#christian cage aew
obnoxiousbloodstain · 1 month
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It's literally them
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 4 months
How do you think Christian Cage would react to someone dissing his wife y/n in a promo?
What happens when the rivalry between Christian Cage and Adam Copeland goes too far and causes Adam to say some controversial unscripted things about Y/n and the Patriarchy
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word count: 1K+
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
I currently sat in my private locker room with Killswitch, Nick Wayne, my wife Y/n and our baby girl Madaline. The five of us sat in a comfortable silence as we watched Collison on the tv in the locker room. Looking around the room I felt a fuzzy feeling in my chest, I was surrounded by my beautiful dysfunctional family. The people I loved most. I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard Y/n and Nick start to boo at the screen. I looked to find my former best friend turned arch rival Adam Copeland on the screen. Copeland had been on my ass for months, ever since he arrived in AEW he wouldn't leave me or my family alone. I was on my last straw with him, what else could he want from me. I already beat him TWICE, for god sakes he put my son through a flaming table! He has no right to be demanding another title shot, he is undeserving. 
I watched as Adam walked to the ring microphone in hand, what the hell did he want now. 
“I am sick and tired of Christian Cage and the Patrarchy, all they do is cheat. If it wasn’t for Y/n and her tricks I would be standing here as your TNT Champion. Speaking of Y/n I don’t think you know this but in real life her and Christian Cage are married. Yeah, let that sink in for a moment. I guess Christian Cage really does have a thing for fatherless wrestlers, bonus points if they are way younger than he is.” 
I could feel my blood boiling as I heard the words fall from Adams mouth. I looked to Y/n and she was in shock like the rest of us. “I mean she is 20 years younger than him! But hey who am I to judge, if I was Christian Cage I would do the same thing. I mean have you seen her, damn. Christian you better watch out because once I take your title I’m going to take your controversally young wife. Which by the way you only married because you knocked her up, nice job having a newborn at 50” 
At this point I was livid, I wanted to kill Adam Copeland, how dare he talk about my family like that. For someone who gets so mad when someone brings up his family it’s ironic how he has no problem talking about other peoples relationships. 
“While I’m at it did you know the the age gap between Nick Wayne and Y/n is significantly lower than her’s with Christian, Gross. Y/n if a filty who-” Just then his mike was cut
That was the final straw, I stormed out of my private locker room and ran to the stage. I was going to make him pay. I knew this was probably a trap but I didn’t care, my adrenaline was pumping. I jumped on top of Adam and beat the bloody hell out of him for real. He tried to cover himself from my blows but they did nothing. I was able to get a good amount of shots in before security pulled me off of him. “I’m going to fucking kill you! What the fuck is your problem huh!” I yelled to Adam as security held us apart. The audience was shocked, they could tell that this wasn’t a work, for god sakes they cut off his mike before he did any more damage. My adrenaline was still pumping and I knew I coudn’t let Adam have the last word, especially after he disrespected my wife. I managed to steal a microphone that thankfully worked. 
“What the hell is your problem. You disgust me, how dare you speak of my wife and family like that. I think you are jealous of me. You have a boring marriage that has no love, you are married to an old hag who can’t even sleep in the same bed as you. Can’t you accept that I am just better than you, I have a better life, a better wife, I am the TNT champion god dammit. Just acceppt it and move on, and speaking of cheating just go home and beg your wife to forgive you for cheating on her AGAIN. Now I’ll admit that I am an asshole but I would never so something like that to the woman I love. Oh and I dare you to talk about Y/n again, next time I will make sure to kill you” 
With that I left, security escorted me backstage and out of the building. I didn’t even care of the consequences I could possibly face, I was proud of defending my family. On my way out I saw all the wrestlers backstage comforting Y/n who was understandably very upset. It warmed my heart to see.
A day has passed since the incident with Adam Copeland and myself on Collision. Like I assumed everyone was talking about it. Considering in this rivalry I am the bad guy Y/n and myself had received nothing but support during the whole situation. People were turning on Adam for his actions, being disgusted with what he said. AEW made the decision to give Copeland a four week suspension along with making him put out an public apology. The following is a total BS apology from Adam Copeland;  
*I would like to sincerely apologise to Y/n, Christian Cage, AEW and the fans for my actions on Saturday. What I said was truly uncalled for. I apologise to everyone who was offended with my words. I take full responsibility for my actions and will continue to work on being a better person. - Rater R Superstar Adam Copeland* 
What a total jerk. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that” I told Y/n as the two of us lied in bed, mutaly deciding we would spend the day rotting in bed after what happened not even 24hrs ago. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t know he was going to say that” She told me reassuringly “I know but what he said was fucked up. I love you so much, like so so much. I would do anything for you Y/n” I told her as I began to place delicate kisses on her neck. “What are you doing?” Y/n said playfully 
“Showing you how much I love you” 
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Past Mistakes
Christian Cage x Reader
Summary: Y/N debuts in AEW with her brother Adam Copeland, and is reunited with a face from her past.
