#fc bayern munich
russos-ventitre · 8 months
georgia stanway x reader | recovery day cuddles 🫧
✘ summary: post ENGvNED, you and georgia have a nice relaxing day together after a rough match against the netherlands
✘ warnings/tags: tooth-rotting fluff, comfort, ENGNWT!reader, cuddles, clingy!georgia
✘ words: 1489
a/n: i wrote like 70% of this in my photography class bc my prof is boring as hell
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The soft hum from your flat and the cool breeze of the autumn air coming in from the windows sent goosebumps across your body. You stretched out your legs, feeling your body shake as your muscles began to wake up, sore and knackered. Last night was a rough game for both of you, a third loss under Sarina meant another painstaking blow to everyone's confidence.
You felt the weight lying on top of your chest shift, a soft murmur leaving the brunette's lips. She stirred in her sleep, arms curled around your midsection and legs tangled with yours. A hand came to lightly scratch at the girl's head feeling her slowly come to life from your touch.
"Babe?" The midfielder mumbled, nuzzling her face further into your chest.
"Can we have a lie in? I don't wanna get up." She squished her face up against your body, one of her hands coming up to hold onto your shoulder.
"Of course Gee." You pressed a soft kiss to the brunette's forehead, hearing a faint giggle as she pulled herself closer to you. 
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A few hours later…
“George.. love.. we should get up.” You muttered, a hand soothing down the brunette's jumper, delicately tracing down her back to gain her attention.
“A few more minutes..” She groaned, her left hand gripping onto your shoulder tightly, keeping you down on the bed.
“Gee.. c’mon.. I’m hungry..” You grumbled.
The midfielder let out a frustrated huff, rolling off of you and rubbing her eyes open. You sat up in bed stretching out your body, letting out a long yawn. You turned to your side to see a grumpy Georgia, laid on her back, arms crossed as she stared at the ceiling. You gave the shorter girl a poke, her shifting away from your touch as you lightly stabbed her side.
“Silent treatment now.. huh?” You teased, seeing Georgia struggling to bite back a smile that was curling at the corners of her lips.
You slid off the bed, stretching out the rest of your body before making your way over to the grumpy lump still laid in your bed.
“Oi you.. c’mon.” You reached your arms out, ready to help her out of bed, only for you to get tugged down on top of the brunette, her arms and legs wrapped around your body in a death grip.
“Georgia!” You shouted, trying to pull the girl off of you but she wasn’t letting up anytime soon. You let out a groan, using your hands to help push the both of you off the bed, the midfielder still clung to your torso as you straightened your body.
“You’re so annoying..”
“Ya love me.” She smiled with a cheesy grin, placing a wet kiss to your cheek.
“Ugh.. gross.” You whined, hearing the girl giggle as you walked the both of you over to the bathroom.
You placed her down on the tiled floor, feeling her arms wrap around your torso from behind seconds after you put her down. “Someone’s very clingy today.” You laughed, giving her a light pat on the head.
Georgia kept her grip on you, humming happily when you didn’t pull her off of you. You brushed your teeth with a bit of struggle, having to lift your arm above the brunette's head in fear of knocking your elbow against her skull.
“Gee.. c’mon.. if you don’t brush your teeth I won't make you breakfast.” You scolded, knowing full well that she wouldn’t be able to resist a delicious meal made by her lover.
The shorter woman shot up instantly, releasing you from her grip to quickly grab her toothbrush and spread toothpaste on it, aggressively cleaning her teeth. She smiled at you once she was done, as if she was waiting for you to approve of her teeth-brushing skills. You pressed a kiss to her cheek, grabbing for her hand, and walking to the kitchen, feeling her let go only to sit on top of the kitchen counter.
You began your usual routine, making Georgia her favourite, blueberry pancakes. It was a comfort meal of hers and it was all that more special when you made them for her. You prepared your ingredients, making sure to cook them just how she liked them, extra blueberries for your girlfriend. She watched from behind, her legs dangling over the end of the counter, swinging back and forth as she waited patiently for you to finish. When she noticed that you were nearly done she excidely hopped off the counter, pulling out two plates for you both and putting them to the side, She came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your body as you flipped the pancakes one last time before sliding them over on top of your plates.
