#don! giorno giovanna
may i perhaps request giorno dinner night headcanons with his s/o? ❤️ also welcome back!
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╭───────────────── ╰──➤ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FLUFF ♥
┊❥ Dinner with Giorno himself is rare ! You might think that being a Don might've cut him some slack of doing work but with a bigger position comes with bigger responsibilities !
┊❥ That's why dinner nights with Giorno are so well-thought out and delicately planned by him, the Don ensuring that anything from his line of work doesn't disturb your night together even the slightest; after all, he has Bruno to stand-in for him if something arises
┊❥ Giorno will croon sweetly to your ear, announcing that you both will be eating at one of the finest restaurants in Venice at a later hour; the Don pulling away to plant a chaste kiss to your forehead as he encourages you to be prettiest you can for him tonight
┊❥ You'll see one of the brightest smiles on Giorno's face the moment you walked down the stairs, his emerald eyes glinting under the light of the chandelier as he offers up his arm for you to take. From there on, the male's hands starts to wander just a little bit, nothing too scandalous
┊❥ During the car ride, Giorno constantly showers you with gentle pecks to your cheeks and hands, his fingers smoothing over your own accompanied with the ever so tempting promises he whispers to you of what will entail after the dinner; the don just likes teasing you of what's on his mind and his heart flutters upon seeing the pink tint of your cheeks
┊❥ The moment you both step foot into the premise, the customers and staff itself rose as if to greet you, their faces bright and ecstatic as the waiters ushered you in; Giorno was a great and kind don to the people of Italy so it's not a wonder people would celebrate his and missus's arrival
┊❥ Once they direct you to your seats, a table privately tucked away on the upper floors of the restaurant and the moon beaming down on your figures as if to bless your union after so, so long of being apart; Giorno grabbed your hand and pressed a longing kiss to it
┊❥ "Il mio amore, il mio prezioso," He murmured, blond lashes fluttering as he looked up at you "Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I yearn for you?" He asked, knowing very well of the answers behind it the moment you shyly look away from him
┊❥ The rest of the dinner went rather smoothly; the food impeccable and the gifts he pulled out from the pocket of his coat, only for you to gush them with praises, was worth every second he had spent planning everything that night. The smile on your face even rivaled the very moon itself; so bright and charming for the don
┊❥ But that's not the only thing, though! Once the dinner is finished and on your way ride home together, you'll be immediately whisked up into his arms. The staffs of the estate dismissed for the evening as Giorno acts out the last bit of his plan; making sweet and tender love to you throughout the late hours of the night
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 1 year
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happyshippingnoises · 11 months
Also ofc!!!, I will draw any ship as long as it's not huge age gaps or weird dynamics between them/incest
I can imagine a friends to lovers type shit with a mix of yearning but I ALSO think they're the type of friends that hold eachother and everybody thinks they're dating but they're not
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(if you want to request some Giomis then I can!! ESPECIALLY with any AUs or scenarios)
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mrsgiovanna · 10 months
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Fighting Imperfections (Don Giorno x Wife!Reader)
I'm sorry, this is just me projecting. I can't remember if I posted this before, but here goes.
Word count: 1.2 k
Warnings: sad, self depreciating reader.
You sighed heavily as you walked out the last of Giorno’s guests. Normally the murmurs of how beautiful of a couple you two are would make you beam with joy, but today it annoyed you because it only amplified your insecurities. Another day… of smiling through the alternating pain and emptiness. Your cheeks hurt, but the physical pain was welcomed, it was so much easier to bear than the ache that thumped in your chest with every heartbeat- a painful reminder that you were still breathing. As the last car rounded the corner away from your luxurious home, your shoulders finally slumped and you trudged away from the door. The master bedroom was one of the few places where you felt safe enough to let your tumultuous emotions wash over you, so there you went.
You had struggled with these negative emotions for many years, losing chunks of time to this unshakeable melancholy. They were difficult to predict or counter. You had locked the door behind you, wanting to try and restore some semblance of calm to your demeanor before facing Giorno again. You threw off the gorgeous designer dress and took a shower before throwing on something soft and comfortable. You had every intention of rejoining your husband but just getting yourself through that little routine had drained whatever energy you had left. He'd be better off catching up with your shared associates though, you mused, feeling as though you wouldn't add anything valuable to their video conferences. Firmly tucked away, drawing your knees towards your chest, you allowed the floodgates to open and let everything out. Usually, a good cry would take care of some of the negative emotions, but this time, it didn't seem to work.
Intrusive thoughts about the worst scenarios plagued your mind despite trying to push them aside. You tried thinking about the good things and how much you had been blessed with but it always morphed into a scenario in which you would ultimately be left alone… so you thought about Giorno and how he makes a daily promise to never leave your side. But you had lost so much, what if he was just lying to you and you'd eventually have to deal with losing him too…
You took as deep a breath as your constricted chest would allow you to and tried to focus your attention on something positive.
Giorno… you thought of him more and your heart ached for a different reason. He loved you, you knew that, but your mind had always managed to convince you that he would be better off with someone else, someone beautiful and vibrant, someone worthy of him because beneath it all you're just a broken doll. The repair is near perfect and nobody can see the fault lines where you cracked, but you feel every fracture, constantly reliving each event that put the cracks there in the first place.
You felt the bed sink on one side as a large comforting hand rubbed your back in circles before pulling back the covers you had buried yourself under.
"You know I'd end anyone who hurts you?"
"I know…"
"So what do I do when you're the one hurting yourself?"
Giorno's glassy eyes didn't leave your face, searching for an answer to his question.
