paperback-rascal · 16 days
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Even when sick, Tech is the walking, talking encyclopedia and by the looks of it, he hit the nail on the head with his theory!
This comics takes place in my Kix is the Clone Force 99′s medic AU -> [LINK] <- and was drawn in relation to this post -> [LINK] <- by @warsamongthestars
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 21 days
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Kix is one of my all time favorite clones, so imagine my surprise when I've stumbled upon this post -> [LINK] <- by @warsamongthestars theorizing that Kix's name does not have a cutesy origin, as most of the fandom believe... that Kix is not named named after cookies, a certain cereal brand nor kick-starting people back to life... but being named after a poisonous plant - Hemlock - which apparently was named Kex in old English... with Kix being the alternative spelling.
So now, I can't help but imagine Kix as a self-taught herbalist who brews space!mint tea for troopers with tummy-aches but can also assassinate a separatist spy with some obscure, highly poisonous, untraceable plant.
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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The comics is another installment of the idea that Crosshair sees perfectly in the dark, also inspired by @kalm5​‘s idea that they posted after we talked about how, if Clone Force 99 was such a top secret unit, that most clones, especially young clone cadets, wouldn’t know about them so The Bad Batch would probably became... some sort of Kamino’s urban legends amongst the clone cadets?
Clones obviously stumbled upon them one way or another but since they look different and probably the encounters were very brief that some sort of stories begun to form about them, then rumor mill would do the rest, blowing everything out of the proportion!
Crosshair would probably become some sort of cautionary tale that ends with a clone (cadet) becoming a ghost that roams the halls at night.
Hunter would be a clone (cadet) that looks off, but helps fellow cadets when they get lost (because he, himself, never is) then just disappears before a person in need could even thank him for help.
Tech is this disembodied clicking noise coming from the tech room in the middle of the night or a fellow clone that just works in computer room at night that will never reply (or even turn around) when addressed to.
Wrecker would become a story about a very disobedient clone (cadet) that was used for experiment as a form of punishment. He would often escape the labs located at lower level of Kamino and is constantly hunt down by the Kamino guards to be dragged back for more experiments.
So you better eat those vegetables or you’ll join the mutated clone cadet in his misery!
Of course everyone at Kamino claims the stories are just that... the stories! But clone cadets think it’s another conspiracy theory because there is a grain of truth in every story... right?
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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You can thank @kalm5​ for inspiring/prompting me to draw this piece.
It took me a while to draw with kalm cheering me through the process but also brainstorming with me the behind-the-scenes of this piece AKA mixing and matching many headcanons on top of creating new ones.
If you're interested in the explanation. It is under the cut/read more:
Crosshair doesn't really sleep for the whole night but relies on napping through day and night. He mostly takes graveyard shifts at the ship. It's in parts due to the fact that he talks/mumble in his sleep (that is mostly stress related e.g. constant pressure, bullying, need for control, his perfectionism, etc.). Also he was once recorded by Tech, who found his incoherent mumbling interesting, and later refused to delete the vid, making the sniper paranoid – as it showcased that there are parts of him, he can't control – his subconscious, which resulted with more talking and less sleeping which later evolved to Crosshair sneaking out after curfew to doze off somewhere he deemed more “secluded”.
However one day Wrecker discovered, during many play fights they had in their room, there is a way to make Crosshair less anxious thus “less talkative” during sleep.
Not to mention better rested Crosshair = less asshole-ish Crosshair.
As a cadet, Wrecker discovered that if he wrap Crosshair tightly in a blanket and then trap him under his body, then sniper-in-training would first trash around trying to escape, then go totally still, to finally fall asleep (the whole process, despite sounding like a lot, was much quicker than the regular bedtime routine).
From time to time, when Crosshair became too unbearable, Wrecker would just roll him in the blanket and lie on top of the sniper. As a cadet Wrecker sprawled all over him. As they grew older Wrecker chose to just half-lie, half-lean on his brother, kind of only restricting his torso and arms (one of the reason why, was that the bunks were very narrow).
He also opted for leaning on the sniper after one time, Wrecker had a freak-out that he accidentally suffocated Crosshair because the sniper went still unnaturally fast. In reality, the sniper was so tired he immediately dozed off.
What also makes Crosshair fall asleep quicker is Wrecker's low chuckling because the demolition man has a lot of fun in trying to pin his brother, who always fuss over the whole procedure (he's not as irritated by it as he let everyone to believe).
