#gator boys
rozeliyawashereyall 2 days
It's Pride Month!! You know what that means!!
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Gay bugs!! +Mitch and Izzy ^_^
@keyaartz @piffany666 @stxph-artist @castbracelet240 @littlesiren79 @strayharmony943 @idontevenknow7878 @wilderrorcard @lunaritychuwolf @tiefling-chaos @kaiamtt @aspenm00n @lightdragon789 @astralbulldragon13 @rustycopper4use @magebunkshelf
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willowve01 6 hours
Modern AU
Not going to lie, I thought about this AU in private for a while before @rozeliyawashereyall helped me gain that confidence to share it with the army. (And the writers more-less)
My personal headcannon of this AU is similar to Demon Slayers ending鈥攚here they鈥檙e all eventually reborn into a future timeline where everything is better. Still sticking to the sirenverse Al鈥檛erra, I made society somewhat the same.
Halfbloods are tolerated much better within this society but there is always that bad apple鈥攍ike Circe. Roze and I came up with the idea of a sort of Mafia vibe (based off Obi鈥檚 Gator Boys 2nd Anniversary art) to the AU, though that鈥檚 more of the Founders thing. (Anyone is welcome to join if they wish) All the other bugs live their life as street vendors, performers, journalists, etc.
As for the Founders, they are bounty hunters, modeling as a side-gig. Looking for Circe Fain due to the various crimes she committed; trafficking/man-slaughter/slavery/there鈥檚 more. Our Founders just-so-happen to work for The Boys, working to get Bog Boss鈥檚 family back.
The Founders: @asmrbrainrot, @rozeliyawashereyall and myself.
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obsidian-lantern 4 hours
okay okay, I've asked a lot of questions but I'm just bored at this point!!
If the non-cannon au of sky meet the original what would happen!
Same goes for the bloodmoon au of the gator bois, how would they react to each other.
(honestly I think it would be a funny interaction)
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But all in all, it would be very entertaining XD
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capitalmaudios 16 hours
How do you think canon Bodie meeting bloodmoon Bodie would go?
Uh... bad... probably for both of them.
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If obsidian lantern doesn't wanna continue Gastor boys he should just say it cuz I'm biting at my hands waiting for a new ep. It's been 8 months and I feel like an asshole, but I'd rather have him mention something about it rather then..just letting it collect dust
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gatorboys22 2 days
Restless night
Bug huffed, annoyed at the fact they couldn't sleep. The leg that got fucked up was messing with them. So just saying screw it, they got up and hobbled to Bodie's room in the little cabin. Raising their hand to knick on the door, it opened in front of them.
"Bug? What're you doin out of bed? Your gonna mess your leg up even more." Worry in Bodie's voice was clear. Bug felt like a kid asking this but, sucking up their pride they asked him.
"I can't sleep, can....can I sleep with you? Please..." looking up they saw Bodie smile. Moving out of the door way he made room for them to walk in. His room looked really cozy with lots of decorations up which was nice to see. Like the drawing, a banner, and some rocks all over the walls.
"Here, I'll move some stuff around so you can sleep better and be comfy." Busing himself Bodie was focused on the bed. The human in his room just nodded and was looking at everything in awe. Was all these things made by his family? The question hit themselves in the heart.
"-ug. Bug? You good? I finished the bed- Oh!" The big gator was interrupted by Bug hugging him. Not passing up a good hug he gently welcomed it, mostly being mindful of his scales.
"Thank you for doing so much for me." Lots of emotions were in Bug's voice. Bodie heard them all, he decided that they both would just talk about this in the morning. It was around midnight and he was tired.
"Here, let me put ya in the bed, bug." Breaking the hug he picked them up bridal style and gently placed them down on all his covers and pillows. Giggling a bit Bug sank down in the plushness of the bed. Bodie smiled as he got comfy on his side of the bed.
"Night Bodie, thanks again." Shyly saying Bug gave him a closed smile.
