#captain marvel dc
neoymm · 1 day
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RAAAAH okay i did the b&w challenge and randomized the colour palette
shocking that it looks pretty ok/good
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bw version
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rad-batson · 1 year
Quick headcanon that at some point, the Justice League makes a time-off calendar for every time a leaguer is busy and needs someone to keep their city safe while they’re gone. Maybe they have a work trip or a family thing or even some vacation they planned.
All a hero has to do is request time off, and another member will sub in while they’re gone. The only problem is that it creates a pattern. It would be suspicious if Green Arrow is only replaced when Oliver Queen is on a business trip, right? So to keep the public on their toes, JL members are encouraged to take a random day off each month or so and switch out with no rhyme or reason. Just any random day, any random hour.
The outcome is complete chaos.
Clark Kent has the pleasure of interviewing Wonder Woman at the scene of a car chase she just stopped in Metropolis.
Some muggers in Star City are scooped up into a giant glowing cage while Green Lantern riddles off bird puns to an exasperated Black Canary.
A team of robbers hit a bank in Central City but get roasted by Plastic Man for their poor their safe-cracking skills as they’re taken into custody.
Black Manta uses his high tech weaponry to wreak havoc in the Atlantic only to be hit with a torpedo as the Bat-Sub dives towards him at full speed.
Cyborg is lecturing a group of teen vandals in Fawcett City when Captain Marvel just waltzes up, says, “I’m tapping back in,” and continues the lecture where he left off.
Complete. And. Utter. Chaos. No one knows who will show up at the scene now, not even the cops, but criminals are scared shitless.
The JL decides to keep the calendar. If only for entertainment.
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audhd-nightwing · 10 months
the JL, about Robin (dick and/or jason): how can you let a child fight crime??
bruce, looking right at Captain Marvel, fully aware he’s actually a ten year old: it’s complicated
billy, knows Batman knows about him: *sweating profusely* y-yeah Batman why would you do that
bruce: *stares into the security camera like he’s on The Office, knowing babs is watching this whole thing happen and likely sending it to his kids*
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chaoticallyfluffy · 28 days
I absolutely love the idea of Captain Marvel introducing Mary (in costume, of course) to the Justice League and confusing the hell out of them.
Bonus points if she’s clearly a teenager while powered up like in the comics.
He brings in a teenage girl who looks a lot like him so they obviously assume she’s his daughter and he laughs and is like “we’re identical twins, silly!”
They look back and forth between the mountain of a man with a huge smile on his face and the tiny girl boss standing in front of him defensively who looks like she can, will, and has destroyed anyone that questions it so they just smile and nod while freaking out internally.
The bet on Captain Marvels age that has been getting more and more scrambled and absurd over the years is deemed a lost cause and they finally call it off as soon as the Marvels leave the room.
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lavena · 4 months
New headcannon of Captain Marvel having all the gods on his side.
I'm talking the wind doesn't move against him, doesn't matter if there is a torrential down pour or the wind is moving north at 80 mph, If Cap moves to look North. The wind will change to south so his cape flutters and his hair flows around his eyes. If he wants someone to hear his voice the wind will take it, if it is a private conversation the wind will muffle him.
If there is a big fight that was hard won the clouds will lightly part to make a spotlight shine on their champion.
Animals will visit and bring gifts. Stars will wink at him. Plants reach towards him. Artists gain inspiration through him.
The gods love Billy Batson, the wind will pick up spare change and interesting articles to bring to him. The rain will fall lightly on him, and his subway never floods. There always manages to be clean water in a canteen, or a helpful critter that leads him to food. Lightning will punctuate his anger and flash violently behind him, blinding those he is angry at, giving him time to run.
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thecrowmonster · 13 days
dc characters as tumblr/twitter posts
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herbatahleb · 1 year
Some evil dude: Captain Marvel is my worst enemy
Captain Marvel:
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billymarvel · 1 month
There's had to been a day where Billy transforms in an alley where a few stray animals are scavenging n fucking makes their fur stick up on end. They run off, terrified by the abrupt lightning, and random onlookers from down the road just see a bolt of lightning, a red blur fly across the sky, n three singed cats running while screaming like no tomorrow.
The people of Fawcett probably think some weird animal torturer is on the loose, or that the electrical lines are playing up, but no, it's just their local hero calling the wizards name in the most desolate places.
Someone sends a letter to whiz radio asking Billy to tell Cap to Please Be Careful Of Where You Call For Lightning, These Cats Only Got So Many Lives. It's embarrassing. It's humiliating. He cannot let the Justice League find out about this.
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tecla-chave · 14 days
JL is affected by a truth serum and everyone decides to wait for the effect to stop on the space station, after some time the league is 90% sure that everything is normal. Bats have the idea of someone telling some obvious lie (which he can't do bc no one knows how to differentiate whether bats are lying or not). Cap stands up and says “I’m a 10 year old boy.” Everyone laughs and starts talking again. Cap lies, he's 12.
Everyone laughs and (gl or flash) tries to lie, but they tell the truth. Now the league is silently looking at Billy.
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jl invites their new member captain marvel to a black tie event and says he can have a plus one so of course billy needs to bring mr tawky tawny
cue an entrance that involves a lot of panic and screaming
who let a tiger in here?!!