You met Giorno's gaze, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and love in his eyes. His concern was evident, and it touched you deeply. Taking a moment to compose yourself, you reached out and held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice filled with raw emotion. "I don't want to hurt myself, but sometimes it feels like I can't escape these thoughts. They consume me, and I can't help but doubt myself, doubt our love."
Giorno's grip on your hand tightened, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. "You are not a broken doll, my love," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You are the most beautiful and resilient person I know. I fell in love with every part of you, including the cracks. They are a part of your story, a testament to your strength."
Tears welled up in your eyes as his words resonated with you. It was moments like these that reminded you why you fell in love with him in the first place. He saw beyond your insecurities and loved you unconditionally.
"I'm trying, Giorno," you replied, your voice wavering. "I'm trying to believe in myself, in us. But sometimes it's overwhelming."
Giorno leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "You don't have to go through this alone," he assured you. "I'm here for you, always. We'll face these demons together, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you heal."
Feeling his love and support envelop you, a glimmer of hope sparked within your heart. With Giorno by your side, maybe you could overcome these insecurities and find the peace you longed for.
You snuggled closer to Giorno, seeking solace in his comforting presence. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. "I love you."
Giorno smiled softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "I love you too, more than words can express," he replied, his voice laced with sincerity. "Remember, we are a team, and together, we can conquer anything."
Giorno's gaze held a mixture of tenderness and longing, mirroring the emotions swirling within you. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours, seeking permission and reassurance. You met his gaze, the unspoken understanding between you palpable.
With a gentle nod, you closed the remaining distance between your lips, initiating a kiss that conveyed both vulnerability and passion. It was a kiss that spoke of shared burdens and unyielding support, a tangible connection that transcended words.
The kiss deepened, as if pouring all the love and reassurance you both felt into this single act. It was a moment of solace, a reminder that you were not alone in your struggles. Each brush of your lips conveyed a promise—a promise to heal together, to support one another, and to cherish the imperfect beauty of your shared journey.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the tenderness of the moment. The world outside your bedroom faded away, leaving only the two of you, entwined in a cocoon of love and understanding.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and yet more at peace than before, you found solace in Giorno's eyes once again. There, in the depths of his gaze, you saw unwavering devotion and a fierce determination to help you find happiness.
With a small smile, you whispered, "Thank you, Giorno. Thank you for loving me."
Giorno's voice was filled with sincerity as he replied, "Always, my love. Always."
And in that moment, you believed him. You believed in the power of love to heal and overcome and to create a future where your insecurities would no longer hold you captive. Together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by the strength of your bond and the depth of your love.
As you lay in his arms, you allowed yourself to believe in his words, finding solace in the love and support he offered. The journey towards healing would be challenging, but with Giorno by your side, you knew you could face anything that came your way. In the sanctuary of his embrace, his presence soothed your troubled mind, and a moment of quiet intimacy enveloped the room. The weight of your insecurities and pain began to fade as you focused solely on the love between you, knowing that in this imperfect existence, you had found a love that was flawless.
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magma-cjay · 7 months
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Some giornos stuffs
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thecw-unicorn · 1 year
The Oath (Yandere! Giorno x reader)
So I originally wasn’t planning on writing this but spur of the moment idea, for @mrsgiovanna Giorno Month, and I just wanted to add one final contribution!
Prompt: ��You’ll learn to love me”
TW: toxic relationship/behavior, mentions of stalking and manipulation
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He was watching you, like always.
You were walking through his garden. Or rather your garden, as he had told you, as whatever belonged to him, belonged to you.
He watches intensely. He loved seeing you around the flowers, and loved it even more when you had gone the extra step taking care of the flowers. Even though you didn’t realize how they last all year long, even in the winter, and didn’t understand the nature of their existence, it warmed his heart. Your dress swaying ever slightly in the breeze, as if the whole scene did it’s best to beautify you. Not that you needed it in Giorno’s mind.
He smiled as you walked along the path, slowly taking in the sights and smells of all the beautiful flowers that surrounded you on both sides. He was glad to see you out. After you arrived, (or kidnapped, as you often called it, much to Giorno’s disappointment), you weren’t doing so good. Spending most if not all days in your room barely eating, drinking, or doing anything. He did everything he could to get you back to yourself. Gentle coaxing, sweet words, strong promises, anything he could think of. You hated to admit it, but it mostly worked. You’d spend hours thinking of your friends and family. Giorno knew it too. He’d always tell you “wouldn’t they want you to live? To be alive, and well taken care of?”
It was hard to argue with that. Not to mention you didn’t exactly have the energy to fight back. So you caved in. You’d let him hold you, let him kiss you, buy you things. Whatever his delusional idea of love was. Some days were definitely hard. The need to leave. Not just this place, but your body, your mind. It didn’t take long to learn your mind was as dangerous as the gilded cage you were stuck in. Getting out of bed, and doing something was substantially better than living in the mind numbing roar that deafens your head and strangles you in its grasp.
The wind blows softly, tickling your face and arms slightly. The scent of the flowers are blown to you as well. The scent is almost…too perfect. You make your way over to a batch of roses, the fragrance so strong it almost suffocates you. Another irregularity: no thorns. You remember the bewilderment you had felt first seeing the odd flowers. It wasn’t until Giorno had explained everything that it all made sense: the flowers were for you. The smell is as amplified as possible, no thorns to prevent picking your fingers. The whole idea had made you uneasy. They looked so perfect, so beautiful, any gardener's dream. And yet, it wasn’t read. It was fake. You couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how Giorno’s feelings were. Perfect and sweet on the surface, but ultimately a ruse. A clever trick crafted from an expert mummer, poised in the act of deception. You shook your head, not wanting to fill it with melancholy thoughts to further sour the garden visit.
