#but it turns out. like a lot of normal people would. his farmer does not want to live forever
kagoutiss · 2 months
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pelican town, ‘72
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t4t4tclethian · 3 months
The moment Joel realizes he has a crush on xB is, objectively, quite a funny one. He’d almost certainly be laughing about it if it had been anyone else. As it is, though, he’s hopping mad, extremely indignant, and deeply embarrassed about the whole thing. Who ever heard of a hitman falling for their mark? (Well, a lot of people have- it’s a whole romance cliche for a reason. But it wasn’t supposed to actually happen!)
(ao3 link)
It had all started a few days earlier, when Joel had been hanging out with the other Magical Mountaineers in the breakroom. Gem and Impulse were poring over some papers together, Skizz was on a phone call in the corner, Mumbo was politely watching as Scar fumbled through some magic tricks, and Grian was sitting on the couch with Joel, listening to him rant about his failures at killing xB (he’d drawn the short straw). Everything was normal.
And then, when Joel paused his tirade to take a breath, Grian said those fatal words. “From the way you talk about this guy, Joel, it’s almost like you’ve got a crush on the mark!”
Which was ridiculous, of course! He does blummin’ not, thank you! His relationship with xB was a perfectly platonic contract killing, and Joel is a professional! He knows better than to fall for his target, and he indignantly tells Grian as much.
But, of course, Grian is Grian, and the second he senses he’s touched a nerve he doubles down. And so he did.
“Contract killing? Give me a break, Joel! Your contract on this guy expired ages ago, and you’re not the type to work for free.” Grian’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he continued to needle at Joel. “Admit it, there’s something else going on here, isn’t there?”
Joel spluttered, and took a deep breath as he glanced around the room. Fuck. Everyone had stopped what they were doing to listen in on him and Grian now. He had to say something to throw them off or he would never be able to live this conversation down.
“My contract might be done, but unlike some people I finish the things I start, thank you very much!”
Grian squawked in indignation, and as he did so the others chuckled and turned back to their own conversations, unfounded accusations of romance forgotten. Grian’s tendency to leave things unfinished was well-known, and something that every assassin at Magic Mountain had teased him over many times.
But that thought refused to leave his brain. It had wiggled its way in like a worm. Did he have a crush on xB? Is that why he kept coming back when any sane person would’ve just given it up already? And the answer, of course, is no. All of Joel’s actions here have perfectly reasonable and professional explanations.
Joel waits patiently on the rooftop across from Horse Head Farmer’s Market (which, despite the name, is actually a grocery store/money laundering scheme, not a farmer’s market), rifle at the ready, just as he has been for the past three and a half hours. You can’t rush a good sniping, after all, and xB’s schedule varies enough that Joel’s never quite sure when he’ll head out for lunch. (He’s pretty sure xB has done this specifically to spite Joel- the guy’s obsessed with him.)
Yes! Finally! xB steps out of the store, starts walking down the street, and- turns to look at Joel’s rooftop, makes direct eye contact with him, and gives him a friendly little wave, the infuriatingly sincere kind that makes Joel want to kill him even more. Dammit. He’s been caught. Also, wow, even from here Joel is a little wowed by how blue xB’s eyes are. Or maybe he’s just remembering how they look, because there’s no way Joel can actually see his eyes from here. They are definitely a very nice blue, though, and oh, huh, Joel realizes that Lizzie has blue eyes, too. Maybe he’s got a thing for blue-eyed people, and- OH SHIT RIGHT HE’S KILLING THIS GUY.
Joel fires, because even if he’s been discovered a vantage point is still a vantage point. Of course, xB somehow manages to not be in the bullet’s path, just like he always does, and then he gives Joel a disapproving look, like he’s actually disappointed Joel didn’t do a better job at trying to kill him.
God, he’s so cute, Joel’s brain has the audacity to think, like it’s trying to add insult to insult to injury. To Joel’s horror, he realizes in this moment that he’s had dozens, maybe even hundreds of thoughts like this, that just slipped through the cracks and went unnoticed.
Then, xB smiles at him again before heading on his way, and Joel falls off of the rooftop. He has time to think, Oh, I’m gonna kill Grian, as he plummets towards the ground. And then, everything goes dark, and he dies.
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y0ur-loca1-lyr3 · 3 months
Hey could we get your headcannons on Shane gaining a crush on the farmer? How Shane would feel about the whole scenario, how he would address it, the like
Shane getting a crush on the farmer hcs
A/N; omg I’m absolutely fangirling over this rn thank you so much for this request anon, hope you like it :D
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As we all know, Shane isn’t really very fond of people
Actually it’s not that he’s not fond of people he just can’t see someone actually liking him as a person
So when he first realized he had a crush on the farmer he just sort of pushed it away, thus in turn probably also the farmer
At first he thought that there was no way someone like the farmer would remotely feel the same
The farmer talking to him, and giving him gifts was probably just out of pity, right?
No need to acknowledge that weird swirly feeling in his stomach, or the fact he always stumbled over his words around them
Not like they felt the same anyhow
But then they show some type of interest in the same way he feels
Maybe it’s a slip of the tongue, or maybe he says something on accident that makes them a little flustered
And now he’s freaking out
He can barely focus at his job
Probably dropped a few things while stocking shelves because he was so in thought he missed the shelves entirely
Internally freaking out in his room later
Cannot sleep. Like normally he’s too drunk or too exhausted to do anything but plop on his bed and sleep away his life, but now? Oh, no, no, no
He’s wide awake pondering what to do
Hell, he’s still having a hard time grasping the fact that someone is willing to talk to him, and now this?
The next day when they talk to him, he’s very nervous
Normally his response is something along the lines of ‘go away’ but now he’s trying to piece together a normal response to them
It wasn’t until that moment he realized how hard it was to simply speak English
He stumbled over his words a few times before finally getting out a “hey, what’s up?”
They’d respond kindly, and for the first time in a while he actually has a good conversation with someone
He had to admit it was nice to actually talk to someone he was fond of
This happened day after day until him and the farmer talking before his shift was just sorta daily
The days they couldn’t talk to him he found himself a little less happy
Of course he’d forgive them the next day and go on like normal
He’s pretty sure that the only time he really ever smiles anymore is around them
He’d begun to trust them a lot, and that little crush that he tried to snuff out only grew more and more
He started to see things at his work that would remind him of them
And he’ll, he had more than enough to buy that and some beer later, right?
They’d given him so many gifts it’s only fair to return the favor
He’d probably be all nervous and awkward while giving them the gift, but it’s still be worth it in his eyes to see them smile
Confessing his feelings would probably take a while
First he has to gain the courage to do so, and on top of that he has to figure out how to confess
After much ‘research’ (interrogating Marnie to see what the best way to confess is) he decides to invite them to share a beer over at the dock by Marnie’s ranch around nighttime
When they get there he gives them a flower he bought from Pierre’s that he knew was their favorite
Sure it cost him a pretty penny, but this was worth it, plus it looked nice in their hair either way
After sometime chatting and whatnot, he tells you how he feels while looking down at his reflection so he doesn’t have to look you in the eyes
He’s probably mumbling a bit but he’s doing his best
If they say no, he’d be heartbroken
He wouldn’t say anything about how bad he feels, but he does let out a small “oh.”
After that he asks if they can still at least be friends
The rest of the time is just rather awkward silence, before Shane gets up and goes home with his head hung low, feeling dejected
If they say yes, however he’s absolutely ecstatic
A part of him still kinda thought you would’ve still said no
So when you confirm that you feel the same way he can’t help but ramble a little, saying how great this is and how he’d love to go out somewhere with you sometime once he raises enough money
The rest of the night is spent chatting away with Shane while he held their hand looking up at the beautifully gleaming stars
And god, how he loves the way they reflect in your eyes <3
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siryouarebeingmocked · 7 months
I was watching an LP of Spider Man 2 (PS5) SPOILERS
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In the first mission after the intro, some guys try to rob a gun club. Which, has no security but a thin metal rolling door that some random thugs easily back a truck through. Sure, I get it, it's a plot contrivance.
Spidey (Peter) complains about the stupidity of the idea of having a gun club in the city. He banters about how he wants to replace the city's gun clubs with places that don't hurt anyone, like complement clubs.
In other words, a man who can dodge bullets in a high-tech, bullet-resistant suit packed chock-full of unlicensed, experimental, powerful concealed weapons* says guns are bad because they hurt people, as he beats thugs to a pulp with his carbon-fiber reinforced fists.
Two,  legal gun owners are rarely the people who shoot others. If they shoot anyone, it's probably themselves, on purpose. Most gun crime is with illegal guns, and blaming legal owners for that is stupid.
Heck, I'm from one of many countries with low legal ownership, strict gun control, and more per capita gun homicides than America.
Three, the plot of the first game involved terrorists attacking the city, compromising a public official, and nearly blowing up the Mayor. Then there was a supervillain prison break, then the Mayor called in a PMC to keep order, which turned out to be tyrannical fascists. 
Followed by a bioterror attack using weaponized biotech from the Mayor’s own company.
Needless to say, the Mayor loses his job.
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I’m not even covering the DLC and Miles Morales game, which caused even more chaos. In short, faith in the city government and cops to protect the public has to be at an all-time low.
Also, the city's gun laws apparently don't keep countless bad guys from toting around their thundersticks. And we know those laws are probably similar to reality, because one of the side plots in SM2 involves Spidey responding to people with fireworks, which are illegal without a permit.
In the entire state. Except for sparklers.
Also, Spider-Man usually mocks his enemies. He spends most of the fight mocking the idea of gun clubs. Imagine if some randos tried to rob a jewelry store, and he started going on about blood diamonds.
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I'm an hour or two later, and some guy says that his foundation is developing GMO crops for humanitarian reasons, as opposed to normal corporate GMO crops, which are made for profit and are "rightly criticized".
The speech does not sound one bit like something an actual person would say. It's possible the character is drawing on the language of a speech or article, but it still sounds awkward.
Peter later says "Money shouldn't be part of the equation when it comes to basic human necessities." 
Man who lucked into a cushy job because he was friends with a nepo baby of a billionaire in high school says “the vittles shouldn’t cost money.”
And last time I checked, a lot of crops wouldn't even be grown if farmers and corporations couldn't profit by them. Because, y’know, food costs time, money, effort, and resources to make. Like most things.
Just to be clear, I'm actually in favor of Open Source, generally. But this is just so preachy.
*Including armed drones with lasers powerful enough to destroy scenery.
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basementdoll · 7 months
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Spanish Inquisition
Wednesday 13
What does this part-time Murderdoll, chicken lovin’, eyebrow shavin’, horror movie watchin’ dread head have to say for himself when Cardinal Doran asks him your questions and applies the thumbscrews? Read on and find out. Noose of the world: Brother Naki.
Weds: “Right, you must be here to ask me lots of offensive questions?”
Hammer: Usually when we do this we only get questions about how gay are you or how much dick do you love to suck, but this time we’ve only got questions about chickens.
Weds: “Cool! Questions from real fans!”
Pear Black, Via Email
Weds: “No. Unfortunately, not being farmers or anything and not knowing how to take care of chickens, he died. We had a little chicken coop at the side of our guitar amps and our drums. It was the summer, we’d go to practice and leave him and he died of heat exhaustion. So I chopped off his legs and made a little memorial for him by hanging them off my guitar but they got ripped off during one gig. Peace Omar.” [Thumps heart emotively.]
Hammer: What benefits are there to having a chicken instead of a normal pet like a cat?
Weds: “None. The reason I got the chicken was cos when I was a kid people always told me that people like Ozzy Osbourne and Alice Cooper used to bite the heads off chickens live on stage and drink their blood. So for me, I’ve always associated chickens with rock’n’ roll. I never wanted to kill the chicken, I just always wanted it to be there. I'd recommend your readers get a cat instead.”
Hammer: But chickens are good for voodoo rituals as well.
Weds: “And for feathers…”
Hammer: Say if you were going to cook a chicken, what recipe would you use?
Weds: “I’m a big fan of Cajun chicken. I bake chicken pretty much every day of my life, except when I’m on tour because you don’t have access to a stove. You put the chicken in the oven and sprinkle it with salt, pepper and spices and cook it until it isn’t pink in the middle - unless you want to get sick.”
Decaying Wench, Hell, Third Door On The Left
Weds: “Well, yeah. There’s always hope. Everybody’s doing their own thing. Joey went back to Slipknot and I started doing this so everybody had to find something to do. I can only speak for myself, because I don’t know what the other guys are doing, but I’m putting 100 per cent into this and it is my number one priority, I’m going to tour this record for as long as I want to. But when the time comes right, everybody feels like doing another Murderdolls record and everybody is on the same page, then yeah, I’ll do it. But there’s no way it’ll happen next year.”
Hammer: How has the material off ‘Transylvania 90210’ been going down?
Weds: “Amazing. I was expecting to get raked across the coals but the kids have been digging it and the reviews from the journalists have been really good as well. People are telling me that it’s much more diverse than the Murderdolls; a lot more like a rollercoaster ride and it’s got many different levels to it.”
Dan, Chiswick
Weds: “I don’t go to goth porn websites and I don’t think it sounds anything like one. Frankenstein Drag Queen sounds more like a goth porn website.”
Hammer: What are your views on pornography?
Weds: “It happens. I don’t find myself ringing lines or going on websites but if that’s what people do and it makes them happy then more power to them. You won’t be finding me turning up in any porn films by the way. Unlike Fred Durst.”
Hammer: He didn’t come out of that looking well.
Weds: “Fred Durst doesn’t come out of anything looking well.”
Chris, South Africa
Weds: “There was this old guy that I used to go to in my home town of Charlotte, North Carolina but the guy pissed me off and I don’t go to him any more. My new guy is called Mark Evans, who did my stitches which are healing up and he did the new Michael Myers tattoo. I don’t promote my old guy because he was a douchebag.”
Hammer: Did you weep like a six year old girl watching ET when you got them done?
Weds: “No. As I was getting them done I was watching Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure so I was laughing. They hurt though. The ones on the wrists, I think I would have been better just chopping my hands off and sewing them back on: it would have hurt less. It was pretty painful.”
Cyhiraeth 13, Via Email
Weds: “Family bucket. Popcorn chicken is different here. In America it is actually just what is left over from the other chicken in the bottom of the tray dumped into a bucket. But also the way you guys cut chicken here is totally different. It baffles me, I don’t know what I’m eating. In America you have a leg, a breast, a thigh and a wing. Over here you have a throat, an ass, an elbow…”
Hammer: We don’t have chicken’s elbows.”
Weds: “What the hell am I eating here? It’s all fucking mixed up, I think I had a throat today!”
Hammer: Just say you developed a food intolerance to chicken what would you do then?
Weds: “I’d eat turkey. I’d just move from one bird to another. And turkey’s better for you.”
Hammer: You should try ostrich. Terminator X, the old DJ from Public Enemy, is now an ostrich farmer in the USA, that’s why he doesn’t go on tour with them because someone’s got to stay home and look after the ostriches.
Weds: “I can’t say that I’ve seen a Kentucky Fried Ostrich restaurant yet but when I do I’ll stop by. I fancy a KFO.”
