#chenle imagines
winwintea · 22 hours
secure that card! 29. creme de la meow meow
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸ @marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr @hibernatinghamster @jaeimjaemin @gukuwii @slayhaechan @yyangj3lly @seunghancore @clean-soap @bath1lda @lostinneocity @defzcl @ckline35 @multifandomania @meltinghershey @foxy-kitsune @jising-jisang-jisung @minkyuncutie @zuzu-the-simp @dojaejunging @leehanascent @nosungluv @sunflowerbebe07 @h-aecat @layuhsblog @fae-renjun @w3bqrl @hyuckies18 @wonbin-truther
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hwanchaesong · 3 days
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☞🍹Seventh Drink: Beyond the journey of espresso to dry martini, the only thing that he manages to remember is his baby. 🍸
🎧: The Weeknd - Blinding Lights
wc: 651
genre & warnings: angst, fluff, comfort, singer!jisung, bar setting, drinking, implied friends to lovers, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The After Hours Bar series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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"Don't you think you're overstaying your visit?"
Jisung tilted his head to look for the source of the voice, spotting you beside him, sitting in the bar while you motioned the barista to give you a drink as well.
"I work here." he chuckles, answering your question and relaxing in his seat more, "What brings you here?"
Interrogation is necessary for you, considering that you are not one to go to bars. You usually stay at your house, enjoying ramyeon and rewatching your favorite movie.
You hummed, sipping on the alcoholic drink that the barista concocted before cringing at the bitter taste, "I am here for you."
He points at himself, "Me? Why is that? And why are you being weird?"
You gave your friend a side eye, slightly offended by his words, "First, I am not weird. I am completely normal. Second, you are the one being weird because see, your gig just finished but here you are..."
Your sentence trailed off, not wanting to continue it but he understands.
He'd usually go back to his own flat after a performance at the bar, but this time, he stayed for a drink. Which for you, his neighbor slash friend, is unusual.
So you went on a journey, despite clubs not being your thing, to check up on him.
It was safe to say that you were worried about him. You are well aware that you might have overstepped his boundaries but you really couldn't care, his welfare comes first.
"Can't I loosen up a bit?" he smirks at you, then his mood suddenly turns gloomy, "It's blurry."
He admits and you listen intently as he attempts to open up to you.
"I don't understand what is happening, actually." his eyes are downcast, slowly swirling the glass of tequila on the wooden table, "You know how much I love performing, right?"
"Yes, why?"
He laughs without any humor, and your concern rises when he blurts out his next words.
"I feel like I can't do it anymore. Like.. I am slowly losing my passion for it and I don't know what to do."
Your eyes widened, not expecting his confession because this man loves singing. Maybe he's confused? Or what he said a few minutes ago, he's tired and he needs to rest?
Surely, he must be mistaken because this, this city that he chose is his lifeline.
The way he talked about it made you realize that achieving your dreams in life is possible if you worked hard for it, just like he did.
He basically fought his parents for this, going against their wishes for him to become a doctor— and if you're going to be honest, his zeal for singing made you love him the way he is.
"Jisung I-" you stopped yourself, is it really worth it?
You urged yourself to do it, if no one else will push him, then you will take it upon yourself to do it.
You left your seat in lieu of extending your hand in front of him to take, and you gulped your nervousness.
"Listen, Jisung. I am not well versed when it comes to things like this but," you bit your lower lip, bashfully meeting his curious gaze, "let's go back to my apartment and think of ways on how to motivate you."
He raised an eyebrow, not moving an inch until you groaned in exasperation, grasping his hand in yours.
"Come on! If you lose interest in this then.. I'd miss those moments where you sing to me the new songs that you're composing."
It is now Jisung's turn to be surprised.
Amidst the neon lighting of the bar, illuminating the place and promptly blinding the eyes of people who dare to look straight into it, Jisung thinks that he's already seen the brightest glow of all.
But strangely enough, he can clearly see how gorgeous she is.
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@sunghoonsgfreal @yeosayang @mystverse @shakalakaboomboo
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yrqrnc · 5 months
nct dream reaction . . . giving them a peck on the nose !
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it’s early in the morning when you wake up to find him already awake and staring at you. he has one arm wrapped around you, your head falling onto his chest, and he has this whipped grin on his face as he tiredly plays with your hair, and that’s when you push your face up, closer against his—you catch a glimpse of him closing his eyes—and peck his nose. then he just laughs and goes “what was that”, calling you cute over and over again.
he’s really just chilling, watching something on his phone as he lays on the bed, when you randomly choose to walk up to him, grab his face in your hands and press a tender kiss onto his nose. he goes completely quiet for a moment, blinking confusedly, before breaking out in the softest smile. he throws his phone to the side and instead, pulls you into him by the shoulder as he kisses your temple in return.
you’re cuddling on the couch as a movie of your pick plays on the tv screen when a funny scene comes up and jeno giggles. he’s only laughing, yet, it manages to pull at your heartstrings and you find yourself wanting to kiss the life out of the man besides you. but you hold back, giving him a kiss on the nose instead, and he turns to smile so sweetly at you, his eyesmile in clear view, before he leans down to peck your nose right back.
he’s playing games on his computer when you feel this sudden wave of love hit you and you’re all touch-starved and full of love to give now. it results in you quietly sneak into his room to go up and snake your arms around him in a back-hug as he’s sitting on his chair. he gives you a quick smile but turns right back to the screen to continue playing, and you, being the patient person you were, decide to let him complete the round, though not really letting go of your hold on his back the entire time. and when he finally wins, he doesn’t even get the chance to tell you about it, you’ve already grabbed his face with your sweater paws and placed a very wholesome kiss on the tip of his nose. the next thing you know, you’re getting attacked showered in kisses by him.
he’s laying in bed; you managed to convince him to rest after a very busy week, so now he’s just chilling on the bed, attempting to take a little nap. that’s when you pop in after finishing off your tasks, and join him on the bed, getting comfy quickly. it feels so natural as you both cuddle up together, but you catch him off guard when you press a kiss onto his nose. he goes blank for a second, but then soon, he’s peppering your face with kisses all over, suddenly striken with this ball of energy. i think you might've chased all his sleep away 😠
he's scrolling through his phone on the bed, watching some random reels, when you decide to jump onto his lap without any warning. he’s so startled at first, he goes all 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 and then he realizes it’s you, and that you’re just in one of your moods today, and he's like "oh. well, anyway," and goes on with his day 💀 what he didn’t expect you to do was kiss him on the nose so gently and adorably— that he just melts internally, and he can’t even wipe off the grin on his face that just screams "ok maybe i am in love with this person."
you were babbling on about something that happened the other day, when you hear jisung softly muttering a “cute.” under his breath as he listened on to you. he has this fond look in his eyes as he looks at you, and all you were doing was just telling him the gossip of yesterday???? you pause the talk, instead, reaching your hand out to grab his face and pull him in to give a peck on the nose, because how could you resist the urge to kiss such a pretty man, right? when you pull away, you’re met with the boy blushing in a disgustingly adorable way, and you find that now, it’s your turn to say “cute.”
