#fusion mayhem au
teenagenutant · 3 months
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but what if they were. marketable chibis..
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k0ri0 · 1 year
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@teenagenutant 's silly billy
and a lil comic scenario
i love galileo sm man and i was thinking about drawing the other designs for this au cause i cant make my own for shit and they just look so GSAUUUUFGHHH sobbing and weeping
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butterflyscribbles · 1 year
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@teenagenutant made some really really amazing SU style fusion designs for the turtle bros and I had an absolute blast doodling them last night for fun!
Titian (Raph & Donnie), Galileo (Donnie and Leo), Newton (Donnie and Mikey) and Caravaggio (Raph and Leo) respectively!✨
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yabee-tea · 1 year
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Doodling + drawing a few Donnie related AU's/designs that won't get out of my head <33 (closeups under cut!!)
Galileo by @teenagenutant
Donnie (1) by @beannary
Donnie (2) by @red-rover-au
Donnie (3) by @theellipelli
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soda-kazoo · 1 year
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erm silly little thing for @teenagenutant's fusion au (itz all of em fused together :) )
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aroacetronaut · 1 year
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Decided to make some fanart to one of the little guys whos been living rent free in my head! [Newton was SO fun to draw]
Btw his design belongs to this lovely person: @teenagenutant <3
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gal-with-pastels · 1 year
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Something i thought of the other day, featuring the lovely @teenagenutant ‘s Galileo ( Leo and donnie fusion) And me and @funfetticandle ‘s Socrates ( Donnie and mikey fusion. I just feel like there would be A chaotic Synergy between the two. While raph is stuck in the middle of everything.
I couldn’t help but think of that one meme where a guy is running from another guy whose floating.
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addystuffs · 11 months
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look ma! babys first fanart!! yeah anyway @teenagenutant 's fusion au has been living in my head rent-free for a while so i decided to draw newton!! its a bit messy but im still proud of it!! whats that hes holding? spray paint? a bomb? you decide. its both
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kattystripes14 · 1 year
Kk, so I'm a little obsessed with the Fusion Mayhem AU @teenagenutant made- And I have a bunch of personal hcs and I remade T.I.T.I.A.N. into Masaccio... Soooooooooo- Time to post about that now-
Anywhizzle, have this Fusion Mayhem AU short I made called "Favorites". ---
Mikey: Y’know, with this new fusion ninpo stuff- it kinda feels like we have 6 new brothers! Leo: Well, kinda. I agree with Mike, this fusion thing is pretty sick!
Raph: Yeah! It’s kinda like when we fuse we get a better understanding of each other. Even if our fusions are different from us. I think-?? That’s what Draxum said, right Don? Donnie: Affirmative, it would seem that despite being literal fusions of our personalities, habits, thoughts, physical traits, et cetera, in these new forms we act like new people. We feel like new people. Mikey: So crazy!! And it feels kinda weird too, haha. Raph: We haven’t really used 'em much outside of fighting. Leo: Meeeeeh- Gal was kind of an accident. We didn’t mean to fuse, we were just making fun of Warren and Hypno. Raph: True! But that was the case for most of em.
Donnie: Okay but can we all agree that Masaccio is the most fabulous out of everyone? Mikey: Hah! You wish! I personally think Nino is the most dapper if I do say so myself! Leo: Yeah! Plus he’s the only one with luscious locks, unlike the others. Raph: Hey, hey, lets not pick favorites- Donnie: -Scoff! At least we have real eyebrows! And cool explosions! Leo: So? Who needs explosions when you have magic and portals? Raph: Guys, c’mon I just said-
Donnie: Aaaand we don’t look like Gene Wilder. Mikey: *Gasp!* What’s wrong with Willy Wonka?! It adds to the trickster-y magician vibe!!
Leo: Yeah!! Plus what about you? You stole our diamond look! And you guys just talk about how great you are whenever you’re Masaccio! Not gonna lie, you’re kinda self centered. Donnie: You realize you’re the turtle currently speaking, correct?
Leo: Pssh- and?
