a time when technology is quite advanced)
Age of Death: (Adulthood)
Reason of Death: Murdered by LK
Reason to go to Hell: Two reasons. One, when you were young, you summoned a demon, even though you objected to it and advised not to, you still went through with it with your friends. Afterwards, you continued to be the host for the same demon’s return (Alastor able to return to Earth to your side and offer you deals). Two, you were into the paranormal. You have been watching ghost videos and demon huntings, attaching ill-willed spirits and more demons (that Alastor would kill when one’s near you without you knowing). You yourself aren’t aware that these are the exact reasons, you guessed that the demon summoning was the only exact reason and just accepted it since a long time ago
Appearance: Your eyes are pitch back (like Rosie’s and the other cannibals) because your eyes were actually gouged out after death (why do you think Alastor was that offset by your appearance). Wearing what you were having when you were killed during the 1-year anniversary of your relationship with LK, but all torn and deshreveled, like the ends of Alastor coat. As a ‘mark’ of Alastor, more like a lucky charm to instantly know where the other is and teleport to that location, you have a radio dial hair pin in your hair or on your collar
Personality: You’re as charismatic and cheerful as in life, able to approach people with a naive and open mind. But you are perceptive and sharp to manipulation and toxic traits directed at you or people you care for. Your moods can switch pretty quickly, normally, it can switch back the same but it’s not as easy to tell since you’re quite emotionally sensitive. You’re confident and stubborn, but shy if left alone so Alastor is your safe haven and your source of mental boost to be the best you. You are merciful, in a bad way. For example, while you wouldn’t seek revenge outright, you’d be sure the target doesn’t get a good end or when you see Alastor about to devour some demon, you’d suggest that the demons’ screams sounds lovely for his broadcast. You’ve changed to a bit of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, especially when Alastor is around to compare. Think of that meme where you look innocent, but can kill with outsiders and look innocent and is innocent in Alastor’s eyes
Demonic Abilities / Powers:
Your abilities and powers are centered around paranormal, ghosts and the like
Levitation: You naturally hover over the ground without having to do anything, similar to that of a ghost. You can ‘fly’ up, but that would require your concentration. You can also move things without touch, with the wave of a finger in the beginning and later on you can do it with your mind, advancing as Telekinesis
Glitch: You can steal electric power and use it as your own energy (Vox better be careful). Not only that, but you can phase through solid objects without issue when you will it
Invisibility: You can disappear from sight, but people can still feel your aura or sense you near
Chilling Aura: You have a natural cold air around you wherever you go, demons will feel a chill. When your emotions are intense (like in the 2nd spin-off) you have a frail of frost behind you as you travel
Cryokinesis (Ice manipulation): You can create, shape, and manipulate ice, along with freezing water into a solid state (think Elsa, let it goooo)
Possession: You can possess the body of a demon or human (if you go to Earth), even angels. But you must be stronger than them. You can best possess someone when they are unconscious or dead, even better when the person doesn’t have a soul or their soul doesn’t belong to them
Soul Manipulation: You can touch a soul and take it as your own, you’re unable to pass it to another. However, you must be in physical contact with the body of the soul to take it. You can even break contracts, but all you’re doing is shifting the owner of the contract to you, so the contracted soul is still not free. Once you have a soul, you either destroy it to use as your life essence or keep it like in a contract, else the soul will be gone since you can’t return it to the original body
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Now for the actual request
What if LK arrives in Hell as well?
It takes a while and by the time LK does arrive in Hell, you weren’t as shaken by your death and its reason, you’ve also grow a bit dark as you’ve been in Hell a while. Not to mention your boyfriend was the Radio Demon so, you picked up some bad habits. You had a name for yourself as The Weeping Demon since your arrival and first known appearance was you crying while freezing the streets and demons over, but you weren’t among the Overlord ranking 
You’ve also had friends with the other Hazbin Hotel residents, closest with Husk. Everyone was basically on the lookout for LK as well, since you’ve become a soft spot for them all, not as much as Alastor, but yeah, you’re well-protected and sheltered. Everyone got your story with Alastor’s comments and were devastated that you met such a fate
Alastor still remembers his order to his minions to capture LK alive and so does his minions even though it looks like he let it go. His murderous bloodlust is only low because you were there with him and he was focused on courting you properly
It happened out of the blue. LK’s arrival. As expected of a killer, LK was quite to act when realized this was Hell and there was basically no rule not to kill. Alastor passed you over to Husk who got the message to distract you while he was gone. You were none the wiser since you were quite used to Alastor leaving you suddenly, you figured it was duties of an Overlord and he would always bring back a gift or two, so you really didn’t mind
Your engagement gift finally arrived. Oh how Alastor wanted to tie the knot for so long. It was a good thing that you didn’t give Vox any interest when he was trying to pursue you to rile up Alastor, but you saw through that TV. When Vox really wanted to pursue you without alternate intensions, it was already too late. Now that you were his and he was yours, all that’s missing was marriage
In Hell, a marriage is tied till one soul disappears, so it’s basically permanent without breaking. It was to declare that the other was taken and so were you. The ultimate contract. Your little friendship would Lucifer would ensure his presence in the ceremony, and help solidify your marriage with him
Going off track. Alastor watched from the shadows of what LK was capable first. Since your powers were unique and terrifying, ones that can land you an Overlord title but you declined, he figured it was better to be on the safe side. Like a hunter, stalk the prey and watch for the perfect moment to strike. He can afford to take it slow, slow and steady wins the hunt
LK was rather ruthless and violent, a crazed smile on the face as body after body fell from the newly earn demonic powers. It seems the shackles that bound LK on Earth was what kept LK somewhat sane and normal from suspicion. That was what tricked you to your untimely death
When Alastor deemed that there was nothing to cautious about, he stepped out of the shadows and approached the raging LK and the masscre. “Greetings! My fellow hellish soul!”
LK turned around, raising a brow, “And who are you?”
“Alastor! I’d say it was a pleasure, but it really isn’t considering your actions to my beloved.” Alastor’s eyes narrowed as he glared dangerously at the smaller demon with his smile stretching too wide to be considered welcoming
“The ****. I don’t even know you. We just met.” LK rained back with a look of disgust
Ah, modern people and their rudeness. How did LK get you to crush on them for so long until the unthinkable happened? It really irked him. But he’ll blame it on his denial and wrong timing. Alastor laughed, “Oh we’ve met! Surely you forgot since time has passed and you’ve only met me that one time. Here, I’ll give you a hint.”
Shifting into a human form, Alastor revealed the biggest twist. Alastor watched with a sickly glee as LK’s face turned to shock and fear. “You’re… You’re that…”
“Ah, what was the modern term you youngsters use? Third wheel? Lightbulb? Hahaha, no matter! No longer am I fit for those terms. Your lovely lover and victim is now mine.” Alastor laughed as he swirled with his staff. “Oh you poor poor soul.”
LK growled back, “What’s that have to do with me then? You want a rematch? I bet [Reader] only went for you because I killed her, if I didn’t—”
“Oh, but you did. Broke my darling’s poor heart.” Static rose to a deafly tune as Alastor’s form shifted to a more demonic one. “You never should have had the pleasure of taking up my dear’s time.”
After Alastor had his fun, he took the long route back to the hotel, his shadows dragging behind the body of LK that’s still alive but too exhausted and traumatized to do any struggling
When you heard the hotel door open and the sound of static, you immediately floated over to Alastor and greeted him with a tight hug that Alastor returned as well. You quickly peeked over to see what was in the shadow’s gasps. “What’s that?”
“Ah.” Alastor let go of you and sharped his claws before, plunging it into LK’s chest and ripped the beating heart out. Alastor kneeled down and presented it to you, “My dearest love, I’d offer you my heart but I’m afraid you’ll reject the offer, so I give you a suitable substitute. The heart of one LK.”
Your eyes widened as you doubled back to the body. For better or worse, demons can’t be killed unless it was an angelic weapon, so you were positive that LK was suffering greatly with this act Alastor was putting on. You turned your attention back to Alastor, a red dot appearing in your black eyes to show your intense focus
Alastor grinned, as he sang, “My dear, if you’ll have me.” His shadow appeared and took your hand, afraid he’d dirty you with the blood of that filth, the shadow copy of Alastor smile and held up an open box that made you gasp. “Will you be mine and I be yours? For all of eternity.”
