qumiii · 2 days
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i personally find people drawing kid taller than crona a bit annoying
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itszygoart · 10 months
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slightly revamped my Soul Eater print series for a con a couple months ago and never posted em
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the obvious gag for Baby Death The Kid’s First Word is that it was “symmetry” and i see that but i raise you:
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pipcore · 1 year
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you guys heard about all this barbie business
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krn-se · 3 months
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bridge-demon · 8 months
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it was so them yk
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melodrangea · 7 months
halloween never really ends for me so could i request maka, soul, and dtk with a vampire s/o? thank you :>
absolutely my dear, all reign halloween!
Soul Eater Characters with a Vampire S/O
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Soul "Eater" Evans
-would think it's mad cool, only adding to his 'cool persona'
-I mean a cool guy like him should have a cool S/O too
-only thing that would worry him is the whole "drinking blood" thing
-but once you explain that you usually only get blood from vendors (like Sarah in My Babysitter's a Vampire) or from bad people you fight (technically kishin souls still have human blood I think)
-Soul absolutely love your sharper vampire teeth, he has pretty sharp teeth too so he thinks it's fun that you two match
(plus he thinks it's hot to leave bite marks on him and the same for you)
-wouldn't let you drink his blood if you needed too out of fear for his lack blood spreading but he will either find someone else to help you or figure something else out
-do not walk on the ceiling around this man, he will scream and cry
-only thing he isn't a fan of is the whole 'never sleeping' part, like Soul needs sleepy cuddles to function, so you're being dragged whether it's you staring at the ceiling at night or not
-overall 8/10; isn't really bothered but it's not like he absolutely adores for the sake of being a vampire, he just likes you for you
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Maka Albarn
-oh ho ho she thinks you're hot
-if you have the stereotypical "vamp goth" fashion style, she will do anything you ever ask of her
-she will be staring at you with red tinted heart glasses
-(and don't even get me started on when you bit her lip with your vamp teeth while making out)
-does find you being a vampire very interesting and will often ask you a lot of questions about what it's like
-it has crossed her mind more than once that you will outlive her by a long while but you always just kiss her until she forgets; deciding to save that issue for a later time
-she doesn't mind a lot of the you being a vampire quirks
-like you'll be climbing the wall and she'll just hand you a duster
"can you get that spot in the corner for me babe?"
-would probably be the only one on the list to let you drink her blood if you needed to
-but would also offer you other options and solutions first(let's be honest she has you on a schedule so you know when you need to feed so situations like that don't happen)
-Maka often stays up fairly late studying so she likes that you don't really sleep so you can keep her company
-overall: 11/10; Maka loves you so much and would do anythgin for you, please just cuddle this poor thing
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Death the Kid
-probably the most apprehensive about you being a vampire out of the three
-once you get into a relationship he will actually learn to appreciate it
-I headcannon that as a grim reaper Kid doesn't really sleep much either, maybe a few hours but he doesn't need more than that
-so you both will be able to spend time with each other during the night when most are asleep <3
-will not under any circumstance let you drink his blood, as much as he wants to help you, there is no way to make the bite marks even on both sides of his neck or both wrists etc...
-but he will personally purchase blood from a blood bank or pay someone to regularly donate for you (rich boy privileges)
-another one to have a calendar or schedule to make sure you get the blood you need but will be less obvious about it then Maka though, would probably just make a light handed comment
"it's been a few days do you think you will need blood soon?"
-Kid will also be so happy that you're a vampire for the same reason Maka is worried, you will live a lot longer than a normal human being
-when Kid takes over as Lord death he will be semi immortal so he's so thankful that you will live just about as long as he will
-the rest of you being a vampire...not so much unfortunately
-like you will terrify him to his soul if you walk onn a wall
-and heavens forbid if your fangs aren't symmetrical
-but just love on him until he forgets about whatever he's rambling about and you're fine
-would be another to appreciate goth fashion, he would get you two matching outfits as your styles are similar <3
overall 9/10; I cannot think of a better part for Kid than an immortal being like himself, you guys will get to spend the better part of a thousand years with each other <3
that's all my loves!
