#child birth
kathaynesart · 2 months
I’m legitimately spilling tears over the last update. I am a mom, and going through labor is terrifying. Wonderful for what’s to come, but terrifying. So having it depicted in the middle of a war zone, where the outcome is unclear at best? Such a beautiful visual picture of how that experience can often feel. Maybe I’m reading super deeply into it, being 34 and all and starting to feel those experiences in a different way as I get older, but the unspoken parallels really did it for me.
And the sweet tenderness the brothers have? Just sobbing. Goodness, I am suppose to be working right now and instead I’m having a breakdown at how gorgeous this all is.
Really amazing work, Kat, I just love this so much.
And an additional side note- I am so glad you’ve been taking your time and allowing your body to heal and I’m hoping you are feeling so much better.
That means so much to me to hear! I really want to do right by all who have gone through child birth. It is both beautiful and terrifying and can still be quite dangerous even in this modern day and age. I have so much respect for those who choose to have children and I feel they’re not given the praise deserving of being absolute miracle workers.
I’m just glad to know that this little project can help put a small spotlight on just how special people like you are!
And thank you, there’s a lot going on right now so just trying to keep my head above water through it all! Just keep swimming!
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lilymarch · 2 months
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you make me do, too much labour.
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helpifeelthehead · 2 months
Bringing a child into this world is a profoundly personal and transformative experience.
Reflecting on my natural birth experience, I found myself in the stirrups, the weight of my baby's head bearing down, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through me. With each contraction, I surrendered to the primal rhythm of labor, feeling the intensity build with each wave. And then, with one final push, the world shifted.
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diejager · 4 months
Hi i love all your stepdad konig and dbf horangi stories🩷 I wanted to ask if you could do a follow up on the pregnancy story where the reader gives births to twins(boy nd girl) and she ends up moving out to this big penthouse with horangi that he and konig paid for,,,,i dont know if thats too much this is my first time requesting,,again you're really amazing and talented🩷💕
Cw: forced pregnancy, DUB-CON/NON-CON, DARKFIC, STEPCEST, child birth, kidnapping, isolation, threat of taking custody, forced marriage, mention of divorce, tell me if I missed any,
Pregnancy was a stressful thing, weighing on your conscience and body, it was a difficult affair for any mother, but yours especially, with your underlying living condition and situation. You provided your baby - babies, you learned after your first ultrasound, seeing two small embryos curled inside your womb - with nourishment, time and energy, your time wasting away to keep them safe and alive, supporting two lives in your womb rather than one. That put a bigger strain on your health, adding to your stress and terror —a bigger risk to your life and theirs.
You doubted your life could get any harder than it was, the constant touching, the fussing, the looming and the shadowing would eventually get to you, but what you hadn’t expected was for König to hold them against you. You should have, honestly, looking back to their streak of cruelty and selfishness, expected that one of them would hold your sweet babies’s custody over you to have you bend to their will.
Who would side with a young and broken mother when she had a strong and more mature father to nurture the kids, retired and respected by his old coworkers and bosses. They would win this battle over their custody, taking away your little rays of sunshine in your dark times, the ones who held your fingers in their soft and tiny hands when you cried at night and their coos making you smile. They were products of rape, a physical proof of your mistreatment, you knew that, but you loved them so, so much.
Your little girl and little boy were everything you would’ve asked for, quiet and easy to manage, they were good kids, even at six months old. You would take care of them on your own if you could, you knew you could be a good mother if you had the chance, but König and Horangi didn’t give you much time. They would take your angels away if you didn’t agree to marry one of them. It was a cruel act of power and sheer dominance, showing you what they could do to have you submit without actually acting on it.
You lost contact with your mom, your last memory of her was her frantic and tearful ramble, locking all doors and trying to do her best to separate the men from you, trying her best to build a shield between you three. She tried her best to protect you and your babies from them, but they had connection, power and a name for themselves, there was little she or you could do against determined men.
That was the last time you saw her, your contacts with the outside world controlled by your two wardens, anything had to go through them in case of dangers towards you and the twin. You lived in a gilded cage, a pretty penthouse and a cabin in the Austrian Alps, a comfortable bed, and a relaxed lifestyle. It was all any person would give to have - a life you dreamed to live - if you weren’t forcefully married to two men, uprooted from your home and taken away to be locked up at the top of a building.
The light in this dark situation was that the twins would have a comfortable life, living a life of luxury without getting spoiled if you taught them right, if you watched them grow up with a strict but fair way. You wouldn’t want them growing up as selfish and cruel as their fathers, your adorable Yoon-Suh with her blue eyes and black mop of hair, and your excitable Leon with his auburn hair and warm, brown eyes. They were your sole priority.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess
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manhwamuneca · 25 days
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Just in time for Mother's Day weekend!