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xotaemintol · 22 days
Which one of the dreamies is the most dominant iyo?
(Not you sending this anonymously after texting me about it girl lmfao 😭) but anyways, I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while now because I want to start doing NCT DREAM hc’s but I feel like it’ll definitely shock some people if I don’t put Jeno first buuuut…
My personal ranking would be: Jaemin, Jeno, Mark, Jisung, Haechan, Chenle, and Renjun.
Jaemin gives soft dom energy, like he’s rough but he’d also praise you and tell you that you’re doing a good job for him. He seems like he gets enjoyment out of you being embarrassed, covering your face, or doing anything that makes you look smaller than him. He seems like the type to have a size kink as well, so if you even utter the words “so big.” Or “too big.” He gets so turned on and will immediately tease you, he’ll ask you in soft coo’s if it feels good—telling you to take it as he thrusts into you with powerful movements. Luckily he’s not cruel enough to be so deep or so rough that he’ll bruise your cervix but it’s happened once or twice before. But like I said he gives soft dom energy, I just know that immediately after he’s clinging to you and kissing your face all over. “Oh baby you did such a good job!” He’s right back to giving you adorable words of encouragement while cleaning you up as you lie there in shambles.
Jeno seems like he’d be the most dominant but I beg to differ, he’s definitely a service dom. He wants to do anything to get you off but he’s not submissive, tell him where you want him to touch, tell him you want him to eat you out, ask him to finger you—your strong puppy boyfriend is there to please you right away “Like that baby? Does it feel good? Right there?” . Sometimes he’s a little strict on what he will and won’t do, once you asked him to fuck you in the bathroom of the restaurant you were in and he told you no three times before he basically dragged you there and fucked you like a wild man. But in general Jeno likes to be gentle with you, when he’s eating you out or fingering you he loves getting genuine reactions—he compliments you as he gives you soft kisses on your thighs with his fingers deep inside of you. When he fucks you (if he’s not feeling especially feral or punishing you.) he holds you close, he’ll hold your body tightly as his thick cock slides in and out of you—his praises are quiet and accompanied by gentle kisses all over your neck. He’s really into the sounds you make so he fucks you like he’s dying to hear you say his name. “Good girl. Good good girl..my pretty baby…pretty princess…say-say my name…say my name.” His words are both soft yet aggressive, and when he cums inside of you he holds you so tight you might pop.
Mark also gives soft dom energy, he’s more of a playful dom. He likes to keep things mostly vanilla and lead you calmly, he loves guided masturbation and he especially loves it when you touch yourself as if he’s not there. He’ll praise with in a low and steady voice, telling you to keep the same slow pace as you move your fingers in and out of you. it’s absolutely agonizing but the way he talks to you makes your whole body throb with desire. “Just like that baby, keep your eyes on me…now move your hand…just like that baby, that’s right…good girl.” He’s so good at praise, it’s literally insane how good he is at using his words—he’s almost too good. The moment he notices you getting impatient he starts teasing you, he’ll tell you to beg for him and trust if you don’t beg enough he’ll tell you to do it with more passion. “No no no baby, say it like you mean it; say please, please fuck me Mark.” The moment you give him what he wants he’ll fuck you like his life depends on it. You feel like you’re floating away from how good his stroke game is, while he’s fucking you he’s still talking to you—telling you how good you feel around him, how pretty you are and how much he loves fucking you.
Jisung is definitely more of a hard dom but he could pass as a switch but it’s only because hes extremely likely fuck himself dumb. Jisung is really really into seeing you beg, cry, cum, shake, scream—anything that indicates pleasure (or pain hes close to that line.) makes him go crazy. He absolutely loves to degrade you but with a healthy mixture of praise too, “You’re so pretty baby, my pretty girl…my pretty slut. Did my voice make you that horny? Did my slutty girl go dumb already?” He’s such a dirty talker, especially when you lose it. His fingers are enough to have you empty headed and desperate, his long slender fingers fuck you so good; but they also only make you want him more. Every whiny call of his name makes him sicker than the last. “Sung? Sungie? Jisung? What’s wrong baby? Is it too much? Are you trying to tell me that it’s too much?” It’s like his fingers shut your brain off through your pussy, and when he finally fucks you it’s so rough—he loves to kiss you while he’s deep inside of you, something about it turns him on so much more. And of course he has to cum inside of you, he just loves how it feels.
Haechan is more of a switch, a bratty one too. He enjoys doing things that’ll piss you off, if he’s feeling more dominate that day he’ll edge you for hours. He’s so set on seeing you cry and beg, if he’s fingering you and he notices you getting close he’ll stop right before you finish—he’ll do this for so long until you finally break. “You look so cute baby, are you gonna cry? Hm? You gonna cry baby?” He loves teasing you, he gets off to the way you whimper and call his name. “Hyuck? D-Do…you look so cute when you beg.” When he fucks you he absolutely loves to make you look at him; seeing your eyes roll as you struggle to keep them open makes his toes curl. But when he’s submissive, the shoe is completely on the other foot. He’s so sensitive, if you touch his nipples even a little his body flinches. “You’re so cute like this Hyuck…” When you praise him he melts into such a mess, his voice cracks as you ride him—he’s so sensitive, he can hardly even speak from the feeling of your walls around him. You’re so warm, so wet, and he fits so perfectly inside of you. He gets so drunk on you when he’s being subby, and when he cums he has to hold you and have your body as close to his as possible.
