#can i see baby azul and tweels please
midostree-art · 16 days
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oepionie · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
⊹ [ cw ] — mentions of winter storms, prefect is implied to have bad living conditions, mild violence in the tweels parts, jade breaks someone's wrist, crowley slander, ace slander◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFFY! feminine reader! no gendered pronouns used, riddle uses his dorm position to spoil you, seeing trey driving is very hot, deuce biceps, leona and azul sugar daddy era, ruggie would rather freeze to death than have you be cold, jack carries you, jade and floyd will fight for you, rook makes you his muse and paints you, malleus renovates the entire diasomnia dorm for you, sebek carries your pink handbags◞
⊹ [ characters ] — riddle, trey, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, rook, malleus, sebek◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 4.9k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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Princess treatment, Like—literally
Loathe is Riddle to admit—He can't deny the fact that being his lover meant you got special treatment. Prime example being your position at unbirthday parties. At the banquet table, just beside Riddle's designated throne, was your throne. Similar in style, it had a heart-shaped crest and golden frame; the only difference was that it was milky white rather than deep red. And despite his best efforts to downplay the favoritism shown to you, Riddle knows for a fact that he had the throne commissioned himself.
"Come with me." The dorm leader says as he moves towards you, leading you towards your throne. He didn't fail to notice how your legs shook slightly as you walked alongside him or how your hands didn’t leave his coat once. Not that he minded.
The redhead clasped your hands in his as he sat you down onto the leather seat before adjusting the train of your dress to ensure that it wouldn't bother you.
"How are you fairing?" Riddle asked softly, kneeling before you to slip a leather-clad hand behind your knees. He set your feet up on a plush stool and slipped your pointed heels off, gently caressing your ankles. "I overheard you earlier, griping about your feet aching. I certainly hope you're not pushing yourself too hard."
"Ah, no. I just chose the wrong heels today. They're too pointy." You sighed, poking at your crimson red heels, which were discarded to the grassy sides. Groaning, you reclined back on your throne, the billowing, fluffy skirt of the dress Riddle had recently gifted tumbling all about you.
"I see." Riddle nodded in understanding, taking your hand and pressing a quick gentlemanly kiss on your wrists. "The croquet game is up next. I suppose you'd rather stay here?"
"Yeah, I think I need some alone time," you sigh. Riddle squeezes once more your hand in reply, letting his eyes shut in contemplation.
"Very well," He hums, moving to gently tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. "Do rest here a while, rose."
There was a soft smile as the leather of his hands glide across your back. "Oh, and, please let a member of my dorm know if you ever need anything. Worry not. I've instructed everyone here to be at your beck and call."
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— ♰ TREY
Passenger princess treatment<3
Every weekend, it was routine for Trey to whisk you away from your beaten-up dorm. After all, he was sure it was nice to spend the day in a place where you weren't inhaling dust and spiders every second. Both of you would always go over to his parent's café in the city for a simple little brunch date. And without fail, Trey would always pick you up at 9am sharp by the school gates.
"… I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?"
Soft music played from the car's radio as the third-year weaved through the barren intersections, careful and slow. It seems as if the roads were merciful to you both today, calm and free of any traffic.
Trey languidly reaches one of his hands, calloused from his years of baking, over to rest gently on your thigh. His thumb rubs soft circles and nonsensical patterns over your plump skin while the other gripped the steering wheel in a loose hold, biceps flexing as he twisted the wheel to turn the car.
Focused as he was, you didn't miss how his gaze flits back and forth between the road and you, the expression swimming within them almost akin to a distant longing.
You place your hand atop his and lean against the passenger door. A wide grin spreads over your glossy red lips as you shake your head playfully. "Keep your eyes on the road."
Mirthful laughter spills from your mouth before your eyes flutter shut as you sway along to the song, mindlessly kicking your legs around. "Crashing and going to the hospital doesn't really sound like a good date idea."
A pensive smile creeps up on Trey's face, and he lets out a low chuckle. "Yeah? I just can't help it. You're a much more interesting sight."
He watched as the sun's dazzling light bathed your image in a beautiful, pleasant glow. To him, you looked ethereal, seemingly glowing and shining under the golden streaks of sunlight that pour through the windshield.
"What did I just say?" you sighed, smiling cheekily as you smoothed a hand over his clover-colored hair, fixing the stray strands moved askew by the wind from the open windows. "Hello~? Wonderland to Trey? Eyes on the road?"
He paused for a while before chuckling, his hands splaying out on the steering wheel as he turned his gaze back front. "Right, right. I'll be careful, princess."
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— ♰  DEUCE
Carries your things for you and will not let you do any heavy lifting at all plus he buys you drinks!
Screw Crowley Dire. You were sick of Ramshackle's awful, scratchy furniture. For once, you wished you could sit on something that wasn't littered with dust bunnies or looked like it came straight from the depths of the underworld—no offense to Idia. And so, using the money you had painstakingly saved over the last six months, you decided to buy a cute, frilly sofa.
Problem was—you couldn't lift it at all. It was too wide and heavy for your poor untrained arms. Fortunately for you, your boyfriend was more than happy to help ^^
"Um…Deuce? Are you sure you don't want me to work?" Perched atop the kitchen counters, you were worriedly staring down at him.
While he was preoccupied with lifting the couch, you were lazily sipping on a bubble tea—a drink which he bought for you himself. Humming, you let your gaze move from the soft line of his cheekbone, to the sharper cut of his jaw, before resting it onto the thick of his arms. " I don't mind helping, you know."
Deuce was standing by the door, arms tucked beneath the couch as he braced himself for lifting. "Yeah, I got this. Don't worry."
Now, why was he here, exactly? Well…First off, you didn't intend to call him at all.
In the middle of trying to haul your couch into Ramshackle's entrance, Deuce had appeared out of nowhere, offering his help. Despite your vehement denial, the stubborn boy wouldn't take no for an answer, and eventually forced you to sit down, shoving the bright, bubbly drink in your hand without saying a word.
So, here you were. Shamelessly ogling at him while he tried to find a way to bring the couch in.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt—Oh!" You gasped, hand flying up to cover your agape mouth when Deuce easily lifted it up as if it were made of air. In response to your expression of astonishment, he grinned and playfully flexed his arms. "See?"
While Deuce set the couch down in front of the TV, you slipped off the counters and strode over to him. Jumping into his embrace, you draped your arms around his shoulder and pressed a big kiss on his cheeks, watching in delight as his face exploded in pink. "You're so strong! Thank you so much!"
Deuce let a wobbly smile stretch across his burning cheeks, his hands slack atop your hips. "Y-Yeah! No problem."
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Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 + Hints at passenger princess treatment
Leona Kingscholar was not a romantic. Naturally, he has stayed to himself ever since he was little. This lion was not the kind to be sentimental, gooey, or emotional. So it is astonishing how quickly this stone-cold personality of his breaks down when he's around you.
Every little thing you do drives him into a lovesick frenzy, and he has no idea how to stop it. He wasn't particularly into grand displays of affection or romantic gestures. Ergo, in an effort to express his adoration, he turns to more…costly methods.
"Tell me what you want." Leona demands, tone serious as he wraps a rough yet protective arm around your hips. Both of you were standing smack dab in the middle of a large shopping mall. Though the more you stood here, the more you began to realize that this place wasn't really your…ordinary mall.
First and foremost, when Leona pulled up, there was private parking, and that was already intimidating to you in and of itself. Second, it seems like every single store in here was a luxury brand. You've seen a couple of these logos plastered onto the tags of Vil's or Jade and Floyd's clothes.
As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure their plastic bags cost more than your entire yearly allowance combined.
"Ah, um…"  A nervous sweat built up on your brow as you fished your wallet out, peering into what little funds you had. "Leona, honey—I just needed to get some school supplies…Is there a different mall we can go to?" You sheepishly smiled up at him. "I don't think I can afford to get anything here."
Silence immediately follows as Leona stares at you with a dumbfounded look. Blinking bluntly, he scoffs. "Who said you were paying?"
"Hu-Huh?" You stammered, fiddling with your wallet. The lion's eyes were ripped wide open in shock, as if the mere thought of you spending your own money on your own things was a criminal act. Something so ludicrous that even a person with his deceptive persona finds it distasteful.
"Ain't it obvious already? I'm paying," Leona huffs, dragging you to a nearby jewelry shop. Behind the glass were displays of glittering pearls and jewels, each of which had delicate and intricate carvings. "And we're gettin' more than stationary."
"But-!" You start, only to get interrupted as his calloused hand clamps over your mouth.
"No buts."
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Giving you his coat when you're cold and just being sickeningly sweet<3
Ruggie was used to working for others, and this habit of his pours over to you. Though it wouldn't take long for people to notice that his acts of labor was…different with you.
For others, Ruggie works because there's an exchange, a benefit, or a payment for him. For you, however, he does things with no motive in mind. He would never ask for more because he genuinely didn't need anything more, and if he ever did, a simple kiss or hug from you would be plenty.
It was a frigid winter day and both of you were walking to school together, a routine you both developed over the past few months. As you followed him through the deep snowfall, the cold wind nipped and bit at your skin, making you shudder. Despite the struggle, you push on, the rough pads of your boots dragging along the thick blankets of snow.
Unfortunately for you, the flimsy cardigan you bought at Sam's did nothing to keep your body safe from the cruel winter.
While Ruggie's oversized warm coat helps kept him sufficiently warmed up, you, on the other hand, are struggling. You know you should have gotten a thicker coat, but this was all you could afford last minute.
Ever so caring, your boyfriend is quick to notice this and turns back around, trudging through the snow to meet you.
"C'mere," Ruggie drags you into his embrace and starts to slowly inch the coat off his shoulders. With your form now pushed against his body, he takes the chance to press a soft kiss against your cheeks. At the exchange of affection, both of you erupt in soft giggles, lovesick grins stretched across your lips.
The moment feels intimate, loving, and safe.
"Here ya' go." Suddenly he's engulfing you in his thick cloak and zipping it up. Protesting, you try to give it back, but all he does is snicker and shake his head. He peppers warm kisses on the side of your bare frostbitten neck, relishing in the giggles that spill from your lips. "Keep it. I can handle the cold. I'm used to it but I can't have you freezin' out here, now can I?"
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— ♰  JACK
Carries you when your feet start to hurt, tee hee
Jack was strong and well-disciplined. He's worked hard and trained himself to peak physical condition, yet even then, he's continually seeking to improve himself even more. He's tried it all: fitness routines, weight lifting, and sports. And it pays off.
His strength has proven useful in a variety of circumstances. from physical education classes, sporting events, marathons, and, strangely enough, carrying you when your heels begin to hurt your feet.
Jack looks around the booths as he takes your hands in his, pulling you along the festival crowds, "Hm. I think the takoyaki stand is around here. You were craving that earlier, right?" If it weren't for the intense dull ache at the bottom of your ankles, you would have been delighted to hear about the delectable octopus snack.
Instead, you hissed and pulled on the beastman's hand, halting to a stop, unable to take the torture of your heels any longer. "Jack, hold on a second."
Groaning, you slouch down on a nearby bench and kick off your heels, scowling at the dull throb that's pressing itself against the back of your foot. Jack quickly knelt down by your side, ears alert and tail swishing.
"What's wrong?" He questions as he drags your legs over to rest on top of his firm thighs. "Do your feet hurt?"
"Yeah," you sigh. "I kinda regret putting on heels at a festival like this…I didn't realize it would hurt so bad. I just wanted to look cute."
The wolf ponders for a moment before swiftly turning around, presenting his back to you, "Get on."
"Eh?" You blinked, tilting your head to the side. Jack looks away, keeping his head tilted to the ground as a dark flush swept over his skin. "I'll carry you…I-If your feet hurt, I won't mind carrying you."
"Oh!" Smiling, you slip onto his back and wrap your arms snug around his neck. Jack clutches your heels in one hand while the other grasps onto your thigh. The beastman easily stands up, supporting both his and your weight as he heads towards the food stands.
"Who knew you were such a softie, Jack! Hehe." You tease, pressing a kiss against the side of his neck. The beastman flushed even more, avoiding your gaze at all cost.
"Tch. I-I don't go around doing this for anyone."
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— ♰  AZUL
Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 #2
Azul lived to spoil you.
For you, the octo-mer gleefully buys mountains of clothing. Your entire wardrobe has been thoughtfully planned by him (and often rapidly purchased, Floyd is always the victim to his 12am shopping whims).
Other than clothing, he's also quite fond of jewelry. He clasps pure pearls to your ears, drapes diamonds over your neck, and slips rings onto your fingers. It would be the highlight of Azul's day to see the items he had purchased for you proudly displayed for all the students on campus to see.
"Shall we?" he asks softly as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you up from your chair. The smooth white silk of your dress cascades off the plush leather seat, draping down to your ankles. Azul swiftly guides you away from the lounge, signaling at both Floyd and Jade in the corner to clean up before turning his attention back to you, once more. "I hope the food was to your liking, angelfish?"
"Oh, it was," you confirm, a smile playing on your lips. Leaning up, you press a warm kiss against his lips, one which he returns. "Thank you for the wonderful night, Azul! The dress as well. It looks beautiful."
"Why, of course." The octo-mer hums, running his hand up your back. As he slips both of you into his room, he shuts the door with his foot and guides you to his vanity. "Though I do have one last gift."
