#but pump isn’t related to Lila…
sprung-from-the-grave · 2 months
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It’s them🫢
Edit: oops just realized screamers arm and warps’ chest are clipping over each other in the 3rd pic… 🤷‍♀️ damn
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catsockpuppet · 1 month
I really, really wish to share my dumb opinions on SM characters. So… Um..
Here ya’ go. I’m gonna add more characters as I think of them but right now I have Skid, Pump, Ethan, and Streber.
Skid: I think he draws a lot, usually the kind of stuff that’d make a teacher go ‘umm! time to call CPS!’. I imagine that he draws a lot of things related to what he sees around town. Eyes, the clown, Frank, etc., Which- a teacher would immediately report if they saw a kid drawing some weird guy in a white van offering them candy. (I mean, they’d probably report drawings of Eyes as well. Also this is even if he is in school/isn’t homeschooled.) I think he wants to be a mortician when he’s older, especially after Hollow Sorrows.
Ethan: OKAY, none of you are gonna agree with me here but I do not care. I feel like Ethan is probably socially insecure. They probably overthinks everything they say and avoids going and hanging out in public. Like, I imagine that someone will invite they out and they just comes up with ‘oh.. I’m busy that day.’ despite really wanting to go (and being free). Also, Trans. Trans. Trans Ethan. Their intersex, poisonjabs told me (they didn’t but shhh). They really like space and astronomy. I don’t think they’re talkative about it, more-so that IF they go hangout it will end in going into the woods to look at the sky. They probably also play guitar because, of course they do. For a job, they work on customizing old kids toys. They don’t do OOAK dolls, but they do stuff like this YouTuber. I think they have a lot of stuffed animals, most of them being goats. Also, asexual Ethan. Desperately tries to help Streber feel better after Halloween, but they suck at comforting.
Pump: Weird HC, but I think he speaks Italian. Where’d he learn Italian? No clue. He just knows. (I’m kidding, Susie takes Italian classes in school and teaches him bits and pieces. Mostly insults.) He loves going camping entirely because he’s allowed to make a fire, once it starts he is glued to it. His favorite food is popcorn and onetime he asked Radford if he could eat his hair because it looked yummy. He draws with Skid, although he mostly just throws pretty colors onto the paper and calls it a day. When he’s older, I feel like he’d be an horror author. But right now he wants to be like Kevin. (Funnily enough, I also HC that Kevin enjoys writing.)
Streber: It’s like, really fucking sad. Or— more angry, than sad. Even before it lost its arm, he was going through it but tried to hide it. It tried to do the haunted house because, ‘it loves Halloween! Maybe this’ll finally make it happy?’ But it didn’t go as planned, and now he lost an arm. He probably stays inside all the time now, only leaving when friends (Ethan) make him leave because he’s just been rotting away in bed. He and Kev never liked each-other until post Tender Treats. Streber used to work backstage for the drama club, not because he didn’t like acting but because it liked working on things. It really, really wants to visit Rhode Island and see Mercy Brown’s grave (as well as the other Rhode Island vampires, but mostly Mercy Brown). The haunted house was part of a college fundraiser, it just volunteered to lead it and made friends join. Once it does graduate college I can imagine it going into some kind of engineering career and doing small programming gigs for extra cash. Streber is chubby, you. You can see it in Tender Treats. He’s drawn differently than say, Lila or Kev. Obviously it likes vampires, but I feel like thats a bi-product of it really liking history and learning about the Rhode Island vampires and now has an obsession with historical vampires.
Jesus christ, this is long. I’m not re-reading any of this because I’m tired, so, enjoy this. I want to go more in-depth on how characters interact but I may do that on another post because of how long Streber’s got.
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warriorrazor · 2 years
In the Spooky Family AU, has Lila ever had to comfort both Skid and Pump at the same time?
Oh sure, usually it’s due to Pump being sad/crying and then Skid doing the same because brother is Sad and that is Sad. Like the Hatzgang bullying them; normally that wouldn’t bother Skid but if it bothers Pump, you bet it’ll start to bother Skid. Also school isn’t always fun for them. So sometimes they come home in a bitter mood.
Speaking of school, I do have a school-related event that I’ve had in my head for like, a year for this AU. It would have to do with how the education system treats kids who are “different.” Lila would have to comfort both her boys and would have some scalding choice words for the school after the fact.
