#fascinated by people seeing the edited post and then not even bothering to click on the bolded underlined capslocked link
lautakwah · 6 months
warning for discord users
If you're on the app, immediately go to your dms and then "add friends". After the latest update they allow your contacts to find you and have that option turned on by default, so make sure it's unchecked!
This is very obviously not great for a multitude of reasons, but especially for people in vulnerable positions who do not want people in their contacts to see who they are on discord and/or know they have discord in the first place. I've also tried finding out if this is a thing on desktop but haven't been able to find any mention of it, so either it's not a "feature" (yet) or they've hidden it. Either way, stay safe, and turn off finding friends via contacts!
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[ID: three screenshots from the discord app with circles around the buttons to press to get to this "feature". 1: the messages/DM button, 2: the "add friends button", 3: in the add friends page, the "allow contacts to add me" checkbox. /END ID]
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mxplumberry · 2 months
no one gives a shit about your shitty x reader fiction if you guys would tag properly and use read mores but unfortunately you're all entitled spoiled brat children so we're all forced to suffer and can't actually enjoy art or gifs
Hey, are you okay?
Do you think it's okay to go up to a stranger to start venting and accusing them of behaviors you think are stereotypical to a certain demographic?
Well, I regret to be the one to inform you that this message really is embarrassing on your part because it is not okay.
Seeking out posts related to topics you don't like, purely to identify and harass someone that has an opinion that is different to yours, is not okay, or frankly, healthy.
Please consider seeking professional help if you think this is okay.
First of all, your complaint about the lack of read-more's is entirely out of date. Tumblr has been forcing long posts without a read-more coded in, to be cropped short with another form of read-more button that you must manually click on in order to reveal the full post.
If you come across a post that hasn't had that formatting forced onto it, then that post is genuinely not long enough to require such outside interference. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you should take this up with Tumblr staff rather than the rest of the community that are using this site as it is.
I'll even let you in on a little secret, one that has made my time on this platform so much nicer, and I'll tell it to you free of cost!
You see, Tumblr has a fascinating feature built-in to all of the user interfaces (yes! BOTH desktop and mobile have this) to help you cope with your irritation towards the way other people interact with a public fandom space in a much healthier way than sending messages like this.
Yeah, they already considered that not everyone would be able to get along! To prevent problems like this, they gave you default access to a resource that can clear up most of the problems you seem to be facing within fandom spaces.
If someone not using a read-more bothers you
just fucking block them
And this advice applies to more than just this singular example!
If you don't like someone's art style, or the way they pick colors, or the genre of music they make, or the way they edit screenshots, or gifs, or whatever the fuck it is they're creating, you can block them, and they won't show up in the feed when you search for the tag anymore.
and I know sweaty, I know that blocking someone doesn't always stop them from showing up on your dash if someone reblogs from them. However, I will remind you that if someone you follow is reblogging content you don't like or in a way you don't find appealing, that's literally on you. You are responsible for having to curate your dashboard to your own liking.
I can't block myself for you.
It's okay if you're not following someone you consider a good friend. Maybe their blog theme isn't your jam, or they're really vocal on their feelings about (insert topic/character here), and you don't feel the same or as strongly.
That doesn't mean you aren't their friend or have to stop talking to them because you aren't mutuals. You're just curating your Tumblr experience.
You aren't being forced to do anything here.
You chose to go into the fandom tag, despite knowing that there are people in the world that might interact with it in a way you don't personally like.
You chose to act like you have no power to curate your internet experience, when in fact you have several options at your fingertips to make sure that any given blog isn't recommended to you.
You chose to act like everyone has to "correctly" tag their content in a way that suits your preferences, despite those preferences being leagues above the standards posted in the tag use guidelines.
You chose to act like someone else trying to live their life and share their art with the world is such a problem.
And right here, I am chosing to not delete this message like most of the ones I used to get when I was public with my writing.
(This is also why this message is so embarrassing for you. You decided to send this pathetic excuse of hate mail to one of the many writers that don't post everything they do online. In fact, none of my writing is posted on Tumblr, so maybe you should consider doing at least a little homework to be sure your insult is applicable enough to the target to be effective.)
I'll also be fully transparent and admit I intentionally made this post longer, without the use of a read more, to spite you, but also because I feel like the xReader community gets way more hate than reasonable. If you were constantly getting shit on for trying to share something you cared enough about to create something for, you'd get pissy with responding, too.
The internet was not built just for you.
This website was not built just for you.
Go touch some grass, you goddamn loser. <3
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Reckless (Dark Fic)
Summary: Waking home at night after a concert with her best friend she didn’t notice the police car standing on the other side of the street. Or the man following her in the middle of the night on her short way home. She could already see her house when she was pressed with her back against the wall, her hands handcuffed over her head. She should have listenend to her husband earlier who wanted to pick her up…
Warnings: Explicit, con noncon, mentions of stalking, obsession, breeding kink
Pairing: Dark!Walter Marshall x Nameless OFC
Wordcount: 2.8k
A/N: Okay so here it is. It’s something completely different to the stuff I write usually, but it’s been on my mind for weeks. Please read the warnings. I don’t want anyone coming in my ask box complaining about how sick I am. Thank you to @ladyreapermc​ who edited the shit out of it. Love you x
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Humming to herself she walked down the dark road after attending a concert of her favorite band The taxi dropped her and her friend off at her house, where she had a beer before making her way home. It was only a five minute walk, so she declined someone bringing her home.It was a small town and it was almost midnight, on a school night. The only thing that would scare her along the way would probably be a stray cat.
With her headphones on, she fought the urge to sing along. She had to go out more. Between her job, the house, the man... She smiled to herself as she thought of him, probably still at work, trying to stay awake. When she met her husband almost 6 years ago, him being her knight in shining armour when her card was declined at the gas station, she thought he was just being nice, when he paid for her fill of gas. They got married two years after they met.
She didn’t notice the man following her as she took the shortcut through the dark alley to the right, already seeing her house in the dark just across the street.
Walter had watched her ever since she and her drunk friend got out of the taxi. She didn’t know that he had been watching her at every opportunity he got when he was free. No one would ever suspect a police officer being a creep.
He stayed seated in his unmarked police car, across the house she disappeared in. He wondered if she would be walking home by herself. As it turned out she was. He watched her say goodbye to her friend before she put her headphones on and all but danced down the street.
He waited until she was almost out of sight before he got out of his car and followed her. He knew that she lived only a couple minutes away. He knew there had been a concert in town and had seen her as he drove by the location hours ago. She was wearing that light blue summer dress. He loved how it looked on her. How it clung to the volume of her breasts and barely reached her knees.
He shook his head in disbelief when she took the shortcut through the dark alley. The light there went out months ago and nobody bothered to fix it, leaving that stretch of street completely in darkness,the light from the lamp post outside barely doing anything to help.  It was the perfect place for what he had in mind.
She still had no clue that someone was following her, too lost in her music, too distracted to care and it gave Walter even more time to plan his move, to keep his identity concealed for a few more moments because she knew who he was, of course. He earned himself quite the fame after the killer twins a couple of years ago. He was the famous Detective Walter Marshall, the one who made everyone feel safe. No one would ever suspect that he could do the same things he arrested people for.
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She was just about to step out of the alley, when she felt a strong hand around her left wrist, her back being pushed almost violently into the wall. A scream died on her lips when another hand covered her mouth.
“Don’t even think about it…” A gruff deep voice startled her as she pulled her hands up against his broad chest.
She didn’t even notice that she had started crying, slowly blinking her eyes as she tried to make out the face of the man who held her with his body against the wall. Once again, she tried to push him off, still not being able to see just who it was, though she knew the voice.
“If you want it the hard way…” He growled, the hand over her mouth moving to her neck, holding her still in a choke as he seemed to search for something. Her fingers scraped and slapped the strong forearm connected to the hand holding her still, but her struggles barely fazed him. He was so much bigger than her, so much stronger. Her resistance was futile.
Once he found what he was looking for, Walter grabbed one of her wrists, watching as her eyes widened in surprise at the familiar click and the cold metal surrounding her wrist tightly. He tugged her arm up, releasing her throat long enough to grab her other arm and pull it up, handcuffing her to the rusty metal railing of a fire escape stairs hanging right above her.
“No… No No No No no…” She shook her head as panic started to set in. Why didn’t she stay at her friend’s house?
“What brings you here in the middle of the night, sweetheart? Look at me.” He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Det… Detective Marshall?” She asked. She would recognize the eyes of the handsome Detective anywhere.
Marshall might just be the most handsome man in the small town they lived. Always polite and helpful, even if somewhat grumpy, but right now there was also something animalistic about him that she found highly attractive.
“How many times did I tell you not to wander alone through the night, hm?” He asked.
“But.. It’s safe around here…” She managed.
“Clearly not.” He grinned down at her and she shivered.
“What… What are you going to do to me?” She whispered.
“Oh… Nothing you’re not going to enjoy.”
His hand ran down her side, pausing at the bare skin of her thigh and she finally realized what was about to happen.
“Please… Please don’t. You’re better than that…” She whimpered, tears escaping her eyes.
“Oh hush… I’ve seen how you look at me. Don’t pretend you haven’t fantasised about how it would feel….” His hand forced itself between her legs. “if I’d touch you right here.”
She pressed her eyes close. Imagining being everywhere but here. Her arms above her head felt heavy. How was this happening?
“Stop struggling. You’re clearly enjoying this…” He hummed, feeling her warm and damp core with his fingers.
“You could have had this the easy way. Without forcing me…” She cried.
“Where would be the fun in that, hm?” He asked. “I see you around all day, wearing all these sexy clothes, and you don’t even notice that everyone is staring at you, don’t you?”
She looked at him, noticing how his dark gaze watched her every move. He was so handsome. Would probably be even more handsome with a new haircut, yet the dark curly hair that screamed to be touched made him appear even more… beastlike.
She had always been fascinated by his eyes. How they seemed to hold all the answers in the world. She never would have thought that a deep inside he caged a monster that he now was ready to unleash on her.
“Just get it over with then…” She said, suddenly feeling very tired. He pushed his groin against her pelvis, making her hiss. She could feel his hard cock, as he brought his face so close his breath tickled her skin and she could smell the coffee he must have had earlier that night.
“Oh no… I want you to enjoy this….” His lips crashed down on hers, all teeth and tongue, his hips rolling against hers. “And I want you to scream my name every time I make you cum.” He whispered into her ear, biting her earlobe as his fingers ripped her panties off, making her gasp.
Why was this happening to her? And why on Earth did she start to enjoy this?Anywhere his hands touched her body seemed to be on fire. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter everytime his hand wandered down her body, despite her best attempts to keep her legs closed. But if to deny him accept or to offer herself some blessed friction, she didn’t quite know.,. However, Marshall was undeniably stronger and pried her thighs open, pushing his clothed thigh in between them. The whimper that escaped her lips, she didn’t know if it was of fear or relief from having the supple muscle pressing against her aching flesh.
“I wonder if you taste as good as you look…” His grin was more a bearing of teeth of a hungry predator as he cupped her breasts, squeezing them harshly, making her whimper once again.“Like they were made for my hands…” He yanked  the neckline of her dress down, the noise of ripping fabric filling her ears and exposing her hard nipples to him.
“And wearing no bra… It almost seemed like you wanted this….” He whispered in a mocking tone, before he leaned down and bit onto one of her nipples, making her cry out.
She struggled against the handcuffs, wanting nothing more than to escape, yet at the same time she didn’t want him to stop. She hated herself for enjoying  the way he sucked on her nipple, hard. She would have marks from him for days.
“Everytime I see these tits I’m hard as fuck. Do you feel that?” He pushed himself closer against her. “Sometimes I think about you when I’m alone. How you feel. But fuck the real thing is better than I imagined.”
Gasping she threw her head back against the wall as she felt his other hand on her pussy. He pushed one finger in, making her cry out, while his other hand pinched her other nipple.
“So tight and wet.” He groaned, looking up at her. He brought his finger up, licking it.
“Better than I imagined. Tell me how many men fucked this pretty pussy?” He asked, taking a step away from her. He looked at her, so helpless, her arms over her head, her lips flushed and swollen from his kisses.
He couldn’t believe his luck. Having her here. Where she couldn’t run. At his mercy.
She didn’t answer him as she watched him open the fly of his pants. She could see his gun on his holster, making her gulp. Feeling herself shivering as he pulled his cock out, she closed her eyes. He was big. Probably too big for her. She could only hope that he would prepare her a little. Otherwise this would be even more painful than it already would be.
“Aww don’t close your eyes. Look at what you did.” He hummed. Breathing in deep she opened her eyes, looking into his.
“Like what you see?” He asked. In one last effort to stop him she brought her knee up as he stepped closer. It didn’t do anything.
“You fucking slut.” He growled, slapping her across the face, making her cry out.
“I was going to go gently on you, but you don’t want it gentle, do you?” He pushed the remains of her dress up, spitting into his hand rubbing his hard and throbbing cock.
“You want to be treated like the whore you are…” He grabbed one of her legs under her knee, pulling it up around his waist, his cock at her entrance.
“No… No don’t.” She cried.
“Oh shut up. I can feel you dripping on my cock already. Want me to cum inside you, huh?” He chuckled. She shook her head, a million scenarios going through her mind. She could end up pregnant from this.
“At least use a condom…” She pleaded. He stopped, looking down at her.
“No. I think I want to risk you ending up pregnant with my baby. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson.” He said, before she felt him push inside of her.
All breath seemed to be pushed out of her body. She must have been wetter than she thought because it didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. He hissed, pulling out of her before he thrusted his cock inside of her in one motion making her scream.
“There you go.” He hummed. He could see the tears in her eyes. “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.” He groaned as he bottomed out, only to slam back in, making her moan. He grabbed her other leg, pushing her against the wall as he began to thrust into her almost violently.
She whimpered, the feeling of his hands grabbing her legs so hard it would leave marks as he fucked into her, making her cry more.
“Even better than I imagined. I think I wanna make you cum…” He whispered. She felt one of his hands leave her legs, that she unintentionally crossed behind his back, as his fingers found her clit.
“You like that?” He rubbed her nub, swallowing her cries as he kissed her hard. She bit into his lip, making him groan.
“Fuck you Walter.” She hissed. She could see the muscles in his jaw twitch as he looked at her. Two of his fingers rolled her clit in between them, making her cry out.
“Cum for me you fucking slut.” He growled, thrusting harder into her.
“No…” She cried, even though she could feel herself getting close.
“If you don’t cum, I won’t stop.” He threatened. “We’ll be here until you cum, no matter how long and how often I cum inside of you.”
“No.. Please….” She cried, turning her head away from him.
“Look at me.” He growled. She swallowed the lump of shame and arousal clogging her throat, turning her head towards him. “I want to look into your eyes when you cum. I can already feel you tightening around my cock. And you better scream  my name when you cum.”
He marked every word with a hard thrust making her cry out. Hot tears burned tracks down her cheeks as she tried to fight him off, but her movements seemed to be meeting his thrusts, sending spikes of pleasure up her body.
She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making her cum, but the way he was fucking her, the way he was touching her, pushed all of her buttons. With every thrust, every flick at her clit she felt herself growing closer. He brought his other hand to her neck.
“You better cum now…”
His movements grew harder, faster as his hand closed around her neck, choking her. The knot inside of her exploded, leaving her breathless as she cried out his name, her orgasm taking over her body. She shivered against his body, not even noticing as his hand left her neck, landing on her ass as he pushed her into him with every thrust. She didn’t feel the handcuffs around her wrists, the metal biting into her skin, leaving a bracelet of bruises.  She only felt overwhelming pleasure, riding out the longest and probably most intense orgasm she ever had in her life.
“Fuck. Yes. Just like that. You ready for my cum, slut?” Walter growled. She only whimpered in his response, caught between pleasure and disgust as she felt him still inside of her, his cock pumping his seed to where she least wanted it. Silently crying, she felt his forehead on her shoulder as they both tried to catch her breath.
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She heard the rattle of keys, before his hands opened the handcuffs.
“Slowly.” He shushed, as she groaned. He put her arms around her shoulders, as he picked her up, her gentleness such a contrast to the brutality of moments before. She breathed in deep.
“Are you okay?” He whispered. She blinked her eyes open, looking at him. The dark gaze, the monster was gone, and left was only her Walter. He rubbed his hands over her wrists where she slowly got the feeling back.
“I’m perfect.” She sighed blissfully. He didn’t set her down, instead picking her up, but not before he made sure that she was fully covered. When did he pull up his pants?
“Was that good?” He asked. She finally opened her eyes, looking at him, as he slowly walked towards their home.
“I didn’t know you would really do it.” She said. Even in the dark she could see him blush.
“You trusted me with your fantasy and I was kinda curious.”
“It was just like I imagined.” She said, kissing him softly. “And it was kinda hot seeing you so… dominant.”
“Really?” He asked with a grin. She only nodded, playing with the soft curls on the back of his head as he searched for the keys to their house.
“How about a long hot bath and then we go to bed?” He asked as he unlocked the door.
“Sounds perfect.” She smiled tiredly. “I love you, Walter.”
“I love you too, baby.” He smiled back, before he kissed her forehead.
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It Gets Bad Before It Gets Worse
A/N: Right so... hello. Been a while since I last posted anything. But! Anyways! This is my little take on Deku joins the League of Villains and how that works out for him. This is only just the USJ incident, and that to not the whole thing, but that’s because I’ve still got to write the last bit (where All Might fights the Nomu) and I really wanted to post this now so... yeah.
I copied this from my word document, but tumblr just- ate up my italicised words? Like they’re still there, but nothing’s italisiced except for this author’s note that I’m typing straight out here on tumblr. I really don’t have the patience to go through this and re-work everything, so I hope it doesn’t mess with the flow of words too much.
But besides that, I hope you enjoy!
Edit: I fixed stuff.
 Shota sends out tendrils of his capture scarves and grabs onto two villains, swinging feet first through the space between them and right into a third. By all means, his attention is mostly on the b-lister villains surrounding him, but he's been careful not to let the three bosses out of sight. They haven't tried anything yet, which just mean that they're going to be more trouble later on. 
 "Take the brat up with you, won't you?" The man with the hands scratches at his neck, a contemplative tilt in his voice as he keeps Shota in his sights just as much as Shota keeps handsy in his.
 There's warning lilt in mist-man's tone when he speaks, who Shota silently renames as Kurogiri for when he has to recount this incident for the police reports, hopefully with the villains locked up somewhere near. "Shigaraki..." 
 "Don't give me that tone!" The hands villain- Shigaraki- snaps, "You're not the leader of this operation. I am." 
 Kurogiri lets out a weary sigh just as Shota is forced to twist around to dodge a swipe of metal claws meant to dig into his torso, and regrets it immediately when he hears, "As you wish, Shigaraki." 
 When Shota turns back around, the Kurogiri is gone. 
 After the shock of, 'holy shit, this is really real' has passed, Class 1-A follows after Thirteen as they all run towards the entrance. They never quite make it there, when purple mist flickers into existence just ahead of them and starts to expands, bigger and bigger until it's like a swirly purple wall towering over them. That's not the last of it though, when Class 1-A watches a teenager who looks about their age step out from the mist. 
 "Is it time then?" 
 This is said to the owner of two yellow eyes that blink open in the mist, and voice that seems to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. "There was a change of plans. Shigaraki... wished to have you called in early." 
 It's the last bit that has all eyes watching the boy, as he in turn watches Kurogiri from over his shoulder. "What is that supposed to mean?" 
 The boy slowly turns to meet a violent red gaze, and Class 1-A hold their breaths.
 For one Izuku Midoriya, it’s like the world slowly halts to a standstill. Suddenly, nothing matters much anymore, not the fact that this is the first attack he's been allowed to participate in, and that too only to watch. Not that he was nervous why Shigaraki wanted him 'called in early'. Not that he was finally supposed to get his irrefutable proof that he hadn't lied to Sensei about All Might's weakness, that he had been loyal. No, none of that matters because Izuku doesn’t even look at the crowd of hero students, just the figure right at the front, with sparking hands that's more flash than boom, for now, and an expression that seems almost surprised to see him.  
 Izuku looks at Bakugou in fascinated horror, "Kacchan?" 
 This wasn't- this wasn't how this was supposed to go. Izuku was supposed to pop in and take notes, not come face to face with his childhood bully after almost a year. 
 Predictably, like it always happened when Kacchan was caught off guard, his expression twists from one of surprise to anger, like how dare Izuku try to pull a fast one on him. If only someone would tell Kacchan that Izuku is just as surprised to see him as Kacchan is to see Izuku, but good luck getting him to believe you. 
 "What the fuck are you doing here?" 
 "I-" There's that same adrenaline, pumping through using veins, the kind he always got when Kacchan had him by the front of his shirt and was screaming right in his face. But unlike before, where when the anger would come (‘What did I ever do to you?!’) and Izuku would push it down, he doesn't this time. 
 He hasn't in a long time pushed the anger down. 
 His eyes narrow and its hard, harder than anything Izuku's ever done, to keep his composure. His voice still trembles, threatening to betray the red-hot fury he feels curling in his gut, but he just about manages to keep that poisonous feeling contained in his hands, in his erratic breathing, but never seeping into his voice, onto his face, into his actions. "I could ask you the same thing Kacchan." 
 Kacchan goes to speak, give it back to him twice as hard because he never listens, does he? When Kurogiri draws a close to this verbal match of spitting bullets with a polite. "Sorry to interrupt, but me and comrades would appreciate it if you take this seriously."  
 Kurogiri has the kind of influence that is quiet but intense, which means people listen when he talks. Not only that, everyone realizes that he's clearly the bigger threat between being the warper and the dude who looks like literal middle schooler blocking their paths. Izuku knows rationally that this class of hero hopefuls' best bet right now would be to try and get past him and Kurogiri and to go call for help, but Izuku has enough faith in Kurogiri to handle that. Not that he can do much else, or think much else, because of the anger that just keeps building and building the longer he stands here with Kacchan's red hot glare pinned right on him, greater threat be damned. It should feel gratifying, that he's finally gotten Kacchan to look at him, not just as another thing in his way but a person, but maybe he hasn't. Maybe it had meant nothing at all to Kacchan, when Izuku Midoriya had disappeared off of the face of the Earth about ten months ago, taking nothing but the words of an angry bully with him. 
 Yeah, that fits the bill, doesn't it? Izuku may have known Kacchan for over 14 fucking years, but he's only ever been just another thing in Kacchan's way to step over on his way to glory. As if Kacchan noticed he was ever gone. 
 The only time Izuku ever gets to have Kacchan look at him again, acknowledge him again, and Izuku is just another obstacle in his way. Just like it's always been. 
 "We don't mean to be rude by intruding, but my comrades and I have taken the liberty of paying your school a visit in hopes of putting an end to All Might and his legacy. It seems, however, that he is not currently present." 
 Izuku can practically see the hypothetical steam of anger coming from Kacchan with his mouth twisted into a fearsome scowl. The boy beside him, with bright red hair that stands straight up as if cut from the face of a rock, mashes his fists together and shouts back, "What makes you think we'll just let you?" 
 Kurogiri only narrows his eyes, "We were not expecting you to. You are a class of foolish hero hopefuls, after all." 
 Izuku just about manages to tear his gaze away from Kacchan when Thirteen lifts a finger, and Izuku realizes what's about to come next. Just before he can warn Kurogiri, however, his attention snags on something else. Like Kacchan can't stand attention not being on him for even a second, him and the boy with the tall red hair have launched themselves forward, straight towards Kurogiri, though Izuku barely manages to scramble out of the way when Kacchan points one hand straight in his direction and uses the explosion to boost himself further, uncaring if Izuku gets caught in it. Probably hoping it hit him, actually. 
 They both manage to get what they think is a hit in and jump back, and the red head shouts, "We're not going to just let you waltz into our school to hurt All Might!" 
 When Kurogiri clicks his tongue, unhurt because it’d take more than that pathetic display of ego to even bother him, Izuku immediate knows that he's annoyed, but it's especially evident in his flat tone of voice when he speaks. "Very well. If we are clear on our roles." Purple mist sweeps out and covers everybody in a thick cloud. Izuku knows better than to resist it, only hoping that Kurogiri's kind enough not to drop him from somewhere high. 
 Izuku stumbles when he immerges from the portal, and it's all he can do not to trip and fall face first on the ground. Sensibly, Kurogiri hasn't come with him, probably still handling the handful of people left up at the entrance, because Izuku really still feels like he's going to explode at someone. Logically, he knows that it probably isn't Kurogiri's fault, that the poor man is just following orders and not much else. He may have more sense than one Tomura-fucking-Shigaraki, but that doesn't mean he's the one Sensei favors most. 
 Of course, speaking of the devil... 
 "Why did you send me up there?" Each word is bitten off and chewed before being spit out like poison. Izuku wished he could grab Tomura smug fucking face and break it over his knee. 
 Shigaraki’s smirk is the asshole-ish kind Izuku wished he could kick in, "What? Didn't like the surprise, brat?" 
 Oh ho ho, it's a very close thing Izuku doesn't just start screaming at this point. He's so angry, "That was not part of the plan." 
 Shigaraki scoffs, "I'm in charge, I can change the fucking plan." 
 If Izuku was keeping his cool before, he certainly isn't now, "You can't change it whenever you feel like it Shigaraki!" 
