#damien priest
heart4reigns · 1 year
Could i request a roman and afab reader imagine, where she’s like a sexy badass bitch and she’s been his like valet/girlfriend ever since he returned as the tribal chief. A lot of people think she’s for looks and can’t fight, then during a promo with the judgement day she beats Rhea’s ass. It like shocks everyone, and roman’s just like hell yea that’s my girl and loves it. Lol thank you!🩷🩷🩷
TROPHY WIFE, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, blood, pet names
tags: locker room talks, everyone teases you, slight age-gap, bloodline bonding moments, dominik calling you 'papi', sexual innuendos teehee, judgement day teasing YOU non-stop
summary: you’re not useless at all
GROWING up, you were always interested in the wrestling. but you couldn't imagine being in the ring without any experiences. that led you to training on your own. to your luck, your boyfriend–roman, was the undisputed champion of the wwe. ever since his big comeback as this chief-like figure, it made you easier to be on stage without talking. you just stood by his side, staring down at the other party, trying to intimidate them for the views.
no one actually knew that you were going to debut soon as one of wwe's new wrestler, except for the bloodline. for now, you were only a 'trophy wife' for the tribal chief. everyone in the locker room teased you about being there as his silly little girlfriend, you were only there for the looks. "morning!" you greeted the twins, before sliding inside the ring. "one more show before your debut, how you feeling?" solo asked.
"i'm excited." you stretched your body, preparing for the fight with jimmy. "i'm not, i don't want to get my ass beat by you." he shook his head. "oh come on, i don't hit hard." you chuckled. "girl, you hit harder than anyone else here!" jimmy complained. "that's because she's been doing this longer than us." your boyfriend stood outside the ring, winking at you. "right, now let's go!"
and everyone in the gym knew that you were going to beat jimmy's ass in a quick sparring. "good fight, baby!" roman was pumped up. "see, i told you. jimmy's gonna be limping for the next two days." jey ruffled his twin's hair. "shut up, get inside the ring with her now." "oh, i don't want that, i have a family!" he shook his head. "GET YOUR ASS HERE!" you grinned with excitement.
work came and you were mentally preparing to face the judgement day. they were nice people but there were two people that got into your nerves; none other than dominik and rhea. they were around your age, of course they would tease you non-stop. "hey papi." he winked at you when you enter the locker room. "shut up." you rolled your eyes. "awww, you look so cute being alone." rhea chimed in the conversation. "i'll whoop your ass, rhea." she smirked at your response. "the trophy wife can fight?" "come on, that's enough." damien came in to stop the teasing.
as much as you wanted to tell them that you were going to be in the roster, you couldn't. creatives were holding you back from spilling the news. a lot of people loved you, but some thought you were useless. you were just there to look pretty. "you alright, baby?" roman noticed your annoyed expression. "dominik and rhea situation." he chuckled. "don't mind them, they're jokesters." you nodded in agreement.
before walking out, roman quickly kissed your forehead. "let's do this, baby." he muttered. the crowd roared with excitement as they heard roman's entrance song. you pulled off your usual smug facade, ready to face whatever dominik and rhea throws at you. as the four of you walked towards the ring, you heard several people calling your name. "(y/n)!" you threw a wink at them, causing them to go frantic. "god, she's so badass, i wish she was a wrestler. just imagine her in a wrestling gear." one of them said, you were trying your best not to chuckle and break character. oh, they would be very ecstatic to know what's coming, you thought.
to say the least, this was the 'feud' with the judgement day was fun. the new storyline on how you were taunted to join them was a breath of fresh air for the fans. when you first heard about it, you were also excited. they seemed like good people to work with, oh how wrong you were. knowing that you couldn't 'defend' yourself, everyone loved pranking and teasing you. "so, this is the tribal chief?" finn had the mic. "and you should be thankful that he is here in person, to see you all." the crowd cheered as they heard roman's response. "with his wiseman, his silent cousin, and his trophy wife, what a deal!" rhea yelled into the microphone.