The brunette placed a soft kiss to your cheek, giving you a tight squeeze before grabbing her plate. “Thank you, babe.” She smiled, swiftly walking over to the fridge to grab some whipped cream to spray on top of it.
You let out a sigh and shook your head. “Such a child..” You mumbled under your breath.
“Hey!” She whined in offense, spraying more of it on top of her pancakes, nearly covering the entirety of her plate.
You gave her a knowing glare, watching as her finger slowly slipped off the trigger of the can and she pouted. When you looked away the midfielder was nowhere to be seen, having slipped out of her seat to grab some sprinkles from one of the cupboards.
“Georgia!” You grumbled seeing as she tried to slowly slip back into her seat hoping you wouldn’t notice the object in her hand. You gave her a scolding look, watching as she popped the lid open and awkwardly sprinkled some of them on top of her already diabetic-looking breakfast, as she locked eyes with you, smiling and hoping you wouldn’t snatch it out of her hands. She watched as your eyes followed her movements, still sporting the same smile as she began to divulge into her meal.
As angry as you were, your anger didn’t last very long as you watched how happy these pancakes made her. If it meant that it was going to distract her from last night's defeat then you’d take it.
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After you finished your breakfast, Georgia offered to clean the dishes, insisting that you get yourself comfy on the sofa and wait for her. You pressed a kiss to her temple, padding your way to the living room, preparing a bunch of blankets and pillows to create and makeshift bed in the living room. She finished cleaning the dishes, running over to the living room, and jumping into your arms, snuggling her body against yours.
“I love when you're clingy..” You pulled the shorter girl closer to your body, positioning her in your lap between your legs, flush against your front.
“Ya love me always..” She quipped, grabbing your arms and wrapping them around her.
“I do Gee.. I really do.” You smiled, nuzzling your face into the back of her neck, inhaling her scent as you peppered soft kisses to her skin.
“Pretty girl..” You mumbled between kisses, seeing goosebumps rise on the brunette’s skin as she fidgets in your grip.
Your hands slipped underneath her jumper, surprised to find that she wasn’t wearing an undershirt, you traced your fingers across her stomach and her lower abdomen, feeling her wiggle even more than she already was in your lap.
“Babe! That tickles!” Georgia whined, trying and failing to stop your advances. She slapped at your knees until you stopped, finally laying back in your chest, tilting her head so she was looking up at you from below.
"Hi.." She whispered.
"Hi, cutie." You replied, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
The brunette sank into your chest further as you grabbed for the remote, switching the telly on, flicking through a bunch of channels, and finally settling on the news. You didn't care all that much about the news, you were just looking for something to have as background noise.
Chucking the remote to the side, you looked back down at Georgia to find that she was staring at you lovingly. Her hands coming up and grabbing upward at you, suggesting that she wanted something. You leaned yourself forward until your face met her hands, the midfielder pulling you further over her body to steal a kiss from you. Afterward, she turned around in your lap and rested her side into your arms. Her head snuggled under your chin and her hands gripping onto the material of your hoodie.
You pulled the blanket around the two of you further up your legs until it was now up to the shorter girl's neck, keeping her nice and warm until she drifted off. Your arms came to wrap around her body protectively, holding her close as your heartbeat lulled her to sleep.
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woso-lover · 3 months
Home is, whenever I'm with you | Lena Oberdorf
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Lena Oberdorf x german!bayern munich!reader
Summary: Lena suprises you with her move to your childhood club. To finally be with you properly.
Warnings: a bit of angst, fluff
English is not my first language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Girl, I never loved one like you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You grew up in Munich. Everything you know is there. Your famil. Your friends. Your bestfriend, Sydney. Your club.... Everything you loved was in one place. Exept your home, your lover, Lena Oberdorf. She plays for Wolfsburg. That wouldn't be the problem, even trought its the rival, but Wolfsburg is too far away from Munich, to see each other more then once in a month. And its slowly infecting your realationship.