 Izuku is suddenly grabbed by the throat, and there's a terrifying moment where he wonders if this is it, this is how he dies. At the hands of who's supposed to be a comrade, with no thanks given for the certainly valuable information he'd brought to the League. He'd thought it be enough to get them to trust him, because really, what else did a quirkless loser like him have to offer? But it wasn't nearly enough, not by word of mouth alone that All Might was slowly dying of a grievous old injury that Sensei himself had given him. After all, what argument Izuku have to justify just why All Might would give that information to some random middle schooler he once saved?
 But while Tomura looked like he would gladly put down his raised pinkie against Izuku's throat to complete his set of five, he doesn't yet. "Don't talk back to me like you've got any authority, brat." 
 Izuku's breathing has slowed to a halt, painfully aware of the fingers around his neck and the one finger that isn't, could so easily be put down and turn him to dust. But, even then, with nothing much left to lose except a mother who will now know for sure her child is dead instead of just missing, Izuku meets a single red eye peeking out from under a severed hand with his own determined green ones. Shigaraki doesn't scare him, and even if he does, like hell Izuku will give him the satisfaction of seeing the proof of it on his face. 
 "Are you just going stand there boss? We're not doing quite so well here." This comes from a woman who's desperately trying to keep an eye on the pro hero culling their ranks with extreme prejudice while calling back for help. But Izuku knows Shigaraki, full on expects the scoff that comes from him as he doesn't move a single fucking finger to help his 'party'. He just watches, with that hungry red gaze of his, as if all he wants is to hold the world in his hands and watch it crumble, cannot fathom why this vision of his has not yet come to fruition. As if the world should come to serve him, and only put up just enough of a challenge to make it 'fun' for him. Izuku manages to turn his head, neck still under Shigaraki's hands but as if this is the first time he's pushed the man hard enough to come close to death by decay, and watches as not a moment later Eraserhead swiftly takes out the woman who had dared to call out for help. 
 Shigaraki clicks his tongue, and spares a glance at Izuku, "You were told to watch, weren't you? Then watch how a real villain does it." 
 He pushes Izuku back roughly, leaving him to stand there with a hand rising to carefully press against his throat with the threat to it finally gone, as Shigaraki takes off straight for the pro hero standing ready for him, thinking he's prepared for someone as bat-shit insane as Shigaraki Tomura. From what little Izuku has seen, Eraser's doing pretty well so far, especially for an underground hero who specializes in stealth and springing surprise attacks onto villains from the cover of the shadows. He'd almost think that this was where Eraserhead thrives, except he knows better, can see it in the desperate way the man moves that this is far from his kind of game. No, as heroes do still surprise Izuku from time to time, Eraserhead’s probably down here trying to buy time for the students to get away, which they probably won't, not if Kurogiri's got anything to say about it. 
 Shigaraki grabs onto the first tendril of Eraser's scarf sent his way, and Eraser sends another only to duck under it as he manages to elbow Shigaraki right in the stomach. It's when this happens, that a flash of green against the plain brown terrain and a muffled croak catch his attention. Izuku looks to where the sound came from and sees round green eyes poking up from the edge of the raised platform, and feels his own eyes widen first in surprise, but then in panic. 
 Oh no. 
 He wonders if the girl crouched at the edge of this fight is alone, only to catch sight of something round and purple just behind her. What are these kids doing? Don't they know it's dangerous to just stand there like that, begging to get noticed by the manic villain willing to fell anyone and anything just because he finds them annoying? Don't they care that they're teacher is trying to give them a chance to get away, and they're squandering it by crouching at the edge of this fight? 
 The girl's gaze catches his and her own eyes widen. Probably because he's a villain too and he's obviously seen them. He looks back at Shigaraki just in time for the villain to say, "You're getting slower Eraserhead. It's hard to tell with those goggles of yours, but I've figured out your tell." He glances back at Izuku, and Izuku manages to wrangle his expression into something carefully blank. Shigaraki continues, having made sure that Izuku's watching, "Your hair falls back down in the intervals when you stop using you quirk." Izuku let's out heavy breath, because he knows Shigaraki is right, he'd noticed that too. And its then that Eraserhead's hair falls back over his face, while Shigaraki still has his elbow in a five-finger grip, and oh- Izuku knows what comes next. He tries to catch the girl's gaze again, but she's watching in horror as first his sleeve and then Eraserhead's skin starts to crumble away at the elbow. The hero jumps away, but Shigaraki's point has definitely been made. 
 A few of the low lifes that they most definitely picked from the streets for the sole purpose of playing cannon fodder surround Eraser again as Shigaraki carefully backs away. Eraserhead doesn't notice Shigaraki make a subtle gesture at the Nomu that has the tall beast finally move from somewhere behind him. For how big it is, the Nomu can be pretty sneaky when it wants to be, because Eraserhead doesn't notice it take position a few feet behind him as he handles the few of the street thugs still left standing. 
 Shigaraki has a smile in his voice, which Izuku can only tell because he sounds real fucking smug when he says, "If you think I'm the final boss Eraser, you're sorely mistaken." 
 And really, Izuku should have seen this coming, but he doesn't, and flinches back when Eraser turns back just a second too late, because it doesn't matter anyways when the Nomu is built to match All Might's speed. The Nomu puts the hero to the ground faster than Izuku can blink, the arm with the decayed elbow in gripped tightly with one of hand and his other holding Eraserhead’s head down. Izuku wonders how the girl and the other person with her are taking this, and if they regret sticking around for this final act, but he can't take his eyes off this scene without the fear of missing something important. It feels... wrong. Putting down a hero like Eraserhead, who only ever jumped into this fight to make sure his students had a chance, who's a great fucking hero anyways. The part of Izuku that will always be a fanboy seethes that this his own fault, that if he can't deal with the consequences then he shouldn't have made the choice to be here in the first place, but it's never that simple, not really. So Izuku watches, some part of him begging him to step forward and maybe try to reason with Shigaraki about sparing Eraserhead, but the more sensible part of him knows it's pointless. Shigaraki only ever does what he wants to, and there's a huge chance that if Izuku tries to tell him not to do something, he'll only ending up doing it just to spite him.  
 The Nomu slams Eraserhead's face into the concrete and Izuku let's out a shaky sigh, a sick feeling starting to churn in his stomach at the pool of blood that slowly inched outwards from where Eraser's head hit the ground. He glances back over to where the girl is and sees her staring at the scene with wide eyes, two hands clasped over her mouth in horror. 
 There's a flicker of something purple somewhere behind Shigaraki, which grows outwards in the air like how moss spreads over a stone wall, until Kurogiri stands there in a cloud of purplish smoke and intones, "Shigaraki Tomura." 
 Shigaraki slightly tilts his head to show that he's listening. 
 Kurogiri sounds almost apologetic, which is rare enough that Izuku's temporarily distracted from keeping an eye on the girl and the person with her that he's only caught a brief glimpse of until now. "I'm afraid that I let one student slip past. I believe he has most likely gone to get help." 
 Shigaraki's hands suddenly jerk up until the fingers dig into the sides of his neck, and Izuku can't help but make a face as he starts scratching them with slowly growing intensity. It's a habit of his that Kurogiri has been trying to get him to break, but has been unsuccessful so far. 
 "Kurogiri..." Shigaraki's voice is dark with malintent, "If you weren't the warp gate I would kill you." 
 Kurogiri shows no outward reaction to the threat, except the shifting of his features like a turbulent sea of purple. It makes it hard to get a read on him, without facial expression to use as a gauge of his mood, but Izuku likes to think he's gotten to know Kurogiri well enough to think he might just be the slightest bit amused right about now. None the less, familiar with the sentiment of Shigaraki being upset with him for one thing or another, Kurogiri ignores the murderous gleam in Shigaraki's eye and simply continues, "The other pro heroes will most likely be arriving soon, and we are not equipped to handle them with our... dwindling numbers. It is best if we take our leave." 
 Shigaraki lets out a low growl, his eyes pinballing wildly between the Nomu, Eraserhead and Izuku. "Game over, huh? Fine, we'll wrap up." 
 And Izuku doesn't even get a chance to relax at the prospect of Shigaraki finally being sensible for once and retreating at a fortunate time, because there's a mean look in his eye as his gaze lands on Izuku, then past him. Right over to where... 
 The girl.  
 "But I think we should leave behind a message for All Might first." 
 In the blink of an eye, Shigaraki has sprinted half the distant to the girl who just stands there, frozen in shock. That's when a harried cry rips from Izuku's throat as he goes stumbling after Shigaraki, "No!" 
 But it's too late, because Shigaraki already has his fingers splayed over the girl's face, and it never gets easier. That heart wrenching terror of the just before, a nanosecond where after Shigaraki's quirk kicks in and turns everything to dust.  
 Except that this time, it doesn’t kick in.  
 Izuku, frozen stiff and expecting a dead young girl with her head turned to dust in the air, but instead meeting eyes blown wide in terror but still very much alive, watches Shigaraki turn slowly to look behind him. His gaze stalls on Izuku just for a second but a second is enough to tell Izuku that his little outburst has not gone unnoticed, before passing over him over to where Eraserhead's face is lifted off the ground. It's nothing short of a miracle, how he's managed to look up even with the Nomu's death grip still wound into his hair, and his eyes are an angry bloodshot, but he's still here, still looking, still having saved that girl's life. 
 "You're so cool Eraserhead." 
 And finally, Izuku finds his voice, "L-let her go Shigaraki." 
 Shigaraki's lilting tone immediately sours back into a scowl, but he still doesn't let go. "Nobody asked you, brat." 
 It makes Izuku's resolve only steel, because he didn't sign up for anyone dying today except maybe a fully-fledged pro hero, "I'm not asking either, Shigaraki, let her go." 
 "You-" Shigaraki's angry snarl is cut off when there's a loud bang from the direction of the entrance that draws their attention. It's also at this moment that the girl flinches back, no longer frozen in fear like she had been before. Or maybe she was afraid Shigaraki would so something much worse if she had moved, which she might not have been wrong about. The girl leaps back, far enough that Izuku knows her quirk gives some sort of boost for that jump, but Shigaraki only watches her go, half his attention still on the sounds coming from the entrance. 
 They don't have to wait too long to find out what happened, when a figure larger than life steps into view at the top of the stairs and booms, "So fear not students! Because I am here!" 
 But oh, Izuku realizes with a sliver of fear even with an insurance like the Nomu to back them, All Might is not smiling. 
  A/N: I’m so sorry for people who didn’t want to read this and had to scroll all the way dow but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to insert a read more right now. I’ll edit this later to do that when I can.
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Another lil spideychelle fic thingy
Ok so I’m not really a fanfic writer. I don’t even really normally read fan fiction (I just happen to have read pretty much all the spideychelle fanfics out there I’m like an encyclopaedia at this point)
Anyway every now and then I post something when I can be bothered, but I have realised I just really don’t have the patience to proof read and edit and commit to writing something... good.
The point is respect to the fanfic writers out there that provide A+ works. I can only imagine how much time it takes.
So this is a little fic, it’s kind of a love at first sight/college AU. Prepare for a lil bit of smut. You have been warned.
It was one of those moments in life, where time seems to stop. Something seems different and there is a sense that something in your very soul has shifted. A crack, a change, an alteration. It’s the only way he can describe looking at her.
‘Peter.’ He hears vaguely in the distance.
‘Peter? Are you even listening?’ He hears more assertively.
Reluctantly he tears his eyes away from the woman across the room to face his friend. ‘Sorry Ned, start again.’
‘I said, Matt, you know, Matt from Chem is starting a dungeons and dragons club, I was wondering if you wanna join and bring beers on Tuesday?’
But Peter couldn’t help that his eyes seemed to be naturally wondering back to her. He has never seen her on campus before or at a party. Her wild curls framing her face, her tall willowy frame dressed in a fight the patriarchy shirt with ripped black jeans.
Suddenly a loud clicking sound resonated in his left ear. ‘Dude!’ Ned said. ‘You coming on Tuesday or not?’
‘Yeah sorry man.’ He answers only half interested.
‘What’s got in to you?’ Ned asked before following his eye line. Suddenly he felt Ned elbow his ribs beside him. ‘Go talk to her!’ His jovial friend encouraged.
‘No way Ned, she doesn’t even know me, she doesn’t want some creepy dude ruining her night.’
‘Normally I would agree with you, but you’re in luck my friend.’ Ned says as he tips his hat like a cowboy.
‘What do you mean?’ Peter asks, confused.
‘Well I happen to know that the young lady in questions name is Michelle Jones. She’s in my philosophy class annnddd she is good friends with Betty. So you know. I’ll go over, say hi and introduce you.’
‘Seriously? What a small world?’ Peter says, wondering how he has never happened across the mysterious curly haired Michelle before.
Ned scoffed ‘Peter, it’s college, I know a lot of people.’
Peter laughed. ‘You mean Betty knows a lot of people.’
‘Do you want me to introduce you or not?’ Ned questioned.
‘Alright alright. Do I look ok?’ Peter asked self consciously smoothing his shirt with his sweaty palms.
‘Yeah man, your Spider-Man.’ Ned says positively.  ‘But maybe like undo a button or something.’
On the way across the room, Peter took Neds advice and undid one of the top buttons to his plaid shirt. But quickly felt self conscious, so did it back up before they reached her.
‘Hey MJ!’ Ned called in front of him. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’
The girl, MJ. Turned and looked at Ned with apparent disinterest, but her face seemed to lighten a little as she recognised her classmate. ‘Oh hey Leeds. Where’s Betty? I haven’t seen her around?’
‘She’s in Maine with her family,’ Ned answered casually. Whilst Peter found himself gawking. MJ, Michelle Jones as Ned had called her, was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Seeing her from far away did her no justice. She wasn’t a classical beauty, she was so much more than that. She was different and oozed a sense of cool that Peter could never hope to achieve. She was as blinding as the sun, yet as trance inducing as an open flame. He noticed her eyes lightly flicker to him, before quickly looking back at Ned.
‘This is my friend Peter Parker.’ Ned added, moving aside and gesturing to him. ‘Peter this is...’
But before Ned could finish Michelle cut him off. ‘Michelle Jones.’ She said forcefully holding her hand out for Peter to shake. Peter offered her a warm grin, before taking her hand into his. Her palms are smooth and soft, her skin warm. For a split second it feels like she is not looking at him, but seeing right through him. She holds his hand for a fraction of a second too long before she drops her hand and tucks her hair behind her ear.
‘Does he speak?’ MJ says to Ned aggressively.
‘Oh, uh yeah Hi. Sorry.’ Peter supplied quickly.
She raised her glorious eyebrow and smirked. ‘You’re a real nerd aren’t you Parker?’
Peter went to open his mouth but she added ‘No don’t defend yourself, I can tell. You Peter Parker are a nerd.’
‘Is that a bad thing?’ Peter questioned. Looking at Ned who shrugged.
She considered him for a second looking him up and down. Peter feeling slightly self conscious and terrified.
‘Nope.’ She said popping the p sound. ‘Nope, these days, I’d even argue that it’s hip to be a nerd.’
‘So I’m... hip then?’ Peter asked as she took a sip from her red plastic cup.
She laughed. A strangely feminine musical kind of laugh which juxtaposed her personality. ‘I’m just messing with you Parker. So what’s your deal? What year are you?’
‘Oh ah I’m a freshman, I ugh came here from midtown tech with Ned.’ He said as he went to gesture to his best friend, who was suddenly no longer next to him.
‘Oh that’s cool, you Ned and Betty. It’s good to know people.’
‘Yeah Peter nodded, the only problem is that they spend every weekend fucking in my dorm.’
Michelle laughed again, genuinely, and Peter decided that it was one of the most incredible sounds he had ever heard. It felt hard not to tell that somehow someway, she had opened some cosmic connection to his heart having an instantaneous effect on him. He wondered if this was what Shakespeare had imagined Romeo felt when he first meets Juliet.
‘I know the feeling.’ She says, bringing him out of his thoughts. ‘My roommate is actually an animal. It never ends. I don’t know how she keeps finding new people on campus to bang. Ugh I’ve decided I’m just gonna move into an apartment.’ MJ crosses her arms in front of her chest and leans casually against the wall.
‘That’s a good idea.’ Peter encouraged. Trying to act like her light wasn’t blinding him. ‘I don’t know why I haven’t thought of that.’
She smiled ‘well obviously I’m smarter than you, but if your in need of a roommate let me know.’ Again taking a swig of her drink. ‘I’m all out.’ She said. ‘What are you drinking Parker?’
‘Oh,’ he said glancing down at his cup. Trying not to appear to flustered. ‘Just beer I think.’
‘Yeah me too, I’m gonna go get another one.’ Picking up on her hint, Peter followed her outside and to the drinks table.
‘So what about you?’ He asked her. ‘Are you a freshman?’
She nodded as she ate a cracker.
‘What’s your major?’ He asked genuinely interested.
‘Journalism. You?’ She said as she crunched on carrot and dip.
‘Oooo Parker I was right you are a nerd.’ She said teasingly. Brushing her shoulder against his, Which was effecting him far more that it should be.
‘Yeah I guess.’ He says shrugging.
‘So what’s the plan? Are you gonna invent some shit? Go to space?’ She questioned.
Inwardly Peter considered that he already had invented ‘shit’ and been to space on several occasions, but neglected to mention it.
‘Something like that. What about you?’ Is all he says.
She went a long tangent about her goals as a writer, her ambition as a journalist, her political views. She had managed to insult Mr.Stark and had incorrect information on the snap, but still peter couldn’t help but readily digest every word she said with utter fascination.
‘How do you feel about Stark she asked? I mean as a physicist I’m sure you have a different perspective.’
Peter froze completely unsure of how to even begin to answer that question, what would he say. Well he is my mentor and sort of surrogate father? Albeit a emotionally removed and unavliable one.
‘Uhmmm well, to be honest, I don’t agree with everything he does but i know he has a brilliant mind and the best intentions.’
‘Do you think he still sells weapons under the table? My professor thinks so.’ She looks so passionate when she speaks, that he isn’t even offended by her question.
‘Well. Peter said carefully. ‘I really hope not.’
MJ rose her eyebrows over the rim of her cup and she took a sip. She swallowed and nodded. ‘ yeah I get that totally, we all want our heroes to be honest, but like really I feel like I’m most interested in the truth, even if it hurts. We deserve to know.’
‘Yeah’ Peter said, mostly agreeing with her, ‘But also I’m somewhat bias to the situation. Cause like, I’m kind of the heir to his company.’ He blurts out.
MJ’s eyes went wide and she coughed and spluttered everywhere. ‘What?’ She questioned. ‘Like, like as an like an heir to the British thrown but to Stark industries?’
‘Yeah well I kind of work for Stark and he was my mentor as a teenager, and then he kind of took me and my Aunt under his wing and, now I kind of ya know, help him develop tech and he sort of, asked me if he could leave me his company in the event of his death. So yeah I guess it’s kind of like inheriting the British thrown. But also nothing like it, I guess heir wasn’t the right word more like i’m responsible for managing his legacy?’
He truly doesn’t know why he is telling her this, she is clearly not a big fan of Mr. Stark, she is a journalism student and Tony’s will was supposed to just be between him, May and Pepper.
She just looks at him in shock. ‘Well that’s.... a lot.’ She says finally. ‘I’m sorry I, ugh didn’t know.’
‘It’s ok. Not everyone sees eye to eye with him. I get that. And also, no one really knows. I mean it’s no secret that I work on tech development, but, the rest is kind of private.’
‘So why are you telling me?’ She asked looking genuinely confused.
‘I don’t know really. I suppose a journalist is the worst person to tell. I guess they’re is something about you makes it easy for me to tell you.’
‘What can I say.’ She shrugs. ‘It’s my charm.’ Her teasing somewhat lightening the mood, making Peter laugh.
‘But just so you know Peter, your secrets safe with me.’ She offered him a small smile and looked deeply honest in her eyes.
‘How the hell did you end up as Starks protégée in the first place?’
And he finds himself telling her everything (aside from Spider-Man and anything overtly fantastical)
He tells her about his parents and Ben and May.
‘Wow.’ Was all MJ said. Reaching for his hand and holding it in support, searing his skin in the process. ‘If it makes you feel any better, my dad is in jail and my Mom is dead. But like he didn’t kill her!’ She adds quickly, ‘he’s in jail for an unrelated reason.’
‘Oh, wow MJ I’m sorry.’ Peter says as emphatically as he can manage.
‘Yeah you aren’t the only one with a sob story hey Parker! And look you became a future billionaire out of it.’ He can tell she is joking when she speaks. He somehow knows that she understands that the money doesn’t mean anything to him, that she knows he has been hurt.
He laughs warmly, his chest swelling with some foreign feeling, overwhelmed by her so quickly after meeting her. ‘If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? To your mom I mean?’
She took a deep breath ‘she was in an accident.’ That was all she said, it was clear she didn’t want to elaborate, so he didn’t push it, changing the subject.
‘Wanna go lay on the grass?’ He questioned gesturing to the small grass area in the back yard by the pool.
She shrugged. ‘Sure’
They lay on the grass and look up at the Stars in silence. Peter couldn’t help the bad memories that flood his mind as he thinks of his time amongst gods, stars and wizards. He thinks of when faded away to dust on titan, when they lost Cap, when he thought he had lost Tony.
Suddenly he felt cold fingers touch his temple, he looked to his left to find Michelle leaning on her hand, propped up on her elbow, she seemed to be using her other hand to smooth his face.
‘What’s the worry Parker?’ She asked as she brushed her thumb softly between his brows, preventing them from remaining furrowed.
‘That feels unbelievably nice.’ He said as she pressed her thumb and massaged his forehead.
‘There is something strange about you Parker.’ She said ominously, causing his heart beat to rapidly flutter.
He smiled at her, in the moonlight she looked even more beautiful then when he had first seen her. Her face seemed closer than before, and he wondered if she would want him to kiss her. But before he can consider for much longer, she is leaning in to his space, and he finds himself leaning forward.
When their lips meet, its like a supernova. Everything exploding in a glorious succession from his mouth all the way to his toes. He reaches his hand up to her face and winds his fingers in the hair that meets the back of her neck. She leans closer, parting her lips as his tongue grazes hers.
She makes a small whimpering sound that ignites his masculine ego, pulling her closer to him, desperate for more of her. She pulls away suddenly and the lack of her touch is like a cold chill taking over his body.
He searches her eyes, silently questioning if he has done something wrong. ‘Do you want to get out of here?’ She asks. Completely shocked, Peter doesn’t know what to say. He just opens and closes his mouth.
‘You don’t have to say yes, I’m sorry if I...’
But he cuts her off my by kissing her again, pulling her on top of him on the grass. She straddles his waist, and leans down so that their chest to chest, he kisses her hard, and finds himself running his hands hungrily up the sides of her torso. Her skin is hot, burning him in the most satisfying way.
‘Parker.’ She said against his mouth. ‘I’m not going to fuck you on the lawn.’ He immediately pulls away. ‘Oh yeah! I know I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you think that. I don’t expect anything.’
‘I know you dweeb. I’m just teasing you.’ She says. Swinging her leg off him and standing. She reaches her hand out to pull him up beside her.
They wander and chat and laugh back to campus, he follows her lead and finds himself at her door to her dorm. ‘My roommate is away so. You can come in.’ she says as she unlocks the door. Her dorm is interesting to say the least. One side, he assumes is her dorm mates. It’s pink and girly with makeup scattered on the bed. Michelle’s side has a book case, a Bernie Sanders poster and dark bed sheets with a floral pattern.
Mi Casa su Casa. She says, falling on the bed. Suddenly he is nervous, he hasn’t done this, in a long time, he isn’t super experienced. Maybe she is, maybe he will disappoint her.
‘I can hear your thoughts from here’ she says suddenly. ‘Relax Peter.’
MJ pulls him on top of her, and kisses his brow in an oddly intimate way. He captures her lips in his, and commits to the moment. She moans and keens and whimpers as he kisses down her neck, biting and sucking.
She reaches for the hem of his shirt and moves to pull it off. ‘Is this ok?’ She asks. He just nods stupidly and she tears off his shirt. She looks a little taken aback and as he leans back down to kiss her she halts him placing her palm flat on his chest.
‘What the hell parker?’ She asks abruptly.
‘What?’ He questions. Confused and concerned.
‘Do you like, live at the gym?’ She asks.
‘Oh. Ugh I try and stay fit.’ Peter bashfully admits attempting not to blush.
‘No shit.’ She says as she runs her hand slowly down his chest to his stomach and abs, stopping just at the waist band of his pants.
He shivers and MJ grins. Pulling her own shirt over her head. She is sans bra, which, is a nice surprise. And her breasts, like the rest of her, are perfect. He is drawn to them, kissing them carefully, pulling her nipple on his mouth, feeling it harden and pebble. Her moans might as well be angles singing in his ears.
Her back slightly arching off the bed. She pants in his ear. ‘Peter take my pants off.’ Its almost a demand. Desperate and fuelled with hormones.
And in that moment Peter has the feeling that if she were to let him, he would never deny her anything she could even want, so he does as she says. Undoing her belt lovingly. She grows frustrated ripping her jeans and underwear off, suddenly naked before him. Peter vaguely considers in the back of his mind that he is perhaps harder then he has ever been in his entire life. So ridiculously turned on by the woman he had only known a few hours.