"we're still waiting for everyone to betray you. the next time you'll see us, your little trophy wife will sign our contract. or give us your titles. loyalty doesn't exist." rhea smirked, the crowd boo-ed as she waved the papers. you had the mic and you stared down at the opposite group. "i won't be joining you, and you said loyalty doesn't exist? that's right. let's ask who created your group? is he still here?" several 'oooh's dropped as you saw rhea's eyes lit up. another strong girl in the ring, she thought.
the locker room smelt like sweat. you were used to it. "god, i'm so tired." you complained to solo, who was putting on his shoes. "can't wait for you to complain after every match." he chuckled. "you know, it's such a shame that your mic skills are being wasted, could've been an amazing wrestler, papi." dominik came inside the room, all sweating. "stop calling me 'papi', jesus." you chuckled. "i'll stop calling you 'papi' if you hang out with us soon." solo couldn't help but to laugh at dominik's sentence.
the remaining week was spent inside the gym. you were training non-stop for your debut. at one point, you had probably beat all the guys inside the gym, leaving roman last. everyone gathered around the ring, waiting for you to charge at him. "COME ON (Y/N), GIVE HIM HELL!" jey yelled. sure he was a loving boyfriend, but in the ring? another different person.
"baby, hit me with your best shot." roman was challenging you. "don't go soft on me." you warned him. "oh, i won't." your boyfriend smirked. you gritted your teeth, trying to find a spot to attack him first. before he lunged at you, you step aside to avoid him. you weren't stronger than him, but with your figure, you were obviously faster. he landed on one of the ropes, turning his back, facing you again.
but before he knew it, you attacked him with a spear. "DAMN GIRL!" jimmy shouted. you tackled roman to the ground, breathing heavily as he tried to switch places. "did you just speared me?" he asked. "i just did." roman clenched his jaw, trying to find a spot to attack you. you dodged it once again, going to the ropes. "you're going nowhere, baby!" the entire gym was pumped out.
you stood up on the ropes, ready to attack again. "FROG SPLASH HIS ASS!" you heard solo's voice. "OH WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO THAT AGAIN!" roman looked concerned. "DO IT! DO IT!" the twins chanted. "I'M SORRY, BABY!" you apologized before your attack. his entire body bounced back. "what a sell, baby." you chuckled. while being distracted on how he looked, which was very hot and sweaty, he took the chance to flip you over. "aw hell no." you muttered.
roman was on top of you, you struggled to move your body–but like usual, you were faster than him. you licked your lips, ready for another attack. "shit girl, you never run out of energy do you?" solo asked, analizing your stamina. the fight was almost done, you just had to make him tap out. with your agility, you could tell roman was getting tired. "how are you so fast?" roman was gasping for air. "you taught me that." you winked at him. the gym whistled over your answer.
"i can't believe you made me tap out." he chuckled, snuggling closer to you. the two of you were already home, chilling on the bed. "hey, you might be bigger than me, but i can definitely flip you." you rolled your eyes. "and that's what i love about you, you're fearless." he kissed your forehead. "god, i can't wait till tomorrow is over." you confessed. "nervous, are we?" he asked. "course i am." you sighed.
"i don't know, what if people don't care about me? like what if i'm only meant to just be a pretty face." his eyes softened. "baby, you know that everyone loves you right?" roman held your hand. "you'd be the brightest superstar out there, love." even in the darkest times, his words made you smile. "on the good side, we're gonna spend more time together. i look forward to it, baby." roman patted your head, trying to calm you down. "i love you, thank you for believing in me." "i'll always believe in you, baby."
you saw fans lining up outside the venue. paul thought it would be a good idea for the bloodline to go out and meet some fans. so there you were, with the other four, interacting with fans. "(y/n)!" one of them greeted you. "hi hello! thank you for coming today." you passed her a water bottle. "(y/n), god, when are you debuting? i'd love to see some ring action." one of them asked you. "i'm not a wrestler, babes." you told him, giving another bottle of water.
roman was holding your hand the entire time, not wanting you to let go. "wait i gotta take a pee." he said. "go piss girl." you chuckled at your own response. your boyfriend rolled his eyes and excused himself. you entered the locker room with your heart beating faster than usual. no one was inside, you arrived early to change to your new gear. you put on your usual black shirt, covering the gear for the surprise. "sup, papi?" dominik's voice startled you. "oh, good evening to you too." you greeted him. "got the script for today it says get ready for a special surprise attack, damn papi... are you the surprise?" he asked.
"well, let's just see."
you went over to roman's locker room, seeing him gearing up. by gearing up, he was taking off his t-shirt. you whistled your way inside. "you single?" you teased him. "depends who's asking." he teased back. "you look good." you complimented him. "i always do. let me see your gear." he winked at you. you took off the t-shirt and he returned with a whistle. "red and black is definitely your color, baby." he held your waist and kissed your lips. "it's your pick, handsome."
