#finn icons
moonreimo · 2 months
⌕ : ꜰɪɴɴ icons ୨♡୧ 冫ᴍᴀꜱʜʟᴇ
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐬
ᴍᴀꜱʜʟᴇ: ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴜꜱᴄʟᴇꜱ
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
'Rough Night'
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You sobbed quietly in yours and finnicks room. You had got an early night, most of the other guys were more interested in a new tribute.
You stopped the second you heard the door open. "Baby," a soft voice whispered.
You turned on the lamp in response.
"Hey Finny, any good secrets," you ask. Secrets were always shared at night. It became a ritual.
"Do you want to hear about sexual fantasies?" He questions.
"No, but I have good one. Apollo suspects Cleo of cheating on, fucks sake. Um, I believe his name was Jovian," you tell him.
Finnick takes off his shirt and starts changing into something more comfortable, you personally are in your underware.
"At least Snow let's us sleep together," he says. As he climbs in next to you.
"Yeah, prostitute two seventeen year olds and let them share a room," you grumble.
Finicky cuddles into your side, "Rough night?" He questions. He places a kiss on your chest.
"Yes you Pervert," you remark as you kiss his forehead.
You feel him smile as he starts drifting off after whispered loves yous, and see you in the morning, Finnick falls asleep.
You wake up to feeling something thrashing and screaming.
You instantly shoot up and see your poor boyfriend and start shaking him awake as he screams and thrashes.
He wakes up with tears in his eyes, he clings to your chest as he sobs.
You feel his hot tears as he looks to you for comfort.
"M'sorry," he whispers as he lays back down. It had been nearly an hour, it was a bad one.
"Don't apologize, Finny," you say as you sprawl across his muscular chest.
The feeling of your heart beat comforts him.
As you both drift off, thoughts of never being free enter your head. Always having Snow controlling your bodies. It wasn't fair. And it never would be.
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stnopsd · 8 months
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jenkairim · 1 year
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─ ꜰɪɴɴ ᴡᴏʟꜰʜᴀʀᴅ ࣪˖≀ 🎸
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filmgoop · 1 year
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star wars the force awakens icons 🪐⏳🌌
like if you save
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iconsfinder · 2 years
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xiaowfls · 2 years
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oh my god it's finn 🫀
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icrevert · 6 months
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Anime: Mashle Magic and Muscles
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mochapanda · 2 months
normal chilchuck moment
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baby finn series, babysitting and date nights
series list - house divided - bedtime stories - sneaking onto stream - the necessary reactions
lando norris x mom!wife!reader
summary - uncle carlos comes over to babysit finn as you and your husband enjoy a night out. 
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when lando had finally turned the latch of the lock to your shared home, he let out an exhausted sigh. he had been in the sim all day with a long road ahead of him in order to secure a win. he was drained. he had been there the entire day, missing dinner and almost missing bedtime. all he wanted was to hug his young son, kiss his beautiful wife, and take a long hot shower. the universe, however, had other plans. 
opening the door, lando was met with baby finn running circles around you in nothing but his diaper. you locked eyes with your husband and he could feel the exhaustion that you were exhibiting, too. finn wasn’t being bad, he was just being a kid. he had loads of energy that you and lando could usually keep up with in high spirits, but, work had been kicking both of your asses. you were both burning out.
“finn, honey, please it’s time for your bath,” you let out a sigh, bringing your hand up to brush the hair out of your face. lando walks over to assess the situation fully, bringing your tired body into his arms for a hug. you slump against him as he kisses your forehead and locks eyes with his son.
“finn. bath. now,” your husband puts his foot down and your son happily runs towards the bathroom, not grasping the exhaustion or irritation of his parents - thankfully. one thing neither of you ever did was push your problems onto your son, and you never wanted to. 
“thank you, i’ll head in there in a min-” you begin but your husband cuts you off with a kiss. 
“no, we agreed you’d take the morning, i’ll take bedtime. i’ve got this,” lando replies with a swipe to your bum. 
“but you look tired, love-”
“so do you. it’s alright, who knows? maybe finn’s innocent energy will rub off on me, eh?” you chuckle at his question and wordlessly nod before he continues, “go get ready for bed, i’ll call you right in,” one more smack to your bum and lando is heading into the bathroom to start his son’s nightly routine as you follow his polite orders to take care of yourself. 
around a half hour later, lando is calling you into finn’s room for a cuddle and a tuck into bed. as you arrive, you can see finn slowly losing his energy cuddled into your husband’s arms, letting out a yawn. 