‘Peter!’ She exclaims stop staring at me and do something! Please.’ She begs, which only serves to make Peter even more horny.
He runs his hand down her torso, before reaching her centre. He gently brushes her clit with his fingers. Causing her to shiver and bite her lip in the most glorious way. He moves his finger down and carefully slips it inside her warmth. He can hear her wetness already gathered there as he slowly pumps in and out, driving him completely insane. ‘Peter. I need more.’ She begs. He puts a second finger inside and kneels in front of her.
He pumps in and out as he softly kisses her sweet spot. Licking exactly the way that makes her scream unholy things. He hasn’t eaten anyone out in a long time, but he supposed it’s like riding a bike, it’s not something he can unlearn. She falls hard and breathy moaning his name over and over. Her chest rising and falling in frantic erotic breaths.
When she looks at him afterwards, he is grinning like an idiot. ‘Shut up!’ She says. ‘I didn’t say anything!’ He defends.
She pulls him back down on top of her and moans against his mouth when she taste herself on his lips. ‘We don’t have to do anything else if you don’t want too.’ He offers.
Michelle raises an eyebrow. ‘I want too. Definitely.’
Peter shivers at her certainty, a beautiful woman wants him and he isn’t going to argue again. He takes the rest of his clothes off whilst MJ overtly admires him for a moment, making him blush profusely but she quickly wraps her hand around his shaft so he doesn’t have lot of time to be embarrassed, ‘so hard for me.’ She mumbles into his mouth. ‘You have no idea.’ He feels himself saying before he can stop it.
‘Condoms?’ He asks. ‘Oh yeah! In the draw.’ she reaches over and finds the box, in the bedside table. And for a split second he can’t help but think about the amount of condoms she had in her draw, he suddenly hates the hands of anyone who has touched her before he could, but he shakes the thought off, disgusted in his possessiveness. He opens a Condom from a green packet and discards the wrapping, but feels anxious and exposed again. hovering over her in anticipation and fear. ‘ you ok?’ She asks.
‘Yeah.’ He replies anxiously his voice a little cracked. ‘It’s just been a while.’ He feels himself shaking with anticipation and anxiety, but she seems to know what he needs, slowly and firmly rubbing his length until he can’t take it anymore. She pulls him down to her chest and runs her fingers gently down his back, like the ghost of a touch. ‘It’s ok Peter. You will be fine.’
‘I don’t know if I will...last.’ He admits, deeply embarrassed.
‘It’s ok I promise.’ She says Her eyes warm and genuine. ‘No pressure, you made me cum already remember?’ He nods and smirks and she shoves him gently on the shoulder, ‘Don’t get too cocky Parker it was one orgasm not twenty.’
So without anymore hesitation Peter is slowly pushing into her perfect tight heat and it’s glorious. He is in literal heaven. It’s how Hades must have felt when he coupled with Persephone, but without any of the kidnapping or dubious consent. Peter pushes the poor comparison aside to focus on what he’s doing. He looks down to read her expression. ‘I’m ok.’ MJ says seemingly reading his mind. ‘You can move.’ She tells him.
And he does. He tries to ease into it, but his body is desperate to go. He has to remind himself to contain his super human strength but all his body wants is too move harder and faster. Luckily, she seems to not mind. Encouraging him. ‘Yes. Peter more. Harder.’ She moans.
He thrusts hard and is almost undone by the sound of her cries. Her head thrown back in ecstasy. ‘Mmm yes, MJ.’ He mumbles roughly. ‘You’re so tight, you feel so good.’ He says into her sweet smelling hair. He feels her walls start to tighten and spasm after a while spent in pure pleasure and it takes everything in him not to cum. ‘Peter!’ She cries out at her release.
He can’t help it, the sound of her, the feel of her, the way she looked panting and sweaty, her nipples flushed and pert. Properly fucked, he thinks, inflating his own ego. He moves faster and harder, his hips bucking almost against his will.
‘Yes! She moans in his ear. ‘Your dick is so good.’ She cries.
And in the end, rather embarrassingly it’s her words that push him over the edge. He is jerking, rutting hips in his finish, any semblance of rhythm lost in the whitewash of his peak. Yet she also seems to be desperately enjoying it, clawing his back and moaning in his ear until he collapses on top of her. Utterly bewildered. They both gasp for air for a while, before he rolls off of her staring at the ceiling in total shock and awe.
‘Night Nerd.’ She mumbles.
They quickly fall asleep huddled together on her single bed mattress. The last thing he remembers is the sound of her gentle breath as sleep overwhelms him.
When Peter wakes in the morning, he feels so much contentment, more then he had felt in years. Michelle’s hair is wild next to him. Sprawled across his chest.  He can’t help but notice how she looks different in the light of the morning, younger somehow, more at peace.
Suddenly his phone starts ringing. Jolting them both. She shoots upright, feeling around for her phone. ‘MJ.’ He says. ‘It’s my phone. Go back to sleep.’
To his surprise, she immediately does, rolling over and softly snoring. He quickly admires the fact that her bed sheet is gathered at her waist, allowing him to scan the soft expanse of the smooth skin on her back. Peter checks his phone and sees 7 missed calls from Ned. Quickly he dresses and steps outside her dorm and into the empty corridor.
He calls Ned, who answers almost immediately. ‘Peter where the hell did you go last night, I thought something might have happened.... you know to Spider-Man!’ He scolded.
‘Shit Ned I’m sorry. Nothing happened with Spider-Man. I ugh. I went home with MJ last night...’
It took 3 full seconds before Ned says anything. ‘You what!??? You have to tell me everything, are you a college slut now? I never imagined you would be. Is this your first one night stand? Not that I have had any...’
‘Ned, Ned stop, I’m still here with her. I’m in her dorm room hallway.’
‘Oh.’ Ned says
‘But umm. I think I there’s a problem.’ Peter adds.
‘What is it? You ok? Did you have performance anxiety? Did the condom break? Did...’ Ned asks hurriedly over phone.
Ignoring his friends questions Peter just says ‘I think... well I think I’m in love with her.’
‘Oh. Oh no.’ Is all Ned says in reply.
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dazingsky · 7 years
Halloween dance (Reddie)
All of my oneshots recently have been average because i’m still on holiday, but im coming home this week so they’ll get better??
I really just wanted to post something for halloween sorry lol also this was written on my phone so i havent edited it and it doesnt have a word count im sorry
Please leave me requests!!
Summary: Richie asks Eddie to the halloween dance, but Eddie doesnt quite get the memo
“Fuck!” Richie yelled, as his toast fell to the floor. His hand had been shaking so much, whilst trying to butter the toast, that he had lost his grip all together. He sighed loudly, bending down to pick up the toast. He stood up, dropping the toast into the sink, and grabbed his bag. He was gonna be late for school.
He walked outside, and threw his leg over his bike. He started peddling quickly, turning the corner at the end of his road. His breath was visible in the air, and it was quick. He could hear his own panting as he continued riding his bike to school.
His mind raced with phrases, and lines he could use on Eddie. Today was the 30th of October, and tomorrow was the halloween dance. People had been talking about it for weeks, and talking about who they were taking. Last week Richie had finally decided to ask Eddie out, on a date. To the dance.
Richie always knew he liked Eddie, but he had never acted on it. This was all completely new to him, and that was why he had dropped his toast, and made it to school feeling starved. He jumped off his bike, leaving it by the bike rack, and made his way into school. Beverly greeted him at his locker, a bright smile on her face "So! Today’s the day, Tozier!" Richie rolled his eyes at her, as he put in his locker combination. He pulled a book out, putting it into his bag swiftly.
"Don’t do that." Richie sighed. "Do what?" Beverly questioned. She had a smug smirk on her face now, which made Richie regret telling her about his plan. "Act all smug, like you know everything." He turned away from his locker, facing Beverly now. "I do know everything! Eddie’s gonna say yes, and you two are gonna become boyfriends, and live happily ever after." Beverly gushed. "You’re a real girl sometimes, Bev." Richie sighed, shaking his head. They both walked to class slowly, and started their day properly. - Richie was distracted for most of his classes, constantly thinking about Eddie. Richie was finally free for the day, school was over. He shuffled out of the classroom, and to Eddie’s locker. He walked him home most days, so it wasn’t unusual. “Hey Eds!” Richie greeted, leaning against the locker beside Eddie’s. “Dont call me that, Rich.” Eddie sighed, shoving books into his bag. He closed his locker, and looked up at Richie. “Lets go!” Richie nodded and the two made their way out of school, and to the bike rack. Richie unlocked his, and waited for Eddie to do the same. They both wheeled their bikes down the hill, and to the main road away from school. Both boys hopped up on their bikes, and began peddling quickly, making their way to Eddie’s house. Richie swerved a few times, and rode circles around Eddie, to annoy him. He succeeded, as Eddie began telling him off almost instantly. “Relax, Eds.” Richie shrugged casually, circling Eddie again.
“I hate you.” Eddie deadpanned, causing Richie to smirk, and circle him again. “You’re so annoying.” Eddie claimed. “No I’m not!” Richie argued, pulling the breaks on the handlebars of his bike, as they arrived at Eddie’s. Eddie stopped his own bike, climbing off it carefully. “You are." Eddie shrugged. Richie frowned at him, but the boy simply smiled back, letting Richie know he was joking. Richie knew now was his chance. He had to ask him, now. "So, Eds. Wanna go to the dance with me tomorrow?" Richie questioned. He looked at Eddie, hopefully, and pushed up his glasses, nervously. Eddie seemed slightly confused, as he made his way up to his front door. "Aren’t we already going together? I thought all the losers planned it last week." Eddie shrugged. "Anyway I’ll see you guys tomorrow night, bye!" Eddie called, and disappeared through his front door. Richie sighed, looking down. Eddie thought Richie just asked him to go with the group. Probably because he doesn’t see me as more than a friend, Richie thought. Richie sighed and cycled home. - "So, what’d he say?" Beverly’s voice sounded excited. Richie imagined he sitting on her bed, holding the phone up to her ear, whilst reading a teen magazine, and painting her nails. "He thought I was asking him if he was coming with the group." Richie sighed. The line was quiet for a moment, and Richie looked down, fiddling with his bed sheet. "So what’d he say when you clarified that you were asking him on a date?" Beverly asked. "I didn’t have time! He basically ran into his house." Richie whined. "Call him." Beverly suggested. "No. It’s fine." Richie sighed. "I gotta go, its getting late. I’ll see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow, Richie." The line clicked, when Beverly hung up. Richie lay back on his bed, sighing loudly, and hugging his pillow. He promised himself he would say something to Eddie tomorrow. He needed to. It was driving him insane. He had discovered his crush on Eddie when they were 14. He hadn’t told anyone, at all, for two full years. But Beverly got him drunk last week, and he told her everything about his crush on Eddie, which was no longer a crush as much as a fascination and love. Beverly had then persuaded him to ask Eddie to the dance. She claimed it was the perfect time to ask him. He was unsure, but Beverly made him promise he would. Richie had put it off all week. He wished he had put it off even longer, and just not asked Eddie, because now he felt sick. He couldn’t help but think that if he told Eddie that he liked him, that Eddie would hate him. He yawned, still thinking about Eddie, and fell asleep. - Richie spent the next day at school avoiding Eddie. It wasn’t difficult. Classes went on as usual, and they happened to have none together that day. Lunch was spent with Richie in detention anyway.
Richie walked home alone, continuing to avoid Eddie. He got ready, and walked to Beverly’s house. He knocked on her door, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black blazer. He knew his friends were getting slightly more dressed up, because it was technically a fancy dress dance, but Richie couldn’t be bothered. He would just claim to be a member of the blues brothers. He had a pair of sunglasses in his pocket. The door swung open, revealing Beverly, wearing a black dress. Her hair was crimped. She was dressed as madonna. “Hey!” Beverly greeted, looking Richie up and down. “Nice suit.” She joked. Her face fell slightly, when she noticed Richie’s expression. He looked slightly upset, which made her sigh. “Cmon.” She grabbed his arm, pulling him inside. “My dads out. Here.” Beverly held out a cigarette for Richie. “You look like you need it.” Richie nodded, flashing her a small smile, as he pulled a lighter out of his blazer pocket. He lit the cigarette, instantly feeling better, as the smoke filled his lungs. “Are you still stressing about Eddie?” “I’m not stressing.” Richie lied. Beverly rolled her eyes, making her way towards the kitchen. Her makeup was lying on the counter. “Okay, fine, im slightly stressed.” “Stop stressing. Talk to him when you arrive. Ask him to dance. Charm him.” Beverly shrugged, leaning over a small mirror on the counter. She started applying eyeshadow, a look of concentration coating her features. “I’m pretty sure Eddie is in love with you, anyway.” “He is not.” Richie argued. “He’s gonna hate me. Our friendship will die, and everyone in the group will hate me for ruining a friendship within the group.”
“You’re full of shit, Richie.” Beverly sighed, looking at him under her eyelashes. “It’s called honestly, sweetie.” Richie teased. He watched as she applied the rest of her make up. They made small talk for the rest of the hour, before heading to the dance. They drove in Bev’s beat up old car, and Richie spent half the trip cleaning his sunglasses before putting them on. Beverly’s words echoed in his ears. I’m pretty sure Eddie is in love with you, anyway. They both walked into the dance, taking in the scene before them. Teenagers danced closely, music pumped, and teachers stood on the sidelines, glaring in anger at every teenager in the building, for wasting their Friday night. The scene made Richie chuckle. He enjoyed seeing teachers miserable. Beverly led Richie towards the group, on the other side of the large gym. Bill and Stan were dancing, and laughing in the middle of the floor. Mike and Ben and Eddie were stood by the wall, holding drinks and chatting. Richie immediately took in Eddie’s appearance. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, a red and white striped top, and a pair of circular glasses sat on his nose. He looked beautiful. The sight of him made Richie’s breath hitch in his throat. Mike was dressed up as a book character, and and Ben was dressed up as a cat, with simple whiskers painted on his face. But Richie took no notice to either of them, as he stared at Eddie. Eddie looked over at Richie, which made Richie instinctively look away, and nudge Bev. “I’m going to get a drink.” He didn’t wait for Beverly’s response, before ducking into the crowd, attempting to get to the other side of the hall. Richie dodged couples who were dancing, and made his way to the small stand with drinks on it. He was pouring punch into a small plastic cup, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Richie instantly turned around, coming face to face with Eddie. “Hey!” Richie looked down at the shorter boy, nodding in response. “So you’re avoiding me.” “No I’m not.” Richie shook his head. He pushed his sunglasses up on his nose, and his other hand instinctively played with one of the belt loops on his jeans. It was a dead giveaway that he was lying, and Eddie picked up on it. “Yes you are. You didn’t talk to me at all in school, and you didn’t walk me home. What’d I do?” Eddie questioned. He had a slightly hurt look on his face, which made Richie’s chest hurt. “You didn’t do anything, Eddie.” Richie sighed. He attempted to look away from Eddie, but found himself gazing back at the boy, with his head turned away slightly. The low lighting in the gym made sure that Eddie couldn’t see through Richie’s sunglasses. “Eddie?” Eddie questioned. His entire face fell as he repeated what Richie had called him. “Just tell me what I did!” “You didn’t do anything! It was my fault.” Richie sighed. He watched as confusion flooded Eddie’s face. “What’s your fault?” Eddie questioned. “This. This fight is my fault cause I started avoiding you over something you dont even know about!” Richie snapped, although he wasn’t snapping at Eddie. He ran a hand through his hair, and shook his head. “I’m not mad at you, Eddie. I’m mad at myself, for being an idiot and attempting to ask you out, when you’re evidentially not interested in me.” Richie didn’t wait for a reply, he simple walked past Eddie, and back into the crowd. He pushed past a few people, to get towards Mike who was talking to a girl. He couldn’t spot Beverly anywhere, so Mike was the next best thing. “Hey, Mikey.” His hand clapped Mike on the back, causing the boy to look at him. “I’m gonna head home, can you let Bev know?” “Why are you leaving, you got here like ten minutes ago?” Mike raised an eyebrow. Richie couldn’t tell him it was because he had a three minute fight with Eddie and confessed his feelings for him, so he shrugged and thought of an excuse. “I feel really sick. I think the cafeteria food earlier had something off in it. I’m probably just gonna sleep it off, yknow? Anyway, I’ll see you soon.” Mike nodded in response, and turned back to the girl. Richie turned on his heel, and walked through the gym, to the main doors. He walked through them, and started towards the road that would lead him home. “Where are you going?” Richie stopped in his tracks when he heard Eddie’s voice. He turned slowly, looking in the direction the voice came from. Eddie was stood at the school gate, which Richie had just began walking away from. “Home.” Richie sighed. “Why?” Eddie asked. He looked cold, in his short sleeved t-shirt. Richie bit his lip. “Because it’s halloween. I’m gonna watch nightmare on elm Street.” Richie said, dryly. He turned around again, beginning to walk down the street, but was stopped again by Eddie’s voice. “Can I come?” His voice sounded hopeful, and innocent. Richie looked over his shoulder, sighing loudly. “No.” Richie watched as the boys face fell for the second time tonight. Richie immediately felt guilty. “Why not?” Eddie’s voice sounded quieter than it had before. “Because I want to be alone.” Richie shrugged. “No you dont.” Eddie argued, much to Richie’s surprise. “You just wanna go home and mope and feel sorry for yourself, without giving me a chance to explain. So take me home with you, so I can explain.” The idea of taking Eddie home with him made Richie’s heart race, but he shook his head. “No. I dont want you to come all the way to my house with me to give me the ‘we can be friends’ speech.”
Richie stared at Eddie. His hand rose to his sunglasses slowly, and he pulled them off, so he could properly look at Eddie. The boy was only five feet away, but he felt a million miles away. As Eddie’s words set in, a small smile set onto his face as well, which made Richie’s heart beat even faster. His foot fell forward and suddenly Eddie was in front of him. Richie leaned in slowly, and Eddie followed suit, until their lips crashed together. Eddie’s lips felt soft, and they made Richie’s head spin. This was where Richie wanted to stay, forever. With Eddie. Kissing Eddie. Christ, it was heavenly. Richie felt like he was flying. Their mouths moved in sync for only a few seconds more, before Eddie pulled back. “I hate to stop this, but can we go back to your house now?” Eddie questioned. Shock fell across Richie’s face, which made Eddie instantly clarify. “It’s cold, this dance is boring, and I’ve never seen nightmare on elm street.” Richie didn’t even notice himself shrugging off his blazer, and wrapping it around Eddie’s shoulders. But he noticed the blush that coated Eddie’s cheeks once he’d done so. Eddie grabbed Richie’s hand, and Richie began walking slowly, with Eddie by his side. The pair walked in silence for most of the trip back. Richie had to reach into the inside pocket of his blazer, to get his house key, which resulted in Eddie kissing his cheek as he went by. This led to them kissing on Richie’s porch for a moment, before he finally unlocked his door. The two boys made it into Richie’s living room. Eddie threw himself onto the couch, whilst Richie fiddled with the TV. Finally he got the movie playing, and he sat down beside Eddie. Eddie lay his head on Richie’s shoulder, and the pair sat there, all night, watching horror movies and giving each other small kisses, as their relationship began.
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mediamonksushant · 3 years
Headlines - Text that drives traffic and engagement
Content sells but heading thrive sales number.  Without a reasonably good heading, people don’t bother to read your content. Hard to digest but writing a great heading beats writing great content. Less qualified content tends to get greater attraction because of greater heading. Moreover, it is quite easy to write a catchy heading than to great piece of writing together.
Don’t believe it. Let us see few examples:-
1)      Learn How to Earn Lakhs of Rupee by Day Job?
2)      Is India preparing a war against china?
3)      Launch a business in less than a month.
And for other feel free to contact any newspaper editor!!
Headlines and clickable titles are important for multiple reasons. Some of them are:-
1)      Good Titles help you get higher CTR in search
2)      Higher CTR is always effective when you wish to rank higher and stronger in search ranking
3)      Content with great headlines get maximum shares and thus improvise chances of better organic reach and back links.
So if you are an entrepreneur or growth hacker or a copy editor or a seo expert, scroll down instead of choosing to bounce and exit the post.
At the end of the post, you will have sufficient knowledge that can be used for
·         Blog Post title Writing
·         Facebook ads and other social media ads
·         Email Marketing
·         Push Marketing
·         Job/Event Ads
And everything that has to be with the headlines.
Before we proceed and learn about actual content, let us drill down some of the facts:-
1)      10% of content get 90% of shares ( clicks , engagements)
2)      Longer Headlines tends to perform better compared to shorter headlines
3)      Topic on polarizing content such as those on self interest, emotions etc dominate the content space.
4)      Marketing power words are myth. Very few of them are useful but the remaining are garbage and nothing else.
Now let us focus on some of the actionable points:
It is widely said that, marketers spend 60% of their time in writing the Headings; however there is very little data to focus on it.
 The 1% of Social Media: - I’m quite fascinated by the Pareto Rule. It is known as the Law of the Vital Few or the idea that most (80-90%) effects come from a few (10-20%) causes.
This has been proven valid across many disciplines and so it is with social sharing.
As per latest research done via various leading content platforms, 20% of headlines get 95% of all shares and social interactions. As we mostly looked at headlines that do get shared, it’s safe to say that general distribution is even more ‘unfair,’ if we include all the headlines with zero or minimal stats.
If you are a marketer it’s always good to break things down further. You’ll find what gives the maximum output and then focus on that in your marketing efforts. To be clear, you can take the top 5% of top performers and find out that the Pareto Rule applies there too. For example, 20% of the top 5% would likely get 80% of all its shares.
Again, it is the case headlines too, as the top 1% gets half of all shares.
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So the obvious questions is , What role does the heading plays in sharing of any content ?
Most Social Shares Come From People Who Only Read Headlines
There is a famous saying from the legend of copywriting, Gene Schwartz that the purpose of the headline is to get you to read the first sentence. And the purpose of the first sentence is to get you to read the second one.
In content marketing, the significance of it goes even beyond that.
At least 59% of social shares and engagements come from people who only read the headline and never bothered to read a single sentence.
This is what a study from Inria on 2.8 million Twitter shares and 9.6 million clicks found out.
So even if your content quite average but your headline is great, most people who tends share it won’t even read.
So why the hell am I editing this piece right now??
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Shares Highly Correlate With Links and Organic Traffic
This is quite interesting for all of us.
Most people in our circles disregard social media success because it is seen as short-lived and just a lot of hassle compared to search traffic.
But if you look at the organic traffic of the top shared pieces, social success seems to correlate with search traffic. Type a keyword in Google search, greater chances is result of a particular search will have a fb post or tweet in top 10 of its search result.
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Referring to above table, the top 10% of shared content gets about two times or 200% more traffic than the average. And the top 1% gets 357% more traffic than the average.
That’s great but also not earth shattering. It shows that being a hit on social media doesn’t make you a star in terms of SEO either and that most likely there are content formats that do better in social and some that do better in search.
Correlation is not causation folks.
Quick Bites – The Tackaways
It’s quite interesting to see how shares feed well search traffic. It’s almost like social shares, despite the fact that they may not be a ranking factor, can influence your rankings.
So in case you want to achieve the highest levels in SEO, you need good social sharing levels.
As we saw previously, most shares happen ONLY based on the headline (most people don’t even consume the content).
Therefore, even excluding factors like search click-through rate, a great headline can probably be considered a very indirect ranking factor.
Now, let’s dive into what makes headlines better and how you can use these tactics for your own business.
Longer Headlines Perform Better
Length of a headline is positively correlated with social media success. The average length for the 1% top performing headlines is 11.6 words and 70 characters.
Writing a headline that is close to the maximum character count of the network you share it in will generate more shares and click through rate.
Fortunately, there is a way to write different headlines for the most important social networks using special Meta tags.
Facebook and several other networks like Pinterest use OG (open graph) tags. Twitter uses Twitter cards tag.
At the end, let see which topic dominates the Headlines.
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Plan your next content better with some witty headline and experience the magic yourself. Will meet soon.
0 notes
farzanamahar-blog · 4 years
Vlogging Camera:
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Increasingly bloggers are moving from text-based blogs over to video-based blogs, otherwise known as "vlogs".
For bloggers themselves, creating videos can be fun, can help to build rapport with your readership, and can also make producing content a little easier and quicker as you can simply flip your video camera on and start talking rather than having to power up your computer to carefully craft a fascinating piece of writing.
For blog visitors, too, there are benefits. It can be nice to see your favourite bloggers "in the flesh" so to speak - to see them and hear them - and you feel like you're more part of their world.
But until recently, actually creating a simple video blog post and then uploading it to your blog was something of a chore - meaning that most bloggers didn't bother with it.
Introducing The Flip Video Camera
The recently-released Flip video camera is rapidly becoming the "weapon of choice" for video bloggers due to it's ease of use and - even more importantly - the ease with which you can upload videos to your blog.
This tiny, lightweight camera, with built-in memory and battery pack is a "take anywhere" piece of kit that you can use to rapidly produce good quality videos wherever you happen to be.
Simply turn on your camera and press the big red "record" button to start filming. Press it again to stop and you've got a basic video ready for the Internet.