"Another?" You chuckle, "Don't you think you spoil me too much? I don't want it to seem like I'm leeching off of you…"
"No, you could never," Azul says as he motions you to a seat near the table of his vanity. The octo-mer reaches over and opens a drawer, revealing a nice velvet box.
As the box is opened, a gorgeous sea-glass necklace with a stunning silver-coral colour is exhibited to you. It sat prettily atop a white plush pillow, winking at you. Azul deftly runs a hand up your neck to pull your hair back and your lips parts in a "o" when he clasps it on.
"Azul," you breathlessly murmur. "I can't possibly—This must have cost a fortune."
"It's for you," Azul smiles. "Only for you."
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— ♰  JADE
You have scary eel privileges'
It was not uncommon for Jade to come knocking at your door in opportune times of the night to accompany you out for a walk. You mentioned once how you loved stargazing and Jade hasn't let that go since. For he too had always carried a fondness for the night, more specifically, the moon.
It was constant, a repetitive lustrous cycle, and despite his thrill seeking nature, he took comfort in its consistency. Walks with you were the highlight of his week, and he certainly does not take interruptions from pesky little bugs lightly.
The night sky above Ramshackle was littered with painted specs of sparkling stars, burning brightly amidst the gradients of blue and black. Jade had a firm hand situated by the small of your back, gently guiding you along the dirt path of the trail.
"It's so beautiful…" You murmur in astonishment, craning your head up to peer up at the canvas of stars. Chuckling, Jade tugs you in closer to slip his large jacket over your shoulders. "I'm glad you like it, pearl. I do hope it's not too cold?"
"Not at all."
Both of you continue along your hike, going deeper and deeper into the thick, dense forest. As you trudged on, a bundle of wild mushrooms caught your eye and you halted to a stop, recognizing the patterns and spots on the fungi in a book Jade had once shown you.
"Wait here a moment. I just saw those mushrooms you wanted so bad. I'll go get it!" Before Jade could even reply, you were already off, sneaking past tall bushes and prickly trees. 
Just as you were about to pick your first mushroom, a low growl interrupts you. Freezing, your eyes dart upward to see a Savanaclaw student towering over your form. 
He did not seem happy.
"Oya? You're that Ramshackle punk, aren't you?…I have to say, Leona let you off real easy after that little spy mission you did in our dorm." He sneers, rolling the joints of his shoulders and moving closer, backing you up against a tree. "That's all good with me…Cuz' If he won't do something bout' it, then I will."
Suddenly, he was drawing his fist back, aiming for you. The sudden shift happened so quickly that all you could do was flinch and hunch over, preparing yourself for a hit.
Only for it to never come.
"My, my," a familiar voice muses. Breath hitching in your throat, you peek up and see Jade looming behind the boy. The eel's hand was coiled tight around the beastman's wrist, clasping tighter and tighter until there was a sickening snap. 
"How foolish of you to think I would allow that."
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You have scary eel privileges' #2
Floyd was a lot softer and caring than a lot of people would give him credit for. That or he just gives you special treatment. After all, the big bad eel found you endearing. You were his one and only beloved little shrimpy. 
You were the one who stood by him even when others dismissed him as strange or frightful because you loved and adored him wholeheartedly. So, he can't help but be protective of you.
Nothing will ever hurt you so long as he's by your side.
"Shrimpy? What're you doing here?"
Sniffles and cries wreck your chest as you curled up on Floyd's bed, clutching his shrimp plush tight in your arms. Said eel was standing by the door, a look of shock plastered onto his features before it turned ice-cold as he approached your weeping form.
"My poor shrimpy…" Floyd rasps, tugging off his gloves to cup your wet cheeks with his big hands. "What's wrong with my shrimpy? Did someone do this? I'll squeeze 'em if they did."
The eel crawls into bed with you, tugging the plush out of your arms and slipping himself into your embrace. Soft warm kisses are peppered on your wet cheeks as Floyd coos at you.
Sobbing, you raise a hand to furiously wipe at your eyes before exclaiming, "It's Grim again! Why does he have to be so difficult?! I worked so hard for my alchemy exam, but it seems like he doesn't care! He's brought our grades down again!"
"It's that cat of yours again, huh?" Floyd clicked his tongue, thumb pressing against the corner of your teary eyes. He pressed a warm palm to your cheek, examining your face with close inspection as he slowly reached for your hand and set it down atop his beating heart. "No worries. Just let it all out, shrimpy. I'll have a talk with the baby seal later hehe~"
You sniffed and brushed his comments aside as you pulled away from the embrace, an action which made him pout. "…I'm not sure he'd even listen. Grim is as stubborn as a rock." 
"We'll see about that, shrimpy." Floyd scoffs, a frown on his face clearly visible as he pulls you closer once more.
"Yanno, I'm pretty good at alchemy myself." Floyd chirps, a dark grin slowly stretching across his cheeks. "I'm sure the baby seal won't mind having a private tutor session with good ol' me."
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— ♰ ROOK
This man WORSHIPS the ground you walk on.
As they say, "Before you die, experience the love of a writer, poet or painter. If you're lucky enough to be an artist's muse, they will immortalize you." Such a muse you were to Rook.
Though it would take quite a lot of coaxing before he could have the pleasure of having you as his muse, at the rare moments you did agree—Rook did his utmost best to do you justice on the canvas.
Portraiture looked into the life of the subject, revealed what was hidden deep inside, and examined it. With his hunter-like manner, Rook was all too acquainted with this study.
"A-Am I doing this right?" You murmur, trying your best not to move around as you held a bouquet of daisies up to your chest. There was a cream-tinted dress draped across your body as you reclined against the backdrop Rook had set up.
"Oui. Such beauty in your gaze, trickster. Angels lurk behind your eyes." The hunter flirts, resolute gazed locked onto your flustered ones as he drags his brush against the palette. There was an experiment with the hues for a time before he blended a few other colors.
"I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to do this." As he'd found the color he wanted, Rook turned back to you. He took careful note of every nuance and detail of your glowing visage and committed as much as he could to memory. Rook knew he’d have to make your portrait perfect. He simply couldn’t allow for anything else.
"You're very persistent," you huff with a small smile on your face. "I had to cave in eventually, huh?"
"But, of course!" Rook cheekily grins, turning his attention back to the canvas. "I can't let a chance like this pass me by."
Time passed and layers upon layers of color came together to form the picture he sought after. Out to the right, spread across a lush sofa, was your incandescent form. And he surely didn't hold back on the details. The creases in the fabric, the curve of your smile, and the contours of the plush pillows scattered on either side of the plush crimson sofa all draw the eye.
It was a large painting that he had boldly placed in Pomefiore's living room, much to Vil's chagrin. Try as he might, the dormleader couldn't get the hunter to remove it at all.
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Princess treatment? pff. That's cute. No, it's queen treatment to him.
You had a bad tendency of rambling on about whatever that came to mind, often without realising that another person was in the same room as you. Even if you initially didn't mind this little quirk of yours, recent events have made you realise that you should probably curb your mouth-running.
Even more so considering that your partner, caring as he was, had a tendency to be quite…impulsive. Especially when it comes to matters concerning your comfort and well-being.
Malleus was flipping through a catalogue of colour samples and scrutinizing each texture with careful judgment. Slipping the page into your hands, he murmurs, "This is all rather lovely. Perhaps a dark crimson will suffice. Or would you like this wine red dye, my dear?" The dragon looked at you, patiently awaiting your response.
Only for there to be none.
You stood awkwardly at his side, your cheeks flaming up with shame. Tugging at his coat, you rose up on your tiptoes and whispered quietly, "Tsunotaro…when I whined about it being cold, I didn't mean for you to go this far."
"Oh?" He quirks a brow up, "Do you not like these colors?"
"Mal," you utter gently, handing the catalogue back to him. "I don't really think we need to—"
"Young Master. If I may," Sebek interrupts, voice raising to a strained high squeak, "Please do tell. Why are we replacing every.single marble floor in the dorm…with carpet?"
Malleus draws you in his arms, all while ignoring the enraged stare painted on Sebek's face. "My darling's feet become frigid cold when they walk along the marble flooring. I think it's due time for it to get redone," he says while running his hands tenderly up your back and gazing at you with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Sebek blinks, a strained smile sneaking up on his cheeks, "Well. I'm sure they can use slippers—"
"Nonsense." Malleus snarls, eyes flashing a luminous green. "How dare you even think of subjecting them to such a ludicrous act. Hmph. Using…slippers—How preposterous." 
"No. I think my way is much better." Shaking his head, Malleus turns back to the catalogue—paying no mind to the grief-stricken look on his retainer's face. "Now dearest, do you think burgundy would look good in the kitchen?"
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Carries your sparkly pink purses for you, slay king<3
Sebek was not a fool. The fae was well aware he could be a bit…much at times. And even if he doesn't express it, he really values your nearly infinite patience with him. 
The boy was awkward at affection, and this is especially highlighted when it comes to anything involving romantic gestures. Even though your snappy crocodile was hard-headed and stubborn at times, he still showed you how much he cared in his own little ways. Even if it were something as simple as carrying your sparkly pink bag around the campus.
"You ought to have known better than to jest so lightly about Diasomnia that way!" Sebek barks out, a leather-clad finger digging deep into Ace's chest. However, as opposed to being upset as Sebek had anticipated, the ginger chortles, muffled giggles sneaking past his clamped up lips.
"Sebek, buddy." Ace wheezes out, shoulders shaking from the strain of his suppressed laughter. "It's kinda hard to take you seriously…wh-when you have that."
The Heartslabyul runt gestures towards your designer purse, which was snugly resting against Sebek's bicep, slung over his shoulder. 
It was quite the eye-catcher. The sparkling pink diamonds of its handle twinkled a bright brilliant white, so bright in fact that it was almost blinding. 
Epel takes notice of the logo and crocodile keychain attached to it and he perks up.
"Oh, it's one of those girly-lookin' designer bags Vil is always yappin' about," Epel points out, squinting his eyes to get a better look at it. "Ain't that the prefect's bag?"
Unfazed by Ace's mocking, Sebek scoffs arrogantly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Indeed, it is. As a knight-in-training, it is only right for me to possess the quality of a gentleman. Chivalrous acts like this are nothing to be ashamed of." He abruptly snapped his head over to glower at Ace, who was sitting rather comfortably in the cafeteria bench, crossing one leg over the over as he met Sebek's irritated stare. "Not that I anticipate someone like you to ever have experience with it.."
Sebek then rose from the table and strode boldly in the direction of your classroom, the pink bag swinging with each heavy step he took. Epel was leaning over the table, placing a shaky hand on Ace's shoulder as loud laughter racked through his body.
"Darn' right," Epel cackles, wiping the tears away from his eyes before turning to the ginger. "Nice ta' see someone still has sum chivalry…Unlike you, Ace."
The ginger visibly deflates, rolling his eyes as he mutters, "Yeah, yeah. We get it. He's down bad."
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꒰ ♡🧷: if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here!
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Could I please request of blot boys reaction to their sibling(the reader) was taken by stxy instead of them? The resion could be that the reader has magic samiler to blot?
You can ignore this if its a bother, have a nice day!
When Their Sibling Gets Taken By STYX
Type of Writing: Request Character: Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, and Leona Kingscholar Name: When Their Sibling Gets Taken By STYX Requester: @firewolf6783
A/N: By far one of my favorite pieces. This was so much fun to write, so I hope you enjoyed this! Peace :p
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🐙 Azul is a fairly protective sibling in general, so when Jade and Floyd came up to him and said that they couldn't find his sibling around Night Raven College, he immediately went to the prefect to find out where you were
🐙 Hearing that you were taken from the grounds by a supposed student, Azul appointed the tweels to go with Rook, Yuu, and Grim in order to find you and get you back to Octavinelle
🐙 When he received the news that you were going to be returned soon, he was relieved, especially after seeing a photo of you and the tweels safe and sound
🐙 Your brother had bee-lined to the entrance of the college, he had stood there and shuffled on his feet, his mind full of what ifs
🐙 Like he literally rants to himself in his mind;
What if they were injured but I couldn't see it?! What happened to them?! Why were they even kidnapped?! What if I got there before?! Why would someone ever try harming them?!
🐙 This guy is literally making up scenario after scenario while waiting for you and the tweels to reappear
🐙 Once he heard the sound of you yelling and Floyd laughing, he jumped back out of his head and looked up from his phone. And he was happy to see Floyd giving you a piggyback ride as you held tightly onto him while he ran
" Azul! Lookie, we found Baby Octopus! "
🐙 Your eyebrows furrowing in agitation at the nickname made Azul chuckle as he walked up to you guys, motioning for Floyd to put you down
🐙 He was super happy that you were back, and while you did have some side-effects from being stuck in S.T.YX., he just smiled and brushed his fingers over the small scales on your arms
" I've seen you look far worse, little sibling. " " Yeah! Like when you accidentally sprayed ink all over yourself when we scared you all those years ago! " " Shut the hell up, Floyd! "
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🐍 Was he peeved when he received news that you were missing? Absolutely.
🐍 At first, Jamil believed that someone was there to kidnap Kalim but ended up accidentally getting the identities mixed and kidnapped you instead
🐍 Once he heard about it, he had ordered everyone he knew to search for you, and hearing that other members of the College had gone missing as well, only made him worry even more
🐍 Was something else going on? If someone was just after Kalim, why would there be other students missing?