“is my sweet boy tired?” you question towards your son, seeing lando nod his head yes as finn lets go of a quiet ‘so much mommy’. 
“i think he had a case of the late night zoomies,” lando lets out a laugh as he gently sets his son into bed, proceeding to get him comfortable under the blankets. you both then lean down, kissing his forehead, wishing him a good night's sleep, and reminding him you’d see him in the morning. after the lights are off and the door cracked a bit open, lando leads you down the hall towards your bedroom with a firm hand on your lower back. 
you collapse onto the bed in a huff once you enter, leading your husband to quietly laugh at you - still cautious of the sleepy boy down the hall. 
“i’m heading to shower, love. care to join?” lando offers with eyes wide and smile even larger. you grant him a feverish nod and begin to follow behind him eagerly as he giggles. 
once you were both stripped and into the steamy shower, lando’s body slumped against yours, his back being attacked by the hot water and his head resting on your shoulder. you run your hand gently through his wet curls as he lets out a deep sigh. 
“wanna talk about it?” you whisper into his hair. lando shakes his head and mumbles into your shoulder, “could you repeat that, love?” you giggle, shaking your shoulder a bit to move lando’s face out of your neck and into your view. his hands grip your waist as yours are guided to rest on either side of his face.
“i just want to relax, we haven’t had a day just us to relax, i miss my wife,”
“i miss you too but that’s the life of parents, lan. maybe if you had pulled out three year-”
“alright, alright,” he exclaims, “you don’t need to harp on my pullout game for me to get the picture” he laughs while reaching behind you to grab some body wash. 
“i do agree we need a small break, though,” you sigh, “work has been draining me, i don’t want it to affect finn,”
“ya know who’s in town next week, love?” lando’s eyes sparkle as he asks, prompting you to laugh and let out a shake of your head, urging him to continue, “carlos,”
“okay, bud. uncle los will be here very soon, do you remember what we talked about?” lando is on one knee, bent at your son’s level and looking oh so fine. his black button up with most of the top buttons loose, the dark pants to go with it and the chains dangling from his neck already had you worked up, but the adorable nature of his fatherhood? now that’s hot. 
“yes, daddy,” your son replies, you can tell he’s attempting to hold in his excitement as much as he can as he is almost vibrating due to his little bursts of energy. 
“can you tell me again, bubs?” lando holds onto his son’s hands, searching his eyes at an attempt to really have finn understand the importance. 
“um, say pwease and tank you!”
“very good, what else?”
“be nice,”
“good, bubs, anything else?”
“do what uncle los say?” finn adds his last answer with an unsure smile as he eyes his dad with a tilted head. lando chuckles at his son’s cuteness and kisses his head, nodding in confirmation for your son to listen to his babysitter for the night. 
“and help him out, baby. if he needs anything, okay?” you add on, making your entrance in the room known. lando looks over to you and it seems as if his heart stopped, but it hadn’t. if anything it was beating so fast it could've flown out of his chest. standing up from his position on the ground, he makes his way over to you, mouth agape, eyes raking your figure, and head slowly shaking left to right. 
“you look…” your husband drinks in your appearance again, eyes scanning you from head to toe, “absolutely breathtaking,” he finishes off, his right hand coming over to hold his heart. 
“thank you, my love,” you giggle a bit, stepping to him in order to plant a kiss to his cheek, “you clean up pretty nice, too,” you shoot him a wink, walking past him and towards your son. 
“thanks for walking away, dear. this view is much better,” lando lets out a chuckle, eyes not daring to drift from your ass, until your head swivels - and he catches your smile.
“anytime, baby,” you laugh at his antics, leading him on as you bend over to grab your son, slower than usual. you hear a deep groan come from lando but before anymore comments were made, the doorbell rang throughout the home. finn drops from your arms, beginning his race to the door. 
“finn! wait until i open the door!” lando shouts, jogging over to where your toddler was attempting to reach the handle. 
“i big like you dada! i do it!” finn jumps again, trying with all his little might to reach the handle. lando comes behind him, scooping him up from behind and holding him near the handle and lock. 
“alright, go ahead big boy,” lando urges his son to open the door, and when he does, his excited shrieks are all that fill the house. 
“UNCLE LOS!” finn has wiggled out of his fathers’ grasp and already launched himself into carlos’ arms. 
“hola, pequeño,” the ferrari driver lets out with a chuckle. 
“i so excited you here!” finn is squirming up and down in carlos’ arms as the adults all just laugh at the adorable kid. lando pulls him out of carlos’ arms for one more brief chat about his behavior as you hand carlos the important babysitting list. 