I’ve been very hesitant about posting anything about it here though, especially since it’s a bit angsty and it might bother some people. That’s why I do my best to properly tag and put warnings for my more sad AU posts, since the last thing I want to do is trigger anyone. And I dunno if it’d be too jarring compared to all the wholesome stuff I’ve posted?
Anyway, I’m still thinking about it.
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tamari-real · 3 years
Skid and Pump X Catastrophe Crow AU
the og family relations of the ARG IRL people do not transition between here (skid isn't pump's dad is what I'm trying to say)
(they are adults in this au)
Skid: Manfred
Pump: Thea
Lila: Marta
Hatzgang: Nils
Plot is as follows: (touchy stuff will be marked in blue, while the main wholesome aspects will be in pink!)
Skid, with spare time during the summer, decides to make a game for his best friend Pump. He wants to give it a spooky aspect, as a callback to their little Spooky Month shenanigans.
He makes Ki-Kin, a simple little pumpkin critter, as the playable character; perfect for the simple nature of the game. He calls the game "Privation PumpKin!", and continues to work on the game, putting in various spooky things.
Later, after getting quite a bit of the game done, Skid finds out that Pump has gotten severely injured from a bad fall down some stairs. Skid is crushed...
He visits Pump in the hospital, only to discover that he is in a psuedocoma. Unable to hear his friend's voice again, Skid breaks down in the hallway once visiting hours are over.
Back home, Skid sits in his room, mulling over everything that's happened. He almost gives up working on the game, seeing as there's no one to give it to, but it gives him a purpose.
So he continues working on a game that isn't meant for anyone, not even for himself. Nine weeks of sleep deprivation catch up to him, and Skid finally passes out on the floor. (mind you, he has been eating and drinking. just not sleeping)
The Hatzgang start getting worried for Skid after not hearing anything from him in weeks, not even about the game he was seemingly obsessed with. They go to check up on him.
They walk in to a house that feels deserted. In some spots there's spider webs and peeling paint. They go up into Skid's room and notice the screen on the computer, still open on a coding interface. Roy glances down for a second and, seeing Skid looking like a dead person, starts panicking.
When the others see Skid on the floor, they immediately start checking him for any sign of life. Ross feels him breathing, and notices the bags under his eyes. Roy grabs a blanket from Skid's own bed, and brings it to him, laying it on him
Ross finds some candy and brings it back in a dish, placing it next to Skid. Robert writes a little note with their phone numbers on it, as well as a little message, and places it on his desk. The three head off to let Skid get his well-deserved rest.
When Skid wakes up, he glances around, noticing the candy dish and the blanket. He stands up, realizing how weak his legs feel, and goes to sit back in his chair, when he spots the note on his desk. He looks at the numbers, recognizing them to be the Hatzgang's after reminiscing on the many prank calls from them.
Upon seeing that the note is folded, he opens it and sees a message inside.
"Get some more sleep, or we'll make you. -Robert"
Skid is about to toss the note in the garbage, when he realizes that, if he finishes the game, he could give it to the Hatzgang! He sticks the note on his computer with some tape, and flicks the computer back on. (Computer screens turn off if you leave them be for long enough)
He looks at the date...
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Miraculous Team and the Batboys
Longer update, wrote the ao3 version first this time. if you want to find me there, crazyjc.
Thankfully there weren’t any akuma attacks that day or that night. Marinette was glad to get some sleep for once. Her body, confused and used to a few hours a night, got her up early.
Marinette decided to help with the morning rush—quick to handle the register and make adjustments to some people’s orders (no extra charge for the exhausted high school and college students) when she managed to find someone as dead as she was after an akuma messed up her commission schedule and sleep was skipped for a week.
“Wow, you’re getting the ‘Please Don’t Let Me Die Again Yet’ special.” Marinette turned before the zombie could speak. “Maman, watch the register, someone looks worse than midterms and commissions me.”
Once Maman took the register again, Marinette worked on her disaster drink that only a few particular customers knew of from her personal menu--mainly the dead college and high school students insane enough to pull a weeks worth of all nighters like her. And baby parents that liked her parents bakery.
Gurarana beans instead for the extra caffeine with her special blend of licorice root, peppermint and green tea poured in--double the caffeine with less effort, glucose for the brain fuel, sweet and mint for wakeup and focus, and green tea for lasting energy boost.
“Here, this should keep you up and a bit more functional than usual.”
The man raised an eyebrow.