Eddie, London
Weds: “There’s no way to keep them quiet. Keep them out of the heat. Don’t feed them after midnight. They will actually eat anything you put in front of them. They’ll eat chicken, so give your chicken some KFC and watch it become a cannibal.”
Charlotte Humphreys, Andover
Weds: “Probably The Abominable Dr Phibes and I would be Dr Phibes because he was the master of revenge and it is my favourite Vincent Price movie. He didn’t really even have to talk to be frightening.”
Storm McCracken, Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Weds: “There’s a good possibility, yeah. I lost count along the way but probably. Not this year though because I turned over a new leaf and now I only eat grilled chicken. I’ve been trying to make sure that I don’t have a heart attack before I’m 30.”
Hammer: Speaking as a bit of a tubby bastard, I was wondering how you stay so slim on such a chicken rich diet?
Weds: “It is basically not eating fried chicken. I went on a diet and I lost 40lbs which shows you how bad it can be.”
Ken B Wild, The Fields 
Weds: “Hmmm. It depends on the person. Me? No. I can’t punch a sheep to death but say you’re Tor Johnson from the Ed Wood films, the big guy, he could probably hit a sheep once and break its spine.”
Hammer: I reckon The Thing from The Fantastic Four could waste a sheep.
Weds: “Well, Tor Johnson is probably the closest a human has ever got to being The Thing.
Hammer: What is the biggest creature that you’ve ever killed? Purposefully, that is. Not just forgetting that you’ve left a chicken in a hot room.
Weds: Probably a grasshopper. I don’t hurt animals. When I was a kid I used to do mean stuff but I don’t now. I go out of my way not to hurt stuff.”
Goldfinger Rule 502, Via Email
Weds: “Hell yeah! He just came to my house a couple of months ago. He brought my kid a box of candy and $20.”
Hammer: What are your favorite kinds of sweets?
Weds: “I love peanut M&MS. Those things are addictive. I will eat about 10 bags a day if I don’t watch it.”
Antibody, Via Email
Weds: “Yeah, we’re still going head to head. One day we’ll meet and slug it out but I will win.”
Hammer: It’s Wednesday the 13th soon, do you do anything out of the ordinary on those days?
Weds: “Not normally but this year we are doing the London show so that should be really remarkable.”
Eyen, Poshland
Weds: “My mom’s pretty proud of me. She goes out and buys all of the magazines and everything else. She is totally supportive of me and is into what we’re doing.”
Bobby G, Via Email
Weds: “A grizzly man! You can’t fight a bear! I’ve seen a bear- you can’t fight them.”
Hammer: You saw a bear?
Weds: “On TV. In a zoo. You can’t fight them.”
Hammer: My Chemical Romance got attacked by a moose once. What is the biggest animal you’ve ever been attacked by?
Weds: “I got attacked by a Doberman when I was eight years old. And they can kill you. The dog had cancer and it had this giant tumour on its side and they were going to put it to sleep in a few weeks. But it came up to me while I was on my trampoline and put its legs up and started growling. I was like, ‘Oh shit, what do I do?’ So I decided to try and run down the hill to get home and the dog jumped at me, knocked me down and I ate grass. It never bit me but it stayed right on my ass growling and I just cried all the way home. Which is OK if you’re eight: a Doberman could bite your arm off!”
Hammer: If you say so. Are you nervous about dogs now?
Weds: “I’m not a big dog fan. I like cats and small dogs but big dogs give me the old phobia.”
Mr D Monkey, No Fixed Abode
Weds: “Well you know, I don’t have to buy the rights to be named after the day of the week and yeah, I was totally inspired by the character out of The Addams Family, I’ve always admitted that and never tried to hide it. She was always much cooler than Pugsley because he was a little fat guy.”
War Machine, Via Email
Weds: “It’s in the process. I’m getting Voorhees and Freddie very soon. So gimme some time dude!”
He Man, Reading
Weds: “A plophead? A guy with a plop on his head? What is that? If you mean shit head, say shit head. You know, I shave my eyebrows off for one simple reason: my hair is blond. When my eyebrows grow out they are blond, it just doesn’t look good. I don’t have cool eyebrows, so I shave them off. You can hardly see them anyway. I do notice not having them because of the sweat. If you ever see me on stage squinting like this [scrunches up face as if in agony] that means my eyes are burning out of my fucking head.”
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mixelation · 1 year
In your last ask about Tori being reborn into Naruto, one of the tags mentions the akatsuki being reborn? Do you mind going into that? As in the akatsuki being reborn into different villages after they die?
no, the premise is more like a time travel fic where the time travelers end up in their younger bodies. so the akatsuki are still themselves but now they have.... Future Knowledge(tm). i've been going back and forth a lot on how this would change their decision making processes because obviously some of them could have huge effects on the canon plot. kakuzu, for example, is old enough he could probably prevent any ninja village from being founded in he played his cards right.
some ideas:
i am intrigued by the idea of kakuzu killing hashirama and preventing konoha from ever happening, but also this isn't the story to explore that. instead he decides to fuck off and be a missing-nin earlier, because he doesn't want to fuck with his village any more than he has to
hidan makes zero changes to his life. good job, hidan
sasori still makes himself a puppet, but maybe does it when he's older? like i feel like when i was 16 i was like "yeah, being a teenager forever is a good idea" but as an adult i'm like "but sasori would be so hot if he actually looked 35?" also he might get taller. so i think with the wisdom of age he might wait a bit. i also feel like he might have the motivation/ability to interfere in how the war that killed his parents went (i think it was the second one?) but that's another moving piece i'm still rotating
i haven't decided how this is going to play out in plasticity, but for this AU let's say konan and pein understand zetsu/obito's roles in ruining the world. they preemptively murder obito, oops. depending on how they do this (and how aware minato is of how obito died), it means ame's relationship with konoha could look REAL different. also not 100% sure what i want to do with yahiko/ame in general. still rotating this part
konan and pein's intervention does mean minato & kushina are still alive and kicking. itachi is confused but he's going with this. danzo's still a slimeball but the massacre isn't really on the table anymore. i'm also leaning towards a scenario where itachi is really, really bad at pretending to be A Normal Child and ends up in ANBU even earlier and is confused about why he's unhappy with this
without obito around to brainwash the mizukage, kiri is more stable and kisame is just chugging along there (although he's firmer about turning down some missions--- and good enough no one can really argue with him)
Deidara's origin story in Plasticity is that his family is just some farmers with proto-mouth hands and Iwa is paying them to churn out a bunch of children to see if they can make a new bloodline limit. Some of the gamete donors are likely ninja, but Deidara was born on a farm and not slorped up into the Iwa system never to see his family again until he was Academy age. Post time travel, Deidara remembers family never paid much attention to him, and he has no reason to want to go back to Iwa, so he just runs away at like age 5
The crux of all this is that none of them actually knows the entire akatsuki has time traveled. Like Nagato and Konan obviously know the other one time traveled and everyone is aware this timeline is Different, but it hasn't occurred to anyone to seek out other members and they don't bump into each other organically because they're all in very different parts of the world. Since she's the main character, obviously Tori gets to the catalyst for people running into each and pointing like the spiderman meme
Since Tori doesn't HAVE a family in Ninjaland to be reborn into, she's brought up as an orphan in a ninja clan that unaffiliated with any village. I just like the idea that there's still some of these kicking around. Since she's not a real part of the family, she gets treated like shit and doesn't really get formal ninja training. B U T the family heads are entering Cahoots with Orochimaru and he's like: what's this? Spare orphans???
Orochimaru obviously eventually completely fucks over the family (maybe they have some interesting kekkai genkai/jutsu he just runs off with while their home burns), but Tori knows exactly what to say and how to act to get into his good graces. But ALSO she's acutely aware she's playing a very dangerous game and abandons ship a few years later, preferably in a very dramatic way where she screws over Orochimaru as much as she can.
(Revenge? She's not worried about that. This is only endearing herself to him.)
I'm going back and forth on what her ~abilities~ are, but I want to keep that she has no elemental affinity. I also can't see her as someone whose gut reaction to a situation would be "I can fight my way out of this" even if she's technically been trained to be competent at it. What she DOES have is a new and creative ways to push the field of fuinjutsu forward. Also toyed around with the idea of misappropriating medical jutsu to fuck shit up? she is not a taijutsu specialist but you should not fight her hand-to-hand, oops
(also, yes, she can throw knives now)
Tori is right between Deidara and Itachi in age so I was thinking while she's wandering around as a 12 year old feral ninja or whatever she is, she somehow runs into Deidara? And then something goes EXTREMELY WEIRD and they both end up in Konoha. This Deidara is technically affiliated with Iwa, but he was never one of them and he's obviously a genius, so I think most of Konha leadership would be like :EYES EMOJI: at him? Tori was affiliated with Konoha's scariest missing-nin, so.... that's suspicious, but also something something she's deidara one friend and that kid needs someone else's braincell.
so, my EXTREMELY convoluted and cracktastic take was then: Minato needs to do something super sneaky at a Chunin Exam for some reason. He wants to send in a fake genin team as entrants, but he'd prefer to use younger shinobi so there's less suspicion. Kushina has been bugging him for a genin team for years. He gives her the extra super special DISASTER team of Itachi, Deidara and Tori*
*tbh i don't super like kushina but i like the idea of her as tori's mentor. their personalities are VERY different but i think kushina would ave a lot of sympathy for a young girl trying to settle into a foreign village, oh and also do you want to do something wild with yogurt
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theladyragnell · 1 year
luck magic, new leverage <3
(This uses worldbuilding I wrote in an original ficlet years ago, so if you like, you can check that out right HERE.)
Parker is Lucky but not lucky, a difference she still doesn’t understand sometimes. It seems stupid that the Luck she knows, the odds she plays (but not too much, because cheating makes everything less fun), aren’t the same thing as the kind of luck where good things happen to you without you having to change the odds.
There are a lot of thieves like her. The people that become Leverage, she knows them by reputation, because she hears the stories about the way events bend around them. She knows that Hardison has to try fewer passwords to get into a network than anybody else, that Sophie can always guess just who to be, that Eliot plays the odds about where a bullet will be and has watched him, with the right reason, walk through a field of them like he’s dancing. But they’re not lucky, like she’s not lucky: they lose people, screw up when they don’t know what odds they’re playing.
“Happy,” Eliot replies when she says so one night early on, face twisted like it is when she says something that isn’t normal even for people like them. “The word you’re looking for is happy.”
Parker scowls at him. “No, I mean lucky, because I mean whether things happen to make us happy or not is random. Or at least I never felt anyone playing the odds when bad things happened to me.”
“Nana always said chance and Luck aren’t the same thing,” says Hardison with a shrug. “Sometimes she said that Luck often comes to people life is hard on. I’m more focused on the future. I know how to play the odds these days.”
“Touch wood, man, that’s the kind of thing Lucky people say before they burn themselves out,” says Eliot.
Parker listens to them bicker, still undecided how she feels about it, but glad that for once she’s got other people around as Lucky as she is.
They don’t change each other’s odds. It’s a rule as hard and fast as “Don’t con your crew,” which means that sometimes Sophie ignores it, or Hardison pushes at the edge as a joke, but for the most part, they don’t do it, at least not on purpose.
A lot of Lucky people working close together, though, that tends to bend things. They don’t do it on purpose, but things start working out for them, when there’s no reason not to. Parker wins a box of chocolates in a random drawing without trying (not that she would have tried, she would have stolen a box and then left the payment later since it’s a small business and Eliot yells at her about that). Hardison orders groceries online and they accidentally put in twice the amount of orange soda. Eliot finds some weird hippie hair thing that makes his hair smell nice and does something he apparently likes at a farmer’s market. And it’s not isolated incidents, it’s just life: green lights and discounts and cool new safes in marks’ closets, all coming together without Parker making it.
Parker likes it, she kind of has to like it because it’s good, but it makes her nervous. She thinks it makes Eliot nervous too, but not as much Hardison. He’s always been a little luckier than they were, with Nana.
“I can’t decide if I like my Luck doing things without me wanting it to,” she tells Hardison and Eliot one day early in the time they’re in Portland. “I use it for jobs, and now all this is happening.”
“I like nice things happening,” says Hardison, rolling his eyes. “I don’t feel anyone tugging on the odds, so maybe it’s just chance actually working out for us for once.”
“But people say if a lot of Lucky people spend time together, odds turn in their favor.” Parker frowns, tries to find the words. They listen. They’re pretty good about listening, these days, waiting for her to figure out how to say what she needs to say. She’s lucky to have them, and not just Lucky. “If we split up, do things go back to being bad? I’d already be sad if we did, I don’t want to lose out on free chocolate too.”
Eliot grips her shoulder for a second before letting go, and Hardison offers his hand for her to hold. She takes it. “Nothing’s gonna split us up,” says Eliot. “Not for long. I’ll play whatever odds I have to, to make sure that happens.”
“What he said,” says Hardison.
It doesn’t quite fix this worry, but then again, a lot of the reasons Parker feels happy these days aren’t about chocolate or soda or hair care. They’re about her team. Knowing they’ll fight to get back to her helps.
When Hardison is gone, off on one of the jobs that only he can do, things always feel a little harder.
Which is stupid, Parker knows that. She and Eliot and Sophie are just as Lucky as ever. Harry’s a lot Luckier than any lawyer should be, and Breanna wouldn’t have survived a week in Hardison’s job if she weren’t as Lucky as he is. So it’s the same amount of Luck around, but it still feels like things aren’t easy, and she doesn’t know how much of that is missing him and how much of it is that her favorite cereal company goes out of business.
“Damn it,” Eliot says, exhausted, coming back home after a job, the last one since they all take separate flights. “Every leg of that trip got delayed.”
“You didn’t try to change the odds?”
“Couldn’t pull them enough without tipping someone off.”
She frowns. “That kind of thing wouldn’t happen with Hardison around.”
“No, but I wasn’t going to call him in space just to make him fiddle around with the control towers.”
“No, I mean—if he were on this job, it wouldn’t have happened. He wouldn’t have had to fix it.”
Eliot stares at her for a second, and then he sighs. “Nobody can be lucky all the time. You think I didn’t get delayed flights when he was still around? We just notice the bad luck more without him around, that’s all.”
“You said,” she says, and stops, tries to figure it out. “You said one time that the kind of luck that isn’t Luck is just happiness. You mean like that?”
His face softens into a smile. “Yeah, Parker. I know better what you meant these days, but I still think it’s about what we notice. Easy to notice things going wrong without Hardison going around. And you know he plays the odds to make things a little easier on us sometimes, even when it’s risky. Want to give him a call, let him know I’m home safe? What are the odds he’s free right now?”
“Pretty low,” says Parker, and puts her arm around his shoulders while she changes them.
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ssahotstuff · 1 year
Hey, hope you're doing good today 😊. 🥸🛌💥 for your writers ask?
Ooooh yes gladly! Thank you for asking 🥰🥰🥰
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
I haven’t outright told anyone but there are people on this app that know my identity outside of tumblr despite my account being faceless, if that makes sense! I try not to collide my writing/real life because I feel like most of the people I know would judge me heavily.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
Eeeek, okay I started this draft like 4 months ago and it’s Hotch x Heavily tattooed reader and he takes her to get tattoos because he loves watching and reader is really hesitant because she knows she isn’t his usual type but there’s so much chemistry regardless 🫠🫠😍 let me see what I can find to tease it with!!