While needing to be still for couple of minutes himself, and Crosshair’s even breathing/chest movement lulls Wrecker to sleep as well, so they tend to fall asleep together.
I also had additional headcanons that goes along with this picture:
first, that I've already voiced out in my another comics, that Crosshair is not white-haired from the start but rather, due to his mutations, he went gray somewhere in his adolescence.
As cadets, Clone force 99 wore standard clothing. After Crosshair hit his growth spurt, his uniform was too short, while Wrecker had to wear bigger sizes after he hit his (at the time he was suppose to wear the red-blue cadet tunic – for early teens, he only fitted fully red ones – for older teens/young adults)
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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About a year ago I saw a post where OP had a headcanon that Crosshair is somniloquy and talks gibberish in his sleep.
Yep, this comics gathered dust on my hard drive, unfinished, for all this time.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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The helmets are very often a representation of the clones that use them, even more, in my opinion, than their faces: the helmet is what others see the most often (in combat and outside of it), it’s also a way to contact others, to asses the situation - a quick and direct way to communicate with others. They also are more versatile when it comes to personalization (and less painful than i.e. tattoos) it showcases the affiliation to the battalion they serve at or even squad they belong to, then also showcases the personal preferences.
The bucket, by extension, IS synonymous of the clone trooper’s face, mostly to his brothers and people close to them. Finding it abandoned is a grim reminder of it’s owner going missing - either KIA, MIA, POW or AWOL - and this is something a fellow trooper doesn’t want their comrade to be.
I’m sure that interacting with a missing clone trooper’s helmet might be for some people like interacting with the missing brother and if they are still alive maybe they’d feel the connection... somehow.
The art was inspired by @badbatchmeg99​‘s very emotional drawing “she misses him”.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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A short comics strip inspired by @galacticproblems drawing of Crosshair talking with Omega.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch © George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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it’s another part for my archer!crosshair x modern!TBB AU by @transformersluna
... and yes, Crosshair has his name written in Aurebesh on his shirt. It’s from his previous club where most of it’s members LOVED Star Wars (which is a franchise within transformersluna's AU) so they decided to write their nicknames in it. 
In my previous post I've made a note that each brother tried to convince Omega to pick up their favorite activity and I'm sure you're interesting to learn what I think those were:
we know Crosshair was/is all about archery
so, the rest of brothers:
Hunter was a boyscout.
Tech started as a chess player then switched to chess boxing to „work on his brain and brawl at the same time” (yes, that's a real sport and it's origins are very NERDY)
Wrecker was all about wall climbing, unfortunately after a terrible accident at local climbing wall, he started to be afraid of heights. So he later picked up martial arts.
Echo – (beach) volleyball (he was the one who actually inspired Omega to pick up soccer as Echo had plenty of fun stories about his team: Fives, Droidbat, Heavy and Cutup, the sixth player never stayed for long, to the point they were mixing names of all the “substitute” players they had over the years). After his team disbanded he and Fives picked up beach volleyball.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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This is an idea that was sitting at the back burner for quite a while. I wanted to merge my archer!Crosshair... fixation with @transformersluna's TBBmodern!AU AKA Crosahair was a promising olympic-level archer, however military service made him postpone his venture into professional competitive sports but once he got back from the military he picked it up again!
more explanation of the concept under the cut:
So what if Crosshair, encouraged by a school counselor, joined local archery team when he was in high school as a form of dealing with stress and anger? Archery is mostly about "competing" with yourself - to become better than your previous "end". Also since it's a very dangerous sport there are many safety regulations in place that helped Crosshair to interact with people on his own terms as he could gauge the socialization with teammates shielding himself with "can't talk, can't you see I'm standing on the line? shoo!" (which, surprisingly, made him more social). Participating in competitions made him interact with people outside of his comfort zone but also the topics were mostly limited to technobabble about equipment specifications and standard, easily avoidable small-talks so he didn't stand out as rude or aloof. Not to mention, he enjoyed the thrill of standing on the podium (even though he didn't look like it)!
Before joining military he was seriously considering, encouraged by the chairman of his archery team, to try to get to Olympic representation as his performance was very promising.
However him joining the military threw a wrench to that plan but his archery skills, to some degree, helped him in getting sniper qualifications.