🐍 Much like Azul, Jamil begins to panic on what happened to you, making many different accusations and scenarios up in his mind on what had happened to you and where in Twisted Wonderland you would be
🐍 It was when he was just about to go overboard and possibly overblot again that he got a call from Kalim, stating that you were found and only had a few changes, but they weren't bad
🐍 That made his worries all vanish, and it also made the rest of Scarabia whip their foreheads of sweat, they were scared their vice-housewarden was about to go and hypnotize them again
🐍 Jamil immediately after hanging up with Kalim began to sprint down the corridor and through Scarabia's mirror, bolting straight for the mirror chamber, and when he saw you weren't there, he ran right to the entrance of the school
🐍 Which was where he saw you and Kalim hugging, you just trying to comfort him from crying so much
" Hey brother! " " Sweet Sevens, thank the world that you're safe. Kalim said you had no injuries that were major, right? You better not be hiding any of them from me, or I swear to- " " I'm really fine, Jamil. Just I little tired is all. "
🐍 That was when he noticed that Kalim was messing with something behind you, and when he looked back and saw that you had a small snake tail with a rattle, his eyes widened and he looked so confused
" Long story... " " Then you better start telling me now. "
🐍 Yeah, once you told him about everything that happened with S.T.Y.X. it's needless to say that he became a mama-bear whenever Idia came around
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👑 Oh was he beyond upset
👑 Vil was looking everywhere in Pomefiore for you, so when he couldn't seem to locate you, even using your tracking system you both installed on your phones for safety, he got really mad
👑 He tried to asked Rook to go around and look for you, and that was when he noticed that his phone was pinging all the way over to where the Isle of Woe was supposedly located, and he started to get beyond worried
👑 Vil decided to try calling Yuu, who he knew you were close too. But, when they didn't call him back or give him a message, everyone noticed how it was affecting him
👑 It was so bad that the teachers gave him time off class because of how worried he was
👑 He wasn't even coming out of his room for anything, not even gifting a reaction when someone mentioned Neige being there (obviously lying, but still)
👑 By the time he received Rook's message of finding you and the others that were kidnapped, Vil was dead asleep, his room in quite a lot of disarray
👑 When he heard the sound of his door being knocked on, Vil woke up death-fully silent, he wrapped himself in a robe and hide his face behind the hood of the fluffy clothing
" (R/N), I don't care if- " " Hey Lover-Boy... WOAH. I can tell you missed me! " " Y/N?... " " Where in the name of the Great Seven were you?! You had been losing my mind! Do you know how worried I was?! " " ... ah damn... "
👑 Now you have to deal with your brother's scoldings. But, when he eventually saw the small burns from some technologies from S.T.Y.X. on you, he just smirked and complimented you
👑 And that got Epel googling on how much grief can affect someone's personality while Rook just laughs and talks about how sweet of a brother the housewarden is
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🦁 As the last-born of your royal family everyone saw potential in you from the very beginning of your life
🦁 You were put on a very high pedestal, but, you were still held in a lower degree than your oldest brother Falena Kingscholar, so you and your second-oldest brother, Leona Kingscholar, and you bonded like nobody's business
🦁 It was because of your closeness that Leona was getting worried
🦁 The last time he had seen you was when you went with your friend Jack to class, so when Leona went and asked the wolf-beastman about your whereabouts and he only said he thought you went back to your dorm, he got upset
🦁 Your brother immediately grabbed his phone and messaged Ruggie, ordering him to put everything aside and issue a warning around the school; one that you were missing
🦁 That was how he found out about other students going missing, and when he learned that the magicless prefect and their cat was gone, he got angry
🦁 Was this some kind of devilish plan of theirs?!
🦁 During your time missing, he tried keeping it only known to the school, he doesn't need his and yours brother and his family to get the royal guard engaged in this, he could handle it himself
🦁 When you finally called him, Leona was curled up in his bed, contemplating ideas on where you could be
🦁 Hearing the familiar sound of your ringtone, Leona lunged for his device, holding it up to his ear to hear the sound of your voice
" Ah, Roi des Lions! Do not worry, I have old Princesse des Bêtes here with me, they're safe and sound. " " Where the hell are they you prick?! " " We're on our way back to the school, we should be back at around six heures et demie. See you then! " " Why you- DAMN IT! "
🦁 Leona stood outside the school awaiting your arrival. And while he was there with Ruggie, he gritted his teeth, allowing a bare minimum of his fangs to show
🦁 When he finally caught sight of you and saw that you had a small amount of fur along your body, he just sighed, holding you close before picking you up and dragging you to Savanaclaw
" Y'know, for someone who's supposed to be the blessed child, you really find ways to get into trouble. " " I guess that's why I'm your sibling, huh? " " Fuck you. " " Love you too, brother! "
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Can request more bitey child but with Floyd, jade and the scarabia duo please. You can ignore this is you want. Ps I love your writing it makes me smile and every time. And it helps when my depression get really bad.
Floyd, Jade, Kalim, and Jamil with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): llllloooonnngggg sry
A/N: omg!!! you are far too sweet! Im crying!! so is my friend! i showed them
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
In all honesty he hadn't heard of a child at NRC at all
which is surprising because you are pretty popular
popular in a crypted sort of way
people talk about you like an urban legend, an omen, a warning, etc.
when he found out about your vibe check was when he saw you performed it on crocodile (Sebek) for the 10th time, which I'll talk about in his if I do it.
He thought it was funny and very interesting and instantly told Jade.
Now something about the tweels is that their bad vibe can be sensed by babies, small children, and animals within a 65 foot radius of either of them
so you, being a small child, could feel Floyds almost instantly but you had no idea where it was coming, so you just bit Sebek harder.
Don't worry tho, you do get to bite him later on
which he thought was kinda cute and a little annoying
he did notice that your bite is weaker than it could be, probably because you don't have pointy teeth, so he decided to give you some tips
Overall, ✩ new sibling acquired ✩
Similarly with Azul, he had heard of you and your biting habit, from Floyd, before he personally met you
he thought it was amusing to see a probably human child have such an affinity for something like this,
its far more common for best men children and mer, any type, children to do something like that.
When you try to bite him for the first time, it didn't go so well
keyword: Try.
He was making his way to class when he heard small lil, almost inaudible, footsteps
glancing behind him, he saw a small child, he was shocked but remembered the bitey child Floyd had told him about.
But he didn't want to get bit, not rn at least, so he just moved out of the way in the last second, which shocked you but you tried again
and failed, again.
This went on for a few minutes with you trying to bite him and him dodging
now not being able to assert your dominance to something big scary and dangerous was very new, you can't really name a time when you couldn't bite someone
so you did the next best thing you could
cry, either for help or out of fear.
So imagine Jade's surprise to seeing a once very motivated child trying to bite him, now out of breath and crying
he had no idea what to do, another new thing to happen today,
but thankfully another student came along to calm you down.
Overall, He doesn't have much of an opinion of you rn, but he is considering letting you bite him just once so you can stop avoiding him and crying anytime you couldn't, it was getting annoying.
Kailm, had also heard of you before he met you
tho he didn't know about your biteyness
all he knew is that there was a child living in the abandoned dorm
he did really want to meet you, it been a while since he could spoil a little kid, but for some reason, Jamil would always remind him of things he needed to do right before he was going to visit you
weird but probably just a coincidence.
But, lucky him, when he was making his way to class he heard very loud panicked crying
now he is very much acquainted with this type of crying due to him having over 30 little siblings
so he knew instantly that it was coming from a child
and being one of the only decent people in this godforsaken school, he went to help the small child.
when he got to them he kneeled down and opened his arms
but before he could say anything, they just hugged him
didn't move their hands to see who it was
didn't stop crying
he didn't mind it tho and happily hugged you back, an started comforting you.
After calming you down, he invited you to a feast after school where you ate as much as your little stomach could hold, and Grim way more than his could.
He also let you stay the night and gifted you some small toys and trinkets.
Overall, he enjoys your company and likes to spoil you with gifts, whether that be food or toys. Like Trey, you remind him of his little siblings and hanging out with you makes him feel a bit more at home.
Jamil had heard of you pretty early compared to the Tweels and Kalim
he also saw you bite random students early on too.
Now, I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but,
no one knows why you bite people
some people have their theories but the majority think your just some crazy kid that bites people at random.
Jamil is a part of the majority on this, so he makes sure to keep you far away from Kalim and himself
I mean who knows the number of germs a small child like you would have in their mouth.
This obviously fails, though he was relieved to hear you hadn't bit Kalim
he thought he was also in the clear
he was wrong.
You bit his hand as soon as Kalm left the room
ngl, the reason you bit him was partly because you were stressed from not being able the bite Jade earlier and being in a new place.
he wanted to use his unique magic on you but you had ran to find Kailm before he could.
Overall, like most, he's curious as to why you do this and if he had more free time he might try and find out, but he don't so. For a long time he found you very annoying, but who knows what could happen.
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Book 3 — Chapter 35
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Yeah Leona. Could say the same to you bitch
Also the fuck does Jade mean? Azul’s still in shock?? Was he not holding up 8 fingers???? Ahhhhh
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These two really have two completely separate ways to go about the situation huh. Jade is trying to make sure Azul is okay while Floyd is just immediately reminding him how much he just embarrassed himself
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Yeah fucking I didn’t think it was possible. Azul deserves at least a lil praise for the shit he made cause if even Grim can get an A, who can’t
And Jack’s right. Do your own work friendos. And if you need help, get it from anyone but Azul
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Ohhhhhh boo hoo Azul. Awww poor baby awwwwww boooooo
This fucking man lol. Just accept the friggin compliments!
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HAHAHA. Deserved. Jade and Floyd are great. Also bro Azul an NDA? Really??? Bold of you to assume that would stop them
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I’m very sad there’s no official smol Azul or tweel photos *starts manifesting baby art in the Octavinelle manga*
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Also I have no idea what Ruggie is saying. Is he just saying Azul’s a little chub? Cause the whole “holding the pic at an angle” bit confuses me
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Yeah I wouldn’t have pegged Deuce as the one to be so passionate about Azul’s desire to bury his cute chubby past.
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Yeah, Azul! God when did Grim learn to say smart things? Also damn Azul is dedicated to getting rid of every photo. Though I assume his mom has an underwater scrapbook somewhere with a bunch more photos
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*pat pat* Yeah please don’t be too hung up, Azul. Past is the past. Mans really needs to not let his cute little chub self get to his head because he’s a completely different person now and goddamn he needs therapy just like everyone else
I love Floyd too. Azul has just gone through what’s probably the most embarrassing moment of his life and Floyd over here talking about how nommy Azul used to be. Never change bro
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duskymrel · 1 year
Milkshake date!
Synopsis: You're on a date with the TWST 2nd years at the Monstro Lounge, and you order a milkshake. Obviously you two are going to share it with two straws, this is a fanfic!
-Oh boy
-Baby boi is trying so hard to stay calm but we all know he's screeching on the inside
-Homies face is so red while y'all drink the milkshake
-Don't get me wrong, he loves it, but it just feels so intimate
-Plus the Tweels are watching 😨
-Angelfish, please hang on. He'll be right back. He just needs to go delete the video Jade took...
-Awwww Shrimpy 😍
-You read his mind
-He's so excited
-He's probably giggling a little while you two drink
-Hell, lets throw some cheek poking in there too!
-He really loves you, you know that?
-Azul shut up he's spending time with his Shrimpy stop telling him to go back to work >:(
-What noooo Floyd's not my favorite don't accuse me of choosing favourites
-Well aren't you such a dear~?
-Of course he's more than willing to shake this milkshake with you
-He's very amused at your antics
-Floyd stop snickering do you know how many embarrassing stories he has of you-
-Anyways he wouldn't be flustered at all. Hell, he's one of the smug ones.
-I love him he's my favorite mushroom-core guy ❤
-Oml he's so excited!!
-Please god don't give him sugar 😨
-He just thinks this is the cutest darn thing!
-He's another giggler
-You can practically see the sparkles in his eyes
-He's just a cinnamon roll <3
-Jewel, you're a genius!! He loves you sm.
-Azul kinnie
-He too is trying to stay cool on the outside, but he's a flustered mess inside
-He tries to cover how flustered he is with a smug smirk
-Did you intentionally only get one milkshake...?
-Well... he supposes he can deal with it, just for you.
-Babygirls a tsundere fr fr
-You want to share a milkshake~?
-Hehehehehe of course!
-He loves free drinks sharing an intimate moment with his lover!
-But honestly, the tips of his ears are a lil red
-He finds it a really sweet gesture
-Leona stfu get out stop mocking him or no more head pats why are you here >:(
-Kind of unfazed
-Don't get me wrong! He appreciates it
-He just doesn't feel the need to make a huge deal of it
-He smiles softly at you while y'all drink
-He's so babygirl
-He's sorry 😔
-Stop you'll kill him
-He has heart eyes tho
-He finds it really sweet
-He drinks with you, after checking to make sure there's no rules against milkshakes
-...Ace, you have exactly .8 seconds to stop snickering before it's Off With Your Head for a month 👹
-Rose, he really, really loves you. <3
-Oh look my other favorite character
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
I do take requests!!! I'll write for any character. My rules are no NSFW (yet), pedophilia, incest, yandere (sorry I never found it appealing), etc.