You make your way to the end of the path, seating yourself on a stone bench underneath a weeping cherry blossom tree. You close your eyes, trying to find some form of relaxation in this prison. You feel the breeze softly moving the hanging flowers of the tree, tickling your upper arms and face. You tried to think happy thoughts. The flowers. Their smell wafting all around you. The sound of their swaying in the breeze. Or better yet, you tried having no thoughts at all. You’d learned to despise your brain and being in it for such long, silent, periods of time since living with Giorno. You take a deep breath, hoping to expel the already rising negative thoughts. You’d almost forgotten about your book you’d brought to read, sitting neatly beside you on the bench. You pick up the book, hoping to escape and find whatever happiness you could in this beautiful misery.
He saw that you were reading again. Finally, he thought, unable to stop the smirk forming on his face. He’d bought you all those books, since he knew of your deep love of reading from spending days watching you in detail. He was glad to see you finally using the countless gifts he’d showered you with since bringing you home. He loved watching you. Whether it was simply mundane tasks or a deep passion you had, he’d always wanted to keep as close of an eye as possible. Despite it, he knew it was creepy and invasive. But now that you were with him, he’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe and protected, even if it meant having himself or someone watching your every move.
Truth be told, he was happy to see you outside. He noticed you were having a string of bad days, preferring to stay in your room all day, barely touching the food that was sent. The dark circles would be visible on your face, your eyes holding a weary frightened glaze to them. You did your best to put up walls around you, guarding your brain, and more importantly your heart from him. But Giorno knew you. He knew everything down to a T. He remembers his words to you upon your arrival: “You’ll learn to love me.” Not only a warning, but a promise. While not to the point he’d wish, you had grown more used to your home, and especially grown used to him and being with him. Sure, it was no easy task, but enough gifts, sweet, coaxing words, and subtle, pointed reminders of his power and your family, you had become more docile. You had your…outburst every now and then but it was expected. Moving one into a whole new home and in a new relationship is no easy task, but Giorno committed himself to you. And yet, he himself struggled as well. One aspect of maintaining the seamless transition to your new home was restraint. He wanted nothing more than to express his love in every way possible, loving words, soft kisses, giving himself wholly to you. But, deep down, he knew it’d confuse you, even scare you as well having to deal with the new environment and all his love and attention. Only in the dead of night when slumber claimed you did he allow his words to push past his lips.
“You’re going to stay here now. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise. And I promise to make this your home and love you with all I am and more. I swear it.”
He remembers another time, a time he’d said words very similar to what he’d said to you. To a friend (2 years older!) before he’d rested him in white flowers forever. Never again. He wouldn’t do it again. Not for you. He’d do everything in his power to ensure you were safe and in your own little slice of Heaven. He’d love you with everything he was, and keep you here. He’d kissed your hands, and your forehead while you slept, none the wiser of the solemn oath that had been sworn over your slumber.
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joestvr · 3 months
༺✮ atashi no kimyona jinsei // あたしの奇妙な人生 ✮༻
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༺✮ summary: five years after the fall of diavolo, you, y/n romano, who was sent away to japan at 11 to further your studies—find the courage to come back to naples after living out your schoolgirl & gaijin university student facade in morio-chou to see how your clan’s worsened—as well as become the “donna” of your father’s gang, il terrore, while your older brother is the real leader behind the scenes, just using you as a front. with plans to murder your clan, you seek the particularly handsome young don of passione for friendship. with your tyrant father’s intervention, your friendship with the don turns to something you never saw coming.
★ 1 // il terrore
★ 2 // bella
★ 3 // viva romano
★ 4 // morte al romano
★ 5 // sorellina
★ 6 // amore
a/n: me pretending this chapter isn't short af
tw for whatever idk
1 week later
After a week of trying not to kill yourself or packing your bags and fleeing Italy, rotting in your bed and rethinking your life decisions, you finally forced yourself to get up.
In a daze, you took a taxi and made your way to where Trish was staying. AKA: Giorno's mansion and Bucciarati gang household.
You rung the doorbell and prayed Trish would answer it, and she did not. It was Bucciarati... He was quite handsome, you noticed this from the first time you met him. Charming, too.
"Ah, Donna Romano." He smiled charmingly, inviting you inside.
"Please, there's no need for honorifics." You stepped inside the beautiful foyer. It was just as Trish had described.
You wondered if Giorno would buy a house like this for you after marriage.
"Bella, it is, then." He kissed your hand and looked up, "Trish is just upstairs."
"Thank you." You squeezed his hand and nearly ran up the stairs in excitement.
You burst through her room and shut it, locking the door. "Triiishh~"
"Babe, what happened?" She stood up from her bed and hugged you.
"Bucciarati's kinda hot! That dark hair, eyes, and charming smile~" You giggled and sat down in bed with her.
Her smile faded into a cringe as she put her hand on your shoulder. "Babe, please don't say that again. Bucciarati's like a father to us."
"He could totally be a DILF then! Isn't he so cute?" You said through your laughs.
You chuckled and hugged her more.
"Y/n, are you okay? You seem a little..." she furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you high?"
You stopped laughing. "What the hell? No!"
"You must be high off of insanity, if not a certain substance..." She mumbled incoherently.
"I'm just trying to be positive." You replied increduosly.