After he came back from the military service, and struggled with aftermath of active combat duty, his therapist suggested getting back to the archery because it was something he excelled at pre-military and still brought him comfort when he talked about it during therapy sessions.
At first he practiced at the backyard, however once Omega came to his and his brothers' life, Hunter and Crosshair's common sense put an end to this form of practice. However he tried convince Omega to pick up archery (every brother tried to convince her to pick up their favorite sport), but she preferred something more exciting and social.
It was another step-back, yet one evening he mentioned, in passing, to his co-workers (one day they just... dragged him to a bar for few beers) that he wanted to try to get to the Olympic team once again but had no sponsors and especially no place to train. It somehow got to his boss, who outright said he won't sponsor him, but he allowed Crosshair to practice in one of the warehouses the security firm guarded, as the hall there had similar length as the Olympic archery tracks. Of course he could do it only during night-shifts, FAR AWAY from cargo and with his co-workers either behind him or sitting in the security booth.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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ok... strap in, because it’s going to be a WALL of text as @kalm5​ and I came up with Rally racing modern!AU
The idea is “split” into 2 parts:
1. Anakin meets Rex and they form a rally race team (Anakin – driver + Rex – navigation)
2. Ahsoka begs Anakin to mentor her + Rex becomes the young woman’s navigator to see if she’s any good.
The bullet points (that are under the cut/read more) are for the “1st part” of the plot, and are NOT everything @/Kalm5 and I came up with (I might add more stuff if I decide to draw more artworks for this AU)
As a teen Anakin worked in a Watto's junkyard part-time
He used to illegally race to win cash because of a gang (the Hutts) that had a choke-hold on his neighborhood .
He worked on the junkyard as a cover up for his illegal racing so when his mother would question about the prize money he always excused it for working extra shifts.
Anakin enjoys driving and loves cars with manual gearboxes
Obi-Wan is Anakin's former driving teacher (when Anakin was getting his driving license, Kenobi used to warn him that he'll loose it almost immediately if he won't change the way he drives, as Anakin is very good but pretty reckless driver)
somewhere along the lines Anakin starts to take part in desert rally races (something akin to Dakar rally)
(Obi-Wan hates to admit it but he always has the radio on when he teaches driving to hear how Anakin's race is doing. students are so confused why this very calm and collected gentleman is so engrossed with rally races)
Unfortunately due to his racing team being up to the neck with some shady stuff. They decided to use Anakin as a scapegoat, since he is a loose canon. He got blamed for a stuff he didn't do – unfortunately the whole affair went viral - forcing Anakin step away from racing, moreover - his sponsors pulled the plug on him so he had to "retire” and "go into hiding".
Anakin basically stepped away from racing altogether but he loved it so damn much he couldn't let go. Every time there is any mention of any racing he gets extremely distraught.
Anakin starts to work part-time as a mechanic. He meets Padme at the workshop. Fixes her car. They fall in love and get married.
Fett household had very military upbringing as they were like 99% boys and their father was prominent solider/always on the missions.
Their eldest brother - [99] - who is terminally ill - is filling-in for a legal guardian for his younger brothers, so the older brothers kept younger in check so [99] was "parental figure" mostly on paper.
Most of the Fetts choose military careers because it pays very well and they had easy to get into the ranks due to their father's „legacy”
every brother has a trade: some are carpenters, wielders, plumbers, roofers, chimney sweepers and so on... Kix is a paramedic, Jesse's a cop, etc. Most of the guys have a hard time finding employment/contracts, due to the fact that they spend many years in the military, thus lost/have no contacts to spread the word about their skills.
as every Fett,  Rex went to the military, but retired after AU!Umbara mission - it left him scarred, full of PTSD and depression.
once he got back from the military all his neighbors started to force him to find that “special someone”/a partner/wife.
He tries his best to find SOMEONE... anyone?
Anakin still works as a mechanic.
Padme works at the city hall.
One day Cody's car breaks down and he needed a quick fix, Obi-Wan gave him contact to Anakin who lives nearby, to check the car as he has all the necessary permits as a car mechanic. As he was fixing the car Rex came back from work and just helped him by giving him tools and stuff.
Next think they know they went for couple of beers in a local bar.