I WILL write: Any MC you want! Tall, short, plus sized, male, female, gender neutral, trans, LGBTQ+, or literally anything! I enjoy writing fluff but I don't mind angst or other things. I'll gladly write suggestive things, just not NSFW quite yet. I'll write pretty much any scenario too, except for what I've listed above.
Have a good day darlings!
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dotster001 · 2 years
hello!! congrats on 500!!!🎉🎉
may i request a romance match up for twst?? my pronouns are the/he, my mbi is enfp, and my love language is physical touch. and if ya know astrology i’m a leo ! :) i also absolutely love cooking for my friends and family, i like to draw, read, play video games, watch anime and even cosplay! i have a bunch of stuffed animals all over my room and even a nest in the conner of my room. i’m very close to my younger siblings and would do anything for them.
i’m a huge nerd and collect figures i have a crap load of them!! i have a bunch of nerdy tattoos too (i just got beelzebub from obey me tattooed onto my shin!) i am most definitely cringe but i am free. i also have a habit of affectionately biting my loved ones <3 i am also very traumatized
(Okay, so for some people it's harder than others for me to match, and it was looking like that at first for you, but then I thought about the affectionate biting, and what people would adore being nommed on, and it all became clear. Also, a Beel tattoo sounds so cool 🥺 he's such a precious baby, I can't.)
I match you with Floyd Leech.
It came down to the nomming. When he finds out you're an affectionate biter, he gets so excited. Like giggling and jumping around excited. He too is an affectionate biter, so he loves that it's something you share. He's also just a cuddly guy, so it's a good thing physical affection is your love language. He's gonna squeeze you until you make him stop, so be prepared.
He wants to help you collect figures. Please let him help! It's such a cool thing land people do, and he has his...methods...of getting his hands on things. But he'll only let you have it if you can reach him to give him a kiss while he's on his tip toes. (I don't know how tall you are, but the tweels are giants so you're probably going to have to work for it) Or if you ask reeeeeeeaaaaalllllly nicely.
On his bored days, you can find him napping in your nest of stuffed animals. They smell like you, plus no one would look for him there. So be a good shrimpy, and share!
He may not be super into your hobbies yet, but he'd love to help! You two have a lot of soft moments in the kitchen, playing games, reading books (mostly you reading to him while he plays with something), cosplaying, he's ready to try it all. Just make sure you decide how structured you want things to be ahead of time.
He has always liked swimming so he could be in his true form, but he likes swimming with you even more, because it means he gets to see all the art on your skin. Depending on his mood, he's either asking you to explain and reexplain your tattoos, or he's tracing them with his finger, and tickling you. There's no in between.
You had been ambushed. Floyd was hiding in your stuffed animal nest, and had pulled you into when you didn't notice. Now his arms were wrapped tightly around you, and he was gently nomming on your shoulder . You were trapped in the squishy pile of goodness, but it wasn't a bad way to go.
You heard a knock on the door to your room.
"It's Azul, have you seen Floyd?"
Before you could respond, Floyd covered your mouth with his hand, and said not so quietly, "Shh Shrimpy, he'll hear us."
You heard a dramatic sigh from behind the door. "You're right, Floyd, I will hear you. Do you plan on coming to work today?"
"Nah, not feeling it."
Another sigh. "🐇, Can you please talk your boyfriend into coming to work?"
"I am but a poor little shrimp that fell into his trap. I don't think it can be done," you said, not feeling particularly interested in making your boyfriend work.
Floyd tangled his legs with yours and giggled. "Yup, I'm in charge here, so you should prolly go, Azul."
You heard Azul leave, and tried to shift positions, but Floyd made a pouty hmph and held you tighter.
"I'm in charge, weren't you listening?" Then he tickled your sides, until you were crying from laughter.
"Okay! You win!" You cried.
"Excellent!" He playfully nipped at your neck before flopping on top of you, giving you an angle to try and bite back, rather unsuccessfully, due to him being a wriggly little eel.
Eventually, you both gave in to the cuddle pile and just fell asleep. Whichever of you was up first could "torture" the other. May the odds be in your favor.
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chloe-spade · 2 years
The Little Leeches Chapter 4: Introduction
How long do we wait?" Asked Floyd.
"May be a while, but at least we're close to the surface, so we are good." Jade answers, looking up at the surface. "And besides, this is going to be a huge-"
Azul looks back at Jade."A huge what?"
Jade tries to speak but nothing comes out, only his lips move with no sound. Floyd tried to say something but nothing came out for him also.
Both stared at each other, shocked. No matter what they tried to say, no words came out. Azul let's put a sign and a chuckle. "Now you two are silent."
Floyd pouted in betrayal and sticks his tongue out at Azul.
"Real mature, Floyd. Ready?" Azul sighs, holding their hands. Both nodded, Floyd happily, Jade hesitantly.
All began to swam up, their eyes meeting the sun.
"Gods..I forgot how bright the sun is.." Azul groans, getting on a nearby rock. "How are you two?"
Floyd could only stare at his knees, how new knees. A silent laugh matches his excited expression as he began wiggling his toes.
'Can you believe this!?' he mouths towards Jade, who was staring at his own pair of feet.
Azul smiles at his friends newfound excitement."I'll let you two-"
"Tweels!!" Cried Shore, landing on Floyd's leg."Jade! Look at you! You look different, is it your hair? Did you use that Dinglehopper on me? Or maybe it's your-"
"Can you please stop?" Azul sighs, rubbing his temples."Can you not see?"
"Well..Jade could tell me. But I wanna guess it for myself."
"First of all," started Azul,"That's Floyd, and you did not even notice their legs!?"
"Oooh!! They have...legs!? That's a new thing..when did this happen?"
Azul walks over by a nearby ship pole, grabbing sails."Floyd went to my aunt, Jade came along, and long story short, they trades their own voices for legs. And they got at least 3 weeks for the princes here to fall in love with them."
Floyd got up, helping Jade.
"And I have to be their translator, cause I choose this. Now! You two, out these on."
With a little help of Azul, both got on nice sails, admiring it.
"Wow, baby! You all look gorgeous! 10 out of 10!"
"These are on until we find real clothes to put on....How do we go from here."
Trey sighs as he plays his flute, playing the melody that the voice sang to him, Shortcake sitting by him.
"Is it still bothering you, Trey?" Riddle asked, walking by. "I'm telling you, you are absolutely imagining things. And I'm certain you are, so don't try to correct me on this."
"Riddle, I understand your concern. But I mean it when I said I heard it, and I have so many dreams from this past week of his voice.."
Where did he go?
Where can he be?
When will he come again
Calling to me?
Calling to me...
Trey looks back at Riddle. "I have heard it.."
Somewhere there's a boy
Who's like the shimmer of the wind upon the water
Somewhere there's a boy
Who's like the glimmer of the sunlight on the sea
Somewhere there's a boy
Who's like a swell of endless music
Somewhere he is singing
And his song is meant for me
And his voice
It's sweet as angels sighing
And his voice
It's warm as summer sky
And that sound
It haunts my dreams
And spins me 'round
Until it seems
I'm flying...
I can sense his laughter
In the ripple of the waves against the shoreline
I can see his smiling
In the moonlight as it settles on the sand
I can feel his waiting
Just beyond the pale horizon
Singing out a melody too lovely to withstand
Riddle sighs. He knew it was too late to convince Trey of his mysterious savior, even though he knew who it was. Not like he would tell Trey anyways.
And his voice
It's there as dusk is falling
And her voice
It's there as dawn steals by
Pure and bright, it's always near
All day, all night
And still I hear it calling...
His voice...
Come set me free...
Trey sighs softly.
"Maybe.." Riddle started. "Maybe... you'll find him. And..um.."
"Are you trying to make me feel better?" Trey chuckles.
"You knew me to well," Riddle laughs,"but I mean it, I'll probably help you find him."
Huge barks made them both jump as Shortcake ran across the beach.
"Hey! Hey! Shortcake!!" Trey called, running after her.
"What is that?" Azul questioned.
Shortcake immediately jumped onto Jade and licks his face happily. Jade silently laughs and touches her hair carefully.
"What is that thing!?" Azul gasp, trying to take Shortcake off Jade while Floyd also laughed.
"Shortcake!" Yelled Riddle. "Don't run off..like that.."
He stopped and looks around.
"Floyd?!!" He went over to him."What happened to you?? And him?! Why are you here? You shouldn't be..you have legs!!"
Riddle looks around again and sighs."Can you explain what happened?"
Floyd shrugs and touches his throat with a sheepish smile.
"Why are you smiling like that?"
Azul, still trying to Shortcake off Jade."He trades his voice for legs! Same with Jade! So don't expect him to speak!"
"..it's because of me..isn't it?"
Floyd nods softly and looks down.
"Look, I didn't mean to be rude about it, and honestly I wished I didn't said that or anything. I should've considered your own feelings."
Floyd smiles and hugs him happily.
"You are welcome." Riddle hugs back and helps Shortcake off Jade."And you are Jade."
Jade nods and pets Shortcake more.
"I'm surprised she likes you. It took her so long to even get used to me."
"Shortcake! There you are!" Trey sighs, going over. "Oh..hello there. I hope my dog didn't scare you."
Jade shakes his head.
"Hey.." Trey goes over to helps Jade up."Have I seen you before?"
Jade blushes and looks back at Floyd and Azul.
"Oh, I shouldn't put you out like that. I apologize. My name is Trey, and how about you?"
Jade tries to signal his name, only for trip, getting caught by Trey.
"You can't speak?"
Jade shook his head and sighs.
"I do apologize for this," Azul started,"they are still in shock after the sudden shipwreck, and we do have some trouble walking. My name is Azul Ashengrotto, and these two are Floyd and Jade Leech."
Jade waves at him and smiles happily.
Floyd leans against Riddle and smiles.
"Jade is the one you are holding and Floyd is... cuddling against Goldfishie."
"Riddle. My name is Riddle."He looks back at Floyd."I forgot you call me by that..nickname." He sighs and holds Floyd's hand.
"I suppose you know them, Riddle?" Trey asked.
"I only met up with Floyd once or twice, and I only heard of Jade and Azul."
Jade gasp and went into his pocket, grabbing a pair of glasses.
"Hey, those are my glasses..I lost them in the sea." Trey said, as Jade tries to put them on his shirt."Where did you...was it you?"
Jade blushes and looks down.
Floyd nods and pushes Jade closer.
"It could be you! It's such a shame you can't speak cause of the shipwreck, maybe after a while, you'll speak again."
Jade nods and smiles.
Azul sighs."We are from the Novasolic Kingdom, your highnesses. And we request a place to stay for a few weeks."
"Of course, Azul, we should get you all cleaned up."
Azul smiles.
"But what about mother? She'll never allow this." Riddle asked."You know how she is."
"We'll convince her, let's just get them safe and warm."
Trey, still holding Jade, leads them to castle, with Floyd and Jade looking around with interest.
"So, Floyd and Jade sold their voices for legs, and they have to get us to fall in love and propose to us?" Riddle asked Azul."And they have 3 weeks till they possibly die of heartbreak and turn to seafoam?"
"Yep. And my aunt is a vicious women, she'll try to sabotage the deal in many petty ways, so we have to be careful." Azul said."And trust me, you and Floyd are easy, it's Trey and Jade I'm worried about."
"Excuse me?"
"You and Floyd have better history with each other. With you saving him, he's grown attached to you, falling in love with you even. And I know you feel the same. That's why you push him away. So he'll be safe."
"I do love him," Riddle admits."That's why it's hard for me to tell fo never see him again..look at him now, excited by everything his sees. Maybe I should've been more supportive of his wish for be here."
Azul smiles.
"Martha." Trey called to a nice elderly maid.
She smiles."Yes your highness?"
"Take these boys to the bath? They have survived a shipwreck and I want them warm and clean before the meet the king and queen."
Martha smiles."Of course, your highness, now come along now." She leads them over to the tub. "Now undress and I'll deal with everything."
Floyd and Jade sat down and watched as the water filled with bubbles. Floyd was playing with the bubbles as more formed, and his silent laugh brings a smile on Azul's and Jade's face.
Floyd could only look around and Jade only knew what he was thinking.
Oh! Just look!
It's like I'm in a storybook!
Oh! It's bliss!
I dreamed that it would be
But not
Like this!
Martha helped them dry up and led them to a nearby clothing room. "Now, I'll alert the King and Queen about your arrival. Choose some nice clothing to wear." Martha walked away.
Floyd looks around and gasp. He picked a teal and green off shoulder, sleeveless dress and smiles, jumping up and down. He gave a similar one to Jade, though this one was purple and white and had sleeves.
Azul laughs at Floyd's excitement. "You'll ruin it if you jump like that. Let me help."
After getting into the clothes nicely, Floyd looked around and pulled Jade out of them to examine the palace more.
Look over there!
Oh my god!
How very odd!
And what might they be?
Something splendid, maybe!
As Floyd sees, Jade watches how he zips from left to right looking everywhere at his turn. Jade could be amused by Floyd's childish amusement of human items like he was before.
Look over here!
Could you bust?
Isn't it just
Bedazzling, dazing
Utterly amazing!
