#enchantress x reader
meowordeath · 2 months
A/N: I love Identity V!! especially Eli Clark!! I attempt to make it as gender ambiguous as possible, besides one having the word boob just replace it with pec! i didn’t know a gender neutral term for boob, sorry! :3 btw I'm not sure if someone else has already done this!
Characters | Eli Clark , Ganji Gupta , Naib Subedar and the lovely lady Patricia Dorval
Content warning : fluff , reader with boobs but no specific pronoun, not too inappropriate, jack the ripper And Breaking wheel if those count?
Identity V characters reacting to their s/o clothes getting ripped! :3
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Eli Clark
Before the match started Eli got to view your new costume. It looked very ninja like, the clothes were very skin tight. You two chatted while preparing for the match “Remember, just called out and I'll send brooke to your aid, okay?” He whispered to you laying his gloved hand atop yours. “I know, don't worry if I need you I’ll shout”
You smile before pecking him on the cheek. Brooke hoots happily, as Eli gives you one more loving look, before everyone's sight fades.
For first few minutes of the match you had been decoding. Feeling more relaxed as Luca shouted the hunter was on him, making him first kite. Your cipher was a little over half way done, as Luca started kiting toward you. At first you assumed he was just kiting in the area so you didn't bother to get off the cipher.
Your heartbeat started to get more prominent, but you were still very lax, thinking Luca and whoever the hunter was were just getting closer, when a shout rang out through the map. “Beware! Hunter has changed target!” You lifted your head abruptly from your cipher, accidentally messing up a calibration in the process making you shield your face from the explosion.
Soon after you messed it up you felt blades run from your back to your side. You cry out in pain bumping into the cipher as you sprint away, unfortunately the cipher snagged one of the slashes he had made in your shirt. A dark chuckle sounded behind you as you ran.
“This chase is already way more exciting than chasing that decoder,” Jack said licking the blood from his blades. You ran vaulting windows, throwing pallets for distance, you even led him back to Luca. Luca had a flustered look watching you pass him.
Eli knew you were currently kiting and trusted that you’d call out for help, so he didn't want to waste his spectate. “Help me!” Your shout rang out through the map. Eli was quick to send brooke to your aid. Looking through brooke's eyes he was shocked at the condition of your current costume. His face turned a little red.
Jack had only meant to slash your back, but since you messed up the calibration his slash went down your side, slicing open your shirt. It would've been fine with thin slashes, if your crash into the cipher hadn't caused your shirt to snag. It tore and your right boob was pretty much exposed.
You were trying to hold onto some dignity pulling the shreddings of your shirt over to cover it, but vaulting and pulling down pallets. You needed both your hands. Jack definitely had a great view of you each time you pulled down pallets. Eli was quick to find the teams other assist, William, and asking for his help to get The Ripper off you.
William was quick to assist. He stunned Jack allowing you to escape and hide, forcing him switch targets. Eli set brooke to find you, so he could help.
When he did find you, you were crouched behind a pallet, making a pathetic attempt to save your shirt. Eli crouched in front of you, not looking at your chest, instead checking over the wound. “It’s gonna be okay s/o, you can have my trench coat” His voice was slightly flustered, as he shed his coat.
He was left in his white long-sleeve button-up and black tie. You couldn't be more thankful for him wearing his recluse costume. “Thank you, Eli. God, this is pretty embarrassing!” Both your guy's faces have a faint blush, as you button up his trench coat finally covering your exposed flesh.
Eli's nervousness faded as he smiled. Lifting his hand to cup your cheek. “Don't worry, if they say anything, I'll have brooke rose peck out their eyes” he jokes, brooke hoots in agreement.
Ganji gupta
You and Tracy are both hanging out in the manors workshop. She was originally tinkering until you came in, wanting to show off your new costume to her. It had this futuristic theme, and Tracy was quick abandoned her invention to mess with the small gadgets they stuck to you as accessories.
On the front-side of your shorts, you had some sort of tablet with buttons and fun looking controls. It was attached to some belt that had other gadgets, they were all locked to the belt, which was attached to the shorts. Tracy was crouched down messing with them all.
“How mad do you think Miss Nightingale would be if I started taking this stuff apart?” Tracy said with a small grin. You look down and it seems she had already took her screwdriver to a few things. “Well, I guess we will find out” She laughed at your words.
Everything was going fine you were standing as you watch Tracy dismantle each piece of futuristic tech on the belt. Ganji knocked before entering the workshop. He sighed looking at Tracy crouched next to you. “How much longer are you gonna keep my s/o, Reznik?”
Ganji was told this was only gonna be a quick visit to show off the costume. Yet He’d been left waiting out there for at least 20 minutes. “Calm down ‘Gupta’ your s/o came here to show off their costume to me not you!” Tracy taunted, while saying his name is a mocking tone. Ganji scoffed, setting his cricket bat down at the door.
“Who do you think they showed it to first, Reznik.” Ganji sounded like he was subtly bragging, at being the first person to see you in the new costume. Tracy rolled her eyes. “Darn, the screen to this thing just doesn't want to come off!” She said trying to get the screen off, to get the wiring.
Ganji started to walk toward them reaching to pull Tracy off his s/o. “Okay Reznik, I’ve had my fair share of sharing my s/o.” Before He could reach Tracy she had fell back as her force caused your shorts to rip.
Tracy honestly didn't see anything with how fast Ganji was to cover you, He scowled down at Tracy. “I'm sorry...?” She said with a sheepish smile. “Find my s/o something to cover up with Reznik” He said firmly. She was quick to bolt out of the room. “Right! I'll be right back!”
She didn't look back in fear of seeing Ganji's harsh gaze. You could help but rest you forehead against his back laughing. “What are you laughing at? You’re currently in your underwear, if you hadn’t noticed.” He said turning toward you with a slight frown.
“I can’t help but laugh at the silliness of this situation my love. I never expected Tracy to rip my shorts, all so she could get the tablet!” You found this situation pretty funny. Ganjis frown turned into a small smile with your amusement.
“Glad you find this amusing. Though I’d rather be the only one to see my lover without pants on.” His words made your face slightly red. “Okay, perv.” His gaped slightly. “… I’ll remember that the next time your clothes rip. I won’t cover you.”
You smile squeezing his cheeks. “Yes you will, because you love me!” He sighed as you squeezed his face passive-aggressively. “… Yes I will.”
Naib Subedar
You know your lover hates Murro with an burning passion. Mostly because he hates boars, but you thought Murro’s boar was kinda cute.
Unfortunately Murro stayed very far away from you, making it so you barely saw his boar outside of matches.
It was a very nice day at the manor, survivor matches going smoothly, not that you had any matches to participate in today, Naib had about one or tw. With him on the team you didn’t doubt they would win.
In the manor there is an outdoor area, and due to you not having any matches today you want to go walk around in the sun for a bit.
On your way out you were wearing loose fitting loungewear. Not being in a match you didn’t want to put effort into putting on one of your usually costumes.
The sun felt good especially after being inside for most the day, you would take what you can get before Naib decides to ‘lowkey’ glue himself to your side. The outdoor part of the manor was pretty big enough to have a small forest, with a gate surrounding the whole area of course.
In the distance near trees you saw a tail and decided to investigate. Upon getting closer you realized its nust Murro's boar.
“Oh, I wonder why you’re out here by yourself. Is Murro around?” You said crouching down in front of the boar. It kind of just stared at you chewing on grass.
“Right, you’re an animal you can’t talk…” You felt a little awkward as the boar stared you down. “Well… I’m gonna go back that way…?” You stand dusting yourself off. As you stand the boar approaches you. You got back down wanting to pet it.