"Is everything okay?" She replied, starting to get concerned. You always acted delirious like this when you were-- more or less, depressed.
You shrugged. "Um, I'm getting married off, so..."
On your way out, you noticed Giorno waiting by the door. You felt a sense of dread, he had probably known about the arrangement by now, but you hoped he wouldn't mention it.
"Giorno." His name left your lips with a sigh as you stared into his beautiful emerald eyes, feeling solemn. You put on your heels and coat, picking up your purse, a little too close to him for comfort. The tension was thick in the air, making your breath hitch in your throat.
"Bella. Everything okay?" He said in his usual smooth, charming voice, with a sincere smile. His tall figure towering over you, his golden hair was down, curled in intricate ways, the familiar scent of his cologne making you crave more, the setting sun's light hitting his face so perfectly.
What was this feeling?
"Yes," you said in a raspy voice after a moment of silence, looking down.
"Do you need a ride? I don't mind."
"No, thank you, I can just walk." You shook your head, moving a few strands of hair from your face, then tried to walk past him.
"Please, I insist." He pleaded, taking your hand, making heat rise to your cheeks and look up at him. His warm calloused fingertips brushed over the bandages that covered your hands, and he looked down, a pained expression coming over his face at the sight. How embarrassing, you thought, wanting to cry.
You immediately pulled your hand away, frightened at his sudden touch, at a loss for words.
"Sorry." He noticed your tense demeanor and took a step back, not wanting to make you uneasy. That's a sight for sore eyes, you thought. Vince was never like that.
"No... I—You can take me home..." You mustered out nervously.
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He said with such a tender and caring voice, you would melt. When has Vince ever treated you like this?
"Maybe this won't be so bad... Being with Giorno." 
"It—It's okay, I really appreciate it." You managed to smile, avoiding eye contact with him.
He grabbed a key and opened the door for you, letting you go first.
He went to the garage and opened it, revealing the most gorgeous burgundy Lamborghini. You bit your lip and squealed, your apprehension suddenly fading away.
Your second most beloved interest besides fashion: Cars. You loved cars as much as you loved fashion, which said a lot.
"What a beautiful car, GioGio!" You smiled wide, looking up at him.
He smiled back down at you. "Not as beautiful as you, amore."
"Waaah... He's mega rich... He really is a Don..." 
He unlocked the car, the winged doors going up, allowing you to sit inside the luxurious passenger seat.
He got in and started the car, pulling out of the driveway with ease and driving smoothly.
After five minutes of silence, he sighed deeply and kept his eyes on the road, and spoke up. "Y/n, if you are not happy with this arrangement... I will gladly break it off. I don't want to force you into anything." His tone was serious, but so loving.
"No, Giorno, I— I don't have anything against this..." You mumbled earnestly.
"Please, amore," he pleaded, "I would never do anything to force you into this engagement and I will not be angry if you're not comfortable going through with it. I understand if you don't want to, we don't know each other very well."
You shook your head. "I'm willing to give this a try. We can get to know each other."
"As you wish." He nodded.
A few minutes later, he stopped at a red light and looked down at your hands, then back up at you. "May I ask what happened to your hands, Bella?"
"...Just an accident while cooking." You responded gravelly, then cleared your throat.
"Are you sure? Doesn't look like it." He pried, frowning.
"Don't worry about it." You murmured.
"I should heal this for you. My stand ability—"
"No, it's fine, really." You interrupted.
"Very well then." He muttered.
The car ride was silent until he arrived at Alexander's estate.
"Thanks... Giorno." You forced a smile and quickly got out.
You opened the door and all the lights were off, it was also totally quiet. You had an eerie, sinking feeling as you took your shoes off and quietly walked inside.
"Alex...ander?" You called out, "Alima?"
You walked slowly into the living room, your heart dropping as you saw a trail of blood slowly traveling across the floor.
You came closer and gasped.
Alexander. Alima. Leo. Elena.
Slashes across their chests, their backs... You looked down at your hands and they were suddenly covered in blood, your katana stained with blood in your right hand.
"No..." You whispered, "This isn't real..."
"No! Cheri Lady..." You called out your stand, only to hear her soft giggles as she morphed her appearance to yours, face and clothes stained in blood.
"This is your future, Y/n." She said, grinning, "Isn't this what you want?"
"No! This is all but an illusion..." You whispered, your vision spiraling. You felt wetness running down your cheeks, but they weren't tears.
You wiped your cheeks and saw the blood flowing from your eyes. A side effect of something Cheri Lady's abilities rarely allowed you to do—A premonition. A look into the future.
"Your hatred will drive you to a dark, dark place, Y/n... The grudge you've held in your heart for so many years is fueling your yearning for vengeance..." She laughed more.
"No, Cheri Lady!" You cried out.
"This is why I've allowed you to have a glimpse into the future, Y/n. Don't you remember the last time?" She laughed deeply, "You saw your handsome friend—Josuke-kun, was it? Murdered by that killer. And your other friends, too."
"I-I—I prevented Yoshikage Kira from killing my friends, y-you showed me how everything would play out..." You stuttered anxiously.
"Now, here you will." She opened her arms and smiled at the scene before you.
"But wait. Isn't the rest of your family what you want?"
You turned and you found yourself in the Romano populated neighborhood where all of your extended family lived. Blood smeared on the windows and walls of each house, bodies with slashes across their backs and chests littered each house. The influence of your longing for a normal life—the grudges you aimlessly held in your heart over the years desperately whispering, "Make this your reality. They're nothing to you."
