#daniel ricciardo
slutforpringles · 3 days
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2012 -> 2023
image/ post creds to @/ritchiardo on twitter
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worldchampignons · 3 days
how the f1 grid would do on hot ones 🌶
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got inspired by lewis and decided to rank the whole grid based on how they'd do!! feel free to make amendments, i tried to base it off of their home country's cuisine, but honestly mostly went off ~vibes~
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ef-1 · 2 days
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DANIEL via sportskeeda 🤫
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sweeterlovers · 17 hours
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ALEX ALBON - to all the boys i’ve loved before!
CARLOS SAINZ - letters to juliet!
CHARLES LECLERC - the princess diaries!
DANIEL RICCIARDO - my big fat greek wedding!
FERNANDO ALONSO - mamma mia!
GEORGE RUSSELL - dirty dancing!
LANCE STROLL - pretty woman!
LANDO NORRIS - wild child!
LEWIS HAMILTON - the wedding singer!
LOGAN SARGEANT - aquamarine!
MAX VERSTAPPEN - mr. & mrs. smith!
OSCAR PIASTRI - 10 things i hate about you!
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F1 Drivers as Tumblr Posts pt 11/? (Pt 10)
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formulawolff · 2 days
iii. golden girl - t.w.
pairing: female driver! x toto wolff
word count: 3.3k
warnings: age gap, cursing, yearning, pining, some sexual content, power imbalances, toto wanting to absolutely rail you, some slight mentions of a size kink, yadayadayada, mature content!
prev. | next.
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“holy fuck! holy fuck! holy fucking shit!”
“come here!” 
james squeezes you tightly, nearly sweeping you off your feet as the team swarms your car, fireworks bursting in the night. it thunders through the stands, yet you can barely hear a thing as the team surrounds the two of you, jeering. tears sting your eyes, blurring your vision through the visor. 
yet, this was no time for tears. 
raising your arms, you clamber on to your car, standing on top of it. you pump your fists in the air. 
“we did it! we fucking did it!”
your voice is muffled slightly by the helmet, but your team understands your words, cheering in response. hopping off the car, you throw off your helmet, hairs plastered to your forehead, cheeks burning from the heat. 
“how did we manage that?” james is as astonished as you are, nearly trembling with excitement. although it was substantially late in the evening, he was bright eyed-and bushy tailed. 
the team principal was probably running on fumes by now, but you knew the adrenaline coursing through veins would keep him wide awake in the hours to come. 
“i don’t know,” you shake your head, “but we did it.”
“max has some competition, eh?” he teases, a hand tousling your hair. 
“i would not go that far,” your cheeks burned once again, but this time, it was not from the heat. 
you couldn’t stop grinning. no matter how hard you tried, the smile would just come back. 
it was more than likely from the fact that you just made history. 
for the first time in seventy-four years of formula one, you were the first american woman in history to win a grand prix. 
you made history today. and you would probably continue to make a name for yourself, break records, and obliterate barriers. 
fuck, this was an amazing day. 
probably one of the best days of your life. 
“good fucking job!”
“amazing race out there!”
“we love you!”
praise floods your ears as you make your way to the podium, guided by james. the stands are still somewhat packed, and you blow a few kisses and wave to fans as you stroll along. 
your heart was still thumping, blood roaring in your ears. euphoria courses through your veins, the feeling completely unmatched to anything you had ever felt before. it buzzes from your fingertips to your toes, your steps feeling light compared to the rush of the race. 
you were on cloud nine. 
making your way onto the podium, you step into the first place spot, beaming as max and checo follow suit, stepping on their designated places. your respective home flags roll down, the star spangled banner filling your ears. 
tears well up in your eyes, and you can’t help but shed a few, wiping them away with your hand as the anthem rolls on, your team waiting patiently below. 
is this how max felt every time he won? 
was this the high he was always chasing after? 
because now you understood. now you understood exactly why drivers were so determined to win. when you started your formula one career, you were more determined than ever to just place in a race. to prove the ones who had doubted you wrong. to rub it in their faces that you were a worthy competitor. most of all, to show the world what you were made of as a female driver. 