"No problem bug, I know what it's like not being able to sleep. Good night." Soft words lured Bug to sleep. It was nice being surrounded by soft pillows and blankets. Along with a gator that's been taking care of them for a good while. Would it be so bad to just stay?
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lightdragon789 11 hours
For the Bug army
I made a small Au where Nash had run away from home as a kid (after his 11th birthday) and was found by Marco and taken to Bodie after explaining why he ran away.
It鈥檚 mostly just what if the Bugs were taken into the Gator family as kids/earlier?
So, I鈥檓 curious if y鈥檃ll wanna take this little Au and run with it, cause I think it鈥檒l be a cute Au ^^
@willowve01 @rozeliyawashereyall @wilderrorcard @astralbulldragon13 @aspenm00n @asmrbrainrot @littlesiren79 @lunnats @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @fennaboysenberry @keyaartz @idontevenknow7878 @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @rustycopper4use @kaiamtt @lunaritychuwolf @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @piffany666 @dreamyshape @Threeweekinsomnia
(I hope I did this right lol
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diamondzoey 15 hours
So here鈥檚 some more actor Au let鈥檚 go!
1. Would they have the same name as the canon or would it be different?
2. Interview question!
Interviewer: so how is it filming gator boys with the another actors? And how did you get the role?
3. Behind the scenes
Actor!Jemma: hey guys have you seen my fake demon horns I need them for a scene or did Timmy steal them again
4. Put a blooper of one of the bugs doing a scene
5. Actor Au, For the bloodmoon Au how long does it take to do makeup?
@willowve01 @rozeliyawashereyall @aspenm00n @astralbulldragon13 @wilderrorcard @littlesiren79 @lightdragon789 @lunnats @asmrbrainrot @fennaboysenberry @idontevenknow7878 @castbracelet240 @iistxrmyskyii @rustycopper4use @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @keyaartz @dreamyshape @kaiamtt @fangsshadow @lunaritychuwolf @piffany666 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @insignificant-anarchy @threeweekinsomnia
A/n: wow that鈥檚 a lot of tags and if I didn鈥檛 tag you than I鈥檓 sorry T-T
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idontevenknow7878 15 hours
alright! my friends bug has a name! Akio! (bluebug)
(found this in the drafts)
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rozeliyawashereyall 2 days
The Gals ever.
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Some more doodles of modern bugs to go along :3 + one Korey angst because I can
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Anywho- what's your bug's favorite hobby to pass the time?
@willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @iistxrmyskyii @astralbulldragon13 @kaiamtt @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @fangsshadow @keyaartz @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789
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willowve01 3 days
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Bodie by @capitalmaudios
Timothy by @obsidian-lantern
Raine by me
Marco by @dayspriteofficial & @magebunkshelf
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obsidian-lantern 9 hours
You just randomly popped up in my feed because my friend really likes your work, so- Hello. :)
Slight side note: your artwork is really pretty. How did you pick the color schemes for the gators? (I know very little about the Gator Boys except for what my friend has told me.)
Hello there! And thank you, I am glad you like my work ' u ' As for the Gator Boy Color Scheme, I don't really have a set pallet for them. It's just developed on it's own as time went one. One cool thing about them tho, that happened without planning, was how the 3 main boys got color coded with the primary colors. Yellow for Timmy, Blue for Bodie and Red for Marco.
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capitalmaudios 2 days
Do the gator boys have last names? If so, what are they?
Bodie and Roldan Willowroot Timothy Wheat Marco Palustris Cydarki
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keyaartz 1 month
Finally finished!
And also have a bunch of doodles of Gator Boys!
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And Sugar bug being picked up like a cat. (u_u )
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gatorboys22 2 days
Bodie: bug...what're you doin?
Bug with their fucked up leg: my BEST!
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magebunkshelf 1 month
Can I just quickly say how amazing it is seeing so many Bug headcanon / OC designs popping up lately!!
You guys are awesome, seriously
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