As they talked it turned out that they were both taught driving by Obi-Wan, like most Fetts were, to the point Kenobi even had a discount for Rex's family. (Obi-Wan knew the struggled with money, thus the discount, as having a driving license opened up more job options)
then there is a broadcast of some racing stuff and Anakin gets sentimental, talking about how he misses rallies but he has no car, team, sponsors and stuff and also... eh.. it’s complicated
Anakin learns Padme is pregnant and he himself is conflicted as he doesn't know what to do with his life. he really wants to pick up his rally racer career... but maybe his mechanic gig might not be good enough? so maybe he should put on a shirt and tie and go to regular work?
drunk, Rex encourages Anakin to maybe try once, agreeing to be his navigator... heck they can start “some Internet fund-riser or like clean windshields of cars at intersections like bunch of kids” for cash.
despite being excellent driver on a sandy dunes, Anakin refuse to drive on deserts anymore. So both him and Rex decided to pick the half-forest, half-mountain and plenty of mud scenery.
They kind of find a connection, they leave on the good terms, sealed the deal of being driver-navigator team.
The buggy Rex and Anakin use was build by Anakin. Parts provided by Watto's junkyard (Anakin past-employer).
Watto dared Anakin that he will get a hefty discount for the parts IF the vehicle passes the necessary tests and he allowed to put a sticker of his junkyard onto the car.
Anakin is still conflicted despite the fact that Padme, in fact, believes he SHOULD take part in the rally race once again, as then he'd be able to make a decision on what to do (as in → at the finishing line he'll know if it's his last hurrah or he'll revive his racing career).
Anakin basically build whole house Padme and him live at and he is the handyman of the house, so he was afraid that Padme would end up without no-one to help her around the house when he is away ← Rex's gives her a whole contact list to his siblings so whenever she needs help with leaking faucet or roof, she can phone any of them for help.
(at work, a lot of Padme's colleagues are complaining at various firms that butchered jobs... carpets, plumbing, tiles in the bathrooms etc. So Padme just gives those people Fett brothers business cards and suddenly they guys have like those better paid contracts from city hall people, no less!)
Rex has a tendency to bump his head at the frame of his and Anakin's buggy. He once hit his head so hard, he started to bleed. Kix (who got a gig as a paramedic at the Rally) at the time run out of band-aid, but thankfully Anakin had some... Which were rainbow themed as Anakin was in this “upcoming dad hyper-mode” so the bought them because he though they were cute and didn't even though someone might feel any less manly because of the colorful band-aid. of course Rex is manly enough to not care - he just doesn’t want his helmet smeared with blood!
Someone took a photo of Kix applying the bright rainbow-themed band-aid onto the navigator and it became instant meme + many people started to “ship” Anakin and Rex as their developing friendship was misinterpreted by certain parts of the Internet which made Rex super confused (not to mention Anakin LOVES Padme)
The first part of the race went... very bad!
Rex is by the book – giving very precise coordinates, while Anakin has „hunches” so he mostly wings it and plays it by the ear.
Since they didn't understand how each other operate - they butt heads constantly and get lost.
they had a major screaming match that ends up with Rex falling off the small landslide and face planting into a mud (Anakin tried to catch him), it's recorded on a dash-cam of their car and it became a part of some sort of Rally-race highlights compilation that became extremely popular on the Internet.
but after that fight, as Rex was spitting mud, they kind of started to understand each-other better.
Rex decided to start trusting Anakin's hunches, and as it turned out... Anakin's “sixth sense” saved their asses in the end so they barely made it to the finish line in time to be qualified for part two of the race
barely but they did it!
The second part of race is much better - they are both more in-tune with eachother other.
however they never finish that part as they have a terrible accident...
… after which Anakin has to have his arm amputated!
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney 
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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this drawing is a sequel to my other work “warehouse practice”.
It’s a part of my archery!Crosshair...AU-of-sorts? x modern!TBBAU by @transformersluna​ that... still lives in my mind rent free.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
Hello! I thought of this earlier, and since you're usually busy, I thought I'd share this with you. There's this old poem, "As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, each cat had seven kits: kits, cats, sacks, and wives, how many were there going to St. Ives?" I just randomly thought, "How would the Batch responde to this?" I'd just like your thoughts on this, and I hope it brightens your day!
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ufff... First of all I want to apologize to the anon, who send me this ask MONTHS ago.
I wanted to reply earlier, but other stuff came along and kind-of... cut in line. I hope (if you're still here Anon) you don't mind the wait and enjoy my take on the riddle!