"It really doesn't hurt?" Luckily the shop you found took walk ins, and he had time for a small freehand tattoo when Aaron suggested you get one; he wanted to watch you get a tattoo for some odd reason, and you weren't going to say no. You always had time for a new tattoo, no matter what day or time.
"It's uncomfortable, but it's not as bad as you think. You should get one too," you looked up at him and he was frowning, shaking his head back at you.
"They look much better on you. Your butterfly is cute," that's what you'd gotten, a smaller one, in the blank space of your arm. There wasn't a lot of detail, but he only had an hour to spare for your slot. He covered it with second skin; it was a type of protective seal for your tattoo. Aaron wouldn't let you pay or tip, he insisted, as part of your date. You walked out with a new memory, something to keep on your skin forever that would always make you think of him.
"Were all of your tattoos planned or have you ever gotten one at the spur of the moment like that?" Once you'd climbed in the car, he was taking your hand to examine it more closely.
"Nope, this is a first. I made appointments for the rest."
He liked that a lot.
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Ugh it’s not new because I’ve written it once before but I’m obsessed with Hotch having a lactation kink 🥴🥴 I want to write a whole fic where Hotch has a pregnancy kink/is just absolutely obsessed with pregnant reader and she’s afraid once she has the baby he isn’t going to find her attractive anymore but in reality he’s going crazy over all of the changes her body has made, especially all of her curves 😍
I alsooooo like the idea of writing something that takes place like a year after 5 x 9/100 where Hotch and Jack move to the country to start a new life after Foyet and Hotch falls for a single mom/reader that has a suuuuper simple life, like she has a giant garden/farm and sells her stuff at the farmers market and Hotch is just absolutely wild over her overalls 😂
I also wanna write Hotch having kind of like a threesome but he’s just watching reader and another girl—I had a dream about this scenario like three nights ago and it hasn’t left my brain since. Idk if I’ll write it though because it’s oddly specific—I’m attracted to EVERYONE, regardless of gender identity so it’s super normal for me to be with another woman—I’m not sure if my readers would feel the same though!!
That being said I started a Marty Byrde x Hotch x Reader fic where they were in witsec together and Hotch and Marty agreed to share the reader bc they were both in love with her 🥴 super self indulgent, they didn’t fuck reader at the same time but they were like, taking turns touching her together and it sent my brain haywire so I may finish that— haven’t decided. I haven’t touched it in months but this inspired me to go back and read it 😂😂
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thatsneakymedic · 8 months
October Writing Challenge Day 15 Pumpkin
With permission and the trust from Mother Nonou, Kabuto walks hand to hand with Aina as they head back to Aina's farm to go pick up some crops for dinner. Today it was Kabuto's turn to go with Aina to bring the food back as part of his lessons about running errands and learning basic math when it comes to money.
The other two nuns insisted that Nonou teaches Kabuto these things early as times like these when children need to learn quickly. Since even they might need to learn the value of chores and doing errands for their parents long after they get adopted.
Dragging the empty old utility grocery cart behind him with a handle, Kabuto looks around the trees and the cloudy skies. He's wearing his own warm scarf and his boots since the weather has been getting colder these days and Kabuto had just recovered from his own sore throat two weeks ago. He did however love how the trees and the leaves are falling about and decorating the ground with the red, yellow, and orange colors.
"I didn't know that you live just a bit far from us Aina. I can't believe that you walk from here to our place and then to Konoha. But it must really be tiring and stressful when it gets dark, rains, or snow. Winter is in a few months after all." Kabuto says as he does a little hop on the leaf to crush it under his foot to give it that good satisfactory crunch sound.
"Well, first it helps t' get up at th' crack'a dawn. Get all th' chores done you need done 'fore anythin' else. Which's why it's import'nt to go to bed early. Plus by now, I've done learned all th' shortcuts 'round this place. An' when a place's very far or I got a big load t' carry, I take my tricycle an' wagon." She answered as she leads the way to the farm, which is lucky that the wooden fence is the main clue that they're going the right way. On the same road as them, a couple using a large wagon pulled by a horse that carried quite a lot of vegetables on the back of the cart and they both were heading back to the village.
"Hello you two." The wife of the man greets them in a friendly manner as they pass through. And both Aina and Kabuto step aside to let them pass and they bow as they leave. As soon as they pass, Kabuto then tries to look on ahead when they're at least a mile from the farm.
"That man and his wife. They bought a LOT of vegetables! Like as if they're planning a large dinner or festival! I think we should hurry. What if all of the vegetables are gone by now?" Kabuto said as he is now slightly rushing towards the place, holding Aina's hand while also trying to drag the cart behind him too.
Aina though she's not too worried about the vegetables running out, she does notice that Kabuto was concerned so she decides for his sake to also hurry by walking quickly while helping Kabuto pull the cart.
The view of the small farm is now getting closer and closer as the brown fence is reaching the bend and towards the farm. Kabuto slows down his steps as he now looks around the small farm from the front. From far away, he sees a figure moving about before heading inside. Probably Aina's mom or another customer?
"Is that the place? It's a lot different than what I imagined. I thought that you guys would live surrounded by large fields of hay and stuff. Like in the pictures of story books or magazines. But it still looks pretty and comfortable."
She giggles but she's also glad that the boy isn't dragging her so much anymore and now they're able to walk at a normal pace, "Ahaha, oh, Kabuto. You mus' be thinkin' bout people with manors. Those farmers got much more land than we do. Yep, farms act'lly come in all shapes-n-sizes. But we're happy with ours. Ain't never let us down."
"And considering if that couple that passed us that might've bought the vegetables back there. That means that your crops must be really good, even if your place isn't as big. Different and all shapes and sizes... I like it. Since bigger isn't always better." He looks around the outside of the house as they get more closer till they are right at the doorstep.
Now not so much as in a rush since there's nobody there other than him, Aina, and the woman in the store. He is the first to knock on the wooden pillar to let her know despite that she had already seen them coming.
"Aina, is that your mom in the store? She looks a lot like you." He assumed that she would be as kind and friendly like her too.
"Yes she is." Aina nods, though she did worry about if Kabuto won't be intimidated by her personality since even she knew that her mother isn't as friendly as she is.
He stands in front of the various vegetables and he reads the numbers and the names on them. Though reading the list that he has, he looks around more for the other vegetables that were not on the display. Aina guides him to shed and his eyes widen as he sees the tomatoes and sweet potatoes that he needs to pick up.
But before he could move, he pauses when he feels someone staring at him and he turns to the dark skinned woman with the apron who was counting the money, even though she's already done and is now putting it away in a box, she is giving him a rather serious stare. Her attention however is on the Konohagakure Orphanage symbol on his kimono.
"Keep an eye on that child, Aina. Last thing I need is a troublemaker messing up my store. And leave that cart out since I don't want you hitting anything either." She said sternly while turning to Aina for a moment before looking back at him.
Great. Another child from that place and an unfamiliar one that is not the mature one with the hat and birthmark on his nose. She hopes that Kabuto isn't like the insolent girl from the Orphanage who tried to haggle with her with the prices on the strawberries. The girl called her an "stupid old hag" for not willing to deal with the outrageous cheap price and then kicking a display stand's wooden foot so hard, the foot broke and the fragile plums that she cherished herself all fell onto the ground, bruising and ruining the entire bunch. If it weren't for Aina getting between them, she would've not only beaten the girl, but also refused the money and dragged the snotty brat out of the store by the hair. Even if it has been months ago when it happened and Mother Nonou thankfully paid for the damages, it still left a bitter taste in her mouth.
"Y-yes ma'am! I promise that I won't cause trouble for you or Aina." Kabuto politely bowed to her despite being unnerved by her intimidating stare before turning around and gently putting the right amount of tomatoes in the bag and then with his fingers. Counting on the prices while also keeping his hands to himself. Kabuto was thankful that there was plenty of vegetables left even though it looked like it was just about to run out. While waiting, Airi noticed how Kabuto would casually put the produce in their right places and in order while looking around for the items he need when he didn't need to. Seems that this child knows how to clean up and organize.
8 tomatoes 3 cabbages 6 sweet potatoes 8 regular potatoes 6 carrots 2 cauliflowers 3 eggplants
Kabuto was careful with the costs of the items and even counted quietly on both money and the produce. Or at least he thought he did as he picked the biggest ones he could find and he put them on the cart.
His attention was caught on the perfectly shaped small pumpkin that was on one of the displays along with the other larger ones. He has been curious to know how pumpkin tastes like since Urushi told him that he has been craving for pumpkin pie the other day and how it's always delicious to eat around this time of the year.
Perhaps he could buy it for him and maybe Mother would be happy with it too? A small one of course, since the big ones were way too expensive and too big for him to carry home.
He looks at the cash in his hand and he counts what would he have left if he could buy it.
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Being so sure that he could get it, he picks up the one that catches his eye and he puts it on the cart. "I think I got everything Aina. I think I have enough money for an extra item too."
He smiles as he immediately heads to the counter with the money ready in hand. Aina then follows him and starts to take out the scale in hand, "Oh, oh wait. You gotta let us--ahaha, 'lettuce'--ah, let us weigh it. Our prices're ain't based on how many of a fruit or vegetable ya got. We figure it out based on how many kilos your pick weighs."
Kabuto's happy face slightly frowns, though he did catch the joke but he had no time to laugh at it, "What? I... I didn't know that. Oh no, I picked out the biggest ones I could find..."
"At least you'll know and be aware of that next time boy. And don't hold the money out in your hands like that. You're easy pickings for thieves to steal from you if you're not careful." Airi advised rather strictly while waiting for Aina to finish weighing the produce. Kabuto gulped as he puts the bills of money in his pocket quickly. Not that there was any need to worry since there was no one around other than the three of them.
Fortunately for Kabuto, he had enough money for all of the produce that was on the list, except for the pumpkin.
"You don't have enough for the pumpkin boy." Airi commented as she puts the pumpkin on the table away from the bags.
Kabuto frowned at that. "Oh no, I'm sorry ma'am. I'll go put it back for you once I pay you the money for these items." He sadly looks at it as he hands the money to Airi who slowly counts the money he gave her, just in case. Kabuto thinks about how he could take out at least two of the produce, but then that would mean less food for just one item and Mother did say to not try to buy unnecessary things.
Airi eyes Kabuto for a moment as he's trying to calculate on what to do even if he is willing to accept that he won't have to buy the pumpkin. She hesitantly sighs as she pushes the small pumpkin toward him, it's the least she could do for his good behavior and because she needed to get rid as much of the produce as she can for her and Aina's planned trip outside the village. "You can add this to the cart, boy. It's on the house and nice job putting the items back in their proper places for me."
Kabuto's eyes open and he slightly gasps as she presents the pumpkin he was holding to him, he was smart enough to know that not every kind act would get him free stuff. But he had no idea that she was paying attention to him cleaning up and putting the items back where they belong. Even though she was scary, she does seem nice after all.
"R-really? I can have it? Are you sure? T-thank you, ma'am!" He picks up the pumpkin and he holds it in his hands. Feeling the smoothness of the skin on his fingertips.
"Make it last, boy. Next pumpkin ain't gonna be free." She said while waiting for Aina to be done helping Kabuto put the items on the cart.
"Yes ma'am. I'll remember that. Thank you for the crops. Goodbye now." Kabuto politely bowed to her before adding the small pumpkin to the cart. Neatly right on the spot where it won't crush the other crops or fall off.
Before Aina could leave with Kabuto, Airi then calls for her to wait and she hands her an list of orders from other customers, "Oi. Kame. If you're gon' take that boy back to his place, go on an' take up that basket over there. Here's th' order list. Get these deliv'ries t' ev'rybody on this list, an' get back here 'fore dark. Got it?"
Aina nods, "Yes Mama!"
"Repeat back t' me what I done tol' you t' do." She crosses her arms.
"Take Kabuto home, make these d'liver'ies, get back here 'fore dark." Aina repeats with her eyes closed and with her hand clenched onto a fist while one hand counts the three things to do.
"Good. Now get goin'." She nods as she puts the money that Kabuto gave her into the money box.
"Thank you again, Ma'am. Have a nice day!" Kabuto said kindly as he also bows to her again before leaving with Aina while holding her hand and helping her pull the cart even though she got it covered. As if giving her extra strength to pull it.
"So Aina, I overheard that your mother wants you back home before dark, and I did see that there was some things put away like storage boxes. Are you going somewhere after this and would you guys be okay to travel when the weather changes? I don't think you should travel too much around this time of the year." The boy holds onto her hand a bit tightly as if to show her his concern.
Aina thinks as she helps him pull the heavy wagon for him while he follows her. "Well, ah, I wouldn' say we travel that much. S'only th' sea turtles we really care about in th' world outside Konoha. We go twice a year. Th' first in May, th' second in October." Her feet step over a few leaves on the path as she continued, "Me an' Mama go t'gether, jus' th' two of us. We camp as much' we can--which's actually very fun once ya learn how t' do it well!--an' rain never bothered me. We need th' rain t' live, don't you know! "Snow? Ahahaha! Well now, I ain't never been through a lotta snow! So I can't say how I'd cope if I did get caught in a blizz'rd. Hafta get back t' you on that."
"So this would mean that you won't be out in the winter then? Thank goodness for that! Aina, your mom even though she is scary. She sounds like a nice lady, especially when she gave me this pumpkin for free. I know that she won't give stuff for free, but I'm really happy that I can bring one since I've never eaten pumpkin before."
The walk back to the orphanage was a nice and peaceful one, and one that Kabuto would always remember when Aina's mother is mentioned in their talks.
A planned drabble with my friend @super-kame-love
Also tagging you @lunyraartistry
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hikari-ni-naritai · 1 year
Emily Isekai Momence: The Eminence in Shadow
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For our second review, let's take a look at a true isekai, the Eminence in Shadow. No need to defend why I've placed this in the isekai category so we can just get right into it.
The Eminence in Shadow is. A lot. It's so much. And everything about it is played completely straight. The characters take the plot seriously. The plot takes itself seriously. The writer takes it seriously (except that they accepted early on that they have no naming sense, giving us characters like Mundane Mann, Perv Asshat, Po Tato the potato farmer, and tournament fighter Imatry Nottalose). The only one NOT taking it seriously is the main character himself, Cid Kagenou.
Cid, in his previous life as a Japanese high schooler, had dedicated his life to becoming powerful. He's the quintessential chuunibyou. If you're not familiar with the concept of chuunibyou (sometimes translated "8th grader syndrome"), it's the cringey phase kids go through around that age in which they become obsessed with dark powers, spell circles, evil eyes, demons bound to their bodies, etc. Megumin, Takanashi Rikka, those types. Usually kids grow out of it. Cid Kagenou grew out of everything else. He feels disheartened because, no matter how powerful he becomes on earth, he would be just as obliterated by an atomic bomb as any other human. This is unacceptable.