The Flip video camera doesn't require wires and cables in order to upload videos, rather it plugs straight into the USB socket of your computer. Once plugged in, the software that comes with the Flip video camera allows you to select which videos you want to deal with and click one button to download those to your computer for storage and/or editing.
Uploading to your video blog is almost as easy. The Flip video camera software is designed to interface smoothly with YouTube so if you don't yet have a free account, sign up for one now.
You can then just select the videos you want to upload and the Flip video software will upload those videos to your YouTube account.
Literally from plugging in your Flip camera to having a video uploaded to YouTube can take moments.
Then all you need to do is to navigate your way to the video in your YouTube account and find the "embed" code which will be on the right-hand side of your new video.
Copy this code and simply paste it into a new post on your blog to effortlessly make your video appear ready for your readers (or watchers?!) to view.
Other people can also add the video to their blogs if you let them so your marketing message can spread even further, and YouTube of course pays for the bandwidth when people view your videos, as opposed to it coming out of your web hosting allowance, making it not only a simple but also cost effective way to run a video blog.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
This could happen (Trixya) - Toki
AN: First submission! A little one shot real-world Trixya for your nerves ft. a touch of smut. TW: Drink, drugs, swearing.
It was the longest leg of the journey, a boiling hot summer’s morning, and Trixie was already bored. On a day like this she should be out on the beach, eyes half closed in the dazzling light, sun pouring over her skin and drawing shadows across her slowly hardening abs. She loved going to the gym. She loved showing off her muscles, as if she had no idea anyone was watching her smooth skin ripple when she flexed. She loved being athletic, feeling adult. Getting a smoothie.  Now she was folded over the central table of the tour bus, listlessly checking the latest Instagram posts she’d been tagged in from the show the night before.  Nothing stood out as she scrolled. The usual thirty meet and greet selfies, the three photos of her grimacing and presenting a gifted copy of Contact, a photo of her with her arm draped over the shoulder of a slight twink sporting a hastily-bought merch T.  Everyone wants to stand out. Form a lasting connection, make an impression, linger in the sleepy next-day mind of the famous drag queen. No one did. She turned off her phone.
The bus was an ageing one, more fitting for a medium-low budget tour. The outlets didn’t work. Battery must be conserved, and that meant socialising.  Trixie pushed herself up from the couch and took a moment to stretch, flexing her biceps as the sun flashed through the windows.  “Ooh girl,” Violet piped up from the front. “Get it mama. Bring those arms up here.” Trixie yawned as she paced forward to where a few of her tourmates were curled up.  It was the tenth morning of the Summer of Drag tour, a long bill spanning fifteen states over twenty-four days. Trixie, Violet, Bianca, Alaska, Aja, Max, Pandora Boxx and Michelle Visage were all on the roster.. for most of the time, anyway. The Summer of Drag lineup varied several times between states to accommodate the busy schedules of the stars, although Trixie, Michelle and Pandora were permanent fixtures. From tomorrow Pearl would be around for a few days, Adore after that, and Sasha V at some point in future.  Trixie dropped down next to Violet and put an arm around her. The mood was definitely low energy, a droning song on the radio as endless fields rolled by outside. The sky was an impossible blue. Thousands of tiny scratchmarks on the windows caught the sun and frosted the windows gold. Most of the queens dozed. A gradual click, click waded into Trixie’s consciousness. She couldn’t place it. “Look at this bullshit.” Violet pushed her phone into Trixie’s hand and slid her sunglasses down over her eyes, shifting a little sideways to get more comfortable. Trixie glanced at the screen, an open text conversation dancing before her eyes as she tried to steady it against the pitch of the bus.
From: PURL bitch I know
From: PURL but like
From: PURL they said they’d find someone else
From: PURL so
Sent: ok but people are gonna talk shit about it cause you did this before (seen)
From: PURL yeah
Sent: I hope they send someone fun (seen)
Sent: this tour is dull af without you (seen)
Sent:  did they say who  (seen)
Sent: i am sooooo oooo oooo boredd (seen)
From: PURL no
From: PURL sorry purp
“Oh, that sucks.“  Trixie tried to pass the phone back to Violet, but her friend had fallen asleep.  She missed Pearl. It was weird how such a chill person could make everything so much more interesting. They hadn’t seen each other since a show in Boston that spring, and she’d been looking forward to catching up. Getting drunk together maybe. Goofing off.  Trixie glanced down at Violet, now snoring slightly. Tiny dark hairs had begun to pepper the skinny queen’s upper lip. A spot of drool was threatening to fall onto Trixie’s shirt. She shifted away slowly, willing it not to move until she was out of its path. Violet was always so confident. It dripped off her just like that drool drop. She seemed so permanently at ease, sometimes making Trixie feel awkward and misplaced against her backdrop of casual droll glamour. No big though. Not really. She was learning to let go of a little of that tightly woven country-boy background that kept her careful in life and love.
I guess we’ll see what the future holds. Maybe I’ll meet someone soon.
Her relationship with David had gone the invitable way of all the rest. Intense half-year honeymoon made stronger by the absences, but eventual scraps over missed dates and finally long silences, a few attempts to resurrect their romance, and a pretty inevitable break up. She didn’t blame him. It’s hard being in love with someone constantly on the go, and David had never been particularly interested in her drag. They’d shared a love of video games and a few music interests, but it hadn’t proven enough to last.
Trixie glanced up at the other queens spread around the bus. Aja was next to Violet, sound asleep. Beyond her Pandora, asleep too. Michelle was on the other side of the aisleway, tapping at her phone carefully with inch-long fake nails. Click, click. Oh, that was the noise. Beyond her was Max, deep in a book. Trixie shifted position and studied her for a minute. The morning sun played across the outline of the boy’s aquiline nose, casting a liquid silhouette across the pages as she turned them slowly. Crazy bone-structured baby bitch. Damn. She resumed count subconsciously.  Alaska was somewhere in the back, probably napping in her bunk. Bianca nonexistent. She’d opted to take flights between stops instead. Hated tour buses. The tour manager was probably up front with the driver. And that made nine. "Okay. Okay okay.” Trixie had finally freed herself from Violet. She rose to her feet and swung herself back towards the table where her phone lay, pushing the power button as she continued towards the bunks at the back. She scanned the rows for her nametag, mostly out of habit by now. Her bed was on the middle shelf, towards the back on the right-hand side. It wasn’t too bad, considering. Older buses seemed to have roomier bunks, and the external wall of hers was just one huge window with a rolling shade to block out the light. She slid it up halfway to let the sun pour in, mostly so she could watch the fields slide by as she rested her head on her warm pink pillow. The landscape really made her think of home. Occasional farmhouses baking in the hot sun, one or two with their aluminium windmill blades turning slowly. Somewhere a fan whirred softly. No birdsong, just the whisper of grass shifting. The quiet purr of the engine. Time slowing. Her eyelids drooped as the details began to blur. This was a nice moment. Tour wasn’t so bad.
“Rest stop ladies!”
Sweaty neck. Dry mouth. Possibly sunburn. Trixie shifted and reached for her phone as she felt the bus slowing down.
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From: Katya idiot
From: Katya idiot
From: Katya barb
From: Katya deb
From: Katya shelby
From: Katya shelby
Sent: Hey
Sent: What’s up
Katya is typing
“TRIXIEE” came the roar of Violet’s voice, startling the sleepy queen. “GET UP ASSHOLE.” “Oh my god.” “Come on! I need vodka!” “Violet,” Trixie slid out of the bunk and stretched, pacing slowly towards the front. “You don’t need me to fund your alcohol problem girl. Work it out.” Violet had already disappeared through the door. Honestly, Trixie was glad for a break from the drive. She was the last one off the bus, stepping out into the scorching heat as the sunlight landed almost physically onto her skin. She could smell the hot tarmac of the rest-stop parking lot baking in the heat. A bird was croaking somewhere. Time to head for the gas station. She wanted something to drink, some snacks, and definitely something to read. Her phone battery was nearly dead, so she knew she’d be bored as hell for the next five hours.  The cool of the airconditioned store was immediately soothing as Aja’s dry laugh hit her ears. She was a cool kid. Her fanbase after her season aired had grown pretty fast, everyone fascinated by her naomi meets kim aesthetic. She was so honest, too. Easy to like. “Trixie.” Violet broke into her thoughts suddenly, rounding the aisle with a bottle of alcohol in each hand. She bore down on Trixie, offering one as she started to chatter.  “Vodka’s two for one. I have no cash though and my wallet’s on the bus. If you get me this I’ll let you have the other one.” Trixie didn’t even bother to protest the deal. “Sure girl. Get me a mixer, Coke’s fine.” She glanced down at the magazine rack in front of her. It was the usual assembly of shitty gossip editions, packed with fake headlines and the kind of exaggerated celebrity nonsense news that bordered on slander. She’d read all of them. A small side section of arts and crafts books caught her eye though, and she reached for a book of guitar tabs peeking out from the rack. It proved to be an out-of-print collection of 2000-2005 country song arrangements by local state musicians, the poorly printed cover a photo of an older man sitting on his porch with a scrappy looking dog. Looked dumb. Maybe she’d pick up some inspiration for her next tune. A couple of songs from her recently-released album had proven pretty popular, not just with the Drag Race fanbase but also the general public, even charting on the country music billboard. Since then she’d started working on new material, but her creativity had kind of dried up. Nothing stuck. Trixie headed for the counter, grabbing a bag of chips along the way. Violet was waiting for her and passing time making idle conversation with the clerk. He’d clearly recognised the queen, and was not-so-subtly attempting to swing a selfie.  “I’ll take a photo with you if you give me cigarettes,” Violet purred. That’s weird.  “You started smoking, girl?” Violet shrugged. The cashier’s face had fallen a little, and he started to explain that giving out store goods could get him fired. “I got ‘em. I’m not supporting your habit though. You owe me. This is blood money.” “Yeah yeah, I’ll pay you in show money tonight.” Violet laughed. “I always get more than you, so.” “You don’t even need it, cunt. You’re the rich one.” Trixie swiped her card as Violet gathered up their shopping. Her gaze fell on the songbook and she started to mention it, but Trixie’s less than playful shrug stopped her from cracking a joke.  “I’m bored,” she offered by way of explanation. “I figured I’d learn some uh… Backyard Bill and the Moonshines.” “Sounds cool, girl.” Violet shoved the cigarette pack into her back pocket. “I wanna do shots when we get on the bus though. If Pearl’s not coming I’m gonna just get drunk without her.”
Two hours later, Violet set about making good on her promise. Trixie stared at the row of shot glasses Aja was setting up on the table as Violet made sure they were quickly filled.  Alaska was next to her on the couch, slowly peeling nail glue off her fingernails with her characteristic bored langour. She was droning on about the new fashion label venture Sasha Velour was collaborating on. It was interesting, but Trixie wasn’t interested. Max was tucked up on the rear sofa at the table, deep in conversation with the side of Michelle’s face as she continued texting whoever it was she was always talking to.  “Yeah honey,” Trixie heard her murmur, “yeah yeah. Yep.” Aja pushed a shot into her eyeline. “Time to drink, Trixita.” Shots right after lunch. Three hours to go until the venue. Why not? “Cheers.” She downed the vodka easily, Violet a second behind her. Max glanced up from her seat but shook her head at Aja’s offer of a shot. “Guess it’s just the three of us. Move up.” As she started to squeeze onto the couch next to Aja, Violet’s phone lit up for a brief moment.  “How are you getting charge, girl?” “I have a battery pack, a girl gave it to me last night after I tweeted about this dump truck not having power.” “Work.” Trixie dug into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She checked the screen to see her battery level. 2%.
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Oh yeah, what did Katya want?  Trixie swiped her phone, but let out an exasperated sigh as the screen froze and then faded to black. “Violet, can I use your charger?” “Sorry girl.” The skinny brunette shrugged as she tied her long hair into a ponytail. “It’s out. Only lasted for like an hour. Hey, round two.”
By the time the tour bus pulled into the venue parking lot it was already starting to get dark. Red stripes scored the early evening sky as the last of the golden sun painted the city skyscrapers. Lights were flicking on all around, late workers hunched over desks as everyone poured into the streets to begin their various evening plans. So many lonely people. I’m super romantic. And super drunk. Fuuck. Trisie slid her bag otno her shoulder andd stagered down theh bus gangway.  STTUUPID. shouldnt get tshi drunk before a show  buit theres no meet and greet tonigth  it'sl be fine she’d alreday put on her makuep evne though it wasn'r completetly as good as usuual. last shot was anhour ago and she was actually startig to sober up. she jstu needed some fresh air. pulling her hood up, she stpped into the cooling evenign air and took a deep breath.  that’s goood. not so bad.  ACtually, startig to feel a lottt better. Pandora put an arm around her shoulders as her head stopped spinning. “You ok?” “Yeah girl. Just shouldn’t drink on the bus. I’m good.” They shared a moment’s laughter as they heard the sudden roar from the line snaking around the side of the building, ripples of excitement spreading as the fans caught sight of the famous queens. “Let’s get inside.” Trixie followed the other queens as the group of prearranged roadies and assistants flooded out from the building. She greeted her assigned aid Toby and pointed out her suitcases amongst the pile being quickly unloaded from the bus, before stepping into the venue and narrowing her eyes to accommodate the dim lighting in the hallway. She was definitely still feeling drunk. Probably needed to touch up her makeup before getting on stage. She checked her watch, peering in the low light. The opening number was in an hour.  Trixie turned the corner of the hallway to see the dressing room doorway and soon spotted the familiar line of mirrors and lights. She plopped herself next to Aja, the newer queen of the pack looking a little more drunk than she was. “Which order are you on?” Aja glanced at the sheet on the countertop as she quickly unloaded her makeup. “Uhh.. Second, right after.. does that say Pandora?” Trixie leaned closer and nodded. “Yeah. Before Max. Then me. There’s no meet and greet tonight though, right?” Aja screwed up her eyes to make out the difference between her foundation powder shades. She held up a brush in a wobbly hand and took a stab at reaching for her base shade. She knocked it off the table.  “Yeah. I think Bianca’s first and last and she usually stays on, right?” “Up to her, girl.” Trixie found to her surprise that her makeup was actually pretty on point. She reached for her set of preprepared lashes and twisted the cap off her Duo tube, running a line of the glue down the middle of each dark clump.  “I can’t wait to get out tonight after this. I want a nap. I’m so fucking tired of the heat. I can’t ever sleep properly, it’s like I just get cramps and have these weird dreams about being late for this summer camp I went to when I was a kid. Except I never went to this one, so it’s like my head just came up with this weird.. place..” Trixie trailed off as she noticed how skillfully and deliberately Aja was painting her face. The younger queen had quickly transformed her cheeks into a distinctive contour, lining her nose with cream shades as she scrunched her eyes up to focus her vision. “Girl how are you so good at this when you’re drunk?” Aja laughed. “I’ve done this so many times. Like too many.” “Worrrk, what do you use to highlight?” “Twin Cake with Ice Angel and Kitten Parade, I’m doing shimmery fairy fantasy tonight.” Trixie glanced over in surprise as she held one set of lashes to her eyelids to let the glue dry. “Seriously? I haven’t met anyone else who uses those two together.” Aja laughed. “I learned it from you! You did a Periscope once ages ago and I asked you what you used. I still use it for my pink look.” “No way.” Trixie blinked a few times to check her lashes were fully attached. All good. “Well girl, I’m gonna go find something to keep my buzz going.” She reached into her bag and yanked out her phone charger, hammering it into the wall and hooking up her phone as she stopped to glance around. Where’s Violet?  A sudden rise in volume hit her as Bianca swept into the room. Immediately her head began to ache and she slipped out the door behind the tiny comedian queen, pausing to give her a quick air kiss. She knew roughly where the stage was, so she started down the hallway to the left hoping to run into an assistant who could grab her a whiskey from the bar. The pounding of the bass from the club filled the air. Trixie paused for a moment to identify the song.  It’s.. yeah, it’s Sissy That Walk.  Would she ever get away from the Ru Girl fame? She knew she should be grateful. Oh, she really was. But it was wearing to travel for weeks on end with people she couldn’t completely bond with, medicating with alcohol to pass the hours. She definitely needed to slow down on that. Except for now. She just wanted to get to the end of this corridor and find the club staff.
Instead, she turned the corner and ran straight into Katya. It took her a few seconds to adjust. The shorter queen was fully made up, double Courtney wig pinned on top in an effortless sweeping blonde style that looked a far stretch from her usual careless ‘ugly drag’. She was wearing her red cheerleader outfit, KATYA spelled out across her chest in black letters. Her bright blue eyes shone out from their smokey black makeup, teeth flashing a perfect white in the low light as she roared with laughter at Violet, the brunette hanging off her arm with a happy devotion.  Trixie sucked in her breath in total surprise. 
“Katya!” she shrieked, a little too excitedly for her own taste. Her comedy partner’s head whipped around and she was met with an enormous grin. Immediately she reached for her friend’s tiny frame. Hugging Katya was always like taking a little bag of bones into her arms, all frenzy and energy and joy.  “What are you doing here?” “They booked me, mama! I’m the surprise guest!” Trixie was flooded with a wave of half-drunk affection. Right when she needed someone to feel close to, here’s this idiot. The pair shared an unbelievable connection, always had. She suddenly found she could bear the thought of the tour. Felt excited, even. “Are you doing any other nights? How long are you staying for?” she asked into Katya’s wig, before pulling out of the hug.  “Just tomorrow!” Their eyes were locked, a moment Trixie didn’t want to break out of. Characteristically, Katya turned away first. “Christ, I need a cigarette.” “I gotcha girl.” Trixie narrowed her eyes as Violet reached into her back pocket and prized out the pack of Camels. She waved it in front of Katya’s face, grinning slyly. “Trade you. Sexual favours.” Oh right. Now it makes sense. She knew. Violet always flirted with Katya. Ever since they’d slept together on tour ages ago, Trixie had definitely felt the sexual tension whenever the queens got in the same room. It was pretty one-sided though, right? Katya laughed and reached for the cigarettes. “You beast! Using my addiction against me Barbara? Are you coming out?"  Violet tightened her grip on Katya’s arm and began tugging her toward the fire exit further down the hallway. As Trixie turned to head in the opposite direction she heard the brunette cackle, "Of course! I’m gonna suck your dick in the alley. Let’s go, bitch.” Eye roll. “I’m so fucking glad you’re here Katya. I’m boooored. You know Pearl dropped the tour?” An insistant flower of anger tugged at Trixie’s throat as she finally reached the backstage area. “Hey someone, can I get a Fireball?” So Violet had known since that morning. Katya was supposed to be Trixie’s comedy partner. They could’ve arranged something. Thrown together an impromptu UNHhhh. Knocked something up to completely eclipse everyone else. To be honest with herself, she’d had been feeling a little overshadowed on the tour. So many gigs and dates had left her little time to work on anything new, so she’d fallen back on Candy Man and a guitar piece from one of her more popular recent songs. Everyone laughed a little flat at her jokes, they’d heard them a thousand times before on social media. And Katya was this.. this catalyst of unpredictable humour, like some explosion of random parts of a thousand cultural references and bit-parts mashed through her perfect set of teeth. She was always, always a surprise. Her stupid goofball humour reached into Trixie and yanked out the best parts of her. Framed them in the spotlight. Made her so cuttingly funny, every joke landing like an old classic, met with shrieks of laughter.  Trixie and Katya the Comedy Duo were a force, and they could outshine absolutely anyone. “Here you go,” Toby showed up out of nowhere, slipping a glass of whiskey into her hand. “Straight up, on us.” “Thanks.”
Two hours later, her buzz was still going strong as she sat down to take off her makeup.  Her performances had gone well, met with a level of appreciation and such a genuine response from the fans that she was left a little humbled. This was what it was about, right? Being an entertainer.  Trixie lifted the heavy wig off her head and let out an enormous groan.  “Suck it up, queen.” Bianca slid down into the chair next to her, quickly touching up her lipliner with an expert eye. “At least you can go to bed. I’m on meet and greet for an hour.” “I’m not going to bed yet girl. Have you seen Katya?” Bianca glanced round and lifted a finger to point at the sky. “What do you think?” Oh yeah. The familiar trap beat opening of Same Parts filtered through the doorway, met with the deafening roar of the already-energised crowd. As Alaska piped up across the room about how much in royalties Katya must have earned for Tatianna, Trixie suddenly remembered her phone. She swiped it on and opened her messages.
From: Katya i’m booked with you!
From: Katya see you tonight
From: Katya lets do a double? I’ve got some new material
From: Katya call me call me
From: Katya deb?
From: Katya see you soon mama
The five mixed drinks Trixie had consumed since reaching the venue quickly welled up in her throat as she suddenly felt regretful about those nasty little thoughts she’d haboured about her friend. Poor Katya, she’d tried to get in touch. She was actually such a good person. And this momentary feeling of elation definitely has nothing to do with feeling jealous before. Jealous of what? I mean it’s normal to want to spend time with Katya. But Violet draping herself on her is so fucking gross. Give me a chance to talk to her.  Trixie suddenly felt a pang of nostalgia for their Australia tour. They’d shared the limelight 50-50 and had spent a couple wonderful days and nights goofing off so far from the usual routine of the big US tours. It’d been so great. Katya’s great. Where’s Katya? Katya’s on stage. Katya’ll be out soon. Katya’s sleeping on the bus tonight. Trixie paused her thought train to sweep her towering pile of black-smudged facewipes into the trash. She quickly slid out her contacts, dumped everything into her bags and shouldered the lightest. Toby, who’d been texting in the corner, immediately jumped to his feet and started ferrying her cases out to the back.  “See you on the bus boo,” Violet piped up, quickly taking down her hair. Alaska was sprawling next to her, texting frantically. No reason to stay here.  Trixie nodded and zipped up her jacket, heading out into the cold air. A pair of fans beyond the fence about forty feet off spotted her and started howling her name, so she gave them a little halfhearted wave before climbing up into the bus. She felt pretty drunk, still. It’d be a shame to waste it.  “SHOT.” “Oh my god.” As her heart returned to normal, Frank the tour manager slid a shot glass across the table. It was still smudged with Aja’s lipstick.  “This is my last night. Pete’s taking over tomorrow.” “Where are we going next again?” “Houston, then Austin.” “And after?” “Tulsa.” “Mhmm.” Trixie skulled the shot and winced. “That’s me for the night.” “No way, everyone’s doing a round when they get on board.” “Well Katya won’t.” “Oh right, I forgot. Was she like an alcoholic before?” “No. She just has an addictive personality and she doesn’t want it. She’s not really into doing things unless it’s a super serious blackout, yknow?” Frank whistled quietly. “Must be tough. You know a lot about her.” Trixie shrugged. “Well, we spend a lot of time talking.” “Do you ever run out of things to talk about?” “No.” Trixie ran her fingertip around the rim of her shot glass. She felt herself click into an automatic Talk-About-Katya mode. It was pretty familiar - she’d probably mentioned her comedy partner in 8/10 interviews. “She’s so funny. I’d marry her if it’d ever actually work between us. But you have to be attracted to someone before you’d want to spend that amount of time with them.” She paused for a second to think. “Either that, or not attracted to them at all. That’s why we get on so well.” Frank reached out and took the glass from between her fingers. “So you’re saying you’re completely 100% platonic?” “I mean..” Trixie started to hear the vague chatter of a few of her tourmates as they approached the bus. “Katya says attraction’s a spectrum. Like it’s such a fluid thing that changes from day to day. There’s definitely times when she’s into me sexually.” The alcohol loosened her lips for a moment. “I liked her too, at first. But I had a boyfriend and the shooting schedule was so intense, we weren’t really allowed to talk in private cause they wanted to film everything. So nothing ever happened.” “Right, yeah.” Frank leaned back to glance out of the window at the approaching queens. “But nothing after it wrapped?” Trixie shrugged. “I mean I definitely liked her. You can’t not like her. But we work so well as business partners that I never let anything happen between us, so I guess..” She shrugged. “That whole physical thing just died out. For me, anyway. I’m all or nothing, emotionally.” Pandora’s face appeared through the doorway, followed by Michelle. “She isn’t much for romance, though. As you could guess.” “Who?” barked Michelle, sliding in next to Trixie. She reached out and took one of the shot glasses Frank had finished refilling. “Who are we talking about?” “Katya.” “Ohh.” Downing the vodka with an expert flick of the wrist, Michelle pulled out her phone and immediately started to text. “The whole Ross-Rachel thing. Don’t you ever get tired of talking about it?"  Trixie shrugged. "It’s pretty good for business. It can get weird though.” She leaned forward. “You know fans write stories about us getting together?” “Mm-hmm.” “They’re elaborate, too. There’s this whole demographic of underaged girls that want us to get together. I don’t get it at all.” Michelle glanced up. “Honey, it’s obvious. Everyone needs a lovestory to believe in. Writing it makes them feel like a part of it.” “You’re right.” “WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW.” Katya’s familiar sex-noise echoed out from her parted grinning lips as the blonde queen burst onto the bus with Violet quickly in tow. “Drinks, ladies? God, I’m so hot. Is there a shower here?” Michelle gestured towards the rear of the coach.  “Help yourself. Use one of the guest towels on the shelf.” “Thanks mama. Nice doing business."  As she swept past the table, Katya glanced down at the line of shot glasses and grabbed one. She slid it over to Trixie before anyone could react and winked. "Trixie’s having mine.” “No, girl. I’m about to be passing out.” “Wouldn’t be the first tiiiime,” Katya half-sang as she disappeared into the bus bathroom. Trixie slid hers over to Michelle who accepted it without comment. They locked eyes for a brief moment, and the motherly brunette gave a smirk.  “You like it when she pays attention to you though, right?” “Oh yeah, she’s great. She makes you feel like the only person in the world.” Violet dropped her phone on the table and slid in next to Michelle. “Oh yeah,” she laughed. “And I’m gonna make HER feel like the only person in the world tonight.” Trixie suddenly snapped into focus. “Wait, yeah. Where’s she sleeping? All the beds are full.” “With me!” Violet rolled her eyes. “Duh. Literally. Literally!” “Yeah, we get it.” Frank broke into the conversation. “You want to fuck him. But not on this bus. Everyone needs sleep and you can hear everything, you know that.” “Shut up, Frank.” “No, he’s right.” Trixie spun around to face Violet, head swimming slightly. “I need to sleep this off, girl. You and Katya can fuck as much as you want, but not in your bunk. It’s above mine, and you know I hate noise like that.” Violet shrugged. “Fine. I’ll get a hotel in.. Where are we next?” “Austin.” “No, Houston. And you can’t, we have to get across to Austin by lunch. We’re driving all night.” “Fuck, I’m never getting laid.” The chat subsided into casual remarks about the evening, but it was always crazy how much everyone loved to talk about Katya. Trixie absentmindedly chewed a fingernail as she tried to understand her friend’s intense charm. It’s like people just wanted to experience her through conversation. Like even if she wasn’t around, she was on people’s minds. She’d even won over- “Alasssssssssssska!” Violet hooted, as the sleepy-eyed queen stepped onto the bus. “Bitch c'mere, we’re toasting Fred. Frank.” “Coming purple monster,” Alaska replied in her gutteral vocal fry. “Were you waiting for me?” “You wish girl. Here.” “Thanks girl. Where’s Kattie sleeping tonight?” “In with me,” Trixie blurted suddenly. She wasn’t taking the chance of Katya and Alaska hooking up. Everyone had half been expecting it since their Aspen snapchats and resulting intense fast friendship. Since those stupid Pure commercials they’d been talking on the phone a lot too.  Katya had a theory about separation of sex and soul. She’d gone into great exploratory detail a few times: wild-eyed, arms waving happily as she burned through cigarettes and spilled thoughts from that great endless mind of hers at a million miles an hour. She loved the idea of anchorless love. She couldn’t see it as a minefield, or anything but a way to tie everything together. She wanted to have sex with the entire world. But sort of with her heart. And brain. And dick. Anyway, she insisted that a successful business partnership could happen even when you were sleeping together. But not with feelings involved - she’d put her foot down about that immediately.  Trixie couldn’t separate emotions and physicality like that. She meant it when she said all or nothing. But maybe Alaska would give Katya what she wanted, and they’d be the next hot new comedy pairing. Maybe that’s what Katya was after. And now she was heading back down the aisle of the bus, makeup gone, towelling off her short blonde hair in a pair of black shorts and a Tshirt that said сука.  “Hiiieee,” she grinned. “What’d I miss. Oh, we’re driving.” Several of the queens around the table turned to check that yes, the bus had smoothly pulled out and was now making its way down an orange-lit road.  “Move over,” Katya squeezed onto the very full seat next to Alaska. Their legs tangled up and she fluidly threw an arm around her shoulders. “Tell me about the tour so far mama. How’s this pit of dusty rusty snakes treating you?” “Oh we’re fiiine.” Alaska dropped her phone onto the table and turned her full attention to her friend.  No one gets her away from that phone but Katya. Trixie leaned forward to join the conversation, but became suddenly aware her head had seriously begun to spin. “Violet’s up to her her usual antics. Max has read every single book, or maybe just one long book, and Michelle’s been doing my nails. We’re nail friends. I hate this god damn bus though."  "Shit.” Alaska and Katya turned to glance at Trixie, who’d turned pale and started to sweat. “Guys, I need to get out.” They quickly made space for her to clamber towards the bathroom, where she slid the door shut and dropped to her knees by the toilet. Everything was super swimmy. Ugh.  She rested her forehead on the seat and closed her eyes. It’d pass. It was mostly the movement of the bus anyhow. She just needed a minute.