"Come back to reality, Alexander's come back home." She interrupted your psychological turmoil, then vanished. Her giggles echoed in your head.
You turned around, seeing Alexander standing by the door taking his jacket off. "Y/n."
"Alexander." You muttered, regaining your composure.
"Another glimpse into the future, sorellina?" He smiled almost mockingly. Just like his father.
You shook your head and went to grab a tissue to wipe the blood running down your cheeks.
"You should talk to Vince, cuore. He's a mess."
You stopped. Oh shit.
You totally forgot about Vince.
"Ok." You replied, raising your eyebrows.
"I told him about your... engagement. Stupid motherfucker punched me in the face." Alexander hissed and took off his hat.
"Yikes." You remarked.
"He said it's my fault, how I'm just Father's puppet, I don't care about you, blah blah blah." Alexander rolled his eyes.
"Maybe he's right." You shrugged.
He frowned then went back to a normal expression. "Anyway— after we roughed each other up, he started tearing up. The poor guy felt so bad after your argument."
"Ok." You nodded.
"He really wants to apologize, but he can't imagine you with another guy besides him."
"Ok. I don't really give a fuck, so..." You shrugged.
"God, it's like talking to an unemotional psychopath whenever I'm with you." Alexander scowled.
"Where's my wife?" He asked.
You shrugged again. "Dunno. Housewife stuff. It's not like she has a job to go to...her university degrees are collecting dust on the mantel."
"Why don't you get a goddamn job and stop wasting my money all day? Or maybe go to grad school and do something with your life?" He retorted condescendingly.
"Should I make dinner, my handsome and kind brother?" You said mockingly.
"No, I'm afraid you might cut yourself again." He leaned in and mumbled as he took your bandaged hand and glared down at you coldly.
"You don't know anything." You muttered as you met his gaze, eyes beaming a slight red from your stand's instigation.
He gripped your wrist tighter, not letting you pull away. "Those eyes, sorellina... What do you see?"
"I see you dead at my feet." You murmured, a smile creeping up against your lips.
His expression darkened and he shook his head. "Just me? Or the entire clan, too?"
You smirked in response, staying quiet.
He let go of your wrist, shoving you away. "You traitorous, conspiring—"
"Ah, ah, Alexander, I see the truth behind your meaningless lies. No need to curse me." You interrupted, your hands shaking for the release of spilling blood.
"Maybe I should kill him."
"You shouldn't have come back here, Y/n. I can just see that murderous look in your eyes. It's sickening, waking up every day and seeing you plotting on all of us." Alexander replied, rubbing his eyes.
"It's because of you, Alessandro. You made me this way."
He sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead. "I'm not some man you can use your pretty face to manipulate, Y/n. I'm not Vince, nor your little boytoy the Don."
"Don Giovanna is lucky to be betrothed to me. I'm the most sought after woman in Italy." You smirked more.
"Dio mio, Y/n... Your arrogance is painful to listen to." Your brother winced at your arrogance.
"But I'm the most beautiful woman around, na? I know how those mobsters speak of me when I'm not around." You retorted pridefully.
"You don't know shit about how our organization works, Y/n. You're just a pretty face among a crowd of lustful men." He grew more intimidating as he leered over you, making you a little nervous.
"S-Stop it, Alessandro, I'm not a child anymore." You retorted, taking a step away from him.
He grabbed your collar. "Why do you think they bow down to you so easily, hm? Because they respect you?"
Sweat started to form on your forehead and you put an innocent, fearful look on your face. Alexander couldn’t stand it.
“Get out of my face,” he murmured, shoving you to the ground roughly as he let go, “I don’t know how you turned out this way…”
“And how exactly did I turn out?” You inquired.
“Manipulative and conceited. Get the fuck out of my sight.” He snapped.
You got on your feet dizzily and smirked, walking upstairs.
“M-Me? Manipulative? How could you say that…” You whispered to yourself, making a false hurt expression.
You were more manipulative than you’d like to admit, but so what? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have some control over other’s emotions.
Your judgement was clouded. It was hard to tell what was good and bad, everything was just a blur for you.
The influence of your hatred had driven you this far.
Murdererous intent, bloodlust, invasive thoughts-- You were just one more argument with Alexander away from going to the Romano estate and slaughtering everyone.
You sighed shakily, running a hand through your hair.
"Whatever." Your conflicted expression faded into an unaffected one.
"I did this to myself."
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
my love!! can I request some nsfw don giorno headcanons pls?? I thirsttttt for grown and sexy giorno omg 😭 thank you so much for doing these!
Author Note: Yes beloved anon! 🥰 Don Giorno Nsfw headcanons coming right up! Might’ve gone a bit over board with these but I couldn’t help myself. I don’t blame you for thirsting for him. I thirst for him too but then again who doesn’t?? And your welcome ❤️ I made them safe for both male and female readers. Also Giorno will be aged up, 20+
Warning: Explicit sexual content ahead! Various kinks, positions are mentioned, etc. aged up character.
Don Giorno Giovanna x Reader (Male & Female)
NSFW🔞 Headcanons
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Giorno is an absolute gentlemen and he’s waited ever so patiently for you to be ready to be intimate in the bedroom with him so once you’re ready, be prepared
Giorno is a switch and when he’s top he’s going to be either gentle and loving or rough and sensual. It really depends how he’s feeling. He doesn’t mind being soft with you, he likes to be romantic in the bedroom.
He’s also amazing at praising. He’ll speak a lot of Italian too from pet names to cussing from pleasure.