Upon being hit by a truck, Cid is reborn as a baby in a world where he can use magic and begins practicing in secret to become the most powerful person in the world, a man who fights the darkness from inside the darkness, the Eminence in Shadow. Growing up, he stumbles across a cursed mound of flesh and begins experimenting on it until he succeeds in reverting it to its previous form, a young elf girl. He takes this opportunity to live out his chuuni dreams and makes up a story about the Diablos Cult, a group of powerful evildoers seeking to revive the Demon Lord, who had turned her into her previous form. She believes him, and together they find, cure, and recruit 6 more girls into their secret organisation to overthrow the Diablos Cult, named Shadow Garden.
Unbeknownst to Cid Kagenou, the lie he told was completely accurate. The girls train under him for a few years, but eventually they tell him they are going out to recruit more people to fight against the Diablos Cult and bolster their ranks. He accepts that they no longer want to play his game and heads off to the academy, where he enacts his secret plan to be the Most Normal Guy Ever, while also secretly doing Really Cool Powerful Guy Stuff as the Eminence in Shadow.
The core of this isekai is the juxtaposition of Cid's life as a generic NPC (complete with hand-picked friends to make himself look even more lame by association) and what he believes to be his childhood friends showing up to play Shadow Garden with him every once in a while (in reality, it is his massive secret organisation fighting to prevent the return of the Demon Lord).
I cannot overstate the fact that everything Cid does is a sort of choreographed dance for his own amusement. He plays his role as an NPC with enthusiasm bordering madness. He's constantly thinking about new ways to show off how much of a background character he is, frequently through the use of unimaginable speed and power. His role as the Eminence is Shadow is just as practiced. He decorates his room to look like the leader of a secret organisation. He talks cryptically in a deeper voice. If he's not thinking about his NPC abilities, he's thinking about how best to show off as the Eminence in Shadow. He performs this dance expertly, and it's honestly kind of a joy to watch. As I said many times while watching it with my friend, the show takes itself seriously so you don't have to.
That said, it's definitely not a show for everyone. The first episode includes a sexual assault scene (which didn't warrant a content warning and was not as bad as the scenes in Sword Art Online, for instance, but is still there). And it's implied that Cid committed suicide by jumping in front of the truck on purpose to isekai himself to a world where magic is real. He also acts wholly without empathy, because he's so wrapped up in his game that he barely recognises that other people are real. He blows up a city block with no consequences, and he gets very excited when terrible things happen because it gives him a chance to play one of his roles.
Additionally, the show seems to forget for a good 7 episodes that it has female characters that it can sexualise, but they remember at episode 9 and from that point on, there is a lot of fanservice. The girls in Shadow Garden (and several other girls in the show) are all on some level very into Cid, but he is (by his own admission) wholly aroace and has no interest in them.
It's hard to truly describe the tone of this isekai. It's half drama, half comedy. It's half dark, half silly. They clearly make jokes, but the serious moments can be funnier. And yet none of that seems to detract from the experience of watching it, because that's WHY you're watching it. Yes, he's an instantly overpowered protagonist, but can it REALLY count if he's using that power to make it look like hes getting the shit beat out of him?
There's something to be said about media that is completely unashamed of what it is. You can't expect people to respect your creative vision if you're constantly lampshading and making fun of the genre and tropes you're working with. More than any other isekai I've seen, Eminence in Shadow understands this and leans into it. There's something special about that.
Gay Ass Weeb Shit rating: 2 / 8 / 5 / 10
No Slavery
No Shinzo Abe Propaganda
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drawnecromancy · 10 months
Happy STS!
Your characters and story but it's the middle ages. What roles do they have in the society? Are they royalty or something else? How does your story change?
(Also unrelated but I was curious does the place that Claire comes from have a name? I read until page 22 of the webcomic and I want spoilers because I am horrible at handling suspense)
Ahh, hm. About 90% of my stories are in some kind of medieval-fantasy setting, besides Break of Dawn. There is, also, a medieval fantasy past to that story - you can find that in the tag "before dawn : the age of the gods", that is mostly full of random thoughts and snippets. I have a lot of thoughts about pre-Dawn things because I am completely unable to do anything modern for more than half a second before turning to medieval fantasy again.
If we're just teleporting everyone to the normal middle ages, Claire doesn't get powers and her family doesn't die HAHA (<- so so evil.); the whole story cannot happen because its inciting incident is... genuinely, a half god from space arriving and going "I don't like how things are around here. Let's destroy everything that makes this place special, and turn it into what I think it should be !".
We could have a completely different story, turning Dawn into some queen that has invaded the country and having a ruthless rule, and killing Claire's family off for whatever reason to jumpstart the moment where we start following characters, but that's not really something I'd want to explore. The point of Break of Dawn is that it used to be medieval fantasy, but no one remembers, and magic is actively erased, history rewritten, people killed to hide it.
I'm having trouble just imagining Break of Dawn in the middle ages because it... really is not made for it to work there at all, haha. It would be an entirely different thing, I'd probably cut down the number of characters, as we wouldn't need the overpowered 3 of the Undercity; Dawn could just be assassinated. Etc, etc. Vincent would be interesting as an evil advisor, though... Claire would likely start out as the child of farmers, and if I'd figured out a way to murder her family, she'd become a traveler/adventurer with her Brand New Dads, I guess.
The problem here is really that it's not meant to work there at all, and that everything else I write is already medieval-flavored, haha.
Here's what we could do, i guess :
Claire's family gets murdered for ??? reasons. She gets picked up by two errant adventurers. (knights, maybe ?)
She meets Vincent, who's like 2 years older than she is, because he's the son of her new dads' friends.
After some growing up, Claire and her dads live with other people in the capital city of the country, she gets a baby brother.
They eventually have to rescue Vincent and his new baby sibling, while Vincent's parents get killed, because they were doing shady shit.
This whole time the adventurer dads are doing shady shit, but they aren't explaining to their daughter that they're straight up trying to murder the queen.
??? Vincents gets abducted by his uncle, becomes nobility and the queen's evil advisor.
The dads die.
Claire becomes an adult, raises her two little brothers Sacha & Kyle, falls in love, blah blah.
When her brothers are teenagers, Sacha gets abducted, Vincent is the one to save him and get him back to her.
Meanwhile a stray seer (at least that's what that 16 year old claims to be) is picked up by Kyle
Claire and her family go avenge the Witchmann dads and murder the queen. I don't know what happens to Vincent.
That's it. I'd just straight up get rid of the Sky City and everyone in it. Sorry Elysia, Val, Mark, Melyane, and Ava. They wouldn't work in a pure medieval setting, the core of their existence is because of magic. Val, Mark and Ava especially are reminders of the past before Dawn.
(Also : while the little town she grew up in doesn't have a name, mainly because we're never going back there in the story, i can tell you the story currently takes place in the region of Lonna. I don't have a finite map as of right now, so I can't like. point and go "this is Lonna". The capital of Lonna is called Kello, and it's a place that will eventually appear. Currently, Claire and the Witchmanns are quite far up north of Lonna, I think ? I'm not 100% sure; geography in Break of Dawn isn't really something I've thought about. Also, Hoo Boy :) while I wouldn't consider the name of the region to be a big spoiler, there's a couple of places that could technically be considered spoilers if you want them : the Sky City, the Academy, the Undercity, the labs. >:) we'll be exploring them eventually ! Though, thankfully, Claire won't be the one getting put through these things for once.)
(I also, like, don't even tag break of dawn spoilers as spoilers most of the time when i'm talking about characters or events that won't appear for a while, so if you ever see mention of... literally any character that isn't Claire, Sandy or Percy in a post of mine tagged Break of Dawn, it's currently technically spoilers. OR it's before Dawn. One or the other. Sometimes both if it's about the Emperor ! So if you want to learn more about anything, don't hesitate ! i love rambling, lol)
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dxmoness · 2 years
Uh what about widower Reader and a Grand Duchess also have a children (her step children to be exac)? (Reader is kinda like Shuli)
warning: I have no clue how Shuli acts, but I've researched so I'll try my best. I apologize if she isn't like her.
AU: Male Reader (self insert) x a Grand Duchess
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Name is the newly wed husband of the Grand Duchess. Although it was quite impossible to think that a common widower was ever going to catch the eye of such a social attraction such as the Duchess herself, yet here he was.
"Name." The enchanting voice of his beautiful bride murmured as she walked and sat next to him. "I think my children would like to meet their new father." She looked into his eyes with the look of confidence.
He was slightly terrified of the idea of being a father to children that were never his yet he had promised as much to his wife. He gave a curt nod, to which his wife's eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement.
She gestures him along as they walked to. His heart kept up its fast pace as he grew more nervous. His stomach felt like it was tied in knots, but he endured it for his wife.
"Here we are." The duchess said, turning to him and holding his hand, squeezing gently. "Ready?" She asked, noting his tense body. "If you don't want to—" he shook his head. "Very well." She twisted the door handle and opened it.
Inside were three people, the Duchess' children..
The tall one regarded Name with a smile and moved forward to shake his hand. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Father. I apologize that I couldn't be at your wedding."
"No worries, you didn't need to come." Name said, awkwardly. It felt odd to hear someone call him "father".
The male nods. "Mother said that as well, but I do feel guilty." He gave a chuckle. "My name's Kiro. I can't wait to spend time with you, sir."
Name nodded, but before he could reply the other male spoke up. "I am Ezekiel." The male mumbled as he bowed respectfully. "I hope we will have time to bond later on."
"Likewise." The awkwardness was back for him. Name couldn't do anything without thinking of what would be consequences to it.
The last child, the girl just sat there. She didn't talk, but she had been staring at her new step-father for a while.
The duchess cleared her throat. "Emilia does not talk as much, darling. This is a lot to process for her since she was her father's girl." She put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hello, miss." Name said, he was aware that the girl didn't seem to like him at all, but he tried his best not to freak out.
"Hi." The girl said. As an afterthought she spoke out. "I hope you will be a good step-father."
After that Name had gone back to his room to which he was not feeling well. The duchess could tell this because he was silent and didn't bother eating. "Darling?" She called, softly.
"I'm fine... Go sleep, love." He could feel her eyes on him, but she said no more and left the room.
His new daughter reminded him of something or actually someone.
He was doing his normal work as a farmer, harvesting most of the crops to sell them later that day to the market when his sister came to him, she looked so panicked. "What's wrong?" He called to her as she walked to him, panting.
"I-It's your wife!" She shrieked as her tears couldn't be controlled anymore. "She....She's gone." At that moment, his heart shattered. "W-What?"
"She said she had a massive headache and went to sleep, but when I came to check on her she was on her last few moments." He sat there, stunned.
"Did she say anything before she died...?" "She kept whispering to me that I should tell you to 'cherish them'. I don't know who them is...."
He hugged his legs as his eyes were shut tightly. Suddenly he felt warm and felt a feeling he had lost those years ago, as if the ghost of his wife came back to comfort him.
He couldn't see her, but his former wife was hugging him. As the words rang in his head. "Cherish her children like your own." She whispered before disappearing.
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It's pretty bad, I apologize TT
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qlala · 2 years
Important question about the cat!Len fic: is it all from Barry's perspective or will there be some of Len's thoughts/pov? I love the idea and everything you've shared a whole lot!
honestly I always love a Len POV and it would be especially funny in this case… like he’s already such a cat about things but now he would literally be a cat. all the usual drama but now he can bite people and call it communicating.
I think it would be funny to have at least have one interlude where you can see he’s still hatching elaborate schemes while everyone is trying to put him back to normal, except now the schemes are like:
1) sleep on Barry’s pillow (bonus: has the side effect of annoying Barry)
2) the next day, bait someone else into petting him. if they have any sense of smell and curiosity, they should ask why he smells like a fresh produce stand (put self directly under their nose if necessary)
3) Barry, surely knowing what they’re talking about, admits he’s been letting Len sleep not only in his bed, but on his pillow (again, funny, but still not the main goal here)
4) this logically informs the rest of team flash that Len smells like something that Barry puts in his hair prior to bed, not while styling it
5) assuming Barry’s friends know that Barry showers at night, not in the morning, they should be able to draw the final conclusion: Barry uses strawberry-scented shampoo and/or conditioner (Len still hasn’t figured out which)
6) everyone appropriately roasts Barry for using strawberry-scented shampoo and/or conditioner, like Len has been dying to do since the first day he got turned into a cat and realized that it’s the overpowering smell Barry carries around underneath all that lightning and ozone
7) Len can now rest easy, knowing Barry finally knows how truly ridiculous he is. the most dangerous man in central city, scourge of the criminal underground, and he walks around smelling like a particularly beloved jam booth at a farmer’s market
8) absolutely zero comment on whether or not Len actually likes the smell (he does)
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breadoffoxy · 3 years
Créme De La Créme
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Summary: The scale of supply and demand moves back and forth and your body doesn’t know how to keep up. Good thing you have a trio of thirsty cat hybrids to help you out when it’s too much for you to handle.
Pairing: f. cow hybrid Reader x cat hybrids Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook
Genre: Smut, fluff, minor angst
Warnings: NSFW, focuses a lot on boobs and lactation kink, describes the Reader as having large breasts, light jealousy, misunderstandings, mentions puberty, poly relationships, mxm, fxm, fxmxmxm, foursome, kissing, oral sex (f and m receiving), rim job (m receiving), anal sex (m receiving), vaginal sex, double penetration (f receiving), language, dom!Jimin, sub!Jungkook, switch!Taehyung (though shown really as mostly dom), sub!Reader, lots of bodily fluids, multiple orgasms
Word Count: 10,080
A/N: Thank you so much @yoongsgguktae and @tipsydipsydo​ for letting me yell about this work at yall and giving me your opinions. This was just supposed to be a short pwp about boobs but it largely became boobs and drama. Completely self indulgent, but I hope yall enjoy too!
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There are so many hybrids out on the streets, finding themselves cold, hungry, and alone. No longer wanted by families, abused, and running away is a sad but common statistic of what happens to many of your kind, yourself included. It didn’t help that the law worked against hybrids, giving them no rights of their own. Your future was bleak as a child hybrid on the streets. It was a complete strike of luck that the human that caught you stealing apples from a farmers’ market didn’t turn you in, but instead gave you a home. 
You only ever simply knew it as the Ranch. It was different from others though, a large piece of land meant to be a safe haven for stray hybrids. When you first stepped foot on the Ranch, only a small number of hybrids called it home compared to the large herd that does now. Most of the hybrids back then were older, and none of them the same type as you, a cow hybrid. Due to the nature of how you came to the sanctuary, you were skittish, avoiding everyone, at least not until a pair of cat hybrids close to your age arrived. They came from different families, but bonded to each other quickly. A part of you was jealous of their relationship, never having been that close to anyone before, but yet you still kept your walls up, too scared to let anyone in. 
The barn was where you often liked to hide. Not many people went there, and the long rows of empty stalls, except for a few horses and other barn animals, were mostly empty. There was one where hay was normally stored that you would make a little nest in. One day though as you scurried through the hall, you realized someone was in your hiding spot. That was when you first properly entered Taehyung’s world. 