Chenle is also a bratty switch, when hes subbing he’s so difficult and disobedient and when he’s a dom he’s so cruel. “You look so pretty on your knees baby, do you think you’ve earned it yet?” He’ll tease you when you’re sucking his dick, complimenting how pretty your lips look around his cock and pulling your hair as you look him in his eyes. When he fucks you he’s so vocal and so rough, biting, scratching, hair pulling—he likes it all. Of course he has to cum inside of you, he fucks you as deep as humanly possible and when he’s close he’ll tease you about how he’s going to get your pregnant one of these times. “You ready to have my baby?” He’s such a kinky fuck. But when he’s subbing…it’s like what he did to you is only a projection of what he wants. Slap him, bite him, pull his hair and degrade him; sit on his face and make him eat you out till his jaw locks. “You’re such a good boy for me.” Even the most basic praise in between humiliating him will reduce him to a pathetic and desperate animal in heat. When you’ve finally had your fill of him eating you out and decide that he’s worthy of fucking you he’s so overstimulated that he can’t even speak; all that comes out of his mouth is gibberish. But even in that state he can still beg to cum inside of you—and if he’s been good enough you’ll let him.
Renjun gives me model sub energy, like he wants you to treat him like a prince—buy him sexy outfits to wear, worship his body, and spoil him with kisses and pleasure. He loves it when you suck his dick, he gets off to the feeling of your lips and tongue before he gets to fuck you—and of course it’s his right to fuck you; he’s your spoiled baby after all. “Mhmm…just like that, it feels so good.” His moans are so pretty, it’s such a show when fucking him—the way his back arches and how his heavy dick throbs and twitches is so lewd and beautiful. By the time he’s inside of you he’s already cum three times, but he can last for another because it means he finally gets to be deep inside of you. When he’s on top his stroke game is amazing, it’s like his brain has moved to his dick from how perfectly he fucks you. His lips are red and kiss swollen and his entire face is flushed—when you get on top you can fully appreciate how beautiful his face looks when you please him. “S-So good…” his voice drifts off as his eyes roll, his head falls back into the pillows and he goes silent from how good you feel. When he finally cums he gasps for air and looks you right in your eyes—he loves to look at you and watch your face as he cums, you’re just so pretty and he loves you so much; he has to burn the image of you in his mind as he cums inside of you.
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yogrtshake · 19 days
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coming home ( 7dream ) genre : fluff word count : 0.8k summary : how 7dream return home after a day away from you
( mark ) ⋆ practically melts into you once you spread your arms for a hug in the doorway, whispering how much he missed you into your hair (“i know i said it yesterday, but i’m serious, this time i’m not letting you go”) ⋆ after a quick meal, he settles in bed with you laying by his side and picks up the philosophy book he’s been reading that week ⋆ pokes you every so often to share an excerpt that sparked an idea in his mind, loving the way you comb your fingers through the ends of his hair as he rambles cutely ⋆ tired from his long day, his eyes start to flutter shut and you place his book on the nightstand for him, kissing his temple to wish him sweet dreams
( renjun ) ⋆ the sight of you after a long day always paints a special smile on his face: one that’s infused with adoration and longing, and it makes you melt every time ⋆ finds it precious that you wait until he’s home to unwind from your day with him, both preferring to help remove each other’s makeup and wash your faces side by side ⋆ lots of giggling is shared as he gently tries to lay a sheet mask over your skin and he plants a kiss on your lips once he’s done arranging the mask around your features ⋆ a completed skincare routine means it’s time to wind down together — this consists of soft music and catching up on your days apart, his sparkling, attentive eyes not leaving yours as he listens to every detail
( jeno ) ⋆ takes a bit longer to arrive home because he always stops to pick up takeout dinner for you to share, your favorite weekly tradition ⋆ finds you half asleep and softly hums a greeting, careful not to stir you while he settles back in, then wakes you gently so you can eat together ⋆ sits criss-cross on the floor with you, thoughtfully searching the table for the best looking bite and leaning over to feed it to you ⋆ relishes the comfortable silence between you, occasionally sharing tidbits about your days as you unwind together over your warm meal
( hyuck ) ⋆ kicks off his shoes and tosses his bag on the floor, dramatically explaining how today felt like an even longer day away from you than yesterday, despite his practices being the same length of time ⋆ before you know it, he’s swallowed you in an inescapable hug (“hyuck, i’m suffocating” “no no, we’re not done hugging yet”) ⋆ tells you a funny anecdote from practice, the sound of your laughter refilling his lungs that had exhausted throughout the day ⋆ soon enough grows sleepy and insists you lay down with him, pulling you closer every time he feels you shift until you doze off together
( jaemin ) ⋆ the second he walks in, he’s pressing kisses to your cheeks, your nose, your lips, your forehead — everywhere, over and over again, to make up for what he’d missed over the past several hours he was at work ⋆ pulls away only to grasp your hands in his and ask what you’ve eaten today, if you got your errands done, and what’s planned for the two of you tonight — it goes without saying the rest of your evening will be spent together ⋆ requests more kisses from you between every step of his nighttime routine, not bearing to spend another second without your touch he’s missed all day ⋆ after some quality time together, you notice he's drifted off to sleep with his arms draped around your waist, and when you kiss the top of his head, you can almost see a smile form on his lips
( chenle ) ⋆ almost as though he never left your presence, you received a lot of texts and random photos throughout the day while he was working ⋆ scolds you playfully for having missed answering one when he returns home (”but le, i replied to all of them at once—” “i wanted INDIVIDUAL REPLIES!”) ⋆ quickly forgives you, of course, pecking your cheek before changing into lounge clothes and making his way to your familiar spot on the couch to watch a drama with you ⋆ after a few minutes you feel that his shoulders are no longer tensed and his head rests on your shoulder, and you smile knowing he feels relaxed with you
( jisung ) ⋆ files into your bedroom after his long evening at the studio, appearing a bit more tired than usual, and immediately falls into your lap ⋆ you toy with his hair as you let him vent about the latest routine he’s given his all to, praising him for working hard and watching his eyes slowly start to brighten ⋆ he cherishes how you give him the space to talk about even the littlest details of his frustrations while comforting him with your touch ⋆ wordlessly insists you spend the remainder of the night in each other’s arms, him shyly dotting your hands with kisses to show his appreciation until his eyes close
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xrenjunniesx · 2 months
could you do one where reader reacts to their smoothie mv cuz i’m addicted fr
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text reaction to smoothie MV
// bf!dreamies
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najaemism · 2 months
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this)
PAIRING. chenle x fem!reader
CATEGORY. one shot social media au, fluff, crack/humor, fake dating, best friends to lovers
WARNINGS. language, chenle and y/n are very unserious, 30 panels!