It's started when you both grow out of the honeymoon phase. That doesn't mean you're stopped being smitten about each other. But the distant made it worse. A 6 hours drive or a one hour flight. It started to come to much.
It wasn't because of the lack of trust you have for each other. You trust each other very much. But you missed the closeness, the cuddles or the kisses. The things you would only get, if you play each other or in the german camp. It was rarely that one come to visit the other. To caught up with training for your clubs.
So everytime the national break started, you follow each other like lost puppies. It's mostly Lena, who follows you everywhere. Her Wolfsburg teammates will tease all the time, when the break is going to start or gets closer. But she doesn't care. She only cares about being close to you.
But you follow her everywhere too. And your teammates tease you about that too. Like obi, you don't care either. You're just happy being with her again.
To the problem is only one solution. One has the move clubs. But you both are too stuborn.
"I'm not moving away, liebling. (Darling) I have everything here."
"I change would look on you, baby. You can't always stay in the same place your whole life." Obi argues back on a face time call. It wasn't a fight. More like a discussion, in wich you both bring the same arguments over and over again.
"You know i can't handle change. And it would be a change for you too."
"I know you can't. And i already had a change. I moved from Essen. There wouldn't be so much change. You know half of the from national and you got friends with Lynn."
You look away, to the wall, feeling defeated. "Ha Gotcha, Schatz. (honey)" Obi said happily. "If you move to Bayern, you can play with and see Lea more often." You knew what the Lea card would do. You know that Lena misses to play in the same team as Lea, like in Essen.
"Didn't you wanted to show me your new tattoo idea?" Obi distracts from the topic.
You knew Obi wants to distracts from the topic. She was a bad loser and she knew how right you were, Obi just didn't want to admit that. So you played along.
"What do you think of something like that?" You showed her a page from your sketchbook.
Since then none of you dared to bring up the topic again. In the meanwhile Obi has gotten an offer from bayern munich. She didn't know what to do with it. Should she tell you? Should she ignore it? These question were toturing her mind.
Her solution: She's going to ask on national break what you would say if she got an offer from your beloved club.
But unfortunately the right time wouldn't come to Lena. Everytime she was close of telling you something happened. So she finally decide to say it to you no matter what.
She walked into the chill room, wich she knew you mostly are. You were there but you talked with Sydney. She didn't mean to overhear, but she stayed as she heard her own name out if your mouth.
"I love Lena, but i don't know how long it's going to work" Obis face fell. She doesn't want you to think like that. She wants to be with you forever. With sad face she walks away. She talks to you after your conversation with Sydney. But she stopped as she heard Sydney speaking.
"Don't say stupid shit like that. It's going to work out. You both are so smitten and follow each other like lost puppies. It makes me love sick. It's getting to the point to become disgusting."
"Yeah because your Single" you chuckle and on Obis face a smile grows.
"But i'm serious. If you leave, then there would be nothing much different. You still have me and Klara. We still be friends and pull pranks on camp or annoy Laura. Okay? You still got us and the team. We're a big family." Sydney hugs you.
'That's why' Obi realized. You're scared that if you move, your friends will turn their back on you. Obi walked away with smile. Knowing what she's about to do, calling her agent.
You were more then suprised as Lena said she will be visiting for a few days, but gadly take it. With Lena being in Munich you were happier. Sydney and Klara took notice of it and asked themselves why. But they got the answer, when Lena picks you up from training.
"Hope it wasn't too boring, being alone." You kissed Obi. After you two broke apart, you hugged her. Behind your back Sydney, Klara and Georgia made gagging faces. Lena rolled her eyes at them.
"No it wasn't, Liebling" It really wasn't. It was exhausting. She was talking with the club, her agent and the Bayern coach. All to negotiate her move to Bayern Munich.
The day she signed the contract she had mixed feelings. The tought of leaving Jule behind haunted her. But the blonde told her to go, to get her girl. It made Obi feel a bit better about it, but not fully. The other side was excitment. To be near you. To kiss you everyday. To cuddle with you. To cook with you. To do everything with you.