Part of you was startled in fear at the sight of someone in your stall. The other part was mesmerized at the beauty of the young cat-boy napping in a pile of hay you like to call a bed in the corner of the small room. Your breath caught when his eyes fluttered open and met yours. He stared at you drowsily from his position on the floor. Taehyung was the quieter of the cat hybrid duo. His dark eyes though always took everything in with wonder. They did so with you, and his tail flicked in curiosity, but you ran away with a meep before he could so much as say hello.
Taehyung must have told his counterpart about you because the next day the two approached you hand in hand with their tails wrapped around each other as well before you could escape the kitchen with your breakfast. They both looked shy, but the shorter of the two squared his shoulders and greeted you with a big smile. “Hey, I’m Jimin, and this is Taehyung. It looks like we are the only younger ones here, so we should be friends!” 
You looked at the two with wide eyes and then down at your feet. Your legs were nearly shaking and your hands tightened their grip harshly on your tray so you wouldn’t drop it. The two cats look at you worriedly. A ‘sorry’ was on the tip of Jimin’s tongue until you stammered out, “O-ok.”
“Great.” Another voice sounds, one you presume to be Taehyung as you are still staring at the ground.
“Let me take that for you.” Hands gently grabbed your tray and pried it from your shaky grip. 
“Want to eat in the barn?” Taehyung cocked his head to the side as Jimin carried their tray and yours towards the door as far as their still connected tails would let him go. 
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Years later, you and the inseparable cat duo still meet up in the barn. Your stall is the one of the few peaceful places left on the ranch as more and more hybrids come to stay. Right now though it is only Jimin and you, as Taehyung was taking care of some other ‘business.’
“You shouldn’t be jealous.”
Jimin’s tone irritates you even further than you already are. Your eyes are burning holes into the wood wall across from you and even without looking at him you know he has that infuriating smirk on his face. “I’m not jealous,” you seethe. Tipping back your bottle, you swallow the warm, gross beer. It doesn’t take long for your face to scrunch up at the nasty taste, instantly making Jimin laugh at your reaction. “How do you drink this shit?”
Tipping his own drink back, Jimin gulps down the beer with a satisfied ‘ah.’ “This stuff isn’t even bad.”
“I don’t even want to know what you consider bad.”
“Hmmm, but do you want to know what I consider good?” Jimin asks. His face is too angelic right now that you know you are not going to like the answer. He doesn’t give you any time to say anything before he sings, “Sky’s milk.”
Your scowl deepens as you think about the friendly cow hybrid. Sky, not being the actual sky, but the cow hybrid who came to the Ranch a couple of months ago, dramatically changed the dynamics of the Ranch. Well, more so for you than anyone else. You finally thought you found yourself a purpose here but now you no longer feel as special and needed. 
Once your breasts developed, you started to lactate despite not being pregnant. You were mortified, not knowing what was wrong with your body as none of the other hybrids on the Ranch experienced this. After some research, the humans on the farm helped calm you down by explaining it was caused by a reaction with your spliced cow genes. The scientific explanation went a bit over your head but learning that it was completely normal for hybrids of your origin helped you calm down from the scare your body provided from puberty. Through your caretaker's research, you also learned that your milk was better for younger hybrids than a pure cow’s or human’s milk. While it still isn’t as good as the child’s mothers, it would be better nutritionally for hybrid babies who were motherless. You took it as a very serious job to help the young orphans in need. The years before your rescue could never truly go away and you would never wish anyone to be in hunger ever.  
Once word got out, your milk was in very high demand. Not only by babies, but by a pair of curious cats and a few other hybrids. Though they didn’t ask outright at first, it was obvious with the way Jimin’s eyes would always travel down to your chest, ogling them a moment as he licked his lips hungrily, that he wanted a taste. He’d look up at you with a sheepish grin afterwards and apologize, but the apologies shortly became requests. He’d sigh in an over exaggerated disappointment every time you denied him and listened patiently as you lectured on how every drop was a precious resource. 
Taehyung’s approach was more subtle. It was the little things he did like play with your hand and nuzzle his head into the side of yours but with much more frequency than he previously did. His tail, which always is around some part of Jimin typically, would start to latch onto you as well. From what you learned about cats over the years, you thought this was his way of showing you affection. It even blossomed a little crush in your heart towards your friend from all the extra attention he was giving you. It wasn’t until you were nestled together in the barn stall one evening, just the two of you on a rare chance, that he nuzzled into your chest and looked up at you with large eyes, his ears pressed back against his head. “Please,” he begged, “just a taste is all I want.”
You wanted to give in so bad, to have his soft lips around your engorged nipple, but instead you whispered, “is that all you want?”
“Yes,” he rubbed his cheek into the soft flesh of your cleavage, “just a taste.”
With that, you rose up quickly, making Taehyung lose balance with a surprised huff. You refused to look at him, but you could feel his eyes burning into you. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” Tears blurred your vision and you nearly tripped out the stall as you ran away, feeling foolish, and he hadn’t asked since.
He hasn’t needed to ask since Sky got here anyways. She’s been giving Taehyung and Jimin more than just a taste. 
You can’t be jealous of her when you did this to yourself. Plus, it’s her body and she can do whatever she wants with it. You have no say in that. You only have a say in what you do with your own. It was your own decision to dedicate every drop to the cause you want to serve. For you, that was more important than your own desires. 
“You know...,” Jimin’s voice takes you out of your reverie. When you look over at him, his ears are all perky and his tail is slowly waving back and forth. “If you ever want anyone to suck on them,” he nods towards your breasts, “I’m here for you.”
With a scoff you take another sip of your beer. “I’m good but thanks.”
Grinning, he crawls over to you and nuzzles into your side. “Anytime.”
You try to flick his forehead but he ends up biting your finger instead. Yelling at him, you can’t be upset at his antics for long as his warm cuddles and purring lures you to sleep. At some point, you barely wake up to feel a second head resting on your shoulder, surprising you, until you quickly recognise Taehyung’s scent and dark curls. It’s all too easy to doze off again with both of your boys at your side.
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“Seriously, I thought all she could say was ‘O-ok’ for the longest time.” Jimin laughs despite you throwing your elbow into his side. 
“Ha-ha, very funny.” Despite your act to play it off, Jimin’s retelling of his fond recollection to Jungkook, a mutual friend cat hybrid at the Ranch, leaves you embarrassed. “I was only used to people yelling at me before or ignoring me so two nosy kittens trying to be my friend really startled me.”
Jungkook looks at the two of you with a wide grin as he carries a heavy stack of bagged fertilizer on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I can relate to you about those two nosy kittens all too well.”
You laugh along with Jungkook as Jimin repeats your sarcastic, ‘ha-ha,’ from earlier. Indeed, Jungkook was indoctrinated as soon as he stepped foot onto the Ranch by your two feline friends. He reminded you of yourself when you first arrived, staring at everything with wide eyes and jumping at every sound and fast motion. With your friends and your help along with their gentle prodding, he soon opened up. 
The toothy grin on his face was something you would have never imagined, and it makes your heart swell to see it now. 
It doesn’t take too long for your little group to make it to the fields. Today you were assigned to help with one of the vegetable patches. The three of you get started with weeding, having friendly conversation the whole time. Mostly on topics of some of the Ranch’s newer additions and Jimin doing his best to tease Jungkook and you. 
With that task done, Jungkook starts setting a new layer of fertilizer down while you search for the end of the hose in the wild tangle it has become. Jimin helps out by waiting near the dial, yelling feedback, and waiting for you to untangle the hose for him to turn the water on. When you finally do with a yell of victory you set to your task of watering. Jimin continues to ‘help’ by sitting on the top of the small wooden fence surrounding the garden and yelling out moral support. 
“Hey ladies!” Jimin yells out to a pair of cat hybrids walking by, baskets of colorful berries in their arms. He leans back on his arms, arching his back to get an appreciative look at them. “Looks like you could use-”
Jimin doesn’t finish as he is left sputtering when a jet of cold water hits him in the face. The cat women giggle and walk on as Jimin spazzes out. His hands brush his wet hair out of his face, revealing his glare at you where you have a grin on your face and thumb poised over the end of the hose to manipulate its stream. Jungkook laughs behind you from where he’s crouched down over the dirt. 
“What was tha-”
Another stream of water crashes into Jimin. His tail straightens out behind him in an angry puff. “Ok, that’s it!”
With an insane amount of agility, Jimin hops off the fence with a roar and dashes towards you. You yelp, spraying water at the enraged feline as you jog backwards with the intent to hide behind Jungkook. Unfortunately for you, your foot snags in a vine as you make your escape and you start to fall backwards. It is a very short fall and instead of hitting the ground you hit another hard surface. Looking up with wide eyes, you see Jungkook and give him a thankful smile at his save. His strong arms wrap around you to steady you and to help lift you out of the tangle you are stuck in. That however, leaves the both of you defenseless.
The hose is tugged out of your hands and before you know it, it is now you and Jungkook getting shot with a cold spray of water. You yell at Jimin to stop, your feet, barely touching the ground because of the hold you are in, are kicking to get away, making Jungkook fight to keep his balance as Jimin gets closer and closer.  
You suddenly find yourself trapped between two warm and wet bodies. Water sprays on you from above making you switch between spluttering for air, laughing, and continuing to yell at Jimin to stop. With what little reach you have with your arms still trapped under Jungkook’s, you grip onto Jimin’s shirt trying to push him away. Instead, he only gets closer, causing you to be further squished between the two men and Jungkook to be pushed backwards. His feet stumble back until he’s pressed against the short fence on the other side of the garden. He could have let you go to get away, but his hold on you only tightens as his laugh and pleas join yours.
It’s hard to miss the way your breasts press into Jimin’s chest with your shirt sticking to you like a second skin. When you squirm, your sensitive nipples get a shot of pleasure at the friction created between him and you. Jungkook’s arms slide from your movements to rest underneath your breasts, unintentionally pushing them up and further into Jimin. It’s also impossible to miss the defined bodies you're pressed up against. There’s the feel of solid muscle on either side of you, warm breath fanning the side of your neck and across your face, and something hard starting to poke into your backside. 
And then suddenly, it all stops.
The three of you turn in surprise towards the spicket to see Taehyung, his tail swishing back and forth behind him agitatedly with his hand tightly gripping the faucet’s wheel. His dark eyes roam over your wet bodies and his face is a mask of stone, completely unreadable. “Are you three done?”
“Just about.” Jimin peels his body off of yours, acting as if the three of you were up to nothing unusual. 
Jungkook, in contrast, drops his hands from you as if burned and whips around to face the fence. His wet hair hangs around his face like a curtain as his hands grip into the wood, knuckles turning white. His tail wraps around his legs as if to protect him from Taehyung’s dark look.
You shift uneasily, now feeling exposed. Sensing your unease, Jimin grins at you. “Guess it’s that time already?” He nods towards Taehyung. “Well, you better get going then.”
You nod in return and send him an appreciative smile. Looking back at Jungkook, you call out his name questioningly, worried at his body language.
Brushing a stand of hair away from his face, Jungkook sends you his own reassuring look despite his ears laying flat against his head. “Go on, we’ll finish up here.”
Again, you nod silently and turn away from your two friends, heading towards Taehyung. He turns, walking in front of you as you follow him towards the barn. The silence eats away at you as you stare at Taehyung’s back and see his tail still flicking as if annoyed. His ears are also flattened instead of straight up at attention as they normally are.
Just a couple rows down and across the hall from your little hideaway is a stall repurposed as a milking room for any hybrid that needs its use. You walk to the corner with a noisy squish each step towards a large cylinder machine, flipping the switches mindlessly as muscle memory, and the machine whirls to life. Perhaps you should have grabbed some dry clothes before starting, but the burning gaze on your form keeps distracting you and making you anxious. Looking over your shoulder, the words keep dying on your tongue when you see Taehyung leaning against the large wooden door frame and looking at you intently. 
Instead of asking him what’s wrong, all you can manage once the machine is set up is, “Can you close the door for me?”
Taehyung gives you a lingering look and you’re not sure if he’s even heard you until he finally nods. He steps out of the room and the air lightens dramatically, allowing you to let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. Everything about him has you on edge. Normally you are attuned to him, but this cold behavior of his is throwing you off. 
With the door closed, you peel off your sopping shirt and hang it over the side of a small bookshelf against the wall to help it dry. Your bra comes next, and your breasts are loosened from their confines with a happy little bounce. You bring up a hand to massage one absentmindedly as you walk back towards the machine. Grabbing a hose attachment, you wipe it down with a sanitation cloth just in case before pressing the open end of the suction tube that tapers down into what looks like a cow’s udder over your nipple and against the boob you were massaging. Another switch is flipped and you instantly feel pressure around your nipple as it is heavily sucked by the tube. You give a gentle tug to make sure the seal is good, and you feel a familiar pinch around your nipple as the suction stays true.
After repeating the same steps with your other breast, you sit down on the stool located in the middle of the room, sweeping the tubes around and under a padded rest. You lean over to lay your arms and head on the rest, and your breasts hang and sway from the motion. You feel lactation start to flow out of your swollen nipples and drip down the tubes to be collected in a bottle. 
It’s silent except for the buzz of the machine. Normally you chat with one of your cat friends who takes turns keeping you company while you get pumped. Yet, with the oppressive air surrounding Taehyung like a black hole, you’re at a loss at what to say. After what finally feels like forever but is only just minutes, you call out, “I didn’t see you this morning at breakfast. 
There’s silence on the other end until you hear, “Yeah, I was helping Sky and Phebs out this morning.” 
“Oh…” you trail off awkwardly, heart breaking a little. You never did get completely over that stupid crush of yours. Shifting, you cross your arms and put your head on top of them. “At the same time?” You cringe at your question. “Well, I’m sure they appreciated it.”
“Can you stop that?” Taehyung’s voice comes out in a growl.
You look up and stare at the door in between him and you in alarm. “Stop what?”
“Nevermind,” comes a defeated grumble and your mind races to think of what you could’ve done wrong. You roll your eyes at the juvenile form of communication.
“I wonder if Sky and Phoebe are a bonded pair like you and Jimin. They didn’t meet as kids like you two did but do you get that vibe?” At the silence you ramble on. “Maybe the four of you should be a quadouple? Quarple? Love square? Four-”
“You really don’t get it at all.”
At Taehyung’s frustrated tone cutting you off, you glare at the door. “No, I really don’t, or else I wouldn’t have asked earlier. What’s your problem?”
“Do you really want to know what my problem is?”
“For the third time, yes!”
The door opens and bangs against the adjacent wall with a slam, making you jump. You don’t even have time to consider covering yourself up, not that your hands would do much good to hide your breasts, before Taehyung stomps his way into the room and in front of you, looking down at you with an unreadable look in his eyes.
“My problem is you.” Despite his ferocious steps and intimidating demeanour, his voice almost sounds broken.  
You open your mouth but no sound comes out as you’re conflicted if you should tell him off for his words or to apologize for whatever you did to make him sound that way. Before your rattled brain can come to a decision, soft lips crash into yours as if pleading something out of you. Your eyes widen, completely unprepared and surprised for this kiss, but your body is soon melting and answering the call of his lips.
With his actions returned, the hand gripping your chin pushes your head back to deepen the kiss. He then moves his hand to cradle your cheek gently, shaking slightly as if this moment weren’t real but instead a fragile dream. A whine escapes you when you try to move closer to him, only for the padded rest to block your way. Your hands claw at his shirt, desperate for his touch.