now, here you were. 
proving to the world that you were not only determined, but you were an exceptional driver. 
you were capable of winning races. 
and in your heart, you knew you were so capable of winning so many more. 
as the trophy is placed in your hands, you pump it in the air, the williams racing crew applauding. there are some shouts, some cries of joys, and suddenly, you feel a shower of champagne cascading down your suit.
glancing up, you notice that both max and sergio are holding champagne bottles in their hands, spraying not only you, but each other. giggling, you reach down, picking up your own bottle. the three of you erupt with laughter, as you douse one another. at one point, you chase max with it, tugging on the collar of his fire suit and pouring it down his back. 
the rest of the evening is a blur. everyone morphed together: reporters, crew members, even james. everything that was said to you went in one ear, and straight out the other. 
winning a grand prix was exhilarating, but god did you hate the press that followed after. 
what seemed like hours later, you were finally back at your motorhome, kicking open the door. you were sticky from the champagne, your hair caked to the nape of your neck and cap. your muscles ached, desperate for some sort of relief. 
racing an 1,800 pound car was no easy feat. 
and you were beyond exhausted. 
physically, mentally, and emotionally. 
of course, the first thing you did after the podium celebration consisted of facetiming your parents. even with the time difference, they stayed up and watched, nearly blowing out the speaker of your phone when you called. 
after a quick shower, you were perched on your couch, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. part of you wanted to fill the empty space with a pet, but you knew that all of the travel would be hard on any animal. perhaps during the offseason you would consider a cat. a big fluffy maine coon or a sleek russian blue would be perfect. 
all over social media, american fans flooded the feed with memes, edits, and comments. all of them were in support of you. and for the first time in a long time, you felt the urge to sit and read everything that was said. 
not only were your parents, james, and team proud, but your country was as well. 
as an edit plays on tik tok, you can’t help but laugh as you hear the sound, “what the fuck is a kilometer?” paired with photos and snippets of you from the grand prix. god, were these people so fast  when it came to posting the edits. where the hell did they find these clips so quickly anyway? 
a knock at your door startles you, head snapping up.
although the crew wanted to party, you had to inform them that it would have to be postponed. even though you were still running on all of the adrenaline, it was slowly trickling away, leaving your eyelids heavy and body sore. 
carefully, you trudge to the door, wincing as a twinge of pain sears through your neck. opening the door, your eyes widen. 
once again, it was toto wolff. 
this time, he had a small package in his hand. it was a crisp white paper, wrapped neatly with a royal blue bow. 
“i figured i would swing by and congratulate you on your accomplishment.”
“thank you,” apprehensively, you accept the gift in his hand, “it’s a bit late, you know.”
“i know, i know,” he exhales, “i figured i would do this privately instead of in front of the whole world.”
“the whole world as in my team?” you arch a brow. 
“yes,” he answers, swaying slightly, “can i come in?”
peering past his broad shoulders, you survey the surroundings. since it was so late, most of the crew had retired to their respective hotel rooms or motorhomes. now, it was most of the cleanup and mechanical crew, tearing down signs and cleaning up litter. 
biting your lip, you nod, inviting the austrian in, “come in.”
this time, you could sense that he was nervous. you usher him to the couch, urging him to sit. you find a spot on the opposite end, maintaining your distance. there’s a moment of silence between the two of you, toto eyeing your current attire.
of course he had to come by while you were in your pajamas. 
well, pajamas that consisted of a black skims tee and grey sweatshorts. shorts that were a little revealing, at that. 
breaking the silence, you cough, “why did you really come by?”
“you know why.” 
“i’m not joining your team,” you roll your eyes, “you can’t buy my decision with gifts, either.”
“oh?” his brows raise, “can i buy it with something else, then?”
“no,” you shake your head, “you can’t.”
“well, i tried,” he puts his hand up in defeat, “it seems you have made your decision.”
the austrian begins to stand up, smoothing out a wrinkle in his pants. yet, your spring forward, your hand delicately grasping his wrist as he turns, “wait.”