New parents, expecting soon.
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archaeologicalnews · 2 years
Protective childbirth tattoos found on ancient Egyptian mummies
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Lower back tattoos may seem like an early 21st century fad popularized by low-rise-jeans clad celebrities, but new archaeological evidence from Egyptian mummies shows the practice is actually more than three millennia old.
At the New Kingdom site of Deir el-Medina (1550 B.C. to 1070 B.C.), researchers Anne Austin and Marie-Lys Arnette have discovered that tattoos on ancient flesh and tattooed figurines from the site are likely connected with the ancient Egyptian god Bes, who protected women and children, particularly during childbirth. They published their findings last month in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.
Deir el-Medina lies on the western bank of the Nile, across from the archaeological site of Luxor. Beginning in 1922, around the same time that King Tut's tomb was found, the site was excavated by a French team. Read more.
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onlytiktoks · 3 months
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reality-detective · 1 month
Home Birthing versus Hospital Births: A fun one to look into is dolphin assisted birthing. Imagine the frequencies of the womb. 🤔
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misforgotten2 · 3 months
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You should apologize to your mother for making her go through this.
Sex Anatomy and the Technique of Coitus by James Bruce - 1935
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rippleclan · 6 days
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[Image ID: Cinderella, a smoky gray molly, stands under the title of today's lore post, "Cinderella".]
We didn't get a chance to know Cinderella well, but we can gleam a bit about her life after the fact. (TW: some details of child birth)
Cinderella: 29 (at death), female, loner, thoughtful, fast as the wind
Cinderella was the only surviving kit of her mother's second litter. Her mother gave her to her older sister Daphne to raise after she was weaned and went off to live with humans. Cinderella and Daphne, meanwhile, lived in an abandoned shack to the south of the Clans.
Life for the sisters wasn't easy. As Cinderella got older, Daphne developed issues. It was hard for her to remain grounded in reality. She struggled to hunt for herself. As such, Cinderella made sure the pair were fed. Things got a bit easier when Daphne found a mate who would frequently visit and care for their only daughter, but Cinderella was still the main support for the family.
She went on a walk by the Clan territories one day, lost in thought on a hunt. That was when she ran into Shadowdrop, freshly broken at news of Carnationspeckle's pregnancy. Shadowdrop initially reacted strongly to Cinderella's presence by the border, but the pair eventually started talking. Shadowdrop became Cinderella's friend.
For a few days, she would take her hunt toward RippleClan's border and meet her new friend. Clan life was quite interesting, although Cinderella would never abandon her sister, and her sister would never adapt well to Clan life. The resources and knowledge they had, however... well, Cinderella wanted to use those skills to make life easier for her little family. Shadowdrop was willing to teach her... if she would have his kits.
It wasn't a simple conversation, but Shadowdrop was an eloquent speaker and good at an argument. Cinderella wouldn't have to be a mother (she didn't want to be one when she already was looking after her sister and niece), just carry the kits, and Shadowdrop would take them to his Clan to be nursed by his friend. In exchange, Shadowdrop would teach her how to start fires, cook her prey, make medicines, and more. Cinderella's family could be comfortable.
So she agreed.
Cinderella's family and friends had their concerns, but Cinderella would do anything for her sister. Being pregnant wasn't so hard. Shadowdrop's lessons were detailed and effective. When Cinderella's labor began, she went into Clan territory to find Shadowdrop and fulfill her end of the bargain. Tempestkit, Mosskit, and Trumpetkit all came out without much issue, but her placenta wouldn't deliver, causing her pain. Shadowdrop and Wildclaw were unaware of this pain and abandoned Cinderella, taking the kits home. Cinderella dragged herself toward home, but collapsed on the other side of the horse path.
When the year is out, Cinderella's spirit will travel onto its final resting place. For a while, though, she'll wander about, making sure her sister and the kits she planned to give away are safe.
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aristialamoniques · 8 months
Love's Legacy: Henry Cavill x Reader
Note: This story contains sensitive and emotional subject matter. Please proceed with caution.
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The room was filled with a heavy silence as Henry, with a sense of both anticipation and grief, held the letter that you had left behind. The pain of losing you while giving birth to your daughter was still fresh, and Henry's heart ached for the love he had lost. With trembling hands, he opened the letter, prepared to read your final words.
As he began to read the delicate script, tears welled up in his eyes, blurring the words that carried your essence.