It did let you pet it for a moment, you got to even rub its stomach. It was fun, until you decided to go back inside and it grabbed ahold of the back of your shirt.
You and the boar had a short staring match. “Hmm, as much as I would love to spend more time with you Murro’s boar i’m sure my boyfriend is done with his match.” You said trying to tug the shirt from its mouth.
The boar refused turning it into a game of tug-a-war. “Let. go!” You huffed out fighting against the animal, you could hear the fabric starting to tear from you two pulling on it.
With one last tug you fell backwards, grunting in pain. It had a good chunk of fabric in its mouth as its trophy. You heard hurried footsteps. looking up you saw Murro. “I’m sorry! I didn't realize my boar had wandered away, forgive me!” He reached out to help you.
Unfortunately Naib had just arrived at the scene to see Murro’s boar with some of your shirt in its mouth, and Murro himself standing over you. In a moment a blade whizzed past, slicing Murro’s cheek causing him to fall on his butt in fear.
Looking behind you, he could see a very angry Naib hauling ass toward you all. In fear he quickly abandoned you. Hopping on his boar he left, running in the opposite direction.
Naib almost ran past you to chase Murro if you hadn’t gotten up quickly to grab the back of his shirt. “Wait, don’t chase after him!” You struggled to hold on to the man.
“I’ll gut him and that boar. How dare he sica damn animal on you.” His voice wasn't a shout but he was definitely furious. He was very strong actually draggjng you as he tried to pursue Murro.
You pull on his ponytail dragging his head back. “Hold your horses, who said anything about him siccing his boar on me?!” You let go of his hair as he stopped for a moment. “What do you mean, his boar was standing over you with some of your clothes in it mouth. How could that not be an attack on you?” He finally turned toward you head tilted slightly in confusion.
Sighing, you lightly pat Naib's cheek. “I wouldn't say it was an attack, I was originally playing with the boar. It only was trying to stop me from walking away, and Murro said he ran over after noticing it was gone.”
Naib’s eyebrows were still furrowed, eyes slightly closed, as of he was trying to see if you were lying for the sake of Murro. “Fine, I won't chase after him, for now.”
You grin pinching your lovers cheek. “Good! Now lets go inside you smell like shit” You say looping your elbow with his to lead him back to the manor. He rolled his eyes. “Whatever dear.”
Patricia Dorval
“Breaking wheel...! That son... sons? Of a bitch!” You say irritated, cursing his name to the sky quietly. He had been chasing you for most of the match before you lovely, kind, sweetheart patricia, took kite.
Inside your head you gushed about your girlfriend as you were trying to remove his spikes from not only your clothing but from your skin, as it had penetrated through the cloth into you.
Pulling them out was a huge pain, It hurt like hell. If only someone could help. You couldn't reach the ones in your back. Your mind drifted to Patricia as you pondered how her kite was going.
“You need help?” A raspy voice spoke out from behind you causing to yell and jump. Quickly turning around your faced wth the sneaky bastard who turned out to be Kreacher.
“Damn it Kreacher, you don't just sneak up on people like that!” You shout at the man hand over your heart. Other one raised as if you were going to hit him.
He back away from your shouts ready to coward out, and run away from your aggression. “Wait! Yes, I need help...” You say embarrassed about having to ask Kreacher of all people, to help you.
He was a little hesitant to come toward you, he had a sketical look toward you as you were just shouting but he did anyways. “Stay still and Ill get them removed” He said hand already painfully pulling one lodged in your back.
You try to hold in your pained shouts, refusing to show that this bothered you in front of Kreacher. They were pretty thin the spikes, but very sharp with tiny barbs that makes sense them hard to get from your skin.
Kreacher doesn't exactly have the gentlest hands while removing these from both your clothes and skin. You couldn't tell if he was trying to hurt you or help you.
“You could slow down damn it! Stop removing them fast you asshole, It hurts!” You hiss pulling away as he pulled another one carelessly out.
“Maybe if you could actually dodge breaking wheel..” You heard him mutter under his breath. “What did you just say!?” You say ticked off. “Nothing!!” He quickly says pulling one out to distract you.
He was pulling out the last one when both your hearts started to beat slightly, though it was barely anything to make you fret, polun didn't even know where you two were.
Coward freaking Pierson on the other hand grabbed ahold of the last spike dragging it down your back as he pulled away, bolting.
The specific spike he pulled was at the top so it tore all the way down, making the shirt go forward almost exposing if you hadn’t held it up with your hands. You grind your teeth slightly, turning to curse out to Kreacher.
As you turned your eyes met Patricia's, who had wacked Kreacher down with her ape skull, making his head bleed as he dizzily sat on the ground.
“Sorry I wasn't here sooner s/o, but at least I crushed this roach.” She said walking past him to you. She pecked you on the cheek getting her lipstick on your face, before looking at your back which was now exposed.
You had some blood drops rolling down from the sprike removals. She cut some more of your shirt so that she could tie a not in the back so it wouldn't fall off.
“I would take Kreachers jacket and give it to you, but I'd rather none of his filthy items touch you” She said as she gently caressed your back, careful of the small wounds.
You blushed at her caring gesture. “I should've warn a different costume one with a jacket, that's my bad.” She put her arms around your neck. “Well, I for one really like this costume, too bad it gonna be temporarily out of commission”
She makes it so hard for you not to swoon when shes this sweet. Kreacher groans reminding you two he was there.
Patricia unhooks her arms from around your neck. “Let's leave that thing and go decode the last cipher. Polun will find and kill it” She says loud enough for him to hear.
She grabs your hand pulling you away toward a cipher, while you follow her happily. Patricia was right about Kreacher as he was found & killed after Ganji led the hunter to him. At least the 3 of them escaped!
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va-3 · 4 months
They're Injured
Joker was always being hunted, shot at, and chased in car chases. Yes, you were always with him, and it technically was your job to sacrifice your life for his if it eventually came to such a point, but Mr. J had switched the roles. A gunfight had broken out in Mr. J's club. You'd repeated yourself at least ten times, yelling at Mr. J to get him to either leave or get down. Instead, he managed to switch roles and send you rolling under a table to watch him get shot in the shoulder. It goes to say that you were as pissed as you were worried, seeing that your greeting to him later was a sharp punch to the stomach followed by a passionate kiss. 
Captain Boomerang:
Digger was used to being in the line of fire, and was less than worried when he took a shot to the leg in a less than pleasant robbery. You, on the other hand, upon discovery of his wild adventure and injury, panicked in the most subtle way possible. Unfortunately, subtle in your dictionary was drive over to his house at 2am, kick down the door, scold him, and then proceed to break down crying. 
In his line of work it was not unusual for him to be hunted in return, as was the occasional "battle-wound". You, on the other hand, found yourself worrying more than you should've. Death was a difficult enemy of mortals, not you, therefore you were entitled to the worry and fear that accompanied the blossoming of your relationship. Needless to say, you had him on a house lock-in for quite some time after his shoulder had been shot clean through. (snuggles were very much included)
El Diablo:
Injuries in battle were hard to avoid, as were near death experiences. You watched in horror as Chato shoved the ancient being towards the location of a lethally powerful charge. When it went off, you were nowhere to be found for a good few seconds. The team was confused until they heard you sobbing from behind the blasted ground, cradling an unconscious, severely injured, but alive Chato.
Killer Croc:
Waylon, bruised an battered after the battle with Enchantress, was pleasantly surprised when you body-slammed/bear-hugged him to near death. You'd never been so worried in your entire life, and although the injuries he sustained were little, your entire being was telling you he was gonna die. It was hard to explain that he was okay through your mix of blubbering and cursing. 