“hmm?” he hums, “what is it? reconsidering?”
“can you–” warmth fills your cheeks as he peers down at you, prompting you to speak, “i can’t stop thinking about the last time you were here. and the time we were in monaco.”
“monaco?” he echoes, “i don’t recall monaco.”
“you were probably too drunk to remember.”
your heart swells as his fingertips reach out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ears. it’s a gentle act, his hand massaging your scalp for a moment, “no, i remember. when i called you a golden girl and you acted like you’d never been complimented in your life. i offered you a drink too, and you refused. probably didn’t want to ruin your image as a golden girl, hmm?”
“you’re a little shit,” you mutter, earning a hearty laugh in return, “but anyway i–”
“i can’t stop thinking about it either,” toto settles back down on the couch. this time, he is not a couple of feet away. he plops down right next to you, only inches of space separating you two. 
“i probably think about you too much.” 
“why?” you blurt out, “why, though? i’m just another driver. i’m not anything special.”
“not anything special? little dove, you are by far one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen. ever since i saw your image circulating around social media, i could not help but stare in awe. you’re practically a model, and you drive exceptionally well? like i said, you’re an inspiration. you’re confident. you’re level-headed. that is a package deal, schatz.”
“you literally said the other night that you were trying to manipulate me into accepting your offer,” the notes in your tone are solemn. 
the team principal cocks his head, shocked at your attempt to throw him off guard. yet, your face falls as he bears a grin, his tone matter-of-fact.
“you’re not very good at this whole good cop, bad cop thing.” 
“i’d be much better at it if you weren’t so handsome,” your lips form a pout, and toto inches closer, his hand cupping the nape of your neck. 
fingertips massage the area, earning a sigh of relief, “am i really that handsome?”
“do you not remember the way i scurried away after you offered me to buy me drinks in monaco? i was a mess. i’m a mess every single time i talk to you.”
“is that why you’re so against joining mercedes?” the inquiry is innocent, with no underlying reason to prod or pry. 
well, it was not necessarily the entire reason you were against accepting toto’s offer, but it definitely was one of them. you wouldn’t be able to last a second in the paddock without climbing all over him and attacking him. 
if you weren’t careful enough, you’d probably get pregnant one night in the paddock. 
“i just think about what would happen if i did,” you shrug, averting away from his gaze, “there’s no denying i am attracted to you. i can’t just sit here and lie.”
“i know you are,” his hand wanders to your shoulder blades, carefully kneading each one, “fuck, schatz. you’re so tight.” 
you’re so tight. 
the comment sends you spiraling, hands instinctively shielding your face so he wouldn’t see how flustered you were. between your thighs, your clit throbs, and you desperately wanted him to take care of it.
you prayed and hoped to whatever god that existed that he wouldn’t notice the wet spot that was pooling in your underwear. if he kept up the messaging and the comments, it was bound to be visible on your shorts. 
“hiding, are we? don’t be afraid, little dove. i’ve done my research. you’ve made comments about me on your social media.”
“i was sixteen!” you groan, burying your face even deeper, “fuck, fuck, fuck. this is so embarrassing. i should have wiped everything before i started racing.”
“some new accounts wouldn’t have hurt,” despite your embarrassment, he’s gentle, carefully tending to your sore muscles, “after that race, i’m not shocked at how tense you are.”
“are you actually proud of me or are you just saying these things so i’ll join your little team.”
“i’m actually proud,” one hand continues massaging, while the other finds your temple, attempting to separate your hands from your face, “can you look at me?”
hesitantly, you lower your hands. as you do so, toto’s lips curl into a grin, “there she is.”
his eyes search yours momentarily, and you feel the urge to cover your face once more. but you don’t, allowing him to look. you can’t quite put your finger on what he was searching for, but you catch the glint in his eyes. 
it was simply admiration. drinking in every little part of you. memorizing every little freckle, every lash, every little detail that defined your features. 
reaching out, his thumb traces along your jawline, trailing upwards to your cheek. you nearly collapse under the gentle touch, every fiber in your being screaming to maintain your composure. 
