#clone wars headcanons
weirdnotal · 3 months
Headcannon that cody and obi wan won't sleep until they've resolved an argument so some stupid stuff happens sometimes
212th just chilling on the bridge:
Obi-Wan: -_-
Cody: ;-;
Obi-Wan: ._.
Cody: :/
Obi-Wan: :(
Cody: .-.
Obi-Wan: ;P
Cody: *throws up hands and stomps off*
(Neither of them have said a word)
212th: w h a t i n t h e f u n k y a n d f r e s h
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saggitary · 1 year
Clone Wars Headcannons
All over the place but yeah enjoy
Ahsoka will let her men test out pick up lines before shore leave and give them tips on how to better pick up girls
Ahsoka picked up her eye rolling habit from Wolffe
Fives and Echo refer to Rex as “oh captain my captain” (Rex is very annoyed)
Clone troopers sleep better when they cuddle up with someone
Anakin has given Ahsoka and many of his men heart attacks when he randomly removes his prosthetic hand
There are painted line of the Resolutes floor near the medical bays to mark how far troopers have made it when they attempt to escape the medics
This usually ends with the medics full body tackling their vod and occasionally their Jedi
Hardcase has the furthest mark with Fives very near behind him
Much to Wolffe’s dismay young animals love to imprint of him during campaigns, he says he hates it but Sinker once saw Wolffe carrying around a baby loth cat wrapped in one of his blankets
Rex is a natural blonde due to a mutation and I will die on this hill
Fox and Wolffe have the highest spice tolerance of their batch and their brothers are very concerned for them
Based on the scene in the Umbara arc where Tup is hanging onto the gunship handle with 2 hands, he is a very nervous flier
Ahsoka noticed that Tup was a nervous flier and now tries to get on the same ships as him to help keep him calm
The 501st has different tallies up throughout the barracks for random things like ‘how many times the general loses his lightsaber’, ‘best quotes for the week’, etc
Clone troopers speak mando’a, kaminoan, and basic fluently
Rex always wins arm wrestling contests, even against Anakin
Ahsoka learned how to play sabacc from the Wolf Pack and has been banned from playing in most 501st circles because she always wins
The CCs have the ability to sleep with their eyes open and Wolffe and Fox actively chose to do so to creep everyone else out
Cody has broken his wrists and his shins from fist fighting droids but he continues to do it
Many troopers in the 501st have also attempted to fist fight droids but quickly stopped when the medics refused to treat them
Anakin has also attempted to fist fight droids and damaged his cybernetic hand enough that he had to get a new one
Ahsoka purrs when she sleeps close to other people 
Hardcase almost cried when he first heard Ahsoka purr because he thought it was cutest damn thing
Capture the flag is the 501st’s favorite down time activity
Cody has hidden drugs in Obi-Wan’s tea to make him sleep which Obi-Wan was rather offended by but continued to accept all tea given to him by his commander
Ahsoka set up a projector in the rec room and on hyper space trips she plays holomovies so her men can be ‘cultured’ 
Ahsoka is good friends with Padme and Riyo Chuchi and regularly gets together with them for girls nights
Rex has gotten a tattoo while drunk but Cody is the only one that knows about it
Ahsoka found out when her men’s birthday or decanting days are and makes sure to wish them a happy birthday
Ponds, Bly, and Fox were very confused when they received a transmission from Rex, Cody, and Wolffe’s vod’ika wishing them a happy birthday
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replaytech · 13 days
clone headcanons (affection)🤭
- crosshair & fives 100% do that thing that drives me INSANE where they put one arm on the wall next to your head and then use the other to tilt your chin up with one finger so you can look him in the eye AHHHHH😫
Fives looks down at you with a small grin on his face before taking his finger and tilting your chin up, making you look him in the eye.
“I didn’t take you for the blushing type, mesh’la.”
- wrecker LOVES to pick you up and spin you around whenever he sees you, no matter how long y’all were apart. (i need this😭)
As soon as you lay eyes on wrecker, he gives you a big smile and wraps his arms around you. A giggle escapes your lips as he twirls you in the air.
You kiss his cheek, “I was only gone for a day.”
He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, “I know mesh’la, but I missed you anyway.”
- rex is a GENTLEMEN☝🏻 the way he shows affection is TOP TIER and it’s making me giggle and scream just thinking about it
Getting a moment alone with the captain was not an easy feat, but you two finally found a quiet moment together in an empty hallway.