Warnings: CHRISTIAN CAGE, angst, violence, fights, cussing, arguing, a whole lot of drama
A/N: I PROMISE I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN GIRLIE. This is for @madhatterbri 😂😅❤️ I hope you love it!!!!!!!!!🥰💛✨
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"Are you sure you're ready to see him?"
Y/N let out a nervous laugh, before shaking her head. "No, I'm not. But I'm gonna do it anyway"
Adam Copeland, her brother, sent her a sympathetic smile and pulled her into a side hug. "Then let's get going"
Y/N laughed as she sat down in the muscle car Adam had rented. It was very dramatic, which was perfect for her brother.
Adam slammed on the gas with a childish laugh as they headed towards the arena housing Wrestledream.
Y/N's mind wandered as she watched the city pass by so quickly in a blur.
That's how she would describe her relationship with Christian too. It went by too quickly, and felt like a blur.
A blur of so many different emotions.
Heartbreak, anger, sadness; but also a lot of love and happiness.
Almost enough love to outweigh the pain.
They had always been together, practically inseparable, while both working for WWE.
But when he decided not to renew his contract, he also decided to leave Y/N.
He said he didn't believe a long-distance relationship would be able to work, and that he needed to put his focus solely on his career.
Just like that, it was like all those years didn't matter to him at all. He didn't even attempt to try; attempt to fight for them.
Y/N was really sad for a really long time. She wholeheartedly believed that Christian would be the man she grew old with.
The entire picture she had painted for her future, their future, was set aflame by Christian's own damn selfishness.
And when she came to that realization she wasn't sad anymore; she was just pissed off.
But now years later, once faced with seeing him again, she felt just like she did on the day he left.
She felt weak and vulnerable.
But she'd never let it show. As she walked into the building with her brother at her side, you'd think she was the most confident woman in the city.
As they got to the guerrilla, they heard the video end, and Adam gave his sister one last squeeze on the shoulder before his music hit and he ran out.
Y/N smiled as she heard the fans losing their minds over Adam's debut. And when she looked at a monitor she couldn't help but laugh at how excited her brother was too.
But as Christian retreated, and ran away to what he thought was the safety of the ramp, another song hit.
And that one made him feel sick to his stomach.
He barely brought himself to turn around before she was walking out with the same smile he fell in love with plastered on her face.
He was glad she got the pop from the fans she deserved, and he was glad that she looked happy.
However, he was not thrilled about her signature kendo stick she was carrying out with her.
But when Luchasauras passed him, and started to approach Y/N, he felt an all too familiar sense of protectiveness wash over him.
"Luchasauras! No!" He demanded.
But when Luchasauras tried to take the kendo stick from Y/N, Christian was reminded of why she never really needed his protection.
She cracked Luchasauras right in the ribs and made him stumble backward, gripping his side in pain. And then Y/N raised the kendo stick all the way up before slamming it down onto his back. Luchasauras fell to the ground, and Christian couldn't help but be proud of her for being able to take Luchasauras down.
Y/N finally looked over at Christian, and was surprised to see him just standing still in shock. She thought he'd be livid, and screaming and yelling.
But she just brushed past him and made her way to join her brother in the ring.
Adam was staring Christian down, while Christian was still frozen in place.
Y/N took her place to her brother's side, and rested her kendo stick on her shoulder with a taunting smirk as she stared down Luchasauras.
Y/N caught Christian's gaze again, and exactly what she was afraid of happened.
He looked so sad, and she could feel all the walls she had worked so hard to build begin to crumble.
So she forced herself to look away from him, and turned to shake hands with Sting and Darby.
But she could still feel Christian's eyes on her, and little did she know it was only the beginning of that.
The woman in question froze in place when she heard Christian say her name.
She cursed herself in her head; she was so close to the locker room. Why hadn't she walked just a little faster?