SYNOPSIS. conversations with your best friend turned fake boyfriend, zhong chenle.
NOTES. ok rlly quick before u read i forgot to change ningning’s username 😭 that account was from a diff au i was writing before where she was supposed to be chenle’s sister but yeah (also sorry it’s really long but i didnt want to make mulitple parts 😭🙏🏼) anw … i have no idea where this idea came from but enjoy! :p
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NOTE. hi this is my first time writing for chenle lmk what u think!!! 🥹🫶🏼
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @archivedmkl @najaeminluvbot @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @kkotjia @yoonhanzjaem @en-boys @stopeatread @goldryush @hibernatinghamster @shwizhies @zgzgzh @bbymatz @eyantice @w0nderr @dinonuguaegi @neozon3nha @mnlylonely
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luvj4key · 24 days
⋆⭒˚。⋆ nct dream would be the type of boyfriends that would...
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○ pairing: bf!dream x gn!reader ○ genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanons ○ warnings: LOTS of fluff, the dreamies being soft for reader, affection, crying in jisung's part ○ luvj4key's note: hi loves! so this is actually a rewrite of one of my works from my old account (minilinooo) this will be one of many rewrites coming soon since it has been a while since i've starting writing. anyways i hope you all enjoy <3
⋆⭒˚。⋆ mark is the type of boyfriend that would...
laugh at everything you say and do
cherish every moment you spend together whether that’d be if you’re doing nothing or something
do everything in his power to make sure you know that he loves you
text you “i love you” at least once each day
get lost in your eyes when you’re talking to him and when you ask him what’s wrong he’d just smile at you
pinch your cheeks because he claims that you’re too cute
call you cute every second
enjoy late night talks with you
want a private yet not secret relationship
⋆⭒˚。⋆ renjun is the type of boyfriend that would...
have such a soft spot with you
have matching jewelry with you
give you princess treatment
play with your hair
love giving you back hugs whenever you’re doing something
scold you if you’re not taking care of yourself
have karaoke nights with you
be protective over you but tries to be lowkey about it
be a sucker for cheek kisses
⋆⭒˚。⋆ jeno is the type of boyfriend that would...
try to have a strong exterior but would absolutely soften up if you’re mentioned or in his presence
always feel the need to be next to you
always look out for you when you’re in the same room but is doing something else
love holding your hand
buy you flowers
love taking you out on dates
putting his hand on your thighs just because
love it when you’re the one that initiates 
get all shy if someone points out how whipped he is for you
⋆⭒˚。⋆ haechan is the type of boyfriend that would...
always find something to do with you
always have to be touching you in some way
get so happy whenever you agree to game with him
come to you first whenever he’s struggling with something, he trusts you with everything
kiss your hand whenever he’s holding it
always be there if you need someone to talk to
love to joke around with you
defend you like his whole life depends on it, he’s never letting anyone trash talk you
be your number one fan
⋆⭒˚。⋆ jaemin is the type of boyfriend that would...
never raise his voice at you
prioritize you. if you need him, he’ll be there in a heartbeat
love to spoil you
look at you with so much love in his eyes
always always take care of you
always think about you
make it very known that he’s in a relationship
have a photo album of pictures he took of you with his camera
texts you long paragraphs saying how much he loves and appreciates you
⋆⭒˚。⋆ chenle is the type of boyfriend that would...
brag about you to his members
love joking around with you
absolutely crack up whenever you’re being silly. you never fail to make him laugh
lowkey be possessive over you (in a non-toxic way)
surprise you with random gifts saying that it reminded him of you
refer to you as daegal’s mom
spend you silly pictures of him or of random stuff throughout the day
get mad if someone made of fun you because only he can
give you head pats
⋆⭒˚。⋆ jisung is the type of boyfriend that would...
listen and pay attention to everything you say and do
be an absolute softie around you
love to do couple coordinated outfits
bring you to late night practice sessions to show you the choreography he’s working on
want to make some choreo with you and you only
get all shy when you praise and compliment him
cry when you cry
love your affection but would sometimes be too shy to ask for it
fidget around and play with either your clothes or your fingers
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©luvj4key, all work is written by me. do not copy or repost
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ohmygs-blog · 14 days
I reallyyyyy liked mark dirty texts. Can you please make one for chenle. Also I love your other works🫶🏻
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boyfriend chenle viii.
thank u baby!! hope u like 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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wonbin-truther · 23 days
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inspired by @diorcities imagine
chenle was stubborn and you were too, if not more. your friends always said it was a match made in hell. you two pushed and pulled against each other but it was never anything the two of you took serious. if anything chenle admired the fact you always stood your ground, backing up what you believed in, and you felt the same about him. arguments happened often but nothing had ever went this far.
"so you hate me?" your voice was low and shaky but chenle didn't pick up on it. "who said that? you're so delusional sometimes I don't even know where you get this bullshit from," chenle was practically yelling across the kitchen. you had never felt so small in your life. you tried to keep the tears at bay as you continued on, "but then why wouldn't you tell me she messaged you?"
"it's not that serious. you're being overdramatic about it."
"chenle it's your ex for fucks sake why wouldn't you tell me your ex sent you a nude," you felt a tear slip down your cheek but you quickly wiped it away. chenle let out a scoff as he watched the tears slip down your cheeks one after the other. he always knew you were stubborn, but he didn't think it was so bad you would try to guilt him by faking tears.
