mcsiggy · 1 day
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Women lovers rise up
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7clubs · 15 hours
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eris doodling
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kedreeva · 5 hours
This is Eris (left, 2020) and her younger half-brother, Bismuth (right, 2023)
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This is Citrine (left, 2023) and her full brother, Bismuth (right, 2023)
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I've talked a lot about how breeding and care matters so hugely to these birds, but I think this is a really obvious example.
When it comes to choosing breeders, 99.9999% of breeders I've seen and spoken to are mainly looking at the males and how pretty their colors are, and largely ignoring the hens. "Any" hen will do- I RARELY see people being choosy. Maybe they don't know how to be, maybe they think it doesn't matter - the hens are not as flashy, so what difference could there really be? - maybe they just don't care, maybe it's hard to find nice ones anyway because people don't care. I don't know. Once in a while I see people going gaga over a nice spalding hen with a lot of color on her, but by and large, they're ignored.
These three birds share a father. Indie is a beautiful boy, and he held his color very well, but honestly his train carriage left a lot to be desired and he was pretty small compared to my own birds. Regardless, he made a few really nice kids, including Amber (Bug), Bismuth, and Citrine (The Trio). He also fathered Eris, Opal, and Onyx, though not with my hens and not on property.
And here's where we get to the point. This is Eris' mom, Sasha:
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And here is The Trio's mom, Aurora:
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Sasha was itty bitty, with a small head, and very short legs. She also didn't have particularly good color- almost none, if I'm being honest, and her train carriage was Not Great. Aurora, on the other hand, while not as leggy as her offspring (which is partially due to feed... I raised her from 3mo old 15 years ago when 'game bird feed' didn't exist and the recommended "best" feed option was chicken layer feed mixed with kitten chow... atrocious by today's standards), still has pretty good type and excellent color. She typically carries her train high, she's spurred, she's Big. She's also an EXCELLENT mother and broody.
On top of having Sasha for a mom, Eris was raised in a brooder, and later in a small pen, and on feed that was 18% protein (instead of the 26-30% they should be on). She didn't have the space early on to use her leg and wing muscles, and it shows in her type. Even though i got her when she was just a couple of months old, those first few months are crucial to their development. Feed and environment can only go so far though.
Anyway, you can see the difference in breeding and care here. Eris is short, stout, short necked, and her rump curves down. Her face, particularly her beak length, is short like her mother's. It's hard to see in the photo, but I assure you her neck lacing is thick/muddy. In contrast, Citrine has thin, clean lacing, she's nearly as leggy as her brother, her neck has richer and more purple color, and her rump does not curve down- you can see the bend where her tail begins and is held down. She's also quite slender/racy in body type, like a good game bird should be, rather than heading toward the stout body type of domestication.
I can tell people that hen choice and care/environment matters until I'm blue in the face, but honestly, I think having comparison photos really brings it home.
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murabitto-b · 3 days
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"Hey there, Trouble!" Eris (Hades 2) Art
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lesbianredpanda · 2 days
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I need her so bad you don't understand
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verndusk · 2 days
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zeemczed · 3 days
Rethinking the Apple of Discord
So here's the thing; you give the apple to Hera, that's the safest initial choice, but you hedge your bets first.
First you go to Athena. You tell her that you cannot choose her, but you believe that she will see the wisdom in your choice.
Then you go to Aphrodite. You tell her that you cannot choose her, but you dedicate your choice to her, and thank her.
Then you go to Hera. Get down on one knee. Tell her that she is the fairest, that her philandering ass of a husband is unworthy of her, and that if she will have you - if she will cast off the adulterer and have you instead - you will treat her with a devotion and passion that exceeds even what Dread Persephone has known.
And - here's the kicker - you have to MEAN it.
For Athena, this is a high-risk-high-reward tactical decision that has a chance of netting you a place as lover of the most powerful woman in the pantheon. For Aphrodite, it's a new ship to play with. And for Hera, seriously fuck Zeus he's a jackass, at the very least she'd have to admit you have a point.
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lavellyne · 20 hours
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[OC] happy pride month! here's some *old* stuff feat my ocs. ❤️🏳️‍🌈
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roguerambles · 13 hours
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Petition for this Eris shows up in future seasons of Blood of Zeus--
I don't care if she's an antagonist, I'm rooting for her all the way.
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itzholly2 · 1 day
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Eris doesnt know how to properly hold a child, but Morpheus (the child in question) is having fun regardless :3 (Morpheus is the ship kid between @alexandraisyes character Dolus, & Turbo's character Freyja) ((hey Alex, does Turbo have a tumblr to @ ? uhguikjhg))
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dat-soldier · 4 months
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working class
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noonesgaylikegatson · 7 months
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princessmelinoe · 25 days
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Hades II - Eris, Strife Incarnate
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caladbolg · 21 days
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brother sister bonding
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kedreeva · 22 days
Couldn't find Eris today for a hot minute. Counted the birds in her pen and came up 1 bird short, but I was SURE I didn't leave the door open. I looked all over the coop, I walked to her favorite dozing/sunbathing spots in the pen. Finally I thought, there's only one place I haven't looked, behind the door to the coop....
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There she is. Mud colored little hen. Laying.... down.... like a broody.
Hey Eris..... what... whatcha got there...
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Can I see it please?
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Oh for pete's sake, not this again.
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That's not an egg, that's a ball pit ball, Eris. It's goddamn blue.
This is why I can't take people seriously when they tell me mother birds will kick a bad egg out of the nest because They Know something is wrong. No, they don't. They don't know anything. Look at her face. Look at those completely blank eyes. There's not one single thought in that head. In fact, if you get close enough, you can hear the faint echo of elevator music drifting from the empty cavern of her skull.
By the way this is hands down the smartest bird I own.
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yashawiki · 25 days
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet
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Btw, what is Melinoë and Nemesis's ship name?
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