ashxketchum · 3 months
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mizunoryuu · 3 months
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Day 4: Despair/Favorite Villain
Myotismon, hands down.
This arc was terrifying and had me on my seat as a child. I still remember how my heart ached when Kari turned herself in to Myotismon to stop others from suffering. She'd risk her own life just for peace. Of course, while the act was touching, it was obviously foolish. Despite that, it didn't take away from her character as she and Angewomon would find the power to overcome him.
Honestly, I think what got me was the sheer amount of abuse Tailmon took from Myotismon over the years. How she was basically brainwashed into being a servant, being something that she wasn't. Unfortunately, this is something I could deeply relate to in my childhood. Myotismon's evil reached me, and I felt Tailmon's deep despair, and I'm glad that she found a safe haven where she was meant to be and is herself.
As an aside, I do mean Myotismon/Vamdemon. VenomMyotismon/VenomVamdemon is a wholly different horror that gave me nightmares as a child. The psychological and emotional horror that was Myotismon was the true evil.
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nuisdrawing · 3 months
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Day 1: Destiny/Favourite Digidestined
This is a repost of an old piece, but it fit perfectly with the first Digimon Adventure Week prompt. Look, I love all of the digidestined a lot, but Izzy has been my fave since I first watch the show when I was 9, <3
I want to do some new stuff for at least a couple of the other prompts, but it will probably be later on the month.
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morgannox · 3 months
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No. 58 - Puppetmon Also Adventure Week Day 4 - Favorite Villain ---- Note to self... sometimes actually going outside and touching grass helps recharge batteries.
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digimonadventureweek · 3 months
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The 25th Anniversary is just around the corner, and our celebration of it starts tomorrow!
Remember to check out the PROMPTS | RULES | FAQS.
If your entry is missed, please don't hesitate to @ this blog, or send a link to your post via ask.
Happy Digimon Adventure Week, Digifandom!
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
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@digimonadventureweek Day 6, March 6th - Favourite episode: #31 - "Raremon! Surprise Attack on Tokyo Bay"
I have once made a list of my "Top 16 favourite Digimon Adventure episodes" and no matter what I do, I always come back to this one. Not only is this one of the episodes my dad had recorded for me when I was a kid because I couldn't watch it when it first aired on TV, but it also basically contains everything that I love about Digimon Adventure as a whole. It also justifies a lot of my biases and headcanons in the process, but that's just a side note.
This is the closest we've ever gotten to a "slice of life" anime that includes the original cast, as it contains several of its typical elements while focusing on and mirroring primarily Taichi's and Koushirou's experiences on their first evening back home in the real world. I could have taken approximately 100 screenshots of it, because the storytelling and pacing are just so marvelous to me:
Even though it definitely IS a slice-of-life-ish episode, it doesn't lose the main plot at all, but intertwines it perfectly into the story: The kids are looking for the eighth child and Taichi, rightfully, suspects Hikari, since she had been with him during the Hikarigaoka incident. Thus he and Koromon ask her if she owns a Digivice already, which she denies. The viewer can tell that she does own one, it was just stolen and played with by their housecat Meeko/Miko - and she is the reason we're gonna get an action-packed chase scene later down the line of the episode...
Then there's the secondary plot - I refuse to call it B plot, because it is so in the forefront of everything that happens. As mentioned, it's all about Taichi and Koushirou reuniting with their families and trying their best to hide their Digimon from them. They're both having rather warm, heartfelt and happy moments that feel light-hearted (and even a bit comedic) on surface level. The difference here is that Koushirou's personal backstory is also given more space to bloom; while both Taichi's mother, Yuuko, and Koushirou's mother, Kae, sense that something about their sons is off, the latter seems to be ridden by melancholy and guilt about it. Koushirou has been acting nothing but polite and grateful towards her, but she feels like this is not how he should be like, that he is hiding something - which, as her husband, Masami, puts it, "is nothing we can blame him for, since we're hiding something from him as well".
It's the first time the viewer actually hears that Koushirou was adopted - we have seen him having flashbacks and getting somewhat distraught and sad about something, but we didn't know what it was. One can tell that he means it when he tells his mother that he's grateful - we see it when he keeps smiling happily to Tentomon about everything -, but there is that barrier. He IS hiding something from them - and we know it's not just Tentomon, even if that is perfectly mirrored with Taichi hiding Koromon as well -, but she cannot grasp what it is. And he is burdening himself with it, everything: Caring for and hiding his partner, sneaking out of his room to deal with a rampaging Digimon in the middle of the night while (potentially) chasing the eighth child around town - on his own, because the others are already fast asleep -, having a one-on-one fight with an evil Digimon and almost gets impaled, while also trying to reassure his parents that everything is alright. A lot to bear for a 10-year-old, huh...