Mikey: *Wraps his arm around Leo* Face it Dee! You guys are just jelly of how magical we are! Leo: And our dripping good looks. Raph: Seriously, can we not make something a competition for once? Mikey: Says the one who’s losing the competition. Raph: Wh-! … *gets an idea* …Fine. You know who my favorite is? I like Angelico’s vibe. Mikey: Say what?! For realsies?! Donnie: Gasp!! Betrayal Raphael!!! Leo: Mikey! Remember Nino! Raph: For real, big man! He’s a pretty cool dude. And plus, who doesn’t love mystic maces with fire power, huh? And he’s got this like- “cool anime sensei” thing goin on! Mikey: Yeah he does, baby!!
Leo: Oh yeah-!?! Well- *grabs Donnie* Our double bladed ninja staff is way cooler than your mace. Pssh, who even uses maces anymore. Amirite? Mikey: You take that back, Leo!! Maces are the bomb! 
Donnie: He does have a point though. Together, we can portal in useful tech from my lab into battle like my attack drones or even the escape pods if we needed them. His portals become more accurate and stable while my ninpo constructs become more complex and powerful… In other words, Gali rules! Mikey: Wha-!? *he smirks, gaining the same idea as Raph* Fine then! What about Newton? I think he’s the most productive out of any of our fusions! Plus, he’s like the best of both artsy and science-y worlds! Newton’s pretty much a super geniusLeo: (Way to toot your own horn…) Raph: *Actually getting sucked into the argument now* Hey- wait- what about Anime Sensei?! Mikey: Does Anime Sensei have a cool theme song? I think not, Raphie! *Slides over to Donnie* 
Leo: Okay, as cool as you may think he is, you guys almost blew up the lair once. At least Gali’s a chill scientist. And we’re productive too!! Raph: Not really actually. Mikey: Yeah, you guys are more into space stuff than anything else. Leo: Wh-?! You don’t know what’s going on in our heads! We get so much done. Ask Donnie! Donnie: Surprisingly, while we do get a lot done, it’s still not as much as Newt. Leo: Traitor! *slides over to Raph and climbs on his shoulders* What about the amount of times Gio’s gotten you two out of trouble? Mikey: Psssh, you guys just become one big worry-wart whenever you fuse. Donnie: *Chuckles*
((Both look away at the comment)) Leo: No! Well- maybe, but that’s because of how much destruction comes with all of your “Super-Genius” energy. And you can’t even keep up with yourselves half of the time! Raph: Yeah, you two always crash after you fuse! I don’t think you’ve ever stayed together for more than 2 hours. Gio is the ultimate big bro and the best leader. *he fist bumps Leo* Donnie: Hey!! Mikey: Not our fault even we can’t keep up with how sick we are! Leo: Nino could beat all of you in a magic-off. Raph: Oh really? Well Masa looks cooler than all of you combined!
Donnie: And, Newton could out-create any of you. Mikey: Well Angel could razzmatazz and punch his way out of anything!
((A while of arguing later April walks in on them.)) April: Uhh… What’s this whole situation about?? Leo: APRIL!! Quick- tell them all of my fusions are the best! April: What? Donnie: Negative, Leonardo. My fusions are better, and you know it. April: What are you- Mikey: -Uh-uh!! Ain’t no way you’re turning April against us! Your fusions may be smarter, but my fusions have pizazz and flare, baby!
April: Guys.
Raph: No way! Raph’s fusions are the coolest. Who doesn’t love my big brother energy? And they’re all the strongest! April: HEY!!! …What are you guys talking about?! What do you mean by fusion??? Is this a game??
((All of them pause and light up again, almost forgetting about the argument.))
Mikey: We haven’t told you?!
Leo: Come sit down, we’ll fill you in!
Donnie: According to Draxum we’ve acquired a new ninpo ability called ‘Fusion’!
Raph: It’s so weird, but here’s the rundown- basically it combines our powers-
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stormanbates · 1 year
@teenagenutant I drew Galileo, Aneglico, T.I.T.I.A.N, Newton, Parmigianino, and Caravaggio as baby turtles. Hope you like them, because I do.
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Also, I take requests. Just ask.