His hand gently moves your hair out of your face, “You look beautiful, cyare.”
You give him a soft smile and cover his hand with your own, to which he holds and brings to his face, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
You look at him like he’s the only other person in the galaxy, “Well aren’t you a gentleman.”
Rex lets out a small laugh before kissing your palm, “For you mesh’la, I find myself doing whatever it takes to see your pretty face blush.”
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sailorkamino · 8 months
his pet name [cody, fives, rex, wolffe]
relationships: gn reader x clones
warnings: none
your pet name
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• "why don't you take a break, darling?"
• a classic romantic. he's learnt the art of flirting by watching obi-wan. he's not as shy as many of his siblings when you call him a pet name, instead he becomes satisfied, a confident smirk tugging on his lips. he doesn't like a lot of pda but he'll be giving you heart eyes a lot. like whenever you're talking. he finds wit and intelligence super hot.
• "i'm so proud of you, sugar!"
• fives is confident man who loves being doted on. he doesn't even know the meaning of toxic masculinity. he's the embodiment of that tweet 'my girl's mad at me. i hope i die.' you can call him the most over the top, sugary sweet pet names, and he'll just smile like a doof. if any vode tries to tease him he just responds with "you're just jealous i have a hot partner."
• "your hair is so pretty, treasure."
• since rex means king you wanted to give your man a ~dignified~ pet name. the only affection he's used to comes from older siblings calling him rex'ika and giving him noogies, not this flirting. he definitely runs into a door or trips over himself at one point because of you. fives laughs so hard he winds up doing the same thing. echo records it all and sends it to fox (the king of blackmail.)
• "no, sweets, you can't shoot your brother─"
• the vode think you're joking at first. they know wolffe is a good man, deeply loyal and loving, but he's not what one would call sweet. they're even more shocked when his usual scowl is replaced by a soft smile. if you're someone who uses pet names with friends/family, don't use this one for anybody else. wolffe will get huffy and he will not admit why.
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How would the 501st boys react to their S/O asking them to hold their bag???
Rex: "This... is fine."
Tup: "OMG, a new accessory."
Hardcase: *swinging it around like a weapon*
Jesse: "I'm going to put your bag in my bag so I don't have to carry two bags."
Echo: "Of course l will carry your bag for you."
Kix: "What's one more bag to lug around."
Fives: "Does it contain snacks?"
Dogma: *holding it as far away as possible because it may contain cooties*
Cody: "I was born for fashion, baby."
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trylynarie · 10 months
Hardcase: bro
Jesse: what bro?
Hardcase: Dooku is a vampire
Jesse: how?
Hardcase: THINK!!! Count Dooku…
Jesse: 👁️👄👁️ Count Dracula 🧛‍♂️
Rex on their next mission: can someone please explain why you are all wearing garlic?
Kix: simple safety precaution, Sir.
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seven-oomen · 8 months
I'm not saying Cody isn't a stickler for protocol and rules. He is. I 100% believe that's where his name comes from. (Cody/Code).
I also 100% believe that this man is capable of breaking every single rule in the book if it means getting more of his people out of sticky situations alive.
Like give me a Cody who is bent on the rules because rules save lives. Rules are there for a reason. Protocol is there for a reason.
However. When faced with an enemy that acts irrational or in a way that the rules would cause more casualties? You bet your ass all rules go out the window. Kriff protocol. He has a duty to keep the people around him alive and that is what he is going to do.
Idk. I don't think he'd do it willy nilly or chaotically like Rex, no it's very calculated. But I do absolutely believe he is that kind of person. I mean he body slammed grievous, I can't imagine there's a protocol for that one.
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lucky-ducky006 · 8 days
TBB Headcanons ❤️
Pt.7 Crosshair and Tech
(I will be going through each members relationships with each other)
As I mentioned before, Tech is the only one who truly understands Crosshair.
Very common headcanon, but Tech yaps and Crosshair listens.
Crosshair sometimes falls asleep listening to him talk.
Crosshair loves his brothers equally, but Tech is his favorite and whom he feels the most comfortable around.
Sometimes Crosshairs inner monologue is Techs voice.
When it comes to comfort, unless there’s something seriously wrong, Tech won’t force anything on Crosshair and will let him come to him himself. Otherwise he won’t leave Crosshair alone until he talks to him about it.
Tech scolds Crosshair sometimes.