“TRIXIE!!” The barbie queen’s eyes snapped open. How long had she been asleep? She reached up and unlatched the door, and immediately Violet spilled in.  “Oh my god. Oh my god I’ve been needing to pee so bad. You fuckin asshole. Get out of here.” “Sorry girl. I passed out for a sec.” Trixie pulled herself unsteadily to her feet and navigated past her friend. She glanced at a few of the empty bunks before swinging herself carefully into her own, head beginning to pound.  “Why do I do this? Fuck.” Time to get some rest. Trixie brought the glowing dial of her watch up to her face and screwed up her eyes in hope of making some sense of the time. 1:12 AM. She’d been out for half an hour.  Down the hallway the queens were still going strong. She could hear Michelle, Aja and Alaska ribbing back and forth, Katya’s shriek of laughter rippling out from time to time. Pandora and Max were deep in conversation, but she couldn’t hear what about. It didn’t matter. Time for sleep.
Neon green. Soft. A smoky heavy texture in the air, summer night lonely. Darkness and neon and green. Still.  Two blurry little figures.
Trixie opened her eyes properly and peered out of the window.  The bus was parked up at a gas station. The lights of the pumps were shining out into the dark, and by the edge of the clearing Katya and Alaska were sharing what looked like a joint and talking to each other quietly.  As Trixie watched, Alaska reached up to touch Katya’s arm for just a second. They had their backs turned, and Katya exhaled in a long slow stream of smoke that faded softly into the darkness beyond.  Everything was mostly silent on the bus. A few snores filtered through intro Trixie’s consciousness. She checked the time again - 3:54 AM.  And she suddenly felt lonely. That was the thing with her and Katya. The lines were so blurry they had to be made completely clear and concrete. But Katya was right - attraction was fluid. And right now, Trixie’s heart hurt with jealousy and a touch of confusion.  The way Alaska and Katya were talking in a calm, quiet way made her a little nervous, too. Alaska could cut so easily through to Katya’s more serious side, the vulnerable bit she kept hidden away for the most part. She showed it on Periscope sometimes. Trixie had watched them all.  So what if those two start doing more together? And UNHhhh gets even less of Katya’s time? Whatever they do’ll never be as successful.  She had to admit it felt great working with Katya. She loved how everything seemed to be a predictable hit; platinum star fanbase gold. Their joint videos immediately climbed to most viewed, any minute interaction on social media prized and screencapped and retweeted and obsessed over. Financially, it was a winning combo. And..  And it made her feel special being half of Trixie and Katya when the other half was somewhere nearby being loved by the whole world. Cause there was that connection. It was implied. Katya was in some very unspoken, very platonic way - mostly platonic way - a little bit Trixie’s.  Now the silent late-night duo were turning and walking slowly back towards the bus. Alaska linked arms with Katya, their movements slow and easy. Trixie stared out into the darkness, letting them walk beyond her gaze. She heard the hiss of the door, their muted footsteps as they climbed onboard. She heard their motions as they passed by her in the dark. She heard a stifled giggle as they awkwardly climbed into Alaska’s bunk. She closed her eyes.
It was a boiling hot summer’s morning, Trixie’s mouth was stuck shut, and her eyes felt like little fireballs. Ugh fuck, Fireball.  For the past twenty minutes she’d been willing herself to get back to sleep, but it wasn’t coming. She was still her in sweats from the night before with the bus heating up pretty fast in the baking morning sun. She needed a shower. Swinging one leg out of the bunk, she suddenly realised she’d slept in her shoes. Great. Mess. She kicked them off and padded quietly into the bathroom, careful not to disturb the other sleeping queens. A glance at her watch showed it to be 7 something AM.  She quickly pulled the door shut and shed her clothes, stepping into the stream of lukewarm water with relief.  What a rough night.  Was it?  She cycled through the events from the evening before as she soaped up. That gas station scene had felt like a dream, but Katya’s absence in her bed was all too real this morning. Maybe this was it. The start of a new comedy partnership. One that didn’t involve her. What kind of stuff would they make? Probably something arty. They’d make fun of high concept fashion ads from the 90s and thrill the New York crowd to death. She could see why it’d be funny, too.  Trixie turned off the water and started towelling off as she began to think about her own performance for the coming evening. Maybe a Dolly Parton song to change things up a little. She still needed to check out that stupid country song book. She stepped into a fresh pair of boxers and pulled a shirt over her head. Clean clothes felt amazing. Stretching felt super good, too - even though the little bathroom was too small to really get a good reach. She stepped out into the aisle and tossed her dirty clothes on top of the full laundry basket, reaching out to steady herself as she swung her body into her bunk and dropped down straight on top of Katya.
“WHAT the fuck?” Trixie rapidly hushed her voice as the little queen giggled, squirming underneath her weight. Above her Violet gave a grumpy moan and kicked a foot out into the alley. “You scared me motherfucker,” Trixie hissed. Katya extracted herself and rolled towards the window, squishing herself up against the cool glass. She rested her head on one hand and struck a jaunty paint-me-like-your-french-girls pose. “Hi mama. Miss me?” “No. Where were you? I thought you were supposed to sleep in here last night.” Katya shrugged. “Was I? I slept in with Alaska. I mean I didn’t really sleep. She takes up all the room. Can we cuddle?” Trixie extended an arm without comment and Katya immediately swung her head up into her neck. It always felt so easy. An arm snaked over her stomach and Katya’s little bony hand tucked itself lightly under her hip. “MMmm.” “Shhh.” Trixie felt her friend sneak a knee over hers, pushing in between her legs.  “Let me in mama. Let me in, I’m not gonna try anything. Promise. I just want to sleep.” “No!” “Please? Are you sure?” “Katya.” “Mmmm. Mmm-mm.” “Katya.” “Mmmmm.” “Fine. But you’re gonna sleep and I’m too awake now. I need music. Do you have any?” Without a word, Katya reached into the pocket of her shorts and yanked out her phone, white earbuds tightly wrapped around it. She plopped it on her friend’s chest and rested her hand just below, fingertips in the dip between Trixie’s ribs. Trixie’s neck tickled as she inhaled happily. “You smell good, mama.” Trixie didn’t reply. With one arm around Katya she was finding it tricky to unwind the headphones, lifting the wires as the phone tumbled over onto her chest. It thwapped Katya’s fingers, the little queen mumbled in protest and moved her hand lower down. Halfway onto Trixie’s stomach. And then a touch lower.  “Katya.” “Mmmmmm.” She shifted her weight and slid her knee fully between Trixie’s legs. Their bare thighs settled tightly together, skin to skin. It might have been her imagination, but for a very brief second Trixie felt a completely unexpected twinge.  Fuck, not now.  “I’m not trying anything.” “You better not.” “Mmm. Night.” A moment passed before she felt the subtle shift of Katya’s body relaxing. She always fell asleep immediately. It had been a relief last summer when they’d stayed together, Katya aggressively hitting on Trixie in an effort to culminate their friendshp. Nothing had happened beyond a similar snuggle close to how they lay now, tangled up in a warm embrace. Attraction is such a spectrum. Trixie was pretty sure Katya wasn’t into her at the moment. But you never knew, she never clung at all. No signals. Her thigh, between my thighs.  Trixie needed a distraction. It was biological, right? A response to stimulation. It’d been a long, long time. She tucked an earbud into her left ear and swiped the phone on. It was locked. Katya was already snoring, and her hand was too awkward to tease a finger onto the home button.  Stuck with your crazy Russian musical soundtrack, or whatever. Or t.A.T.u. Or the background white noise track of a meat packing plant or something, you little weirdo. She pressed play from the lock menu. A surprisingly pretty muted synth track flooded her ears. Far off echoed drums. A slightly tuneless Swedish-sounding voice, breaking from odd melodics to soft whispers, phasing between uncomfortable and really beautiful as the chords shifted. This was so Katya. Nothing was ever straightforward. She looked for the odd in everything.  Everything came together. Trixie turned her head to rest her chin on Katya’s warm forehead, eyes half focused on the gold fields rolling past the window. She felt their bodies together, locked tight. Watched the light play over their skin. Their breathing had subconsciously synced, and she spent a few minutes zoning out into the way their chests rose and fell together. She could see Katya’s heartbeat pulsing along the golden skin on the back of her hand. She thought about their skin contact. Katya and Alaska would never snuggle like us. But if they start working together all the time, it’s pretty much the end of us.  At least.. in a business sense.  She knew she was being ridiculous. But she always leapt to conclusions. It was just her mind. Katya mumbled softly in her sleep, pushing her face a little closer into Trixie’s neck.  At least now, even if only for now, Trixie had her friend’s body wrapped up in her arms. She wondered if there’d ever be an event horizon - a moment where Katya’s phenomenal fame kept growing and she drifted away, just out of reach. Didn’t have time for filming. Couldn’t return calls. Didn’t text back. She’d expected that thought to trigger some kind of business plan in her head. A way to make it work. A plot to keep filming and collaborating on everything that kept their duo going. But instead, Trixie was surprised by how strongly her chest opened up and a wave of intense attachment rushed out, threatening to overwhelm her. Her fingers tightened imperceptibly on Katya’s skin.  Don’t go. She bit her tongue to clamp down on that thought, but feelings were hitting her. Hard. No, something else was hitting her.  She glanced down. The crotch of Katya’s shorts had begun to bulge, pressed lightly against Trixie’s thigh. She glanced at Katya’s eyelids and found them still firmly shut, the queen apparently deep in sleep.  Ugh, shit. What do I do now?  The strength of her recent unspoken realisations were enough to deal with at the moment. She definitely didn’t need any physical complications. She should push Katya off her and demand some space. Wake her up. Reestablish those boundaries.  Except.. The blonde queen had started to grind down slowly against her thigh, and for some reason Trixie couldn’t stop staring at the hardening bulge between her legs. Her heart began to pound. Her body began to respond. She could feel the blood starting an inevitable rush downwards, a familiar tingle growing faster than she’d like.  They’d sort of done this before, one time. An intense snuggle, some slow grinding. Katya called it frottage. Trixie thought that sounded like a kind of cheese. She’d cracked a joke and they’d broken it off, Katya rolling quickly off the couch to go find a cigarette. That was before David, before Palm Springs, when they’d had to shut anything like that down due to the budding new relationship. Trixie would be lying if she hadn’t briefly wondered about what would’ve happened in its place. What might have happened one of those vacation nights, maybe after their naked photoshoot.  But that was then, and this was now, and honestly she was starting to lose focus on anything but the now-visible outline of Katya’s erection through her pants.  “Katya,” she whispered. This wasn’t going to happen while anyone was asleep. She felt the queen’s eyelids open sleepily.  “Mm?” This is it. Do or die.  ..Fuck it.
“Come here.” Heart pounding, she took Katya’s hand from her chest and moved it slowly downwards, inch by inch, until Katya’s fingers were just about to brush the rise of her swollen boxers. She lifted her hand away and held her breath as the blonde queen paused for a moment.  And then, without comment, Katya dropped her fingertips lightly onto the shaft of her hard dick. As jolts of electricity pounded through Trixie’s body, Katya began to trace the outline of her erection, moving slowly with two probing fingers before sliding her whole hand over and around her girth, glancing up to meet Trixie’s eyes. “You were right, mama.” “What?” Trixie whispered, caught off-guard. “About the size. I didn’t believe you. You’re big.” “I tol-” Trixie’s breath caught suddenly in her throat as Katya tightened her grip. She began to squeeze with a little more pressure, grinding herself harder against Trixie’s leg.  “You’re too big for me. But maybe I’m right for you.” Trixie felt Katya’s free hand slide down to her hip, pulling her insistently onto her side to face her. She felt her fingers begin to tug her boxers down, the other hand still slowly moving up and down her dick with the kind of pressure that felt unbelievable through the material. It was too much. And then she was free, and Katya’s fingers were sliding around her shaft, and Katya was pushing her own pants down with a quick movement from her spare hand.  “Touch me,” she whispered, bring her lips up to Trixie’s. The skin was barely grazing, and Katya kept it that way. Trixie could smell her. Could almost taste her. Her lips started to ache, anticipating their kiss. Katya read her mind, and reached out for her hand. “Touch me first.” Trixie complied, letting Katya guide her down to her dick. She felt the warm skin touch her fingertips, and before she had a moment to think she’d already wrapped her hand around the girth of it, eliciting a tiny moan from Katya. They began to pump each other slowly, the hot breath between their lips mingling as they tried to stay silent. Trixie could feel herself melting into the sensation, her eyes closing in the warm sun, disappearing completely into the way her heart wrapped about Katya’s touch. She leaned forward to break the desperate tension but Katya leaned back, just out of reach. “Not yet.” “Katya? Where’s Katya?” Shit. Frank. Fuck.  Trixie opened her eyes to meet Katya’s blue-eyed surprise.  “Oh shit.” Trixie quickly scooted over to the bunk curtain, tugging her boxers up with one hand and pulling her shirt down with the other. She had no idea why she felt so guilty, but the way Katya was grinning made her jump all over. Now she could see Frank, barefoot and sleepy-eyed, some papers in his hands. “She’s here. What’s up?” “She has to sign these insurance forms. I should’ve had her do it last night but I need her to do it now before we cross state lines.” “I’m coming.” Katya finished buttoning up her shorts and propped herself up on one elbow. “I’ll be there in a sec.” “I’m leaving them on the table.” Trixie glanced over and watched as her newfound crush checked her pockets for her cigarettes. She finally found the crushed pack and teased one out, sliding it between her lips with a little smile. “Hey, do you know I bought those for you?” Trixie whispered. Katya flashed her a look of surprise. “Well.. I paid for them.” Made sense. Katya pulled the cigarette from her mouth and leaned in towards her.  “Do you want a small kiss, mama?” Fuck yes. But maybe..  “Tonight.” Gotta maintain some boundaries. A flash of a grin, the tiniest linger of her hand against Trixie’s chest as she clambered over her, and Katya was gone.  Trixie knew she wouldn’t be back. It wasn’t her style. But they had one more night to figure it out.
It was the second longest leg of the journey, a boiling hot summer’s morning, and Trixie was writing a song.
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loisinherlane · 7 years
Title: Domino (Revised Chapter 1v1 (aka Season 1 Episode 1)
Summary: The war ended. The witches were vanquished. Domino had fallen. Though only sixteen years had passed, the Magical Dimension had done its best to forget its failures and move forward. But just as the dust seemed to settle, a new trio of witches seeks the same power their elders were denied. Without the royal family of Domino, no one knows where the Dragon Flame they use came from--but the strange girl from Earth may have answers.
Notes: Am I entirely finished with this chapter? No. Am I going to post any other chapters soon? No. But I wanted to get this out there. This is a revision of a fic near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately for readers on its original site of posting, I will not be continuing there. This first version of chapter 1 is a tumblr-exclusive, and once I finished editing, I’ll also post this on AO3. But for now, let me explain a little more.
Some of you around my age may remember a show called Wi .nx Club (censored to prevent tagging). This was my favorite show for a long time. However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve noticed more and more problems with the show, and as much as I loved my fic idea (based off of my dad’s complaint about Bloom’s abandoning her parents in the first episode), I had too many other ideas to contain. So, here this is: a large rewrite that completely overhauls the first season, changes a few characters significantly (basically this is less girl hate and more LGBT friendliness along with a few more adult themes ((but not too many because I’m too ace for that)) ), and is basically a big venture on my part. If you could, please, please talk to me about this. This story means so much to me. But I won’t make this note longer than necessary. Here we go.
Though all contact with Earth had abruptly ended after the disappearance of the Earthen fairies--a disappearance sadly preceded by their retreat into a small, glamoured area where they erased all evidence of their existence from the world and the memories of Earth’s other inhabitants--Earth was still regarded as a somewhat forbidden tourist attraction. With rich foliage to rival Lynphea, a strange sea life only comparable to Andros, and a resiliently adaptive variety of cultures, the World Without Magic was a fascinating getaway for many, so long as they could afford the hefty fine if caught or evade capture. Visiting Earth was a chance best taken when the opportunity presented itself.
For this reason, Crown Princess Stella de Soleil-Lune of Solaria saw absolutely no problem in stopping mid-transport to Alfea (for her second first year) on Earth. She didn’t have to be there for a few hours, and so long as she didn’t arrive more than half an hour late, it wouldn’t really matter. Her parents hadn’t bothered to wish her off this year, so no one knew exactly when she left, and it wasn’t out of the line for her to run late. It was the perfect plan.
Landing in the middle of a town called Gardenia, Stella intended to spend her detour examining how Earth’s shopping fared. Of course, landing in a forest-y clearing only to be greeted by an ogre derailed those plans.
Episode 1
The Earthen Fairy
There was no one but Bloom home in the Peters household during the summer. California summers brought on all sorts of fires, and Mike was always busy with the fire department, aiding anyone who needed help. Summer was also the time the flower shop flourished, so Vanessa rarely had time off. Occasionally, Bloom stepped in to help, but mostly she spent her time at home or out with Selina and Andy. Each morning, Bloom would rise at 8:30, just in time to tell her parents goodbye before they left work, and then she would find something to do, or fall back asleep.
“There's our little blossom. Always a late bloomer,” Mike teased as he finished up the last drops of his coffee. Bloom half-heartedly glared at her father before taking her seat at the kitchen table and stretching out, setting her feet on her father’s lap.
Vanessa was scanning her phone to check on flower orders, and she sighed loudly. “Look at this. This man wants to send flowers to his boyfriend, but his boyfriend is allergic to certain flowers. And all he says is, ‘Don't use the flowers he's allergic to.’” She sighed and set the phone down on the kitchen table, her nails lightly clicking against the screen as she closed out her calendar.
Bloom smiled sympathetically and patted her mom’s arm. Vanessa returned the look as she squeezed Bloom’s hand. Mike, refusing to be left out, joined in, his paler hand stark against their tanned skin.
“So you're both getting off at five today?” Bloom asked her parents, finally waking up enough to grab a piece of toast. She took a knife setting on one of the empty plates and carefully spread butter across the surface, smoothing it evenly.
Mike nodded, stretching his arms over his head and grunting with the effort, though it seemed to be more a huff at the day itself. He stood up slowly and began to gather his things for work, which wasn't much, as he tended to keep everything at the fire station. Vanessa hesitated.
“I think I may have quite a few orders today,” she sighed. “I'm not sure.”
Bloom perked up a little at the idea that she might have something to do. “Do you need help?” she asked eagerly.
Vanessa tried not to hide her worried look as she pushed her dark hair behind her ear. “No. No, don't worry about it, dear. We’ll handle it.”
“Oh, Mom, come on. I only broke one vase!” Bloom whined.
“One four hundred dollar vase,” Vanessa countered, straightening her overalls and checking her reflection in the window once more. Bloom flushed a little red, though the effect wasn't much with the fieriness of her hair. She rolled her dark blue eyes and crossed her arms.
Mike straightened up from where he’d been adjusting his boots. He smiled at the two ladies as he grabbed his keys. “Alright, ladies. I'll see you tonight. Good luck at the shop, Vanessa,” he said softly, leaning in for a kiss. Bloom averted her eyes and made a face. Mike laughed as he pecked his daughter’s forehead. “Are you going out with Andy and Selina today?”
Bloom frowned at the mention of her friends and shook her head, slumping back into the wooden chair. “No. Andy has his family reunion, and Selina’s at this… fantasy convention thing.”
“Ah. Well, don't sleep all day then,” he teased, finally moving towards the door. Vanessa kissed her daughter goodbye as well, and then Bloom was left alone.
On a day like that, there wasn't much for Bloom to do. Unwilling to do nothing and being entirely awake, she grabbed a baseball tee and a pair of jeans, getting dressed and ready to go. Bloom’s brand new(-ish) bike was dug out from the back of the garage, where she shakily mounted it and rode off to the park. She never went any further than that, as she didn’t trust her bike-riding skills to take her any farther. Both Andy and Selina were busy, so she was alone with Kiko, dropping her bike against a tree as she bought an ice cream. The park was fairly bare, for a summer day, but it was hot. Most people were probably reveling in their air conditioning.
“What a boring day, Kiko,” Bloom lamented, setting the bunny in her lap. He was kind of an odd rabbit, fur a little bluish in tint, and he never ran off, no matter where Bloom took him. She’d found him one day in the backyard. When she opened the door to go inside, he’d dashed in front of her. Her parents had been a little hesitant with Kiko at first, never wanting him outside of his cage, but it soon became apparent that as long as he had his litter box, there would be no messes. The Peters decided not to question their luck, and Bloom kept her strange little friend. “I just wish something interesting would happen for once.”
Kiko just gave her a funny look. After a moment, his ears perked up, and he darted off into the woodsy section of the park. Bloom shot up, alarmed.
“Kiko!” she yelled, abandoning her bike and running after him.
Following the pitter-patter of little bunny feet was difficult. Luckily, Kiko seemed intent that Bloom follow him. Pausing every once in awhile so she could catch up, Kiko led her to another clearing, too deep in the trees to be visible from civilized areas.