He’s going to adore you begging or saying his name when you cum
He also has an overstimulation kink he’s going to give you plenty of orgasms' and you’re going to take it
When he’s a sub he gets very turned on by praise, hair pulling, doggy style, toys, he likes getting belittled, teased, and he’s into pet play or being your slave
If you’re not into the same stuff it isn’t a deal breaker since he likes to pleasure his partner
When he’s praised he’s going to moan and blush. He loves his body getting touched and praised by you he’s giving you pleading eyes when you do so.
He’s groaning when you pull his braid or mess it up. Please pull on his round bangs too. He’ll say your name in such a pleading moan.
Having sex on his don chair is an absolute must. He’ll want to think about it when he misses you
He will love if you massage him after a long day and begin giving him teasing touches or kisses. It really works him up.
Leaving marks on him also works him up.
If you’d like to give him a blowjob I suggest to go somewhere private because he’s loud. I wouldn’t suggest hotels unless you want others to hear. He’ll moan and scream but trust me it’s worth it. He’ll tell you exactly what your doing feels amazing and he’ll tell you exactly what he wants.
He doesn’t mind dressing up for his lover so if you want him to wear something in the bedroom he’ll automatically agree to it. Anything to please you.
He’s totally into car sex. He’ll make sure it’s in one specific car so it still smells like sex and your scent so he can masturbate before or after work
If you speak another language he’ll say a couple flirting pet names or comments in your language too.
One last thing. You can’t look at this man and tell me he wouldn’t be a good male stripper for his significant other 👀 c’mon look at those poses or how he strips his clothing like it’s nothing (Examples here👇)
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Female Partner
Giorno’s got the perfect jawline for his face to be ridden on. It’s going to feel AMAZING. He’s going to eat you out like no tomorrow. Those plush lips give the softest of kisses and it feels like heaven when he begins sucking. Please make a mess on his face. Be sure to compliment his sharp jawline it motivates him and it’s worth it to feel that smirk against your pussy. He’ll even make a flirting comment back. He knows his hot breath and soft lips against your pussy is giving you shivers down your back.
He’ll constantly praise your pussy.
“This pussy is so delicious, amore.”
“So perfect I can’t stop, mia bellissima (my beautiful).”
Giorno loves your moans the louder the better. He’s praising them as well. Actually he’s worshipping you.
Super turned on when he makes you squirt. Please get his trademark suit dirty. If you get his golden hair or his torso he’s going to have a smug expression across his face. If you get his signature don outfit dirty, yes the black and green one, then you’re in for it. He’s going to make you lick it up. Only so he can taste it when he makes out with you while fucking you in his suit. The don is parched if you get his chest in his boob window. Watching you lick up your own cum on his pecs gets this man going. It’s enough to make him cum because he’ll think about it when he’s at work next time. He’ll have wet dreams about it too. This is your opportunity to tease him because he’ll get flustered about it.
Lingerie is a must if you want him getting heated fast but body harnesses? He’s going to get so bashful around you. You got him wrapped around your finger.
If you’re a flirt he’s going to be such a tease and flirt back. If you manage to make him blush he’s melting inside
If you’re shy he’s going to adore you. He thinks it’s absolutely adorable. Soft Giorno is now unleashed. His heart is melting.
He loves a girl that dresses up like his maid, bunny, or kitty. He wants to brush your hair and pamper you. If you’re his maid he promises to reward you generously. Bonus points if you call him Don Giovanna of Mr. Giovanna. Also please sit on his lap. He wants to wrap an arm around you or grab your lovely face.
He’ll like a little bride outfit/lingerie because he likes to pretend it’s your honeymoon. He’ll have heart eyes while he’s making love to you. He likes leaving the cheap wedding veil on you since you look both breathtaking and it feels like the real deal to him. Wearing a goddess, nymph, or cupid outfits also have the same affect on him. You’re getting that “honeymoon” treatment regardless of being in the outfit outside the bride cosplay.
He’s giving you a plethora of romantic names in Italian.
He moans and gets whiny when you ride him
He likes sucking on your breasts. He’ll be gentle with them. He doesn’t have preferences for size he loves them all. Expect a lot of kisses.
If you wear a dress or skirt when he’s in the mood he’ll make a bunch of teasing touches like caressing or playing with your inner thighs sometimes smacking it. He’ll remove your panties. If you’re wearing something thin like lingerie or a thong he’ll rip it off of you.
He loves stockings so he’s going to admire them while he’s fucking you or looking at you from behind
He’s got a bit of a master/slave kink both receiving and giving. He’ll like begging for you calling you mistress, goddess, anything to get you to pleasure him. He loves when you tug at his collar. He’s going to love your heal pressing against his neck or chest. He’s such a slut for licking your boot/heal. If you make him howl or bark he’ll gladly do so. He’s also into getting whipped by you too. If you’re receiving he’s quite the rewarding master. He picks the most expensive collars for you and he wants to be called Giovanna or master. He’s going to make you speak Italian too so you better be good or you’ll get withheld pleasure and you’re going to have to start begging.
Male Partner
Giorno’s thick lips will feel amazing around your dick. He’s going to be good at giving blowjobs. He’ll do them anytime you want to as long as it’s private. He’s also into face fucking, giving and receiving.
He’ll love calling you his bello or caro 
He loves pecs, thighs, and muscles. He’s going to praise them all. Teasing touches, marks, kisses. He’ll do them all.
If you’re taller than him he’ll like you pressing him against the wall or furniture. He’s going to be a little shit/brat so beware but once you hit his sensitive spot he’s going to be moaning your name in no time.