"i can't believe you're crying right now. what's wrong with you? i told you i blocked her right after so i don't see what your issue is. god you're so insecure sometimes," he continued to spew, eyebrows crinkled as he rolled is eyes at you. you couldn't say anything back. your vision was blurry and all you could do was stand there as you took hit after hit from him. choked sobs were the only things that left your mouth as chenle stared at you.
even if you were faking it, seeing you cry made a pit form in his stomach. yet your boyfriend was too stubborn to back down, even if it did feel as though his guts were being turned inside out. "can you stop crying already? it's not gonna work." his expression shifted as he stared at your figure. he stood and stared as your crying didn't stop and your breathing got quicker, quiet gasps leaving you as you tried to take in the smallest amount of air you could get between the tears that wracked your body. as you crumbled to the ground, knees pressed to your chest and your own arms wrapped around yourself, chenle realized you were genuine and it ate up his entire being he let it get this far.
it took his body a minute to move from the shock but he ran to where you were, crouching down in front of you. he gathered you up into his arms and held you close to his chest. you tried to push his arms away from you but he held you tighter. he knew if he were to let go this could possibly be the end and it scared him. you eventually gave in, sobbing into his chest as your breathing remained frantic and uneven. "fuck im so sorry. baby breathe with me please. slowly," chenle counted slowly as you tried to follow along with your breathing. you started to calm down and the tears subsided, turning into small sniffles. you two stayed on the floor of the kitchen in silence for a while.
chenle was the first to break the silence, "you were right. i should have told you. i'm so sorry for yelling at you and arguing."
"do you really think i'm dramatic and insecure?" your voice was low and sounded broken. it was shaky and chenle wanted to punch himself.
"i don't. i'm so so sorry. i didn't mean anything i don't know why i said any of that," chenle pulled you away to kiss the tip of your nose that was now red from your sobbing. "you're perfect. if anything i'm the dramatic one between the two of us."
"i know," you rubbed at your eyes and let out a small laugh.
"i love you. so so much. and i'm so sorry for saying all those hurtful things," chenle stood up and brought you up with him.
"i love you too. think before you speak next time though," you cupped his cheeks. he just nodded and let you pull him in for a kiss. you gasped as he pulled away, lifting you over his shoulder and carrying you into the bedroom. you giggled and lightly punched his back, "lele what're you doing?" he tossed you down onto the bed and laid down, "cuddle time and a nap. i think we need it after that."
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diorcities · 1 month
⠀   ⠀ ── ৎ ۟ 𓂂 ͟𓇼 nct dream when they make you cry !
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nct dream sfw headcanon. hurt/comfort, mention of a wound. not happy with this, but still 💭 enjoy! library.
jeno. feels so guilty, he would stop immediately and run to hold you in his arms. arguing with you must be the thing he hates the most, though he knows that sometimes it's impossible not to have small arguments for vain things. he is irritated by tiredness and one thing led to another and the altercation arose. you don't even know why he's upset with you, which would lead to you crying because you don't know what to do. when he sees you crying, he would stop immediately and apologize to you, ending the argument.
chenle. the first few minutes of watching you cry he'd ignore you. you're just exaggerating, like always. he'd add fuel to the fire and keep arguing even when you're not responding. it is then when a bad feeling would start crackling in his stomach he would freeze in place not knowing what to do after saying all those mean things to you that he nows regrets. he approaches slowly, feeling the area, searching for any discomfort from you. his arms holds you, both remaining silent for an eternity, until one of you decide it's right to speak again.
renjun. unbelief bathes his features, because you're clearly using the crying card to get away with it. he won't give in, you're very stubborn and so is he. he can't believe you're crying about something he said, in the end, it's normal to have disagreements... maybe he's gone too far in trying to make his point. but you really act very well, he begins to believe you, until he realizes the seriousness of the situation and that he really hurt you with his actions. he'd feel like the worst person in the world for believing you'd cry just to be right, he hates thinking that way about you, because it couldn't be further from the truth.
haechan. he doesn't see the consequences of his actions until it happens. this time he didn't think that raising his voice would have that reaction from you, but you kept talking over him, and he had to make his point. watching you freeze would make him see how bad it was to do it. anxiety eats him alive, and makes him restless because you're not talking anymore and your lips trembles. but he's still stubborn, and lets you go into the room while he sorts out his thoughts, waiting for the waters to calm down before he says anything else that might hurt you.
jaemin. he scolds you too much because he worries too much. he doesn't see the severity in his tone of voice when he tells you how dangerous it is to cut vegetables like that; gets very nervous and anxious that you're going to hurt yourself, which inevitably happens. then he starts reprimanding you and it feels very stimulating for you. he takes care of the wound but you still feel his anger towards you. however, it is not a nuisance but a frustrating and heavy concern for your well-being. but you don't know that, and he doesn't express it, so you burst into tears.
jisung. too stunned to move or speak. he just stays there and watches you cry because he can't get it into his head that you'd have become so sensitive about a comment he didn't even mean it. you seem a little affected, maybe if he gets close you'll reject him, and he won't stand you pushing him away if he tries to comfort you, so he stays close and quiet. until you seem to start to calm down, wipe away your tears and walk away to your bedroom without looking at him, heartbroken because he hasn't even bothered to hug you.
mark. he knows how much you don't like arguing with him, which inevitably leads to him biting his tongue. it makes you feel guilty that he cares so much that he doesn't want to express himself sincerely. as you try to make your point and ask him to tell you things no matter how raw they are, tears come to your eyes. he would apologize immediately and cease the discussion immediately. no disagreement's worth crying about, and there's no anger that's enough not to comfort you in the moment.
© diorcities / tagging @tddyhyck ♡︎
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ghostofhyuck · 1 month
07:21 PM
You only rolled your eyes, crossing your arms as you took a step forward, only for him to pull you closer to him.
"Congratulations, you won," you said with a bitter tone. "You guys won, and we lost. Happy?"
"Now, where's my kiss?" Chenle asked with a smirk on his face. God he's infuriatingly good-looking that you want to brush that smirk off from his face.
"Fuck off Chenle, my twin brother lost, our school lost to your team," you pointed out. "You won the game, now can you leave me alone."
Chenle hums for a second, a teasing tone that you know that tells you that he doesn't care at all.
"No," he said. "A game's a game yn. Should've known that before you made a bet with me."
"You're so annoying."
"And yet, you love me," he pointed.
And he was right. You like him --- no, you love him that it frustrates you. That you started to fall for his teasings, that annoying look on his face whenever he wins against your brother's team, and how he's doing everything just for you to notice him. Even if it means getting on your nerves.