“Oh my god, what got Finals Angel up this early?” One of the regulars almost yelled, staring at her with a look that screamed the universe was going to collapse in on itself, and they were now anticipating this outcome until they got their morning fix.
Marinette shrugged, moving to the next customer as the dead man took a seat and pulled out his laptop. She continued to help until it was getting close to class.
“Maman, the rest of that brew is under the cabinet for the laptop zombie, I’m taking my morning delivery now.”
Maman took over while Marinette made her way to school, passing out the usual deliveries as she moved about.
“Adrien, your insult to caffeinated monstrosities everywhere.”
“Thanks Marinette!” The blond held his (essentially) hot chocolate with one pump expresso, and five three shots of caramel on top of whip cream.
“Chloe, why you have me grab something this sweet this early is only further proof of your crimes against humanity.”
“You’re welcome Dupain-Cheng.” The girl nabbed her (in Marinette's opinion) low caffeine sugar water--licorice root with half a bottle of honey, and lots of ice with whip cream and honesy drizzled on top. She would never understand that order, but was too afraid to ask at this point. She might be taking the Bee thing too far.
“Alya, thank you for being a sane coffee person, Nino, we are having a talk about your scheduling.”
“Thanks gurl." Because close or not, Alya was an addict with a simple and reasonable coffee that restored Marinette's sanity while making it.
Nino groaned as he took his pastries and three cream, one expresso. “Not again, I still haven’t recovered from the last time.”
Marinette shrugged. “Your mistake, not mine.”
“Oh, did you get my cookies?” Sabrina asked.
Marinette rolled her eyes with a fond smile. She likes Sabrina when she isn't in full cling mode, and giving her boxes of pre-paid cookies put together on Marinette's whims? Very calming after dealing with Adrien and Chloe's offending orders. “Yes. You paid for a different set everyday.”
“Thanks!” Sabina examined her current mix, more obscure cookies since Marinette got them before the morning rush.
“Markov, please tell me Max got some sleep last night?” Marinette asked as she handed another of her special “Max needs a nap but is to stubborn to” order--which is essentially an energy drink blend with a few slow-release teas mixed in.
“Affirmative. He got the requested minimum of three hours. I will ensure he gets more once school is out.”
“I’ll take what I can get.” He was less prone to akumatazation with more sleep, and Hawkmoth does like using Max. Marinette likes knowing she can have her teammate in the field without wondering if he'll pass out.
Marinette took her seat by Alya. They weren’t as close anymore, but it did mean Lila was alone in the back and didn’t see the group document.
“Class, we have a new student today!”
Marinette frowned. She wasn’t informed of any newcomers. She looked over at Chloe who huffed. She didn’t know either then.
“Class, this is Damian Grayson from America. His father is here on business and will be joining us for the semester!”
Chloe and her shared a look. With Chloe as the current president and Marinette as the head of the welcome committee, this was very last minute for them not to be informed. Especially as Bustier had the time to since both were here early.
Alya shot her a look.
Marinette shook her head. She really didn’t know, and it bugged her.
Alya narrowed her eyes as the new boy came in. Black hair, stood too straight and Middle Eastern. She wondered what his first language was briefly--someone in school was bound to be fairly fluent. If it was related to Arabic, Rose would be a good translator. Her and Adrien both have Mandarin now, and her English was passable to Americans--not so much for the UK. Alya has Spanish while Nino has Portuguese covered. Chloe was good for UK English and so was Adrien, but those two weren't good for new kids... especially from the America. Mylene, Ivan, Nathaniel and Juleka were bad at talking most of the time, so they were no-gos...
And she still had to finish Ali's commission… This would be a headache if they were an old Chloe-type.
“Damian, why don’t you tell us about yourself.”
“No need to. I do not plan on making friends.”
And he was worse than an Old Chloe-type. There went her free period for commissions.
The entire class shared a look, and Marinette wanted to groan. This boy would be in for a rude awakening—there was no escaping friendship in Bustier’s class. And anyone difficult? They would sent Marinette as envoy--hopefully Alya didn't make easy.
“I presume my seat is in the back?”
“Actually,” Alya stood up with a grin, “I was going to sit back with Lila to help her catch up in our next class.”
Marinette froze as she realized what Alya was doing. Keeping the new kid from Lila was good, but she also needed to keep Alya from falling for Lila’s lies again. And she has no clue on his preferred languages and uh!
“Alya,” she hissed.