If you’re shorter then he likes to put you in positions where your arms are extended from behind your back or you’re underneath him
Giorno will beg and lay his head against your lap/abdomen when he’s really needy or wanting soft sex
He admires tattoos on a man especially on their back muscles or chest
Giorno is into pet play and has a master/slave kink, giving and receiving. When he’s your pet or slave he’s going to do anything your heart desires. He’ll call you master or sir. When he’s “master”, he’ll call you pretty boy or slave boy. He’s quite the rewarding master. Bonus points if you call him don Giovanna or Mr. Giovanna. He likes leather collars by the way (on himself or you).
He’s going to get flustered if you’ve got genital piercings or tattoos.
He wants all your cum but if you decide to get his back or chest he can’t help but love how it feels. He’s praising you.
If you wear his outfits or clothing he’s instantly marking your neck or shoulder and whispering about how badly he wants you. Bonus points if you make sexy poses.
He’ll like giving you hand jobs too so if you’re also into quickies this will be great. He’ll suggest them sometimes while he’s driving. If you offer then he gladly accepts but he’s going to bite at your neck.
He wants his man to call him daddy because he’ll like to tease you for it. If you want him to call you daddy it needs to be earned. Have fun putting him in his place. He also likes getting called pretty man or gorgeous. It’s meaningful when you tell him.
When he uses his stand he’ll grow vines to wrap around your dick or slide them inside you.
Giorno is also loving and he’ll like to hold you against him, calling you masculine Italian pet names. In these moments if he smells cologne or masculine body washes he’ll certainly blush. When you kiss him because you notice, he’s instantly melting in the kiss.
How Giorno talks to you in the bedroom:
“Stai bene in questa posizione, carino.”
(You look good in this position, cutie.)
“È tutto quello che hai, bello.”
(That all you got, handsome?)
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ jojo's bizarre adventure - giorno giovanna.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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ilikebobcuts642 · 4 months
Random Don Bruno Au idea (this is kinda long and still a work-in-progress so bear with me):
The entire gang survives and defeats Diavolo. Bruno was ecstatic that he could finally live a calm life outside of the mafia and that Giorno, someone he trusted and loved like a brother, would be in charge of Passione now.
Except that didn’t end up happening.
The gang immediately begins to pester Bruno about becoming the next boss. They state that Giorno was too young to lead and Bruno was the only other person that could take up the role of Don. Bruno never wanted to become Don, but he now felt selfish for wanting to leave Passione’s fate to a fifteen year old boy. So he agrees to be the next boss. He tells himself it won’t be that bad. He knows he’ll have his gang’s support when he needed it.
Except he didn’t.
Mista was a capo now and had his own problems to take care of. Narancia and Trish we’re back in school, living normal lives (he couldn’t help but be jealous). And Fugo was still missing.
He still had Abbacchio, but his attention quickly became suffocating. The man was terrified of almost losing Bruno again, so he became incredibly protective of him. He didn’t let other unfamiliar members of the mafia near Bruno, didn’t allow Bruno to talk with regular civilians, and always inspected every single piece of food, clothing, and any other gifts that Bruno was given to make sure they weren’t poisoned. Abbacchio wasn’t treating him like an equal anymore, he was treating him like some frail child.
Bruno feels isolated and stressed. He has so much work to do but so little support to actually help him get through it easily. The idea of his gang trapping him in a position he didn’t want in the first place never crossed his mind. But it happened. It happened and he’s stuck.
I purposely left Giorno out because I’m still thinking about how he’d fit into the Au. What I’m certain about though is that he (and Fugo when he comes back) are not happy about anything.
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
Aghhhh almost missed it. Can I request Giorno from Jojo for ijqy? Tysm!
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Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Giorno is a meticulous planner - he’s always several steps ahead of everyone around him. This fact does not change when his darling is involved. Giorno has a meticulous plan in mind the moment his darling comes to be under his thumb. Human nature tells him that his plans won’t always work down to the minute details he’s created, but he pushes his thoughts about his darling’s future on them regardless.
Giorno yearns for something traditional and stable. He never had it growing up and craves that normalcy he missed out on. Though his role as the Don of Passione keeps him busy the majority of the time, he dreams of having the ability to come home and put on the role of doting husband. To that end, though, he expects his darling to be just as devoted to him. Giorno will mold his darling into the perfect house spouse, even if they protest. He wants them as far away from Passione as possible - it’s far, far too dangerous for them. And he thinks, too, that he deserves something special for himself. That something special being another human being held under lock & key is not something he spends time dwelling on the morality of.
Of course, being Giorno’s darling comes with perks - he does want them to be a stay at home spouse, but they won’t have to lift a finger. There will be a heavily vetted and selected staff to attend to his darling’s whims when he’s not there - and it’s likely that Giorno will go as far as to have one of his most trusted personal guards stationed there to keep an eye on things. 
Giorno doesn’t see how his darling could be anything but grateful for the life he provides them. All he asks is that they obey him… and is that really so hard?
[ Continued under the cut. . .]
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. Nothing has ever stopped Giorno from getting what he wants, and his darling is no exception. He’s possessive of them - he wants to keep them pristine and free from the horrors of the world. Giorno is logical, though, and knows that his jealous streak is irrational. Still, it’s hard to tamp down the anger that flares up when he sees his darling interact with someone else, even if it is one of his trusted confidants. He wants his darling’s smile to be only for him. Giorno gives so much of himself in his role as the Don - it’s only natural that he wants something solely for himself.