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dio-niisio · 9 days
Ok we all know the idea that billy Batson gets discovered as just a little boy by the Justice League, and don't get me wrong I also love that, but imagine if they never find out...
Billy continues to hide his secret identity, and the JL makes peace with it, sure they don't know what their colleague does in his off time or if he has a family, but that's for the best I guess, he has his reasons to not say it to us right.
And it's eating poor Billy inside! He's a grown up! He should be able to tell his friends about himself! So after thinking for a very long time, he just agrees to do stuff he usually created excuses not to do.
Like "Yeah Arthur! I would like a drink with you! First round is on me!" or "Hahaha! That reminds me of my sister Mary!" and everyone is so weirded out! It's been 10+ years and Cap is finally letting us in!?!? Sure the league is happy, Captain Marvel the heart of the League it's a good thing that he's finally open up a little bit!
But some Bat is not that convinced. Why the suden change in behavior? Is something going on? Is Marvel ok? So he decides to have some alone time with Marvel. And he finds the results 'inconclusive'.
So he just point blank asks "Who are you?"
"Oh! me? I'm Billy Batson! I though that you already knew that, old friend!"
And Batman just nods, like he already knew that (he doesn't know, he'll run to the Batcomputer to look it up!!) and leaves.
The next day a emergency meeting is called.
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rainybasementthing · 1 year
The Justice league is fighting some monsters, then one of said monsters proceeds to rip off Captain marvels left arm mid-fight.
He doesn’t notice and keeps fighting, somehow not realizing he’s missing a goddamn arm. The Justice league on the other hand, are mortified.
After the fight, someone (maybe flash?) runs up to him panicking, asking him how he’s not freaking out and in pain. Batman states he is probably running on adrenaline right now, and to stay calm.
Billy is looking around, trying to find out what the problem was.
Oh, his arm!
Billy calmly walks over where his arm is, picks it up.
Billy adjusts his arm, before giving the league a thumbs up. He explains that this…feature was because a past champion was killed after getting ripped to shreds.
Needless to say, they started checking him for nerve damage after that.
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rad-batson · 9 months
AU where after 12yo Billy’s identity gets revealed to the JL, Bruce Wayne gives his number to Billy for emergencies or any other situation where he might need an adult (like a get-out-of-jail free card, covering rent, signing a permission slip, advice, anything.) No strings attached. He won’t act controlling. Just in case, you know?
And for a while it’s never used because Billy would rather take his own eye out than ask an adult for help. Until Billy realizes there are a lot more benefits to this than he thought. Now whenever Uncle Dudley is at work and Constantine is too busy running from the magical authorities or (more importantly) he doesn’t want either to know what he’s doing, Bruce is the adult he calls.
Cap, over comms: Hey Bruce, I need advice.
Bruce, already in the zeta tube: Which villain is it?
Cap: You have style, right? What should I wear to the school dance? Because Dudley said a ruffled tuxedo shirt is “a classic” but it sounds ugly and-
Bruce: Oh, it’s that kind of advice.
Bruce: *posing as Billy’s guardian for class registration day*
PTA Mom: Hello sir, is this your son?
Bruce: *looks at Billy*
Billy: *nodding his head*
Bruce: Yes
Billy: Hey Bruce, can you buy something for me?
Bruce: What is it?
Billy: *slowly hands Bruce a copy of The Conjuring*
Bruce: Billy, I don’t think you should—
Billy: You promised :(
Bruce: *whispering* fuck
Cap, over comms: Uhh, Bruce? Do you know Sanskrit?
Bruce: Yeah, why? Is it for a school assignment?
Cap: …Don’t tell Constantine.
Cap: I got kidnapped by an ancient cult, and I need you to help me escape.
Bruce: *crushes the mug of coffee he’s holding*
Bruce: Oh?
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Okay I know reading cap's mind doesn't work but what if Billy's mind wasn't as protected. Like imagine if the jl got shunted into Billy's mind (idk he wasn't answering his comm so they went to check and got waylaid by sivana or something) and like.
Captain marvel, THEIR all powerful world famous behemoth of a man, sitting at a little fancy tea table, sipping from a floral tea cup: what are you doing here
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neoymm · 28 days
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“how many times have you died billy?”
reference to him dying in most of dc universe :(
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apollo18 · 1 year
Black Canary: Hey cap how come all of your villains keep calling you weirdly infantilizing insults?
Green arrow: Yeah that savana guy is so condescending to you, he didn’t act nearly as bad to us and Black Adam calls you brat and baby man.
Captain Marvel: *lying through his ass* oh that? That’s bc sometimes my villains try to depower me to figure out my secret identity because I take a different form when I’m not using my powers. When they actually manage to succeed I have a magic fail safe that at the last second it turns me into a little boy so they don’t actually discover my secret identity. They legitimately think I’m a twelve year old.
Batman, eyes narrowing: Why a twelve year old?
Captain Marvel, bullshiting: It’s the only spell I found that doesn’t turn me into something like a rabbit or mouse. I would rather be a kid than cat food, at least people try to help screaming kids.
Green Arrow: …That’s fucking genius
Wonder Woman, suddenly: I want to see Baby Marvel now
Captain Marvel: *internally* oh no.
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