Taehyung’s lips form a feline grin at your pitiful noise and he bites playfully at your lips. His hands reach over the padded rest to touch your bare skin, to give you what you want, but you freeze when his hands focus in on your breasts. The change is instant and Taehyung pulls back from you immediately with worry radiating off of him in waves.
“What’s wrong? Am I going too fast or do you not-”
Your doubt rises until it bubbles out of your throat into a choked “Are these all you want?” 
Taehyung shakes his head, ears lowering as he tries to understand. “I don’t -”
“My boobs, Taehyung.” Your hands move under your breasts and lift them up, suction tubes still attached, to make your point. “Is that-”
“No,” Taehyung says firmly. He stares at you directly in the eye, not once looking down at your half naked body. “All I want is you. All I ever wanted was you.”
Your heart clenches too strong for a moment and then seems to beat all too fast. Instead of reviling in the moment, the memory from years past continues to plague you. “But that one night in the barn…” you see the look on Taehyung’s face and know he immediately knows what you’re talking about. “You said all you wanted was my milk, just a taste of it.”
Taehyung rubs a hand down his face tiredly, “I know. I know what I said was wrong but just not to the extent of it.” Slowly stepping towards you, he kneels down in front of you, taking your hands in his. “That’s why I never asked again, and will never do so until you offer.” He brings his head down to your hands and kisses them reverently. Your breath hitches when he looks up at you with what you know now is only love. “Even if you never offer, I want you to know, all I want is to be with you. If you’ll have me?”
You’re silent for a moment, taking in his words, and trying to tame your soaring heart. You’d never believe you’d hear these words from him. At your continued silence, Taehyung starts to remove your hands, but you quickly take hold of them. “I guess that means I’ll have to deal with Jimin more now too?”
Taehyung grins with so much joy you’d think he’d burst. “We’re a packaged deal. Plus,” his grin turns salacious, “you seemed to be enjoying being pressed against him earlier.”
“I- that-,” you turn your face to the side as you continue to splutter embarrassedly. “You were obviously just jealous.”
“I was.” Taehyung stands up quickly and around the rest to be directly next to you. Before you know it, you’re being pulled off the stool and down back onto Taehyung’s lap, all with him carefully minding the apparatuses you are hooked to. You yelp, never quite used to the cat’s crazy agility. 
“I know there’s things we need to talk about, but,” Taehyung pecks your lips,”can,” another kiss, “we,” and another, “stay,” and another, “like,” and this one deeper, making you breathless, “this?”
Your answer is to kiss him back. 
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Your relationship with Taehyung, and thus Jimin has grown exponentially after that dramatic milking session. The latter let out an exasperated finally at the news that contrasted his big grin and the way he nuzzled you into his chest happily. It didn’t feel like a missing piece was put together in you, but instead an expansion of yourself brought to light that allowed for you to learn, feel, and love. 
It was scary at first to communicate so openly after having so many walls up. Yet it was all worth it as the three of you made boundaries and expectations with how comfortable that made yourself with each other. No more guessing games, longing looks, and misunderstandings. It also didn’t stir up a spike of jealousy anymore when Taehyung and Jimin helped the other hybrids lactate as you now knew how they truly felt towards you. Though you may have to make a new rule about Jimin slapping your ass in surprise greeting if there were people around.
Jungkook was both surprised and not when he walked in your stall to find you sitting on Jimin’s lap and making out lazily. Taehyung was laying on the ground, drawing something abstract with his charcoal without a care in the world. “So I’m guessing you three are a thing now?”
“Yeah.” The grin on Taehyung’s face is so sincere as he looks over to Jimin and you. “We are.”
 “You could join us if you’d like.” Jimin leans back from you to address his friend with a wink. 
“Like a quadruple?” You tilt your head excitedly in question.
“We’ve been over this,” Jimin sighs, “it’s definitely a foursome.”
“I like quadruple better.” Jungkook sits down next to Taehyung to get a closer look at what he’s drawing.
“Of course you do,” Taehyung mutters under his breath.
“Plus,” the look on Jungkook’s face is cocky, “I don’t think the three of you would be able to handle me.”
You yell, covering Jimin’s ears. “Don’t you dare encourage them.” When Taehyung gives you a look you add by shaking Jimin’s head lightly. “Him especially, he’s insufferable enough as is.”
“I’m an innocent angel.” 
The two of you continue to bicker, making Jungkook turn back to Taehyung. “I really am happy for you.” 
“Thanks.” Taehyung’s hand slows as he looks over his friend. “You know that offer was serious right?”
Jungkook looks almost taken aback. “It was?”
Nodding, Taehyung continues his artwork, “Take your time thinking about it, ok? And no hard feelings if you don’t want to.” 
“Yeah…” Jungkook nods absentmindedly, mind racing at the new possibilities that face him. 
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The dynamics of the Ranch are ever changing as more and more hybrids come in. Your body produced high levels of milk as you pumped your breasts day in and out. However, once other hybrid communities and more cow hybrids started helping out, along with the increase in legislation to better hybrid rights, the need for your bodily produce tanked drastically. 
Your breasts, however, have yet to pick up on that from all the years of heavy milking and therefore haven’t slowed down their natural cycle. With you not milking yourself as regularly anymore, you are left with engorged breasts that have become sore and heavy. 
“Dammit,” you whine, pulling on the door to the pump room, hoping the lock would magically budge. It did not.
You lean your head against the door thinking of your other options. Your room was a no go, as you shared it now with a couple other roommates. You’re pretty sure one is already sleeping and the other in bed reading quietly. Not wanting to disturb them or make a mess in your shared space, lactating there would be way too awkward. 
Taehyung and Jimin come to mind, but you have no idea what your partners are up to and you need a solution now. Plus, after all these years of denying physical attention to your breasts, you didn’t know how to ask. Your mind completely blanks and more panic sets in.
The sound of people walking near the barn has your ears twitching and you look around frantically. As if signaling you, the light above the door to your stall where you hang out with your partners and friend flickers off then on with a buzz. Of course!
Dashing across the hall, you slide in through the door into the small, empty room, and let out a breath of air you were holding in, finally finding some privacy. After shutting the door, your shirt immediately comes off and you nearly rip off your bra. Your hands are on your breast immediately, massaging the tender flesh, hoping to ease your discomfort. With shaky legs, you approach the opposite wall and lean against it, slowly sinking down onto the ground. 
Your legs are bent in front of you and spread comfortably as you start pinching your nipples. A hiss escapes your lips at how sensitive they are, but relief floods out of you as soon as your bodily fluids do. White liquid drips over your working fingers, down over your hand and smears back onto your breasts as your palms try to squeeze them. The pressure though being relieved is only slight, your hands not doing nearly as good of a job as the suction machine. You feel a line of milk trail down one of your arms and you feel as if you’ve reached a breaking point. A needy, desperate whine falls from your lips as you continue to work your breasts. You just want to feel relief but you crave more and more instead. More of what? You didn’t understand.
Time passes but for how long you don’t know as you sit and try to relieve yourself. You don’t notice the approaching footsteps outside the door, a familiar voice shouting they forgot something, but you did hear the door open in front of you. Not even realizing you closed your eyes, you crack them open to see Jungkook in the doorway completely frozen and staring at you with wide eyes. 
“J-Jungkook,” you let out another whine, barely recognizing your own voice. 
The man jumps at the sound, and his eyes finally drift away from your half naked body. Jungkook takes a hesitant half step back, “Do you…” he has to swallow and shake his head to reclaim his thoughts. “Do you need me to get-” he tries again only to be interrupted by another whine from you. 
“Please.” Your mouth is now open as you start to pant. “Help me, Jungkook.”
Jungkook’s eyes lock onto where your fingers are pinching and pulling your large nipples and how your breasts pull forward to follow the movement. His tongue pokes out to lick his lips and he leans forward unconsciously, his nose twitching at the smell filling the air.
“Jungkook,” another familiar voice calls out. “What is taking you so lo- oh my god.” Jimin comes to a stop in the doorway next to Jungkook as he finally sees what is distracting his friend. His mouth hangs open at the sight of you and you’re too out of it to take pride in finally shutting Jimin up. 
And of course with Jimin being there it doesn’t take too long for Taehyung to appear in the doorway too to see what all the commotion is about. He stands there shocked as well, but when another whimper escapes you, Taehyung is immediately striding into the room. 
A large hand grabs one of yours, pulling it away from your needy breast, to get a good look at it. His other hand replaces yours, gently cupping your breast and feeling it for any abnormalities. Immediately, your back arches into his touch, begging for him to touch you more. 
Your voice sounds so pitiful when you say, “It’s too full, Taehyung.”
Taehyung’s hand continues to massage into you and the other one grips your hand comfortingly. “You haven’t been pumping as much have you?” 
You shake your head at his question. “I tried to go into the pump room, but it’s locked.” Gnawing at our lip, you look down away from him and his hands touching you. “What do I do?”
“We could call in a doctor and have them take a look at your breasts, they may have something that can help. There’s also finding the key. It’s late though so it may be awhile. We could also…” he trails off, not finishing his train of thought. 
Taking it as his turn, Jimin clasps a hand at the back of Jungkook’s neck and pushes the obedient cat hybrid in the room with him. He closes the door behind them and says, “If you want us to, we can help out. Let us suck your tits. Let us make you feel good.”
Pulling a startled looking Jungkook down with him, Jimin kneels in front of you. Both of them are directly in front of you, and staring at your breasts hungrily. “Only if you want to of course,” Jimin adds, searching for your consent. 
You look into Jimin’s eyes and see what you do every day. Love, affection, mischievousness, lust. Maybe more so of the latter right now than usual, but his eyes anchor you down. You trust him. You look at Jungkook who’s still staring at you with wide eyes and then Taehyung, who’s holding your hand so tenderly. You trust all of them. “Please…” you gather your wits, saying the words you never thought you’d ever say, “suck my tits.”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Jimin grins at you and leans in slowly. You feel Taehyung’s hand tighten around your own as soft lips kiss around your nipple. 
You growl at his teasing, and he only smirks against your skin before enveloping your nipple. 
Holy shit, why haven’t you asked them to do this sooner? The wet heat feels so much better than the cold sterile equipment you’ve used. You let out a gasp that turns into a pleased mewl when a tongue laps at your hard nipple. Jimin’s mouth hollows out as he sucks, you can feel the lactation flow out of you, and he thirstily swallows every drop.
“What about you Jungkook?” Taehyung questions the other man. “Are you going to help?” 
Jungkook finally tears his gaze away from you still kneading a breast in front of him, over Jimin kneeling and worshiping your other breast with his mouth, to finally look at Taehyung on the other side of you. Taehyung takes that moment to lick up the line of milk that’s dripped down your arm in one long motion. His eyes don’t leave Jungkook's, causing the other man to gulp. 
“Then get to it,” Taehyung orders. 
Jungkook though has no time to react before Jimin’s hand once again grips his neck and pushes him forward. He can see the hand’s owner side eying him from where his mouth is still attached to you. Watching Jimin’s movements, Jungkook closes the tiny fraction of distance between you and him and copies the other man’s actions as best he can. He moans around your nipple, sending a wave of pleasure through you, as the taste of you enters his mouth. 
Your mind is hazed with pleasure and relief as the two men continue to suck on your nipples and taking your milk. Your free hand moves from your breast to slide into Jungkook’s hair, pushing him closer before petting the soft locks gently. Rolling your head to the side, you watch Taehyung with lidded eyes as he continues to lick up the milk on your hand and between your fingers. He returns your gaze as he licks and licks, and you are very suddenly aware of how wet another part of you is. 
Once your hand is all clean, you free your hand from Taehyung’s to caress his cheek. He leans into your touch and purrs at your affection. Swiping your thumb across his cheek, you then move it up into his hair, slowly guiding him closer to the breast Jimin is feasting upon. Sensing this, Jimin removes his mouth from your nipple with a pop. It shines with his spit and more milk leaks out of the peak. The milk doesn’t get a chance to dribble down your breast with Taehyung diving in and sucking at your nipple. He’s a deprived man desperately trying to give you what you both desire feverently. Both your hands push the men on your nipples closer, needing more, more, more. 
Jimin, not one to be left out, kisses around your cleavage before brushing his mouth against Taehyung’s. The other man hums contently and meets his lover's mouth. Their tongues swirl together above your nipple before they both descend on it together, lavishing it between each of their tongues. 
Your head tilts back with a thud against the wall, and pleasure fills you as you look down at the three men pleasuring your breasts. When you moan, three sets of eyes look up from their task at you. Jungkook continues to diligently suck hard on your nipple, his eyes asking if he’s doing a good job. Jimin and Taehyung both smirk at your fucked out and dazed expression, ecstatic to be able to pleasure you this way. 
Teeth nibble at your nipple playfully, and Jimin pulls away with a grin at your moan. Taehyung takes over your nipple with a sloppy kiss. Jimin moves in between your bent legs and lowers his head down to between your legs and runs his nose up and down where your folds are. He looks up at you again, looking very pleased. “Do you need help here too?” 
You gnaw on your bottom lip as you look down at Jimin, framed between your breasts and the two men sucking on them. 
“While they are having some milk, please let me taste your cream.” While there is nothing innocent about Jimin or this situation, he works some sort of cat magic where his eyes look so helpless and are pleading for you to let him. You nod your head shyly but Jimin doesn't move an inch.
“Please,” you ask again, not being able to look away from his eyes despite your embarrassment. “Eat me out.”
Hands undo the button of your jeans and your zipper is barely down before they grip onto the bottom of your pant legs and tug. You yelp at his hastiness but that seems to only encourage Jimin even more. Your ruined underwear is nearly ripped off of you as well.
Seeing Jimin not throw the thin undergarment where the rest of your clothes rest but instead in his back pocket, you start to ask, “Why are you- Oh fuck!”
A hot tongue presses into you and licks its way up from your opening to your clit. It circles your beady nerve and his lips close around it, sucking it just like he did your nipple. “Jimin!”
Your hands find themselves leaving Jungkook and Taehyung and weaving into Jimin’s hair instead. Breasts now heaving up and down with your rapid breaths, Jungkook grabs onto the breasts he’s feeding upon with both hands to keep it still. He starts squeezing, and you can feel more liquid leave you to squirt into his awaiting mouth. 
Jimin’s tongue starts entering you and he hums pleased at your taste. You can feel yourself gushing around his tongue, giving the cream he wants to taste so bad. Of course, as always, not far behind Jimin is Taehyung. He leaves your breast with one long hard suck before gently spreading your legs out further to the side so he can fit in between them as well. Grabbing one of Jungkook’s hands in his own large one, Taehyung moves it to your other breast so it doesn’t get lonely before descending down on you, lapping at your folds hungrily and swirling his tongue with Jimin’s as they cross paths. The two moan into each other's mouths and into your womanhood as your taste gets mixed up in their own. 
You feel so wet everywhere: between your shaking legs, sweat glistening on your body as it is worked towards peak pleasure, and your milk squirting down all your curves. With all the attention lavished on you, you become a whiny mess, and bite down on your lip hard to contain your moans as best as you can. 