“basically, it's all the numbers you don’t already have, like fewtrell and i think my mom, and then his schedule is here,” you continue briefing carlos as lando begins to stand and make his way back to you, “you don’t have to be too strict about this, just have fun,” you assure carlos at the end of the run through. 
“i’ve got it, you guys have fun. finn and i sure will,” carlos begins to usher you two out the door, a hyper-active three year old seemingly glued to his leg.
“call if you need anything, and i mean anything,” lando emphasizes to his friend.
“lando. it will be fine, you muppet. go enjoy your night with your wife, i’m going to catch up with mi amigo, finn, here,” at this point he is pushing you and your husband out the door and you both laugh at the door shutting in your faces. lando extends his arm for you to hold with a ‘m’lady’, and you both make your way to the restaurant. 
at the restaurant, the maître d' guides you to your table and lando proceeds to pull out the chair for you to take your seat. both now seated, he begin to ask what drinks to begin with, lando responding with his and you responding with ‘just a water, please’. walking away to fulfill your orders, lando spares you an odd glance.
“it’s our night off, love. you didn’t want to get a drink?” 
“no, just a water will do it for me,” you respond quick, your husband still eyeing you with oddity, “im glad we’re doing this,” you continue, reaching across the table to hold his hand in yours. 
“me too, a night just to ourselves was very needed,” he lets out with a smile. 
“i just hope our boy isn’t causing too much chaos at home,” you sigh, the waiter coming over to take your orders and drop off your drinks. lando just mumbles a ‘they’ll be fine’ almost to assure himself before placing his order. 
“vroom! vroom!” finn squeaks out on the floor, rolling his red ferrari cars around the living room. carlos joins in with a laugh, proceeding to hold his own decorated sainz55 car - finn’s most prized possession - and run it around their make-shift track. he quickly pulls out his phone to capture the moment and ease the parents minds.
“finn, look here! it’s for mommy and daddy, smile!” carlos instructs the little boy. finn looks up, letting out a huge smile and giggle, before crawling into the ferrari drivers lap. one more picture - a selfie this time - of finn clinging onto carlos’ neck, and carlos hits a quick send to his friends. 
“here, honey,” lando pulls his phone out and sends it your way in order for you to also see the adorable array of photos your babysitter had sent. 
“well aren’t they having fun?” you place a hand over your heart as you speak, too in awe of the little chubby cheeked smile staring back at you. 
“this was a grand idea,” your husband reiterates, putting his phone away into his pocket after typing a response back. you both share a look and a smile, before continuing your previous conversation and finishing your food. 
making it home a little past finn’s bedtime, you both didn’t know what you would walk into. bedtime was finn’s only struggle, therefore him being awake when you arrived home wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for what both you and your husband expect. 
except, when you walk in, your house is clean, quiet, and calm. carlos stands from the couch in order to greet the both of you, while you’re both scrambling to pick your jaws off the floor. 
“i’m assuming it went well?” you ask with a laugh while carlos brings you into a light hug.
“si, finn was a gentlemen. he passed out on the couch by seven and i just carried him into his room after that,” you and lando share a look of disbelief before carlos continues, “we played with some cars, ate some dinner, watched a movie, and he went down really easily,”
“can you move in?” lando pops the question into the conversation as carlos laughs off the request, “i’m serious, sainz,” your husband pushes again.
“did you two enjoy your night?” the ferrari driver ignores his friends jokes, directing his attention to you.
“we did, thank you so much for this, carlos,” you respond with a smile, “we really appreciate it,”
carlos gives you another hug goodbye and you begin to make your way towards finn’s room to check on him as lando walks carlos out, continuing his pestering of ‘how did you do it, mate?’ and ‘you don’t understand he hates bedtime’. 
you stand in the doorway of your son’s room for some time, admiring the sleepy boy all cozy under his racecar blankets. feeling a hand on your waist, you turn and catch your husband in a kiss. 
“let’s go to bed, love,” he offers once you break apart. you give him a silent nod, and you both make your way into your bedroom - lando stealing one last glance at your son. 
walking into your bedroom, you discard your heels and begin to unzip your dress.
“ah, ah,” lando stops your movements, replacing your hands on the zipper with his own, “allow me,” you giggle a bit as he continues to unzip your dress, letting it pool onto the floor. he pulls your back into him and begins to pepper your skin with sweet and sensual kisses as you blush in his hold, “we still need to make baby number two,” he mumbles into your skin while continuing his kisses. your body stiffens, lando feeling and understanding the tension releases your body and turns you to face him.
