filministic · 2 months
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The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024)
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[1x09] Klaus: I can't talk to the person I love. People... still don't take me seriously. [3x08] Luther: Well, we made some friends along the way.
Klaus and Luther + being kidnapped
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journalofabird · 18 days
I never noticed that in season one of tua:
Klaus gets kidnapped and NOBODY notices. Of course, this portrays how he's unappreciated and unacknowleged as an important member of the "family", whatsoever.
BUT while everyone is looking for tipsy, mature Five, causing little family drama, THE ONE FINDING HIM IS THE EX-GIRLFRIEND OF DIEGO WHO JUST MISUNDERSTOOD HIS COMPLAINS?!?! AND THAT K!LLED HER?!?
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elijahdmgz · 4 months
The original version of the Anpanman Taisou song makes me emotional for some reason, idk why....
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sharperthewriter · 7 months
I don't know if it qualifies as Drakgo but here are a couple of videos of a costumed Drakken and Shego dancing a Rhumba to "Could It Be" in the first video and the cha-cha to the KP theme song in the second that I found on Twitter/X.
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Cha-Cha - An Enigma - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author Notes: And with this the Octatrio will all have their dance fics. I'm not gonna lie, I think Azul's turned out the best. But that could just be personal taste and/or the waltz speaking. While this specific dance doesn't have any inspiration the judges comments were heavily inspired by the judges comments on Milo Manheim and Whitney Carson’s Cha-Cha from Week 1 Season 27 of Dancing with the Stars. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List
Type: Dance Au/ Female reader/ fluff/ platonic but you could probably take it as romantic if you squint a little
Word count: 921
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The cha-cha was a playful and rather flirtatious dance, which meant one would naturally want a partner that could keep up with such energy. 
Cater, Ace, Floyd, or Ruggie would be the individuals one would select simply based on that description. But my partner was not on that list.
That said, Jade had no trouble being playful or even flirty. In fact, despite his usual gentlemanly butler act, he seemed to excel at both things. 
What he apparently did not excel at, though, was dancing.
Jade wasn’t like Ace or Lilia, who threw in too many of their own moves, and he wasn’t like Riddle, whose dance was rather devoid of emotion. Jade followed the rules but also managed to get into the basic energy of the dance. 
His trouble also wasn’t that he was lacking in strength or coordination. 
In fact, one could even argue that Jade was rather elegant with little to no difficulty. But then, to be fair, all of the mermen of Octavinelle seemed to have a natural sort of grace.
But despite having the makings of a good dancer, Jade was not good. I couldn’t say he was exactly bad either, but… Well, dancing didn’t seem to come naturally to Octavinelle’s vice-housewarden. 
He perpetually needed polishing if Floyd’s instruction during off-hours at Monstro Lounge were anything to go by. 
It was an enigma, rather like Jade himself. How could someone be so innately graceful yet so unable to dance? Was it a simple lack of rhythm? But that didn’t make sense either, considering Jade could play both the upright bass and the bass guitar in the Octatrio’s band.
It was truly unfortunate, because even during choreography, I could tell Jade had the makings of a good dancer who would be a fun partner. 
He was capable of teasing his partner and having a good bit of fun, save for the fact that while he was dancing, he was so incredibly out of his comfort zone. Because Jade knew he wasn’t a good dancer. 
In fact, he’d fessed up to it the very moment I’d walked into choreography practice and saw him standing there.
“I’m afraid this is more in my brother’s realm of expertise…” He’d trailed off, a rather uncomfortable smile on his face. 
It had been startling since the only other time I’d ever seen Jade out of his comfort zone was usually when he was up at any height, such as during flight class. Other than that, the eel merman seemed to excel at everything. But now I knew something else he struggled with. Dancing.
Despite my usual habit of teasing, I didn’t even think of picking on the young man as we got ready for our performance. Instead, I ended up smiling reassuringly at him, “It’ll be okay. You’ll do fine, and even if you don’t pass this class, there are other dances that I’m sure you’ll be great at.”
The tight smile he gave me was all the answer I needed, but, ever polite, he still responded as he readied himself, “I appreciate the sentiment, Prefect. However, I'd prefer not to have to perform again. I do not relish making a fool of myself.”
I patted him affectionately because Jade wasn’t all bad and I couldn’t help but feel for the usually poised young man. 
Seeing Jade behave awkwardly was… unsettling.
 “You won’t. Just think: you’re going after Ace. As long as you don’t gyrate as much as he did, no one will mock you,” I smiled winningly up at the young man and received a flickering smile to his face, half-amused by my words.
“No, but Floyd will crucify me if I ruin this.” I laughed at his comment, drawing a smile to his face.
And that wasn’t the only time he smiled. In fact, he grinned at me throughout our performance. Slipping in little teasing remarks even as I could tell he was doing his very best to ignore the multitude of people watching.
But even then, he didn’t pass the class.
“Your timing was brilliant, and you have a wonderful stature for a good appearance while dancing. But,” Crewel paused, meeting Jade’s gaze, and the poor boy didn’t even look surprised. 
He just stood there. A polite smile on his face as he received his condemning grade.
“You unfortunately did not finish your moves, and this is common for a boy of your height,” Crewel finished, glancing over to see Trein nodding his agreement before picking up where the younger instructor left off.
“Yes, your height and the length of your limbs seemed to be your greatest trouble, Mr. Leech. You stopped your motions too soon and didn’t stretch all the way through your legs, and even ended up looking a little knobbly kneed sometimes.”
Crowley pressed his hand to his mouth, frowning slightly as he nodded before looking up at the young man next to me once more, “Yes… I’m afraid we cannot give a passing grade for this performance due to too many technical issues.”