You giggled, a laugh so familiar to when you were alive, and threw yourself at Alastor, making him drop the heart to cradle you. “A thousand times, infinity yes!”
Alastor got up and dipped you down after a twirl and placed a kiss on your soft lips. “Mine.”
You smiled back, “So are you.”
Angel: So what do we do with this body now?
Husk: It’s still breathing
Vaggie: Throw it out?
Pentious: Slave for the hotel?
You: No need, we can handle it (smiling innocently) I’ve been wanting to want how to use a shotgun and Alastor’s teaching me. LK’s size is perfect for target practice
Everyone (except Alastor and you): (shiver)
Alastor: Oh, isn’t my beloved charming?
Everyone (except Alastor and you): Match made in Hell…
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Note: I nearly forgot about this request since it's not in the inbox area.
Circe Y.
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pokedashwarrior55 · 7 months
I gotta ramble about Showtimeshipping and Digital Circus for a hot minute before this thought disappears into the Void forever.
I just LOVE the potential of a Caine/Pomni dynamic in a one sided disaster ship kinda way. I see alot of shippers like making Caine the romantic one. Whether its Showtime or Royalshipping it seems Caine is boisterous and loud, therefore he's the haughty romantic. But he is afraid of Moon's advances, "Let's get outta here before the Moon get's frisky!". He's also an AI made for a children's point and click adventure carnival game by a cooperation in the early 2000s. Gooseworks has stated at Glitch con that he lacks alot of human emotions. I see no reason he would be outwardly romantic in the slightest other than his overenergetic and passionate personality.
I find it more hilarious if Pomni, the anxious and probably overlooked in her past life girl that she is, emotionally latched onto Caine in some way or another. Either from his personality being everything she wished she could be, bold and confident, simply seeing him as a powerful being that is the last remaining hope she has of returning to who she was, or a lighthearted Stockholm syndrome emotional dependency I dont' know. Maybe it's simply she found his voice attractive and spiraled from there. Pomni becomes angry that she's attracted to this floating teeth with eyes and just screams. Jax catches onto her little infatuation very easily and makes fun of her without outing her, making it a back and forth with them.
Caine eventually realizes his new player is unhappy and becoming increasingly unhinged very quickly. He doesn't want another intrusive abstraction, especially since she just got here, so he begins spending more time with Pomni trying to get her to chill. His purpose is to entertain and provide a fun escape from daily stress, so seeing a player as stressed as Pomni is tugs at his sensors. He needs her to be as accustomed to the world as everyone else is. If not he failed as a video game and failed is own programing. It's his duty to ensure she is comfortable and having fun.
So now Caine is hyper vigilant of Pomni's life and emotions. He takes her on adventures just for her to cheer her up, just the two of them. This is to ensure the quest is specific to her, that others aren't at risk to make her spiral further, and that he has full attention on her so he can assure her it is a painless and harmless quest, since he can always fix her or get rid of an issue if it becomes too much. All of it was just meant as a safety procedure, but Pomni sees it as coming on to her with his eagerness to spend all this alone time together. Human perceptions see it as a date, which is not even a thought for Caine. She's still jumpy and nervous and touches him alot. Like alot alot, which Caine thinks is her telling him she's lonley of course! So he gets her gifts to make her feel like she belongs and that she has things to keep her saine. Off course, this all interpreted by Pomni in a Human relationship lense and the attention deepens the hole Pomni has now dug for herself.
Eventually Caine rambles his frustrations about Pomni's behavoir and how no matter what he tries he can't seem to make her happy here to Bubble, who repeats some of his words to the cast that is mostley gone ignored, except for Jax (who already knew) and Ragatha, who finally understood what was happening and feels bad for them both. Pomni is struggling with a crush on a probably dangerous and confused AI while said AI is getting flirted with by a Human and is driving himself mad trying to decipher her strive. She steps up to actually let Caine know what he is missing and this is when true Showtime would start, with Caine realizing he does enjoy helping Pomni and Pomni coming to terms with her emotions instead of just screaming at herself for having them. From there they can have a cute, if mostly aromantic, fluffy friendship that almost borders on dating, but never quite gets there with Caine's limitations.
She's feeling claustrophobic from the tent one day and he generates a small area for her to explore stressfree to take her mind away from that feeling of being trapped. He talks about having creations both from Jax saying, "is this another one of your NPCs?" and Caine saying, "You know how I don't like people seeing my unfinished work" so he is a learning AI that enjoys creating and seems somewhat artistic, despite his limitations and bluntness. He enjoys helping her feel at home, despite the circumstances and Pomni grows more comfortable with herself by his radiating confidence, yet they can both be equally frantic and chaotic if the scene needs it. It's both a timid/bold dynamic and a chaos duo and I love it.
Ok that's my showtime HC dump byeeeeeeeee
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talkdutchtome · 6 months
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Glitch- chapter six
pairing . . . max verstappen x reader / mason mount x reader )
summary . . . when mason mount finds out that his assistant has been harbouring feelings for him for years, he makes it clear he doesn't feel the same way. but once he sees her become closer with formula 1 world champion max verstappen, he realises he may have underestimated his feelings towards the girl he has now pushed into the arms of another )
genre . . . angst )
song . . . glitch- taylor swift )
series masterlist . . . available here )
a/n . . . this isn’t proof read because between this and my uni work i’ve been staring at my laptop all day so my eyes are killing me, sorry! )
Mason's living room buzzed with the friendly banter and laughter as Y/N, Ben, Reece and Mason gathered for a night in. It had been a while since the four of them had spent time together casually, so they all found time for a night of takeaway pizza, beer and video games. The glow of the TV screen illuminated their faces, casting a warm ambiance across the room and the air was thick with the camaraderie of a makeshift FIFA tournament.  
Ben and Reece started them off, their thumbs dancing across the controllers in a fierce match. It was a close call, but Ben emerged victorious, celebrated with an exaggerated victory dance that drew laughs from the others. Up next was Y/N and Mason, it was no secret that Y/N wasn’t particularly skilled in FIFA, in comparison to Mason who had dedicated a large portion of his teenage years to the game. The game had started with Mason going one goal up in a matter of seconds, however once he had seen a look of subtle disappointment spread across her face, he very slightly adjusted his play, letting her take the win. She was more than taken aback when she secured an unexpected win and Mason's mock disappointment was met with Y/N's triumphant grin, and a knowing look passed between the man and his friends as they sussed out what he had done.  
As the next match kicked off between Ben and Y/N, the room echoed with a mix of playful taunts and infectious laughter. The game was fast-paced, and because Ben had no reason to let Y/N win; she quicky found herself trailing a few goals behind.  
“So, Y/N, when’s your next date with Max?” Reece asked her as she was trying and failing to stop her opponent from scoring once again.  
Ben, momentarily distracted from the game, swiveled his head in surprise, "Wait, you guys went on a date? Why am I always the last to know?" 
Mason remained silent, observing the situation and wishing that Reece hadn’t brought up Max. Y/N, with a nervous chuckle, downplayed the encounter, "It was just a casual thing. Next time, I promise to give you a heads-up, Ben." 
Reece, ever perceptive, probed further, "Any plans for a follow-up date?" 
Y/N sighed, an air of disappointment trailing her words “I don’t know, we wanted to do something but it's so hard with our schedules and being so far away. He’s in the UK this weekend but with the charity gala on Sunday I’m just swamped with stuff to do.” 
The sadness in Y/N’s eyes was unmissable to Mason and without a second thought he blurted out, "Why don't you invite him to the gala?" The suggestion hung in the air for a moment, and he felt a twinge of uncertainty. Reece shot him a subtle, questioning glance, recognizing the potential complications, but Mason's gaze was fixed on Y/N.  
A spark of hope flickered in Y/N's eyes, and she hesitated for a moment before responding, "You don't have to do that for me, Mason." 
Yet, Mason could see the excitement building in her, so he insisted, "I know I don't have to, but I want to. Invite him. It'll be a good time." 
Y/N's response was a delighted squeal, and she abandoned the ongoing FIFA match with Ben to envelop Mason in a tight hug. Ben, interrupted mid-game, groaned theatrically, but Y/N didn’t even hear his complaints; too busy thanking her best friend. As she hugged Mason tightly, he couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him. Her joy was infectious, and he found solace in the simple act of having her in his arms. The comfort of their embrace was undeniable, a familiar feeling that stirred emotions he had grown accustomed to. 