"damn, hope i'm not interrupting something, but we're up in 10." and that moment was ruined by none other than jimmy uso. "(y/n), your gear looks amazing!" roman glared at his cousin and closed the door. "give us 5 more minutes!" he yelled from inside the room. "now where were we?"
the crew ushered you backstage. you felt adrenaline rushing in your veins, you were no longer nervous. this is what you've always wanted and you had the privilege to pursue it. the judgement day went up first, rhea and dominik casually messing with you. "can't wait for the surprise!" dominik chuckled. "oh fuck yourself, mysterio!" you smiled at him.
"the bloodline!" smug face mode on, you thought. the 6 of you walked towards the ring, hearing the crowd go wild. you were the one holding roman's belt. he offered a hand and you gave him his belts so he could make his signature pose. as you stepped inside the ring, rhea was already holding the papers.
the promo started. "so, you're either gonna give us your trophy wife or your title, your pick, tribal chief." rhea mocked him. "your time is up, give us your trophy wife now." she continued. "we are not gonna give you anything." roman replied. "either you walk away or we walk away. leaving you standing here, embarrassed. having nothing in your hands." he was in his character and he looked so hot.
"see, there are 3 things that i love in life." the crowd chanted 'what?' as roman spoke to the mic. "first is (y/n). i wouldn't trade her for anything. second is my titles. third is seeing people like you thinking that you could get away with anything you want." he smirked. "and we're not signing your goddamn papers." he dropped the mic. it was your cue to walk away now.
as you walked hand-in-hand, rhea went over her lines. "walk away! like you always do! a useless group with an even more useless advocates!" roman looked at you, giving you the biggest smile that the camera couldn't capture. "go, babygirl." everyone was still walking back but you turned around. you caught everyone's attention.
roman's song changed to yours. "what is this? why is (y/n) running back to the ring?" the commentator said. the crowd roared as you ripped your shirt, revealing your gear. "what? that's a wrestling gear! can you believe it? the trophy wife is in a wrestling gear!" you slid inside the ring, quickly attacking the first person you saw. finn. he was practically grinning from ear-to-ear, excited.
you jumped and punched his jaw, avoiding certain spots that could damage him. the judgement day had an excited expression plastered on their faces; especially dominik and rhea. "bring it on, trophy wife!" dominik yelled. you quickly speared him outside the ring, causing him to fall on his back. "and you're fast!" damien smiled, trying to take a hit on your shoulders, only having you avoid it. "i am!" you smirked, using roman's iconic move–superman punch, against him.
rhea stood in the middle of the ring, ready to attack you. "so you're not useless at all, huh?" she stared down at you. "is she going to attack rhea? how is she going to survive her?" the commentator yelled. to your luck, you were able to dodge multiple hits. rhea tripped a bit, giving you several seconds to spare. you quickly picked her up and slammed her on her back. you looked over her, she gave you a small nod, indicating that she was okay.
your song played and there you were, in the middle of the ring–with a grin plastered on your face. "did we just witness the debut of the trophy wife?" one of the announcer said. "and there she is, the long-waited debut... what should we call her? the trophy wife? (y/n) (l/n)!" everyone cheered and stood up from their seat. you were gasping for air, raising your fist up. "(y/n)! (y/n)!" the crowd chanted.
"that's my babygirl!" roman yelled as he ran back to the ring and tackled you with a hug. roman picked you up on his shoulders, showing you off to the crowd. "i love you." you mouthed. "and i love you too." oh his expression is gonna end on a 'top 10 times roman reigns breaking character' video, you thought. nevertheless, this was only the beginning for you.
a/n: SORRY IF THIS IS QUITE LONG I GOT CARRIED AWAY... HOPE YOU ENJOY IT <3 feedbacks are appreciated and requests are always open for any other wwe wrestlers!!
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sydsaint · 3 months
Gotta show my Latino Papi some love <3
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Summary: The reader is Damian's plus one at Dominick's wedding.
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You and Rhea are taking the afternoon to buy dresses and get your hair and nails done for Dominick's wedding later in the day.
"What about this one?" Rhea pulls a ruby red dress off of the rack and presents it to you.
You look up from the rack you're looking at and examine the dress. "Not really my style." You shrug. "But I bet it'd look killer on you, Rhea. You should try it on." You suggest.