Crosshair loves to wear Techs goggles and to remind him how blind he is.
Tech would usually be the one to hold Crosshairs hand when they were cadets and trying to avoid any bullies 😕
Crosshair steals his clothes and blankets.
Tech has a habit from growing up where he will check up on Crosshair or watch him to see if he’s behaving differently.
Tech is SO bad at comforting people but tbh that’s what Crosshair prefers.
Crosshair is equally terrible at comforting.
Crosshair is a picky eater so when they eat somewhere Tech is the one that’s like “UM EXCUSE ME HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES”
When Tech actually cooks he makes sure to accommodate to Crosshairs pickiness.
That’s all for now pookies
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weirdnotal · 6 days
Somewhere in the multiverse, Ben Solo, Rey, Fin, Poe, and Grogu have tons of great uncles and an amazing great aunt
Luke thinks he's gonna freak, but Dins just like: obviously this what every family unit should look like duh
No, Hans does not know how to feel about all the Boba fett lookalikes. He doesn't wanna talk about it.
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depomera · 2 months
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Maul will soon be training as Sheev’s apprentice and will no longer serve as an acolyte. The Force knows Maul’s heart lies elsewhere but can only offer guidance and the comfort of eternal darkness.
I thought it would be rad if there were more Sith Force ghosts/spirits. Like thousands of years old Sith Lords/extremely gifted dark force users. They appear as monsters/creatures and perhaps possessing what is nearby or present themselves as spirit entities. I wanted them to look more like monster/creature summons from J/RPGs. That way, powerful Force users who specialize in necromancy can ‘summon’ force spirits and wreck havoc mwahahaha.
• Child Maul is a very gentle and a caring soul. Can talk to animals therefore more adept to talk to spirit entities.
•Ancestors (one who followed the path of Sith), can sense Maul is at odds with himself. It appears before him to give him guidance. Not necessarily answers but open ended questions that will aid Maul in his personal endeavors.
• Maul doesn’t want to train as an apprentice, but instead to further his druidic training. This is where his decent into madness begins.
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forcesavetheclones · 3 months
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Since you guys loved teen Fives and his enrichment activities, I thought I would let you know: Cross went through it too ;))
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sailorkamino · 11 months
fives name isn't from his ct number, it's from constantly reminding echo he's 5 minutes older and therefore always right
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Headcanon that Dogma was one of those kids that would eat three bites, say they're full, and then be hungry an hour later. He did it every single day and for every meal.
Tup was tired of hearing him complain in the barracks. So, he got an idea to package up the leftovers in a container and give them to Dogma when he was hungry later.
The containers were high up in one of the cabinets above the counter. Too short as a little cadet to reach, Tup climbed up onto the counter, much to Dogma’s protest.
When he opened the cabinet, all of the tupperware came bursting out (like in the infomercials), knocking him off the counter, and burying him under a sea of plastic.
And that's how Tup got his name.
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trylynarie · 1 year
Rex: echo is a mom?!
Hunter: yes. He’s actually the most responsible with omega she just has to give me the puppy eyes and I give in- why do you look so surprised.
Echo in the 501st: DAAAAAAAAAD! Fives is reading my book again you know I don’t like that can we go to the library again please please please please please-
Dad I’m scared keep the light on! Dad the juice box is a different flavour you know I don’t like blackcurrant WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!!!
Rex at the time: *rocking him to sleep and giving him bed time stories with the rest of the 501st*
Echo: dad… I’m older now ya don’t have to-
Rex: I’m fine… I’m fine… *one breath away from parent tears*
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seven-oomen · 7 months
I only have three words for the Bad Batch and Clone wars fandoms and I think more people should be on board
Mando'a Sign Language
Especially for Echo after his ordeal on Skako Minor. I bet being experimented on like that and being blown up has left him with hearing issues and when his cybernetics fail, or he doesn't feel like talking verbally, I think it'd be a nice touch to have Clone Force 99 use Mando'a Sign Language or something.
Idc if it exists or not, we're fandom, we can make it fanon.
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ladysparklefarts · 11 months
I have this little headcanon that the Kaminoans engineered the clones with steel guts to combat potential wartime food shortages. They can eat just about ANYTHING. General Skywalker is eating bugs? Rex is fine with that because really it's no where near as bad as some of the random shit the Kaminoans have had him eat and if that means his men can have the ration bars then it's a small price to pay. Besides, the little purple ones are crunchy and taste like pistachios.
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