Gazing 'round, it's like, to die!
Just seeing it feels so good
I'd scream if I only could!
I'd hoped and wished
And wanted so to be here
Wished and prayed
And planned it to a "t"
Prayed and wow!
Just look - it's really me here!
Walking around, strange as it seems
Somewhere beyond my wildest dreams!
Floyd and Jade continue to look around, they never noticed the jealous eyes of maids, who are neglecting their chores to just give them the look.
Look at him there
Looking 'round
Won't make a sound
Just keeps on gawking-
Weird how he's not talking!
Look at his stare
Lucky man!
Chosen like this
To stay for dinner
What does they see in them?
Martha & Hubert:
Hush now, girls - They're simply shy!
MAIDS 3 & 4:
Just picture the table chat!
MAIDS 1 & 2:
One sided, if even that!
Floyd drags Jade to another hallway, gawking at the portraits of the royal family, from each generation to now.
Jade silently follows with a smile on his face, watching his brother have fun.
I'd hoped and wished
And wondered what I'd do here
Wished and prayed
And pictured what I'd see
Prayed and wow!
My prayers are coming true here!
Look at it all, look how it gleams!
Lovely beyond my wildest dreams...
Floyd stops to see Jade with his in-love smile. Trey was just across the room, talking to Riddle and His Royal Highness.
Look - it's him!
So handsome and refined and slim
Sweet, sincere
Magnificent from head to toe
And oh...
I'd hoped and wished
My life would feel enchanted!
Wished and prayed
The fates would hear my plea
Prayed and wow!
My prayers are more than granted!
Look at it all, hall after hall
Perfect as you could please here!
Marvels galore, and even more
Gee, did I mention he's here?
And if - who knows? - all of it goes
Past even these extremes
Just look at us and you will see
Someone beyond their wildest dreams!
"There you two are!" Azul sighs, Martha not far behind him."Floyd, you need to stop wondering around and bringing Jade along. Now, stand still will you?"
Floyd and Jade were given nice earrings, Floyd's purple and Jade's white, pearl necklaces and one accessory to keep them apart. Floyd was a shell clip, while Jade wore a purple headband.
"Now you're ready."
Outside the door, Trey, Riddle and His Highness were speaking.
"I know Jade is the one who saved me, Father. I remember his eyes are clear as day. His smile as well. With every moment..I feel closer to him."
"That's wonderful! I suppose this Jade is the one who agreed to married since he has previously saved you, am I correct?"
"I should not rush it. He can't speak cause of the shipwreck, so that's another factor in why I want to wait..and I generally want to get to know Jade before considering marriage. He seems shy around me."
Riddle smiles."I believe he is the one."
"Weren't you the one who denied my cause at first."
"Now I have seen proof of your statement."
Martha smiles and opens the door."Our guest, your highness."
The King smiles at his new guests. "Welcome to the Queendom of Roses, I am King Julian. Trey and Riddle has already alerted me about your unfortunate situation, and I'll be happy to let you stay as long as you want."
"You are very generous, sire. I thank you for that." Azul replied with a bow, as well as Jade and Floyd.
"Oh, no need to thank me. I like helping those in need. Besides, with Trey talking so much about Jade, I couldn't say no to his request."
Jade blushes and looks at him.
Trey walks over and smiles at Jade."You look absolutely gorgeous, Jade." He took his hand and kisses it, causing Jade to go more red.
Floyd silently chuckles, till Riddle did the same."Same as you, Floyd." Floyd smiles and hugs Riddle, giddiness all over his face.
"And I want to make sure our guest have nice rooms during their stay." Queen Icabeth Rosehearts ordered, walking towards the dining area with a maid beside her."And a nice tour of our kingdom."
"Yes, your highness."
Icabeth smiles."Now everyone, sit down. Food is on the way."
Everyone took a seat.
"Now I am aware that only one of you Dan actually talk. Am I right?"
"Yes, ma'am." Azul answered. "I do thank you for letting us stay."
"Although I do need some answers. Your predicament is odd to me. You have survived a shipwreck from a storm, and you drifted here. Just the 3 of you?"
"Yes, ma'am. Our sailors have perished during the storm."
"Oh, that must be hard." Julian sighs.
Floyd looks down at the dinglehopper and looks at the back of Riddle's head. He took it and carefully started fo brush his hair with it.
"Floyd!" Riddle gasp, taking the fork. "What are you doing?!"
"Riddle, you know we don't tell at the table. Especially when we have guest."
"Sorry, Mother."
Floyd pointed to Riddle's hair, and tries to continue to brush it.
"Floyd, please put it down." Azul orders and Floyd pouted, putting it down.
"People in Novasolic are an odd bunch." Muttered Icabeth.
Floyd yawns as he rest on a fluffy bed.
Azul smiles."Comfy?"
Floyd nods happily and jumps on it, brushing his hair with the dinglehopper.
Jade, on the other hand, was watching the sea waves swish slowly as it glows with the moonlight. Barks got his attention as he looks down.
Shortcake was barking towards him as Trey was playing his flute.
Jade walks into the patio and sees.
"Shortcake has taken a liking to you." Trey chuckles."That means you're special."
Jade smiles and waves at them.
"Get some rest, now. Tomorrow is going to be a big day."
Jade nodded and waves goodbye.
"It's definitely him, Shortcake. I just need to find a proper ring..and everything else.." Trey sighs and walks inside, Shortcake trotting behind him.
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Convert Anon💜 here!!
Yes to bubble baths with the baby tweels and their twirling!! Just making a bubble beard on Floyd and a bubble hat on Azul and trying to make a bubble mushroom for Jade
And yess!! Playing with a ball and once they’re tired I could try and read them a story or put on a relaxing show and we take a nap together and one eel on each side and Azul on my lap
And Jade loving the mushroom plush even after he’s back to normal is just 🥺🥺💜💜😭😭💜🥺🥺💜💜🥺😭
I’d probably do my best to keep my photos of them as kids secret and also try to print them so i can keep them for forever and also tell Azul he was so cute and beg to let me keep them cause I had such a wonderful time with them as kids and I loved every second with an adorable clingy octopus and a cute helpful lil eel and a charming hyper eel
And them knowing i’m awake and trying to pointedly not look at them is hilarious and i’d probably just keep my eyes closed the entire time cause flustered
And yesss to having a dagger strapped to thighs just mmmmm good soup
And Malleus tired from helping take care of Lilia as a kid maybe makes him realise that if he wants kids, none would be as bad as Lilia so this was a great(???) experience
And baby Malleus and an amusement park is just precious, please take him to one and hold his hand and have ice cream and ride fun rides and when it’s getting late and you’re walking back you’re carrying him as he’s tuckered out and you place a kiss to his forehead and just💜💜💜
Hello Convert 💜 Anon 🌻🌺
That would be so cute, having a bubble bath and then reading them a story is so cute 💙💙 and jade keeping the plush is a must, he’ll give some shady excuse on why he has it but he loves it a lot
They will let you have the photos…after you promise azul that no one else will ever see them lolol never mind. The fact that nrc students probably seen him already as a baby
You can use the dagger to cut certain clothing for..better access 👀👀
Lolol malleus will be like, as long as my child is not chaotic, we are all good. Malleus dear, you burned lilias hair lolol
THATS SO FREAKING SWEET! I’ll give him those funny ears merch, and maybe get him kiddy make up, he’ll have balloons tied to his hand. Little baby is tired from having so much fun
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Bryce, Chad And Archie Rambles
The three of them grew up together, and while Bryce sees them as brothers, unfortunately Chad and Archon both have romantic feelings for Bryce, completely oblivious to the fact that the other is in the same boat. They won't act on it though bc they're happy in the friendship they have right now, and don't really know how to process that they are The Gay. They and the Tweels are well acquainted, while the tweels are more hesitant to accept this, these boys are happy to put them in a headlock and give them a noogie as a form of greeting. Because yes. All three of them are bigger, Chad being the shortest and only taller than Floyd by two inches (just shy of 6'4), Archie at 6'7, and Bryce at 6'9. Seven help anyone who's around when this happens, because Floyd wet noodles, causes Bryce, specifically, to panic, and as soon as he's let go he tackles them and it becomes a friendly sparring/fighting match. I would like to think Jade is mostly touch averse, so the moment he hears any Bryce or Archie coming, he gets ready to hurl them away from him over his shoulder. Their only response is laughter, so they never learn not to do it, its just fun, and honestly gives Jade a chance to blow off just a liiiiittle steam. Azul is horrified and terrified, as soon as he hears them coming he makes himself scarce, but they do have VIP privileges at the lounge because of the sheer amount they eat + consequently, spend money. Jade is their biggest supporter in them trying to go vegetarian, with a lot of mushroom dishes, which is partially why he's not eager to be anything but kind. When Bryce struggles with his need for meat, Jade reassures him that on land there is an option that allows him to eat eggs and fish still, and gives him iron supplements to help with his cravings. This is part of their effort after it was made clear the last time shark mers attended NRC there was a bit of an....Incident. They want to prove that not all sharks are scary or prone to act on violence, and actually suffer more judgement from the teachers than their peers, but they've got each other to keep their spirits up, and to keep each other in check when needed. All three of them are on Octavinelle's small spelldrive team....not very many people were interested, meaning Bryce got to be the captain. They aren't exactly the best, but they give their all and have a lot of fun. Bryce is built like a fucking tank, looks shredded, feels squishy if you know what I mean. He's a really really nice guy, but so many people are intimidated by his sheer size that they don't even bother getting to know him. He really loves chipmunks so small and whenever he can hold them he does. What he really wants to hold is a sugar glider though and he insists his life will be perfect if he can. He loves small animals in general. He's barely gliding by in school, straight C student except in Phys. Ed and Animal Languages. It's not really his fault though, the Alchemy classroom isn't really built for someone his size, and the desks are never comfortable enough for him to be able to really focus. Its not until he asks- rather, Archie asks on his behalf if he can take notes standing up at the back of the class so he's comfortable and not in anyone’s way. After that and some tutoring from Archie, baby boy is able to raise his grades to B-B+.  He's a bit of a himbo. Please be gentle with him. If he's getting picked on, he will start to loose his temper, as anyone would, but he's oblivious to his strength making it more dangerous than it normally is. Archie is the "smart" one. He's also the fucking weird one. He's a sleeper built person, meaning he looks like a string-bean but if he flexes he’s ripped. He keeps Bryce out of messes best he can, so when he’s about to loose his temper, he will run at him full speed and knock him over just yelling "INTERVENTION". It makes Bryce laugh most of the time, but once they leave the area Bryce needs a hug and Archie, though a little shy, is happy to give him one. Archie gets straight A's, but he has extreme self esteem issues. He really doesn't like Vil, because of his own insecurities. He would never admit it, but he has a little fish stuffie he sleeps with named "Benny". He found it in a shipwreck, but it had a preserve spell on it so it never fell apart. Clearly someone loved it before him, so he would love it for them now. Archie and Chad often butt heads, but its in a fun way. If he's ever alone, he's perfectly content to just dwell on his thoughts. When Jade does throw him, he doesn’t really understand why, because he knows Jade doesn’t want to be touched, he's usually just coming to ask if he knows where Bryce is. Jade seems to enjoy throwing him though, so he says nothing. He takes a liking to Cory, but can't really show it?? Because Jade get's weird about it/possessive over the little guy. (I still don’t know what that’s about). But Cory reminds him of his little fish stuffie lmao. Chad is a little more prone to anxiousness and has separation anxiety with his friends. He's fidgety, and while he hates lying to his friends, he eats beef jerky as his guilty pleasure whenever he can, BUT he makes sure to go to Savanaclaw to do so so that he doesn’t smell as suspicious. He and Ruggie become good friends because while he is HUNGRY he will share. Chad can relate to Grim in that his stomach is a bottomless pit. He has a fish hook as a nose piercing still, yes. When he was younger he did attend a rather posh school, and his accent was learned there from a caretaker. (This is actual lore?? I didn’t twist this but I feel like NOBODY knows???? I certainly didn't and I need to share it.) Though once he swam away he ended up with a much rough and tumble group before meeting Archie and Bryce. Despite his attempt to show that he won't eat meat, Bryce knows it's difficult for him and his metabolism, and always carries a snack for him that’s protein packed. Chad is the fastest flyer, sprinter and swimmer in Octavinelle. Bryce really likes cross stitch, he finds it very relaxing, but he also likes knitting and crochet I think Jack occasionally asks him for tips and sometimes they'll just vibe in Jack's room and knit together Jack is a little embarrassed Bryce is not at all they would go to Bryce's room, but Bryce enjoys the sunlight Jacks room gets Chad is a sports drink addict (SO much gatorade in one man, nobody knows how its physically fucking possible). Makos are considered a trophy shark, so I feel like Rook takes pictures whenever he can to send to whichever one of his siblings specializes moreso in fishing than hunting....  Archie, Azul, and Idia regularly have puzzle battles (fucking nerds) These three become Tarian's protection squad after he repairs something on the fly that they broke by accident Tarian is oblivious to this, but loves them all the same Sometimes when they come into his little makeshift shop, Bryce will help with any heavy lifting, Archie reviews the formulas and Chad...brings snacks.