Harley Quinn:
When Harleen freed you from your solitary-confinement room, she was not herself. You were happy to see her, but the joy was quickly overrun with worry when you spotted the two burn marks on either side of her temple left behind by what you knew was electroshock. Concerned, you questioned her like an officer would a criminal until she gave out and let you tend to her wounds before fleeing the cursed institution(no regrets there). 
June Moone:
June's well being meant everything to you, any moment you felt she was in danger you try your hardest to keep her from it. But mental damage was something you could not fight, or shoot. June was tormented nightly by the dangerous being using her as a vessel, and it broke you to know that you could not do anything about it. Instead, you did your best to comfort her: held her close, calmed her with kisses, and gave her the love she needed to mend her broken soul. With your love, June felt the power to face anything. 
The mortal soldier held your love's heart in his hands, threatening to crush everything you loved for something he loved. When she refused, your eyes flashed with panic. The soldier began to crush her heart, causing her to shriek with unbelievable pain. Terrified of losing the only person who saw you as a blessing, you snatched the heart from the soldier in a bolt of light. In the flash of light, time slowed around you, giving you just enough time to sway Enchantress' spirit from the human girls body and into one you summoned from your own power. You and your lover backed away from the mortal and his human lover, happy to be safe.
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Enchantress x Reader
3.5K Follower Special
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Your love is a strange one. Technically the one you’d call the love of your life is a corporeal being currently possessing you.
Originally the Enchantress possessed a doctor named June Moon. But you were working with Task Force X before it officially became what it was. The Enchantress was smitten. She was constantly trying to take control of June just to see you.
Needless to say Colonel Rick Flagg was not happy. So you made a deal with the Enchantress, she’d leave June and Rick alone and come possess you instead.
An odd little arrangement but Enchantress loves occupying your body. She loves whispering words of affirmation in your ear when you’re on duty. You love the slight little feeling you get when she gives you a ghost kiss.
It’s now closer to All Hallows’ Eve. You were tired and worn out from all the paperwork that Waller slammed on your desk. Waller hated that Enchantress was in you instead of Moon but it keeps a class A threat docile. Enchantress could only whisper her usual words of encouragement and occasionally focus her ghostly form just to gently pet your hand. What you didn’t know was that your corporeal girlfriend was forming a little idea in her witchy mind.
You trudges through the door of your little apartment and nearly collapse on your couch.
Head to the mirror. Enchantress gently commands you. Please my love
You roll your eyes but head to the closest mirror. Your ghost of a witch girlfriend materializes, a gentle sway in her hips as she smiles at you.
Oh my love, you work so hard today.
“I know” you shrug, “but it’s better than being stuck behind bars”
Her ethereal hands glide across your reflection’s chest and arms. Surprisingly you feel every little gentle caress.
Relax. Her ghostly form kisses your cheek. Let me tend to you. A queen is nothing without her consort.
She smiles at you before venturing inside of your own body. Just stay still, let me make you feel good.
You can feel her spirit working within you. Immense waves of pleasure wash over you. You can feel groans wishing to escape your lips.
Shh. Waller may have ears any where or maybe we should let her hear. The Enchantress giggles as you can feel her ghostly fingers as they teasing work up your legs.
“M-my-“ you try to articulate but the amazing magic she’s working is too much.
Shh tonight’s about you.
“You’re too good to me” you finally manage to say.
I could say the same to you. And then it hits you.
You collapse to your knees. Immense joy and pleasure hit you in waves, lulling you into a feeling of security.
You look one last time in the mirror to see your Enchantress holding you from behind. A little wicked grin on her lips.
Happy Halloween, my love
Happy Halloween indeed.
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
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There's a Valencringe event held at CRK's official discord server (sadly I didn't join cuz I'm busy), and this one card cracks me up because this definitely would Shadow Milk cookie give to Y/N cookie XD
Happy (late) valentine's Day anyway
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By WildfireOwO on Twitter
A Cringe Day for Chocolates
Oh yeah, some of these submissions were pretty interesting to me lol
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Shadow Milk finally had you in his clutches, Pure Vanilla and White Lily watching in stunned horror as you emerge from the chaos, dressed up just like those faerie jesters along with those haunting eyes and wide smile. It was even worse when Shadow Milk Cookie was there beside you, as you two started to romantically dance with each other, with Shadow Milk dipping you in a bow.
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“What’s the matter, you two sillies? You don’t recognize your own pal? It wouldn’t matter anyway, they’re mine now~”
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By _leviroyale on IG
“Why waste your time with so called heroes when you can realize your full potential with me, my dear~? I’d appreciate EVERYTHING about you that my other half wouldn’t~”
“B-but that was my rose for them! My card!”
“Shut it, will you!”
Old lady cat-fight ensues
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By: CelestialStari on Twitter
“My liege, I present you the finest chocolates as my gift.”
“Heh, that’s nothing! Hey, Baker! Gotcha a real shiny chocolate coins for ya!”
“A Paladin of the Light believes that only chocolate that comes from the heart is the best for someone they cherish!”
You thanked the number of cookies who came to the tower to gift you chocolates. Then along came Pure Vanilla.
“My Baker! I gift you this flower form my garden, for it represents the beauty that you hold in my eyes!”
You didn’t even get a word out before PV got on his knees and desperately presented the flower to you.
He only stopped when you took it from him.
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sei-cookie · 3 months
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"You are no hero, Pure Vanilla Cookie."
Speed drawing at 12am
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randomstoryenjoyer · 9 months
Hey I love your stories and your 'white lily's fall' gave me an idea for a request...for a story!
Imagine a witch (y/n) at first baked cookies to try to make a friend but as they kept running away...it gave y/n an idea! If they run away...why not make a track and make em race? So now y/n bakes them to either run a normal race or an obstacle course race to the window to escape amd y/n even put something under their window to cushion their fall so they wouldn't crumble and can simply run out to join the cookie world! Also the obstacles are harmless and not deadly like if they fail an obstacle, they just land on something soft and can walk over to some stairs or a ladder and try again! Ofcourse the finish line is the window!
Oh and whenever they race, y/n chooses one cookie to cheer on as they sit to the side, watching, and hopes that said cookie wins the race...again for entertainment! Maybe they even pretend to be a racing announcer as they race!
And imagine if other cookies found out...like, one possible idea is DE flying along, plotting against the witches when they suddenly hear hearing like: "AAAAAND RED ICING COOKIE MANAGED TO JUMP OVER THAT MASSIVE GAP! SO IMPRESSIVE! THE CROWD IS GOING WILD!" followed by y/n trying to impersonate a crowd cheering like crazy! So DE goes to investigate aaaaand finds Y/n racing cookies instead of eating them! Or maybe some other cookie like gingerbrave finds them! Just some ideas but can't wait to see what you come up with for this concept and curious what ideas you'll have lol!
Possible to add on, putting this possible add on here incase ya wanna add it: Y/n also keeps track of the races and the winners in a book and also timed it to see which cookie they've baked is the fastest and if a cookie read the book, they'll know that y/n raced cookies LOTS of times!
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The Witch’s game
Rugelach Cookie’s breath hitched as they swerved left to right, their little legs scuttering as fast as they ever had before… he was so close to the end… all that was left was to…
With the finish line crossed and window reached, Coconut Flake Cookie stood proud and delighted as he received the witch’s praise, eventually jumping out the window. Rugelach Cookie was left to get back up and head back to his place, however, if one looked closely, they could see that he was hiding a giddy smile…
Due to being a witch, your life consisted mostly of isolation, except for the odd meeting with other fellow witches here and there. Thus, you came up with the idea of creating your own friends by baking cookies to give life to! It was an easy goal to achieve… if not for the fact that every cookie you baked always ran away and jumped out the window.
