#cod iw
bottledsea · 6 months
robotfucker but in a nonliteral sense. vibes only. i would engage in acts of extreme, intensely trust-based, emotional intimacy with a robot. however i would rather be killed than have sex with one. im not a coward, im just asexual and it's not my thing as a general statement. the idea makes me feel icky. if anyone or anything tries to make me have sex with it i'll just kill myself on the spot. but in spirit? based on vibes? i would be a robotfucker. does that make sense
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perseus-veil · 2 months
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fucked up little boy i need to kill him
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pinkiestpink · 3 months
Unironically this is the hottest character design ever all it needs is boobs I think
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writer-of-various · 9 months
Jakob Lewis HCs
As requested...
Only child, was a bit lonely throughout his childhood years but got used to it
Excelled in basic training and joined the Royal Air Force, excelling the training and becoming a top pilot, one of the best in fact
Became interested in Intelligence and joined Military Intelligence after being offered a position
Code breaker, managed to spot very small details that was a potential sign of war starting; he helped countries avoid 2 different wars
He was offered a job for SATO and joined, being under Nick Reyes' command. They became best friends fast.
He, Reyes, and Ethan were the Three Musketeers, while Salter makes sure they don't get in too much trouble
Was extremely depressed after Reyes' death, didn't want to become Executive Officer but did so after Salter convinced him to take the position
He knew Reyes would have wanted that for him and makes sure to keep his hardwork and memory alive
Now for some more personal and fun HCs:
Jakob is a total sweetheart, he can be shy and awkward whenever he's nervous or meeting someone new
He's bisexual, has a leaning preference to women though
He loves cats, but hates snakes
He has three cats at home: Sergeant Mittens, Lieutenant Rex, and Commander Nick (he named one after Reyes)
He loves to travel, he wants to eventually settle down in Belgium
He loves waffles and fruit, but he can't handle spicy food that well
He has a garden that he likes to work on, he has an arrange of different flowers that he manages to keep alive
He's single (and ready to mingle) (I had to I'm sorry)
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owlixx · 5 months
CoD Notes: Infinite Warfare Finished
Plowed through the rest of this game last night, skipping all the side quests. I’m glad they’re there, but I didn’t need the extra help to clear the finale.
I really liked the mission on the asteroid near the sun. It was fun to have one mission of only robots to really lean into the anti-robot tools. The spinning skybox and sun-avoiding were a nice touch that reminded me of mass effect which is always a good thing. And the finale of this mission with a whole swarm of bots is pretty cool.
I also really enjoyed the final earth mission where I got to do some sniping and solo play, had a good feel to it. Got a lot of use out of my single shot Volk I brought.
And then of course, hijacking and then using the main Mars ship is pretty cool.
The actual final ground assault was actually less bombastic, but well enough. I was surprised that Ethan’s actual death was so much less tragic than his almost-death earlier.
Then I played a couple matches of multiplayer. I like having a different random goal every match. Is this the only infinity ward game to use the pick 10 system? I generally like pick 10, but I also like being able to overload attachments with no repercussions so I’m torn. Anyways, this multiplayer feels pretty good and I wouldn’t mind playing more here or there.
Then I did a round of zombies. I really will have to get the season pass for this game at some point because I love Zombies in Spaceland to death. I’m particularly curious about the Elvira DLC. And I do like Fate cards better than gobblegum if only slightly. I at least need to come back and play enough to get the pack a punch on this map which would be no hardship for me to have to play a few more times.
Overall, this game impressed me and is far better than its reputation. I’d love to see a return to this style of game, full stop. Just in terms of campaigns, I’d rank it above the original MW3 but below the original MW1. But this is the best package of the “dark age” by far when you add up the campaign, multiplayer, and zombies stacked against against Ghosts, AW, Black Ops 4, and maybe WW2 but I need to play it first. Black Ops 3 is a tough package to contend with though, it’s just that the campaign is its weakest offering. And all of these games from AW to BO4 are made worse by gameplay-affecting micro transactions (actually can’t remember if BO4 has that).
Oh, also I always liked Advanced Warfare’s killstreak customization so I’m happy to see it here!
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pigeonrocks · 2 years
average shaolin shuffle experience
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icaxrus · 2 years
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                                                        “ Then we need to meet ‘em. ”
                                                                                        “ How? ”
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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[Control oneself]
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pluvillion · 1 year
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Ritual of the Dark "a drop of blood is all i need. don't worry, this won't hurt."
and it happened. i found his skin ported to gmod, the symbol on his cape, and a church interior. everything just clicked. the lighting was a piece of cake because almost any colour worked well with red.
now, don't you dare run aware from him or he'll use you as sacrifice next. you have been warned.