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Could I request headcanons with Azul, Idia, Riddle, Sebek, and Deuce with a crush on a fem!mc who’s not only very hug-happy with them but also has big boobs. Like, it’s the anime trope where the girl goes to hug the guy but inadvertently ends up smothering him in her bosom, whether they’re sitting down or standing up. I feel like these boys would be the most likely to freak out and blush a lot :D Please and thank you!
I had so much fun writing this piece >:3 i can imagine all of their reactions being so different and funny
This piece is slightly suggestive bc… boobs… hehehe
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is almost always never prepared when you come in for a hug. Like, ever. This man cannot hide how much his face sweats or his super pink blush
Azul could, and WOULD die a happy octomer if you just so happened to suffocate him with your tits right then and there, let’s be real
He lowkey likes it if you hug him in front of the tweels….. stares at them and smirks if they see
Also gets jealous if you do it to them though. DON’T LET FLOYD SQUEEZE THEM!!!!
Idia Shroud
Nosebleeds then dies from blood loss
No but actually his face and hair goes PINK so fast, he feels like he can’t breathe because of the pressure of your huge knockers and also knowing that they’re pressing against his body- and yeah there he goes, he just fainted…
Daydreams about the way you pressed into him like. All day. All week maybe. Please do it again!
He will sit there with a red face and hands covering it. ‘Y/N-shi’s …. Chest…. thankyouthankyouthankyou’ Is just his brainrot
Riddle Rosehearts
SO SO FLUSTERED!!!! He is so cute and red and puffs his cheeks up and or just stops breathing in general…
He tells you not to do that in front of his dorm members, he wants to have a serious front when he is around them!
If you look confused or hurt, he takes back his words and just blushes. “F-fine, I guess you can but…” poor boy cannot even finish his sentence he is blushing so hard he has to leave the room
Since he’s short his face is just. Completely covered by your boobs…..
Sebek Zigvolt
SUPER TSUNDERE ABOUT LIKING YOUR HUGS!!!! He wants to be seen as serious and intense by his dorm mates but secretly LOVES your hugs
Face turns so pink/red he looks like Christmas colors with his hair 🥺
Brows furrow upwards and still keeps his serious frown! But sure, he will take your hugs…. Keep them short, human! Or not…
He doesn’t tell anybody about the way he screams into his pillow when he thinks about the way you hug him with your chest on his body…..
Deuce Spade
Deuce my baby…. He simply just stands there awkwardly stiff. His eyes are extremely wide and blown out but his cheeks are so BLUSHY
Laughs awkwardly when you finally pull away, scratches his head and closes his eyes.. he loves your presence so much!
He wraps his arms around you lovingly and … hes so good….
He tries to sleep while hugging another pillow at night to emulate the way you feel ;_;
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
i really really really wanna see deuce’s mother because she’s sounds nice and the way he talks about her is just- JSISKSOSKSOSODKDK
i saw ONE fanart of them and i 🧎🏾‍♀️ . I FEEL LIKE MAMA LEECH WOULD BE LIKE JADE AND PAPA LEECH LIKE FLOYD BUT SUPER CURIOUS ABOUT MC ????? LIKE A POOR HUMAN ACTUALLY MANAGED TO GRAB THE ATTENTION OF THEIR PRECIOUS CHILDREN ???? LET ME AT THEM-also they probably are tall as hell so the whole meeting with them and mc is like “sir please bend over my neck is stating to do things it’s not supposed to do-“
azul’s mother gives me sweet but sharp women ? like a bit like ursula but more kind ? if that’s makes sense- AND HIS STEPFATHER IS SUPER SUPPORTIVE OF AZUL AND IS SUPER PROUD OF HIM-
no thoughts epel’s grandparents coming to see him but then getting lost and brought back by mc to epel BUT THEN epel’s grandma grabs both their hands and asks when they’re gonna marry epel-
SEBEK’S MAMA AND PAPA (am i fawning over a couple that never got an apparition in the game? yes i will do it again) IMAGINE IF HIS MOM IS LIKE “ following in your parents footsteps huh ? you have good taste son !” AFTER SEEING MC-
i feel like she would be kind of awkward? but she’s trying her best ! and she is so proud of malleus and talks to mc about the achievements he has done over the years and just height a sweet grandma overall-
i wanna see ace’s mom because i know she’s the type to EMBARRASS her son in front of mc “oh ace dear do you remember that one time you ate a worm and then cried about it ? i still have the video let me search for it-“ and ace is like “mom what- STOP” and mc just sipping on the tea collecting blackmail material
KALIM’S PARENTS WOULD PROBABLY TAKE ONE LOOK AT MC AND BE LIKE “do you wanna marry my son he’s very handsome” “ma’am who are you-“
important note if mc is meeting riddle’s mom and jamil’s parents it’s to fight them to death-
tl’dr : mc’s ending up with a bit too much of marriage proposals
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! [PSST!!! You can find the continuation h e r e !!]
DEUCE’S MAMA 🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I 100% AGREE!! I wanna meet her so bad! She sounds so gentle and caring, I just wanna thank her for everything idc 🥺
“Deuce, hi! Oh, is this your mother, Mrs. Spade?!” MC bound up to him, quite eagerly, might he add.
“A-Ah, [Name]... Yes *ahem* Mom, this is [Name]. [Name], this is my mother.” The Heartslabyul student awkwardly introduced.
the woman’s face lit up, “Oh dear, oh my! This is your friend [Name]?! Hello, dear! I’ve heard wonders of you from Deucey here~!”
MC looked at their friend with a teasing smirk, “Oh, has he?”
She giggled cutely. “Indeed he has, and allow me to say,” Those same peacock green eyes they knew from Deuce looked into theirs, “Thank you for taking care of my son. You’re a wonderful soul, from what I know.”
The tender look in her eyes, her gentle smile and soft voice... MC’s heart sparkled with some sort of nostalgic feeling.
They suddenly bowed, startling the mother-son pair. “N-No, I should be the one thanking you, Mrs. Spade!!”
-- --
I’ve seen two iterations of their personalities: Mama being playful and at-her-own-flow like Floyd, Mama being elegant, proper and mysterious like Jade while Papa is a more... controlled version of Floyd (same goofy smile and carefree demeanor, but not as easy to lash out as Floyd)
BUT ABSOLUTELY!!! Imagine Mama Leech approaching them like a sophisticated lady, making such comments that just due to her tone of voice and the look in her eyes have MC blushing and trembling in fear and shyness
Papa Leech almost kabedoning them to have the little trembling shrimp still for him to observe: “My sons... interested in such a tiny shrimp... so small and magicless...” A shine in his eyes as he smirked that familiar pointy-toothed smirk at them, “Interesting enough to have us up in the surface like this~ ...Don’t you think so, Darling?”      “Indeed, My Love” Much similar to the eel twins, they chuckled sinisterly
-- --
What if Granny Ashengrotto also comes with? 🥺 THE MOST WHOLESOME MEETING (of course, after the whole family [including stepdad] celebrates Azul’s accomplishments with Mostro Lounge and his contracts, both parents being HELLA proud of their little baby octopus ❤️)
Then MC will notice all of them CODDLING Azul, pinching his cheeks and reminding him of how squishy and chubby he was when young. Look at him now!! A proper business man with a bright future!    MC giggles at the dorm leader’s bright blush, and the attention immediately shifts to them
“Oh, Azul~ Is this the [Name] you’ve talked so much about~?”
“Ohoho~ Look the the bumpkin he’s managed to score! Our little Azul definitely has an eye for beauty!”
“G-Granny-! *ahem* Grandma, please!”
“Say, did you ever get to see how utterly cute and fluffy Azul was as a baby? Oh~, the absolute cutest, my dear!” The lady glowing with happiness immediately pulled her phone out and scrolled through some photos. Little baby Azul, Azul in middle school, tiny Azul celebrating his birthday as he sat on Granny’s lap while admiring all the food on the table... Each picture showcasing more and more of the merman’s charm.   And all he could do was hide away in his office out of shame.
-- --
Maybe MC has see some movies after arriving to the Wonderland, isn’t Vil’s father an actor too? What if he starred in some of those movies?!
Imagine all the stories he can tell about the whole recording period and the behind the scene tricks!
Perhaps both Schoenheits have inside jokes about their line of work, and they let MC in on them!
“Say, are you not interested in becoming the face of a new beauty product? It’s from a partner company, and they’re searching for new talent. You have a certain charm to you, a beauty that many can identify with.” The man offered, taking out a spare free sample of some lip/cheek tint.
Vil took a look at the product, “Oh, they came out with new things already?”
“And they followed your advice to heart, their new formula seems to be all natural and friendly with different skin types and tones.”
Both actors looked at you, “What say you, [Name]?”
“I can hook you up with an interview.” Stated the older man.
“And I can train you.” Vil quickly added.
-- --
“G-Grangran, Pops! W-What are you doing here? Isn’t it... peak apple season?” The lilac haired boy was startled at seeing his family.
Granny quickened her pace to go to her grandson, “Oh, shush, little apple! Here, I brought you some homemade apple pie to share with friends.” She looked back at MC as they and her husband came to stand by her. 
“Epel, dear,” Her wrinkled hands came to take one of his and one of MC’s, “Your friend here guided us to you. They’re so kind, a wonderful candidate for spouse, right Honey?” She teased, looking at Epel’s grandad while they shared a laugh at how the young boy was blushing profusely at the comment (and at MC’s cute nervous smile from the slight embarrassment they felt after Grangran’s words)
-- --
Honest question: Which of us ISN’T daydreaming about Sebek’s parents? jkdskdsdf (his mom’s a MILF 100%)
“SON!” A firm yell startled both 1st years. “Headmaster Crowley notified us about a Family Day going on in your school, we were allowed to drop by today to greet you and meet your friends!” A tall lady with long, messy green hair approached them.
“Mother!” A bright smile graced Sebek’s lips, turning around to engulf his mother in a hug. “Father!” He shook the man’s hand firmly. “It’s an honor to have you here! Would you like to visit the novel Diasomnia dorm of which I’m part of and is led by out Lord Malleus?”
It was the human man who peeked over his son’s form who noticed them, “Oh, hello there! You must be one of Sebek’s friends, I presume?”
The mature woman promptly pushed past her son, taking a gander at the human who was with him. She remained silent, eyes shifting from MC to Sebek, so on and so forth... until...
A proud smile brightened her face, “Ah, my little Crocodile is following along Mama’s path~💕” While her son and husband let out a surprised babble of words at her insinuation.
-- --
Malleus’ Grandmother... A figure that has everyone bowing with her mere presence in a room
“Grandmother, this is a very important person I want you to meet.” It was strange of Malleus to be this eager, let alone about someone. 
The Queen (she’s the current queen of VoT right? aaa) walked along her grandson, holding onto his arm as he led the way to a... rundown building?
“Ah! Tsunotarou, hello!” A human greeted them. “O-Oh!” They bowed hurriedly at the regal presence that accompanied their friend today. “P-leasure to meet you, your Highness.”
A look of utter surprise crossed her face, “Malleus..! A.. human?!” The tense atmosphere made MC straighten up and nervously look at the fae in front of them. “And that nickname?! Young one, do you know who you are speaking to?!” Anger flashed in her eyes as she addressed MC.
“Yes, they do.” The crown prince stepped in, shielding MC behind him, “And I allow them to use that nickname... After all, fae can’t lend their name, or can we?” She remained on defense, giving her grandson’s friend a disparaging look. 
"They were lost, and so was I... Along the way, we found each other. This is a friendship I treasure with all my being, and you have been a very important figure through my life... Would you give them a chance?” He tried to bargain.
The Queen kept her stance, looking at the human, who smiled uncertainly and waved at her. Strangely, she felt no threat coming from them, only warmth, a feeling of being welcomed. Her heart was filled with that warmth for a moment.
Clearing her throat, she relaxed. “Very well, only for you, Malleus... So, who must your friend be?”
-- --
“Say, do you remember when you took a bite out of my decorative soaps thinking they were jellies? You looked like a rabid dog with all the foam!” The woman openly chuckled, much to her son’s chagrin.
“And that one time you came running and crying to your brother’s arms after a beetle ‘launched and attacked you’ as it flew to your face? You became scared of them for a whole year!” MC laughed along with her.
“Oh, please, tell me more! I’m delighted to know more about Ace’s childhood from you, Mrs. Trappola, since he seldom talks about it himself.” They looked at Ace with a mocking smile, enjoying hos his mother openly provided such wonderful blackmail material.
-- --
Kalim is SO EXCITED to present you to his parents! Look, mom, dad! I made another friend aside from Jamil! :DDD
The bright ray of sunshine bounded up to MC, with an equally as bright couple behind him. “[Name], [Name]! Come here! I want you to meet my parents!” Kalim took their hand and quickly dragged them over to where his parents were.
“Mom, dad! This is [Name]! They arrived at NRC unexpectedly, but I very much enjoy their presence and companionship!” That toothy grin so characteristic of him found his way on his lips.
MC bowed slightly in greeting. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Asim!”
The older couple shared a look before coming up to MC, with the man shaking their hand and the woman pinching their cheek. “Hello there, young one! Kalim seems to be very fond of you! Say, would you mind joining the family? I’m certain Kalim approves!” His father hurriedly spoke.