This kept going for multiple baking sessions, each one making you more annoyed when the results showed no sign of changing. Eventually though, it began to make sense to you. No matter their size or origins, living cookies were still as much as individuals as anybody else, little creatures with a desire to leave the nest and live a life of their own, instead of being stuck inside a witch’s kitchen with a giant being looming over them. It was just something you had to accept.
This led to a new idea develop: if they insisted on running, why not put them through a race? From then on, your lair became a small race arena. All you needed to set up was a long path that led to the window as the finish lane, and then fill it with many different types of (non-lethal) obstacles for each race. The first cookie to reach the window would have the prize of being able to jump out of it and live in the outside world! You didn’t actually know what the cookies did in the outside world, but it didn’t really bother you.
Between races, the cookies you baked would get their own resting village inside your lair, where they could all gather around and interact with one another, most conversations being about what laid outside the windows of your lair… what existed below the glimmering moon and stars they saw every night…
As for you, you decided to make the most out of your idea, sitting to the side during the races and choosing a specific cookie to cheer on, acting like a wild crowd. The first contestant cookies you baked were a bit confused at your odd actions, but eventually began to even enjoy them.
Oh, enjoy them they eventually did. It soon got to the point where the racing cookies would begin getting weirded out if you didn’t act like a crowd going wild over the contestants. Your cheers and howls of excitement directed at them soon became the main motivation for being willing to take part in the races, to the point that they sometimes even forgot what they even were originally racing for!
Slowly but surely, talks amongst the cookies every night in the resting village shifted from wonders about the outside world to gushing over the the witch in the audience seats, mostly led by the very first racing cookies that you had baked. More recently baked cookies were swift to join the talks about you, but it was the older ones who truly prided themselves knowing the most about the witch who baked them.
Many cookies soon began seeing the races in a different light: why would they want to go to the outside world when they had you and your praises in this cozy home? Surely staying with you wouldn’t be that bad as originally thought!
During these last few days, you’ve started noticing how… clumsy some of the cookies were during the race. A bit slow of slow running, a few of them missing a some.simple jumps, and taking extra long to get back to the racetrack once they failed an obstacle… and the numbers of the cookies doing it increased day by day. Despite the fact that it opened up a bigger chance for cheers and announcements from your audience stand, it still felt a bit suspiciously random.
If only you knew just how much your presence and cheers meant to your cookies at this point…
However, these didn’t end up being the only cookies that were aware of your races, as new ones would soon know about you…
Dark Enchantress Cookie was busy scouting out the area with her cake witch carrying her as always, looking for more places to build her cake army in while the rest of the cookies of darkness were busy with her other demands, when she suddenly heard a loud cheer from not too far away.
Her instincts very much telling her that this voice she heard was a dreadful witch, she made her way to the source of the sound a fast as she possibly could, expecting to see what she had seen during the fateful night of the witches.
Instead, all she found was a witch… watching cookies run from one place to another?
She stood there, just watching the scene unfold. The excited look on the cookie’s faces, the enthusiasm of the witch, the complete lack of any cruelty of mischievousness on the witch’s voice and actions. It didn’t make any sense to her at all. Witches weren’t like this. They weren’t meant to be! She saw it all in the night of the witches!
She remained still for so long that her cake witch had began to stare at her with slight discomfort, wondering why its master had gone stiff for such a long time.
Dark Enchantress Cookie remained quiet within her mixed thoughts. Seeing cookies who weren’t baked with the intention to be eaten seemed to have rattled her mind a bit. After all, her view on the witch’s uses for cookies was the whole reason she had become who she was. But now, her initial plans for Earthbread seemed to have a small flaw in it. Unprepared for this extra factor in her equation
Leaving the area before she got any more hooked onto the ongoing scene, Dark Enchantress Cookie planned to order her subordinates to come visit in this place frequently… and to inform her all they find out about you specifically.
With sightings of the cookies of darkness having been reported around this area, Gingerbrave had decided to come check this place out, trying to find out what the COD’s plans in this area were.
What he didn’t expect to run into however, was the lair of a witch! His mind already bringing him flashbacks of his very first living moments, he felt tempted to just run away instantly, and yet, something in his mind kept telling him to explore this new landmark. The vibe he got from this place was… unexpected, for lack of a better word.
Imagine his surprise when, instead of seeing the worst kind of cookie torture devices or other scariest stuff that he could think of, the first thing he saw was a small village full of many cookies who were all excitedly discussing something! He was too far to hear them properly, but judging from all the chatter, it was clear they were all discussing about the same thing.
Deciding to keep exploring, he’d carry on sneaking, now laying his eyes upon every nook and cranny of his surroundings, until he jumped in surprised at the sudden loud voice:
Peeking out of cover, Gingerbrave’s eyes widened as he took in the view. Many of the cookies from the small resting village were all lining up to the race track, all cheering and looking up at the witch that had announced the start of the race.
Once it began, his eyes almost sparkled when he saw it all. All the cookies running, looking like they were having the time of their lives, and the loud cheers you were giving towards the racing cookies, it almost made him feel a bit sad and jealous that he wasn’t a part of it…
Too distracted by the ongoing event, Gingerbrave accidentally knocked into a book that fell down in front of him and opened. Curious by your handwriting on it, he skimmed a few pages and realised that this book recorded all the races you had ever had… you’ve been doing this for a long time! And he and the rest of his fellow cookies of Earthbread weren’t aware of you? The very first nice witch in probably forever?
Beginning to see this place in a new light, he began coming up with a plan to tell his friends about this new discovery… and possibly to sneak into your lair again and maybe try to disguise as your racer cookies too… all for the chance of getting to participate in on the fun, and receiving your wonderful cheers too…
Now you have two groups of cookies sneaking into your races, trying to blend themselves in as a part of the cookies you baked. They were all confident you wouldn’t notice the difference.
You did.
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mxximax · 3 months
Hello author, do you accept requests? If yes, then you can use the Dark Enchantress Cookie and y/n Cookie. And happy 8th of March to you ❣️Oh! I almost forgot here you go(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ😘😘😘😊😚💝🎉💟🌺💞💟😍💟🌺💞😉😉😙😙🌹❣️🤗🤗😹😹😹🤗😹🤗😀😀🌹🌹🌹😀🤗😀😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀���🤗🤗🤗🤗
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here you go
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phoenix-bleh · 2 months
Got idea for an intresting self aware au fic thing! A concept I did with friends but want to see your take on it! Not quite a single self aware cookie run character x reader but...here it is. My idea!
Self aware cookie run x very anxiety-ridden reader! Like having a habit of overthinking and yeah lol!
Imagine...y/n knows the Kingdom story and loves the game and the characters buuuuut when they are taken into world...they are TERRIFIED because of dark enchantress, the war and fighting and conflict going on and is terrified of being dragged into it so probably freak out at first about being out into the game like "ok i didn't know I was gonna get possibly killed by cookies of darkness today!"
Buuuuuut over time they learn from experience that things aren't as they seem. seems like all the conflicts have calmed down ever since y/n appeared and no there are no more of the usual story conflicts...instead, it's just the silly conflict of who can spoil y/n better and everyone focuses on making y/n happy and comfy and relaxed rather than trying to tear eachother a new one.
Example (just to demonstrate well..what problems y/n worries about vs. What they actually face. Just to give you a sample.)
Worry: y/n thinks they have to worry about dark enchantress taking them hostage and being treated badly as a hostage....
Reality: y/n if...really big if since they know kidnapping causes anxiety, dark enchnteress decides to take em as a hostage...y/n just had to worry about what snacks they are gonna choose to much on while watching their favorite movie while waiting for the good cookies to rescue em.
Worry: pure vanilla and shadow milk fight and being caught in crossfire.
