#femme lesbian
melancholyfleurs · 2 days
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happy fat femme friday 🫶🏻
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"Every time I speak at a lesbian-feminist gathering, I introduce myself as a femme who came out in the 1950s. I do this because it is the truth and it allows me to pay historical homage to my lesbian time and place, to the women who have slipped away, yet whose voices I still hear and whose V-necked sweaters and shiny loafers I still see. I do it to call up the women I would see shopping with their lovers in the Lower East Side supermarkets, the femme partners of the butch women who worked as waiters in the Club 82. I remember how unflinchingly the femme absorbed the stares of the other customers as she gently held onto the arm of her partner. Butches were known by their appearance, femmes by their choices. I do it in the name of the wives of passing women whose faces look up at me from old newspaper clippings, the women whom reporters described as the decieved ones and yet whose histories suggest much more complicated choices. And if femmes seemed to be "wives" of passing women, the feminine protectors of the couple's propriety, it was so easy to lose curiosity about what made them sexual heretics, because they looked like women. Thus femmes became the victims of a double dismissal: in the past they did not appear culturally different enough from heterosexual women to be seen as breaking gender taboos, and today they do not appear feminist enough, even in their historical context, to merit attention or respect for being ground-breaking women."
- An excerpt from "The Femme Question," written by Joan Nestle and found in The Persistent Desire: A Butch-Femme Reader. (Emphasis in bold my own.)
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dykeulous · 21 hours
friendly reminder that femmes are not feminine in the heterosexist, heteropatriarchal way. femmes very often deviate from the gender binary, they very often challenge the heterosexist system via their appearance & ways of thinking. femmes are still lesbians, and that automatically means they do not have a connection to performative, heterosexist form of femininity. sure, they still can perform femininity, wear make-up, remove body hair, be submissive and do everything that straight feminine women can, but they often do not & they are very often not the heteropatriarchy’s image of spinning perfection; meaning they often do not perform femininity, they often do not remove body hair, wear make-up, and they often are not the patriarchy’s ideal woman. they are often “mean, aggressive, bra-burning, man-hating hairy dykes”, just like butches are. just in their own, unique, femme ways. they are not just feminine lesbians. just like butches are not just masculine lesbians. being lesbian immediately means struggle, it immediately means deviation from the gender binary, and it immediately means having a unique relationship with identity, self-expression & femininity (as well as masculinity, when we’re talking about butches). stop portraying femmes as this overly caked-with-make-up, no body hair, extremely skinny demographic. appreciate the less skinny, the hairy, the no-makeup femmes. they exist. they exist & there is a special place in my heart for them.
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flimsy-spoon · 3 days
All of my fellow short femme doms can cum in my mouth right now
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lesbiandepravity · 9 hours
It's officially pride month which means the fact that I am not being bottomed out by butch cock is a hate crime
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lovedpoetical-ly · 3 days
I want a soft, healthy love.
One where we compromise, admire one another, make each other a priority, are each other’s best friends and #1 supporters, share the same values, never talk down on each other, defend each other, take our time learning each other, treat each other with kindness, speak to one another with gentle words, and romanticize life together.
To me, nothing is more beautiful than a family built on a tender love.
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tlou-bombshell · 2 days
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It's giving Santa Barbara.
It's giving depression.
It's giving hot fatherless girl.
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Being poly is so fun~
I can wear pretty lingerie and show off for my pretty pets, tease them and rile them up whenever I want.
I could have a pretty butch puppy on their knees for me all night, twist their collar, nice and tight, duck down to give them little featherlight kisses to their forehead right before I force their head between my thighs, tug on their leash and force them to fuck me harder, harder, harder- force them to sink their teeth into my skin and rake their nails down my sides while they bury their pretty butch cocks inside me and go into a mindless rut.
I could have a pretty little princess all bound up and spread out for me, nice and pretty, slide my fingers along her thighs, dress her up in pretty lace and rip it all off to cover her in marks and bruises, fuck her till she's begging me to stop and then keep going until she's a whimpering mess, fuck her till she's crying on the sheets, helpless and breathless, nodding dumbly to my whispered words of praise and shuddering with every thrust.
Being poly is fun because I get so many pretty playthings~
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"I was a Jewish femme, following in the paths of Joan Nestle and my mother. With my curly black hair and unmistakably femme hourglass figure, I was coming out loud and proud. Despite my newfound sense of joy and exuberance as a Jewish femme, I heard a fair amount of anti-femme sentiment from lots of dykes. As a femme, I am often invisible as a lesbian. I love wearing lipstick and lingerie. I am not passing. Passing implies choice, the intent to be invisible. Butch lesbians are on the front lines of gay culture as out queers, challenging traditional notions of gender and desire. Butches are victims of homophobia and sexism on a daily basis. They are wrongfully accused of looking like, acting like, or wanting to be men. They are harassed and ostracized, especially if they are also members of other oppressed groups. Femmes bear the brunt of homophobia and sexism in a different way. We are bombarded with straight men's sexual harassment and violence. We are made invisible by others, including other lesbians. For both femmes and butches, our strength has helped us survive."
- An excerpt from "Embracing the Inner Femme," an essay written by Karen Lee Erlichman, found in The Femme Mystique. (Emphasis in bold my own.)
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lonelylocallesbian · 2 days
Anyone else like a feral cat until someone is nice to you and then you constantly bother them basically rubbing against their leg for their attention? No? Just me? Alright.
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sapphiclesbli · 2 days
the urge to flash my boobs at someone
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theoxdarthy · 16 hours
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Love is love is love @pixieprincessana
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asteriastemple · 2 days
hey guys i just wanted to come on here and say i really love my butch if you guys didn't know, i rrrreeeeallllllllyyyy llllooovvveee hhheerrrr i know it's such a surprise but i love my butch a lot if you didn't know i love my b-
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godsperfectprincess · 17 hours
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happy pride month everybody i love being a lesbian 🩷🤍🧡
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krxtiee · 2 days
save me masc lesbian that wants to be treated like a princess…. Save me….
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