"My Dearest Henry,
If you are reading this letter, it means that fate has dealt us a cruel hand, and I am no longer beside you. My heart aches at the thought of leaving you behind, but I find solace in the knowledge that our love created something beautiful—a precious gift that will forever be a part of us.
As our daughter takes her first breath, I want you to be her guiding light. You have always been the pillar of strength and love in my life, and I know that you will be the same for her. Wrap her in the warmth of our love, Henry, and let her know that she is a living testament to the love that bound us together.
In her eyes, you will find a reflection of my love for you. Treasure every giggle, every milestone, and every whispered 'I love you.' Teach her the values we held dear, and instill in her the kindness and compassion that defined our relationship.
Please remember, my love, that while my physical presence may be absent, my spirit remains with you and our daughter. I will watch over both of you, protecting and guiding you from wherever I may be. In her laughter, in her smile, and in the depths of her eyes, you will find glimpses of me.
Though my heart aches at not being able to witness our daughter grow, I find solace in the knowledge that she will have you as her father. You are a beacon of love and strength, Henry, and I know that you will fill her life with happiness and joy.
Please, my love, do not let grief consume you entirely. I want you to find joy in the moments you shared with our daughter and in the memories we created together. Embrace life, not just for yourself, but for her. Be the father she deserves, and let our love be her guiding star.
I entrust our daughter's future to you, Henry. Love her fiercely, protect her with all your might, and may she always know the depth of our love.
With all the love that my heart can hold, and even more,
As Henry finished reading your heartfelt words, he clutched the letter close to his heart, the weight of your absence heavier than ever. Tears streamed down his face, a mixture of profound loss and immense love. In that moment, he made a silent vow to honor your wishes and be the father you believed he could be.
With a trembling breath, Henry whispered into the air, "Thank you, my love. Our daughter will know the strength of your love through me. I will cherish her and ensure she knows how deeply she was loved by her mother."
In the depths of his grief, Henry felt a comforting presence surrounding him, as if you were there, whispering back, "I love you, Henry. Always and forever."
And with your words echoing in his heart, Henry knew that your love would guide him on this new journey of fatherhood. He would cherish your daughter, enveloping her in the love that you had left behind. Together, they would carry your legacy forward, forever connected by the bond that transcended life and death.
In the gentle breeze that brushed his cheek, in the soft cries of their daughter, and in the memories that lingered, Henry felt your love. And he knew that, even in your absence, your spirit would forever be intertwined with his and their daughter's lives.
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soberscientistlife · 5 months
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helpifeelthehead · 2 months
One, heavily pregnant, stood by the side of the birthing tub, her hands gently clasping her partner's, offering words of encouragement and love. The other, her body contorted with the intense waves of labor, leaned into her wife's embrace, finding solace and strength in their shared journey.
And then, in a moment of profound vulnerability and triumph, the baby's head crowned, a glistening beacon of hope amidst the waves of pain. The room filled with a hushed reverence as the two women locked eyes, their love transcending the physical realm as they shared in the miracle unfolding before them.
With one final push, the laboring woman's body surged with raw power, and the baby emerged, enveloped in a cascade of warmth and love.
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diejager · 3 months
Alright so reader ends up pregnant, mom thinks it's horangis kid, reader moves in with him and we have the whole nursery situation
What happens next, like how will they treat her when she's 7 months pregnant? How will they deal with her cravings and stuff?
And what will happen when she gives birth and the baby's a carbon copy of konig? Will the mom be like "🧍‍♀️oh well that's interesting" or will horangi and Konig take reader away and disappear from the face of the earth? Or even worse, they make sure the mom's not gonna bother them anymore (yknow like ⚰️💀⚱️🪦)?
The whole story line is amazing btw and if I could, i would kiss your brain because of how amazing it is
I’m gonna expand on Baby Scenario since it’s almost the same principle. Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, kidnapping, forced pregnancy, childbirth, tell me if I missed any.
Your mother had adamantly encouraged you to move in with Horangi, it would only make sense, no? Since he was the father of your kid. You’d have more space from both her and your stepdad, and would be able to spend more time with Horangi, to build that intimacy and relationship that you’d need if you were to care for a child. You would have extra room for your stuff and a nursery fro your upcoming child in Horangi’s home since he lived alone, his ultilitarianlydecorated house was a perfect place to start building a warm home —a blank canvas coaxing you to paint. 