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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A short comics inspired by/based on GOING TO THE BAR by @anakinandthecaptainrex
star wars: the clone wars © George Lucas/Dave Filoni/LucasFilm/Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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Right after Omega acquired her bow in the show, there was almost unanimous consensus that of all Clone Force 99's members, Crosshair would be the best archery teacher for Omega. First of all: I love that idea, second of all - it lives in my mind rent free every since it first appeared!
Since the episode 6 of TBB, when it turned out it was Echo who gave her the lessons, I developed the headcanon that archery is taught to snipers at Kamino to teach them physics of projectiles, patience and overall aiming rules (it also an excuse to why ONLY Crosshair knows archery from all of Clone Force 99) while ARC troopers have only basic archery course as a part of their training (to excuse Omega being trained by Echo in ep 6.).
Since Kaminioans love order they most likely color coded archery equipment & bows to reflects the cadet's level/age:
kids -> blue (to 8lbs) teens -> red (to 30 lbs) (young) adults -> green (above 30 lbs)
I took the color coding from: blue - Obi-wan's scenes on Kamino from Attack of the Clones red - Boba Fett’s episodes in TCW green - Domino squad's final test uniforms from Clone Cadets
I also presume that the archery gear would be individually labeled as bows are something very personal and calibrated towards the specific archer. It also teaches cadets responsibility for one's gear. That is also why Crosshair could have his "old gear" with him.
Star Wars/The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch (c) George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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special thanks to @kalm5 for such enthusiastic response to my The Bad Batch x The Witcher crossover despite the fact that I kind-of, sort-of hijacked their original post >.>
More information about this drawing is under the cut (as always):
Kaminioans are, in this AU, a group of elves very skilled in alchemy. They oversaw many of witcher Trials at the peak of Witchers "production". Nala Se was especially involved in the project. She knew more about the witchers than the monster slayers knew about themselves. She also knew to keep it simple with them - which is stay away from them as much as possible.
Some time later*, to her horror, Nala Se was forced to ask a witcher for help. Hunter, a novice at the time, was the one who aided her in need and, as naive and full of ideals as he was at the time, invoked "Law of surprise" as a payment. The reward he asked Nala Se for was to give him what she already have, but doesn't know of yet.
She agreed, thinking she'd get away scot-free as there was nothing she already possessed that she knows nothing of and even if there was such a thing it wouldn't be anything of significance. As it turned out Nala Se was pregnant at the time - despite having a fling with a human not so long before, she didn't considered it for a second as an valid option for her, as elves have hard time reproducing so she was "overconfident" with her "problematic fertility" (A/N: it's far easier for an elf to reproduce with a human than with their fellow elves - yes, it's a PIVOTAL yet background bit of the witcher lore!).
Since Nala Se always wanted to have a child, especially a girl, she accepted Omega as her own despite the girl being a half-elf. As a scientist Nala Se didn't believe in destiny, but, having "a bad feeling" about her deal with Hunter, the alchemist did everything in her power for him and Omega to never meet. Her decision brought a lot of pain, suffering and even death to everyone involved in her schemes, as destiny is not something you can trick or ignore. All of her efforts ultimately lead to Nala Se's downfall, which finally brought Omega and Hunter together.
* In the witcher universe only humans lives are "short". The "non-humans" (like elves, dwarfs, gnomes, dryads, halflings, supernatural beings, etc) and most monsters are long-living creatures. The longer lifespan also applies to humans changed by magic: mages, sorceresses/sorcerers, witchers, etc. thus certain events in this crossover could take decades or even centuries. That's why in one of my previous posts about the crossover I've noted that The Bad Batch can have ridiculously big age-diffrences yet look and act like they were roughly the same age.
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
The witcher saga (books) © Andrzej Sapkowski/ The witcher video games © CDProjektRED/ Hexer (movie & TV series) © Heritage Films/ The Witcher TV series © Netflix
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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This idea has been sitting in my mind for few days now...
the idea behind this set is kind-of based on blogs, that I noticed with the corner of my eye, where authors created this AUs with either Clone Force 99 is having kids of their own or being Omega’s fathers full time (sometimes both)... Even though it’s not my type of fun, it got me thinking: since clones age twice as fast as regular humans (or unaltered clones), there is going to be a time where Hunter (or any other CF99 clone commando) would be mistaken for Omega’s grandfather rather than father? Right?
Star Wars/The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch (c) George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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