Reality: pure vanilla and shadow milk have competition on who can make y/n their favorite breakfast dish the best! Winner gets to cook y/n breakfast!
Tldr: anxiety y/n gets dragged into cookie run world and gets scared because they think they will be doomed via plot because of the fighting always going on in it. Lucky for them...cookies won't let plot lay a finger on y/n and just want to spoil y/n rotten!
Self aware CRK x Anxiety! reader
Good luck trying to survive when you got a bunch of cookies wanting your attention 👍
warnings: you get spoiled to death
You don’t know why or how you ended up here in the game Cookie Run Kingdom but here you are. You were surrounded by the many cookies excited to meet you and you were just standing there confused out of your mind. Looking at all the cookies in front of you you realized you were actually here, in real life, and this wasn’t a dream. You let that sink in and on the inside you were screaming.
You knew about the game and you KNEW the story that came with the game. You loved the game, it was amazing, but the conflict that you might get dragged into scared you to the core. Not to mention you were in the middle of the Dark Flour war. What if that was still happening right now?? You were not in the mood for dying today.
The fear in your face was not unnoticed by one of the Ancients, Pure Vanilla Cookie walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You flinched at his touch and turned to look at him. “y/n are you alright? Is this all too much for you?” His face held genuine worry for you. You put your head down a little “Is…is the war still going on?” you asked him quietly. He still heard you and rubbed your shoulder for comfort “Unfortunately yes, but no need to worry dear if any harm were to come to you we promise to keep you safe at all cost.” 
You wanted to thank him for the reassuring words but if you were being honest they really didn’t work that much. However after some time being here most of the major conflicts started dying down just because of you existing. Even Dark Enchantress Cookie stopped focusing on trying to take over all of Earthbread and started focusing on trying to steal you and spoil you. Which is weird since it seems like something she wouldn’t do but here you are. 
She just kidnapped you and obviously you were terrified of what she could possibly do to you. She could do anything she wanted to you since you were way weaker than her and just thinking about it made you shake in terror. You were then placed in a big room with a bed and one of your favorite movies/shows and Dark Enchantress standing next to you asking you if you needed anything. You looked like a deer in headlights and just said you wanted a glass of milk. She then told her followers to go fetch you a glass of milk. Now you were just sitting here with a bunch of blankets and pillows surrounding plus the dark cookies huddled up next to you with a bunch of snacks all over the floor. You were waiting to see if anyone would come and save you just in case she change her act and decided she wanted to torture, but that was just your thoughts
It wasn’t just her either, almost every cookie fought over to see who could spoil and treat you the best.
During the expedition of Beast-Yeast you were freaking out about the conflict that Pure Vanilla and Shadow Milk might have and how much destruction it might cause. Also if Shadow Milk Cookie won you knew for a fact you were all dead. Noooooo it was nothing like that at all. They fought over your attention and for some reason had a cooking contest, out of all things, to see who could serve you the best. You can say you were pretty confused and now you have two cookies in front of you shoving each other so you could eat their food first.
When you met Wildberry Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie at the same time you were sure they were gonna argue with each other about something and you did not want to be caught up in their fighting. Too bad you were and they were fighting over who could protect you from danger better. If you were being honest you were just thankful they cared about you but you were definitely not expecting this much attention.
You thought you were gonna be caught in the terrible scary plot in this game and get yourself killed. Lucky you though none of the plot ever touched you because everyone was too busy trying to please you and keep you happy. Which apparently is way more important than anything else, but hey at least you know you're not dying anytime soon besides being spoiled to death.
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Saw your requests open, and i want angst so..
How would the cookies (any of your choosing) react to Y/N being put in a coma by say another Cookie?
I love angst so much
Crk characters reacting to reader being put into a coma
Featuring: Dark Enchantress, Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao
Note: I think I did this request correctly?
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Dark Enchantress
All she could do was watch as the ancients attacked you. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. They were supposed to attack her, but they went after you.. She swore to kill them once you get better. All she could do is sit by your bed as you lay unconscious. She stayed there just staring at you, she wouldn’t dare leave the room. All the cookies of darkness started to get more worried by the day. They worked on getting some spell or anything to wake you up but nothing ever worked.
“My dear, once you awaken we shall get revenge, together, on those that have wronged you..” She places her hand on your cold cheek. “For now, I shall stay by your side until you wake..”
Dark Enchantress stayed by your side like she said. Hours, days, months, for as long as it took she’ll be by your side till the bitter end.
Pure Vanilla
When the cookies of darkness attacked you, he lost his composure. He couldn’t stand you being hurt. Once he got to you, you were unconscious. The cookies of darkness laughed as they fled the scene. Pure Vanilla was on his kness, you in his arms, begging for you to wake up. The ancients only watched and shed a few tears. They loved you to, you were like sibling to them.
“Please.. My love.. Wake up..” Pure Vanilla said in between sobs. “They won’t get away with this, I’ll kill them if I have to..” He picked up and held you close to his chest.
Dark Cacao
He found out you were pushed off the kingdoms walls by one of the watchers. He rushed out the castle, he watched as someone was running to him with you in his arms. He was stunned, he couldn’t move, all he could do was watch. The cookie started talking to him but he couldn’t hear them. He just took you from their arms and ran to your shared bedroom. He called upon all the healers in his kingdom, he sent letters to Pure Vanilla to come and help.
After awhile, you were healed but still unconscious. No one was aloud to come in or out the kingdom, the cookie that pushed you was dealt with, and Dark Cacao was colder than before. He never had time to talk to anyone, he spent all his free time by your side. He was even more easily irritated. All the healers say your fine but why aren’t you waking up?!
“Why haven’t you woke up… You’re healed! Why haven’t you woke up yet.?” Dark Cacao said while laying next to you.
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hugemilkshake · 2 months
I loved what you wrote and I can't help but see that too! If ya want...here is a part 2 if ya want more! If not feel free to delete!
Maybe as y/n follows butter roll around, butter roll introduces y/n to stuff aaaand soon other cookies of darkness notice y/n and when they discover y/n is their first creation...well...stuff ensues. Can imagine y/n just curiously looking at things and wanting to touch everything. Soft dress? Touch. Cool scythe? Touch. Silly mushroom head that looks squishy? Touch.
Enjoy the milkshake! It’s nice to write about some of my favorite goobers
Cookies Of Darkness with a curious reader
-platonic scenario-
Part 1 part 3
Butter Roll was obviously going to show you off to his fellow researchers and the Cookies Of Darkness! I mean he made a cookie with all of the ingredients unlike some cookies
Butter Roll definitely felt some superiority over Dark Enchantress and Matcha Cookie due to this
Well this obviously didn’t bother Dark Enchantress but man did it bother Matcha
Butter Roll was bragging about you non stop! It was VERY annoying
But the thing was you were less of a bragger, more on the quiet side but also on curious side which was a bonus for Matcha since she could get you to hate Butter Roll if she tried hard enough
But the first time you met Matcha you touched her staff, now granted you got a little electric shock but still, you were curious to see how to felt!
Now when you met Pomegranate Cookie you wanted to touch her mirror, but everyone and I mean EVERYONE said not to since that would be a horrible idea, even Pomegranate herself said it was a bad idea
So you just patted her on the head, and her hair was surprisingly soft!
Now Licorice Cookie was a different story, he wanted to ignore you, but you were too persistent!