“H-Huh?! What?!” MC could only accept their coddling and affection as they blushed and looked at their white haired friend for help... But he was busy blushing himself~
-- --
Leona is NOT AT ALL happy to have his family visit him in the ONE PLACE where he’s away from them
"Leona-ojitan! [Nickname]!" The little bundle of joy sprinted the pair's way, eliciting a groan from the 3rd year.
"Not that brat again." Leona rubbed his temple.
MC giggled, "C'mon, Cheka isn't that bad! I can take care of him."
"Brother!" Now, that certainly startled MC... Because not only was the exclaimed name all there was, no no, a redheaded lion beastman wrapped his arms around Leona's torso from behind and lifted him some centimeters off the ground. "Long time no see, Leona! Isn't it wonderful that your school's holding a Family Day?! As soon as we got word of it, we came to visit!"
"Fareena... Put. Me. DOWN." Savanaclaw's dorm head growled. Thankfully, the overexcitable man followed through, laughing at his brother's antics.
"[Nickname], can you see how much I've grown since last time! I'm half a centimeter taller!" Cheka giggled as he climbed up MC's leg, ultimately reaching his goal to be carried by them.
"A-Ah, that's wonderful!" They laughed awkwardly at the kid.
The cub was removed from their person by someone. "Apologies, dear, Cheka can be a handful sometimes." A lioness woman smiled gently at you. "Tell them you're sorry, Cheka. You know better than to use people as jungle gyms."
The boy became crestfallen, ears flattening as he fumbled with his fingers. "Sowwy, Mx. [Name], I shouldn't have done that."
MC chuckled a bit. "Apology accepted."
"So you must be this mystery person Cheka rambled about after spectating the Magift tournament." An older woman approached, pinching the child's cheek.
"Yes yes, gramma! [Nickname] played with me when I visited ojitan! They're my other favorite friend here at NRC, they took great care of me!"
At that, both lionesses perked up. Even Fareena approached the circle after his boy spoke so fondly of MC right now.
"Oh, I see~" The younger of the two ladies giggled, accompanied by Fareena's loud laughter.
Leona had a look of utter terror at what was going to be said next. Eyes wide, ears flat, he looked ready to run away from the scene at a moment's notice.
Who they assumed to be Leona's mother approached MC, placing a hand on their shoulder. "A natural ability with kids... Son!" She looked at leona now, who flinched at her call, "I see you've chosen a great mate!"
As MC and Leona were taken into a family hug, they only remained stunned as the words completely registered in their minds.
-- --
Oh, I absolutely agree with that!! The atmosphere with Riddle's mother and Jamil's parents will be HELLA TENSE
If anything, I feel MC would potentially get along with Jamil's younger sister, enjoying the friendly banter they have as siblings. But even more so, liking how Jamil shows he cares and how he genuinely smiles while his sister is with him.
I feel she'd also tell him in private:
"So~, that friend of yours..."
Jamil only raised an eyebrow at her words, leading her to sigh, "[Name]! The magicless prefect!"
"Uh-huh, what about them?" The boy inquired, wanting to hear her say it earnestly and not go the "you know what I'm talking about" way.
"Yeah... I think they're pretty cool..." Jamil smiled slightly. "Oh, what's that~? I knew you seemed way too close!" She chuckled after noticing the tiniest change in his expression.
The brunet ruffled her hair, "Nothing, it's nothing at all..."
"Say the one with a lovestruck face!"
-- --
Not to mention Jack's little siblings, and Trey's too! Cater's older sisters!
Hope you enjoy! Visit the askbox once more whenever you like, Anon ❤️!!!
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noodles-and-oodles · 3 years
That baby s/o with the vice dorm leaders was chefs kiss 🤌 if its alright with you, may i request the same but with the dorm leaders? Thank you bestie 😚❤
You’re welcome, bestie 😘 Wow the baby thing is super popular huh? Lol! I love it thooo thank you for requesting and I hope this is to your liking!
Riddle Rosehearts
To say Riddle is less than pleased when ADeuce hand him his s/o to him but babyfied, is an understatement. With a red face, he offs their heads and says they’ll stay that way until his s/o is back to normal
Riddle is so lost…he has not a single clue on how to care for a baby. He’s been an only child all his life for crying out loud! He naturally turns to Trey for help and together, the two of them do their best to care for you
Riddle is an extremely worried mother hen, anything you do is monitored closely by him. Especially the drinks and foods that are going into your body, he doesn’t want you eating anything unhealthy. But thankfully with Trey, he doesn’t have to worry too much about that
Gets nervous when seeing you going out and about, playing with the flamingos and hedgehogs. He fears you may hurt yourself or them in some way but is thankful to see you getting along just fine with them
He’ll turn beet red if you happen to nuzzle him affectionately, he may even mutter a small ‘stop that…’ but won’t do anything to actually stop you (he’s dying on the inside from your cuteness)
As much of a worrier as he is, he is even more protective. If ADeuce, the reason for your current predicament, try to come so much as within twenty five feet of you, Riddle is glaring and getting ready to send them off with a wave of his scepter
By the time you’re back to normal, ADeuce are crying in relief with the returning of their freedom. Riddle won’t speak much on your time as a baby and will just be grateful that you’re back to normal (all the while failing to mention the many pictures he took of baby you smiling)
Leona Kingscholar
Oh you have got to be kidding…why in the…you know what, it doesn’t matter, just give him the damn baby
As you can tell, Leona is not happy about this, not one bit. You’re so…baby. Now who is he supposed to use as a pillow for his naps? Scratch that, he can’t even nap because he’s too busy watching you! Not that you’d let him anyways with the way you constantly babble random nonsense
You remind him too much of Cheka with the way you constantly bother him. You play with his ears, tug at his hair which he has surprisingly let slide but please for the love of the Great Seven stop putting his tail in your mouth!
If you’re a girl, you’re lucky because Leona wouldn’t dare do a thing to upset you or make you cry. But if you’re a boy? He’s more likely than not to push you off of him, not too hard but enough so that you would get the message to bug off
He doesn’t know how to make you stop crying when you’re hungry and will demand Ruggie to help him out when the hyena enters the room. Thankfully, Ruggie is more aware on how to care for a baby than Leona could ever be
Leona isn’t really too affectionate with you, he’ll swat you with his tail every now and then just because you always laugh but if you manage to grab hold of it and start yanking it, Leona’s playtime with you is over (you’re done, you’re done ✋)
The moment you’re back to normal, Leona is dragging you to his bed for a well deserved nap and he doesn’t care how much you complain about your legs falling asleep, he’s not letting go. You owe him one so just hush up and let him sleep
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul has to take a seat when the tweels present you to him, a tiny laughing baby. They tell him about a mishap during potions and since you are his s/o, the responsibility falls on him to take care of you
The cecaelia is kind of afraid of you tbh, never in his whole life did he ever think he’d have to be faced with taking care of a human baby. He has no idea what he’s doing and the twins are no help honestly so he’s in this by himself
He’ll leave the Mostro Lounge to the twins until you’re back to normal and use his free time to read up on caring for human children. It’s hard, that’s what he’s deducted from his research at least.
You don’t always stay in once place so Azul is constantly worried that the moment he takes his eyes off of you, you’ll be gone. He can usually find you when he hears giggling and sees you out and about, carelessly crawling around as if no one will step on you (that’s his number one fear btw)
Your affection warms his heart like no other, babies are unbiased when it comes to the things they laugh at or give love to so it makes him a bit happy that you feel comfortable enough to openly kiss his cheeks or play with them like they’re dough
When it comes to feeding you, Azul at first offers some things off the menu of the lounge but then realizes these dishes may not be to a baby’s fancy and instead settles for giving you some applesauce or something of that sort
Azul thanks the Great Seven when you finally revert to your normal self. Despite having gray hair already, he feels like one may even find a white hair from how much he stressed over this entire experience
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is extremely confused when you are brought to him. He’ll ask if the ADeuce combo had a baby and when they tell him it’s you, he’ll just be stunned. After explaining the situation, Kalim is a bit more lively and he takes hold of you, telling ADeuce not to worry about a thing
Jamil has to help whether he likes it or not, he knows how incapable Kalim is of taking care of himself so he just knows you would be in danger every second you’re with an unsupervised Kalim
Despite being one of the most friendliest, liveliest, and entertaining students at NRC, your face doesn’t change at all when Kalim tries to make you laugh. He gets stumped and will pout, wondering why none of his ‘funny’ faces are working
It’s when Kalim is being scolded by Jamil that you crack a smile and start giggling. Kalim gets scolded regularly so they quickly figure out that seeing him get yelled at is apparently hilarious to you
Kalim will try to give you lots of sweets cause kids love candy, right? Well, not under Jamil’s watch! He’s slapping sweets out of Kalim’s hands quickly and telling him to lay off on the sweets, your teeth will rot if he continues down this path
The dorm leader is very affectionate in general so don’t be surprised if he’s smothering you in hugs and kisses to the point it looks like your face is turning blue. When you start to pinch or bite him, he’ll finally get the memo though lol
Kalim is relieved and sad when you finally turn back to normal, and while he will miss baby you, he likes normal you even more!!
Vil Schoenheit
Vil is pretty much ready to blow his top when Rook brings you to him, but as a baby. How incompetent can these students be to mess up a potion this badly? It was ridiculous!
Vil is strict. Do not expect any sort of special treatment from him just because you’re babyfied, he always has a watchful eye on you and isn’t against scolding you if you’re doing something you’re not supposed to like trying to put his lipstick in your mouth
Gets a little too into dressing you up, he’s never had the opportunity to make clothing for a baby so he’s very intrigued. He’ll fuss with your clothes to make sure you’re wearing it properly and on the inside, he’s swooning from how cute you look in the clothes he made (he also gives himself a pat on the back for it)
Vil’s not really affectionate at all, the closest thing to that is him holding you in his arms. But if you kiss his cheek, whew boy you’ll have one blushy queen! He’s definitely screaming on the inside as he tries to keep a cool face lmao
Rook is also co-parenting with him btw, he takes care of you when Vil can’t and it’s clear that you kind of favor Rook a bit more since he’s more playful with you (which Vil totally notices and fumes in jealousy silently)
You are given only the highest quality of baby food to exist, Vil figures if he’s going to be taking care of you it will be to the very best of his ability. He would never feed you anything that isn’t approved by him, not even the snacks you like :’) don’t worry Rook will sneak you some ;)
Once you’re back to normal, Vil expresses that you totally owe him one. And in private, he’ll ask you who you liked more, him or Rook. And even if it’s a lie, you better say Vil lol
Idia Shroud
ADeuce has ding dong ditched you (again) at Idia’s door with a note explaining the situation and why you are the way you are
Idia gets the dilemma, he really does, but he feels like he is the LAST person on earth that should be taking care of you. He had no idea what the hell he should be doing and even if Ortho reassures him that he’ll help, Idia is still nervous as all hell
He is so cautious it’s as if he doesn’t even want to touch you, go near you, look at you, or even breathe the same air as you in fear that he might hurt you. You’re so tiny and fragile that Idia couldn’t live with himself if he managed to hurt even one strand of hair on your head
Ortho tells him to stop being a pussy scaredy cat and just hold you for five minutes. With the constant badgering encouragement from Ortho, Idia hesitantly gathers you in his arms and he’s shaking the entire time lmao. However, when you smile at him, all of his nerves fly out of the window and he finds himself smiling back in relief
Since then, Idia is more willing to hold you or show you his games. He’ll turn you into his little gaming buddy, even making a headset small enough for you! You also give him the best luck in his mobage games!! Ortho is thrilled to see Idia finally getting along with you as well
The two of them are surprised that you’re not afraid of their hair and Idia definitely dies and resurrects when you give his cheek a small kiss. Wow wow wow, he really wishes he had been more braver upon your first interactions!
Ortho takes care of all the things such as feeding you and whatnot while Idia just acts as more of a sideline supporter. You’re in very good hands with the two of them (more so Ortho but we’ll let Idia have this one)
Once you’re back to normal, Idia and Ortho are very relieved since taking care of a baby is hard work. Idia will offer to show you some footage of yourself as a baby and whether you want to see it or not is up to you lol
Malleus Draconia
Nothing really surprises Malleus anymore with how much he’s seen in his many years alive but you being brought to him as a baby manages to do just that. Why is his child of man a literal child? What happened? After an explanation, Malleus sort of understands what’s going on and he’ll volunteer himself to watch over you until a solution is found
Malleus already thinks humans are fragile beings, but now you’re giving him a baby? Oh yeah, you’re not gonna be out of his eyesight for more than a second. He has you in his arms at ALL times, making sure that it is impossible for you to get hurt
Your favorite place to sit is on Malleus’ shoulders, you giggle at the feeling of being high up in the air and Malleus’ heart warms at the sound of your joy. You’re such a brave child of man aren’t you?