“such a beautiful girl,” toto whispers, his voice so low you could barely hear it, “why don’t you want to be with me at mercedes?”
“i made a commitment,” you affirm, your heart nearly stopping as toto leans in, “i don’t break my promises.” 
“and i am a man of my word. i’ll make you a world champion, schatz.” 
your lashes flutter as his thumb caresses your cheekbone, “aren’t you a married man, toto?”
“that’s what you’re worried about?” a light chuckle flows from his lips, “i’m trying to make you the deal of a lifetime and you’re fretting over whether or not i’m a married man?”
your breath hitches in your throat as he leans in even more, the tip of his nose brushing against yours, “this is wrong.”
“join me at mercedes,” toto murmurs, lips ghosting over yours, “please, be my world champion.”
“do you have a crush on me, mr. wolff?”
there’s a noise that rumbles in his throat. it’s guttural, almost animalistic, “crushes are for children. let’s just say i’ve had my eye on you for some time.”
“how long have you had your eye on me?”
“so many questions, schatz,” toto tuts, your heart races as his hand wanders, finding your thigh, “what is it going to take to make you mine? i am not one to beg, but i am starting to think i just may have to.”
you stutter as his thumb inches towards your inner thigh, tracing small circles, “i-i just need some time to think about it. there’s so much at stake here, and it’s just so overwhelming.”
“what can i do to help ease that stress?” toto shifts his body, making his way to the floor, “tell me what i need to do.” 
the temperature of the room skyrockets as he gets on his knees, situating himself between your legs. his hands, oh so warm, grip your thighs. 
the austrian presses soft kisses all over, earning a mewl from you. as you squirm, you can feel him grin against your heated skin as he stops momentarily, looking up at you. 
fuck, was he as gorgeous as ever, sitting between your thighs. brunette strands fell perfectly in his face, framing it just right. in the dim light, you notice the pink hue dusting his cheeks. his lips are plush, and you fight the urge to kiss him right there, but you hold back. 
licking his lower lip, his eyes are darkened, consumed by lust, “tell me baby, what do you want? how can i help put your mind at ease? you’re practically dripping right now. do you want me to take care of you?”
“oh fuck,” you’re nearly breathless, “i – yes. please.”
“i’ll pamper you baby,” toto’s breath fans against your thigh, “you just have to promise me something.”
“and that is?”
“you’ll seriously consider my offer. i’ll expect a decision by miami,” he snaps out of his lust-filled trance for just a second, “i mean that. you will need to find me in miami and tell me what you decide. in-person. nothing over text or social media. i can’t wait around for you forever, schatz. i am going to have to consider my other options if you don’t give me a clear answer.”
“that’s not enough time–” you protest, yet your swiftly interrupted by his lips colliding with yours. 
the kiss is fiery, nearly sweeping you off the couch. his lips mold with yours, one hand remaining on your thigh while the other wraps around the base of your neck, bringing you even closer to him. a soft moan rises in your throat as his tongue finds yours, fingers delving into the waistband of your shorts.
“so beautiful,” he pants against your lips, “so, so, so beautiful. so wet for me. fuck. i do this to you?”
“yes,” you nod, “i’ve been wet since you walked in the door.”
the confession sends toto reeling, the austrian nearly losing control in that moment. his grasp on your neck tightens ever so slightly, his breathing ragged. 
he had you exactly where he wanted you. 
ever since it was announced that you were joining the world of formula one as a driver for williams racing, toto was determined to have you on his team. he was not lying when he said that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. while he tried to play it off, the team principal had a significant crush on the williams driver. 
the moment he saw that photo of you shaking james hand, he knew he was a goner. 
not only were you absolutely stunning, someone with a gift like yours needed to be put on a pedestal. and fuck, was he so frustrated when he couldn’t sign you. at the time, mercedes was full. he had lewis and george, who were oh so talented. 
of course, the team principal needed to determine whether he was simply acting on his own attraction, or if this would be a good business venture. mercedes had maintained a decent reputation. there were a few fuck-ups through the years, but nothing so significant it ruined his career. 