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rawstfish · 6 months
Okayyy I'm talking MW3's multi-player and zombies now.
The multi-player feels a lot better now that they lowered the SBMM. That was one of the negatives people (including me) had with the game, and it was a big negative because it really impacted the enjoyment of the game. To me, MW3's multi-player feels like how MW19 was. We got movement, visible player names, and just how the matches are in general. OH, and terminal and Afghan are probably my top 2 maps. I love them <3. My only issue right now is not having any new guns I wanna use. But that's kinda small because I still don't have all the MW3 guns unlocked. (I actually do have 2 guns I wanna try, I just haven't gotten to them yet.)
ZOMBIES IS SO FUNNN!!! I love this zombies. I think they did a really great job with it. At first, I was kinda scared of it being like DMZ, but it really works. They really fucked up with advertising it because the gameplay we would see was a person who doesn't know how the play Zombies. They were also in the high-level threat zone, too. But zombies is fun and I play it everyday <3. Oh and I saw a lot people saying this zombies DMZ is a lot more rewarding than regular DMZ. I don't know how regular DMZ rewards were so I can't really say my opinion. (But I am agreeing bc I'm a zombies lover). I don't know if there's anything I would change.
OMG, ALSO, THE MASTERY CAMOS FOR BOTH MULTI-PLAYER AND ZOMBIES ARE SO CUTE. As well as a lot of the new camos. The same goes for the mastery calling cards. (I got exorcist mastery, and I love it. He's my baby.)
I like the weekly challenges. They remind me a lot of the mission challenges in MW19. I really liked those because I got free shit. Right now, the reward is a camo, which I'm really excited to get because it looks very pretty. I hope they keep doing weekly challenges. Now, daily challenges, on the other hand...I don't like having to do challenges for perks, equipment, attachments, field upgrades, or killstreaks when I should just get them from leveling up. I think doing challenges for guns is fine, that I get. But everything else I don't get. I think they should do like how MW19's daily challenges could get you a calling card, emblem, charms, or stickers instead. That I like.
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simonxriley · 4 months
I agree with everything he said here. Like they started off strong with MW19, but then dropped the ball so hard, which sucks cause it’s could’ve been good.
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mickstart · 2 years
I'm so glad they switched ghost back to the original mask style at the end of the reboot you have no idea how much I hate the 'new' mask dhdhsgss. The old one is something an edgelord would conceivably wear the new one looks like a try hard / you're taking ghosts aesthetic too seriously.
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selenethewalker · 2 years
TIL Laswell from COD MW Reboot series is gay af.
A first for an IW CoD lmao! 
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writer-of-various · 1 month
Every COD game is unique in its own way. Sometimes, it takes us years to realize this.
But, *points to MW Reboots*, you guys might not regain popularity in the long run.
Gulf War seems to already be on a thin edge, wtf.
Gonna go play BO4, anyone?
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owlixx · 5 months
CoD Notes: Infinite Warfare Started
Last note of this session (BO1 Finished, BO2 Beat, Ghosts Beat, AW Beat).
I’m maybe 1/3 or so through Infinite Warfare on Xbox. I’m generally impressed by this game. The graphics look great, I like the mild RPG elements, the space stuff isn’t bad.
Im not crazy about the space ship fighting but it might be better than Starfield’s. I like the fun gimmicky weapons with transformations and the like. I like the overpowered fun grenades.
I think my biggest issue with this game is just that it’s a little…boring. The writing can be ho hum and a lot of the missions are just grey hallways.
I think the only real eye roll inducing thing is how comical to evil Kit Harrington is. It wouldn’t be out of place for him to tie a damsel to a train track. Even the “game over” screen says things like “the Mars Liberation Front chose its name to give the false impression of being an underdog”. I know all CoD games are propaganda, but somehow this one feels the most egregious. This narrative really wants you to know that the Martians are 100% evil and there’s nothing wrong with killing lots of them. The opening shot where Kit Harrington shoots one of his own men just to be wacky is so cringy.
I don’t think I’ll be doing any of the side mission any more than I have to, but im glad they are present.
Almost all of my memories of playing this game from the ps4 and PC were the zombies, so I look forward to giving that a fair shake once I beat the campaign and then maybe a couple matches of multiplayer.
Oh, the big thing so far is the scene where our player character and Ethan the robot cling to each other in orbit, about to surely die. The writing between them is so sweet. It’s such a cheap tearjerker but when the robot said “I think I’m scared”, it really got me. By far the most effective emotional moment in the entire call of duty series. But also “his arms were frozen shut wrapped around you” got to me as well just moments later.
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pigeonrocks · 1 year
small iwz art dump
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