Giorno, however, is self-aware enough not to place his feelings on his darling. There are other things he may unfairly punish them for, but his own feelings aren’t one of them. He copes by using his position to get away with anything he thinks will tamp down his jealousy. Killing isn’t out of the question. Of course, he’d never kill his trusted friends, but he may send them on far-away missions. Those closest to him, like Fugo and Shelia E., are well aware of Giorno’s raging jealousy issues and are careful to behave accordingly around his darling.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If they die… Yes. Giorno is more than used to loss and considers it a regular part of his life. When you’re in Passione, you live every die as if you might die - even when you’re the Boss. He’d be likely to bottle up his emotions, only letting his tears fall in private at nighttime when he holds his darling’s clothing to his face, their lingering scent making his heart yearn. He will never be able to replace them, but he won’t let his duties falter. 
If they leave or escape? No, absolutely not. No one defies him and gets away with it. Giorno is careful and calculating - it may be days, months, or years before he makes a move. The anger that Giorno expresses is cool and collected. He wants his darling to think they got away with it. The shock and fear they’ll feel when he finally reveals he’s known where they are the whole time is something Giorno looks forward to immensely. 
His darling would do well to remember how Giorno became the Don of Passione. Giorno’s ruthlessness is one of his defining features, and his darling is going to witness firsthand if they ever betray him.
He won’t kill them, though. Giorno still loves them, but he knows he has to punish his darling for their own good.
They’ll never want to run away again.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Quite a long time… Giorno, despite everything, still has some gentlemanly qualities. He’s even a bit shy due to the fact that he has little experience with romantic relationships. He’s aware he could just… take his darling any time, but he wants to try and do things the ‘right’ way first. For all his power and strength, it takes him a long time to approach them with romantic intent. Giorno strikes up a friendship first, keeping his identity a secret. (Unless, of course, they work for Passione somehow… If that’s the case, he’ll hire them to be his personal assistant while in reality giving them menial duties so he can chat with them frequently.) Despite his lack of experience, he does know how to be charming. Creating a flower with Gold Experience and tucking it into his darling’s hair is his signature move, and even he knows that it’s a good move to fluster someone.
Eventually, though, he grows impatient with himself and reveals his feelings to his darling. How they respond influences everything else: how fast he advances the romantic relationship, how soon he kidnaps them, how soon he asks them to move in, how soon he starts to show his yandere tendencies… There are many possibilities.
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
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You laughed as you and your friends stepped out from highschool's gate. You just finished all of the exams from this year and passed them too, so each one of you was happy.
"What's with that face? Come on, let's go get ice cream! We all got over 90% on our math tests! There's no reason to be sad!" your boyfriend, Fugo, said while punching you playfully in the shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, but something feels off...Something bad will happen and I don't like the fact that I don't know what." you replied, munching on your lower lip. You honestly didn't know what could go wrong.
Everything went really good ever since you got away from him. You restarted your studying, reunited with your friends, and even your love-life was good. Fugo was treating you right and you really couldn't ask for someone better.
"Hey, it's fine. If that's what you're thinking, he won't come back. You're safe now" Fugo whispered in your ear. He was the only one who knew about Giorno and the fact that he kidnapped you.
"Hey guys, come on, we are going to get ice cream!" Narnacia yelled, running with the rest of your group. "We'll stay here for a while, Y/ N's feet hurt, but get us two chocolate ones!" your boyfriend yelled after them and Narancia nodded.
As you two were approaching a bench, you noticed his arms tightening around you a little. You thought it was just his way of comforting you, but as soon as you saw a well known blonde hair, you froze. Giorno was casually leaning against a motorcycle, a lolipop stick resting between his lips.
"He's here. Fugo. Fugo! He's here." you whispered panicked, shaking your lover, trying to stop him from getting closer. "Oi, Giorno! I brought them here, just as you requested." Fugo yelled, basically pushing you to him, as your legs refused to move;
The other blonde turned around swiftly, a sadistically sweet smile covering his face now as he catched you right before you fell. "Finally! Thank you, Fugo. I was starting to wonder if you and the guys betrayed me." Giorno said, his grip on you now so tight you couldn't move. You were just a shaking mess, confused by everything, but most of all scared. Request? Giorno knows your friends? Betrayal? Order? Why were you in your kidnapper's arms again?
"That's not the case. Oh and, I'm sorry Y/N, I really loved you, but orders are orders." This sounded way colder than it was meant to be.
Your head was spinning. What was happening? How did they know each other. "Fugo, please tell me this is a joke. Please tell me this is not him, this is only my imagination, please..." you cried out, not realising when tears started rolling down your face.
Fugo's heart clenched seeing you so desperate, but he really had no choice. Giorno had him under his feet, as well as the other boys. And, when it came to you...They weren't empty threats. The Don was a man of word and they all knew it. Pannacotta was in love with you, but he loved his life more then risk it for someone he met a few months ago.
"You are dismissed, Fugo. Thank you for your help." Giorno said coldly as if you weren't struggling and crying for Fugo in his arms. The aforementioned nodded and shamefully left you in the arms of your worst nightmare. Screaming and crying out for help wouldn't work. Everybody feared him. "Please be a bad dream..." you sobbed quietly as you felt him shush you.
"This isn't a dream, amore mio. Oh God, it took them so long, but you have no idea how happy I am that you're finally mine again."
A/N: all of my posts are flopping :(
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 1 year
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cinnabarts · 1 year
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today's color scheme brought to you by banasa dimidiata
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mrsgiovanna · 2 months
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Art credit:
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lolorenoca · 1 year
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hi giogio its been some good years since i last drew u
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