"Y/N, just talk to me for one second" Christian said, and grabbed her arm to turn her to face him.
The two stared at each other for a moment, and in those few seconds, they felt like nothing had changed. They felt like they did all those years ago.
Y/N tore her eyes away from his and looked at the wall. How the hell had these stupid feelings not gone away yet?! After everything that happened, they should be long gone.
"What do you want Christian?" Y/N asked.
"To talk to you" he answers, giving her arm a light squeeze.
Y/N yanked her arm away from him and took a few steps back. "I have nothing to say to you"
"But I have a lot to say to you" Christian replies. "I know we didn't end on good terms but-"
"Not on good terms?!" Y/N exclaims incredulously. "Is that what you've told yourself all these years to make yourself feel better?! You told me, and I quote, that you had way more important things to focus on than our relationship"
"Fine, I know I'm a jerk Y/N" Christian relents. "But you always knew it too. I never hid it"
Y/N scoffs. "You're right. I did know it. I was stupid enough to give you a chance before, and you let me down. So now, I'm not gonna let you do it again"
"I know there's a lot I need to do to show you that I'm sorry. But just think about how amazing it would be if you joined me! We would dominate this entire company"
Y/N lets out a humorless laugh. "Glad to know you always have an ulterior motive behind everything. Even apologizing to me"
"I know you Y/N" Christian insists. "You may come across as Adam's sweet little sister, but we both know that you have a mean streak inside of you. You like to be on top, and we all know that no one could beat you and me"
Y/N quirks an eyebrow. "Just you and me?"
"Obviously" Christian smirks. "You think I give a damn about anyone but myself and you? Absolutely not. But it's nice to have a.. layer of protection"
"Nick and Luchasauras?" Y/N asks.
"Of course" Christian answers.
Y/N has to stop and think for a moment. She loves her brother very much, and respects Sting and Darby. But Christian did always know her best, and it's true that she indeed likes to be the best.
"You've never let that side out of you before, don't you think it's time? Isn't it time to take what you want instead of waiting patiently? Adam's gone soft, and we both know it. He's a rule follower now. But we both know that neither you nor I am"
"You don't know me anymore" Y/N breathes out.
But Christian just takes a step towards Y/N, and grabs her waist before pulling her against him.
He rests his forehead against hers, and Y/N makes no move to stop him as she places her hands on his shoulders.
"Don't I? I think I know you better than anyone else here" Christian says, looking right into her eyes.
Y/N stares at him, before letting a smirk of her own grow on her face. "You do know I don't forgive you yet, right?"
"You will soon" Christian smirks.
With that, Y/N brushes her lips against his, but right when Christian closes his eyes and leans in, she pulls away from him. "You wish it was that easy"
Christian couldn't help but chuckle as she walked away from him, because he knew that she'd accept. And he knew that the entire roster would be in danger once she did.
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madhatterbri · 8 months
Daddy Issues | C.C.
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Summary: You take Christian to your family cookout. Christian being Christian.
Author's Note: Don't take this seriously. At all. Please.
A family cookout is the perfect time to mingle with family and friends. You can catch up on all the important events you missed out the past year. Your family had a cookout every year and this year you made sure you were going. This was the first time in two years you had a new man. A coworker of yours named Christian Cage.
You were worried about taking him at first. He was different then the other men you dated. Sometimes he could be a jerk.
"We are only staying here for an hour, right?" He asked impatiently. Your eyes widened in shock. Your childhood cat almost lost one of his nine lives underneath his car. "I can't believe you actually grew up in Miami,"
"I promise only one hour. Be nice," you whined and kissed his cheek. Christian grumbled yet nodded. He stepped out of the car and looked around in disgust. At least the hour was already counting.
He walked to your side of the car and held your hand. Due to the popularity of the family cook out, the two of you had to walk down the sidewalk to get your family home. Christian made snide comments about the neighborhood. His remarks were worse when in front of your house.
"Are your shots up to date? I don't need you getting tetanus or getting me sick,"
"Christian, the house is fine. Some of my cousins are doctors,"
"My baby!" Your mom shrieked seeing you through the porch door. Christian opened his mouth to make a comment. You glared at him and he decided against it. "Come in. Please come in,"
"Thanks," Christian smiled pushing past you and through the door. Your mom looked at you confused yet didn't say anything. She knew how much you loved him. "Why don't you get me something to drink?"