Jade accepted his failure with grace, as expected, but I still found myself patting him on the arm as I leaned around to better look him in the eye, “Either way, you did good. And I don’t think Floyd will crucify you.” 
He paused, glancing over his shoulder with his signature sharp-toothed grin of his face that promised he was just as much trouble, if not more, than his chaotic brother. "True, I would give him a great deal of difficulty with that."
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cinnamoncee · 11 days
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zhury · 10 months
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hjbirthdaywishes · 5 months
January 11, 2024
Happy 53 Birthday to Mary J. Blige.
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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ancientstone · 2 years
It would have been so easy to introduce Hazel and Cha-Cha with the 'don't stop me now' fight scene at the end of ep.2 - They're just one of the Big Bads of the season, all we need to know is that they want to stop Five.
Instead, we get a scene largely consisting of them moaning about the Commission management, complaining about losing their dental, and shit talking the grotty motel they've been put up in, and personally I think that's beautiful.
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filministic · 4 months
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The Umbrella Academy (2019-…)
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alaffy · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy, Ep. 1x03 – Extra Ordinary
If there is one thing I have loved in this series since the first episode, it is the soundtrack. Honestly, I’ve been having the most fun listening to their song choices.  That being said, I am starting to get more into the show.  I had a feeling that, after the first two or three episodes set up the world, it would be much more interesting.
We get to see a glimpse of what happened after Vanya wrote her autobiography.  It doesn’t seem like it was a best seller, and it pissed her family off.  Not that I’m very sympathetic about the family being pissed off. I do think the others think of Vanya as a sibling, but they are very…it’s clear that they see her as something weaker than them.   We also see her getting close to Leonard, who I still don’t trust.    
One thing I haven’t really mentioned is Klaus’ addictions; that are clearly caused by the fact that he is tormented by the dead.  While I enjoy Klaus’ antics on the show, I do hope that they eventually figure out a way to ease his pain.  
We find out that Allison did a really, really horrible thing in that she used her power in order to stop her daughter for misbehaving.  No, it’s more then that.  She wanted her daughter to stop misbehaving so, instead of dealing with her child’s behavior, she used her powers to control her mind and emotions so that the behavior would stop.  I can understand why Allison’s ex doesn’t want Allison around.
Five basically sits this one out, more or less, as he is sitting in a van and watching (sometimes following) the doctors from where the eye will be created.  It looks like there’s some sort of conspiracy, which no shit, but yeah that’s his issue this ep.
The biggest event happens around Mom, the android that raised the family.  It turns out Mom was in the room when Dad died and seemed to steel the Monocle.  Luther wonders if Mom poisoned Dad and calls a family meeting.  It seems doubly suspicious when Vanya mentions that Dad told her that Mom was programed to act if a family member was in danger and yet she ignored the signs of the heart attack.  Diego, at this point, admits to steeling the Monocle because he knew that, if Luther found it in Mom’s possession, Luther would assume Mom did kill Dad.  So, there are two questions that are put to the family: one, did Mom purposely kill Dad or is there a malfunction in her programing; and two, even if it is a malfunction, do we deactivate Mom?  The family is split 3-2 in favor of deactivating Mom (well, 4-2 but only Klaus knows about Ben’s vote); still no decisions will be final until Number Five has a chance to vote.  (Um, hello, what about Pogo?)
The reason why Diego is so adamant about not turning off Mom is because he seems to be the closest to her. It turns out, as a child, he had a severe stutter and it was her that helped find ways to manage it.  But because she helped him, something it is implied was seen as a weakness by Dad, Diego is the one who noticed how poorly Mom was treated.
Meanwhile, Hazel and Cha-Cha are still looking for Number Five.  They manage to talk to the waitress at the donut shop and she mentions that Number Five had a tattoo, which she draws for them.  Of course, the tattoo is the mark of The Umbrella Academy and so they go to the home to find Five.  What they find, instead, is the rest of the siblings who don’t take kindly to people shooting up their house.  During the fight, Vanya is hurt and Luther is revealed to be some kind of Beast (Like if the Mutant Beast had somehow only partially mutated).  Hazel and Cha-Cha manage to escape, but Cha-Cha takes a serious wound and Hazel, well, he takes Klaus and stores him in a car trunk.
At the same time, it becomes apparent that Mom is, in fact, malfunctioning.  Diego goes upstairs to check on her after the fight and realizes she didn’t know anything had happened.   Diego also sees that Mom is unaware that she is sowing into her own arm.  Realizing that there is something really wrong with Mom, Diego decides to deactivate her.  Of course, instead of letting everyone know what he did, he decides to take his anger out on Vanya and call her a liability.  Robin tries to be more tactful, but pretty much says the same thing.  And that’s why Vanya goes running to Leonard; which is probably a bad thing.  
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sytycdinternational · 2 years
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Alexis Warr & Keaton Kermode / Cha-Cha (x)
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ghouljams · 16 days
Simon Riley who settles his full weight on you when you open your arms to him. Who, without fail, will shove a thick thigh between your legs as you try to adjust to his weight. Who pushes said thigh just that bit harder against you when your hips shift, when you try to find a comfortable angle with your newly, forcibly, spread legs. Who curls over you like an animal, who makes sure you feel each little shift of your cunt against his thigh as you try to push him off. The layers of clothes you're each wearing mean nothing when you can feel the hard press of his cock against your hip, the aching needy heat between your legs. You may think you're being sneaky when you finally start to rub your clothed cunt against his firm thigh, but he can feel every little twitch from you.
"That's it," he'll tell you, "rub yourself dumb, wanna know that pussy's nice and wet before I break it open."
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polygraphish-art · 1 year
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i am not immune to finnish man going cha cha cha, i have eurovision brainrot
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