Yet, beneath the surface, there lingered a bittersweet tinge. Mason couldn't ignore the slight disappointment that crept in when he realized it was the thought of Max that lit up Y/N's eyes so brilliantly. He cared for her deeply, and her happiness mattered more to him than anything, even if it meant setting aside his own desires. 
The evening past quicky, and soon the men found themselves alone, with Y/N going home to get an early night. The second she left though, Mason found himself getting whacked over the head semi-gently by Reece.  
“Ow man what the fuck was that?” he asked, completely baffled as to what he had done to make his friend do that.  
“Why the hell would you tell Y/N she can invite Max on Sunday?” Reece asked, before smacking his best friend around the head again. 
“Fuck ow stop that” Mason said pushing him away and sighing “I don't really know. She looked sad, disappointed, and I wanted to cheer her up. So, I suggested she invite Max to the gala. It's not a big deal." 
Reece, never one to let things slide, persisted. "You remember the last time you had to be around them together, right? And that was when they were just starting to get to know each other. Now, they've been on dates. How are you going to cope with that?" 
Mason waved off the concern, a forced nonchalance in his tone. "It had been a bad few days that weekend. I'll be fine now." 
Ben, chiming in with a touch of confusion, asked, "What's the problem? Y/N seems to really like Max. Isn't that a good thing? You can stop worrying about her liking you." 
Mason managed a half-smile, but there was a depth of complexity in his expression. "Yeah, exactly. That's why I suggested she invite him." Despite his words, a tinge of dejection lingered, and Reece caught on. There was something more beneath the surface, but he decided not to press further in front of Ben, though as they continued their evening, he couldn't shake the feeling that Mason's nonchalant demeanor masked a more profound turmoil. He silently resolved to keep a watchful eye on his friend, sensing there might be more to Mason's emotions than he was letting on. 
As Sunday approached, Y/N found herself immersed in a whirlwind of preparations for Mason's charity gala. The days leading up to the event were a blur of coordinating details, arranging decorations, and ensuring everything was in place. In the midst of her busy schedule, Y/N managed to invite Max, who enthusiastically accepted the invitation. 
However, as the day of the gala arrived and Y/N finally had a moment to breathe, a wave of anxiety and anticipation washed over her. The realization that she would see Max again, especially with Mason also present, brought a mix of nerves and excitement. The thought of navigating the evening with both men in attendance added an extra layer of complexity to her emotions. 
Mason, for his part, seemed to have reverted to his old self. Their interactions resumed a sense of normalcy, with one notable exception – the majority of their physical contact had faded away. Y/N understood the reasons behind this shift, but it still contributed to the charged atmosphere surrounding the gala 
As Y/N adorned herself in an elegant ballgown, Mason arrived to pick her up for the gala. The moment he laid eyes on her, he was utterly gobsmacked by her beauty. A quiet awe filled the space between them as he took in her appearance. 
Driving to the venue, Y/N attempted to focus on the logistical details of the event, discussing what needed to be done throughout the night. However, Mason interjected, informing her that she had the day off. He insisted that he could handle the responsibilities, emphasizing that she deserved to enjoy the evening without being burdened by work. 
Surprised by his gesture, Y/N questioned his decision, pointing out the multitude of tasks that required attention. Mason simply responded, "I've got it covered. You should spend the night with Max; it wouldn't be fair to bring him here and then have you running around all night." 
Grateful for his consideration, Y/N thanked him again, a genuine smile gracing her face. They stepped out of the car, and she couldn't resist giving Mason another appreciative hug before entering the venue. 
Max arrived shortly after in a tailored black suit, looking effortlessly sharp. Y/N couldn't help but notice just how good he looked as he kissed her on the cheek and complimented her appearance. They made their way to the table where Mason, Reece, Ben, and Ben's girlfriend were seated. Max greeted everyone with a warm smile, shaking hands with each person. Mason, determined to appear calm and collected, reciprocated the gesture with a firm handshake. 
As the night unfolded, the group engaged in lively conversation. Max, ever polite, directed his attention toward Mason, expressing genuine interest in the charity work he was involved in. Mason shared his longstanding commitment to Together for Short Lives, explaining that he had been supporting the organization since the early days of his football career. He emphasized his desire to give back and contribute to meaningful causes. Y/N chimed in, “Mason has always been so great with this stuff, I love working with someone who devotes so much time to helping people”. Mason, though modest, felt a surge of pride at Y/N's words, appreciating her admiration. 
Dinner was served, and the atmosphere around the table buzzed with conversation and laughter. Y/N and Max, engrossed in their own dialogue, spoke quietly, creating an intimate space between them amidst the lively ambiance of the event. Mason couldn't help but find his attention drawn toward them, curious about the nature of their conversation. He observed Max leaning in, whispering something that prompted Y/N's laughter. The sight of her hand resting casually on Max's biceps, the way she bit her bottom lip while looking at him, stirred a complex mix of emotions in Mason. It was an involuntary response to witnessing the dynamics between them. 
As Y/N and Max excused themselves to go to the bar, Mason's eyes followed their every move. He noticed Max's hand gently placed on the small of Y/N's back as they walked away. Reece, observing Mason's silent contemplation, sipped his whiskey, sensing the tension in the air. The quiet yet intense scrutiny Mason directed toward Y/N and Max didn't go unnoticed. At the bar, Mason watched with an almost laser-like focus as Y/N leaned in, whispering something to Max. The image of her cherry-red lips grazing Max's skin lingered in Mason's mind, leaving an imprint that he couldn't quite shake. 
Y/N, however, was far too wrapped up in Max’s company to notice Mason’s lingering gazes. Any anxiety that she had that things between them would be awkward after she ran away from their date was quickly proved wrong, with the pair of them seemingly only getting closer. 
“Have a mentioned how beautiful you look tonight Y/N” he whispered in her ear, prompting a small giggle to escape from her lips. 
“Oh, only a few dozen times I think” she feigned uninterest before breaking into giggles, resting her head on the Deutchmans shoulder beside her; suddenly feeling herself becoming very flustered.  
"Do you want to step outside for a bit? It's a bit crowded in there." 
Max agreed, and Y/N slipped her hand into his as they strolled away from the lively gala. They found a quiet bench under the stars and sat down, the ambient sounds of the night surrounding them. 
"Thank you for inviting me," Max said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I've had a lot of fun with you tonight." 
Y/N smiled warmly. "I've had a great time too. I just wish we could see each other more." 
Max's eyes sparkled as he responded, "I'm racing in Austria next week, I’d love for you to come along. And, I know you said you want to take things slow and I respect that, but you know, the offer to take you to Monaco is always open." 
His words hung in the air, and Y/N found herself looking at him, drawn in by the magnetic connection between them. Before she could process her own actions, an unexpected surge of courage propelled her forward. Without a second thought, she leaned in, capturing Max's lips with hers. The kiss was a revelation, a moment suspended in time. Y/N felt a gentle warmth spreading through her, a tender acknowledgment of shared feelings. Max's lips were soft against hers, and the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that quiet corner under the stars. 
For Y/N, the kiss was nothing short of magic. It was a sweet exploration of a newfound connection, a silent affirmation of the unspoken desires that had lingered between them. Their lips fit together like they were made for each other, and when Max deepened the kiss Y/N saw stars. As they pulled away, she couldn't help but marvel at the enchantment of that stolen moment, leaving her heart fluttering with anticipation. She had never had a kiss like that before, there was so much passion and chemistry it left her feeling a little dumbfounded.  
The gala resumed its vibrant atmosphere as Y/N and Max returned, smiles adorning their faces. Unbeknownst to them, Mason's eyes were fixed on the faint smudge of red lipstick around Max's mouth. His attempt to remain calm was futile as a whirlwind of emotions swirled within him. 
Max and Y/N rejoined the table, the shared moment still lingering between them. Mason, increasingly agitated, couldn't shake the unsettling sight before him. The barely-there mark on Max's face became a glaring symbol of something he couldn't fully comprehend. 
Unable to contain the whirlwind of emotions, Mason downed the remainder of his whiskey in one gulp before abruptly standing up, his chair scraping against the floor. He mumbled something about needing a moment and hastily excused himself from the table. The others exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what had transpired. Y/N, sensing that something was wrong with her best friend, began to stand up, but Reece, ever perceptive, also rose from his seat. He looked at Y/N and asked, "Mind if I go see if he's okay? I think he might need a moment." 