“Don’t do that,” Taehyung orders from between your legs. “Let us hear you when you come for us.”
Slowly, your lips fall open freely and part to let out the noises they want to hear unabashedly. It doesn’t take much longer before a playful nibble at your nipple and another pass of tongues swirling at your clit has you coming undone. Your arousal gushes out all over Taehyung’s and Jimin’s faces and they lap up every drop. You feel your nipples shoot milk out in a short steady stream briefly as well, making Jungkook moan happily around your breast. 
When Taehyung and Jimin pull back, they grin at you with their faces still gleaming from your cum. Taehyung takes notice and licks Jimin’s face, cleaning his partner until all the cum is off and then some. Once done, he lays beside you, angling his face towards your own. Embarrassed despite everything that just happened, you lean forward slowly with your tongue poking out of your mouth and do the same to him. The taste of your own arousal surprises you, but you find you don’t mind it and eagerly help Taehyung get cleaned.
Jimin stands, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock to  stroke it slowly. Reaching out for Jungkook’s head with his unoccupied hand,he wraps it through the younger man’s hair, pulling back, and forcing Junkook’s mouth from your nipple. “Your turn now, Jungkook.”
Gasping, Jungkook’s lust hazed eyes travel to Jimin’s hard cock where they follow his hand pumping up and down. “My turn?” 
“Keep our little pussy nice and wet with that mouth of yours and you get your own little creampie. How does that sound?”
Jungkook tries to nod, but the grip Jimin has in his hair prevents him from doing so. He gulps, adam’s apple bobbing and he looks down towards your glistening core, legs still spread out.
“Just good?” Jimin’s cock comes closer to Jungkook's face, and he laughs when Jungkook tries to lick it. The pink tongue is just out of reach. 
You try to pull enough away from Taehyung, but his lips follow yours, making it difficult to say, “play nice.”
“That is nice,” Taehyung mumbles back against your lips.
“Off you go then.” Jimin walks behind Jungkook and nudges the other man’s ass with his foot.
Jungkook crawls around you slowly as he takes off his clothes. You see a flash of chiseled abs out of the corner of your eye and try to turn your head again for a closer look, but Taehyung puts his hand on your cheek, keeping you still and focused on him as he devours your mouth slowly and passionately. Between your legs, now fully naked, Jungkook remains on his knees as he arches his back and lowers himself on his elbows so you can feel his breath fan across your center. A tentative tongue slowly traces your entrance and you moan into Taehyung’s mouth. 
Jimin puts his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, making him stop, so he can maneuver his fingers down into you. You bite Taehyung’s lips accidentally at the unexpected intrusion, making him growl at you playfully. Another finger enters you and they curl, stretching your walls out while also gathering up your juices. They pull out and Jungkook’s tongue returns to you, less timid than he was before, and pushes his way into you. 
Taehyung breaks the kiss to bite at your ears, pulling and tugging, while moving your face with the hand on your cheek. He makes you watch as the now naked Jimin uses your juices to lube up his own fingers and circle the tight muscles of Jungkook’s asshole. The tongue in you flaters, but resumes its job when Jimin stops his motions and says, “keep going.” In reward, a finger slowly enters Jungkook, and he moans into you. That finger pumps in and out of him, slowly fucking his ass hole open and it’s not long before a second finger can join in, then a third. 
Spitting in his hand, Jimin rubs his cock harder, a prominent vein straining against his now bulbous mass. He moves closer to kneel over Jungkook and removes his fingers. You watch as Jimin holds his cock against Jungkook’s ass and slowly enters. Jungkook’s tongue falters once again, and his face becomes strained. “Keep going,” is repeated by a deep, husky voice, so he does.
Jungkook can’t stop moaning into you as he continues to eat you out diligently,  and it gets higher and needier the more Jimin enters him. Soon you’re very much needy and whiny as well as the pleasure balls up again in the pit of your stomach quickly with how sensitive you are from your last orgasm and at the sight before you. Once Jimin bottoms out into Jungkook, he tilts his head back with a satisfied sigh. You can’t help but follow how a bead of sweat rolls down his neck, down his defined pecs and abs. “You’re so fucking tight.” Jimin pulls his hips out slowly, making Jungkook feel every inch of him, and then slams back in. Jungkook’s head is rocketed into your core and soon you're jostling against the wall and along with Jungkook at the nonstop, merciless pace Jimin is setting.
Pulling on your ear one last time, Taehyung leaves you untethered, and you can tell he is enjoying the sight of Jungkook and you being so easily ruined. Now, he kneels beside Jungkook and reaches under to grab at his friend’s straining cock. “Maybe now it’s time we milked you too, Jungkook.”
It takes all of Jungkook’s strength to keep from collapsing. You lean to the side, doing your best to eye the way Taehyung slowly moves his hand down Jungkook’s cock as if he were just milking a cow. Skin slaps on skin as Jimin hits the right spot over and over and white trickles from Jungkook’s tip, forming a puddle on the ground underneath him. The two men increase their pace at the same time, making Jungkook’s sturdy body shake. 
A beautiful, desperate cry is muffled in your pussy as Jungkook finally comes, exploding his arousal over himself and Taehyung’s hand. His position stays strong despite Jimin still jack hammering into him, chasing his own orgasm. When Taehyung reaches over to play with his partner’s balls, it tips Jimin over the edge, making him shoot his load into Jungkook. Heedy moans fill the air as orgasm after orgasm is reached. Your hips move of your own accord, needing to come again as well, and you ride Jungkook’s face desperately until you do with a scream, wetting his face with a splash of your juices.
Jungkook collapses to the side, chest heaving as he tries his best to catch his breath. Crawling over, Jimin litters kisses on Jungkook’s face, cleaning him off and whispering soft praises. 
“Why are you still clothed?” you ask Taehyung breathlessly. He looks down at his clothes and shrugs. His erection is painfully visible under his jeans. Stretching out an arm, you trail your hand down his erection. “Want me to help with that?”
Grinning, Taehyung grabs the bottom of his shirt and lifts it over his head. He grins and stands up to stretch teasingly with his jeans hanging low on his hips. You eye his taunt form and how his hands roam down the side of his face, down his chest, and down down down until they reach the hem of his jeans. “If you’d be so kind.”
You’re back on your hands and knees, stalking towards Taehyung who’s dark eyes watch your every movement. When you reach him, you lean back on your knees and run your hands up his legs, pressing hard into his things with your fingers. You pop open the button and it’s your turn to tease. Playing with his zipper, you look up at Taehyung with your face pressed so close to him. “Do you want me to suck your cock?”
Two large hands hold the side of your head and a thumb brushes your lower lips. Your lips part in a little pout as the thumb barely enters you. Blinking up at Taehyung, you try not to fidget as he stares down at you with lidded eyes. You can feel yourself feeling more aroused the longer he stares at you like that. It feels like an eternity until he says, “yes.”
With shaking fingers, you pull down his zipper, and then his pants along with his underwear. You can’t help but stare at his cock, speechless. To put it simply, it’s huge. How would that fit your mouth let alone-
Something hard brushes against your lips just like Taehyung’s thumb did moments before, breaking your focus from his huge cock. Blinking rapidly you realize the thing against your lips is his cock. 
A hand comes down to trace your jaw, “Open wide.”
You stretch your mouth as far as it can and Taehyung slowly enters you. Your tongue slides along him as he goes further in, coaxing him in with a deep moan. You can’t take him all in before you choke, doing your best to breathe through your nose and relax your throat. 
“You’re doing so good,” he praises you. “Now suck.”
Without looking away from his eyes, you start bobbing your head up and down his cock, smearing it with your spit. Your hands wrap around where you can’t reach and you occasionally have to fight your gag reflex when you take more than you can handle. His hands tighten along your jaw and the side of your head as you increase your pace. He doesn’t look away as his lips part open to let out a delicious moan. You feel his hips stutter, but he doesn’t thrust into you, mindful of your limits. 
Hands are suddenly on your ass, roaming your flesh and making you moan in happy surprise. Even though you can’t see, the size of them and their confidence as they start to grope you gives it away as Jimin. A firm body presses up against your back, letting you feel all the lines of their muscles and their already hardening arousal prodding at your ass. Saccharine lips brush against your ears to purr, “Do you think you can take us both at the same time?”
This time you choke around Taehyung’s cock in surprise, mind instantly wondering how you can fit both of them at the same time. Your movements slow to a still, but smaller hands come to place themselves over Taehyung’s and start to guide your pace. You feel yourself laxen and your eyes droop as you let yourself be used by Jimin. His pace is faster than yours, making you focus on your breathing and less on adding any technique. 
“Does that sound good, Taehyung?” Jimin leans forward as he continues to use your mouth to fuck Taehyung and gives a huge, sloppy kiss up the skin you can’t reach. 
“Shit,” Taehyung curses. His hands tighten on your head to pull you off of him, not ready to come just yet, and stumbles back from you and Jimin. His cock leaks precum from an angry red tip and he breathes raggedly. He glowers at the man behind you, but you only feel Jimin grin evilly against your ear.
“Hands and knees, just like our good boy is.” Jimin bites on your ear before getting up. He waves you forward, beckoning you over behind Jungkook who is in a similar position as when he was eating you out. 
You get back on your hands and your knees are yelling at you to stop but you crawl over anyway, stopping behind Jungkook and looking up at Jimin inquisitively. 
Jimin kneels down, and you watch as he swirls his finger around the rim of Jungkook’s ass and collects the cream pie he promised he’d make. He beckons you forward again with that finger, and you lean closer as you follow it. Smearing the cum across your lips, Jimin hums, “time to return the favor, hmmm?”
Entranced with the taste, your head continues forward, tentatively licking the cum around Jungkook’s twitching muscles before dipping your tongue in his ruined ass. The sound of Jungkook’s moans makes your tongue dive in more enthusiastically to eat more of Jimin’s cum. 
The cock you were just sucking presses up against your cunt and starts entering you. You moan and agile fingers work their way over your clit around the cock to help ease it in and stretch you out. Pulling your face out of Jungkook’s ass, you look over your shoulder to watch Taehyung bottom out in you with your mouth gaping wide open.
“Fuuuck,” your head now hangs low and tears burn into the corner of your eyes as you clench hard around Taehyung’s cock. “Feels so good.”
Taehyung stills, giving him and you a moment to breathe before he slides his hips back slowly. Your walls continue to stretch at his movement and they feel every inch of him. A prominent vein rubs at your walls making you moan wantonly as he pushes back into you. His pace remains slow as Jimin’s fingers brush your clit, trying to get you to relax. 
Realizing you abandoned Jungkook, you pull your strength together to rise back up to his ass. You see him looking over his shoulder at the scene behind him with blown out eyes. He continues to watch you as you give his ass a sloppy kiss and Taehyung slowly fucking you from behind. Jimin’s fingers slide into your already full pussy, making you cry into Jungkook. 
The next thrust of Taehyung’s cock makes you see stars as it hits a spot inside of you just right. You clench tightly around him, making him curse, but he continues to hit the same spot in you over and over. Your pussy drips around him, making it easier for Jimin to slip another finger in. 
With some awkward movement of Jimin underneath you, you feel his cock run along your folds and rub against your clit. Taehyung’s pace slows and Jimin starts entering his cock into you. You’re basically howling like a cat in heat as your walls stretch and stretch. Your hands come up to grip onto Jungkook, needing an anchor, and not noticing they are leaving long, angry red scratches in their wake. 
You don’t realize you’re crying until Taehyung asks worriedly, “Are you ok? Do we need to pull out?”
Shaking your head, you whine, “It’s so much, but it feels so good. I just need ah….” the words escape you as it becomes harder and harder to think. 
“You want us to keep still as you adjust?” Taehyung tries again, running his hands up and down your back comfortingly. 
This time you nod your head. “Yeah, just give me a moment.”
During this exchange, you didn’t realize Jungkook turned around until his hands cradled your head in his. He kisses up your tears softly, then leaves lingering butterfly kisses all around your face. You move your hips experimentally, making Taehyung, Jimin, and you moan together in almost a sinuous harmony. “O-ok, I think I’m ready.”
“You’re sure?” Jimin asks from underneath you.
You grunt and push your hips back, taking them both in further. “Yes, just please fuck me now.”
At your words, the two men start to move slowly before gradually increasing their pace. They work in tandem as their cocks piston in and out of you. Your cries are swallowed by Jungkook’s mouth and his tongue dances with your own. You never felt anything like this before, so full, so wet. You feel your nipples start to leak milk again as you clench wildly around the two cocks fucking you hard. 
While Taehyung hasn’t come yet, Jimin is still sensitive from before. The feeling of each other's cock while being sucked into your heat, and their balls slapping against each other brings them close to their edge quickly. Taehyung grabs your hips and lifts them up at a new angle, making you mewl into Jungkook’s mouth. Your orgasm comes hard, making you squirt in a violent stream against the two cocks fucking you and against Jimin’s stomach. You keep cumming and cumming and your eyes roll into the back of your head as your body shakes between the three men. Your nerves are on fire as you ride out the pleasure and soon the two men reach their breaking point at the same time, orgasming into you and flooding you with their cum. It leaks out of you as they ride out their own orgasm and onto Jimin and the floor below. 
Jimin lets out an exhausted noise when you collapse on top of him and then Taehyung on top of you. You can’t help the giddy post orgasmic giggle that leaves you, still full and cock warming, sandwiched between the loves of your life. Jungkook brushes his nose against yours and you kiss his lips softly with a smile. Jimin’s lips press against your neck and chin while Taehyung kisses your forehead endearingly. “Feeling better?”
“Never been better. Did it um...did it taste good?”
“Are you kidding me?” Jimin grunts and he slides down your body to mouth at a nipple.
“Ah Jimin, no more!” you squeal. 
Jungkook moves to save you from the over zealous man, pulling Jimin out from underneath you and also thus out of you. You grunt as you fall onto the ground, covered nastily in a mix of bodily fluids. Though you don’t mind one bit as Taehyung wraps his arms and legs around you, completely swallowing you in a cuddle. You look back over your shoulder to see him slowly blinking at you with a smile. 
“It’s the best I’ve ever had and will have.” 
Your heart flutters from his words and you soften in his hold, watching Jungkook and Jimin wrestle. Taehyung kisses your forehead again and you let out a toothy grin. A grin you’d never thought you’d wear along with feeling so in love.
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beigehearts · 3 years
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Multiple requests are fine! Requests are unlimited. 
This is a cool idea so hell yeah
Yandere Adult Trio finding you after a few years after escape CW: physical abuse, mentions of kidnapping, blood, needles
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This is rather nice actually. A quiet life in the middle of nowhere where no one questions you. It’s somewhat of a farming community you live in. You work at a farmers market, selling fresh fruits and vegetables to the same people every day. Everyone here recognizes you under your fake identity, and treats you as part of the community. As if you didn’t randomly appear one day. As if you aren’t in hiding. 
It’s been about three years you would say. Three years since you escaped... him. You dyed your hair, wore colored contacts and completely changed your clothing look. You moved countries, learned a new language, and completely dropped your entire identity and life. It was the only way you could escape him. How you escaped him remains a mystery to you too. He was always attentive but- you escaped that last time. Slipped through his fingers. 