You decided to introduce Christian to your family. He managed to practically insult all of them. Your police officer cousins were only cops because they made straight C's in school. Your brother was a high school football coach because he was a hack that couldn't make it to the big leagues. Your little sister was wasting her time singing at bars. She was never going to make it as a singer.
"Honey, are you sure?" Your mother asked with a high pitch tone. Christian was in the bathroom leaving the two of you alone in the livingroom. The two of you stared at a picture of your father. "Your father would be rather... shocked about Christian,"
"You didn't tell me your father was dead, sweetheart," Christian spoke and placed his hands on your shoulder. He rubbed your upper arms affectionately. Anyone that saw this would think he was finally being a good boyfriend. He was only thinking of himself. "I'm so sorry,"
"He died when I was a child. Hey, I haven't shown you my old room," you remembered. The hour you promised was almost over. He hadn't been ran out of the party yet. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
You grabbed his hand and took him upstairs. Your family speaking in Spanish talking about him.
"Don't make fun of me," you giggled and opened the door.
"No promises," he replied. You were positive he wasn't kidding.
Your old room was a typical teenage room. Multiple posters and pictures of your family and friends littered the walls. Trophies of different sizes were placed on bookshelves. Stuffed animals laid neatly on your bed.
"Why didn't you tell me you didn't have a father?" He asked. Christian locked the door behind him. You turned around.
"It's been an hour. We should go," you chuckled nervously. He placed a hand on the side of your neck giving it a soft squeeze. His thumb ran your bottom lip down. A twisted smile plastered on his face.
"No wonder you like to call me daddy,"
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brideofinfamy · 3 months
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when they are Puerto Rican, or Canadian Straight Edge and introverted they are my favorites🔥
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pagesego · 5 months
so ummm
I got something for here but am hesitant to post it so instead here's a link
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sydsaint · 9 months
AR Fox lost his dad too?? Don't let Christian know a new victim is waiting for him.
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windhamsrotunda · 1 year
Doing a tiktok with Christian Cage headcannon:
Author's Note: Here is a fluffy / humorous Christian headcannon that I promised you guys as of yesterday which I didn't get to do. Apologies for the late post 🤧
Warnings: None, just pure fluff and really bad humor (finally I did a headcannon without any smut lol)
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"Christian, let's do a tiktok!" You cheerfully announced to your boyfriend, who was reading a book in the corner of the living room.
"Tiktok?" He asked, his blue eyes widening and his brows raised. "You know I'm too old to dance, I might either get made fun of or break something."
A laugh came out of you
"You are never too old to have a little fun with your girlfriend, come on, if I have faith in you, you should have faith in yourself!"
He flashed a little smile
"Okay, my dear. One tiktok won't hurt." He replied, setting his book down and walking over to you.
"Yay!" You jumped up and down in excitement, grabbing your phone and searched through tiktok dances before you and him started the video.
You clicked on a random tiktok, and showed it to him for his approval.
***insert tiktok video of Run It! by Chris Brown*** (y'all don't take me seriously 😭)
You watched his facial expression go from normal to amusing.
"y/n! Seriously? I can't bend down that far on my hands and shake my butt at the same time." He busted out laughing, "Hold on, I need a second."
You crossed your arms against your chest playfully, puffing out your bottom lip.
"Are you done laughing, Mr. Captain Charisma? I know the dance looks too silly, but we can try to do it." You suggested
"Fineee." He grinned, "anything for you, love. But promise me under one condition, you won't post it?"
"I promise. it'll be only for you and me to see."
You pressed the countdown button starting from 10 all the way down to 1.
*Take 1*
With Christian standing next to you, you began the dance first.
A laugh erupted out of him watching you, he attempted to bend down far to do the next step of the dance but ended up falling flat on his face.
(Poor Christian)
"Oh my God! Are you okay?"
The video stopped as soon as you asked him if he was okay.
"Yeah, told you I was gonna break something." He got up, brushing himself off with his hands and laughing it off like nothing happened.
"Take 2?"
"As long as I don't fall again, then sure, why not?"
Kissing him on the cheek, you restarted the video.
*Take 2*
Trying again, he started first.
*insert gif, pretend its Christian doing the "Run It" dance but in his version below*
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"Get it, Christian!" You applauded, following his lead.
"How did we do?" Christian asked in curiosity, rubbing the back of his neck.
Showing him the video, he was in shock.
"We... we did much better." He began to say, "at least I didn't fall again,"
You playfully slapped him on the shoulder.