Y/N nodded, still puzzled, and watched as Reece followed Mason out of the gala. The atmosphere at the table became tense, shrouded in uncertainty, as they all wondered what had just occurred. 
Reece stepped out into the cool night, his eyes scanning the surroundings until he spotted Mason pacing in a corner, his hands running through his hair in a display of frustration and turmoil. The sight was disconcerting, and Reece quickened his pace. 
As he approached, he noticed the raw emotion etched on Mason's face, a mix of anguish and vulnerability. It looked like he was about to burst into tears, and Reece could sense that something profound was troubling his friend. 
"You were right," Mason's voice cracked, his eyes desperately searching for some semblance of understanding. Reece furrowed his brows, concerned about the depth of Mason's distress. 
"I was right about what? What's going on, Mase?" Reece inquired; his voice laced with worry. 
Mason, unable to contain the storm of emotions within him, continued to pace, his fists clenched in frustration. "I can't watch him all over her, I can't. I fucking love her, mate, and I don't know what to do. I pushed her away; I pushed her into him. I was scared, and I panicked, and I've ruined everything." 
Reece felt a wave of shock wash over him. Mason's raw confession about his feelings for Y/N was unexpected, and it left him grappling with the weight of his friend's emotional turmoil. As much as Reece wanted to comfort his friend his frustration surged to the surface as he spoke, a mix of concern and disappointment evident in his voice. "Mase, I don't want to be harsh, but you've got to get your act together," he urged, his eyes piercing through the darkness. 
Mason, taken aback by Reece's directness, listened intently, unsure of what was about to unfold. 
"You treated Y/N so unfairly when you found out about how she felt. You pushed her away, and it broke her," Reece continued, his tone unwavering. "She loved you, and you found out, told her she ruined everything. She would never tell you this, but that broke her." 
Mason's expression shifted from surprise to a dawning realization of the impact of his actions. 
Reece, not mincing words, pressed on. "If she's found somebody that makes her happy, then if you're her friend, if you really care about her, then you will shut your mouth and not tell her any of this. It's not fair. I know you've known her longer than me, but anyone can see that she is the sweetest girl in the world. And no matter what or who comes along, she will always love you. She deserves to be happy, and if Max makes her happy, then let her be happy with him. Don't confuse her with your feelings, not now. Not after what you did." 
The weight of Reece's words hung in the air, and before Before Mason could respond to Reece's blunt but necessary words, Y/N and Max approached, their entwined hands a visual testament to the complexity of Mason's emotions. “Hey guys, I think we’re going to head off if tha-” she started before  
observing the tension etched across Mason's face, and immediately picking up on the strained atmosphere. Her concern seeped into her voice as she inquired, "What's going on, guys?" 
Mason hesitated, teetering on the edge of transparency. His gaze flitted between Y/N and Reece, contemplating whether to lay bare his inner turmoil. However, as he looked at Y/N standing beside Max, Reece's earlier counsel echoed in his mind. He realized that now wasn't the time to burden her with his feelings. 
A forced smile appeared on Mason's face as he replied, "Everything's perfectly fine." Y/N, unconvinced, began to ask again, but Mason, interrupting her, expressed gratitude, "Thank you both for coming. Max, your generous donation means a lot. It was lovely to see you again." 
Y/N's perceptive eyes searched Mason's face, detecting something amiss. However, Reece subtly signaled to let it go. With a parting goodbye, Y/N walked away with Max's arm around her waist. 
Mason watched them leave, the internal struggle vivid on his face. The desire to run after her and ask her to stay battled with the understanding that letting her find happiness, even if it wasn't with him, was the right thing to do. 
Max navigated the city streets, his fingers lightly tapping on the steering wheel as he drove Y/N back to her apartment. The car's interior cocooned them in a tranquil atmosphere, the hum of the engine blending with the soft music playing from the radio. As they merged into traffic, Max couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. "Mason seemed really bothered by something tonight," he remarked, glancing at Y/N. She nodded, her brow furrowed with concern. "I don't know what's wrong with him, but I'm really worried," she admitted. 
Reaching over, Max placed a reassuring hand on Y/N's thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm sure he'll figure things out. Sometimes, it just takes time," he offered, his gaze returning to the road. 
The rest of the drive continued in comfortable silence. Eventually, as the city lights painted a picturesque backdrop, Y/N broke the quiet with a nervous giggle. "I think I would like to come to Monaco with you at some point, if that's still up for grabs." 
A broad grin stretched across Max's face. "Of course, it is, I’d love that" he replied, his eyes briefly meeting hers. 
When they arrived at her apartment, Max, displaying a gentlemanly gesture, asked if he could walk her up to her door to ensure she got in safely. Y/N agreed, and they strolled together through the dimly lit corridor. Upon reaching her door, the ambiance shifted. Max leaned down, capturing Y/N's lips in a gentle kiss. Y/N’s hands reach up the back of his neck, her fingers lacing themselves in Max’s hair as their lips moved against each other. Their connection lingered for a moment before they pulled away, breaths slightly labored as Max rested his forehead against hers.  
“Do you want to come in?” 
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ponchigg · 1 month
Still doubting reality shifting? Then I bring a challenge to you:
Every time before you fall asleep, repeat to yourself the following affirmation: ‘I am now aware of the shift in between realities’ (you can also tweak it a little according to your preferences, something like ‘I allow myself to become aware of the shift in between realities’ also works just fine) and watch how your life becomes a trippy mess.
I’m talking about ‘Matrix glitches’, warped time perceptions, seeing and experiencing things that defy logic and much more.
Shifting realities is just like breathing, literally. That analogy didn’t come from nowhere. Did you ever stop to think about how amazing it is that you’re just normally breathing throughout the day without even realising it? And that the only time you consciously notice your breath pattern is when something brings your awareness to it?
It’s the same with Shifting, you never (or almost never) consciously notice the glitches between realities because your conscious mind doesn’t pay attention to it, your subconscious naturally does it all alone. So when you finally bring your attention to it and take the control away from your subconscious, you will start seeing all types of weird shit. And I promise it’s worth every second.
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liminalpebble · 8 months
Hi ya, my ask would be for Loki....
For some reason his magic is glitching. He needs to understand why before anyone finds out.
Oddly, when he's around [insert character name] the effect is better/worse*
*delete as appropriate
Hello dear nonny!
Sorry it has taken me a thousand years to write this. It's kind of a long one but I hope it warms your heart. It's kind of silly and fluffy but unexpectedly emotionally real. I hope you enjoy.
CW: Fluff, all fluff. Loki x gn reader, surprisingly wholesome, just bit of cussing.
The Glitch
“DAMN!” Loki screamed for the tenth time that morning, smacking his fist against the kitchen counter. In the privacy of his quarters at Avengers Tower, the god of mischief was having a horrible morning.
He woke up as usual and tried to spark up the green glow of his magic to help him get ready more quickly for the day. Although long hot showers were pleasant to him, so was sleeping in after reading late into the night. Being able to magic oneself clean and ready for the day in seconds was a major convenience...one he had always taken for granted.
Although his fist was no longer magically charged, the strength of his hand still left divots in the counter top, frustrating him further. Finally the god of mischief screamed so loudly and smacked the wall so hard in rage that it was a miracle the whole building didn't hear it.
He was very lucky, in that case, that there was only one person walking quietly through the hall to the morning meeting (something Steve cutely called the “Superhero Roundtable”). You rolled your eyes thinking of the name, but Steve was too much of a sweetheart to burst his bubble about it. As your steps clicked over the polished floors you were feeling a bit proud of yourself that you would actually be early for once.
You jumped at the sudden avalanche of sound. His biting baritone tirade crashed into the hall from behind Loki's door. Your superhuman reflexes were the only thing keeping your files and your coffee from hitting the floor. Sighing in exasperation, you considered whether or not to get involved with whatever the hell this was. Ever since you joined the team a few days ago, your dramatic Asgardian coworker was none too thrilled to have another non-human demigod on the roster. Sharing the spotlight was never his forte and he made it everyone's problem, especially yours.