“Kiko, what are you--” Bloom froze. They hadn’t quite exited the shaded shelter of the trees, but the clearing was brightly lit by the sun, and the two figures before her were, well--
“What the hell do you want?”
The girl looked like something out of an RPG, glittering orange shorts and top that almost looked like lingerie, the translucent skirt of her--was it a dress?--almost like sunshine, like the rays visible in the air on a sunny day. Three small wings protruded from her back, and Bloom vacantly wondered if her was pulled into pigtails to keep them from tangling. She swung what looked like a scepter haphazardly.
The . . . thing she was fighting was hardly fazed by her efforts. A smile spread across his muddy yellow face.
“What a weak fairy. You don’t even use your powers,” he said slowly. Bloom couldn’t decide if it was an unfamiliarity with the language or an affectation, but it certainly fit the role he was playing. He did seem to have an odd accent. She couldn’t quite place it.
Bloom looked down to Kiko. “Fairy? They must be roleplaying or something,” she shrugged, prepared to return home. Kiko darted around her feet, preventing her from moving. “Kiko!”
The girl in the clearing was knocked back, but instead of landing, her wings fluttered. She hovered a few feet above the monster and stuck out her tongue. “You can’t get me from up here!”
His lips curled, and small red . . . gremlins darted out, jumping towards her. The girl screeched.
“I am Stella de Soleil-Lune, crown princess of the reunited Solaria! If you harm me, my parents will show no mercy!”
Bloom hesitated, looking at Kiko. He stared at her expectantly. She looked back at the girl and her terrified face.
“But what do I do?” she murmured. After another moment’s trepidation, she grabbed a stick, ran forward, and smacked the monster from behind. “Leave her alone!”
The monster spun around a little, more out of surprise than pain. Both he and the girl stared, and for a second, Bloom’s heart stopped. Oh, no. Had she interrupted some sort of game after all?
Then the girl took the moment to act, the gremlins having stopped without any orders. A bright light shot from her fingers and destroyed the gremlins.
The monster growled menacingly at Bloom. “You little--” He tried to grab her wrist, but the moment he touched her skin, Bloom cowered, and a warm pulse rushed through her. The monster was knocked away.
The girl’s brows shot up. “Hey, you’re a--”
The monster huffed and turned away, grumbling, “I don’t have time to deal with you. She’s the one I want.”
“But you can’t have me!” The girl raised her scepter high, closing her eyes. “As crown princess of Solaria, fairy of the sun, moon, and stars, I call on the power of the heavens to banish the one who threatens me!”
Bright light flooded the area, and yet it didn’t seem to blind Bloom. When the light died down, only the girl--Stella, she remembered--and Bloom remained.
Stella smiled brightly in a sort of way that made even Bloom a little flustered. “I’m so glad you’re here! I thought--” Suddenly, she wavered, her expression faltering into something weak. She blinked a couple times, then collapsed, her attire disappearing in a shimmer of sunlight, leaving the girl in odd, yet regal, attire. Exchanging a quick look with Kiko, Bloom knelt down beside her, hesitantly placing a hand on the girl’s clammy forehead.
What was she to do with an unconscious girl in the middle of the park? Bloom was only a few inches over five feet, and Stella seemed to be fairly tall. No matter how skinny she was, Bloom was sure she couldn’t carry the girl home, or even out of the forest to the rest of the park. Aside from that dilemma, she wasn’t sure she wanted anyone to see Stella. Whatever had just occurred wasn’t normal, and there were only four people on Earth she would trust with that. Her parents being at work, she elected to beg Andy to duck out of his family reunion. He, at least, could carry Stella. Not that he was particularly pleased with the situation, but he’d never been able to say no to Bloom.
(“Why didn’t you call your dad? Or an ambulance?” he asked with a sort of fond exasperation as he set Stella on the couch in Bloom’s living room. She pulled the soft blanket from the basket and carefully draped it over the stranger.
“Dad’s at work, and an ambulance--”
“Yeah. Alright,” he said, brushing it aside as he left. Suddenly, Bloom no longer felt like telling him about her adventure.)
When her parents returned, there wasn’t much she could do to explain the sight of an unconscious, unfamiliar girl.
“We need to take her to the hospital,” Mike insisted.
“Dad, we don’t even know who she is. What if they do something to her?” Bloom fretted.
Vanessa knelt down by Stella, looking her over briefly. “Honey, we don’t even have first aid training. What are we supposed to do? She’s clearly… ill,” she said, stroking Stella’s hair lightly. Stella stirred, eyes flickering open. The Peters stared intently, ready to see what she said as she awoke.
“If the sun’s not out, it’s not time to get up.”
Mike made sort of a frustrated look, and Vanessa sighed.
“Young lady, you’ve slept past sunset. I think it’s time to get up,” she prodded.
Very slowly, as if in protest, Stella opened her eyes and sat up. Abruptly, she slammed her hands on the cushion of the couch and scanned the room until she caught sight of Bloom. “You! Thank the moon and stars, someone I can trust. I need to borrow your phone.”
Bloom hesitantly glanced to her parents, who didn’t know what to tell her. Fingers trembling, she pulled her sky blue phone out of her pocket and handed it to Stella. The girl frowned in confusion. “Oh, did I forget to unlock it?” Bloom asked, reaching to take the phone back.
Stella didn’t seem to hear her. “What planet are you from?” she asked slowly.
Bloom raised a brow. “Earth?”
Stella stared at Bloom suspiciously before she understood that Bloom was being completely honest. A look of wonder spread across her face, and she bounced eagerly.
“I found a real life Earth fairy? That’s-- That’s crazy! We thought you were dead! Have you been in hiding all this time?”
A fairy. Stella had said that before, but… Surely Bloom wasn't really a fairy. That was crazy. Magic wasn't real. And yet she had no explanation for what was going on.
Question after question came flying, but they only served to heighten the confusion of her hosts. Mike and Vanessa turned to look at their daughter again.
“I have no idea what she’s talking about,” Bloom insisted. “I told you. I was in the park when I saw her fighting this . . . thing.”
“An ogre,” Stella interjected. “He’s been attacking a lot of princesses lately. My parents didn’t want me to travel alone to school, but . . .” She hesitated, like she didn’t want to get into that.
Mike sighed, running a hand through his graying blond hair. “About half of that made sense. Look, why don’t you call your parents, and we’ll see if we can figure this out.”
Stella crossed her arms over chest. “Well, I would if your phone had intergalactic coverage. Earth is so woefully behind. Oh, but I’m sure with an Earth fairy being properly trained at Alfea, everything will be better.”
“What’s Alfea?” Vanessa asked.
Stella stared blankly. “You . . . don’t know what Alfea is?” When she realized the name had no recognition in any of the three, she sighed. “Alfea College for Young Fairies. It’s a training school. And the best one in the Magical Dimension. Magix City is home to all three of the best schools. Alfea, for fairies,” she reminded, “Red Fountain, for Specialists, and Cloud Tower, for witches.” Her lips snarled at that last bit.
Mike shook his head and looked at Bloom. “This girl must be suffering from heatstroke. I’m going to call a doctor.”
Stella pouted, her wide brown eyes flashing indignantly. As soon as Mike grabbed his phone, it flashed into a carrot. He froze as the carrot slipped from his fingers, and Kiko hopped over to investigate, mouth open and teeth bared to take a nibble. Stella smiled sheepishly and pointed her finger to lift the carrot into the air.
“Sorry. I’m not really good at controlling that yet,” she explained.
Bloom stare in awe. Half-convinced that the scene at the park had been some crazy hallucination, she wasn’t sure what to make of this. “You-- You’re really a--”
Mike and Vanessa exchanged a solemn look while Stella brightened.
“Stella de Soleil-Lune, fairy of the sun, moon, and stars, crown princess of the reunited Solaria,” she said delicately.
Bloom smiled shyly. “Um. Bloom Peters.”
“Fairy of . . . something!” Stella supplied. “I don’t know what you did, but that ogre couldn’t touch you. It was amazing. And you weren’t even in fairy form! I had to rely on this.” She paused sadly, a little disappointed in her abilities, spinning her ring around her finger.
Bloom hesitated. “You did finish him off.”
“I sent him about ten kilometers away. But thanks,” she replied.
The room fell silent, and Bloom looked back at her parents. They only stared at her, then looked to Stella.
“What’s fairy form?” Bloom asked after a moment.
Stella furrowed her brow. “You haven’t transformed yet? Most fairies can by thirteen. I was an early bloomer. I did it by twelve,” she said proudly.
Bloom shook her head. Stella sighed and tossed the blanket off her legs, riding to her feet. She held two fingers up on each hand and crossed her arms over her chest. In a flash of light, the form Bloom had seen earlier, pigtails and all, reappeared. Mike and Vanessa gaped.
“So,” Stella said, “let’s see you try.”
Bloom didn’t know where to begin.
Stella was clearly unaware of how to teach someone something that was so integral to her.
“Okay. Well. Um. Hold up your fingers like this,” she instructed, showing Bloom how her index and middle fingers were together while the others were folded on both hands. Bloom copied the position. “Okay. Then, to, um-- Well, this creates sort of a . . . channel of magical power. You want to make a burst of energy that will allow you to transform. By crossing your hands over each other, the energy from both sides meets, and--”
Bloom nodded and did as she remembered Stella doing. Nothing happened.
“No! Okay, yes, I mean. That’s what I do. But you have to find your own technique,” she explained. “A lot of fairy families have techniques specific to them, but I mean, even then, you really just have to find what works for you. And sometimes it depends on powers. Certain focuses need to be charged in different ways. I don’t really need any of that, but I just think it’s easier to have the energy close during transformation--”
Vanessa interrupted. “Is this something you should be doing inside the house?”
Stella started, as if she’d forgotten they were there. “It’s harmless. Really. And Bloom needs to know how to transform if she’s going to go to Alfea with me.”
“Alfea,” Bloom repeated, intrigued by the idea. Mike shook his head.
“My daughter is not going anywhere, especially not some school we’ve never even heard of.”
With a dainty huff, Stella lifted her shoulders. “I just told you! It’s the best place Bloom can go to train herself. She’s a fairy! She needs it.”
Bloom slowly lowered her arms. Looking back at her parents, she hesitated. “Um. When does school start? Maybe I can consider it,” she tried to mediate.
“Um, problem,” Stella pointed out gently. “I’m on my way to school. And I’m really kind of late. My parents are going to kill me. School starts in like three days. I’m supposed to be moving in now. But I’m sure Ms. Faragonda will turn a blind eye if I bring you!”
Bloom looked back at her parents. Vanessa smiled as she placed a hand on her shoulder. “Maybe next year, honey. I don’t think--”
Stella sighed. The ring around her finger began to glow, and the color drained from her face. “Oh! I’m so sorry to dash off like this, really, but if you’re not coming, I have to go. My parents are trying to track me, and if they find out I’m on Earth--” Her face lit up. “Aha! I can say the ogre attacked me. That will work. Yeah, I was transporting, and I fell on Earth because he attacked. But I still ought to go. Thank you so much. May the moon and stars bless you.” She pulled the ring from her finger and tossed it up until it turned back into the scepter Bloom had seen her carry. In another flash of light, she disappeared.
Eventually, the Peters decided that the best thing to do was forget about the encounter. Bloom was still unsure of the existence of magic, and her parents were unsure of what to do with the knowledge. Summer passed; school resumed, and Bloom spent her time with Selina and Andy delving into fantasy novels and homework.
As for the crown princess of Solaria, she elected to remove their part in the story when she arrived at Alfea. After all, why would anyone believe there was a fairy on Earth? She’d already been nearly expelled. It was better to stay on the straight and narrow this year. Her suitemates never had a clue that Stella was involved in any incidents other than the decimation of the potions lab.
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
Nashville Sommelier Kenton Embry Wants to Elevate Your Experience With Wine
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On Friday, May 29, 2020, Kenton Embry will be working a shift with VinePair to answer any and all of your wine questions. No question is too simple or too advanced. Text a Somm is a fundraiser in partnership with The United Sommeliers Foundation to benefit the thousands of wine professionals whose careers have been put on hold during the Covid-19 crisis. In addition to paying the sommelier for their shift, VinePair will be making a donation to the USF, and so can you by clicking here. Text your questions to Kenton from 7-10 PM ET on Friday, May 29 at (914) 580-4540.
Kenton Embry is the sommelier and restaurant manager at Union Common in Nashville, Tenn. In this intimate fine-dining restaurant, Embry curated a wine list that is both balanced and food-friendly. He takes pride in his strong service staff, excellent bar team, and the restaurant’s approachable presentation of wine.
Embry’s selections for the Union Common wine list include about 150 producers, offering a wide variety of wines including vertical selections. For those eager to explore, Embry believes that on this multifaceted list there truly are options for every type of wine drinker. Below, Embry delves into his love of wine, jazz, and chatting with restaurant guests to ensure they have an elevated experience.
1. What are you drinking the most in quarantine?
Campari. I absolutely love the stuff and drink it neat. Also, water! You’ve got to stay hydrated, even if you’re stuck at home.
2. What is the most memorable bottle you’ve opened in quarantine?
I had potentially come into contact with Covid-19 and was starting to feel quite ill. I spent a night in the hospital getting checked out and self-quarantined for two weeks after to be safe. When I finished, I popped a bottle of Billecart-Salmon Brut Rosé. I’ve had it before, but this time felt more significant. I put on some jazz records and made a night out of it. Sometimes that Billy just hits different, ya know?
One of the more interesting bottles, and inexpensive by comparison, that I’ve opened recently was a 2016 Descombes Côte du Py. It really changed my perspective on what Beaujolais can be. It was noticeably tannic and black fruit-driven, two things that really set it apart. I drank it with some fried chicken and it was stellar.
3. How do you make guests feel comfortable if they seem intimidated by you (in a restaurant)?
I think people sometimes get this impression of sommeliers as if we are these guardians of ancient wisdom, and shouldn’t be bothered unless you ordered something expensive. This is, of course, completely false, and anyone that makes you feel this way is doing the profession a disservice.
I go out of my way to make sure each table knows that I’m here to elevate their experience, not to up-sell wine. Some of my favorite guest interactions are when the table already knows what they want and would just like to have a fun conversation. Somms are just nerds with a wine tool instead of a pocket protector. Chat us up.
4. What’s the best wine you can get at the grocery or discount store?
Finger Lakes Riesling. Not enough people are talking about this. It’s so good, and so very affordable.
Raeburn makes a good grocery store Chardonnay, if you’re into that style. I saw a bottle of Marqués de Riscal the last time I went grocery shopping, and I’m a big fan of their wines.
5. What regions and styles of wines are you most interested in?
Burgundy will never not be fascinating to me. It’s my white whale; I’m always chasing it but can never quite catch it. I really like Greek wine, too, and I think it should have a bigger presence in the market. Xinomavro and Moschofilero are so unique and interesting. My heart is in Spain and Italy, though. Numanthia was my “ah-ha!” wine, and Amarone is, gun to my head, probably my favorite wine.
6. What’s the best way to ask for a budget-friendly bottle at a restaurant?
Just be honest. Nobody should ever feel ashamed of the wine they like or the amount they want to spend. I’d much rather you get a bottle of by-the-glass wine and enjoy your experience than spend an extra $50 on a bottle and fight about it on the way home.
7. Which regions offer the best value?
Bandol. Everyone knows Domaine Tempier, and they make great stuff. But there are other producers out there making wine just as good. Domaine de Terrebrune is one that comes to mind. So tasty.
Southern Italy has some fantastic wine for next to nothing. Negroamaro, specifically. Both Aglianico and Sagrantino make some serious wines that are very reasonably priced, considering the quality. The entire Murcia region in Spain makes some great value wines, too.
Also, in my opinion, Washington Cab doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. You can get some real winners in that $25-$35 range.
8. Where do you like to buy wine online (or which clubs do you recommend)?
This is a relatively new endeavor to me. I usually try to buy at local wine shops and support surrounding businesses, but seeing as that’s not possible now, I’ve had to change up my purchasing habits.
I’ve always been a fan of Ian Cauble’s Somm Select, and have used that for years. You can find some pretty awesome deals on there if you stay involved. They also provide a blind tasting flight, which is always valuable, especially at a time like this.
Ed note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
The article Nashville Sommelier Kenton Embry Wants to Elevate Your Experience With Wine appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/text-somm-kenton-embry/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/619105741991706624
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Sorry for the delay...
I am still trying to keep to a schedule for posting on time, at least weekly. So I am sorry that I didn’t post last week. Seeing how I didn’t get much done due to family being in from out of town and starting a new job, I wasn’t very happy that I didn’t get to write as much as I would have liked. But I’m trying not to get discouraged. Life happens and I just have to stop trying to be a perfectionist and stop making excuses and just write. My new goal this past week was to try to start writing everyday in an attempt to warm up for November. I did write one day out of 3, so not great but at least I tried. I’m going to post what I wrote below. Be warned, it’s not edited and it is very rough. Hope to accomplish more this coming week. 
Warning the following is a hard look into a writers mind when they have placed no boundaries on what they wanted to write. There is also no proofreading done on this. Not everything I share here will be perfect, especially the milestone of my first one thousand and six hundred and sixty-six words. Enjoy:
The lap top is mocking me. I stare at it across from the room, smoking a cigarette and trying to read while I wait for my grocery delivery. “I’m going to write,” I tell it, defiance in my tone. Well I hope there is defiance, but I fear there is a whine and more of an apology than showing strength of character. The food still hasn’t arrived, I sigh. I want to try to test out my writing schedule, get two weeks of writing in before November starts. I want to write everyday as if it’s a habit I can break. I puff away on another cigarette and wonder where the groceries are. The lap top looks at me accusingly and I really can’t blame it. Since I’ve started work I haven’t opened my laptop and I’m saddened by this. I was prepping so hard and really wanted to finish outlining the novel I’m planning to write in November. Dissappointment and guilt swirl in me. And my laptop is snickering at me and gloating. I roll my eyes and wonder where my groceries are. I try to read and it doesn’t work. I need to write. I don’t even know what I’m going to write but I have to write. I’m aiming for my daily goal for November, one thousand and six hundred and sixty-six words. I need to be able to do this. Why? My laptop asks. And I don’t really want to have conversations with inanimate objects but then I realize that I already have whole conversations in my head and with traffic lights and other things. So what’s the difference if I speak to my laptop? I wonder idly. Two hundred and eighty six words in and I still need more. Where the fuck is my food? I’m not hungry but I don’t want the dogs to be barking when they show up and have dad to be in bed already. Silly dogs bark at the silliest things. Ding, finally the food is on the way. I can put away my groceries and throw out the garbage and then I can write. It’s only like almost nine o’clock and I need to get more than a thousand words down on paper. Where is this even going? My laptop is laughing at me openly now. As I run out to the garage and turn on the lights so the driver doesn’t run away. He brings the bags up to the door and I notice he’s missing a hand. Interesting. The one hand man did it! He delivered my food. I thanked him and he left. Hope his night is more pleasant than mine. I wanted to go to bed early this evening. I went to bed too late last night and now my computer is screaming with laughter. I’m afraid to call it stupid. It might break on me and then what would I do for National novel wirting month? Would strangers be willing to buy me a laptop? Donation? I’m not so sure. I know my family couldn’t be able to assist. And I just started the new job. And I’m a temp making the worst pay. But whatever at least I’m not at the other place, it was literally trying to kill me. I’ve opened my lap top and I’m typing away. I’m not quite there yet. I’ll let you know when you are my laptop purrs to me. It’s kind of getting creepy, as it dings at me and tries to make me loose my rhythm. I told you I was worried that it would do this. I’m sorry baby. Don’t be like that. I want a cigarette now but I’m now half way through. I think. What’s half of one thousand and six hundred and sixty-six? Well I’m over the six hundred and forty mark. So I have to be close. Not even a whole page… Oops spoke to soon, new page alert! I’m typing as fast as I can. I’m trying not to concentrate on the typos. I’m deffinetly turning those off for next month. I’ll have to figure that out since I’m using Scrivner and not word. Why? All my research is there. It’s a pretty nifty program. It’s like writing in a binder with folders and everything is labeled and organized and I really love it. Kind of like my new job. I get to organize and do research and paperwork. People keep asking me how I’m liking it so far. I think tons of people have up and quit on them because why bother asking that and reassuring us that we will get the hang of it though it might take six months. Pshh. It took me almost a year when I first started at the call center before my metrics started improving. Thankfully I was able to rise up and get off the phones and help fellow agents. Too bad the man came in and made changes. That’s when the job began to try to kill me. I really want a cigarette, but I’m doing so good. It’s been at least 13 minutes since I started this. Actually a bit longer, closer to fifteen maybe twenty because I had to make an emergency call for my dad to my mom. She’s traveling. She loves to travel. This is not being edited by the way. I might post this up on face book and yeah this all stream of consciousness but I’m not caring. And shit, fuck, damn and balls, I realized that my math was really off. Six hundred and forty words is not half of one thousand and six hundred and sixty-six. I have a feeling some one will comment on my messed up math before they read that I realized it. But to be fair try to do math and something else at the same time. My laptop is giving me a look. Oh fine yes I like to do math in my head while I’m driving. But that really doesn’t count, I’m paying enough attention not to hit anything and I’m trying to calculate complex equations. Like what are the odds of getting a specific license plate (and before last week I had trouble spelling license, but now I’m writing it several times a day five days a week and my spelling has improved already. Or at least by one word). So where was I, oh yes so I was trying to calculate the statistics of getting any specific license plate and I needed to know how many could New York state have in going at one time if they needed all of them. Then I noticed that commercial cars and trucks (not the big rig trucks but the pick up type trucks) had different license plate configurations. See residential (?) plates start off with three letters than have four numbers. Where as commercial plates start with two letters and then have five numbers. It’s fascinating. So I started to calculate it. I’m afraid the number was pretty big, too big for me to calculate with out pen and paper or at least a calculator on hand. Any ways new update I am at one thousand and two hundred and four words and I’m pretty pleased with my self. It’s about ten minutes since I last checked the clock. We can count the words between now and when I mentioned thirteen. I typed it as a number up above and that kind of pisses me off right now. But I’m just going to keep going. My laugher is echoing around me. Oh shit it wasn’t the lap top that was mocking it was my own head. Figures. I knew I needed to write and I was feeling pretty guilty about getting the number of words down. Oh cool, new page alert. Over three hundred words to go and now I’m feeling like I’m watching my mileage on a lease. That happens too. Well a lot. And a lot is two words people. Ohhh that’s what I should write about tomorrow, rants on grammar and spelling that I hate. Just kidding. Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t really want to try to plan a story or scene while I’m prepping for national novel writing month but I think I might try a short story on Thrusday. I’m getting my hair done tomorrow, and no I’m still going to write but I’m going to put some effort in to plotting my novel. I’m still writing even its not consecutive words on a page. I’m sticking my tongue out at you all. Why did I want to do this? Oh yeah. Because if I don’t challenge myself and get into the habit of writing I will never finish anything. I have to be at least as good as Rocky Flinstone if not better and I can’t prove I am with out finishing something. Anything. I just need to keep going. Its hard and believe me I know it. But I’m at the one thousand five hundred and eight word mark and I can’t believe it. In about forty five minutes of rambling on and wishing for a cigarette but denying myself I’m almost at my word count. And if finish plotting my book and lay out the scenes, this will be even easier because I know what I’ll want to write and keep going. Sometimes it’s harder to blindly write and jump on to that white page and dirty it all up with the words inside your head. Less than a hundred words to go and silence decends on the house. The dogs are sleeping softly on the living furniture and dad has gone of to bed and I’m typing away. Click click click my fingers speed across the keyboard, the closer I get the less I worry about typos and I’m free. Just running with the thoughts and the words and I’m almost there. I’m not sure how I’ll end this, but thank you.
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ethicsustinvest · 5 years
PODCAST: Low Cost ESG, Sustainable Companies, Robo-Advisor Greenwashing
In this edition, I’m covering several items that I believe are important to listeners of Ethical and Sustainable News to Profit By! Plus, I’m doing a special review of robo-advisors and their offerings for ethical and sustainable investors in the USA and Canada.
The four most recent newsworthy items for ethical and sustainable investing are:
1) Who runs the world? The global status of women in leadership.
2) ESG investing does not cost more, research shows.
3) The 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies.
4) Sustainable and ethical standards are in vogue, but only governance is affecting ratings, Fitch finds.
1) Who runs the world? The global status of women in leadership, by Sophie L'Helias & Adria Vasil, March 9, 2019, Corporate Knights, Canada.
This is a quote from their article: "Regardless of progress at the board level, the glaring reality is that the world’s largest corporations are stalled in second gear when it comes to hiring women in C-suite leadership roles. Top senior executive officers with the letter C in their title (CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, CSO) lag behind on gender in all markets."
Although several reputable studies have shown that having women and diversities on boards and in management generally leads to superior financial performance, corporations generally have been slow to include them.
Some further thoughts on this:
Firstly, the study covered the 1,500 largest publicly-traded companies for more than three years.
Secondly, in the article there’s a great country breakdown and it shows—as usual—Scandinavian countries leading.
But, progress is being made by women and as an investor interested in ethical and sustainable investing, you might want to consider when investing the proportion of women and diversities on the boards and in management of the companies you’re interested in. Furthermore, there are several new funds that specifically invest in companies with higher proportions of women in management.