"Either way, you're a great dancer." Praising your boyfriend, you planted a small kiss on his lips. "You never fail to make me smile."
"Thank you y/n," he replied, softly placing his lips onto yours. "I think you are a better dancer than I am, but all I can say is that was fun."
Smiling from ear to ear, you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him once more.
"So lucky to have a man like you in my life who can put up with my silliness."
Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are appreciated! - Shar?
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heelbucks · 1 year
Okay, but here me out. I can see the reader getting fucked up like drunk as hell super quick even though she hasn’t drank a whole lot, like she’s drank a bit but not enough to get fucked up. She gets a little worried and she ends up calling Professor!Christian Cage outta panic because she was worried something was gonna happen and she didn’t feel safe anymore so Christian goes and gets his girl before something bad happens?
knight in a sliver sports car - c. cage
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pairing: professor! christian x fem!reader
au: college
cw: creepy men trying to take advantage of drunk girls, age gap between reader and christian (duh)
you weren’t nearly as fucked up as some of the other party guests, yet somehow you felt like you were in danger. it could be from the fact that since you arrived resident asshole cameron was shoveling you drinks.
after he made a move on you, you panicked, not knowing where any of your friends had went off too. you called the only person you could think of in your drunken state; your english professor.
yes you two had been secretly dating but this was a first, you never would even think to have him pick you up from a function. yet here you were with no one else to turn too. “hey princess, how’d the party go?” his voice boomed through the end of your phone. “um, im still here. i don’t know i just, i don’t feel safe anymore can you come pick me up?”
he heard the slight slur in your words and knew he had to come rescue you before some jock ass took advantage of the opportunity. “hang tight princess im on my way.”
in a matter of minutes (he definitely got a ticket for speeding and blew it off), he was at the house and saw you sitting alone. “your silver chariot awaits princess.” he smirked at you from above as he reached his hand down to you. quickly so outside partygoers didn’t recognize who he was you sprang up and followed him to his new silver sports car.
ever the gentleman, he opens the door for you and kisses your forehead before closing the door. the drive back to his home was rather quiet, full of silent thoughts of what if’s.
once inside his cozy abode, you sit on his couch withdrawn, ideas racing through your head.
“you ok princess? you’re awfully quiet.”
“i just, i dunno. i love being with you but i’m tired of hiding and i know we have to so i don’t get expelled and you don’t lose your job and”
he pulls you into a chaste quick kiss to silence your rambling, “princess i adore you. i love you more than hockey and that’s saying something. the semester is almost over so we can come clean, as long as you don’t take one of my classes again. though i would miss seeing you try and tease me all day. i love you so much, no amount of running around will ever change that.”
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moxley · 6 months
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shout out very specifically to the person holding up this sign during the christian cage vs adam copeland match
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edgedchristian · 5 months
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elitehanitje · 5 months
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Old Man Yaoi
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 29 days
Sugar daddy Christian Cage X fem reader
Sugar daddy Christian Cage headcannons
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
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Christian Cage is such a sweetheart
He would spoil you with expensive gifts
He would buy you whatever you like
Christian would give you a monthly alowance to buy whatever you like under one condition. You have to send him a sexy picture in the outfits you buy
He would take you for lunch dates and take you to the most expensive restaurants
With you money is no expense
Christian would take you on expensive vacations
He would worship your body and treat you like gold
He would show you off like his most prized possession
He could never say no to you
He would make passonite love to you all day every day
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lucid-moon0750 · 2 months
Pro Wrestling out of context: Thankfully, The Patriarchy's potential victory was thwarted thanks to the brave actions of Daddy Magic, wielding a pair of handcuffs.
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madhatterbri · 7 months
New Beginnings | C.C.
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Summary: Christian and you finally confess each other's feelings.
Author's Note: Part two of Too Late
Dedicated to @1dluver13xx and her incredible taste in men. 🤌
The tension was suffocating during dinner. Adam and Beth continued to talk about your brother's new adventure with AEW. He was still so hyped about having one last ride with his best friend. Meanwhile, Christian sat across from you doing everything in his path for you to look at him. You were ignoring him.
Deep down you knew despite everything that happened you needed him. He was in your life before he debuted in wrestling almost thirty years ago. The past three years had been absolute hell for you. It felt like you lost an arm. Christian was always there for everything.