“Don’t worry, I got this.” Alya moved to the back with ease before the boy could say a word.
Marinette hit her head. Why was her friend like this?
“I guess that means you’ll sit next to Marinette. Marinette, can you show Damian around during your free period?”
Marinette knew that tone. There was no refusing without a lecture on being a good role model and another reprimand for stepping down from class representative and student government when she got more commissions and needed more time.
“Of course Miss Buster.”
Damian took his seat without saying a word.
Marinette decided it was better to stay silent with this one--he didn't want friends, and would only be here briefly. She could respect that, even if she could feel the others scheming otherwise.
“What do you mean you know—“
“Oops,” Lila grinned. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
And that was what Marinette was hoping to avoid.
Damian twitched next to her. Marinette sighed, “One sec, I need to remind someone to check her sources before getting ahead of themselves… again.”
Nino shot Marinette a sympathetic look while Marinette linked three redacted articles that starred Lila as her main source.
“And done.”
Damian raised an eye brow at her. “You aren’t going to pester me, correct?”
Marinette rolled her eyes. Honestly? “You made your stance clear. I’m here as the actual head of the welcoming committee, and during free period I’ll just need to know your interests so we can avoid the parts of the school that aren’t relevant for you, and to make sure you have an idea how to handle akuma attacks since I’m going to guess they didn’t tell you about that before you applied.”
“tt,” Damian leveled her with a scowl. “Of course I know about them.”
Marinette didn’t bother to hide her surprise. “So you know where to go for shelter, the drills, the apps and news sources that are good for tracking, which hospitals are contactable during attacks and which ones go into lock down, oh and what actions are allowable and not as civilian aides to the miraculous team?”
The boy froze before her. He didn't then.
Her face slid into a more neutral one--keeping her gloating to herself.“That’s what I thought. I have a few flow charts in the committee room to grab since its an info dump and no one processes those well, and your learning style may benefit from it for all I know.” Marinette made sure not add ‘since some people can’t be bothered to tell me.’ The new boy clearly wasn’t interested in friendship, and despite what the class thinks, she is not friendship-nip.
“Class, turn to page 67 of your textbook. Marinette, make sure to share with Damian.”
“Yes Miss Bustier,” Marinette moved the book between the two of them, ignoring Damian besides checking where his eyes were on the page before turning as they followed along.
Once their free period began, Adrien had a Chloe guarding him against the Lila octopus, with Sabrina flanking his other arm as backup.
“I take it those three are together?” Damian asked once they left.
“No, Chloe doesn’t share her friends well,” Marinette explained as they moved through the halls. “And it keeps away his fans, so no one stops it anymore.” Not unless they wanted the Mayor’s ire at least. It was very effective against Lila.
“I see…” He was watching her. She wasn’t sure if it was an American thing or just a tic of his. Possibly both.
“That’s where the teacher’s offices are for before and after school,” Marinette gestured to one wing. “All the doors are labeled, so its easy enough to find who you’re looking for as long as you have a name. You’ll find most of the school services there as well, minus the nurse who’s room is closer to the quad.”
Marinette smiled when they got to welcoming committee room. None of the other members were there at the moment, but the file cabinet was. She grabbed one of the ready-made packets and grabbed a spare Bustier Class packet too.
“Here’s the information for being new in Paris, everything from common places to eat, the good hole-in-the-wall places itemized by what you’re looking for, everything relating to akumas is on the red papers, and the yellow is the school’s map and procedures.” Marinette handed him the blue folder, then the orange. “This one is the Bustier-class specific one approved by Miss Bustier. It lists everything from class rules, what caused various akumatazations with the victim’s consent to disclose it, so not all are listed, and it has your schedule and the class outing dates plus who’s interested in what on the pink pages for possible friends, but you said you weren’t interested so we can skip that.”
Marinette watched him look over the papers for a moment, waiting until his attention was back to her. “Now, anything you have a vague interest in that you might have some random inclination to do at Dupont during your free periods, before or after school?”
Damian raised an eyebrow at her.
“Its you let me tailor the tour for you, or you have to go all over the school and talk to me the entire time, when we both know you’re really not interested.”
Marinette shrugged. “Have it your way, now, on with the tour!”
Damian gawked at the core ciruculum including what he knew was more college level than high school level. Then there was the fact these students had access to multiple state of the art facilities tailored to current students interests on campus, with little issue getting them apparently.