They include:
- Impact Shares YWCA Women's Empowerment ETF on the NYSE Arca exchange, under the ticker WOMN
- In Canada, the RBC Vision Women’s Leadership MSCI Canada Index ETF, RLDR on the Aequitas NEO Exchange.
- In the UK, Barclays Women in Leadership Total Return Index – ETF Tracker, ticker symbol WIL.
2) ESG investing does not cost more, research shows, by Frank van Alphen, February 19, 2019, IPE, UK
Quoting the article, "Pension funds performing well on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors don’t incur higher asset management costs, according to research. Research by Dutch consultant Gaston Siegelaer indicated that improvements to investors’ ESG policies did not increase costs either."
These were Dutch pension funds that were studied. Now, most people believe that ESG investing does cost more. However, the big differential that once existed is now much lower. Also, it used to be that ethical and sustainable funds were small, that ESG information was not as available and was expensive to produce. So, for those reasons ethical and sustainable funds did have significantly higher fees.
However, today, the situation is considerably different. Vanguard, in the US, now has sustainable funds with fees as low 0.12% annually!
3) The 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies, by Leslie P. Norton, February 8, 2019, Barron's, USA.
Barron's list is compiled by the well-known and respected SRI fund company, Calvert Research and Management. Hence, it's to be respected. Calvert has been around since 1982 and helped pioneer socially responsible investing in the US. To create the list, Calvert rated the SRI credentials of the 1,000 largest (by market capitalization) publicly held companies headquartered and incorporated in the United States
I have a link in my transcript to the article (here.) Their top 5 American companies are: Best Buy, Cisco Systems, Agilent Technologies, HP Inc. and Texas Instruments.
4) Sustainable and ethical standards are in vogue, but only governance is affecting ratings, Fitch finds, by Chad Bray, February 26, 2019, South China Morning Post courtesy of Yahoo!, Hong Kong.
This is a fascinating stat from the article: "The credit rating agency, however, found that less than one per cent of financial institutions have ESG factors that have actually driven a ratings change, with governance risk being the biggest issue. Governance includes such things as executive pay, audits and efforts to weed out money laundering."
Two key points stand out in Fitch's findings. Firstly, how small an impact ESG is having on credit ratings! It makes me wonder how much credit rating agencies utilize ESG criteria. Secondly, Fitch doesn't say if the analysis was only from their company or if other ratings' agencies were involved. For instance, it would be interesting to know what differences there are in the use of ESG criteria between agencies. Ethical investors, particularly, might find that useful.
However, it seems that in the future that just as these ratings agencies grade bonds—AAA, BBB, etc.--they’re likely to add ESG credit grades to stocks! This could revolutionize how we make investment decisions!
Now for a special review of robo-advisors. These are automated app based low cost investment platforms. So rather than going to, say, an investment advisor or stock broker and getting advice and funds or stocks from them, there are now these apps—called robo-advisors—to do all that work for you.
There was recently a great review of these in a post titled,
Is your ethical investing app upselling greenwash? by Adria Vasil, March 5, 2019, Corporate Knights, Canada.
Corporate Knights have produced one of the few really good analytical studies on ethical investing apps for North Americans. They believe there are some good robo apps for Americans, but not so for Canadians.
Before going into their findings let me make some points.
My principle concern with robo investing apps for ethical and sustainable investing is that they will still put you into a least a few investments that don’t reflect your personal values. You rarely, if ever, really feel completely comfortable with everything in their portfolio.
This is because they nearly all use low cost ESG ETFs. These are mostly passive, not actively managed, funds. But the big drawback is that they’re based on ESG indexes and these indexes will rarely match your personal values.
Also, these indexes tend to be poorly diversified. Often, they’re overweight in tech and financial stocks too. The 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies reviewed above is a clear example of this as their top 5 companies are related to tech. So, it’s a bit like putting all your eggs in one basket – that’s never a good idea.
Also, many of the robo-advisors are new financial entities. What happens to your money if the management firm dissolves—for whatever reason? That is a concern rarely discussed but if your looking at long-term investing, it’s a very real consideration! Now in most developed countries there are usually government regulations concerning such investments so your actual principal might have a degree of protection.
Also, with many data breaches in the news, how secure is your information on their site?
It’s for these and many other reasons that I suggest those interested in ethical and sustainable investing take my 1-hour DIY Ethical-Sustainable Investing Pays Tutorial before even considering robo-advisors, or in fact, investing at all. In my tutorial, you’ll easily learn how to create a portfolio of stocks that truly represent your personal values! And no financial is required and you won’t have to bother with any math. Furthermore, creating your own stock portfolio will likely cost you even less than the lowest fee robo-advisor!
However, should you want to review some ethical-sustainable investing robo-advisors, I suggest you look at those in the Corporate Knights post. But do your own research and perhaps check with an investment professional before deciding for yourself.
For Americans, Corporate Knights suggest looking at Swell and OpenInvest.
While, Corporate Knights says, “For Canadians, well, robo-advisors may not be the best route for you until the companies behind them offer more truly values-driven options.”
For listeners elsewhere, you might want to do a web search for reviews of robo- advisors in your country.
As you would expect, robo-advisors are largely targeted at younger, tech oriented investors. So, read the research on them by Corporate Knights and other trustworthy sources, but remember my remarks here.
That’s all I want to cover in this edition—though let me add a few final points.
And remember, I’m here to help you grow in your investment success—and investing in opportunities that reflect your personal values!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this podcast or for anything else investment related.
A big thank you for listening—and please click any of the share buttons to share this podcast with your friends and family.
Bye for now!
If any terms are unfamiliar to you, you might like to go to INVESTOPEDIA and scroll down to the very bottom to see their A-Z dictionary.
© 2019 Ron Robins, Investing for the Soul. All rights reserved.
Check out this episode!
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Facts About skin care Revealed
I favor the particular Darling face mask by way of Chief Tresses Skin shade therapies with their epidermis face cleaner. Genuinely beneficial thanks !! see listed here my report key for flawless skin ... Bear in mind, the skin on your own face is way more delicate compared to the skin on your own arms and legs. Opt for exfoliating scrubs carefully. The much larger the grains, the greater abrasive the scrub will likely be. Keep away from scrubs with walnut shells Should you have sensitive skin. Take care of yourself to an expensive wax treatment method like they do in posh spas worldwide. Dip palms into warm wax and afterwards peel away leaving palms smooth and supple. Resource In the event you have oily skin chances are you'll change milk with h2o or even a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. To help make orange peel electric power, preserve orange peels out inside the Sunshine for every week or so for drying after which you can grind them. Earning on the face pack is amongst the simplest Do-it-yourself do-it-yourself techniques to handle the oily and acne inclined skin. Let us have a journey to obtain an idea of methods of planning from the orange face mask for oily skin and acne. These seem to be superb face masks, honey does wonders on your skin and leaves your face extremely clean! Yet another face mask that's Tremendous simple and extremely advantageous is an easy honey and cinnamon mask. (You can pick out and add upto 5 pictures in a comment. The overall dimensions of all of your illustrations or photos need to be under 1 MB. Click on button and make sure to choose all the photographs you should add.) This email is already in use. Please login if you would like modify your interaction Tastes. Enroll to our E-newsletter wikiHow is really a wiki comparable to Wikipedia, which implies a large number of of our articles or blog posts are composed collaboratively. To make this post, eighty four people today, some anonymous, worked to edit and make improvements to it eventually. Categories: Egg Face Masks Thanks for your personal short article. I similar to the way. You stated the honey mask Guidelines. Your mask is simple to create. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088297497930186 'm going to try it in my future spa cure. I find it irresistible. Mister healmunsta. Source How I utilize it is always that I mix orange peel powder along with chickpea flour, lemon n a pinch of turmeric. My face is blessed using a great glow n shine To use, unfold the paste on the face that has a phrase of warning. Go away the paste as it can be for twenty-30 minutes till the mask thickens into a thick coat on the face. Enable it dry for this meantime and now wash it off.
Fascination About orange face mask
I like a good lip balm yr-round, but particularly in the cold months when my lips can chap. So visualize my surprise After i discovered you could potentially make your individual utilizing beeswax, almond oil, honey and a piece of outdated lipstick. Here are several actually very simple DIY face mask recipes that have become highly regarded between honey enthusiasts. The actions and elements involved with each mask are really easy which you can get ready it in a couple of minutes. Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, However, are noted for their ability to moisturize and hydrate skin, leaving it with a healthier glow. These masks are great for people with dry skin. Tdas Face mask for dust pollution for men Gals Young ones bicycle bikers air anti air pollution dustproof mask washable reusable (Navy Blue) Simultaneously, it is actually considered to be a obligation for the corporation to deliver The shoppers with Value-productive items. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. To circumvent the mask from dripping just about everywhere, look at laying down or sitting in a cushty chair with your head tilted back. You may as well use this mask within the bathtub while you are soaking or having a stress-free bath. There are a few substances that you just Pretty much can’t go Completely wrong with in Do it yourself skincare. And honey is unquestionably at the very best on the list. This kitchen area pantry staple is Employed in foods and medicine For the reason that Stone Age. In this article’s why your skin enjoys it, also. Co-authored by wikiHow Employees Linked Searches for face mask: Young ones face mask fishing face mask cartoon face mask medical mask monkey face mask beard face mask kevlar face mask nurse face mask breathable face mask waterproof face mask antibacterial face mask plague health care provider mask mouth mask quite face masks 3m n95 mask A lot more... Add the honey into the egg white and lemon juice, and blend almost everything again. You will need ½ tablespoon of honey. Be sure that it's the translucent, runny kind. Honey is antibacterial and functions being a normal antiseptic. It is also moisturizing and will help replenish the skin.[three] Author Details [nine] In case you have delicate skin, cinnamon could potentially cause some irritation. To determine if https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087107481564823552 is going to be bothered via the cinnamon, take a look at the mask mixture on a small patch of skin to view the way you react.[ten] It really is something that the many beauty industries are actually utilizing of their items because of it many skin Rewards. Utilize this paste throughout your face, neck and problematic skin and cover your eyes with cucumber slice. Now lie down and loosen up for quarter-hour prior to clean your face.
5 Essential Elements For banana face mask
It is going to give an itching really feel but don’t get worried it'll go away in a few minutes. If the time continues to be passed clean your face appropriately. In Gals of coloration, skin could appear ashy or uninteresting from useless skin buildup. These face masks, coupled with frequent exfoliation and day by day utilization of moisturizers need to soothe dry, chapped skin. I have quite oily skin and several open pores on nose and chiks.so what i do for minimizing these open pores right away Another thing is never implement lemon juice on sensitive skin. You need to consider particular safeguards even though working with lemon juice with your skin. Read this informative article: Some declare this mask eliminates dim circles. So I've diluted this mask with drinking water and used it frivolously below my eyes. It did make the underneath eyes look rather less dim. Many thanks much for this! I’m 32 and utilised the mask to “struggle wrinkles”. I didn’t have OJ so I utilised a vitamin C capsule as an alternative in the combination. SO Excellent. Straight away after my skin appears to be like plump and radiant, at least experience five decades youthful I take advantage of this mask consistently! I acquire employed the morning’s coffee grounds combine in olive oil or possibly a cream and Mix right into a paste. I also put in a little turmeric powder. In India turmeric is usually Utilized in face masks for making the skin glow and to avoid skin eruptions. Coconut oil melts with little warmth. Just putting a dab in good type during the palm of the hand will soften swiftly. Should you’re worried about it clogging, I'd suggest managing some incredibly hot water during the sink that has a sprint of dawn dish soap to interrupt it up When you have completed with the oil. It shouldn’t genuinely do any harm, although the dish soap may be a simple preventative evaluate. i have little pours on my cheeks and nose and in addition acne challenge…. be sure to help me to get rid of this.. This mask on your own received’t eradicate the acne episodes. You might have to try this mask together with other property-solution. Yogurt is so amazing when applied to the skin. It is made up of lactic acid which will sleek and gently exfoliate your skin when also cutting down great lines and wrinkles by tightening your pores. You can also find purely natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal Qualities that may fight acne. All of us begin our day having a cup of coffee to energise ourselves, appropriate? But did you know how it can help in boosting our beauty? Bananas also comprise Vitamin E which assistance to enhances the hydration standard of the skin. In addition, it increases skin texture. In addition, it heals acne and acne scars. In addition, it consists of a strong antioxidant which guards your skin from unsafe UV rays. Hello mam,content new year..i m 29M,I choose to talk to that this banana may help my face to glow again ? I don’t know where by that glow absent.. I under no circumstances apply any cosmetics on my face as my skin is rather delicate.
face mask Options
hi am Ruckshana now i have a dilemma that is definitely skin switch and more pimples as well as my skin has grown to be very tough and also dark circles also so you should advise any face mask you should And that i designed an answer of making tamotos each day but its not Performing yha and also no soaps can also be working i detest of All of this so be sure to i humbly requste you to supply me a good Answer today i’ll attempt of with banana Adding whey to face masks is a superb strategy, Anne! You can utilize it instead of drinking water, or simply consider incorporating it in face masks, as you said. Pineapple juice will help in reducing fine traces and wrinkles with your face and in addition in sensitive locations like beneath the eyes. Easy is key listed here. You should locate a good cleanser that the skin responds perfectly to and stick with it. Power-full of every one of the goodness of those superb elements, this face mask is likely to make the skin glow and remove tan from oily skin. Over a period of time, you will certainly recognize an General improvement inside your skin texture, spots on your skin is going to be lightened and you may practical experience a whole new glow and shine as part of your skin. No you can do these. These will never have any poor Unwanted side effects. Rather these will beautify and soften your skin……… Wet a washcloth and push it for your face to loosen the mask, then rinse with heat drinking water. When you've got delicate skin, you need to stay away from rubbing your face as the coffee grounds could probably scratch your skin. Raw honey was prized for its therapeutic Houses in ancient civilizations. In Egyptian And Ayurvedic traditions, honey was utilised to treat skin wounds and Diseases (examine more details on the ancient utilizes of honey listed here). Thanks, KoraleeP and WhiteMuse! Glad to carry banana face masks to the consideration, They can be very powerful however simply obtainable and all-natural. Here are a few definitely basic Do-it-yourself face mask recipes that became very fashionable among honey enthusiasts. The measures and components associated with Every mask are so easy you could prepare it in a couple of minutes. offering every type of oranges. Each and every time that I head to the market for buying, I don’t neglect to choose a packet of oranges to quench my love for this favorite fruit of mine. So, by now you have to have understood that nowadays’s submit is regarding how to create an effective face mask for oily skin applying this surprise fruit. Females are already working with orange considering the fact that ages to pamper their skin and it is one of the techniques driving flawless skin For a lot of women, who don't just consume it often, but also utilize it in a variety of types like pulp, juice as well as inside the dry peel powder sort on their skin. Our partners use cookies to ensure we provide you with promotion that's related to you. In case you proceed with out Altering your settings, we will presume that you're delighted to get all cookies on Boldsky Web site. However, you'll be able to adjust your cookie configurations at any time. Find out more A bit cinnamon oil may be used While using the coconut oil, but I might only make use of a fall or two in a little jar of coconut oil–a lot more than that may burn up the skin. Here are some of the best normal moisturizers for oily skin. As you are a male, use these skin care techniques for Adult men:
honey face mask Things To Know Before You Buy
Incorporate the honey into the egg white and lemon juice, and mix every thing once again. You'll need ½ tablespoon of honey. Make sure that it's the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and acts as a purely natural antiseptic. It is additionally moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[3] This egg white mask may be rather drying, so it’s best to apply olive oil for your skin just after washing it off. • Blend orange peel powder and raw milk in equivalent amounts to kind a clean paste. Established it apart for a couple of several hours. Just before trying any of those facials, examination a little place of the skin just before making use of the mixture on your whole face. This is particularly essential to do if you have sensitive skin. Incorporate lemon juice for the egg white. You'll need 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will work as a all-natural astringent and assistance eradicate the acne and blackhead-creating micro organism. It might also assistance lighten your skin.[2] Insert a mashed up banana on the egg yolk. Peel a banana open up, and Reduce it to more compact parts which has a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana should help nourish your face. Masks may also reveal a society's great of feminine magnificence. The masks of Punu of Gabon have really arched eyebrows, Virtually almond-shaped eyes along with a narrow chin. The elevated strip running from either side with the nose to the ears characterize jewellery. Dark black hairstyle, tops the mask off. The whiteness of your face symbolize the whiteness and beauty on the spirit world. Hello Amy just after readin your comment I had been in a position to get to the conclusion that coconut oil is an additional matter I respond to which makes me at risk of cystic acne constantly. The egg white, lemon, and honey mask will help decrease blackhead and acne even though the egg yolk, olive oil, and banana mask will help moisturize and nourish your skin. Read this informative article to learn the way for making equally! You are able to do the egg white facial as component of your weekly skin upkeep regimen. For face masks targeted to avoiding excessively oily skin, check out this hub rather: ... Apply a moisturizer on your skin. Seal within the moisturizing consequences of your scrub with your favorite moisturizer. Shower right after. In case you shower just before, the eggs will don't have anything to "get onto". Immediately after, you desire the mask to get perfectly and actually off your face, and also a shower can help with that. I’ve been a makeup and skincare junkie practically my total daily life. Believe me After i let you know that no other retail outlet purchased scrub, It doesn't matter how expensive, has even appear near to this super uncomplicated selfmade coffee scrub and mask. I get the ideal benefits from it! Decide on an oil. The next oils include ingredients that may profit your skin:[twelve] Olive oil is of course antibacterial and can moisturize very dry skin with no clogging pores.
New Step by Step Map For coffee face mask
In essence, the quantity of honey must be adequate To combine perfectly Using the pulp. Mix effectively into a uniform paste and your apple honey mask is ready to use. We gained’t seriously advise you retail store the egg whites and use it to your face later on. It is best to employ a contemporary just one for each application. Don an previous t-shirt about your dresses to forestall yellow stains from turmeric, which can be very difficult to wash off. Generally known as The new Face Mask, it can be composed of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that causes the burning feeling, but that’s if you put a lot more than 1/two a teaspoon! What much better than obtaining some great benefits of exfoliation and calming in one face mask? Nicely, the Oatmeal and banana face mask would be the just one which offers you scrubbing and smoothening effect concurrently. Apply the face mask with your face, averting the eyes and mouth spot, exactly where the skin is dryer and more sensitive. I choose The actual Darling face mask by Leader Tresses Skin color therapies with their epidermis face cleaner. Actually https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pheiMyCcH_E !! see here my posting secret for flawless skin ... Hello! Healthmunsta, I thank you for sharing this information about egg white face mask. When I was in highschool, I had a Instructor who explained to me that she uses egg white and milk mixture for her face mask. You could possibly just keep it in an air-restricted container and set it within the freezer. Then upcoming week, just get rid of it about an hour or so prior to deciding to utilize it in order for it to thaw. • Provide a healthier glow towards your skin by mixing 3 tablespoons of orange juice in 50 % a cup of natural and organic honey and smearing this solution onto your face and neck for twenty-25 minutes.   Using orange peel, Uncooked honey, and oats, this recipe is great for finding rid of acne and notorious pimples. Raw honey contains antibacterial Attributes that clear away germs that result in acne from deep in the skin pores. Inside a clear mixing bowl, whisk with each other the egg white and lemon juice until eventually the mixture will become frothy. The lemon juice masks the odour of the egg white. Add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPFg-ea8EVQ of honey and stir properly. Caution: Kelp could be allergenic to some resulting from its superior iodine articles. Also, kelp may be rich in metallic pollutants like guide and cadmium, since nearly all industrial sewage and wastes are finally dumped in the seas. Blend clay, honey and apple cider vinegar in a little non-reactive bowl (never ever use metallic when dealing with clay). Stir collectively and Carefully implement into the face and neck. Right after quarter-hour, take out the mask with heat h2o, then with chilly h2o.
The best Side of honey face mask
Utilizing orange peels to produce face masks might just seem a little ludicrous nonetheless it’s one of the better ways to guarantee glowing, young on the lookout skin. Listed here’s how you may make them in the comfort and ease of your own home. Thanks a great deal for this excellent informative Hub that may be valuable to receive fantastic face complexion. Lately Many of us are expending far too much dollars to maintain their fantastic skin health and fitness. These organic treatments feel more a lot better than These synthetic creams. (i) As this mask is fairly sticky, You should definitely pull back your hair with a head scarf or band to stop your hair from obtaining tousled Using the mask. Instructions: To kind this anti growing older skin care face mask which also incorporates a lightening outcome, set every one of the components inside a blender, or mash by hand in a very bowl. Make use of your fingers to spread the mask over your face and neck and depart it on for a minimum of half an hour, preferably for a longer period, right before eliminating. Mash a ripe tomato along with the skin and blend freshly squeezed lemon juice. Use it around the freckled skin and therapeutic massage Carefully for about 15 minutes so that the mixture penetrates the deep levels in the skin. Do this two situations day consistently. Hopefully, the freckles will commence lightening in several weeks time. Incorporating whey to face masks is an excellent concept, Anne! You should use it instead of h2o, or maybe test incorporating it in face masks, as you claimed. @Anne Harrison: Hello there and welcome! Whey h2o is not merely good for skin, but also for hair! It softens skin and leaves it searching smoother and more healthy. Whey water also incorporates Reside cultures of pleasant bacteria which will help equilibrium skin's pH also. (i) Whilst making use of a organic face mask such as this, enable it to be confident to face about your sink or in lavatory to prevent slippage on the ground. Hi chandni…plz assist me am i able to preserve milk overnight on my face wil it have ny sideeffcts i implement milk with cotton n hold it overnight n sumtimes i evn rub a Computer of banana in excess of it n wash it in d morng…plzz lemme knw wil it hve ny sideefcts…wtng fr ur response I was doing some study on working with honey for acne, and I found this article. Listed here’s an interesting quote: An impressively chic but simple hairstyle that anyone can do Hair six An impressively stylish still basic hairstyle that anyone can perform favourite53 Making use of orange peel for skin care has multiple benefits, considered one of and that is reducing blemishes, specially when coupled with honey. I'm acquiring pimples for 1 yr i employed many but almost nothing worked .could you recommend me by using pimples and marks obtained by them Applying a white face mask created with what may very well be clay, Grande addressed herself to your clearing and hydrating skincare stage that is often neglected in the course of busy periods. — Christian Allaire, Vogue
Examine This Report on strawberry face mask
This combination of attributes, in conjunction with some great benefits of honey which we’re now explained make for an awesome acne therapy. Three pics of the exact same feminine noh mask displaying how the expression improvements that has a tilting of The pinnacle. In these photos, the mask was affixed to your wall with consistent lights, and just the digicam moved. I like the particular Darling face mask as a result of Chief Tresses Skin shade therapies with their epidermis face cleaner. Definitely valuable thanks !! see in this article my write-up solution for flawless skin ... Electricity-full of the many goodness of these wonderful elements, this face mask could make the skin glow and take away tan from oily skin. Above a length of time, you will certainly notice an Total advancement in your skin texture, spots on the skin are going to be lightened and you may experience a completely new glow and glow with your skin. > Onion juice is extensively made use of for a organic solution to treat hair reduction and hair thinning. It contains vast quantities of sulfur, and that is a part in the amino acids located in the hair. Skip the recent water when bathing or showering, and use lukewarm drinking water instead. Very hot h2o can really feel relaxing, however it may strip your skin of its natural oils. Oily skin is usually a norm, especially in warm and humid climatic conditions. Coping with this certain style of skin can be fairly complicated as you need to be excess careful with the skin and food stuff routines. One more custom of European masks produced, more self-consciously, from court and civic functions, or entertainments managed by guilds and co-fraternities. These grew from the sooner revels and experienced develop into evident by the fifteenth century in sites like Rome, and Venice, where they developed as entertainments to enliven towns and towns. Hence the Maundy Thursday carnival in St Marks Square in Venice, attended because of the Doge and aristocracy also involved the guilds, which include a guild of maskmakers. Pick one that satisfies your skin type and also you are in your strategy to getting many benefits of honey for your personal skin! Carefully pat your skin dry which has a towel. This is applicable to both the skin on your own face an on your body. It might be a lot better to depart your skin a little moist. Using this method, your skin can take in the excess humidity and re-hydrate by itself.[2] These appear to be fantastic face masks, honey does miracles on your skin and leaves your face extremely smooth! Another face mask that's Tremendous uncomplicated and intensely advantageous is an easy honey and cinnamon mask. Honey for your personal skin is basically nature’s miracle, and these 4 Uncooked honey face mask recipes are a few of my beloved homemade recipes for nourishing my skin. Although the Dogons and Bamana people today both equally believe the antelope symbolises agriculture, they interpret factors the masks in a different way. To your Bamana people, swords signify the sprouting of grain. Software: Apply the mask in your face (specifically on influenced parts), and go away it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, rinse off your face with lukewarm drinking water. Following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YocarBNFYX8 , clean your face once more with chilly drinking water.