Licorice set his staff down one day and you wanted to see how his staff felt. It felt smooth yet rough, and when you tried to pick it up you were very surprised to how heavy it was
When Licorice came back he snatched back his staff and held it with ease. I guess he’s stronger than he looks…
Now Poison Mushroom Cookie was very very chill with you, their head looked squishy so you squished it
The two of you are now friends, no questions asked
Now there are three cookies who will occasionally stop by, like Dark Enchantress Cookie
You felt her horns once but she snapped at you. So you kinda stay away from her
Now there’s Red Velvet Cookie, when he stops by it’s to either give a status update or to drop of ingredients
But when you first saw him, you wanted to see what his cake arm felt like
Now granted he was a little aggressive with you at first but once a panicked Butter Roll explained to him that you were freshly baked, Red Velvet calmed down
So whenever you want to touch his cake arm you have to ask, most of the time he’ll say no but if your lucky you will get a yes
And then there’s Affogato Cookie. He doesn’t come around much but when he does it’s a little chaotic
He’s sly. Very sly
The rest of the Cookies Of Darkness mainly Licorice try to keep you two away from each other.
Affogato will probably try to make you believe that he’s the only one worth listening to.
But if the two of you are alone, Affogato will let you feel the fur of his outfit, or the silk of his sleeves
But you do hear from Poison Mushroom that there are some more Cookies Of Darkness you’ve not met… you wonder if you’ll ever meet them
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fishermanshook · 5 months
"You look, oddly familiar." (surviors! x gn!reader)
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A prompt where you knew said Survivor before they came to the manor. Your reason for coming here? Probably because of them.
꒰wc꒱ 1.0k words (grammar and spelling warning, mentions of abuse in Female Dancer’s part.)
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The Enchantress
You and the Enchantress were together a lot as kids, or has your growing age started to wipe your memory clean? Do you struggle to remember such personal moments the two of you shared? Such a shame, as it's been over 5 years and you've yet to trace her location down. Has she disappeared from the world entirely? Seems like it, doesn't it?
Oh. Wait. There's a memory. An old one for sure, but a memory is still a memory. You and Patricia had spent what seemed to be every waking second together. So much so that Patricia's "mother" had started to see you as her own. Another child to take under her wing, and she gladly would. You understand that, right? Had she not taught you enough? The two of you had made a habit of strolling through New Orleans together, knowing almost every face that inhabited every corner of the city. You'd be down there for any number of reasons. To pick something up, to look for new ingredients, or just to look around the place you know by the back of your hand.
If the two of you had spent so much time with each other, then why didn't she tell you where the hell she went? She never left a note, a letter, or even a single clue as to where she ran off. So yes, when you received a letter stating to know her whereabouts you followed. Was it dumb? Oh for sure. But you would take every chance you could get to find her. You didn't even get to go up to her when you spotted her, she already knew.
"I wish you hadn't come," The Enchantress says with her back turned to yours. "but I can't help but be happy that you did." She chimed, turning around with a smile and a strange-looking artifact in her hand.
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The Painter
You were there when it all started. You know, his painting thing. At first, he was a mess, paint slobbered all over his hands and face like a child. But I guess he was a child when he first picked up the paintbrush. Who would’ve known he would never put it down?
As Edgar’s talent increased, he started painting other things. Boats in the river, flowers growing outside, people strolling around the park where the two of you frequented. His drawings decorated his room and cluttered his bedroom floor.
For your 12th birthday, little Edgar (in all honesty) had forgotten about your birthday. The thought of it struck his mind at 1 in the morning as he quickly grabbed for his paints before whisking out a canvas. Throwing himself into his work, he produced his first of many portraits of you. From that point forward, it was a tradition for him to paint you for each birthday. No matter how many fights you had over his short temper or accidental paint spills imported from the other side of the country, you still received a packaged painting. Wrapped in fine silk with a “happy birthday” note tucked in between the folds. For you, he spared little to no expense. That is, until he got older.
It has been over two years since you've seen the man and you haven’t received a single portrait since. Arriving at the manor, you find him in the garden alone, painting a familiar portrait.
“It’s nice that you remember my face, as I’m starting to forget yours.” Your voice nearly makes him drop his paintbrush, as he whips around to meet you. You in all your stunning beauty, god, how you’ve grown from the small child he once knew.
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Female Dancer
It is either that you met Nata-Margaretha in Lakeside Village or during your shared time spent in the Hullabaloo circus. Both experiences that you will not forget, but time makes things foggy. It blurs memories that were important to your life that you can no longer recall. But for the sake of going to bed without a piercing migraine tonight, your brain tells you it was during the circus.
Ah, now you're starting to remember things. As memories (some unwanted) come flooding back to you about the circus. A curious place that produced good and bad thoughts. Your mind flashes back to before the accident when time was spent helping Margie (a nickname used widely throughout the circus by many of its performers) tame animals and perform new jaw-dropping tricks to stun the audience. 
You remember when your ignorance of what was happening behind closed curtains came crashing down. When Margaretha came crying to you, sobbing that she needed to tell you something. She then began to show you bruises and cuts that littered her body, all deliberately hidden in places that couldn't be noticed unless further expected. To keep it short, you were shocked that "he" could do something this horrible, to decorate her upper body in purple and red marks. It was even more shocking that if anyone noticed, "he" would just brush it off and say that she got hurt while practicing. 
At that time, you knew you had to get her and yourself out of there. A lack of knowledge has landed your friend with bruises, cuts, and unwanted love from someone she thought she cared for.
You haven't seen Margaretha since the fire. Actually, you haven't seen anyone since the fire. Not Mike, not Murro, not even Violetta. But following breadcrumbs as to where they all went earned you a one-way ticket to the Oletus Manor, maybe your questions will be answered there.
"Margie?" You almost choke on your words. Seeing her for the first time in so long feels nostalgic. (how old are you again?) She can't even respond, she can’t even believe it's you. All you'll get from her is a death-griping hug and a stained shirt accompanied by her ever-flowing tears.
note: I love you Patricia (writers block is kicking my a rn)
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(2024)©���fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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va-3 · 4 months
Mr. J had taken notice of the music you seemed to dance a little to when you accompanied him to his club for business meetings, so he put a little something together for you. Late into the night, when the club's crowd was rowdiest, Joker invited you out onto the dance floor. Your favourite music blasted over the speakers and you couldn't help but drop your guard down and let loose. For hours you danced, but when you had grown tired and wished to return home, Joker caught you by the waist and kissed you like he was drowning and you were oxygen.
Captain Boomerang:
Digger and y/n had established a mutual liking for each other within a month and decided to "hang out" more often, as Digger had put it. Both persons, although they didn't openly admit, were crushing on one another and frequently looked forward to the weekly meetings. For y/n, it was a great breather after a long week of working beneath her feisty mafia boss. Arriving, for once, later than Digger, y/n spotted her drinking buddy sitting on the other side of the bar and decided to see how long it'd take him to notice her. Slipping into a seat, she caught some of his conversation with the bartender. 
"Mate, you ever been in love?" The bartender nodded his head and laughed, "Yes, and it's one hell of a ride. You got your eyes on someone?" 
Digger laughed and stared dreamily across the bar, stiffening a little when he saw y/n. Sucking in a breath and muttering "fuck it" under his breath, he pointed across the bar at y/n, "Right there."
Another day, another mission to kill the infamous ass-hat that was y/n. Floyd sighed when his scope rested against his eye and he watched y/n slide her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose and take a sip out of her drink, delivering a devious wink to him. Deciding against killing y/n for the thousandth time, he dropped his gun and shot a grapple above him to swing onto her porch. He landed without grace, but barely disturbed y/n's tanning. Greeting him quietly, y/n patted the second chair beside him. A recently made mojito sat on the table, like she'd been waiting for him(not that he doubted it). Floyd took a seat, and only a moment later y/n spoke up.
"Deadshot, I believe I've done something bad, but I'm not sure I care." He raised a questioning brow and turned his attention towards her and away from his mojito. "And what might that be?"
"I fell in love with you."