But...you were kind, sometimes to a fault. The idea of simply waking by and ignoring him, of enjoying some schadenfreude as this arrogant ass was finally being inconvenienced by something, was incredibly tempting. But pity welled up in your heart, knowing what it's like to be a stranger in a strange land, to feel alone and angry, so you knocked on the door despite being afraid of whatever hurricane was behind it.
Loud steps trudged closer, then the door swung open as Loki barked, “WHAT do you WANT?!”
You took a step back, eyes wide and coffee still death-gripped in one hand.
“I...uh...I heard you screaming, and breaking things. You know, you'll never get your deposit back if you keep it up,” you attempted to joke, painting an uncertain smile across your face, brows peaked in concern.
His aquamarine eyes stared down, boring into yours as he clenched his jaw, then said dryly, “How very perceptive of you.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed. “God, you're such a bellend.”
He flinched at the insult. He didn't know what “bellend” meant, but he could infer from your tone that it was not a compliment. As he tried to swing the door shut again, you slapped it back open, “But! I really am concerned about you, so can you please let me know what's wrong?”
“Nothing!” he growled out, chest heaving.
Your eyes scanned him up and down, taking in his disheveled hair, wrinkled pajamas, and the slew of objects strewn across his living room. “I'm not an idiot, Loki. I can see the obvious. Will you please just talk to me?”
He flinched again, this time struck by the genuine care in your voice and in your eyes. It rendered him uncharacteristically unsure of what to say or do. As he paused and you stepped closer, he could feel the surge of his magical energy building back up within him. Loki's face suddenly cracked into an unnerving gleeful grin. He hastily cast a green glow over his body, rendering himself dressed, scrubbed, and ready for the day. Although he knew he might be stretching his luck, he waved a hand behind him to reset the apartment back to its immaculate order. To his delight, it worked. “I'm ready, your highness. Let's go, shall we,” he said lightly, as if he wasn't in a tyrannical rage moments earlier.
You stared, eyes and mouth wide open in confusion, then shook your head and shrugged. “Whatever, Vlad the Complainer. Let's just go,” you said, striding quickly down the hall towards the conference room.
The demigod strutted after you, in much less of a hurry, until he felt the magic within him wither and shrink as the distance between you increased. He gingerly tested a theory, picking up his pace so he gained on you. As he suspected, each step closer caused his magic to re-energize within him.
Damn he thought with a huff, as the two of you entered the conference room, just in time. You settled in the only two seats left at the table, next to each other.
Great. You thought, realizing that at least for the next few hours, you would be stuck next to the intergalactic diva. That's what I get for being nice.
The meeting went on far too long, but while Steve droned on, you turned the issue of Loki around in your mind. He sat next to you, not bothering to hide his boredom; arms crossed, chin tilted haughtily and legs spread wide. By the end of the first hour, you finally couldn't stand his long limbs sprawled out into your own space, so you swiftly kicked his shin under the table. He glared, but the message was received, loud and clear, as he wheeled his chair slightly away from you and crossed his legs.
As you touched, it happened yet again, the flaring of your own magic levels and a definite feeling of transfer to him. You could sense it ever since he answered his door this morning; the fluctuating magic. It didn't take you long to put two and two together. His magic was faltering, and for no reason you could discern, your proximity was jump-starting it again. You made a mental note to immediately drag Loki with you to Bruce to get this all sorted out.
You're welcome, Loki. You thought to yourself, considering that you could have just brought it up here in the larger group to get everyone working on the problem, but you instead decided to preserve his fragile pride. Finally, Steve dismissed everyone and you waited until the room was completely empty with a hand on Loki's arm, urging him to stay seated as well.
When you were alone, Loki took the opportunity to speak first. “Well, well, wellll,” he teased, “eager to prolong my charming presence, darling, and just the two of us, no less.” He winked and smiled. And although it was corny it was also devastatingly sexy coming from his stupid handsome face.
“Can you, for once, cut the crap? Just tell me what the fuck is going on with your powers.”
Those gorgeous icy eyes went even wider than usual, as he forced out a breathy chuckle while saying, “Why, what ever do you mean?”
Your expression remained knowing and unamused as you explained. “I know, Loki, I can feel the movement of my magic in my body, just like you can, and I can tell when someone's siphoning off of it like a gas tank. We have to go to Bruce, see if he can sort it...”
“NO.” he growled, deep and articulate, close to your face, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Can you put your enormous ego on a shelf for a few moments and just go with me? This won't just fix itself, you know.”
He sighed. “Very well.”
“You're welcome,” you quipped as you already left your chair and made your way to the lift. Loki was dragging his feet until he felt the magic seep away as you left. Reminded of his predicament, he jumped up and followed closely.
Several hours later you were sitting in a strange plastic shell of an observation room with Loki, a transparent, zipped divider between you. You sat in opposite corners trying to get comfortable while Bruce ran his tests, sometimes unzipping the middle panel, and sometimes closing it again to isolate each of you. Dr. Banner's warm voice rang in through the intercom as he looked through the observation window, “You okay in there, kid? Got everything you need for awhile?”
You laughed. “I'm 100 years old, Bruce, and I'm totally fine,” you said gesturing to your comfortable pajamas, piles of books, laptop, pillows and blankets. “It's...uh...it's like a slumber party. I'm doing great.”
“Except for the company,” Loki quipped under his breath, as he sat against the wall reading, not raising his eyes for a moment. Unlike you, Loki refused any creature comforts besides a book to keep him occupied over what would probably be long hours of testing.
When you arrived at the lab earlier that day, Bruce welcomed you warmly with a kind hug and chit chat. He definitely did not do the same for Loki. Instead he frowned warily and gave him a wide berth. After a few initial tests you asked, “What's the verdict?”
“Well, it looks like you two have powers that behave on similar principles but for some reason, they're interfering with each other like when radio signals cross...or maybe more like magnetic fields...still figuring that out...anyway. We never knew about this problem before because we never had two...uh...similar beings living in the same building. To bring it all back to normal, I need to find a way to separate the signals and keep it that way...some device to wear or even a nano device planted under the skin.
“I beg your pardon?” Loki said, brows furrowed and expression indignant. “You want to cut open my skin and implant something?”
Bruce smiled wryly. “You're making it sound medieval. I'm not chopping anyone open. It would be a tiny laparoscopic incision. It would take seconds and then you'd be back to normal.”
“That's great news!” you chirped.
Dr. Banner, held up his hand. “but I have to keep you both here for an extended period of time to collect enough data...eight hours or more. It might be best if you come in the evening and just sleep overnight. That way I can take readings and it won't interfere with whatever else you have to do today. It might not be the most comfortable sleeping ara...”
You put a hand on Bruce's arm. “It's fine, Bruce. I just appreciate your help.”
Loki was still glaring, arms crossed, but nodded his reluctant agreement to the arrangement.
So now, here you were, locked in a bubble with Loki until morning. You almost wished the divider in the middle were opaque, so it could block his moody glares and sidelong glances. Although you bristled at his comment, you made the best of things, arranging your blankets and pillows and reading a book just as you would if you were in your own bed, in your own quarters.
Before long you heard huffs of annoyance and shuffling coming from the other side. You ignored him until you found yourself reading the same page three times because of the interruption. Finally, you gave in.
You looked over to your cellmate and asked blandly, “Can I help you?”
He grunted. “I can't get comfortable.”
“Yeah. You didn't bring a sleeping bag or blanket or pillow or anything.”
He stepped closer to the divider, as did you. “Well, I thought I could conjure what I needed. I didn't think the good doctor would ask us not to actively use our powers.”
You tutted. “A remarkable lack of foresight from the god of cunning.”
He put his hands on his hips and be began to rush his words out, “And I should have...what? Made my side look like a damn nursery as yours does? With those bizarre creatures, and that atrocious nightwear. I am a god, not a toddler.”
You braced yourself, responding as he paced. “Well, for one fucking thing those creatures are called Squishmallows and they are incredibly comfortable as pillows...and they're cute. They make me smile, Loki.”
The god of mischief raised an eyebrow, looking skeptically and derisively at a large plushy winking mango you had been using as a pillow. He asked, “And what is this apparel you have donned for your captivity.”
You blushed, looking at the zip-up hooded onesie you were wearing, and mumbled, “Shut up. It's warm and very soft on the inside.”
“In the semblance of what? A bear?”
“A capybara.”
“A what?”