Before the national camp in february the romurs of Lenas move spread over. You saw it too, of course. You didn't know how to feel. There was hope, but you knew to not trust rumors. And Obi wasn't a help either. She only said that she didn't know how or why there are rumors. It broke her heart to see your face fell, just to cover it up quickly with a smile.
On the 14th february her move to Bayern will be officinal. She came to munich for the day, because of valentines. She knew you had a came on the evening, so she took you on a date for lunch. The whole day you weren't allowed to look on your phone. You wondered why and asked her. She only told you it would ruin her suprise.
After lunch in your favourite restaurant she took you to your favourite park, in wich you finally were allowed to look on your phone. You looked confussed at her but did anyway.
"Now go on insta"
"Obi what have you done?"
"Nothing" she smiles at you.
You looked on your phone your confussed look turned into shock. You looked up at Obi, who smiled slyly at you. "Suprise?"
"You fucking idiot. I love you" You run to Lena and hug her. "But why would you do that? You didn't had to"
"I know. But i love you. And Bayern didn't Sound that bad." With that she kisses you. Happy play with you next season and to in with you
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we-love-soccer-2006 · 2 months
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Leon for Adidas
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leonsliga · 2 months
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📸: Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer at full time | FC Bayern München vs. Arsenal | 9.4.24
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miroslavcloset · 9 months
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FYI Harold's british accent is the most british to ever accent
Incorrect Bayern Quotes
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raphoupix · 3 months
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Leon Goretzka - FC Bayern
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milfneuer · 2 months
FC Bayern as Texts, Pt 1
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bbglewis · 3 months
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Bayern civil war was not on my 2024 bingo card
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neuerswaist · 27 days
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highlighter chic for 24/25
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fabioquartararhoe · 3 months
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happy birthday to the most annoying football club in the world
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russos-ventitre · 9 months
georgia stanway x reader | memories from the dark room 🫧
✘ summary: georgia surprises you with a reusable film camera so the two of you can make cute memories together
✘ warnings/tags: tooth-rotting fluff, film date
✘ words: 982
a/n: there isnt enough love for george so im fixing that now, also sorry its short
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You sat comfortably in your shared flat, having a late tea in the kitchen as you heard keys jingling outside your door.
"Babe! I'm home! And I've brought presents!" Georgia shouted as she locked the door.
"Presents?" You questioned, pulling her into a tight hug and burying your face in her neck.
The midfielder's arms came around your waist pulling you closer as she pressed a kiss to your head.
"Yeah!" She replied excitedly. "You're gonna love it, babe!"
The two of you pulled away from the hug, you finally noticing the shopping bag dangling from her wrist. Your eyes followed her hands as she pulled out two reusable Kodak film cameras for the pair of you, both in your respective favourite colours. Your heart melted at the sight, previously mentioning before how you were gaining an interest in photography ever since you got your hands on her FujiFilm X100V, never looking back since. Throughout your monthly anniversaries, she would get you photography-related presents, one of them being your precious instant film camera and another being a custom keychain with pictures of the two of you made out of an old film roll. It was small gestures like that, that made your heart swoon for the short brunette.
"George!" You squealed, pulling her into another hug, this time peppering her now flush cheeks with little pecks.
The two of you rushed into the living room, you struggled to contain your excitement, your legs bouncing as you watched Georgia carefully insert the rolls of film into the cameras, handing over yours first. It was your first time shooting on film, only ever shooting digitally on Georgia's camera and your Evo or using your Evo for instant film shots, so you were buzzing with adrenaline.
You held the new toy in your hands ready to test drive it, watching as the brunette shifted herself closer to you, showing you how to properly hold it and not block the lens.
"So if you grab it like this.." She stuck her tongue out, a concentrated look painting her face. "..yeah.. like that, then you should be good to go. This dial here is how you wind your film.. this switch here is how you turn on your flash.. and this button here is your shutter."
You smiled at her through the entire explanation, knowing pretty much everything she said but allowing her to go ahead and teach you anyway, it made you happy watching her so who were you to stop her.