"I wonder if we can get these two involved in some story line," Beth teased and elbowed you softly. Your sad thoughts pushed to the back of your mind. You looked at her with a fake smile. There was no way you wanted to be around Christian after tonight. "Maybe you can be with me while Christian is yelling at us while Adam is out in the ring,"
"Whatever brings viewers I am in," you answered and looked around the restaurant. Christian's light eyes continued to watch your every move closely. Despite being the one to break your heart he had to make sure you were going to be okay.
"Maybe even a cheesy storyline where you find out they had an affair," Beth joked to Adam and rubbed his hand with her thumb. Adam laughed and looked at his wife before turning his attention to you and Christian. "Imagine the whole best friend and little sister story. They would eat it up,"
"I would kill him," he laughed and playfully punched his best friend in the arm. "You want a husband in jail?"
The dinner ended longer than you hoped. Adam drove back to the hotel. Christian was in his own car allowing you space to breathe.
"Talk to her," Beth whispered and motioned her head towards you. Adam looked at you through the rear view mirror. Your head rested against the glass while watching the city pass you by. He noticed the crushed expression on your face. One similar to when your mom died.
At the hotel, Beth rushed off to attend to the girls. Her parents had come down to watch them. They must need some sort of break at this point. Adam assured her he would be right up after he walked you to your room.
"Everything okay?" Adam asked and placed his hand on your shoulder. The elevator ride suddenly felt a lot longer. You prayed someone would come in to interrupt but it was late.
You smiled briefly and looked away. He could always tell when you were lying. Your face turned a bright red. Your eyes watered. Damnit.
"I can't tell you. You would kill him and my nieces wouldn't have their dad," you confided in him. He sighed instantly remembering dinner. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in his shoulder. After a few seconds you took a step back.
"I love him, Adam. We were together one night three years ago and the next morning he told me they were giving their marriage a second chance," you stuttered trying to hold in your sobs. "Tonight he tried talking to me but... I don't know what to do,"
"Hear him out, sis. He misses you. He always asked about you whenever we went to a hockey game or he whenever he saw Beth and I," he admitted. "I didn't want to get involved but since we all are going to be seeing each other more. Text him to see you. I won't stop you both from being happy,"
He gave you one last hug before the elevator doors opened signaling your stop.
For the first time in three years you unblocked Christian. The weight of the world lifted off your shoulders. Your heart swelled at the thought of him coming back into your life. You stared at the message screen and sighed. Your thumbs quickly typed a message and sent it to him.
Hey don't fuck yourself quite yet. I'm in room 807. I'm ready to talk.
Within minutes Christian knocked on your door. You opened the door to see him with a bouquet of white roses. Your favorite.
"Come in," you greeted and opened the door wider. Christian walked in and handed you the roses. You thanked him and placed them on the counter for now.
"What did you want to talk about?" He asked standing uncomfortably by the door. The talk at the arena didn't go exactly as planned. He hoped the two of you would have gone to being a couple.
"Christian, I'm sorry for what I said at the arena. I was so hurt and I... I missed you," you confessed. His eyes widened in shock but you couldn't read them. "I told Adam what happened between us,"
Christian flinched unsure if this was good or bad news especially after dinner. Once he didn't hear Adam running at him to murder him he calmed down a little more. He still didn't say anything. The man that always had so much to say. Speechless.
"I love you, Christian, and I need to know how you feel about me before I can continue,"
You were met with silence but he appeared to be thinking. This was the moment, his moment. The things he should have told you before breaking you. He cleared his throat.
"You and I have always had something, your name. I couldn't put a finger on it until that night. It wasn't just the sex but the way we acted like a couple. The dinner and just cuddling on the couch watching hockey. I hadn't had that in so long and it made me realize I had to end it with her once and for all," he licked his lip trying to figure out his next words. "I told her what happened between us and she was going to tell Adam unless I stayed. I figured our daughter deserved both her parents and tried with her again. You know the rest,"
The air felt light once more like it always had been between the two of you.
"So where does that leave us?" You asked wanting to hear him say it. He pointed at the white roses. The symbol of purity, innocence, and....
"A new beginning,"
The next morning found you lounging in a pool chair. Today was going to be an easy day for the two of you. Just making up for lost time. You chatted away with Beth while Adam sat next to Christian.
"Some of those punches are going to connect next week," Adam warned him and looked at him. His serious face clashed with the playful twinkle in his eyes.
"Wouldn't doubt it, brother," Christian smiled. "And I'll gladly take them,"
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brideofinfamy · 4 months
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like HOW??! He's aging like the finest wine🥵🤤
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