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14muffinz · 8 months
You know those aus? Where the characters are combined or 'fused?'
I've been thinking about that under the circumstances of a tmnt crossover fic. Where this combination is unwilling.
So the way I can see this going means it absolutely has to involve rise, which I also like because it allows for funky designs. Some mission in the hidden city, possibly involving big mama because ✨drama✨, and each boy is fused with their counterpart.
This can be very different depending on the iteration, so I'm just gonna write down vaguely I imagine each one being:
Leo: Slightly obsessive with training. He's passionate, but maybe a bit too much. He's a great strategist, but is unfortunately bad at explaining his plans to his brothers. The more anxious he is, the more talkative he becomes, usually spouting quips to distract himself. Has knowledge with a bunch of different weapons, but prefers the classic katanas.
Raph: Anxiety. This boy is stressed at all times, and the only way he knows how to mask it is by grouching, or hitting things. The people around him are infuriating, especially because they keep asking all these questions. Like, he's just one guy, why can't they get that? Raph carries both his sai and tonfa, but will more often fight with his tonfa.
Donnie: Very smart. Their brain processes information very fast. They like when things make sense. They're also the only fusion aware that they're a fusion, which, like Raph, they are not a big fan of. Their fusion is the least stable, defaulting to we/us and preferring they/them over he/him, though both are acceptable. They don't remember what each button on the tech bo does, but they do have a staff with a taser on each end as a comprimise.
Mikey: Wholsomest boy. The only reason he doesn't know about the fusion stuff is that the Aprils and Caseys don't want to burst his bubble, but they're all pretty sure he could take it. Big fan of art, he loves to cook as well but due to conflicting knowledge they don't do it as much as they would separately. He loves the extra long chain he gets from rise Mikey's kusari-fundo, so he uses that, though similar to the Raph's sometimes they'll carry around nunchaku as well.
So yeah, the supporting cast were not on this mission and thus were not turned. They received an emergency alert from rise donnie's systems while everybody was being fused, which is the only warning that they got.
It's mostly on Draxum to make a fix, but it's unfortunately not that simple because they're from different dimensions. Casey JR (is it alr if I call him June because I'm gonna fair warning it's instinct) tries to help where he can, but his knowledge is limited. There's a big argument between the Aprils over whether or not informing the Mikeys of the situation and letting them help would speed things up or not.
The issue with telling them, is Raph's very much denying the information. They know about it, but they refuse to listen. The Donnie's took a lot of convincing as well, and the topic clearly causes them a lot of distress, though they refuse to explain exactly why.
That's all I've got for right now. But if anyone wants to help me make this a solid au, please shoot me an ask. Please. I'm begging. I really want to have more to say about this but I need someone to pick my brain.
Tag is forced fusions au!
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teenagenutant · 3 months
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a bit more weird, wild, and less structurally stable than the 2-turtle fusions, here's bosch (raph+mikey+donnie) and machiavelli (leo+mikey+donnie)!
pure impulsive destructive excitement and 'what if your annoying little sibling was also the world's most acrobatic awful cat'
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victheclown · 2 years
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Another funny redesign for my funny Crossover Mayhem AU, the omnipotent time overlord themselves
Might have to write out some lore for this AU sometime
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yourlocaltiredartist · 2 months
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Newton from fusion mayhem au by @teenagenutant :DD (i used some of ur art as a ref for the pose i hope that’s ok-)
tap/click for better quality :)
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POV: Someone mentions a space fact within a 10-mile radius of Galileo
@teenagenutant ‘s fusion mayhem au has just latched onto my brain and I had to try and draw Galileo cause they’re just so precious!! Might do Parmi or Newton next?
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homosociallyyours · 3 months
Would you ever write a sexy muppets au
like-- a crossover? A fusion? Or just muppets??
Gonzo/Camilla the chicken, 4k, pwp? LIKELY!
One Direction/Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 10k, orgy, found family? Not no?
Muppet! Harry/human Louis, multi-chapter wip, meet cute, fluff, marriage and babies? I'M CONSIDERING IT
Idk man now I kinda want to??
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