“A capybara. They're cute and peaceful...look a bit like overgrown guinea pigs?”
His face screwed up into a a cringe. “I wouldn't know. I haven't been spending my long godly lifespan on a silly little eternal holiday, playing with midgardians and forsaking my dignity,” he pronounced loudly, in his most aristocratic tone.
You were now facing each other only inches apart, breaths fogging the plastic divider, arms crossed pugnaciously. You paused, gathering what little patience and compassion you had left to muster, then asked. “And which of us seems happier, Loki? Hmm?”
You didn't wait for a reply, knowing it would just raise your dander even more. Loki, however, found he didn't have any rebuttal. He watched, puzzled, as you crossed the room and spoke something Loki couldn't hear into the intercom. He watched curiously, as a lab technician took several pillows and blankets from you and brought them to Loki in the other compartment.
He held them, staring blankly at the pile in his arms. You held back a chuckle at the incongruity of the scene; the proud ancient god in his regal clothes holding a pile of soft, pastel-colored material.
To your surprise, he spread them out very carefully, returned to the divider and said quietly, “Thank you.”
As he was turning to resume his pacing at the far end, you finally asked, “Loki. Why do you hate me so much? What do you have against me? I've been nothing but kind to you...even kinder because I know what it is to be like us...to be the only ones like us, alone and misunderstood in a foreign world.”
You tried to keep the hurt from your voice, but it seeped in, and the perceptive Asgardian saw it easily. Loki's stony face softened unexpectedly, eyebrows peaked in concern and a little shame at his behavior.
“Look...I...I don't hate you. I just....I took me years...years to gain the midgardians' trust after...everything. And then it took so much time and so much effort for these Avengers in particular to accept me, respect me, acknowledge me as someone other than Thor's little bastard brother and a nuisance to the planet. But eventually, finally, I had my identity as unique and glorious and a vital member of the team and finally...finally even, perhaps, gaining friends here.”
His voice dropped to an angrier growl, “But then there was you, and in mere days...days...all of that had unraveled because of you; because of your understanding of their ways, and your intelligence and your skills and....and your kindness...your incredible, unwavering kindness.”
He sat down heavily, slouching with a bowed head, as a barely perceptible tear rolled down his cheek.
There were a few moments of silence as you came closer to the divider sitting down to match him on the other side of the plastic wall. “Loki,” you said so softly, putting your hand up on the divider.
He raised his head and met your eyes, this time not bothering to hide his tears as he barked, “Spare me your pity!”
“I don't pity you,” you said, and he could see you were telling the truth. “But I do feel for you because I have been where you are. I'm sure none of it has been easy for you, but Loki, I've wanted to be your friend since I arrived here. I'd heard all about you...all those good things you said they finally thought and felt about you were the things I heard. I was honestly, a little star-struck over you.”
He chuckled at that. “Really? Star-struck?”
“Yeah. You seemed so fascinating, and bright, and...well...and handsome obviously.”
He smiled broadly at that.
“Yeah. Yeah. Don't let it go to your head. I know everyone says that about you.”
He looked puzzled. “Actually, no one has said that to me.”
“Well. I assure you, they all think it.”
He smiled, looking you up and down in your ridiculous plush onesie and said, “And you're very...I don't remember their word for it...yndig in your...your....”
You smiled and chuckled, “In English the word is 'adorable' and I think this thing is called a onesie...which..actually is also what they call the ones babies wear so I guess you're a bit right.”
Now he was laughing too and neither of you could stop.
In the morning Dr. Banner smiled triumphantly as he strode into the isolation room. He held up two little syringes and said, “I've got it, you two! I hope you haven't torn each other's throats out after we unzipped the barrier.”
He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the two of you curled up together in a pile of blankets and pillows. The laptop was still streaming movies you had long since fallen asleep during. Loki's hand was around your shoulders and your sleepy head was resting in the crook of his neck. Sometime during the night, you had even convinced Loki to don your extra onesie (a black cat). Then, dressed up like animals, you had snuggled together and drifted off that way.
Bruce smiled, chuckled and walked right back out, deciding to let you both sleep a little longer.
He shrugged and quipped, “Guess it was a good slumber party.”
@goblingirlsarah @lokihiddleston @lokisgoodgirl @unlucky-number-13 @thedistractedagglomeration @gigglingtiggerv2 @muddyorbs @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @joyful-enchantress @marcotheflychair @mischief2sarawr @icytrickster17 @loz-3 @loopsisloops @peachyjinx @peaches1958 @lokischambermaid @ladyofthestayingpower @sweetsigyn @november-rayne @little-wormwood @littlespaceyelf @mochie85 @sarahscribbles @alexakeyloveloki @holdmytesseract
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commsroom · 2 years
beating my fists against the wall thinking about how eiffel hallucinating hera in mayday is the only time (that isn’t from her perspective) that her voice doesn’t have the usual filters on it. what that suggests about how eiffel sees her and how it aligns with her own self perception. what it implies, when hera’s glitching is such a literal manifestation of her self doubt and eiffel’s belief in hera and her ability is so unshakable and absolute, while her voice in mayday speaks for the part of him still strong enough to hold onto hope.
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taralen · 8 months
🔥HOT TAKE: Spamton was always unhinged, but the phone incident made it worse.
(A theory by an actual insane person.)
I often see people think insanity is something that just happens and that all sufferers were totally sane before. This isn't necessarily true for a lot of people who truly suffer from debilitating mental illnesses. While some mental illnesses can be largely attributed to trauma (especially PTSD), others are "sleepers" that were always kind of there but escalated over time. Some of the most severe mental illnesses stigmatized by society (psychopathy, bipolar type 1, and schizophrenia) can have genetic predispositions. Being an oddball out of all the Addisons, it's highly likely he was already "predisposed" to becoming totally unhinged, almost like a game with bad code (ex, Yandere Simulator) that is prone to crashing or glitching out due to the code being faulty in the first place.
Spamton's personality type also made him susceptible to developing problems later on in his life. He shows the classic signs of someone who falls into personality types that are ambitious yet overly critical (i.e., Personality Type A.) Being too critical of yourself and others can lead to some rabbit-hole-level reasoning that pulls your psyche deeper into your own mind, causing reality and perception to blur.
The one pulling the strings elevated him and satisfied his desire for success. When this was taken away from him, his entire self-worth and sense of being were destroyed. Spamton was never not ambitious. The fact he took such a dubious call and offer shows his desperate, unhinged nature. Maybe it wasn't severe enough yet to consider "insane," but he was impulsive and didn't think it through. Impulsivity and lack of control are more classical symptoms of someone at risk of or already suffering from a mental illness.
When he finally snaps, he gets so unfathomably unstable that people finally acknowledge him as being truly "mad." This is largely due to him expressing and experiencing all the hallmarks of mania.
Now, let me say this as someone who experiences mania firsthand. Mania is something you cannot control, and it's like falling in and out of consciousness when it's severe. People experience it differently, but it feels like being on a stimulant drug without needing to take anything. Spamton does all the following (which are associated with mania):
Talks rapidly and usually about himself.
Uncontrollable and inappropriate laughter.
Grandiosity (BIG SHOT!!!)
Impulsivity and risky behavior. (He invites someone he literally just met into his place without fearing any consequences.)
Irritability Now, take your understanding of what these are and dial it up with hyperactivity, racing thoughts, and feeling like you're half-dreaming. Congrats! You now have a better idea of what mania is.
His moments of lucidity are characterized by bouts of sadness and self-loathing. This is caused by a lull or (worse) a crash from mania. Severity depends, but it's something also uncontrollable.
What the phone incident did was make him unable to regulate himself, and so all his high-risk traits come to the centerfold. It doesn't help, either, that he was abandoned by his friends. Without social interactions, symptoms can become worse, which is why he's manic damn near 99% of the time.
This is a lot, but my hope is that it reframes how some people may interpret the character through someone who deals with mirroring issues.
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voidindite · 5 months
Wither!Impulse Headcanons (updated)
Im not Super happy with some of the headcanons I've created for witherpulse, so. I'm updating them! (Plz help me spread my witherpulse propaganda </3 )
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-Created by a wither glitching over the course of many months, his coding eventually rewriting itself into a player. Cause of glitch unknown, but likely a result of the server he was originally summoned on being full of hackers and conflicting mods essentially "breaking" his base code.