And why was he prompted to act in the first place? Not only because he was notified of Raremon being a threat, but also because the Yagami cat went on a stroll with the eighth child's Digivice and lost it several times over.
This episode simply has it all: It has a sense of happiness and peacefulness, it has comedic elements, it has a suspenseful fight and chase scene; the main plot and character development are perfectly intertwined and even though there is so much going on, it doesn't feel rushed, bloated or like anything shouldn't be there. The characters are pretty unreliable narrators while the viewer can see everything that happens - nothing gets resolved in this episode, it consists of a repeated "Almost!", but that is fine, because it contextualizes everything that will happen from now on.
It also tells us so much about the Yagami and Izumi family dynamics, including the fact that the mothers are very familiar with the fact that their sons are close friends who call each other at very odd times...
The adoption topic is rather heavy, not downplayed and presented in a light that makes you hope that all of this will eventually resolve.
It's just very dear to my heart and I would absolutely love a whole anime that deals with all of the kids and their backstories similarly, giving them all temporary main-character status.
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bg12sofia · 3 months
Digimon Adventure Week 2024 #1
I meant to answer the day prompts, but I’m not feeling that inspired. It’s been a while since I last watched Adventure. I feel like I needed a rewatch in order to provide you with good answers for these, so… maybe next time.
The Bonus Round questions are interesting, though. I’m going with those. Here’s the first.
Which crest did you relate to the most as a child, has it changed since then?
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As a kid, I related the most to the crest of Love. If you asked me why back then, I’d probably say I considered myself motherly and affectionate. In reality, Sora was – and still is – my favorite character and Piyomon was – and still is – my favorite Digievolution line. As such, I thought Love was the crest for me.
I wouldn’t say I was wrong. However, as an adult, I recognize that pretty much any Crest could work with me. Whether it represents an already existent strength of mine – Reliability maybe, or Knowledge – or something I would need to work on – maybe Friendship or Sincerity.
By that logic, the perfect Crest for me would be the Crest of Courage. Not because it is one of my strong suits – it’s not. I’m an overly cautious person, very insecure. I find it very difficult to leave my comfort zone, to deal with change. I’m afraid of many things.
That said, I’ve been finding out that, when I take that step, when I do it scared, when I take a leap of faith, like Miles in Into the Spiderverse, nine times out of ten I’m narratively rewarded. Some of those instances literally changed my life.
So yeah, if the writers wanted the best story possible, they’d give me the Crest of Courage. In fact, that has been a WIP of mine – it will still be a great while before it’s finished, though.
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rockthistowninsideout · 3 months
Happy 25th birthday, Digimon Adventure!
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Honestly, I don't know how I could forget @digimonadventureweek when it's such an important date for me as a long-term Digimon fan. I guess it's because life's a bit bitchy right now. Anyway, now I'm here!
I haven't prepared anything but I thought I'd share how I celebrate today. Here's Gomamon keeping me company on my desk at work (together with the Muppets and a relaxing Lopmon. I also have Patamon as Funko Pop but I left him at home in my, ehem, Digimon shrine😅.)
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And that's what I wore today, this super cool shirt by AnimeDesigns12 on Redbubble:
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Bonus Q & A
Which crest did you relate to the most as a child, has it changed since then?
As said in the tags of this post, I used to relate very much to Love (see the shirt) because I thought myself to be motherly but I also believed that I could buy people's affection with being caring. There's always two sides of a coin you see. Courage is something I try to incorporate into my life as well but now more than ever I think my Reliability is something that comes to people's mind when they think about me (at least I hope so). Whenever I dreamt about joining the team I imagined myself having the new crest of Determination though.
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Is there a dialogue (sub/dub) from the series that you quote frequently IRL?
Oh boy, and how there is one! Two, actually, both from the same episode, 01x09 "Subzero Ice Punch!"/"Clash! The Freezing Digimon" - Verschollen in Eis und Schnee
"Ich lass dich nicht los und wenn mir der Arm abreißt!"
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(I couldn't find the exact scene but this is the one preceding it before they hang from a branch and Taichi promises Yamato not let him go even if it tears his arm out.)
"Ich bin das Frigimon!"
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I just love him and how he says "I am Frigimon" every frickin' time!
That's all from me for now but I'll probably add a picture of my Digimon collection and, uh, said shrine.
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animegenork · 3 months
So! I definitely remember running into the announcement about Digimon Adventure Week, but unfortunately, as life does, I became distracted and thus was unprepared when I realized it started.
While I'm sure I'll write some drabbles and such for it in two years (/hj), I did want to participate, and thankfully there are questions to do it! I love questions, I love to ramble.
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I'll talk about it more in my next answer, but I didn't watch Digimon all that much as a kid! However, when I rediscovered it at age 12, I definitely vibed with the Crest of Friendship a lot. I was just discovering anime and nakama and everything that I still stick around for, and really, that hasn't changed much! However, now I think I gravitate toward love or sincerity or reliability, as those are all traits I work on the most often with myself.