The gunfire in the air was getting thicker: hiding from the fight stopped being an option for the silent y/n. Chato watched as she stood and exhaled, her shoulders dropping. Darkness swirled around her feet slowly, becoming a shapeless creature behind her. Chato's panic began to rise the longer she stood in the open, in the middle of the gunfire drowning out his yells. Unable to sit any longer, he hopped up and yanked her back by her shoulder. She turned with a shocked expression that softened when she saw the concern in his eyes. 
"Chato, I love you, but you have to let me be a monster for a second."
Killer Croc:
y/n had been thrown across the plaza multiple times by Enchantress's larger brother, but every time she seemed to stand up with more energy than before. But when Waylon saw her go down, something in him broke a little. Why isn't she getting up? Barely avoiding being hit by the larger god, he slid through his legs and scooped y/n into his arms and ducked into the shadows. She was clearly unconscious, the large slash across her forehead ensuring that. Frantically he patted her face, trying but failing at waking her. Instead he cradled her face and put his forehead to her damaged one.
"Come on girl, don't go now..." Almost like she was listening, her eyes moved under her eyelids, and then opened, glistening with tears. She smiled happily and put her hand to his cheek, "Do you really care?"
"You're damn right I do." 
Harley Quinn:
Harleen had stopped coming in for sessions with y/n two weeks ago, and now she was giving up hope. Several other psychiatrists had been sent in to treat her, and every single one had left with their tail between their legs. y/n, for the first time in a long time, was genuinely upset. She missed Harleen's smile, and her ability to listen to her rambling. Now, she lie awake, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring across her room at the wall. Everything felt empty. You wanted to leave, and one way or another, you were going to. Ballpoint pen in hand, you raised it above your wrist...but the door opened. Your head snapped around and you beamed. In the doorway was Harleen—sure she looked more beat down and was clearly off her rocker, but your Harleen was back. 
"You're back!"
"Of course, I could never leave my girl behind."
June Moone:
Days with June never stopped being fun, but sometimes she just wanted out of the hotel room(as did you, but that is besides the point). The previous night you had suggested a classic movie to watch, but failed to mention that staying awake for the entire duration was almost impossible. Not even halfway through, June found you had slumped over the arm of the couch in a deep sleep. Not wanting to watch the movie without you, she took to sleeping as well, leaning against you. 
You were the first to awake, but it was not of natural cause. June was whimpering in her sleep, tears seeping through the fabric of your shirt where her face was rested. You instantly shook her awake, and cupped her face in your hands. Her eyes opened and gazed into yours, the room silent aside from sniffles. 
"What was it about?"
June didn't answer, she only pressed her lips against yours like you were going somewhere, anywhere, at any second. When she pulled away she rested her forehead against your shoulder.
"Never leave me, y/n..."
"It'll never be an option, I promise."
From the start, Enchantress had been unable to stop staring at y/n's ethereality. And Enchantress's brother could see it. The way she stared when y/n took out human troops with the most beautiful display of power; it simply took her breath away. It wasn't until you were the one that needed help that she acted upon her crush. 
Helicopters, idiotically, had been consistently appearing in the sky, only to be struck down like gnats by y/n. But this time there were too many arriving to keep an eye on all at once. y/n was frantically casting beams of destruction at ships, but dodging their firing was getting far to difficult. Enchantress could see y/n's obvious exhaustion, and began to silently panic. Would her y/n be struck down? She shook the thought from her head and darted from the bottom of the building to the roof where y/n was attacking from. She arrived just in time to see y/n get hit in the side and cast to the ground. Screaming in fury and worry, Enchantress frantically shot down the remaining helicopters and scooped y/n up in her arms. 
"You're okay, you're okay," she whimpered, tracing you lips with her fingers. Golden blood seeped through her fingers, but in the opposite direction. y/n eyes opened and she smiled that dreamy smile of hers. 
"Yes, yes I am." 
Enchantress could do nothing but kiss her in that moment, because for once, she was speechless with gratitude.
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Here's an idea for you; so Rick Flagg and June Moone are a thing in the movie, but Enchantress wants the reader. Hilarity ensues.
Rick: no! I don’t want to share June with anyone.
Enchantress: but I love Y/N, let me control June for one night!
June: no I love Rick and only Rick
Y/N: Enchantress, what if you possess me instead of June? That way you’d always be with me.
Enchantress: (hums) sounds good to me
Enchantress leaves June and transfers into Y/N…
Enchantress: oh baby I’m never leaving. Come on let’s do something fun
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Hi! Is it possible for you to do a Yandere Dark Enchantress x Ancient Reader? I'm thinking of it being like, the reader is in the circle of Ancients and Dark Enchantress had feelings for them ever since she was White Lily and when she found out that the reader was getting close finding the actual White Lily in Beast Yeast she immediately has the urge to get them away.
Mine and Mine Alone
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Even from before Dark Enchantress Cookie was White Lily Cookie, the feelings for you were always present. How bold and courageous you were, standing up for what you believed in. It was no shock that you joined the Ancients.
Even after she rose to power, her feelings stayed the same, but more twisted. Dark Enchantress Cookie desired to have you by her side permanently, to see the 'good' that Dark Magic could bring. She couldn't bring herself to harm you in any way, but she'll gladly use trickery.
When she gets word that you're heading to Beast-Yeast with Pure Vanilla Cookie, to free that other wretched half of herself, any other plans are out the window.
What matters to her in that moment is bringing you to her side, no matter what. You belong to Dark Enchantress Cookie, not White Lily Cookie.
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brittle-doughie · 9 months
Not gonna lie, this has been on my head for WEEKS now after I read Tales of Sweetness (Valentines Special) over and over again even though Valentines day is already over-
And I read the part where Pomegranate Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie are argueing if Y/n will like their Valentine Chocolates or not (anddd of course, Y/n likes it in the end), and it made me very interested on the title of Y/n Cookie if they join the Dark Cookies Team;
"Lord/Lady of Darkness"
So- I was thinking...
May I request of What is Licorice Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie and Dark Enchantress Cookie Opinions or Reactions to Lord/Lady Y/n?
And how does these dark Cookies treat Lord/Lady Y/n Cookie, as well as what these Cookies respect obsess/love Y/n cookie?
Also, I won't forget that I read the part where Lord/Lady Y/n Cookie rides a frikin' Cake Dragon- add that part of how these cookies react that Y/n cookie can tame a Cake Dragon too.
I think some of them will go 😲 or 🤯 or 😱 at Lord/Lady Y/n taming AND riding a big Cake Dragon, of course- 🤣🤣🤣
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Cookie Details - Lord/Lady Harbinger Cookie (Y/N Cookie) - (CoD Ver.)
“Am I a joke to you?”
In comparison to the other members of the CoD, Lord/Lady Harbinger Cookie is considered the strongest among them, acting as Dark Enchantress Cookie’s enforcer of her will.
They’re slightly larger then the average cookie, Dark Choco Cookie being able to reach up to where their neck is located. Their main weapon of choice is a halberd as they’re decked out in tough chocolate armor while wearing a dinosaur-like skull for a helmet.
One skill Lord/Lady Harbinger Cookie pertains to is their beastmaster capabilities, not too different to Red Velvet Cookie, but cranked up ten-fold. When given enough time will have Harbinger Cookie tame even large beasts such as Cake Dragons.
Dark Enchantress Cookie has complete faith in Harbinger Cookie carrying out her orders, something that the other members caught onto. Did the both of them perhaps remembered each other before?
Relationship Charts Amongst the CoD
Pomegranate Cookie
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[Admiration] “I would gladly serve under their reign..”’