You reluctantly agreed to her proposition, not having much of a choice when she was obliviously overcome with joy, König’s hard stare and Horangi’s tightening grip on your hip, low enough to make you uncomfortable but not too much that it was improper. The move was made quick, the sudden change of your environment left you disorientated, confused and lost while they carried box after box into the living room of your new house. 
They hadn’t made a move on you since the test, leaving you alone to do your own things: fix your side of the room, paint and move furniture around the nursery when Horangi and König were busy with other things, or reading on the bean bag you moved near the window for better lighting. It made the move a bit better, neither feeling as oppressed as you felt nor as freeing as you used to be, but it worked nonetheless of your change of ownership. It, however, hadn’t last long, they were quick to lay a hand on you, their fingers kneading and wandering over your sensitive skin, moving you to the bed and leaving you mewling and panting from their mouth and fingers alone.
When your cravings knocked down the door with weird and changing tastes, both men were eager to help, buying or ordering whatever you’d cried about wanting even if you ended up throwing it away because you didn’t want it anymore. They were accommodating to your growing needs, at your every beck and call when you had a sudden craving or sickness. Your mother couldn’t be any happier about how it turned out, that you were with someone she could trust to care for you and not a boy who’d leave you the second he heard you were pregnant, she booked everything for you until the assumed date of birth. 
But on when you gave birth, staring at a boy with auburn strands and brown eyes, and a girl with black locks and pale eyes, your mother looked as horrified as you were, much unlike Horangi and König’s pleased gaze. She fought with him, screamed her head off and tried to pry them away from you, to protect you from the men who forced themselves on you and knocked you up. You learned that she kicked König out, throwing all his items out and had tried to have them both removed and taken away from you, but there was little she could do against powerful men. Their names and reputation the blade of their defense, to use and to wield to take you away from her. 
The last time you saw her, she was in tears, sobbing and fighting against someone’s arms, clawing her way towards you while you were pulled away and into a black SUV. They cut your contact with your mother and the rest of the world, keeping you in a locked box of their own making. You didn’t know what happened to your mother or how she was, you were completely cut off from anything than your penthouse. Your only physical contact was your kids and the men who called themselves your husbands, caring for Leon and Yoon-Suh and making sure they had food when they came home. 
And it wouldn’t take long before they’d ask for another child.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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crowningmom · 2 months
How did you know you were ready to push? And what did it feel like?
Could you feel the baby as you were pushing?
Just a crazy intense amount of pressure, when you need to push you know about it. In my case my body just takes over and starts pushing for me
Yes - you can definitely feel the baby coming out. There’s a lot of stretching and then at the widest point of crowning it burns so bad, genuinely feels like you’re on fire down there lol. However pushing is my favourite part of the birth process
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scotianostra · 27 days
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On May 6th 1870 Sir James Young Simpson, Scottish physician, died.
James Simpson was born on 7 June 1811 in the village of Bathgate,his parents were the village bakers and he was one of 7 children. However his mother died when he was 9 years old. James Simpson attended the parish school then went on to study medecine at The University of Edinburgh and became Professor of Midwifery there. Simpson wanted to cut down the suffering of his patients in childbirth.He often used ether, but disliked it because of its strong smell which made his patients cough.
In 1847, Simpson and two assistants experimented with a new anaesthetic, chloroform, which had none of the side effects of ether. Within a month he had used it successfully on over 50 patients.
Unfortunately, the use of chloroform was not without risks. Some doctors did not know how to use it properly and in 1848, Hannah Green, aged 15, died from an overdose. There was opposition from those who saw chloroform as unnatural and members of the Calvinist Church of Scotland claimed its use was forbidden in the bible.
In 1853 Queen Victoria was successfully anaesthetised during the birth of her eight child. This turned the tide and from then on chloroform became widely accepted. However, its effects sometimes meant that surgeons spent too long on operations and patients could still die from blood loss and infection.
Although his name is always mentioned in books as the developer of anaesthetics, chloroform was only used until around 1900 when it was discovered that it could damage the liver. From then on surgeons returned to using ether. Today, surgeons use a complex mix of drugs administered by a qualified anaesthetist. Simpson’s use of chloroform helped to gain popular support for the use of anaesthetics.
Simpson's most significant contribution to medicine was the introduction of anaesthesia to childbirth, however he also improved the design of obstetric forceps that to this day are known in obstetric circles as "Simpson's Forceps", as well as designing the Air Tractor in 1838. He also became an expert on the history of leprosy in Scotland.
He died at his home in Edinburgh in May 1870 at the age of fifty-eight. A burial spot in Westminster Abbey was offered to his family, but they declined and instead buried him closer to home in Warriston Cemetery, Edinburgh.
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