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Togemon! I have no context surrounding this memory (as most of the image-based memories I have), but I remember Togemon. I remember the Digivolution to Togemon. When I first found Adventure again after probably eight-ish years, something clicked when I saw the cactus with boxing gloves. I wish I knew more, but that is all that tickles my mind when I see it!
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I think the most quote-able line I've ever used was, "Come down here and fight me like a mon!" Unfortunately, I don't have much opportunity to quote the dub that I have seen several times, but that line I definitely screamed at my screen as I played Digimon Survive... I also just love puns. I always flash back to Koushiro whenever I hear the word "prodigious," and I have to say, Takeru's "What if you get, like, dead or something?" is another favorite.
Thank you @digimonadventureweek for all your hard work! (The graphics are STUPENDOUS I could stare forever at them.) And thank you for the lovely images with which to adorn my post! And naturally, thank you to Digimon Adventure for starting my lifelong love <3
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queenlibra134 · 3 months
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(Excuse the drawings, I'm just learning how to use my new drawing tablet and digital art isn't my strong suit) My entries for Days 1-3 of #digimonadventureweek
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digi-egg · 3 months
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It has been announced that starting March 1st, Digimon Adventure will be getting a re-run on television in Japan on Tokyo MX.
It will air every Friday, 7:30PM-8:00PM JST.
Last year, to commemorate the release of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, a selection of episodes from Digimon Adventure 02 were also broadcast on Tokyo MX between July-December, along with free streaming on Youtube (region locked to Japan). However, in case of Digimon Adventure, they will be re-broadcasting the entire series to celebrate the 25th Anniversary.
If you happen to be in Japan in the next few months, it might be worth catching the series on TV just like old times!
Digimon Adventure Week on Tumblr will also be held from March 01-07! @digimonadventureweek
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ashxketchum · 3 months
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mizunoryuu · 3 months
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Day 2: Connection/Favorite Partner
Before Wormmon, Biyomon was my favorite. Her unconditional love and devotion to Sora was heartwarming and an admirable trait to aspire to.
I also deeply related to Sora's and Biyomon's growth and understanding of what Love is. It can be protective but it doesn't have to be overbearing, and that sometimes… or often… love is shown in different ways that you don’t expect or realize.
Besides. Biyomon turned into basically a phoenix. What's not to love?
So here's Biyomon and Sora from the final episode of Digimon Adventure saying their goodbyes. I didn't mean for this to be such a soft piece, as my other styles for this week are a lot less detailed. Though I think it really hits home on the tenderness of their relationship.
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morgannox · 3 months
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The year is flying so fast...I forgot it was Digimon Adventure week. Probably won't do all the prompts, but have the first two as a quick scribble
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digimonadventureweek · 5 months
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Thank you everyone for the support shown to the event announcement!
In order to make this event an activity that all Digimon Adventure fans can equally participate in, we will be including a Q&A round along with the usual prompts.
If you're not an artist/writer/graphic maker, but still want to contribute to the event by just simply reminiscing and talking about this series, then this Q&A would be perfect for you. Or even as a creator, if you want to take a break during the week from drawing/writing/editing, you can replace a prompt with the Q&A instead.
So vote below for the question you want to see included in the event, the top three most voted questions will be added to the final announcement!
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
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@digimonadventureweek Day 3, March 3rd - Unity / Favourite Dynamic: Taichi & Koushirou
Or differently put: These two dorks being stuck on an island with two pink blobs, before one of them falls off a tree as they're being attacked by a giant stag beetle and have to run for their lives; thus, the Adventure began... Please excuse the decorative elements in the back.
If you're familiar with me, you know that I love analyzing all kinds of dynamics between the Chosen Children, all their relationships with their partners, relatives, each other... I have a wide range of relationships I adore and you may or may not already know that these two will always be my favourites on so many levels; in terms of their importance to the story as plot-driving duo, in terms of their friendship through the course of the entire series (and other media forms as well) and, last but not least, in terms of their romantic potential.
To quote some of my previous posts about them, without getting too much into ramble mode again:
Without Taichi, Koushirou wouldn’t have gone to Summer Camp - and without Koushirou, Taichi would never have figured out a way for them to get back to the real world. They complement each other in their strengths and weaknesses, they may butt heads occasionally, but they’re there for each other as good friends and comrades: Taichi, being the courageous leader that he is, wouldn’t be as successful if he didn’t know he could 100% rely on Koushirou, whom he irrevocably trusts in. Koushirou, who, despite his natural curiosity, probably wouldn’t be(come) as hands-on if he didn’t have someone to believe in him as persistently as Taichi does, while also being 100% committed to support him.
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