Rhea nods in agreement and hangs the dress over her shoulder while she browses for a few more options to try on. You go back to browsing the rack you're in front of and come across a pretty black dress.
"How about this one, Rhea?" You pick the dress up and present it to Rhea. "I like the neckline."
Rhea turns around and almost instantly nods her head. "YN, yes." She beams. "That will look so good on you."
You giggle and hang the dress over your shoulder so you can browse some more.
You and Rhea both collect four or five dresses to try on and head for the dressing rooms. The two of you have been friends for years so you opt for one of the bigger rooms and share.
"Zip me up, yeah?" Rhea asks you after she's pulled on a black dress.
"Sure, turn around." You nod.
Rhea turns her back to you and you pull the zipper up her back. She turns back around and you compliment her. "How is it you manage to look good in literally everything?" You jokingly complain.
"It's a gift, really." Rhea giggles. "Here, try this one on." She picks up the black dress you picked out and hands it to you.
You begin pulling on your dress and Rhea slips out of hers to try another one on. You get settled into your black dress and admire yourself in the mirror. "I really like this one." You admire your reflection. "What do you think, Rhea?" You turn back to her.
Rhea turns around while she's shimmying into the red dress she picked out and her eyes widen. "Damn, YN." She compliments you. "You might look too good in that dress." She teases you. "How badly are you trying to impress Damian tonight?"
You giggle with Rhea and grab your phone from your bag sitting on the bench. "Do you mind if I snap a quick pic?" You ask Rhea. "I wanna see what Damian thinks of this one."
"Sure." Rhea nods since she's got her dress on by now and is admiring herself in the mirror. "Let's take a few together after you're done." She adds.
"Yes!" You agree and snap a quick mirror picture of yourself.
You send the picture to Damian then take a few with Rhea for fun. You decide on the black dress, and Rhea choses the red. The two of you get your hair and nails done then head back to the hotel to wait for your dates to come pick you up.
"Yeah, we're good, Damian." You call out to him and reach for your clutch sitting on the table.
Damian comes into the door and you watch his gaze flit over Rhea and come to a halt when it reaches you.
"Well?" You ask Damian with a giggle and do a little sin for him. "How do I look?" You ask him.
Damian chuckles and the sound sends a shiver down your spine. You could easily become addicted to the way he looks at you.
"You look absolutely stunning, princessa." Damian shakes his head and walks over to you and wastes no time in pulling you into his side by the hips.
"Told you that he wouldn't be able to keep hiss hands to himself." Rhea laughs.
"You won't ever hear me complain." You grin and lay your hands on Damian's chest. You smooth out his tie for him before tugging him down by the neck for a kiss. "You look handsome too, baby."
You and Damian share a quick heated kiss while Rhea collects her bag. She walks over to the two of you and loops her arm with yours. "Let's get going, yeah. Wouldn't want to let Dom down on his big night by being late."
Damian nods and strides over to the door. He swings the door open and steps off to the side. "Right this way, ladies." He grin at you both. "I'll go on ahead and pull the car around for us."
"Thanks, babe." You touch Damian's arm gently as you and Rhea pass him.
Everyone arrives at the wedding venue about half and hour later and heads inside. You and Rhea find your seats at a table near the bride and grooms place. Fancy cream name-cards mark your spots for you.
The ceremony is beautiful and you shed a tear or two for your friend and his girlfriend, now wife.
The real fun begins after the ceremony. Everyone files into a immaculately decorated space with plenty of room for dancing and a wide array of foods off to the side of the room.
"You hungry at all, hun?" Damian asks you after you've found your table with Rhea and a few other friends from work.
"I'm aright for now, Damian. Thanks." You shake your head. "Dom and his girl look so happy." You gush. "Gosh, I can't wait until I finally get to plan my wedding."
Your comment earns a giggle from Rhea and a wide-eyed look from Damian. The two of you have been ating for about a year now.
"No pressure, Damian." You laugh when you see the guilty look on his face. "I'm content just the way we are."
Damian sighs in relief and plays it off like he wasn't freaked out. Everyone mingles at the table for a while until the dancefloor begins to fill up. You watch people dance for a while with a longing look in your eyes. You know Damian isn't much for dancing. So you try not to get your hopes up.
"YN, Amore, dance with me?" Damian gets up from his seat next to Austin after a while and offers you his hand.
"Oh, you don't have to, Damian." You shake your head at him, but Priest persists.