You hate how your first impression to him was that he's a jerk. That he's that cocky athlete, captain of Dream Academy's basketball team who injured your twin brother last season. The reason why your brother wasn't able to join last year's game.
You know you ignored the fact that the injury wasn't a foul play, it was an accident, and yet, you still blame Chenle for Sungchan's injury. You watched how your brother deflated into depression because he couldn't play with his team, that's why your anger to Chenle became deeper.
And now that the sport season began, somehow, you managed to find yourself crossing paths to Zhong Chenle. Especially when their school has always been a long-time rival of your school.
That behind his playful attitude, he cares for you. That he doesn't care about the on-going rivalry and has always found you intriguing. That he wasn't half the jerk that you thought that he was. Yeah, he's very cocky inside the court, but that's because he knows he's a great athlete.
And you found yourself stupid, thinking that it was fine with you making bets with him. That the cost of the championship was either: him leaving you alone or you agreeing to date him, knowing that you two have been dancing with each other's feelings for so long.
"Hey," Chenle said, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I'm still waiting for my kiss."
You only let out a small groan before cupping both his cheeks, squeezing it tightly as you hope that his eye smile would disappear.
Slowly, you leaned onto him, lips crashing against his. Chenle can taste the peach-flavor balm of yours, making him lean more so that he could savor the taste.
As you two separated, you couldn't help but feel your cheeks warming as his hands never left yours and so was yours. His smile is there, but you know that's even more playful that before.
"You're so infuriating," you mumbled.
"And you're mine," he teases. "Guess this is much better than winning the championship."
"Whatever," you looked away with an annoyed look even though your heart is bursting in joy.
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leejenowrld · 2 months
soft and slow sex with - nct dream reactions
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soft and slow sex with mark is characterized by a deep sense of emotional connection and mutual trust. he values the intimacy and vulnerability shared between you, savoring each moment of closeness and affection. mark's touches are gentle and reassuring, as he seeks to provide you with comfort and pleasure throughout the lovemaking. he enjoys exploring your body with tenderness and care, focusing on creating a sense of harmony and unity between you. with mark, soft and slow sex is a celebration of love and intimacy, a sacred bond shared between two souls deeply connected to each other.
mark's voice is a soft whisper against your skin as he trails kisses along your neck. “i love you,” he murmurs, his words filled with sincerity and warmth. you can feel the love in every touch, every caress, as he cherishes the connection between you. his movements are slow and deliberate, his hands exploring your body with gentle reverence. “you mean everything to me,” he whispers, his breath mingling with yours as he holds you close. with mark, soft and slow sex is more than just physical pleasure—it's a beautiful expression of love and devotion, a testament to the depth of your bond.
soft and slow sex with renjun is characterized by tender affection and gentle intimacy. he enjoys taking his time to explore you, savoring each moment of closeness and connection. renjun's touches are gentle and loving, as he focuses on providing you with pleasure and ensuring you feel cherished and adored throughout the experience. his movements are unhurried and deliberate, allowing both of you to fully immerse yourselves in the sensations and emotions of the moment.
“you're so beautiful,” renjun whispers, his voice barely above a breath as he presses soft kisses along your collarbone. "i love you more than words can express." his words are filled with genuine affection, each syllable carrying the weight of his emotions. as he trails his fingertips along your skin, he gazes into your eyes with adoration, his gaze filled with warmth and tenderness. "you mean everything to me," he murmurs, his lips grazing yours in a gentle kiss. with renjun, soft and slow sex is more than just physical—it's a soulful connection, a shared moment of love and intimacy that transcends the physical realm.
soft and slow sex with jeno is a deeply intimate and sensual experience. he relishes the opportunity to express his love and desire for you through unhurried and passionate lovemaking. jeno's touches are tender yet purposeful, as he explores you with reverence and adoration. he enjoys creating a sense of anticipation and longing, teasing and tantalizing you with slow and deliberate movements that build to a crescendo of pleasure and intimacy. with jeno, every moment is savored and cherished, as he seeks to create lasting memories of love and connection with you.
"you're my everything," jeno whispers, his voice a tender melody in the quiet intimacy of the moment. his hands caress your skin with a gentle touch, each stroke igniting a spark of desire within you. "i love every moment with you," he confesses, his breath warm against your ear as he pulls you closer. with each word, each touch, you feel his love surrounding you, wrapping you in a cocoon of affection and passion. as you melt into his embrace, the world fades away, leaving only the two of you, lost in the sweet ecstasy of your connection. with jeno, soft and slow sex becomes a symphony of love, a delicate dance of souls intertwined in blissful harmony.
soft and vanilla intimate sex with donghyuck is a delicate dance of passion and tenderness. his touch is gentle yet electrifying, sending shivers down your spine as you lose yourself in the warmth of his embrace. as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, his words carry a sense of longing and devotion that fills you with a deep sense of intimacy.
"i adore you," he murmurs against your skin, his breath warm against your neck. you feel a rush of affection wash over you, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and affection. with each loving caress, donghyuck communicates his desire to make you feel cherished and adored, his touch a gentle reminder of the bond that binds you together. in his arms, soft and vanilla sex becomes a sacred expression of your love, a testament to the unbreakable connection you share.
soft and vanilla intimate sex with jaemin is like being wrapped in a warm embrace, every touch and caress filled with tenderness and affection. he cherishes every moment spent with you, savoring the intimacy and connection that blooms between you. as his lips meet yours in soft, sweet kisses, you feel a sense of tranquility wash over you, melting into his embrace with ease.
"i love you," he whispers against your lips, his voice filled with sincerity and adoration. you return his affectionate gaze, feeling a surge of warmth in your heart as you bask in the depth of his love. with each gentle movement, he communicates his desire to make you feel cherished and loved, his touch igniting a spark of passion that burns slowly and steadily between you. in jaemin’s strong arms, soft and vanilla sex becomes a beautiful expression of the profound bond you share, a testament to the depth of your love and connection.
for chenle, soft and slow sex is all about emotional connection and romantic intimacy. he values the closeness and affection shared between you, savoring every touch and caress exchanged. chenle's lovemaking is tender and attentive, as he focuses on expressing his love and devotion through each gentle movement and gesture. he enjoys whispering sweet words of affection and admiration to you, creating an atmosphere of warmth and tenderness that enhances your connection and deepens your bond.