“How does your school get all of this?”
The pigtail girl almost laughed at his question. “I guess they just sent you here since we have the most flexible curriculum routines then.” The girl shifted how she stood. “Dupont is an experimental school, everyone is given high expectations on entry but as long as you keep up with grades the school gets whatever any student requests—a few years ago we had one kid that was allowed to do rocket science as part of his program, he went to some German facility with a translator every other day. Alix has a blanket permit to do street art and installations on public property, as long as she gets her design approved and can give them her schedule as long as she helps other student with history classes. I get full access to any designing materials as part of my deal with the school in exchange for doing any school event costumes and tailoring jobs that I get a two week notice on.”
Damian nodded along, processing this new information. Suddenly, the high amount of akumas from graduates and current students of Dupont made sense. They were specialists, extremely skilled at their crafts and more likely to be knowledgeable than the general population on a variety of topics.
Marinette was glad for their hour-long lunch. “I’d ask if you wanted someone to eat with you, but you look like you need some time to process. I’ll check in before school ends.”
She ran home, noting that the man from that morning was still there but looked much less like he would keel over sometime soon. She knew that brew would help. She grabbed a croissant and ran upstairs to finish Prince Ali’s latest commission—a variant on his usual princely attire that was more maneuverable but still formal enough that no one would notice when he wore that one instead of the traditional one.
She had a feeling he was going to use it to sneak away from his guards.
She set an alarm and got to work.
She was quick to leave once the alarm sounded—she gave herself an extra five minutes this time.
“Hey, you’re the coffee angel, right?”
Marinette turned to see the man from that morning, now much more alive.
“I guess.” Marinette knew not to give out names to customers unless her parents deemed them not-stalker-y.
“Thanks, that thing actually worked. What’s in it?”
Marinette smiled at that. “Sorry, that’s a secret not even Maman and Papa get to know.”
“Huh,” the man processed her words. “Guess I’ll have to keep coming when I’m low then.”
Marinette nodded. “Guess so, good to see you’re no longer a zombie monsieur!”
She ran off at that, not sure what to think of them yet, other than if they needed that drink regularly, they might be worse than her. And she has heroing as an excuse. He doesn’t.
Holy shit was not expecting this response.
Thank you all so much, was not expecting this much positive response and i think my brain broke a bit, in the good way.
So, we have a new fan to Marinette's secret menu, and a Damian slowly realizing why the school is targetted who is also going with the 'I don't do friends' thing, again.
leaving this one as a poll: Damian calls out Lila by the end of the day for how Marinette and him end up as friends, or he puts together Marinette is doing a lot for the class by the end of the day and wants to figure out why, especially after reading the Ladyblog during lunch, or any other ideas.
Any ideas on how Marinette meets Dick and Jason for when she meets the next round of Batboys?
@worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @littleredrobinhoodlum @northernbluetongue @kceedraws @pirats-pizzacanninibles @theatreandcomicfreak @daminett4life @catthhay @weird-pale-blonde-person @amayakans @chocolatecatstheron
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warriorrazor · 2 years
(Quick question, but how come Susie ain't allowed in Lila's household despite her and Pump being siblings?)
Valid question, I’ve gotten a few asks like these before- hopefully this’ll answer them-
So I made the Spooky Family AU before the fandom knew that Susie and Pump’s grandpa are canonically Pump’s family. It was also during the time where a theory was going around of either Pump’s parents were neglectful, or he just plain didn’t have parents. So for my AU, I decided to put my own spin on that theory. And since the fandom (very much including me) was unsure about his family, I just decided to give him a father. Just a father.
So then, not too long after that Sr Pelo made a tweet pretty much confirming that Susie and Pump’s grandpa were indeed Pump’s family. So that doesn’t really mix well with my AU where a large chunk of it is my version of Pump’s father, and all the problems he had caused.
I’m actually not sure if I’ve said this before (apologies if I have,,) but a bit ago I decided to make Pump’s grandpa and Susie (along with her parents) a completely separate family. In this AU, Pump isn’t related to them at all. However both Pump and Skid do know them, since Susie sometimes babysits them both. Susie’s definitely allowed in Lila’s household, not as Pump’s sister though, but as a babysitter.
I hope I’m explaining this in a way that makes sense- basically I’m just saying that I made Pump’s canon family a completely separate family. In this AU (not canon), before Pump joined the Spooky Family, his father was basically his only family.
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