however, the decision to sign you to mercedes may ruin his career. he knew if he signed you, he would not be able to keep things professional. he would want you every day, every hour, every minute, every second you were around him. he would crave to just fuck you every chance he got. and if a single soul got wind of that? he would be done for. he knew he would be let go immediately. 
yet, that was the least of his worries. 
now, his priority was taking you in, bringing you home to mercedes. although he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, he knew you would shine if you went to mercedes. you would shine like the sun. 
you would be formula one’s golden girl. 
finally, after all of those weeks of pining after you, after his attempt to flirt with you in monaco, all of those stolen glances, after all fighting all of those urges to just corner you in your paddock one day and lose all of his inhibitions, confessing every sin that ran rampant in his mind. 
you were right here. and you were beneath him, so breathtaking and innocent. 
you were an angel. 
his angel. 
“the things i would do to you right now–”
a series of knocks rings through the space, so crisp and sharp.
“hey, it’s daniel! can we talk?”
thank you so much for reading! please let me know if you would like to be tagged for future chapters! <3
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dr3smile · 11 hours
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I can’t stop staring at him.
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fastandcarlos · 19 hours
He Takes Care Of You On Your Period : ̗̀➛ F1 Reaction
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: ̗̀➛ Max Verstappen
Lots of cuddles are on the menu whenever you’re on your period, Max never leaves your side, making sure that he holds you as best as he can to take away the pain. He’s incredibly attentive at the best of times but he takes extra care during your time of the month, keeping things slow and moving as calmly as he can to protect your body. Need a squeeze? He’s there. Tummy need massaging? He’s by your side before you even finish asking him. ‘I’ll do whatever I can to make you feel better,’ he repeatedly tells you, knowing that all the pain that you go through is never truly your fault.
: ̗̀➛ Lando Norris
Treats, treats and more treats come your way from Lando whenever you’re on your period. He’s still a little lost sometimes as to what the right thing to do is, however one thing he does know that can solve most situations is chocolate – so that’s what he does. Lando brings the comfort to help you relax, he finds your favourite treats, sets up your living room so its nice and cosy and finds the cheesiest film that he can to send your hormones into overdrive – although secretly he loves making you cry at a film so he can be there to wipe away your tears.
: ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
Bed is the only place Charles will let you be when you’re on your period, he’s there for you whenever you need him. It kills him seeing you in so much pain so he encourages you to rest as much as you can. ‘What do you want?’ He’ll question as soon as he sees you moving, leaping up to help you out. If he could take away the pain, he would in a heartbeat, so instead Charles tries to give you as easy a life as possible whilst you’re suffering, sneaking into bed for a cuddle with you whenever he finds himself with five minutes to himself too.
: ̗̀➛ Carlos Sainz
He’s practically glued to your side when you’re on your period, particularly if you’re visiting work with him too. Carlos likes to make use of the extra benefits of being a driver, giving you a comfy bed to lay down on or sneaking into the hospitality lounge to boil a kettle so that he can fix you up a hot water bottle. ‘Just for you,’ he’ll sweetly smile down at you, placing the bottle to the exact spot that you point to, showing him where it hurts. Gently, Carlos tends to then sit beside you, letting you rest into his side.
: ̗̀➛ George Russell
King of supplies is the title you charmingly gave George the first time you were on your period, and ever since then, he’s lived up to his title. He can tell by your voice alone when your period has arrived, making the call to the shop to get everything you need. He doesn’t care about the stares (and sometimes the photos!) as long as he’s taking care of his girl that’s what matters the most. His cupboards are full of sweets, pads, fresh pyjamas, everything that you could ever need to make sure your period comes and goes as smoothly as possible.
: ̗̀➛ Lewis Hamilton
He’s almost like a mind reader when you’re on your period, Lewis knows exactly what you want before you even do. After a long day at work, all you want to do is rest with your cramps, and as you walk through the door, you can see the steam coming from the bathroom door. A proud Lewis will stand and smile as you enter, ‘welcome home baby,’ he’d whisper every time, showing you his handiwork. A soothing bath, candles lit, gentle music in the background, everything you’d ever need to take your mind off of your sore tummy for a while.