"i adore you," chenle murmurs softly as he traces patterns along your skin, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "you're so beautiful, so precious to me," he adds, his voice laced with genuine affection. you feel a warmth spread through you at his words, knowing they come from the depths of his heart. with each tender caress, he reaffirms his love for you, creating an intimate space where only your connection matters. in this moment, there is nothing but the two of you, lost in the embrace of love and desire.
soft and slow sex with jisung is a tender and affectionate experience filled with warmth and intimacy. he values the emotional connection and closeness shared between you, cherishing each moment spent in your arms. jisung's lovemaking is gentle and attentive, as he seeks to express his love and devotion through every touch and caress. he enjoys exploring your body with tender affection, eliciting soft sighs and whispers of pleasure from your lips. jisung's movements are slow and deliberate, allowing both of you to fully immerse yourselves in the sensations of the moment. with jisung, soft and slow sex is a beautiful expression of love and intimacy, a precious gift shared between two souls deeply in love with each other.
"i love you," jisung whispers against your skin, his breath warm against your neck as he holds you close. "more than anything in this world," he adds, his voice filled with sincerity and adoration. you feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his love for you. "you mean everything to me," he continues, peppering soft kisses along your jawline. you melt into his embrace, feeling cherished and valued beyond measure. in this moment, there is only the two of you, bound together by a love that knows no bounds.
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jji-lee · 2 months
"lele please, no. oh my god. zhong chenle you better get off of me right now!" your words fall on deaf ears. chenle was pushing your arms down in order to get close to your lips, "just one kiss princess, oneee and i'll let you go, promise." "no, you always do this right after i do my makeup you're gonna ruin my lipstick!" your warning meant nothing to your feral boyfriend, one misstep and you got pushed onto the bed. chenle is now straddling you, pinning your arms over your head. you squeezed your eyes shut and then you felt one quick peck, and then another, and another, until he finally grabbed onto your face and started kissing you all over. in between kisses all you could hear was his sly evil laugh. finally he had decided to let you go and you ran directly to a mirror, your makeup was absolutely ruined. "chenle my makeup is smudged all over, look what you did!" "i think you look hot, now you don't have to go out, come here and let me finish ruining you." you're in for a long night.
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midmourn · 2 months
we can’t be friends
♡ nct dream ﹒ gender neutral!reader genre angst, fluff warnings just angst note im trying to get some writing inspo back😭 been in the trenches for months now sorry guys ( library )
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i4oba · 2 months
nct dream as… / fanfiction aus 𓈒✳︎🏡
[take the quiz here to see which one you get!]
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✰ MARK — childhood friends to lovers!au
ever since you've basically known your name, mark has been the boy next door. there was the cheeky, red letters of "lee" painted on the mailbox, the windows were adorned with the same coloured curtains, and the same doormat has been sitting in front of their door for ages. you have loved mark ever since you two have met. there wasn't a day where you wouldn't think of him, and there hasn't been a day when you haven't loved him. it was like a vicious circle which you couldn't get out of, because those stupid feelings would destroy the oh so precious friendship of yours, and you cannot let that happen, right? i mean, that's what you've thought for far too long, since this friendship meant more to you, than the fragile feeling of love - you didn't want it to get to the point where you would rather spit on each other, than talk it out. maybe that's why you pushed him away from yourself? maybe you just did that because you weren't too sure of your own peace of mind? no matter what, you knew the decision itself was wrong, only to realize it way too late. damaging the friendship and crying yourself to sleep was all your fault, after all, being way too proud and scared, stupid even; when you came back to the town where you two grew up, the least thing you wanted was to meet mark lee, mainly because you wouldn't have been able to look him in the eyes after all these happened. but you had to, so soon you even got a little surprised. it's been a while since the last time you have been home, your bedroom seemed way too unfamiliar at that point, just like the vhs tape placed directly in the middle of your bed. one which you haven't seen yet. it didn't have a title, the white label completely empty as you picked it up. you were a little bit cautious when placing it in the system, waiting for it to play whatever is on it, not having such large imagination to expect anything. it was a home video montage, full of videos of you and mark: playing together, getting ready for the first day of school, going to the movies, the way you two got engaged in middle school as a joke, and the omnious day of prom... you got teary eyed, with one thing on your mind - you have to go and save whatever's left now. maybe you're not too late.
✰ RENJUN — soulmate!au
life had been pretty much grey and dreary until you found The One. the other half everyone had been so obsessed to find. you were never big on all this stuff, because you were convinced you'd be able to live as a single half for you whole life, and don't need anyone else to feel complete. deep inside you knew that all of this is bullshit, truly, and all that was coming out of you was true bitterness and constantly ongoing unsuccessful confessions, making you believe in your delusions. with every passing second, you had to see people find their other half, while you were left to deal with the grey world you were left in, not as a choice but as fate instead. you felt like a loser, a big zero, who doesn't even deserve a soulmate. you thought you were destined to die alone, maybe compensate with something of brilliance: be a composer or a singer, write or paint something extraordinary, lord knows what, just something of importance! you were looking for yourself in every corner of the world, not for a lover or a fling, not for an other half, fully ignoring the law of attraction. it might have been some reverse psychological trick, effecting it all. and this may have been the reason behind why you had to leave that horribly boring theatre play, sneaking out and bumping into The One, who handed back your accidentally dropped bag, slowly looking into your eyes. he might have worked at the theater as he was wearing a name tag on his elegant shirt - huang renjun, it said. but it doesn't even matter, because his eyes were brown! brown! not grey, brown! everything cleared up. you did find the half - with brown eyes and a smile so bright.