pineapple face mask - An Overview
Increase the olive oil or coconut oil. You'll need two teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin sensation tender and clean. If you do not have olive oil, You should utilize coconut oil as a substitute, and that is also really moisturizing. And as Dr. Boling implies, simply a touch of lemon juice can assist to exfoliate and enhance vitamin C absorption. Hi i saw your submit on pointless and cherished it I'm know seeking the coffee mask. Thanks for making use of property products that perform. Picture: Karen Cox/SheKnows For people who don’t have enough time to whip up an entire Do it yourself banana mask, a contemporary banana towards inflamed skin may well do the trick. Apply mixture to skin and therapeutic massage inside a round motion to ensure you are getting rid of useless skin from a face. Avocado has great moisture in it and it hydrates the skin making it supple and tender. Banana is useful from inflammation and skin cracks. When you've got cystic acne, white toothpaste (not gel) is a superb treatment method. Utilize some before you head over to bed just about every evening, and you'll see a big distinction after you awaken. [2] Moreover, orange peel also includes potassium that assists the skin keep its humidity along with magnesium that assists battle skin growing older induced by cellular oxidative harm. Suffice to state then, which the rightful place for orange peels just isn't inside your trash can but within your attractiveness regimen. This skin-tightening mask for oily skin brings together egg whites with freshly squeezed lemon juice that works to lessen oiliness and likewise functions like a purely natural bleaching agent. Caffeine is alleged being quickly absorbed to the skin and might tighten the dilated blood vessels beneath our skin. If Hollywood stars like Eva Longoria can blend coffee into their weekly masks, why can’t we do the identical?! Ooo! Adore that, Elizabeth! I used to set aloe on my face (and hair!), but haven’t in awhile. I blew from the leaves on my aloe plant so quickly executing that, but I really like the thought of obtaining the big kinds and undertaking it how you are doing. The sugar scrub ought to be with the regularity as found while in the image. Use it for The body to have skin that feels rejuvenated and smells new. Just lately, cosmetic manufacturers commenced Placing coffee extract in lots of in their formulation. And once and for all explanation! Adhere to the simple fifteen min stay pack time with this particular mask and pat dry that has a cleanse towel. It's going to go away your skin sensation wonderful and smooth.
skin care Secrets
Wonderful hub. The egg white mask has been around endlessly. I bear in mind my mom discussing how her mother launched her to this. Thanks for bringing existence to it once again. Masks were being used to alienate and silence prisoners in Australian jails from the late 19th century. They ended up fabricated from white fabric and protected the face, leaving only the eyes visible. I attempted making it myself nevertheless it got messy. So I looked up some honey masks online and this was the cheapest I could uncover. Can’t defeat 4oz for $fifteen. And theirs have some good substances extra to it. I went ahead and acquired a pair. Test it out: Ahead of we go forward to how for making the mask, let us take a look at the significance of Each individual of the other included substances: Some 2500 decades back, kings and commoners alike were being entertained by dance and mime accompanied by audio in which the dancers often wore masks, a vestige of the before era when these types of dances have been enacted as spiritual rites. Based on George Goyan, this observe evoked that of Roman funeral rites the place masked actor-dancers represented the deceased with motions and gestures mimicking All those on the deceased while singing the praise of his daily life (see Masks in Efficiency over).[39] Europe You can even prepare a Do it yourself face mask to eliminate facial hair by mixing egg whites with additional-good white sugar and corn starch. The sugar and corn starch flip the whisked egg whites into a peel-off mask upon drying. Burn off mask, a piece of healthcare equipment that protects the melt away tissue from contact with other surfaces, and minimises the risk of an infection @sandy: Use each individual other day and depart it on for a minimum of quarter-hour. Even if you don't have time, utilize it at least as soon as every week - you can expect to nonetheless see the difference. Orange peel powder is great for it refreshes and brightens your skin! Directions: To type this anti getting older skin care face mask which also contains a lightening effect, place every one of the ingredients inside of a blender, or mash by hand inside of a bowl. Use your fingers to spread the mask in excess of your face and neck and leave it on for a minimum of 30 minutes, ideally extended, in advance of getting rid of. We all know that oranges are perfect for overall health, proper? But just like all fruits, the peel essentially incorporates a much increased focus of nutritional vitamins, minerals and nutrients compared to fruit by itself! Although the Dogons and Bamana individuals each imagine the antelope symbolises agriculture, they interpret components the masks in different ways. Towards the Bamana people today, swords characterize the sprouting of grain. In medieval Europe As well as in Japan soldiers and samurai wore equally ferocious-seeking protecting armour, extending to face-masks. From the sixteenth century, the Visard was worn by women to shield from sunburn. Today this perform is attributed to thin balaclavas. Sugar: It is really Mild as being a scrub and doesn't clog pores. Honey: It is a fantastic moisturizer and will help encourage wound therapeutic. The distinction with overall performance masks is not constantly obvious-Lower. Ritual and theatrical masks on their own is often looked upon as practical, and protective masks in a sports context especially are sometimes built to enrich the looks on the wearer. Professional medical
Getting My honey face mask To Work
It's best to only make enough for use on a daily basis but understandably, when existence is occupied it may be easier to make far more upfront. Then distribute the peels on the tray and place them in spots which receive a good amount of sunshine. Permit orange peels dry within the Sunshine for each day or two then crush the peels right into a powder using a blender. You could retailer the powder within an air-restricted container. Preserve the egg yolk and discard the egg white (or put it aside for an additional recipe). Egg yolks not simply support nourish and moisturize your skin, Nonetheless they could also help reduce the looks of blemishes. You can use the egg white to make a simple face mask. To learn the way to help make just one, check with the part on this page on generating a simple mask. The calcium sandalwood assists while in the renewal from the worn out cells and prevent DNA hurt. Also, Check out these residence-made packs to battle wrinkles. Cut down your worry degrees. Stress can not merely wreck havoc with your brain and snooze, but your skin at the same time. It can result in acne, breakouts, and other skin complications. Set real looking targets and limitations for yourself, and depart time each week so as to do things which you delight in. Finally, whisk the combination together with a fork and apply it to your face utilizing your fingers or simply a cotton ball. To find out how to produce a nourishing egg facial mask, scroll down! Add the milk and blend very well to help make a paste. You can make a decision the amount according to the texture you discover most simple. Sorry, we just should make sure you're not a robotic. For most effective success, be sure to make certain your browser is accepting cookies. A warning when employing lemon juice: Lemon can also make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face completely and use sunscreen for those who’ll be out within the sun quickly afterward. I'm wondering what my Duchess will think about all of that delightful egg on my face. Duchess is my beautiful cat. The important oil should really normally be employed with the basic oil in preferred quantity. This maintains an ideal equilibrium! Hello, thanks for The good write-up! I are making use of egg-white now for a few years, but it was instinctive in lieu of having examine it online. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087124334748057601 by yourself works for me. I use to obtain significant zits on my face but now it's Obviously all gone, my pores became limited and no indications of scars, it absolutely was wonderful. I apply it every single tuesday and friday. Oh and I also dab ice on my face. I actually wouldn't advocate lemon. Lots of attractiveness authorities say You do not will need them due to the fact toners are supposed to remove all remaining traces of oil, makeup, and Grime, and a good cleanser must make this happen.
Everything about skin care
Recommendations: Place all ingredients into a considerable bowl and stir till it turns into sticky and thick. Apply https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=facial+mask for your face for five minutes and wash face completely with a moderate facial cleaning soap. If it leaves a yellowish tinge with your skin, soak a cotton ball in milk and rub it on the stained regions. Use this mask two to three times per week. Terrific and handy posting. I really like nearly anything do-it-yourself - It is really usually the purest and Ideal! I might use only natural and organic oranges due to the many pesticides which are Typically sprayed on them. Yummy recipes – I like working with and recommending honey in my recipes In particular UMF Energetic honey because it’s Tremendous effective like a healing, antimicrobial and moisturising ingredient. Sit for fifteen minutes As you Enable the mask do its operate. You need to use this time for you to soak in the bathtub or get lunch All set. In the event the time is up, gently scrub from the mask working with warm h2o. When it’s all off, splash chilly h2o on to your face to close your pores. Pat dry that has a towel. 2tsp wheatgerm oil Instructions: Blend every one of the elements right into a smooth paste. Utilize and therapeutic massage the combination into skin. Continue to keep the mask on for 20 minutes. @salamat: Use after every three days and perform your way around the moment each individual two times. Never use everyday, as orange peel can be a strong, exfoliating and peeling component. The main element is to utilize it consistently for at least a month before acquiring noticeably radiant and glowing skin. Instructions: To sort this anti aging skin care face mask which also incorporates a lightening result, set all of the components in a blender, or mash by hand within a bowl. Make use of your fingers to distribute the mask about your face and neck and leave it on for a minimum of half-hour, ideally lengthier, ahead of removing. Thank https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Mask-for-Acne for your personal posting. I just like the way. You explained the honey mask instructions. Your mask is a snap to generate. I'm likely to try it in my future spa cure. I like it. Mister healmunsta. The fats during the avocado and complete milk yogurt are deeply moisturizing for the skin, though the lactic acid from the yogurt smooths your skin, refines pores, and stimulates collagen manufacturing. Supply Blend all the above mentioned elements inside of a bowl. Gradually incorporate drinking water until a thick paste is fashioned. Utilizing https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546949 , massage a thick coat in the mixture on to your face in a gentle circular motion. The ideal face mask for acne can’t be acquired at an expensive department keep. In truth, it only has a single component and it’s likely already inside your pantry! It’s considered one of my private favorites: the raw honey mask. via steptoremedies.com -tightening mask for oily skin combines egg whites with freshly squeezed lemon juice that works to lower oiliness and in addition functions to be a purely natural bleaching agent.
A Simple Key For strawberry face mask Unveiled
@haso: Lemon juice is a powerful way to take care of melasma. Its acidic character and vitamin C part Increase the discolorations and peel off the outer layer from the skin. Apply the juice around the impacted locations, frivolously therapeutic massage for the number of seconds, leaving it on for ten minutes. In this oneHOWTO article we'll describe how to create a coffee face mask working with applied floor coffee beans - we're all a few no-waste lifestyle, All things considered. Many thanks a lot for wonderful strategies… I tried Banana + honey + Lemon combination face pack.. and its truly magic it started working on my face.. slowly my holes are disappearing and I can see circulation in my face…Thanks once more You should utilize lukewarm drinking water to wash from the face mask, followed with splashing your face with tepid h2o then ice cubibg. Utilize this face mask on freshly thoroughly clean face. Now apply this banana face mask with fingers or You can utilize a brush in circular motions simply because if you employ finger turmeric will stain them I take advantage of weekly as soon as Multanimitti with Rose h2o, Sandal with Rose water and attempted Papaya fruit pulp with Banana , lemon , cucumber mask, only papaya with Besan Powder and tomoto juice with lemon. I really fed up using this type of acne and oil on my fore head This provider allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to get paid income from adverts in your content. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9-zcutZvnc is shared unless you engage with this element. (Privateness Plan) Intend to make the signs of growing old disappear? Then Do this banana and egg yolks remedy and be stunned at the results. How frequently to employ this face mask? Don't use each day, as about exfoliation of skin isn't essential. Use it at any time alternate working day or three situations a week. Right after applying face packs you may normally use ice cubes wrapped in a towel to massage your skin. This may close up opened pores and prevent Dust and air pollution from earning their way in. Implementing orange juice with your face is so useful. So just consider how far more valuable it would be to use the peel, full of skin-boosting nutrients, with your face! Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice will make a highly efficient DIY egg white face mask for acne. Honey has robust antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Homes that make it pretty efficient against acne. Selfmade face masks are full of character's restorative goodness, in the form from the nutrients, minerals, acids, and oils described inside the tables higher than, with no of your chemical compounds that keep-purchased masks need to contain for an prolonged shelf daily life. You should use these masks on clean, dry face. Clean your face ahead of to get rid of the Grime and bacteria of your skin.
Detailed Notes on banana face mask
@IntimatEvolution: Thank you! Pure splendor is much safer than chemical cosmetics and I'm really serious about them. I also provide versions of the mask so that it's ideal for normal, dry, oily and sensitive skin. It's the weakest finger and is not going to extend the sensitive skin under your eyes as much. Stretching skin a lot of can lead to wrinkles. This support lets you to enroll in or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so as to gain funds from advertisements on your own articles. No information is shared Unless of course you have interaction using this type of function. (Privacy Policy) As aspect if my "nighttime regime", I utilize the Produced from Earth Sea Kelp Clay Mask - I basically let it sit around the skin, soon after it dries, for around ten minutes then I rinse it off with heat h2o! And It arrives off quickly and the outcomes are instantly discovered. This mask has labored miracles for my skin! You could possibly just keep it in an air-tight container and set it within the freezer. Then next 7 days, just take out it about an hour or so before you implement it to ensure that it to thaw. This wonderful mask is rather powerful in finding rid of excessive face oils. In case you have dry skin, please chorus from using this drying and tightening face mask. Rather, try out an egg yolk face mask recipe. As avocados are rich in antioxidants. So it hydrates and moisturizes your skin devoid of clogging your pores. What's more, it has Vitamin C, E and also a. it also contains omega three & 9 acids which actually really helps to soothe your skin. In addition, it helps to brighten your skin and really helps to struggle with acne and Sunshine places as well. Thank you for producing your account on EverydayMe. This information or solution is extra to your favorites. It could be if you use the ice on to your skin. It is best should you wrap the ice in the washcloth, then apply it in your face for a person minute. We may perhaps use conversion tracking pixels from marketing networks like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook to be able to determine when an advertisement has effectively resulted in the specified motion, which include signing up for the HubPages Support or publishing an report on the HubPages Services. Many thanks to the egg white mask I will try it... I'm eager to see the effects in only a couple of days!!! Just how long will I have to use it to begin to see the remarkable benefits? Just make sure to blend your egg white rather well every time you use it (by mixing it you may get a foamy egg white appear). Who says egg whites are only for anyone with oily, acne-vulnerable skin? This hydrating egg white mask is great for people with dry skin, as well! It contains potent components for instance avocado, a meals packed with numerous nutritional vitamins and nutritious fats, that are great for hydrating and moisturizing your skin to make it supple, smooth, and sleek. The egg white will feed your skin with nourishing nutrients for example protein and riboflavin.
Not known https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmetics About banana face mask
Just how long will it take to wash yout face from acne using banana face mask? Can it be Alright to utilize leftover banana combination? Hello, I applied honey mask for six times and noticed a bright and nutritious outcome on my face then I attempt to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and observed blemishes scattered on my face just on initial working day of use, I go on applying it on another working day hoping that it's just the reaction of employing it fro the first time. Other than implementing orange juice and peels on skin, you are able to eat this fruit and its juice consistently to boost immunity, assist in digestion, reduce kidney stones, lower Body fat deposits, teat poor breath, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol concentrations, and decrease the likelihood of establishing heart problems. Share Egg white is great for tightening and toning skin. It really works miracles for greasy skin by shrinking significant pores on the skin surface, therefore minimizing extra sebum. Do you have to use the entire combination and will you conserve the rest for an additional use? Also, how frequently need to it be used? Hello, pls let me know how frequently we should always utilize the mask specifically for lightening the skin. could it be a each day mask or the moment in each week mask ? Invalid email address Subscribe to L'Oréal Paris E-mail By enrolling I understand and comply with the privacy policy and phrases of company, including the utilization of arbitration as well as waiver of any class or group declare to resolve disputes. Planning: Comprehensively mix all the components inside of a bowl to acquire a uniform consistency for the lotion. Thanks with the egg white mask I will check out it... I'm eager to see the outcome in just a few days!!! How much time will I have to use it to begin to see the outstanding effects? Refrain from chatting or smiling While using the mask on since stretching the tight skin might induce wrinkles to look. Increase a mashed up banana on the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Lower it to lesser items by using a knife. Make use of a fork to mash it to the pulp. The banana will help nourish your face. get more info is authorized in responses, but URLs will likely be hyperlinked. Remarks are not for endorsing your article content or other web sites. Blend 1 tablespoon of natural and organic Uncooked honey and 50 % a freshly squeezed lemon in to some bowl and use throughout your face, staying away from the attention location. Now, let your skin soak up All of this goodness for 15-30 minutes (determined by how sensitive your skin is). Wash away with heat drinking water, finishing with one splash of cold h2o to close your pores. Pat Carefully that has a towel to dry. Let your skin breathe For the remainder of the day, or observe up with your favorite moisturizer/serum. the egg white by itself is effective for me. I take advantage of to have huge zits on my face but now It is Evidently all long gone, my pores turned tight and no indications of scars, it had been amazing. I apply it each tuesday and friday. Oh and I also dab ice on my face. I really wouldn't propose lemon.
New Step by Step Map For pineapple face mask
Orange peel powder is Employed in numerous skincare recipes to manage acne by drying it out and being a scrubbing agent to Carefully eliminate worn-out skin cells and therefore open up clogged pores and address blackheads. Additionally, it allows rid the skin from extra oil, additional mitigating the risk of acne and imparting a healthy glow towards the face in its place. Honey can be a normal humectant that attracts in moisture from your air, leaving your skin moist and easy, and it can also assist split up excessive sebum that might be clogging up your pores (and resulting in pesky pimples). Turmeric don't just aids take care of acne, nevertheless it could also take up excessive oil out of your skin and lighten discoloration. Working with orange peels to help make face masks may just sound a little bit ludicrous but it really’s probably the greatest approaches to guarantee glowing, more youthful hunting skin. Listed here’s how you may make them with the consolation of your home. Blend the leftover ground coffee beans with drinking water. Keep in mind that there must be more coffee than water, since the final result must be a rather close texture to some product or perhaps a paste than a liquid. Some recipes change the h2o for milk For additional hydration. No HTML is authorized in comments, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Remarks are not for marketing your content or other internet sites. , bananas are utilised to treat burns or wounds because of their soothing Qualities. As a result, utilizing a banana peel from the skin to decrease inflammation may be incredibly effective.” Clean your face 2 times day by day to maintain it oil-free, make improvements to complexion, and prevent breakouts. You must clean your face each morning whenever you stand up, and inside the night ahead of going to bed. Just give these masks a consider. They can be practically free and also you don’t have to have to go looking the world for getting the mandatory elements. In brief, you have nothing to lose other than your acne. Why not give it a check out? "Ways to consider care of my skin detailed assisted. Also how you can Be careful for my day by day diet. I feel Individuals would be the crucial points."..." additional MN My Hanh Nguyen Thi So, if you are gathering the kelp by yourself, steer clear of really polluted areas. For anyone who is purchasing it, Be sure that it really is collected and made in an area with as minimal a amount of pollution as you can. Yogurt incorporates lactic acid, a gentle alpha hydroxy acid that is a wonderful exfoliant.[3] It encourages skin lightening by fading blemishes and darkish places, stimulates collagen creation, and stops untimely growing older. huge bowl, mix with each other the egg whites, sugars, applesauce and vanilla. Gradually incorporate the dry substances into your egg white combination and blend till just included. Gently fold during the grated zucchini No, since it has a lot of oil in it. The simple mask functions as the lemon juice acts as an astringent, though the honey can help filter the acne-causing micro organism. Many thanks! Indeed No Not Valuable 14 Valuable forty six
What Does skin care Mean?
Put together to the mask by washing your face and tying your hair again. Use warm water to assist open up your pores. In case you are putting on make-up, you will need to get it off employing make-up remover. On top of that, these peels is usually soaked in boiling water for each day plus the resultant liquid can be utilized for a skin toner. You may also use it as a hair rinse to incorporate shine for your hair and eliminate dandruff.   Incorporate a fruit or vegetable. The amount of fruits or vegetables you insert is adaptable; just begin smaller and maintain them finely chopped so that they don’t overpower the combination. The subsequent fruits and greens are popular tips:[thirteen] Kiwi flesh contains antioxidants, which could aid brighten your complexion, lessen good lines, and fight other signs of ageing. Kiwi seeds will include just a little Strengthen to the exfoliating Homes with the scrub.[fourteen] Strawberries are filled with vitamin C, and should help brighten and also out your skin tone. • Moisturize, smoothen, and brighten your skin by making use of a mix of orange juice and coconut oil for about ten minutes and afterwards rinse it off with lukewarm h2o.   will definitely test dis tomarow ….aaj I've to organize my chandan pack…. Kal pakka isko consider karoongi waise me tooo appreciate consuming oranges a good deal Orange peel is made up of strong Houses that assistance hold irritating pimples absent. Apply a thick coat of the zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and drive out the dirt, grime, excess oil, and microorganisms, all of which bring about pimples and blackheads to sort about the skin surface. Depart the mask on for quarter-hour. To forestall the mask from dripping all over the place, think about laying down or sitting in a cushty chair with your head tilted again. You may as well use this mask in the bathtub when you are soaking or having a stress-free bathtub. Get hold of ideal containers for storing your facial therapies. Compact plastic containers with limited-fitting lids are a sensible choice. How https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask works: Banana indisputably nourishes the skin. When Yogurt has been around as powerful exfoliant. It increases the blood circulation and honey moisturize the skin flawlessly. Combine honey and cinnamon together, and implement on your face. Go away the mask on for ten-half-hour. The antibacterial Attributes of both of those honey and cinnamon make this honey mask perfect acne-prone skin. Combine the egg white and lemon juice. Utilizing a fork, promptly whisk The 2 elements until the egg white gets to be foamy and frothy. Last but not least, scrub your skin using this type of mask and go away it for nearly half one hour to have tender, glowing skin. It really works like a organic bleach and lowers Sunlight tan when applies about thrice in a week for at least a month. A little bit heat the honey and insert it to your egg white together with the yogurt (make sure it’s new). This is often what I use. I have super dry skin that flakes whatever(using this exception)even coconut oil would not do it for me but olive oil is HG On the subject of hydrating my skin it's the another thing that actual leaves it glowing
Not known Factual Statements About orange face mask
So now you are nicely versed With all the a number of skin advantageous Houses of banana allow us to now move on to how you can transform your skin applying The common-or-garden fruit banana. Other advantages of coffee face masks consist of their electricity to scale back face inflammation. This selfmade mask will be your very best ally for the people days any time you have not bought much rest or have slept badly therefore you get up with a bit puffy face. Carefully pat your face dry using a thoroughly clean, dry towel. Be Light while you pat your face dry. Should you scrub your face with the towel, chances are you'll cause skin irritation, including breakouts. Individuals in the black bloc at protests typically dress in masks, usually bandannas, to avoid recognition, and also to attempt to guard from any riot Management brokers made use of. The cone-formed mask specifically is recognized with the Ku Klux Klan in a self-acutely aware exertion to combine the hiding of private identification Along with the advertising of a robust and scary image. the goods, why we're right here and the particular essential elements of high quality food that make us what we are. Let's increase a glass to excellent foods this weekend!speckled egg white chocolate bundt with mini eggsI Believe In Ancient Rome, the phrase persona meant 'a mask'; Furthermore, it referred to somebody who had complete Roman citizenship. A citizen could reveal his or her lineage through imagines, death masks on the ancestors. These were being wax casts stored inside of a lararium, the family shrine. Avocado is actually a loaded supply of normal fats and in addition consists of omega three fatty acids. This makes it the ideal component which can be employed to revive the misplaced humidity from the skin. Allow it sit for quarter-hour. Rinse your face with cold h2o and pat dry having a clean up towel. Your skin will experience incredibly smooth and appear cleanse and moisturised. Should your face is a bit dry after the mask, particularly in acne parts, only use a drop of olive oil as a natural moisturizer. Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, on the other hand, are known for their ability to moisturize and hydrate skin, leaving it which has a nutritious glow. https://steptoremedies.com/pineapple-sugar-scrub/ are ideal for individuals with dry skin. From time to time a witness for your prosecution appears in court within a mask to stay away from staying regarded by associates from the accused. Not just that, we even have dressing combs, hair brushes, headbands, roller sets, wigs, hair clips and also other equipment. No matter whether your hair is prolonged or brief, curly or straight, coloured or normal, you may search our number of Specialist hair care and styling appliances Based on your specific desires. To finish off your look, you can store online for hair styling items from a number of the major haircare models. Go ahead and take guess figure out of flaunting gorgeous hair, shop on the web and locate hair care will have to-haves. to.The peppermint sugar cookies on your own are amazing and super fluffy. They have got an ideal level of peppermint taste and make for a very yummy cookie.Nevertheless the white chocolate coating and peppermint 3 pics of the same feminine noh mask exhibiting how the expression modifications which has a tilting of the head. In these shots, the mask was affixed to your wall with frequent lights, and only the camera moved.
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theseqeunce-blog · 6 years
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For those who innovative lightning strikes and you obtain a fantastic notion to get a video, film it the moment you could when you possess the equipment to complete so. Granted, finding either skilled products or personnel may seem to be such as the finest route to consider, but this kind of arrangements can take time. Capture the vitality and essence of an plan although it is fresh. Even an amateur video with authenticity can outshine a thing expertly polished.
Be regular and steady along with your video publishing. Make the energy to create movies on a regular basis for posting. Maintain them very simple, actual and fascinating. It could have a terrific impact on your business enterprise when shoppers see you routinely advertising your small business. Acquiring your message out to your clients would be the vital to good results.
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Do your greatest to make a video that conveys an expert image. This means you'll want to stay clear of using the effects available on applications like Windows Movie Maker and other fundamental program. Preserve your editing very simple by simply cutting or dissolving to a black display in place of using standardized editing results.
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