-As a wither, he has three heads. The extra two are wispy skulls that float over either shoulder. Wither corruption also marks his hands and face to darken the veins there, and there's visible bone on his fingers, ribs, and making up his tail. The corruption gets darker and spreads a bit when he's actively using wither magic.
-Has a large field of vision due to having three sets of eyes. Tends to get clumsy and has very poor depth perception if one or both of his skulls can't see for whatever reason.
-He "breathes" out of habit from watching other players do it. The way his chest and shoulders rise and fall has a very apparent sort of Wrongness to it. Even players who don't know he doesn't actually breathe get an uneasy feeling from it.
-Despite the fact that he's got a mouth full of fangs, his smiles are surprisingly friendly and contagious. And he smiles Often.
-Around new or unfamiliar players, he'll use glamour magic to hide his extra skulls, tail, wings, and wither corruption, often getting him mistaken for a skeleton hybrid instead because of his fingers still being bone. Doesn't seem to like anyone outside of Skizz or the Hermits to know he's a wither, though eventually stops using the glamour for the Life servers, too. When the glamour is up, he can still see through the two skulls, giving the feeling that he's got eyes on the back of his head.
-Can summon a skull into his hand that he can then propel in any direction with surprising force. It explodes on impact, applying wither effect to anyone who survives the blast; those killed by it drop a wither rose.
-Can be summoned like a normal wither mob, but since he's sentient he has the option to turn down the summon; if that happens, a normal mob will be summoned instead. This was how he first met Skizz (didn't yet know he could refuse a summon and was just trying to escape the server he first spawned on), and later the Hermits (were joking about summoning him, knew he was a good redstoner but never met him, he decided to humor them and accept it and has been a Hermit since).
-For Limited Life, the halos on his skulls changed to reflect the time he had remaining, the circles gradually losing "slices" depending on his time. All three sets of eyes will also change color to show his lives for the Life Series in general. Green looks downright odd, yellow looks Slightly Off because it's not his usual warm gold, red just looks downright sinister paired with his existing traits.
-Despite his tail being links of floating bone, it's surprisingly sturdy and can easily swipe someone's feet out from under them.
-Doesn't know why he ended up with wings after becoming a player. Thinks it may be a result of his coding attempting to make sense of his ability to fly, however.
-Reacts...poorly. to being trapped in bedrock. "Pranking" him with such a trap is liable to get the prankster threatened by a very angry Skizz and/or Tango. Bedrock specifically, no other blocks garner such a reaction.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Thinking about a scenario where the Ink Demon/Ink MK/Curse the gang encounters in S4 accidentally forms an outer conscieness.
I feel like it gains sentience partially from MK refering to the Curse as a being separate from the Scroll - and not solely as a tool created to torment it's prisoners. Almost like a magic artifical intelligence.
I could see MK finding a way to contact the demon, mostly to gain greater insight on things he's mentally avoiding. Like by writing with an enchanted ink set, or with the ink left behind by the Curse's rampage.
MK, putting ink brush to paper: "Hi?" *The ink begins to blob and shape itself into words* Ink Curse, as writing on the paper: "You could have just used a pen, idiot." MK, excitedly writing back: "It's you!!" Ink Curse: "Why do you seem excited? Are you a glutton for punishment?" MK: "So, I know your whole thing is to pick people apart mentally, right?" Ink Curse: "Yes. I was spawned from the ink used to detail the crimes of those written into the scroll of memory. It is my purpose. Like how you were made for-" MK, writing over the response: "Yeah yeah chaos and destruction and stuff I know that part. But like, when I got home... I started thinking about the other stuff and... you seem pretty good at voicing thing people don't want to know about themselves. It almost feels I dunno... catartic almost? (is that how you spell it)? Ink Curse: "It is spelt Cathartic. And If you take any comfort in what I did, then I have failed my purpose. Or you are hopelessly dense." MK: "But thats the thing! I didn't feel comfortable! You dragged me out of my comfort zone and made me think about junk. It's actually helping me a little in coming to terms with... what I am." Ink Curse: *doesn't respond for some time* "You are strange." MK: "I mean, I guess. I'm writing to a demonic ink curse instead of going to an actual therapist. Hope to talk to you again soon Mozhi*!" Newly dubbed "Mozhi": "Excuse me?"
*"Mozhi/Mòzhī/墨汁" - meaning "squid ink" or the ink used in traditional chinese calligraphy.
And since putting a name to something gives its power, "Mozhi" begins to manifest beyond ink and paper. Ink stains and monkey handprints litter the apartment. The magnets on MK's fridge start rearranging into swear words. The menu at Pigsy's shuffles to critique minor flaws in the kitchen. Mei starts recieving scathing texts from an unlisted number. The tv starts glitching in the viewer's insecurities.
Eventually the gang break down MK's door to figure out wtf is going on, only to see an Ink!MK physically pull itself into the 3d world from the Cursed ink. Everyone starts screaming.
Macaque, laughing: "Oh my gods, I know what happened here - I've heard of it happening before in shadow demons. MK gave the ink Curse a name and that gave it power to, quote a little puppet made of pine; become a real boy." Ink Curse/Mozhi, stumbling like a newborn fawn: "Why is my body being pulled down?" Wukong: "It's called gravity, spot. You get used to it." Ink Curse/Mozhi: "You are actively floating." Wukong: "Yeah, doesn't mean I have to like gravity."
In his "physical" form, Mozhi looks like monkey!MK with inky black fur and colder toned skin - his facial marking a smeared grey color with a distinct heart-shaped outline. He reduces to his inky form when physically damaged or when he wants to "hop into" a book or artwork. Dislikes sunlight/heat, it dries him out.
And because he is no longer within MK's head/the scroll, he's a lot less all-knowing. He is however scarily perceptive of others thoughts and fears, and loudly narrates his opinions on things.
Red Son: "Is that a sentient ink curse?" Mozhi, mockingly: "Is that an emotionally-constipated daddy's boy who almost destroyed the world with a toddler temper tantrum, and still refuses to admit that he's more morally righteous than he lets on?" :3 Red Son, flames up: "Oh its on, you glorified Rorshace test!" MK: *sprays water bottle at them* "Down! Both of you! Mozhi, I said no commentating on people's inner thoughts!" Mozhi: "If y'all actually went to theraphy, then there would be nothing for me to talk about."
This also makes Mozhi the best person to roast somebody when the others are too busy/emotional to do so on their own. And since he mirrors the power of the person he's roasting, it gives him Jester's Immunity to damage from angry Celestials.
The Jade Emperor: "Why is there a loose ink demon in my throne room?" Mozhi, giggling manically as he morphs into an ink!Emperor: "Hahahahahaha~ wow. Ruler of all beings, mortal and divine. And you can't even recognise yourself. Disappointing really. Then again, can't expect much from a glorified intern that was gifted the throne and hasn't done much else since." *Vicious Mockery continues for many hours*
Mozhi is however... kinda bad at admiting and recognizing his own feelings? He's never had any before that weren't projections of others. Is this what true sadness feels like, or does he just need to get some sleep? Can come off as cold, even when trying to be geniune. He's just not used to having emotions or empathy yet.
Enjoys fictional works that dive into the concepts of meta-fiction and medium awareness, ex; Deadpool, Bandersnatch, and Doki Doki Literature Club.