✰ JENO — coffee shop!au
it was pretty much bittersweet to step foot in your favourite café: it was getting dark out there, and although the rain has stopped pouring, you got absolutley soaked to the core along the way there, rain replacing the tears on your face by then. your hair was sticking to your forehead uncomfortably, your body trembling without stopping, as you entered. the bell placed above the entrance was ringing lightly, gathering everyone's attention to you, although there wasn't too much people there except for the baristas, maybe two wandering souls, working on their laptops or reading in a cozy corner. well, maybe if it wasn't for getting dumped literal minutes ago, you wouldn't be here either, but it was still the most reasonable choice compared to going to a club or a ruin bar, gettig incredibly drunk, Plus! a good espresso might be able to clear the fog in your head, which you were in need of during this stupidly stressing period of life. you expected hyuck to greet you by the coffee machine, grinning ear to ear, as he always does when you visit between two lectures, but there was a completely new face behind the counter. it's been a long time since you've last seen a new employee here. his smile was sweet and rather warm, eyes conveying a sense of concern as you took one step closer, rubbing your eyes while getting your purse out of your pocket - you discreetly looked at his name tag, right on his black apron: lee jeno. whatta name... by then, you were way to hopeless to try and guess how the day would go, but life had to surprise you, fate deciding funnily against all odds: next to your cup of coffee, there was a napkin, hiding a telephone number on it, messily written down with a short message as well: "would you go out on a date with me, darling? :)"
✰ HAECHAN — rivals to lovers!au
lee donghyuck's name rushed through the hallways of your music academy just as quietly as a whisper, and you never knew why was it all like that ever since you've stepped foot into the school. you couldn't even hide the way too obvious rolls of your eyes every time you heard it. lee donghyuck was one of the biggest prodigies at the academy, no one could even be considered as a rival for him, this is mainly why he was such a big living legend amongst the students - you couldn't even hide how annoyed this made you, especially because he made sure you knew this ever since you two were little. music played a huge part in both of your lives, and somehow, you two always seemed to be at each other's throat, the first place at being the best always changing between the two of you. you could never get rid of each other either; your dad, always being so positive, once said, on your way to the academy sometime between sophomore and junior year, that the only reason behind this is that you two are equally good at what you're doing. you were pretty much skeptic for the longest of time, and felt as if you were destined to be the forever second next to him. you've had enough of always bumping into walls, since hyuck was the one who could stand at the first place ever so proudly. in kindergarten, in middle school, and even in high school, every. god damn. time. and that infuriating smile was plastered all upon his face even when you two were asked to not perform alone on the annual charity gala of your academy - you two had to perform something phenomenal, putting the childish jarring aside, growing out of the silly phase of hating each other, which was all made up by you, and you only, pushing the poor boy away from you. the boy who had always been so obsessed with you, utterly and completely. he won this time again, isn't it right?
✰ JAEMIN — photographer!au
when jaemin brought up the idea of making the last parts of his portfolio with you (which basically means about you), you were a little bit skeptic at first. you loved jaemin dearly, since he was a really understanding friend, but... you were simply terrified of cameras. you didn't really like the idea of being captured at all, you hated looking back at yourself on pictures taken of you, and you couldn't even think about how high quality his pictures would be with that hyper super machine, focused on all the little flawed details of your face that you absolutely despised. no, you couldn't even bear the idea of this whole project, and you stood by this decision of yours, jaemin waiting patiently the whole time, not pushing it too hard. since he wanted to work with you no matter what, giving up on his plan wouldn't be too typical of him - the fight didn't last long but it was pretty heated, him highlighting so many known things that needed to be said finally: it's childish how you reflect on yourself, and your delusions stop you from way too many things. the way he said straight into your face how beautiful he thinks you are, inside and outside, and that he wants the whole world to know how ethereal you are, made you tear up a little - especially when he said his heart breaks every time you speak so lowly of yourself. he truly thinks you're the modern manifestation of aphrodite, that you are his own venus, the muse of him, someone he can adore... that he's way too in love with you to let go of this, and-; the kiss you gave him was short, yet gave him exact answers. answers to hundreds and thousand of unsaid questions he kept hidden in himself for years and years on end.
✰ CHENLE — blind date!au
you clearly didn’t brace yourself for this whole fiasco proposed by donghyuck himself, foolishly believing his reasonings behind how perfect of a matchmaker he is. of course you knew that what he way saying was partly stupid, plus you were like a seventy percent sure he wasn't even sober when he set up a blind date during that omnious frat party he wasn't invited to. you didn't have to worry or anything, that's just how you were - overly anxious of such things, even if you weren't meeting a psychopath. you were only a bit vary of the awkwardness this whole new experience would bring, both of you rushing home way too soon from the date, trying to forget about it as soon as possible. these misconceptions about how the night would go stayed straight until you stopped in front of the restaurant to wait for your - then late already - date. you were a little nervous he stood you up, and you got yourself into the most beautiful piece of clothing from you wardrobe for nothing, but it was worth it, looking back at it, as zhong chenle arrived and you two simply just... clicked? automatically? not to mention you two decided to leave the place after the hors d'oeuvre, since you both found the place a little too fancy at that moment, going to a simple ice cream parlor instead, taking a walk in the park after, talking about anything and everything that came to mind: family, politics, movies and the most embarrassing memories from your childhood came up too, as you couldn't help but laugh at how chenle dropped his ice cream cone on the ground, while he simultaneously promised you that he wouldn't drop the cone on the next date - and you smiled, so happily.
✰ JISUNG — secret admirer!au
you were head over heels for jisung and his undying love for dancing. but, thinking a bit deeper about it, while writing that foolish, teenager like love letter for him, forced into the role of his secret admirer, there were much more of those things that made you feel head over heels for the boy: he showed you what persistence was, he spent the whole of his youth with you, and he wasn't afraid to spend the rest of his life with you, helping you out anytime you're in need of it, since he couldn't not do that as you "best friend". he couldn't be evil with you, he was never able to leave you and he couldn't even envision a future in which you weren't by his side. but the border he made up between the two of you, was never crossed - you two were friends, not more, not less. you were so torn deep inside, as you were helpless, being in the never ending limbo you would rather push forward, but he kept on tugging it backwards; the idea of writing letters was originally from your mother, who had enough of your obvious agony. she was positive you would write every feeling of yours out, making it easier as time goes by. their number kept growing, however, one letter becoming a dozen soon enough, maybe even more in the meantime, while not writing a name on any of them, referring to yourself only as a mere secret admirer. they suddenly disappeared from the bottom of your drawer one day, though, realizing way too late that the ringing phone in your pocket was in fact park jisung, the picture of him taking up the screen of your mobile - did he know?
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