Damian keeps his hand outstretched to you and flashes you a deabonaire smile. "Come on." He urges you. "I know you want to get out there. And I'm not opposed to once dance." He insists.
"Really?" You take Damian's hand and he leads you out onto the dancefloor. "Thank you, Damian." You smile at him as a slow song starts to play.
Damian pulls you close to his chest and the two of you sway to the soft music. "I know I said it before, but you really do look stunning tonight." He compliments you. "I know I don't say it often. But I love you, YN."
"I love you too, Damian." You blush and lean in a little closer.
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riptideripley · 7 months
gif creds: @rhea-ripley
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summary:She’s a bit more..handsy.
slight hand kink,gagging as well
wrd count:907
It was a casual night out for you,your girlfriend,and the judgment day family. Every Wednesday you all go out for dinner as a way to bond and relax outside of work. Something was different in Rhea tonight,she seemed a bit more..handsy. Constantly squeezing your thighs,slipping her hand up your dress just to remove it after a few squeezes,and her favorite squeezing your ass while they weren’t looking. Dominik caught her touches a few times but chose to ignore it,making you very happy that he did.
“Yeah and I told Jey the same thing we told Drew,only one of them listen t- Rhea,ya listening?” Finn questioned her snapping her out of her zoned out aroused state. “Hm? Yeah i’m listening,Drew listening to the both of us was a good idea” she said,shooting him a soft smile as she sipped on the wine she chose. You and Dominik shot each other a quick look,making the both of you giggle. “Aye whats so funny..” Damian asked,nudging Dominik in the chest. “Hey take it easy..it’s nothing” Dominik responded,making everyone laugh. “It is getting pretty late..me and (your name) are gonna head out,i’ll talk to y’all tomorrow for a gym session?” she spoke in a slightly quickened tone,glancing between Finn and Damian. “Yeah sure! 7:30 sharp tho” Finn told her,flashing his cheeky smile. She smiled back in return,shooting Damian a wink that made him chuckle. In return,you did the same to Dominik. He only smiled and continued eating his chicken tenders.
As soon as you two got into the apartment,clothes were flying off. Giving both of her dogs a small light caress and a treat,she carried you upstairs to her room. As she placed you down onto the bed,she bent down to retrieve her favorite toy..a vibrator. You watched her carefully,giving her a playful smack on her rear that made her chuckle. “You really are a tease huh? wearing that tight black dress tonight..” she spoke,her tone low and tempting. Her soft girthy hands slipping up your dress,hiking it up along the way. The sensation of her cold rings along her fingers only messed with your senses more,earning a small gasp from you as you watched her silently.
Rhea only chuckled at this,slipping your soaked panties off of you. You were so distracted and turned on by her hands you didn’t even realize she had turned the vibrator on,pressing it directly against your clit. You let out a soft gasp,instantly biting onto your hand to stifle any other sounds. She only gave you a sadistic smile,moving your hand. “Since you love them so much..try these puppy” she spoke in a deep nonchalant tone,slipping her fingers into your mouth. “Suck.” she spat out,eyes pierced on you. You obeyed,swirling your tongue all around them. The taste of cold metal from her rings,and of course the taste of your slick heat,filled your mouth instantly. She only stared at you,feeling deeply aroused at your state.
Slowly,she moved the vibrator in a circle earning a sweet muffled moan from your lips. She smiled,pressing a kiss against your forehead as she slowly shoved her fingers deeper into your mouth. Naturally you gagged around them,but it didn’t stop you from enjoying it. Rhea chuckled and unbuckled her belt using her one free hand,strapping it around your waist to hold the vibrator in place on your clit. You arched your back slightly,moaning around her fingers. She slyly slipped her fingers inside of you,curling them to hit that one spot you adored. You arched completely off the bed,your mouth falling open letting muffled gagged moans out. She only smiled and shoved her fingers deeper every time you moaned to shut you up.
15 minutes go by,3 orgasms yet she wasn’t done till she had 4. “Cmon puppy..i know you can give mami one more,can’t you?” she spoke in a pleading yet sadistic tone,fake pouting. You could only faintly nod and squirm,signaling your approaching orgasm. She smiled and curled her fingers more,pressing the pads of her ring and middle finger against your tongue. Quickly as if on command,you let out a slightly loud whine as you released making your legs shake. She slowed down her fingers helped you ride out your orgasm,once finished she unbuckled the belt and turned the vibrator off. She threw it onto the nightstand and removed her fingers from your mouth,smiling. “That’s all I wanted to do..for now at least” she said as she checked her phone for the time. It’s around 11:30 at night and she knew she had to be up early,so she helped you slip into some pajamas and wiped up your drool covered face.