"Can we shoot some film today?" You asked quietly, biting your lower lip, hoping that she wouldn't deny your request.
"Actually I was hoping we could go out into town and take some pictures together... that's kinda why I bought them." She admitted sheepishly, fidgeting with the sleeves of her England hoodie.
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The two of you strolled your way through your neighborhood, hand-in-hand, lightly swinging them about as you walked into town. As you walked through the markets Georgia would point out things to you that she deemed 'good photo spots', guiding you to a good standing position and standing behind you to help you take the pictures. It was sweet, it was soft, and you very much enjoyed the feeling of your girlfriend's biceps around you as her hands were on top of yours, helping you stablise and take some shots. You occasionally turning your head to the side mid-photo and placing a quick peck on her cheeks as her face leaned over your shoulder.
"Are you gonna take any, Gee?"
"Y-Yeah.. just wanna help you first.. that's all." She blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.
The midfielder took a step back, watching in awe as you proceeded to take the next few shots of some of the flowers at one of the stalls, noticing how a particular bouquet had your attention. When you weren't looking Georgia talked to one of the workers at the flower stall, asking for that specific bouquet that you were admiring.
Unknowingly, you continued to wind up your film and snap more pictures of your surroundings, feeling a light tap at your shoulder after your 26th exposure.
You turned around to see your girlfriend holding that same bouquet you were admiring. You happily took the flowers from her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "You're adorable, Gee."
The two of you continued strolling throughout the market, taking more pictures of cute things and being madly in love with each other. You caught Georgia taking a few sneaky pictures of you whilst the two of you wandered about, blushing every time you saw the flash in your peripherals.
"I'll make sure to send our rolls off to that developing company first thing tomorrow, babe." The brunette replied, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as the two of you walked back home before it got too dark.
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A Few Days Later..
"[y/n/n]! Our film is here!" Georgia shouted from the front door, having retrieved the parcel with your prints.
She hurriedly opened up the box, finding two rolls of negatives, all of your photos printed out, and two CDs with the digitals.
"They're beautiful." You sighed, happy that your first time shooting on film was a complete success, thanks to your love.
Georgia smiled at you, seeing that you were satisfied with the prints. "We could make a little scrapbook with them. Have a little scrapbook dedicated to all our dates."
"Yeah?" Your eyes met hers, seeing how her features softened when she looked into yours.
"Yeah." She hummed, leaning close to press a delicate kiss to your lips, your hand coming to cup her face.
The two of you made it a habit, from now on, to always bring film cameras wherever you went, adding more magic to your memories. It was simple yet beautiful and you couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else.
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liked by stanwaygeorgia and 13,956 others
@/your_username gee bought me flowers 🥹
view all 937 comments
stanwaygeorgia only bc youre cute :)))
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎leahwilliamsonn gag me with a spoon
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ keirawalsh oi leave em alone
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f1stuffblog · 25 days
If picture could tear hearts this would do with mine 🥹🥲😭
Manu after the game:
" Extrem bitter für mich. Ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass ich den Ball anders erwartet habe. Nämlich eher in Richtung Brustkorb. Er ist leider einen Tick höher gegangen. Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet, dass da ein minimaler Maulwurf drin war im Platz und dass der Ball hier oben hinkommt. Dann ist es schwer für mich den einfach zuzumachen. Und dann war Joselu einfach schneller da und es ist schwer, es zu verteidigen. Das 1:1 ist brutal.“
"Extremely terrible for me. I have to be honest and say that I expected the ball to be different. Namely more towards the chest. Unfortunately it went a bit higher. I never expected that there would be a minimal mole in the space and that the ball would end up here. Then it's hard for me to just close it. And then Joselu just got there quicker and it's hard to defend. The 1:1 is brutal”
Unbelievable how rational he is able to stay after this 🙏🏻❤️ Love him always
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ijustneedtosave · 7 months
The simplest way to make me happy❤️🤍
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leonsliga · 2 months
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Der Klassiker: the ultimate Thomats challenge
For @neuerswaist 🫶
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football-sucks · 29 days
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new badge just dropped
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