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skeleton-mischief · 2 months
Error Sans
The harbinger of destruction, the pain of fulfilling your duty will never go away. Error, you were never meant to be happy
(headcanons below. TW: mentions suicidal ideation and attempts but very lightly touched upon)
- Official Height is 5'6
- He/They/It
- Despite everything, he follows Fate, a theist
- Cynical, erratic, sarcastic, cunning, confident, blunt, perceptive, loud, easily irritable, distrustful, detached, stubborn, theatrical, reserved, cocky, sassy, violent, and self interested
- Makes bracelets for those he tolerates (Blooper. Just Blooper)
- Has dolls for every Sans and Papyrus
- Plays with his dolls regularly, even making shows out of it
- Does not let anyone touch his dolls without permission
- Is fluent in Spanish because of Undernovela
- Hardly ever dresses up, he likes the clothes he has
- He can act childish when angered easily, but calms down overtime
- Hates Fresh, a very specific fear
- Has a mutual hate but respect for Ink
- Has only ever truly befriended Blooper
- Carries a lot of mixed emotions for the Multiverse
- Carries the burden of being the destroyer of timelines and universes. Yes, he has to destroy as many as possible, there is only so much space in the multiverse
- Is actually quite lonely, with very faint memories of his past
- Has dreams of other versions of him, but can never find them. They haunt him, whether because they're good or awful
- Does not like touch unless it's from someone very specific, and only then he can only handle small amounts of it
- Has beef with Red, the two trash talk each other
- Will steal chocolate from other universes, absolutely loves almost any of it except white chocolate
- Has a strange but strong liking for Outertale, it's better than the void
- Does not like small, cramped spaces or the emptiness of voids
- HARDLY ever shows vulnerability in front of others despite how emotionally unwell he is, if he does it's against his will or he's too emotionally distressed to hide it
- Emotional Constipation is his last name
- Erratic and violent fighting style, he's unpredictable and often is emotionally driven
- Curses but funnily has a habit of having his glitches censor it
- Is far from a pacifist, he's never spared someone from a timeline due to the suffering it could inflict on their mental state(Well...except Blooper)
- Glitches the more angry he gets until he just straight up crashes
- Can act like a man baby when arguing with Ink
- Knits and crochets, he's actually pretty good
- Wears sandals (sadly)
- Awkwardly supportive of Blooper
- Talks to himself or his dolls out of loneliness sometimes
- Will ramble about Undernovela because it's a special interest, no one can disrespect it
- Magic smells of battery acid, magic tastes of artificial blue raspberry with a tinge of apple
- Very direct, he is one of the least deceitful Sanses due to not bothering to hide his intentions. After all, he's THE destroyer of universes, timelines, etc
- He is awful at apologizing, but he puts in effort when he does it since he never apologizes unless he feels that they are deserving of it
- Let's others judge him even if he doesn't like it, since it feels like they're right
- Incapable of dying, even when he has tried a few times to kill himself
- His stringed features are glitched tears that stained him. They originally hurt, but not much anymore since he got used to it
- A God, capable of destroying any soul. It's why he can't "dust" Ink or Fresh, however, along with Nightmare or Dream
- Is only a fan of Outertale and OG Undertale
- Stargazes a lot, it's something he does when he needs to reflect or needs comfort
- Has red reading glasses that are taped together, but he still has them nonetheless and uses them occasionally
- He has smacked his own glasses on Blooper when Blooper was originally Blue. He later gave Blooper their own pair
- Has a fear of touch so he has to be the one to initiate it. Even then he can't tolerate it and glitches out. He gets shaken up and the most he can do is use his puppets or offering his pinky as a way to "hold hands" with Blooper
- Nearsighted canonically so he squints his eyes a lot
- He dreads Fresh's company as he's the only one that can snap him out of his serious nature out of distress of his presence
- He has actively ran away from Fresh
- He steals shit all the time and I mean all the fucking time. He can't create so he has to get shit to fill the void somehow!
- He stalks Vanilla and other timelines of UT
- If he was able to destroy every AU, then he'd finally be able to kill himself. Thus, he could finally rest. For now, he just has to think about what it would be like to die and to be dead
- He is chaotic neutral, so he will work with others if it benefits him somehow, though this happens to be rare
- Has memory issues at times and reminds himself with little notes around the antivoid with string
- Has thrown many tantrums before, even throwing Ink a few times because he was angry
- Ink and him when battling is filled with snarky banter despite neither being able to properly die, he just is more sarcastic than Ink
- Cats are the only animal he can touch and then rapidly pet and squish. He secretly loves them
- He will dress up in this pink scarf he got ahold of and he will play dress up when bored
- Magic is infused with his crocheted items and bracelets, which can have different intent depending on his emotions and even count as "marking" someone
- Hates scissors because of Ink
- One out of two to know Ink is soulless, he actively taunts him as well for it
- He actually associates the fear of touch, haphephobia, to be what he has. I hc that because all the touch he's experienced has been violent, he's developed his fear of it. He developed it if you will, and there would have to be a lot of patience before he lets someone close enough
- He actually loves certain puns and jokes, especially if he favors the person saying it at the time
- He prefers long distance combat since he can use his strings more effectively. He's not the most physically strong, but he has a few perks of summoning bones and teleporting/glitching in and out of one location
- When he sees something new, he just stares and prods at it
- If he gets too close to something with tech, it will start to glitch out and form static due to his magic despite the involuntary act
- He's the type of guy to turn around if someone points and says Fresh or Ink are present, actively falling for it just enough to let someone narrowly escspe
- He'll throw a fit if someone tries running away from him
- Sometimes he can reboot, and this leaves him vulnerable at the worst of times. He doesn't actually have a pattern for why it happens, but he goes ragdoll because of it
- He believes that what he's doing as the Destroyer is just, especially because he knows the consequences of why it would be important for him to stop the collision of universes
- He targets most AU's that are small, lack content due to its abandoned creator, or self destroying AU's because they're easier to eliminate without Ink actively noticing too much. He doesn't really go for active AU's unless Nightmare, Dream, or Ink fucked it up via fighting and destroying things. I actually have my own hc for Blooper and how he came to be in Error's possession, but that's for another time. Let's just say it wasn't a kidnapping, but rather a mercy
- His strings become thicker when crying, spilling out and causing him to glitch out without the inability to stop - even if it physically hurts him
- His voice often speeds up or reverberates, especially when stressed or excited
- He's very stubborn and has tried killing both Nightmare and Dream respectfully at some point or another, but he can be bribed with the right price
- He can hear creators and anons inside the void, whispers loud enough to echo in his skull especially when alone. A constant hum where he'd have to pay attention in order to understand all of them. When traveling to other universes or timelines, he can only faintly hear them and tune them out easier
- He doesn't realize that Fatal and Geno are past forms of him, but he recognizes it and in fact I hc that they hardly interact because they actively are constantly glitching in and out inside the anti void. It's a weird science, but it's like a constant blinking within the coding that caused the very slim chance of these skeletons to meet. Memory gaps are present to begin with because they never have the previous memories to begin with, at least...somewhat. Coding is a bitch after all, and one never can erase their past
- He is suspicious of anyone trying to get along with him, building trust between him and you is nearly impossible unless through bribery or a deal. In Blooper's case, it was a special exception
- If something doesn't go his way, he is an active bomb going off with how he's altering the world around him. He'll destroy anything within his vicinity and has even reached points where he alters his surroundings via glitching. I headcanon that with enough charged magic, he can cause massive glitching that starts to "eat" an AU or timeline, which makes the fighting more intense between the Gods
- If he likes someone, which would be practically never, he'll glare at them and side eye them without actively threatening their life. He'll and be more quiet, watching you
- He will use his strings to bend souls to his will, whether that was to make monsters fight, be restricted, or to dust the soul. He used to make some souls go into the anti void as a trophy to be hung above him with string, but not anymore. At some point he stopped being delusional about having to be the Destroyer, and just-....gave up trying to find pleasure with it. He's actually never really enjoyed destroying worlds, especially because he used to want to go back to his original one and knows that he's forever erasing something so special. He's just forced by Fate and desperation to actually do his job. In truth, he hÆt3s Fate
- He doesn't let others see him inside their timelines when he's traveling, stalking, etc. he's les social, but also just doesn't find himself to be a presence anyone wants to be around. He knows why he's there, and even if he doesn't destroy that world, it's easier to just hide
- He's on the aroace spectrum, and mainly just wants to be alone due to his own trauma. I think he would be aroace before, but that trauma just was an extra shove towards avoiding any romantic or sexual attraction/interests
- One thing that he feels extremely guilty for is what happened to Blooper, or originally a Swap Sans. In my hc, I actually think the reason he was left alone was because of a war happening, which caused him to try and keep him safe but ended up being gone for too long. Even when Blooper was losing it, causing havoc, he couldn't bring it in himself to hurt the one person he cared for intentionally even if he already did unintentionally. (DW though, things were resolved at some point)
- He loves Coraline or any odd little movie like that, because when Undernovela isn't playing he likes to watch them. Coraline just has cool dolls, symbolism, and overall fun animation to him. Don't let anyone find out however because he'll never trust you again
Closing Notes: heourghg....OURGH....groughg.....
Okay seriously though he's always been my bbg, my beloved, ohhhhhh my stars do I love him and want him to be okay he makes me so sick
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