She slipped into the bed next to you once changed into a tank top and shorts(the gray ones we all have seen),kissing your shoulder gently. “Maybe we can have some..morning shower sex” she whispered softly,planting a soft kiss on your lips as she smiled. You giggled at this and kissed her temple,”Maybe we can..until then it exhausted” You spoke yawning,feeling her warmth from her face as she slips her way into your neck.
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joylovesthings · 2 months
Check it out
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Love Damien trying to hold Rhea back even though he is on the floor
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dalekofchaos · 25 days
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rheasbrvtality · 5 months
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clericofinfamy · 4 months
damian priest - raw, september 26 2022.
one slap from him would fix me<3
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milesworld96 · 7 months
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Hhaaaaiiiii besties :33
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coffindropped · 2 months
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sydsaint · 5 months
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Summary: The reader is Jey's baby sister. She finds herself getting into some trouble with Damian Priest when Jey leaves her backstage while he's busy with a match against JD McDonagh.
"I told you, I ain't want you near any of these dudes YN." Jey scolds you for what seems like the umpteenth time.
"So you get to run around and flirt with half of the girl's roster? But I have to just what? Sit here and wither away from loneliness and boredom?" You scoff.
Jey grits his teeth, clearly annoyed by your antics. "Yes!" He huffs at you. "Come on, YN. It's bad enough I got all these guys after me here on Raw. I don't need to be worrying about who's hanging around you too."
You roll your eyes at Jey. He's always been the more protective sibling of your brothers. When things broke down with The Bloodline and Roman you chose to leave with Jey rather than stay on Smackdown with the rest of the family.
"I'm not a child anymore, Jey. I can take care of myself." You remind Jey of your age.
"Come on, YN." Jay lets out a frustrated sigh. "Just, don't go getting into trouble, alright? For me?" He asks you.
You study your brother's pleading eyes and sigh. "Okay okay." You groan to yourself. "I'll hang backstage tonight, alright?" You give up.
"Thank you." Jey relaxes a bit. "Now, I've got a match against JD McDonagh in a bit that I need to get to. Wait for me here, please?" He asks you.
"I won't move from this spot." You nod. "As long as you promise to kick JD's ass for me." You joke.
Jey nods and heads off for his match. You keep your promise and remain in place backstage while you wait for Jey to come back.
You are absently scrolling through your phone when a shadow is cast over you indicating that someone is standing in front of you. You look up from your phone and find Damian Priest looming over you with a sly smile.
"Damian." You put down your phone and lean back a bit to create some space between the two of you. "Hello." You greet him.
"YN, what's going on mamas?" He asks you in that velvet-smooth tone of his. You watch his eyes rake over you briefly and lick his lips subtly.
"Oh, just waiting for Jey to kick your man JD's ass." You challenge him with a sly smile.
Damian huffs, cracking an amused grin as he does. "Jey benched you for the night huh?" He asks you. "Now that's a damn shame. Pretty mami like you? You should be out there kicking it with the crowd." He taunts you.
"Well, I can't argue with that." You shrug. "How come you're not out there, Damian?" You ask him.
"Now why would I want to be out there with JD and your brother when all of the fun is happening back here?" He asks you.
An amused grin plays on your lips. "Fair enough."
Damian's eyes rake over you one more time. He takes in every detail of your face and body on display in front of him that he can before his gaze returns to meet yours.
"What do you say we get out of here?" He suggests. "Drinks are on me." He offers
"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you?" You giggle and set a delicate hand on his chest.
Damian glances down at your hand on his chest before returning your gaze again. "More than you know, mami." He chuckles.
You and Damian continue your little game of light touches and lingering gazes for a while. That is until Jey comes back from his match against JD and spots the two of you.
"YN!" Jey's voice carries across the room.
You look over Damian's shoulder as Jey marches across the room with a sour look on his face.
"Oh-ho, looks like the parties are over big man." You sigh and pat Damian's chest.
Damian chuckles as you hop to your feet and slip past him with an innocent smile. "Yeah, Jey?" You meet your brother halfway across the room.
"I asked you to stay out of trouble!" Jey scolds you.
"You asked me to stay backstage and out of the way." You argue with him. "And that's what I did." You add. "I haven't moved since you left for your match with JD."