“what is it, y/n? do you not want another baby anymore?” he asks quietly, as if he’s scared of your answer.
“no, no. it’s not that,” you reply, head hanging down to stare at your feet.
“then what is it?” lando cups your chin in his hands with his question, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“it’s just that,” you sigh, searching lando’s eyes, “we don’t need to keep trying, if there’s already a baby on the way,”
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milksinyourarea · 13 days
"If the rest of my life was meant for this moment, then I wouldn't have changed a thing. My heart was a dark puckered hole, and you have filled it." Is such a raw fucking line to come from a book about a dnd character's grandfather fucking raw.
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crowleyscardigan · 1 year
This meme 💀
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sluttyitgirl · 10 months
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pairing: finn wolfhard x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ content, smut , p in v sex, first time, fem receiving, soft sex.
note from jazzy— requests are open!!
"Are you sure..?" finns breath hit my ear as he whispered into it and carresed my thigh while he was in between my legs. I look into his eyes , playing with his hair.
I was topless, and so was he , we've been dating for almost a year, and up until now, we haven't done anything sexual. I knew I loved him , and in his own words, he said he loved me too.
"I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else..." I mumbled , running my thumb across his jaw as I examined every freckle and feature on his face.
He smiled, a smile that made me fall more in love with him every day. He kissed my cheek and then went down to my neck as his hand traveled down to the hem of my shorts. I moved my head up to the side, giving him more access to my neck.
His kisses traveled from my neck to my jawline before he looked up at me, then down at me shorts. As his thumb ran over the button, he looked back at me, waiting for my permission. which I grant him with a nod and a small nervous smile.
Once my pants are off his lips, meet mine again, and my arms wrap around his neck, then to his hair. once he pulled apart, he removed his body off of me to stand up and remove his own pants, I decided to be a bit bold and removed my underwear . his eyes glistened at the sight, and he speaks breathlessly? "God, you're beautiful..." he gulped slightly before removing his own set of boxers.
Once those are off, he climbs back in between my legs , placing a small kiss on my nose. "do I need to use a condom or are you-"
"I'm on a pill, so.." he smiles, nodding
"Are you sure you don't wanna back out now?" he asks softly. I shake my head , "No.." I say, placing my hands on his chest. "I'm ready," I smile softly.
He nods before spreading my legs a bit more. I feel a rising pain under there and groan quietly as finn goes in slowly. "it's okay, precious. I'm here for you," he says as he places kisses around my face. my hands crawl to his back , biting my lip ad he's almost fully in me, and once he is, he sits there for a moment, letting me adjust to the size of his member.
"I got you, baby.." he mumbles , and I look at him."You can move now, finn. " he nods as he pulls out slowly, then goes back in at the same pace. he continues that patern only each time he's a little faster than the last thrust.
"Oh, finn..." I moan while my hands are tugging on his hair, making him groan. "s-shit, you feel so good~ You're doing amazing, baby~" his thrust sped up a bit more, making both of us let out slightly louder sounds. I moan louder as he hits my g-spot over and over just the right way at just the right pace. I was basically in cloud 9 because of the way he moved his hips so perfectly.
"Feel good, my pretty girl? my pretty, pretty girl– fuck" he groans.
"s-so good finn~ please k-keep going~" I mewl.
the sound of wet hot skin clapping and moans mixing fill the room. finn was thrusting harder but in the most gentle and caring way. he whispered in my ear , praising me and leaving kisses, leading me to reach my high. I knew he was close to as he dug his head I into my shoulders, and I could hear mumbled whimpers. "shit I'm close, finn..." I throw my head back , as the knot in my stomach unties and I release onto his cock , making him cum aswell. thank god, i was on a pill.
he stops his sloppy thrusts, and his body falls onto mine before rolling off. he looks at me, still trying to catch his breath slightly, and so am I. I smile weakly at him as his hand travels along the side of my face.
"You were amazing, gorgeous.." he smiled. I pressed my head onto his chest as he messaged my head , helping me fall into a much needed sleep.
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gazoline6725 · 7 months
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A BUNCH of icons I created to use as apart of my submission for the Adventure Time discord's winter icon contest! But these also work as standalone icons so I figured I'd share all of them here. I had a ton of fun with these! took about 3-4 days? I think?? a lot of time lol.
✩ FREE to use as pfps! Just credit me in your bio if you use any of them. Do not repost without permission + credit! ✩
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✩ reblogs + likes are appreciated! ✩
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filmgoop · 1 year
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star wars the force awakens icons 🪐⏳🌌
like if you save
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