No one in Diasomnia knows what the hell to feed you. And they refuse to ask Lilia because his cooking skills are clearly not dependable so Malleus decides to do some research. He’ll give you some purée foods or even just applesauce and he’s glad that you seem to like it quite well
Please be affectionate with him, Malleus isn’t used to it but that doesn’t mean he is against it. His heart is practically soaring to the heavens when you nuzzle your nose against his or give a peck to his cheek. He really loves that you’re not afraid of him, it’s refreshing and heart warming for him
When you’re back to your regular self, Malleus can’t seem to stop reminiscing about you as a baby. It wasn’t that long ago but he starts sounding like Lilia eventually with all the stories he tells you of yourself lol
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olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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Twst Mc being the child of Lucifer
From Anon: “ Um, could I have one were twst MC is the child of Lucifer and Obey me MC with the dorm leaders reaction? Thank you so much and have a happy holiday! “ 
 (I’m so sorry this is late qwq , i hope you had a good holiday!! )
Also yes the twst Mc is in a relationship with them in this scenario 
He never thought too much about you , like he just sees you as a nice and well behaved student 
you two really bonded well with each other 
You felt comfortable enough to tell him that you were the child of the Demon of Pride 
He was frozen , now nothing changed , he still loved you but he now other things to consider 
Were you part demon or just human with small demon powers ? and other questions relating to that 
but it did get scary when her father himself showed up 
Lucifer just appeared out of no where , Riddle and whoever else was around was frightened but you just ran up to him saying “Dad! “ 
Riddle was intimidated but did his overall best to show that he cared and truly loved his child to the best of his abilities 
Lucifer appreciated Riddle how respectful he was to you, he was glad he has someone to care for his child as well as being a well behaved student 
Lucifer wished you both the best and hopes to see Riddle as a son in law 
Riddle felt fully accomplished 
oh no 
was your immediate thought when you dad said he was going to visit you at your school
it wouldn’t be too much of a problem but you mentioned to your father before that you had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was none other then Leona 
He wasn’t a bad boyfriend but you were afraid that lucifer would disapprove of him , meaning he might prohibit you from seeing him , no way you wanted that , you loved him (even if he can be a butt at times)
the day your father came , you nervously hugged him , and showed him around 
but to your surprise, Leona was prepared??
when you reached Savanaclaw for Lucifer to meet Leona and Leona acted somewhat out of character
He seemed non chalant but he acted more proper then he would - which is usually never 
 there were times Leona wanted to make a “smart” remark but he seemed to hold it in 
Lucifer accepted Leona as your lover, which relieved you heavily , but as soon as Lucifer left 
“Man, he really has a stick up his ass” 
“yeah he would of for sure gave you the whip if you said that .” 
“the what-”
Azul was having a breakdown and you had to calm him down , or try to-
Azul was nervous because now only are you the daughter of a Demon but a POWERFUL demon- 
he wanted to make the best impression , though you didn’t think it was necessary for him to do so 
They day lucifer arrive, he did his best to be polite and professional as possible at the monstro lounge 
Lucifer was already somewhat impressed that Azul was running his own business, but didn’t really trust the tweels that were with them 
 Azul’s nervous went off when an angry customer tried to confront him and almost took it on you and that very much pissed him off , to the point where he had the tweels “deal with him” 
after coming back to reality , he realized he showed Lucifer the self he wanted to hide 
but to his surprise, this impressed Lucifer “nani-”
“I would of taken care of those humans myself for dare to touch my child but i can be assured they’re safe with you . “
soon after, he patted Azul’s back but whispers before his leave “next time, i’ll show you some other ways to ‘take care “ of customers like that 
As soon as he left, he was relieved but interested in the next time he’d meet lucifer again
This sweet baby- 
He didn’t seem to be fearful hearing about you dad, it just made him more excited to meet him! 
You were pleased but scared because you weren’t sure how your dad would react 
On the day Lucifer arrived, Kalim gave welcoming gifts to Lucifer, they weren’t overly expensive but it was still surprising to Lucifer (he better keep these away from Mammon)
Speaking of mammon, Lucifer thought he somewhat looked like Mammon , but he seemed more generous and kind 
that point was shown because Kalim was nothing but a ball of sunshine, he did his best to impressive Lucifer and showed how much he cared for you 
He even threw a party 
During the party, kalim would usually go wild but he was more mellow for your dad , that way he didn’t seem too rowdy 
afterwards it was time for Lucifer to go 
He told Kalim that he was grateful for the gifts and welcoming arua 
and finished off with “Please keep my Child smiling “
that really hit his heart 
Vil had no worries at all about meeting you father
he had to deal with meeting important people before 
but for this case, he did somewhat practice what he could possible say to your father to make a good impression
The day Lucifer arrived , Vil arranged for you two and him to have tea 
Vil was himself during the whole time he talked with lucifer 
You didn’t really worry too much since Vil doesn’t do anything to drastic for Lucifer to disapprove of 
Lucifer had a blank face, which was scary because it was hard to tell how he felt about the moment 
but Lucifer did approve of Vil but he did criticize him on certain points that involved his views 
like how he doesn’t understand why he would refer some as potatoes, he sees it as in insult Don’t let him know your vil’s sweet potato 
Other then that , he gets along well with Vil 
They talk for a long while , with most of it being about you 
Vil mentioned that he planned to live a happy life with you , such as marriage and (Depending if female or male/neutral by adopting) have children 
Which made you flustered to think about all that with Vil 
Soon after, lucifer said his farewell but before leaving “Yes, you may have permission to Marry “Y/N” 
Rip Idia 
He will admit he’s not the best at being a person but he will try for you 
but it’s pushing it because he’s going to meet your demon overlord dad 
He felt like he was getting pushed into a Hell escape game and versing a demon boss that was holding the princess captive or something like that 
He really tried his best to improve his speech but he always ends up stuttering even if no one was there 
When the dreaded day arrived , Idia nervously waited For you and Lucifer at the dorm entrance 
He formally greeted lucifer , he was slightly shaky but luckily it wasn’t that noticeable
idia barely talked and Lucifer already had a disapproving look 
sadly the entire time, lucifer was harshly judging him , which he was already used to 
but Lucifer struck a nerve when mentioning taking you away from him 
Idia confindenaly Disagreed which might i add was bold af and you were standing there shook he even said that period 
“L-look, i might be the greatest or best choice for “Y/N” but i love and care for them! They’re the only reason I even try to better myself! “
When he realized what he said , he froze but still was holding his guard 
surprisingly though, Lucifer approved. Not because he was suddenly a good choice but the fact he’s trying to do better just for you, which you gotta admire for Idia’s case 
Before leaving , he did warn Idia if he ever talked back like that again, he’d get the whip , Idia is well behaved whenever Lucifer comes back 
oh this was an interesting case 
Now you weren’t sure how it would result , it could go really good or really bad 
Malleus gave the same vibes as lucifer but a bit more on the calm side (not to mention similar horns ) 
Malleus was pleased to hear he’d be meeting your father 
The day Lucifer Arrived , he was first greeted by Malleus who was already with you 
Lucifer and him seemed to be fine but you had a weird feeling they were just eyeing each other down , so a silent fight??
You were enjoying the evening with them and talk about things that they might agree on or having similar interest 
You were lucky because Lucifer was fascinated with Malleus’ interests and his history m], as well as being a soon to be ruler 
though Malleus jokingly challenges Lucifer, you can tell he wanted to actually test that 
Lucifer lowkey wanted to do the same but he had to be professional with him for your sake 
After seeing you two , he gives the ok that he’s fit but he still wants that challenge 
you laughed it off but Malleus seemed highly interested 
lord save us all from a Malleus and Lucifer Fight- 
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Hi hi ! The requests are soon closing so I guess it's time to slip in one just before closing hour! How about some SFW bath headcanons with Ruggie, Azul, Lilia, Jamil and Kalim with their girlfriend, please? Wishing you the best of days!
Anon: I would like bath headcanons.
Also Anon: SFW bath heacanons.
The Writing Raven: .........................................I shall...do my best.
I wish you the best of days (and the best of baths) as well.
I had a lot of fun writing for this prompt, but it’s a lot, so please check below the cut for more content.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Kalim Al-Asim
He loves soaking in baths! They’re a great way to relax after a long day of work!
Kalim is a baby through and through, he’ll just happily invite you to take a bath with him without realizing the...other implications, or what that situation could potentially lead to. He just thinks of it as another fun way to bond with his girlfriend~
Yes, he still has a rubber ducky (and a plethora of other bath toys). No, he doesn’t care if anyone calls him lame for having them.
He still enjoys bubble baths! In fact, he has this bottle of really fancy, fragrant bubble soap from his home country and it makes these amazingly big suds...! And it smells great too, like a field of flowers and fresh fruit.
Kalim is the type to use excessive amounts of bathing products because well...he’s rich, there’s always more where that came from. Plus, he likes to smell nice and clean!
He dumps the whole bottle of bubble soap into the bath tub before hopping in with you.
There’s plenty of space because his bathroom in Scarabia is huge...it’s basically like his own private hot springs area.
You have a lot of fun making the soap lather up and have a friendly competition to see who can make the best bubble sculpture in the bath.
You also splash each other with water like little kids.
By the time you manage to get out of the water, both of you are super pruney.
Jamil Viper
The command comes out of nowhere, and it stuns you into silence.
“Did you not hear me the first time? I said, ‘strip’.”
Okay, Jamil repeating it just makes it ten times worse.
When you don’t immediately comply, he sighs, takes you by the wrist, and escorts you to the bathroom, where he has already drawn a warm bath.
This man has gone all out to decorate the bath tub with candles and rose petals and shit. Does he run a spa as a side job or something?
He explains that you seemed stressed lately, so he wanted to do something to help you relax.
Jamil won’t join you this time since he thinks it best for you to claim the bath tub space all for yourself (his bath tub is more of a normal, modest size compared to Kalim’s massive one).
He does, however, assist you with disrobing (even though you insist you can do it yourself).
Jamil also stays by your side as you bathe, even if he’s not in the bath tub with you. Like, he helps wash you and everything (again, even though you insist you can do it yourself).
“Be silent and allow me to do this much for you.”
You shut up and just let it happen. At least he makes pleasant conversation with you as he goes about doing his business. His calm voice reverberates off the bathroom walls and creates pleasant hums.
Your bath concludes with a massage using a scented oil imported from the Land of Hot Sands. Jamil wraps you up in a fluffy towel and sends you on your way to bed--and you feel so relaxed.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie is not a fan of baths. It’s not that he hates being clean, it’s that he feels baths are a massive waste of water--showers are much more convenient for him (and easier on the water bill).
If he has to choose between bathing and licking himself clean, he’d lick himself clean like any self-respecting hyena would.
Ruggie realizes that licking yourself clean isn’t really an option for his girlfriend, so he’ll crack a joke about offering to lick you clean for you.
You are not amused.
Okay, okay, he gets it and he’ll arrange something.
Somehow he uses his vice-dorm leader powers to clear out the Savanaclaw lounge (where they waterfall is) so you can just bathe there in peace and quiet. Plus, the waterfall is always running anyway, Ruggie reasons, so no one has to waste any water by turning on a faucet.
He offers you the basics (soap, towel, etc.), nothing more and nothing less. This boy’s very practical!
Ruggie doesn’t want to bother you too much as you do your thing, but he does kind of stand guard to make sure no drifters wander in and see something only he should get to see.
He’ll probably tackle you in a hug once you’re clean and dressed again, since he just loves that “just washed” scent.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul prefers showers to baths. He thinks baths are a waste of both time and resources--besides, isn’t the sea already one massive bath tub? Compared to that, human bath tubs are pathetic.
A businessman must always appear amicable, so he puts a lot of effort into making sure he is well-groomed.
His bath products smell like...I don’t know, whatever “beach” stuff smells like according to the bath product industry. Salt spray and a cool breeze, with a hint of something tropical.
He only agrees to take a bath with you because the twins bullied him and called him a “sea chicken”, whatever that is.
You are curious about it, so you ask him about his octopus form.
Azul blushes and absolutely refuses to revert back to being a merman for your amusement.
You manage to convince him by reminding him that you love him no matter what he looks like and you want to see all the sides to him.
It’s a tight squeeze in the tub. His tentacles take up much more space than you thought they would.
Azul tells you “I told you so”, but you decide to just get out of the bath and bathe him instead since you want to appreciate all of his body.
You whip out a sponge and set to work.
There’s so many crevices that it takes you forever to clean every inch (it also doesn’t help that Azul is whining and complaining about every little move/insisting you should not touch X, Y, and Z spots, otherwise he might shoot out some ink).
When you’re all done, Azul is basically a quivering mass of bright pink jelly, holding his face in his hands and whimpering--he can’t believe that just happened.
The tweels barge in to laugh at him some more.
Lilia Vanrouge
Llilia usually showers, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find the occasional bath to be fun, especially in his small form.
He finds baths to be charming and quaint, a reminder of the old days...back when he was still wrestling a wailing baby Silver and a fire-spitting Malleus into the bath tub.
Lilia will happily join you in the tub.
He will use this opportunity to tease you mercilessly, as well as to tell embarrassing bath time stories and mishaps related to Silver/Malleus’s childhoods. So much blackmail potential here.
He’s the type to offer to help you wash your hair, except he will point out whenever you have a split end or an early onset white/silver hair--all in good fun, though!
He’ll surprise you at times by randomly hugging you from behind while washing your hair, or covering your eyes while you’re in the bath and demanding for you to “guess who”.
Lilia probably has really weird smelling bath products...they stink like ash and animal fat (which, according to Lilia, is what they used “back in his day”). You pray to god it’s not actually ash and animal fat bath products.
His towels are a bit frayed from constant use (Lilia doesn’t replace things unless they really have absolutely zero function anymore), but they dry you off just fine--waste not, what not!
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