Jey narrows his eyes at you and huffs a breath through his nose. You step off to his side and Jey shoots a glare toward Damian.
"Stay away from my sister, Priest," Jey warns Damian with a scowl before grabbing your arm and dragging you off.
"Bye, Damian." You call over your shoulder as Jey drags you off.
Damian laughs as you're dragged off. "Have a good night, gorgeous!" He calls after you.
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riptideripley · 10 months
Life of the Party
summary:The Judgement day heads out to a huge party after their NXT victory,but something about you attracts the attention of Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio.
a/n:I wrote this a long time ago,when they won against Carmelo,and it took me forever to finish but here we are<3
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“This place is crowded..” Rhea whispered softly to Dominik,him nodding in agreement. They walked and squeezed through the crowd,finding their rented out section. They both sat down,eyes wondering the crowd. They both had some urges and stress they needed to let out,and what better way to do that than fuck their stress out.
You were in the middle of the crowd,taking your first shot off another woman’s breasts. This caught the attention of Rhea,making her tap Dominik and point in your direction. Target Spotted. They kept their eyes on you the best they could the entire night,watching how your body moved. The hug of your tight shirt,hugging your breasts making Rhea lose her mind. As for Dominik,he was staring at your lower half as you moved. The way your jeans hugged your curves and ass,he couldn’t wait to see them off of you.
You were dancing with a friend,feeling someone staring at you. You glanced over and immediately made eye contact with none other than Rhea Ripley. This made your heart flutter as she held intense eye contact,whispering something to Dominik. “She finally noticed love” she whispered with a cocky smile spread across her face,watching as Dominik smiled. You decided to try to ignore it but how could you? Rhea Ripley staring you down like that,whispering god knows what to Dominik,it ran through your mind the entire night.
The DJ finally announced Judgement Day’s presence,making you look over to their direction. They were taking pictures with fans when all of the sudden,the two Dominik and Rhea made eye contact with you. You were taken at back due to the intensity of the eye contact. Once everyone was done fangirling,you headed back to the dance floor to dance with your friend. Again,the two had their eyes set on you. “Aye guys,me and Finn are gonna head out. Don’t get into any trouble” Priest spoke,lifting Finn over his shoulder as he nodded at Rhea before leaving. Rhea smiled at Dominik as soon as the two left,getting up to go find you.
You were dancing when you suddenly felt a cold hand with rings place itself onto your waist,making you freeze. Rhea glanced at your friend with this death stare,making her leave. “Now it’s just us doll..” she whispered in your ear,trailing off as she trailed her hand around your waist. Dominik just watched,moving your hair out of your face smiling at you. Rhea glanced at Dominik,smirking as she began to slowly move with your body placing her head in the crook of your neck. Dominik stood in front of you,whispering into your ear. “Let’s take this elsewhere muñeca(doll)” he spoke softly,sending shivers down your spine as you suddenly were dragged out of the crowd into a room upstairs.
Rhea smiled at you,lifting you up. “Now now..I finally got what I wanted” she whispered,planting soft kisses down your neck. You threw your head back slightly as she laid you down on the bed not letting go,suddenly feeling the bed sink as Dominik kneeled in front of you. “Abre la boca..princesa(open your mouth..princess)” he whispered softly,pulling his pants down low enough for his dick to spring out. Your eyes widen at the size but did as told,opening your mouth as he slid his way into your mouth. Rhea couldn’t take it and slipped your jeans down,teasing your clit ever so slightly making you let out a muffled whine. She chuckled and began eating you out.
The stimulation of Dominik fucking your throat and Rhea passionately making love to your clit was overwhelming at first but felt amazing. “Cambiar posiciones(change positions)” Rhea spoke,sitting up and switching spots with Dominik. Her speaking Spanish did something to you,something you couldn’t explain. You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Dominik circling his tongue on your clit. “God you’re so pretty..” Rhea whispered in your ear,kissing and nibbling on your neck making you whine.
Dominik sat up and grabbed your thighs,pulling you closer to him. You could hear ‘Life of the Party’ blasting downstairs as you looked up to see Rhea smiling at you. You quickly snapped your eyes to Dominik,who was unbuckling his belt at this point while leaving kisses down your stomach. “Do we have permission to continue baby?” Dom asked,looking at you for permission to slide himself into you. You nodded and fought back a moan as you felt his dick slide into you ease. You looked up to see Rhea caressing your hair,watching as Dominik fucked your brains out. You tried your best to fight back moans but couldn’t help it,the pleasure you were receiving was too good. He was hitting all the right spots making your eyes roll back,moaning.
