#convention program
laboitediabolique · 1 year
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Cover of the program for the 22nd Japan Science Fiction Convention, aka Daicon IV, held at the Osaka Welfare Pension Hall on 20 and 21 August 1983. The cover art is by mangaka Satomi Mikuriya of his character Nora Scholar from his manga Nora.
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sourcengine · 13 days
im gods strongest hyperfix warrior bc i literally have no substance. there is no show there is no game. there isnt even a proper community. its just me and my speech synths against the fucking world
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acarillustrated · 4 months
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artistic rendition of the 2 and a half hours i spent in the usps trying to get my passport
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tomoleary · 11 months
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Mike Mignola and Steve Oliff WonderCon 10 Convention Program Cover Batman and Hellboy Original Art (WonderCon, 1996)
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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Yuki Kajiura/FictionJunction will perform at AnimagiC 2023 
It has just been announced that Yuki Kajiura (along with her regular members of FictionJunction) will have a guest appearance at the German anime convention “AnimagiC”. The last time Yuki Kajiura attended the convention was back in 2004. Kalafina were invited as musical guest back in 2012.
Place: Mannheim, Germany Date: 2023, Aug 4th to 6th Link:  http://animagic.de
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philcon-programming · 5 months
Philcon 2024!
Philcon will be held from November 22 - 24, 2024 in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Online registration is open, and this year's guests of honor lineup has been announced: Principle Speaker: Max Gladstone Artist Guests of Honor: Matthew Stewart & Gina Matarazzo Special Guest: Nghi Vo Musical Guest: Cecilia Eng * Philcon is the Philadelphia area's longest-running science fiction conference. Its programming staff is dedicated to finding interesting, fun, & educational things in different aspects of the genre to talk about each year. What might 2024 have in store? Stay tuned to find out! In the meantime, we'll be reblogging things that might be of interest to you, if you're a fellow fan of science, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
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atlantic-riona · 1 year
"it's not realistic—" do you think I am reading the genre named "fantasy" for how accurate it is to real life
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hydrxnessa · 2 months
ah this mightt seem dumb but… what is the senverse exactly? 😅
you might want to refer to this post, but to summarise:
senVerse is simply the name of any AUs I make of certain medias! currently there's only a senVerse AU for Doors but that might change in the future :3 it's just my own reimagination of doors, that's all. all the entities you know and love, think of them but creature-fied!
also fun fact it's capitalised as 'senVerse' cus i am a computing student and traditionally in programming we name variables/attributes via the Camel Case - if the variable consists of multiple words, the first word will always be lowercase and the following will be capitalised i.e. firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth etc. (there is of course other cases like Pascal Case and Snake Case but for some reason i've taken a sweet liking to Camel Case. i've made it my whole personality.)
it's why you'll generally see my handle as hydraNessa around :3
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A program from a 1976 Star Trek convention.
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coffinliqueur · 2 years
I’ve somehow come upon the idea that if Lucas were to decide to play an instrument (at least a conventional one) and actually commit to developing proficiency with it, it’d be the accordion.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
watching willy’s wonderland (finally!!!) and i am absolutely loving the 1930s—1950s B-movie horror vibes!!! like the wooden acting and horrid script + the cheap practical effects and prosthetics are all great, but oh my god,, the cinematography n editing are by far my favourite. like the nonsensical camera angles and the shot compositions and the jump cuts and the shot/reverse shots with nic cage vs the animatronics???????? brilliant i loved it so much
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confabcon · 11 months
Vid Show Submissions are open!!
Hooked on a brand new fandom? Convert new followers to your obsession!
Already formulating your mega crossover vid? Can’t wait to see it!
Haven’t yet come to terms with your favorite show ending? Bring it back to life and relive the awesomeness!
Vidders: We’re ready for you to show us what you’ve got! Working on something new? We love premieres! Finished up something this year that made you proud? Send it in!
Vidding Fans / Friends of Vidders: You know some amazingly talented folks, and we’d love to include their work in the show even if (sadface) they won’t be able to attend the Con. So please give your vidding friends a poke to get those juices flowing and send them to this post! And, if there’s a vid or two that really gave you feels, send us a link and/or ask the vidder to get in touch with us about submitting it for the show!
If you have any questions relating to the Vid Show, please send your email to: [email protected].
The submission deadline is September 4th!
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libraryofva · 1 year
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Recent Acquisition - Ephemera Collection
The Twenty-Fourth Annual Convention of the Supreme Lodge of the National Ideal Benefit Society incorporated and the Ideal Nursery Guardians' Convention, Bethesda Presbyterian Church, September 1, 2, 3, 1936.
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punk-pins · 9 months
tumblr live update on mobile: it now has the option to snooze the live streams at the top of the dashboard for 30 days, but the video icon for the tumblr live tab in the middle of the footer can’t be disabled at all :/
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luminous-orb · 1 year
I love early DS games it’s just like. Bitch. Draw a FUCKING circle
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vidukon · 1 year
Programming Update
With the con just three months away, we’re preparing for a weekend jam-packed with vids, panels, activities and socialising! The full schedule will be released closer to the con, but we can now share some news about what you can expect to find in it. First of all, vidshows! Our vidshows for this year will be: 2013 Retrospective (such_heights) Antagonism (fray_adjacent) (This year's themed submission show following on from last year's Blorbo!) A Moment In The Sun (evewithanapple) Embodiment (frayadjacent) Eurovision (condnsdmlk) Festivids (findmeinthealps) How do you love? Like a fist, like a knife (nu_breed) In the spotlight (findmeinthealps) Kick Drum Beating in My Chest Again (FairestCat) Premieres (charloween) Vidders Choice (brokenmnemonic)
Look out soon for VJs calling for vid suggestions and possibly premieres. We’ll also have panels including: Anatomy of a Vid Aspects of Aspect Ratio Women Behind the Camera Year in Vidding A major update - this year we’re trying something new with the group vidding workshop! The workshop is a big part of the VidUKon experience, but our new hybrid format presents some additional challenges compared to a fully offline or fully online workshop. So this year, we’re taking the workshop back online, moving it to a pre-con challenge with a longer timeframe, and making some other changes that we hope will retain the chaotic spirit of the workshop while making both running it and participating in it a bit simpler. Watch this space for more detail soon. And finally, we’ve chosen a theme for this year’s vidder-submitted themed show! The theme is Antagonism. Whether it’s nemeses, enemies to lovers, villains or feuds, we want your vids all about hostility, rivalry, contention and opposition. More details coming soon on exactly how to submit. The deadline will be May 6. Premieres are particularly encouraged but back-catalogue vids are very welcome too. Here’s those deadlines again: May 1 - Vidder’s Choice submissions May 6 - Premieres submissions, Antagonism submissions, deadline for in-person registration May 25 - deadline for online registration if you would like a physical conbook or Premieres memory stick June 9-11 - con weekend!
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