#commander farsight
canopiancatboy · 6 months
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My partner's little brothers are also into Warhammer, so I decided to make them each a leader for their favorite factions for Christmas
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The base is one of the fancy hero bases GW made a while back, glad to finally have found a use for this one
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I do love Tau, but I'd want to do so many weird auxiliaries I'd forget all about the battlesuits
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farsight-the-char · 15 days
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Meme by reddit user maglag
Events from Farsight Crisis of Faith, the Tau's reclamation of Vior’los.
Earth Caste are dangerous.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 11 months
Commander Farsight's greatest morale raise was when his tech division modified the standard combat-awarenrss HUD to narrate all the troopers' killstreaks in the HALO announcer voice. The highest one is now 'Greater Good' at 100 kills.
I cannot fully describe how much this amuses me. I am absolutely incorporating this into my T'au worldview, thank you.
Imagine if the Broadsides had high power external speakers wired into them for demoralising enemies. You're a marine in a valley. You're already utterly terrified of very hateful towards the awful xenos gun platforms. Suddenly, a distant crack splits the air. The battle brother to your left is reduced to a fine, red mist. His progenoids are obliterated. A source-less, synthetic voice booms from everywhere and nowhere
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stainlesssteellocust · 7 months
Farsight gets a copy of Robby G’s reformed Codex Astartes and gives his thoughts in red ink
Robby ends up sending him the new chapters as he writes them for constructive criticism
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beastofnurgle · 1 year
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badautobot · 9 months
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a birthday gift for an irl friend!
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absolute-matter · 1 year
Commander farsight practice work
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mouseline-cowgirl · 7 months
The Order of the Epiphany VS The Farsight Enclave
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The cathedral dressed in somber tones, upholding Sister Serena on its balcony, awaiting for the heretic xenos to show up. It was her first day as an Imagifier, ascended by her sisters even though her young age, blessed with the most peaceful voice of them all.
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The doors of the cathedral opens, letting the majestic rhino and the heavily armed Sisters to march into battle. Sister Serena gets into the tank, leading the Sacresants, doubting her own worth, but with blind faith towards the Order and the Emperor.
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The silent prayers, muffled by the steady growling of the tank, accompanied the Sisters inside, as they adventured into an alleway, unaware of the silent xenos that awaited them.
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And suddenly, like the shadow of a ghost, the infamous Farsight himself jumped in front of them. He defiantly unsheated his heretical sword, trying to intimidate the Sisters. And soon enough, a rain of missiles and ashes striked the rhino that witheld the faithful. They prayed fevorously, knowing that their demise wasn't destined to be inside that tank, and as if the Emperor himself were shielding them, they survived the infinite missiles of the xenos. But Farsight, the "Hero" of the xenos, wasn't done yet.
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He stormed towards the rhino and it was torn to pieces. The burning scraps of it flew away against the cathedral, as Sister Serena chanted peacefully to rally her Sisters, preparing for battle. They stood toe to toe against Farsight himself, but even with the shield of the Emperor and his eternal gaze upon them, they couldn't hold for very long. Farsight slaughtered the Sisters, one by one. Sister Cassiopea stood between the blade and Sister Anarchia to save her, while she dealt a deadly blow to one of the suits. As Sister Fidegna headshotted the last suit, she was impaled by the heretical runed sword...
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And only Serena stood alive after that. Just the "Hero" and the Martyr. And she couldn't fight in those circumstances. Her whole equipment was the Imagifier, carrying the charred skulls of the Saints, but even against those odds, she stood firm against him. The survivors of the retributor squad, who were awaiting near the cathedral walls, could just watch as the events went on. Farsight, the "defender of the greater good", was about to murder an innocent child, a beautiful soul with the most peaceful voice of the Order. She chanted. She sang soft words of encouragement, not anger. She followed the path of the Sacred Rose, embracing the love for her Sisters more than the hatred for the xenos, as she was brutally decapitated by the xeno.
After her demise, Farsight assumed that the rest of the Sisters would retire from the battlefield. It would be the "smart move", the "logical" even, so he flew away from the crime scene, to jump back in front of the cathedral, assuming that the field was conquered.
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But Sister Helestia and Sister Olivosa, who saw everything from the distance, were not going home that day. Farsight was caught by surprise. This reckless move, this "ilogical" and "unoptimal" move on the Sororitas behalf was his last mistake.
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They only had to strike true once, to actually penetrate that wicked armor of him (that was already damaged by the martyr sacresants), and their righteous conviction made them unhesitant towards the adversities. A rain of grenades fell from the sky. Farsight did his best to fall back, but it was too late. The skies opened sightly to blind him with a beam of light, as the Emperor gazed down on them, and the xeno blew to pieces for his crimes.
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magic-missle · 5 months
commander farsight and rouboute guilliman should canonically meet to just geek out about military strategy. they would speak in the most verbose military legalese, but you'll get the satisfaction of watching two people do something they are very good at
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thesixthchaosgod · 1 year
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The new Commander Farsight
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Farsight Arks of Omen book
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Farsight Enclaves Boarding Patrol
2 design features about Farsight that I'm a bit unsure of but overall I think it's good. It'll grow on me as I'm painting up that Boarding Patrol hèhè :)
No shoulders for Farsight Enclaves though which is a bit sad..
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pontoffelnp · 9 months
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Commander Farisghted commission
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
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Love Can Bloom
Found on 40kg and by reddit user Kirkeyressa
Confirmed by James Workshop himself.
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New Commander Farsight Model
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picatea · 1 year
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New recruitment idea ! For the Greater Good !
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titanomancy · 1 year
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[taiko drum roll]
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