Pomegranate Cookie grew to admire Harbinger Cookie to the point where she treats them similarly to Dark Enchantress Cookie, never would any disrespect head their way with Pomegranate Cookie around.
Has a rivalry with Licorice Cookie over favorites, leading to arguments over who gets to do the tasks Harbinger Cookie brings up. It leads to Pomegranate having to be around them often to prevent Licorice from swiping them from under her. You’re often annoyed at their bickering.
Has a portion of her room dedicated to you. Photos, old weapons you won’t miss, the damn body pillow she keeps tucked in her bed. Others may find it a little creepy, but Pomegranate could care less, she was just showing the extent her devotion goes.
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[Admiration] “You can depend on me, I’ll never fail you!”
Licorice Cookie is all about trying to be a better cookie then Pomegranate with whatever you want him to, getting your praise and approval is his main motivator!
You get Dark Choco to handle whatever you need, you’re tired of having Licorice and Pomegranate butting heads with frequent arguments over their perceived achievements over one another.
Will have his licorice servants be at your beck and call, ready to take any orders you would like to request. May or may not summon some of them to swipe things from your room.
Red Velvet Cookie
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[Trust] “My Lord/Lady has plans for the new world, I’ll be behind them until the end.”
Harbinger Cookie is a valiant fighter in the eyes of Red Velvet Cookie, training him under their wing. It’s an added bonus that you’re considerate of the cake hounds and other critters that you come across.
Nothing gets him more happy then seeing you being a loving caretaker to the cakes, playing around with them and giving them their treats. Endearing these creatures has only made him endear you more in return.
There is this lingering hint of jealousy he has when you’re too busy playing with the cake hounds with not enough time spent for him, then it would be a situation where he has to shoo them away so he could get to you!
Dark Choco Cookie
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[Trust] “Me and them are not so different..”
You’re the only cookie Dark Choco could confide in with the darkness that lurks within his very soul. That trust only goes deeper that you understood him with his past…since you used to be a hero yourself, now having your fate lie within darkness.
Like Red Velvet, he respects your strength, believing that any cookie who could challenge you were simply foolish in their efforts, either ending up being crumbs or utterly defeated.
When he eventually leaves the CoD, he feels a sense of sorrow, knowing that your once pure soul has been tainted and corrupted by the darkness all around you. He wants to believe that you can still be saved and be the Cookie you once were, but as time goes by, that hope diminishes…
Poison Mushroom Cookie
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[Friendly] “Have shroomies, they’ll make you feel better…!”
Harbinger Cookie can have their off days, this is where Poison Mushroom Cookie steps in. They never fail to put a smile on their face, offering shroomies to them to lighten up their attitude.
This is returned by Harbinger Cookie playing around Poison Mushroom, lifting them up and allowing them on their shoulder. It strikes the heartstrings of Pomegranate and Licorice Cookie watching Harbinger be a parent to Poison Mushroom!
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
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[Friendly] “I can’t seem to pinpoint their ingredients, I’ll need further analysis on them!”
Harbinger Cookie was such an anomaly to Strawberry Crepe…and that’s what makes them so interesting to Crepe! The sheer mystery of what lies in Harbinger’s dough means Crepe is always ready for any opportunity to get a closer look.
You did find Strawberry’s shenanigans a little annoying, but you couldn’t fault the young cookie, they were only curious about what you’re made of, hell, you were to. Dark Enchantress wouldn’t allow it though and you couldn’t exactly go against her…
There’s also the squabbles between Crepe and Mushroom, both wanted your complete attention and neither were willing to cooperate with the other for your care. It leads to you and the others agreeing to never keep them in the same room for too long with you, a fight is the last thing you needed with the two cookies on your shoulders…
Dark Enchantress Cookie
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[Friendly] “It’s good to welcome you home, my dear Y/N Cookie..”
Dark Enchantress Cookie, the cookie whom you’ve pledged your loyalty to, the cookie who’ll bring forth a new world, the cookie who brought you in when you were at your lowest..she gave you a second chance and you couldn’t have been more thankful for that.
The only cookie to know your “real name”, or at least she claimed it was. It made the interactions between you and her a lot more personal, as well as how touchy she could be with a hand on your arm or shoulder as she spoke to you.
The life you have now was better then the one you had, she’ll tell you. Just stick to her and she’ll give you the world and so much more, all you have to do is take her hand and never let go..
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Hey can I request a headcannon of the ancient Heroes reactions and feelings towards a new hero in the neighborhood with the powers and identity of Spider-Man.
Bonus points if you add references towards the villains.
Absolutely??? That is like so cool!!!
Characters: Cacao, Pure Vanilla, HollyBerry, Golden cheese, white lily, and bonus villains at the end >:3
Prompt: Headcanons(platonic)
- Another ally is always welcome in his books.
- he will however request that you try to not fly around on your website in his kingdom, he already has to deal with snow.
- he thinks your skillet is very interesting, he had to hone his skill to be able to anticipate attacks, but for you it’s natural!
- When you come in front the ceiling upside he freaks out a little worried that you might hit your head. He’s still got those fatherly instincts.
- I feel like if you picked him up, he’s kinda just have this face of utter terror. I mean he’s a large guy, and you’re like. A normal cookie, how the hell can you pick him up???
- overall he’s pretty neutral to you, he’s kind sure but he more want to see what you can do in the field!
- Holly thinks it’s very cool!
- a new hero to fight against dark enchantress cookie! How wonderful!
- will ask if you can carry her around!
- and then will carry you around.
- you know that one captain America and spider man thing? Where he catches caps shield, yeah that’s totally how you two met.
- Holly is happy to call you a close friend!
- Very grandmotherly towards you! She’ll make you your favorite meal, and tell you tales of when she was out adventuring with her friends, or pitaya dragon cookie!
- calls you “Petite araignée” means little spider in French!
Pure vanilla:
- he worries a lot, you flying around?? What do you get hurt??
- he’ll heal any of your wounds! Be it from a fight or mising a web on a building!
- His kingdom is 100% one of the most fun to swing around in!
- he loves that such a young person can be such an amazing hero! He’s very proud of you!
- even though he’s happy you’re a hero, he will try to keep you away from the front lines! He doesn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, crumble.
- very worried grandpa.
Golden cheese:
- she is more then willing to invite you to her golden kingdom, a young hero to stop any people who disturb the peace? Perfect! Then bring cheese can just focus on the gates.
- would definitely want to try and deck you out with new gear, new web shooter, and gadgets.
- she’d start to count you as one of her treasures! You help protect people along side burnt cheese! How noble!
- will try and add gold to your suit.
- you and her totally swing/fly around together.
- she’d try and teach you mid air tricks! I mean you must be flashy! A good hero can always let people know who they are just by their look!
- basically like Tony and Peter Parker
White lily:
- she wants to know how your body can produce the webs.
- sure some cookies have magic, but most of them learned! Or have a type of soul jam! But you? You got bit by something and then suddenly have powers?? How??
- will ask specimens of your webs.
- white lily is normally a quiet cookie, but when it comes to the science of cookies, be prepared for hundreds, of thousands of questions.
Bonus round!!
Dark enchantress cookie:
- a new cookie to cause issue in her plans?
- when she sees your spiddy sense working she starts trying to find a way to get around it.
- maybe pomegranate can cast something.
- licorice could maybe overwhelm you with licorice beasts?
- No no that won’t work…she’ll find out something. Soon enough.
Shadow milk:
- oh a little spider!
- soon to be caught in his web!
- he will mock you as you fight
- you’ll never be as strong as him!! Why don’t you just give up!
- he’ll try to grab your webs and treat you like a puppet, when you break free he whines saying you’re no fun!!
- run away little spider. Hopefully you don’t get caught up in your own web :)
Hope you like it <3
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