: ̗̀➛ Daniel Ricciardo
He’s the sweetest soul when it comes to your period, all of Daniel’s attention is on you and the things he can do to help you. Daniel treats you like the most delicate thing in the world, cuddling you so tightly you can think about nothing else but his strong arms holding onto you, or telling you a funny joke to make you smile again. You’re sure if you look close enough you can actually see his heartbreaking when he watches you in pain, but secretly you somewhat enjoy your periods as it makes you the centre of his universe for a few days.
: ̗̀➛ Logan Sargeant
He was the perfect pillow at the best of times, but especially during your period, Logan was exactly what you needed. He dropped everything to hold you into his side carefully, running his hand gently against your stomach. ‘Are you comfy?’ Logan would whisper down to you every few minutes, pressing a kiss against the top of your head as soon as you hummed in reply to him. Despite how busy he was, he’d lay with you for hours in the hope that it would make you feel better, doing whatever he could to make your period that little more bearable.
: ̗̀➛ Alex Albon
All other plans are cancelled for Alex when you’re on your period, you are his priority the moment he sees you suffering. Despite you protesting that you’re absolutely fine, Alex refuses to believe it. Whilst you’re still in bed he darts to the shop to make sure that he’s got everything that the two of you will need for the day before joining you in bed as you begin to wake. It’s where you both stay for most of the day, with Alex not leaving your side, paying attention to everything and being an absolute dream taking care of you.
: ̗̀➛ Lance Stroll
You barely had time to breathe with Lance around when you were around, he was on your case all the time. If you were ready for some tablets to take away the pain, Lance would be there with them and a glass of water, or if you needed your hot water filling, he’d take it as soon as it felt too cold to him. Sometimes you forgot he was your boyfriend with how caring Lance was towards you, he was terrified that something would cause you pain so he wanted to be there to fix anything that he could for you straight away.
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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cecoeur · 2 days
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He’s so crazy 😜 | No. 3 Lager Promotion
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yesloulou · 14 hours
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dork!!!!! (china '17)
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forzalvr · 2 days
they should have their own reality comedy show 😭 [not mine!!]
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slutforpringles · 3 days
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If only the daniel haters on F1 twitter and reddit actually possessed the ability to read...
via: RB detail Daniel Ricciardo ‘hidden progress’ and ‘value’ that could extend team stay | PlanetF1
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danieldrivesfast · 2 days
I really hope Estie's post makes some people realize the baseless, false, and often cruel shit they talk affects these guys (and the people around them) because they are human. Being critical, joking, whatever, sure. But nasty outright bullshit is never going to be okay.
I'm glad to see him (and others, like DR) speaking out about how shitty fans, media, and influencers have been, especially lately.
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rickybaby · 3 days
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Daniel at Istanbul airport (30.05.2024)
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2017 Malaysian Grand Prix Post Race Press Conference
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norizz-nation · 2 days
I saw that your requests are open so, can I ask for Danny ric and using the safe word. I feel like he is very dominând so that works perfectly. Maybe him punishing reader and it gets too much
Wet Silk | D.R3
Summary: You can't handle too many orgasms tonight.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Blindfolds, Choking, Handcuffs, Daddy Kink, Face Slapping, Praise Kink, Spanking, Degradation, Dacryphilia, Dumbification, Overstimulation, Spit Kink, Hair Pulling, Aftercare
"Where the fuck are your manners, huh?" he screamed in your ear, making you winch. You were so caught up in the situation that it was taking you a while to answer his question.
"Fuck!" you screamed in pain, feeling another slap land on your cheek. This one was much harder than the last one. He gripped your jaw, snapping you back to reality.
"Try to get some words out of your mouth. You can speak, right? Or was your mouth just made for Daddy to use it, huh?" he asked, his voice sounding cold and serious.
You sniffled, feeling the blindfold soak from your tears.
Read the whole 1.5k fic only on my Patreon!
A/N: Requests are open. Feel free to ask what you want me to write. I love you.
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