hope you enjoyed anon
-Melodrangea <3
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ra3kiv · 1 year
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deth >:|
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illubean · 4 months
Death The Kid x a reader that's a witch pretending to be a meister? Like Kim from the manga :>
DTK with a Witch!S/o
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Characters: Death the Kid Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
Warnings: none
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while posing as a meister, it is insanely hard to find people on the same wavelength as you considering the fact you're a witch
the one thing that Kid didn't understand about you was the fact he wasn't able to see your soul
he stayed wary of you, knowing that something wasn't right
but after a while of getting to know you and having no troubles, he forgets all about it
maybe his power is messed up because he's not a fully developed shinigami yet or something
he actually ends up growing pretty fond of you
he's so obvious about it and oblivious to you at the same time
soooo Liz had to spill the beans and boom you're a thing now
after a while of being with you he remembers how he can't see your soul and asks about it
you offer a long silence, which worries the young shinigami
and when you tell him the truth he is conflicted
yes the entire point of the DWMA was to rid the world of kishins and witches who have the instinct to destroy but you were his significant other
you hadn't shown the slightest signs of giving in to those so called instincts and had been nothing but good to your peers
and if your plan was to destroy the DWMA from the inside out, why were you being so open with him right now?
but when it comes down to it, Kid loves and trusts you
when the rest of the students at the DWMA find out he is quick to protect you from any haters
Liz actually flips her shit after finding out you were a witch this entire time but Kid would literally argue with her until the day he dies if it meant defending you
and when he says something about it to Lord Death he's like "oh I knew that"
and Kid is annoyed that his own father didn't say anything
but after this his trust in you deepens, knowing that his dad also trusts you enough to let you attend the DWMA and walk around Death City freely
if anything this new knowledge just strengthens your relationship :3
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peterokii · 1 year
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teenage grim reaper
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cup1dvalenl1na · 2 months
I read your Maka and Liz post today and I loved it ☺️☺️
Would you be willing to write death the kid x reader headcanons where Liz and Patty take it upon themselves to be Kid’s wingwomen? Basically they notice Kid’s interest in the reader and take it into their own hands to try and get them together?
Thank you for reading this!!
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Something was weird about Kid,
(not like there ever ISN'T something weird about him lmao.)
But more than usual, Kid was fixing his hair more often, making sure no dust was on his clothes, and taking FOREVER to get ready.
Liz and Patty noticed this, and Patty immediately ran up to Kid and jumped to the conclusion that he liked someone.
Kid denied this fervently, refusing to acknowledge Patty's words, but with the way he reacted, Liz knew it had to be true.
Liz tried to ask him who it was, but Kid kept denying he ever liked someone in the first place and ran off. 💀
Liz and Patty had a mission, and it was to find out who Kid was interested in.
For the next few days, Liz and Patty followed Kid in the shadows, trying to see if he ever reacts differently to someone he talks to.
Eventually Kid comes up to you, and he's unnaturally uptight and stiff, Liz and Patty smirk widely at this.
They found out who it was.
Immediately, before Liz can catch Patty, the latter runs up to Kid, tackling him as soon as you leave, yelling that he likes you and Kid has to cover her mouth to shut her up
He drags Liz and Patty elsewhere to scold them about being so loud about it
Liz offers him help, but Kid denies in embarrassment, and eventually walks away from them.
So Liz comes up with a plan, she would help from the background, like pulling strings,
If her, Kid and Patty were assigned a project together?
Aw man...her and Patty gotta go back home cause they forgot something..
Subtly making Kid have to find a new partner for the project, which would be you
Patty has other ideas, and constantly teases Kid about his interest in you, almost telling you straight up
insert Kid slapping his hand on her mouth and dragging her away
In the end, Liz and Patty for want what's best for him, so they do their best to help him.
If Kid ever comes to them for help, Liz would give genuine advice, like, give them gifts or take them somewhere
So Kid does this, but is always stiff and uptight whenever you two spend time with each other,
Eventually, you or him confess to each other, and Liz and Patty watch from the shadows, giving each other a high five
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foolishcooling · 3 months
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going back to my soul eater era!!
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itszygoart · 7 months
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part III of the Soul Eater button series !!! i’m biased they’re my fav squad :’)
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himeikamei · 1 month
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evilreligion · 4 months
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quick dtk sketch for a trade on instagram
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bridge-demon · 9 months
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i thought this was finally decent enough to post ghsjsjsks
more soul eater memes
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