Rhea had mouthed something to him that you couldn’t see or comprehend,but suddenly he stopped and switched places with Rhea. You could feel something poking your thigh and looked down,seeing Rhea’s strap print through her jeans. The size of it made you rethink your whole decisions but you were somehow excited for what was coming. She massaged your thighs for a little before taking off her jeans,revealing the strap she was packing. She gently tapped the tip against your clit,smiling as she earned a soft whine from your soft plush lips. She slid herself in you,leaning down and pulling you into a passion kiss. “God love..you’re so pretty like this” she whispered softly,beginning to pump herself in and out of you. “Rhea please..” you begged,wanting her to move faster.
Dominik chuckled at your pleas,kissing and nibbling at your neck. Rhea suddenly lifted you up as Dominik slipped underneath you,his cold tatted hands roaming over your body. She smiled at you,giving into what you wanted as she picked up her pace making you let out a small squeal. You suddenly felt something gently sliding into your other hole. This made you squeal,Dominik quick to cover your mouth to suppress it. “Dominik be gentle with her now” Rhea whispered softly making Dom nod,giving you time to adjust. He slowly began thrusting,making your eyes roll back at the penetration.
Dominik quickly adjusted his pace to match Rhea,kissing you occasionally to prevent loud noise. You bit your lip hard,feeling your orgasm soon approach you,looking up at Rhea who smiled. “Gonna be a good girl and come for us already hm?” she teased,kissing down your neck leaving black lipstick marks. “Y-Yes ma’am..!” you yelped out as your legs started to shake,your orgasm came(pun intended)crashing down hard. Rhea continued thrusting slowly,helping you ride out your orgasm while Dominik just laid there still recovering from his orgasm as well.
Rhea suddenly pulled herself out of you making you whine,but quickly shutting you up when she lifted you up off of Dominik and placed you onto the bed. She looked into your eyes for a moment,the slim light from the lights outside the window giving her a good look at your face. “You’re so pretty princess..” she whispered softly,leaning down kissing you. Dominik crept up behind her and held her waist,leaving small kisses down her neck. She scooted herself along with you closer to the headboard,positioning herself over your face. You finally noticed how huge her thighs were,but at this point you didn’t care one bit. She looked at you to see any signs of discomfort or disapproval,seeing none she slowly lowered herself onto your face shuddering at the feeling of your tongue lapping her up quickly.
Dominik snuck up behind her,grabbing your thighs and sliding himself into your wet heat making you whimper. This sent vibrations onto Rhea’s soaking clit making her moan,laying back onto Dominik’s chest. You felt Dominik slowly thrusting,one hand on your right breast the other on Rhea’s throat gently squeezing it. He continued thrusting,chuckling to himself at how fucked out Rhea looked from just your tongue. “O-Oh god..keep going love” she spoke softly,letting out a small squeak as you began sucking on her clit. You giggled softly to yourself at this and took note of how sensitive she was,continuing your actions. You let out a muffled moan feeling Dominik lightly pinch your nipple,still thrusting.
He could tell how close you were as you tightened around him,making him let out a soft moan. Rhea was just as close as you were,”Go ahead and come for us baby” Dom whispered. That sent both you and Rhea over the edge,Rhea making a mess on your face and the bed while you made a mess all over Dominik. He soon pulled out and shifted Rhea to were she was facing him,still sitting on your face,as he slid into her mouth. You took this as an opportunity to lick her clean while she helped Dom with his orgasm,making her whine from the sudden feeling. He let out a low groan as he climaxed,making sure Rhea swallowed every last drop before pulling out of her mouth.
Silence filled the room for a few minutes besides the music downstairs,Rhea finally spoke deciding to break it. “We should do this more often Dom..but only with her” “Only with her,I’m fine with that. Are you?” he spoke looking over at you,waiting for your response. You laid there for a moment,”Yeah,I’m fine with that idea too” you said.
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smuts-whore · 6 months
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deadscoutz · 2 months
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Both Straight Undertaker and Bisexual Undertaker have boob windows. Maybe they were both Bisexual Undertakers all along.
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
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Poor Rey lol
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rheasbrvtality · 5 months
i cant with this man 😭
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motherknuckers · 28 days
I actually can't wait
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The seeds are being planted
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