Mr. Grady, the oldest farmer in town hobbles over to your stand and smiles with his big loose mouth. He only has a few teeth but you don’t need many when you blend all of your food anyway.
“Oh hello Charlie. How are you today?” He asks with his frail old man voice.
You smile back and begin bagging up the usual for him. “Very good Mr. Grady. How are you?” 
Your conversations are never short but it’s almost become a highlight of your day to hear the old man ramble. “Oh you know. The sheep dog are sick, so I tried rounding those cows up with my cat. He practically got trampled!” He throws his arms up as if it’s unbelievable. You somewhat listen as he continues. “... moral of the story is, cats are unreliable and only have two lives.” 
As you hand the paper bag over the counter the old man stops to think for a moment. “I saw someone new up by the shops today, he was a real character. Quite tall too.” 
You nod and get the change for the money he hands you, “Oh really? Did you talk to him?”
“He wasn’t much interested in me. Though he didn’t seem like a normal traveler. He was much too eccentric for that.” He offers one last toothless smile, “Don’t work too late. It’s time for the foxbears to come out of hibernation soon.” 
Before you can further question him, he hobbles off pretty quickly for an old man. Of course you’re overreacting but someone eccentric and tall randomly coming to town? No it couldn’t be. It’s been over three years since then. And he wouldn’t go this far for you would he? 
After closing up the shop you grab the keys to your car and head for the ‘parking lot’. It’s a field with white lines spray painted on the grass with a single light to illuminate the whole place. You hop into your car and are just glad to finally go home after a long day. It was rather slow but that’s because it was a tuesday. It is very busy on friday-monday. You start your car, and turn on the air, you plug your phone in and relax some into your seat.
You adjust your rear view mirror and scream when you do. You just barely catch the reflection of someone in the back of your car. He’s sitting in the back seat watching you closely. You decide against turning around to face him.
“Hello y/n. Or is it Charlie?” He asks calmly, as if it were a casual conversation.
You clear your throat and try to control your shaking. “What are you doing here Hisoka?” 
He ignores your question completely. “You really know how to choose a nice town. Quiet, friendly, off the grid.”
“I suppose.” Your hands grip on the steering wheel tightens. “How did you find me?”
“Oh, well, it was quite hard really. You did a good job. But once I found the first person who helped you change your identity, it was just a matter of going down the chain.”
You’d rather not think about what happened to those people. “And what are you doing here?” You repeat your question.
“Well there’s only one thing I’m here for of course.” He leans back in the seat, just barely having enough room for his legs. “I’ve come to bring you home.” 
“I don’t want to. It’s nice here.” You state as if you have an option. 
He leans forward this time, and cranes his head around the drivers seat to whisper in your ear, “It’s really not up to you pet.”
Before you can even react, there’s a rope around your neck, and he’s pulling you hard against your seat. You claw at the rope and gasp for air. You try to turn some but the rope burn hurts too much. You manage to get your fingers under the rope around your neck, and throw yourself forward.
His head smacks the back of your seat but your head smacks the wheel, honking the horn. There’s no doubt that you’re bleeding. You throw the rope over your head and jump out of the car, and run. But he’s much faster.
He jumps out of the car and before you know it, he grabs the back of your shirt, pulling you to him. He holds you against himself with his arms, leaving no room for escape. But you have one more trick up your sleeve. You throw your head back as hard you can and headbutt his face. There’s a loud crack that you can only assume is his nose. 
He groans and his nails dig into your skin through your clothes. “You really got feisty while I was away.” His nails begin to pierce your skin, ripping through the cloth of your shirt. “But it’s no matter, it only turns me on more.”
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To say you’re on the run is an understatement. You’re practically sprinting away even all these years later. You know that if you stop for even a few days that he would find you. You spend no more than three days at a time in the same place. You’ve travelled half of the world by now- and quite honestly it has been somewhat nice. Not just the freedom from the suffocating grasp of your captor Illumi, but being able to see the world. You would never have done this if not for the situation you were in. Maybe things happen for a reason.
It feels like forever since you’ve been travelling. But the reality is that it’s only been two years. Two long years of not stopping. You have a new name and often go days without eating. It’s not easy getting money when you aren’t in the same area for long. 
It was late night when you escaped from him. He never let his guard down so you just had to go for it. He wasn’t expecting you to make a mad dash out of the manor, and hide out in the woods for a few days. Slowly but surely you managed to get out of the mountain prison, leaving through the small door next to the office. The man working at the entrance was sipping tea and reading the newspaper when you left much too busy to pay attention to you. You’re more than sure he was punished for missing you leaving. But sometimes you wonder if he chose to ignore you on purpose, and let you escape. 
It’s a beautiful morning. You slept on a few blankets and a sweatshirt as a pillow on the ground of a cave. It was hard to get any sleep at first but you managed to get used to the back pain. The sun is shining through the canopy, streams of light illuminating the cave. The grass outside of the cave is wet with dew droplets. It’s only slightly humid but the breeze with the warm weather is heavenly. It’s not every day you get good weather like this. 
You sit up and stretch your arms in the air, yawning tiredly. Your usual morning routine was to get a fire started, and put the tiny kettle above it. In your small backpack you have a few essential items. Coffee being one of them. You get out your tin can after jimmying a fire and filling the kettle with water from a nearby stream. You drop some instant coffee grounds in the kettle and bask in the aroma of coffee. 
You pour yourself a cup and put some powdered milk packets and splenda in the cup, stirring it with a stick that looked relatively... clean. But you had a feeling that today was the day. You weren’t sure why this morning you knew he would find you. But you did. Almost on cue, you hear footsteps approach behind you.
You bring the tin cup to your lips, taking a long sip of the hot coffee. 
“So this is where you’ve been.” You don’t even flinch at his words. You knew this was inevitable. 
The coffee burns your tongue. “Yes, I must have stayed here for a day too long. Don’t you agree Illumi?”
“Yes. It was quite stupid.” There’s a silence between the two of you. You continue sitting on the ground with your back facing him. “Are you ready to leave?” He asks as if he’s picking you up from and elementary sleep over. 
“May I finish my coffee first?” 
“I suppose.” Though he doesn’t move from his spot, his gaze staying firm on your back.
Luckily you haven’t spent all this time just running, but training. In self defense to be specific.
Quickly you jump up and turn around, you move your arm to throw the coffee on him in hopes of burning him. He grabs your wrist, but the coffee does land on his forearm. You bring your leg up to kick him in the side but he grabs it right as you make contact. The only hit you actually manage to land is when you throw a punch with your free hand at his throat. If it were anyone else they would be stunned for at least a few seconds. But this wasn’t anyone. He shows no sign of flinching. 
“Are you ready now?” He asks.
You allow your body to relax and he lets go of your limbs. “Go ahead, put a needle in me.”
He doesn’t argue with your point, pressing a needle to your chest and the last thing you hear is “Don’t fight it.”
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The very thought that all of these people by his side had no qualms about you being kidnapped makes you sick. All of them had many chances to set you free and yet they stayed loyal to your captor, as if this were normal and okay. So many people witnessing this unhealthy obsession and not even muttering a word about it. Honestly you find it more ridiculous than you do sad. How did he have all these people under his thumb? Was he really just that powerful? 
Wherever he went, you went. One day he had what they called, ‘a mission.” You had caught a cargo train out west and jumped on, as stowaways. It’s not as if anyone checked each boxcar. All of you had fallen asleep in the small space of the boxcar. The train was at full speed, with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Cargo trains were much faster than you anticipated. Once you were sure everyone was asleep, you stood up casually as if you were just stretching. In case someone woke up. Which they did. Nobunaga peeled his eyes open and examined you. But he was too slow, you leaped out of the car before anyone could grab you. You went tumbling through a field after hitting your head very hard against the ground. It wasn’t the perfect escape but it was an escape.
After that you found a nearby farm, and while it was still night you stole a horse from a barn. You rode for many miles, until days later you found a very busy city. Somehow you managed to make a life for yourself, becoming a low grade secretary. 
Today was a slow day, your employer did not have many clients today. You checked in on your boss to see if she needed anything but she waved you away. You decided to play solitaire on the computer, a perfectly valid way to waste time. 
The phone rings and you pick it up while still keeping one hand on the mouse to play solitaire. 
“Hello this is the Seedling Lawyer’s Office. How may I help you?” You stick the phone between your ear and shoulder, playing solitaire. 
There’s a chuckle from the other side of the phone. “So it is you.”
Your blood runs cold, and the only thing that your head is telling you is ‘run’. “I’m not sure who this is, could you please state your name and purpose for calling?” Playing dumb seems like the only decision right now. 
“My darling, there’s no need for the semantics. I’m coming to pick you up right now.” Perfectly on cue, the sliding doors of the building open and you drop the phone, standing up abruptly. 
His eyes show affection and kindness, but there’s a glimmer of... rage. You look around but no one is in the waiting room and you know the cameras are fake for security. This is a cheap layer’s business after all. 
“There’s no need for the semantics Chrollo.” You try to say mockingly but it comes out more as fearful and unsure.
His smile drops and he begins walking towards your desk. “Do you understand the consequences of your actions y/n?” He scoffs kicks the heavy desk to the side as if it weighed nothing. “I missed you of course.” 
“Ah well, maybe I needed a break.” It comes out as a question. 
He corners you against the wall and places a rough hand on your cheek. “Oh darling, oh my sweet darling.” His smile reappears, as sweet as it always has been. “I’m going to kill your entire family.” His hand grips the side of your face roughly and he tilts your head back. 
“You really are something. I would never hurt you, you know.” He places a gentle kiss against your cheek despite his tight grip on the side of your head. “But that doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for what you’ve done.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat and grab his wrist. “Well you’re hurting me right now.” 
Immediately he drops his hand and sighs. “I would never hurt you intentionally, or if not necessary.” He grabs your throat, holding it so tightly you wonder if you’ll ever be able to talk again. He’s crushing your air ways and vocal cords. You claw at his wrist but its useless. “Disciplining you does not count as hurting you.” He leans forward, and if you could yelp you would.
He bites your cheek, definitely leaving a mark. After drawing blood, he licks it up. Your vision is going dark but you’re simply not strong enough to fight back. “Do you understand darling?”
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blushing-titan · 3 years
My reasons to ship Erehisu
About two weeks ago, I got an anonymous ask that reads:
what made you ship erehisu? I don't ship anyone in the series (and defo not eremika lol) and I want to understand the reasons
...but when I tried to answer it on my app, it turned out that I can only post 10 pictures per post, so I decided to make a longer, regular one with my thoughts on this topic 😄 Erehisu remains one of my favorite ships in the series (...with the other ones being Yumi/hisu and Levi/han), so I really enjoy talking about it (...well, at least I did, before I started moving away from the series after that mess of a finale). Without further ado, my reasons to ship Erehisu are under the cut (just a quick warning: the pictures are obviously not mine, and there are some anti-eremika themes in this post).
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They had an actual developement
As we know: in the beginning, Historia was pretending to be this good, selfless girl Krista. Later on, we learn that Eren was not particularly fond of her façade (...keep in mind he was the only person who noticed that she was acting off, too - obviously excluding Ymir, who was Historia's closest person and knew about her secret). As Historia chooses to embrace her identity and stop pretending, his opinion on her changes - he reassures her and appreciates the real Historia.
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You’re just normal. Just a normal girl who’s absurdly honest. (Eren, ch. 54)
Eren...that day...the time you called me...normal. That made me really...happy. (Historia, ch. 65)
Later on, after Historia saves Eren in the Reiss cave, his thoughts on her change even further. There isn't just something that he likes about her anymore - instead, he starts to actually admire her strength and actions.
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(ch. 68)
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(ch. 70)
Even further on, he prioritizes her safety and hides an important piece of information that could help Paradis' cause - only because it could potentially put Historia in harm's way.
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(ch. 89)
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(ch. 90)
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(ch. 106)
Keep in mind that there was a time skip in between these chapters, which means Eren kept this secret for years. He hid it even from Armin and Mikasa. After it's finally revealed, he strongly disagrees with, and fights against Historia becoming a titan for the sake of the island. Eren’s sentiment towards Historia is even noticed by Hanji on a few different occasions - it’s something that Hanji brings up while questioning him, later on.
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(ch. 107)
Eren also meets Historia in secret, warns her of danger, and downright doesn't let her sacrifice herself - even when she assures him that she's ready to do it. 
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(ch. 130)
She's also one of the only people with whom he shares the information about the rumbling. He also brings up her own words that she said to him back in the Reiss cave.
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(ch. 130)
I believe he doesn't fight for her just because she's one of his friends. It's a natural progression that comes from the shared experience they had in the Reiss cave. Eren got to know and appreciate the real Historia, so whenever she reverts back to the Krista persona, he's there to remind her that she should live for herself and don't let others use her - just like Ymir told her, and just like Historia told him in the Reiss cave. When Eren stands up for Historia in ch. 107 and blatantly refuses to let her get sacrificed, she's actually touched to the point of tearing up.
Their relationship changes and deepens with time, and it's actually shown in the manga - not just as symbols or small hints, but actual, full-fledged conversations/actions. In my opinion, this should be the base of any well-estabilished ship. We have quite a few one-on-one moments with these two that illustrate this progression. There are also panels in which we can peak into Eren's thoughts on Historia, which makes for an unfiltered source of his opinions on her.
They can relate to each other
Something I find really important as well is that Eren and Historia can find each other very relatable, and therefore - understand each other's struggles better.
Both were used by their fathers, and both caused their demise. Both were fiercely protected by someone. Both felt like the world would be better without them, at some point. Both had a big role to play, despite having doubts if they can do it right (Eren, being humanity's titan; Historia, being the queen). Both wanted to sacrifice themselves for their people's sake - and both intervened, saving each other from actually going through with this decision.
Their relationship is well-balanced
Eren and Historia don't clash when it comes to their personalities. As their relationship grows, they mutually admire, protect and motivate each other, while still remaining two separate characters - with their own goals and traits. They freely talk to each other about their struggles; they also care about each other’s actual feelings on them.
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(ch. 54)
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(ch. 70)
I can easily see them as partners, which is something I've always had troubles with when it comes to EM. It's just hard not to make this comparison, since Mikasa's character has always been pretty much fully centered around Eren, which - in my eyes - made their relationship look unbalanced and toxic. I've already spoke about my issues with EM in depth in this post, so I won't elongate this one with repeating the same arguments - still, one of the reasons I started shipping Erehisu in the first place is the fact that I immediately saw it as a much more normal, healthy, and well-balanced alternative to EM.
Parallels and relevance to the story’s themes
Parallels are something that, for some reason, make a lot of people mad. I have no idea why - these things appear in the manga, so why not talk about them?
Aside from parallels between Eren and Historia (...please, keep in mind that I didn’t list all of them in this post), there are also a lot of obvious parallels between Historia and the founder Ymir - to the point, when the entire Requiem der Morgenröte ending revolves around this theme:
I've also already spoke about how Ymir/Historia parallels could possibly be tied to Eren in this answer.
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(Historia on the cover of vol. 16/Ymir in ch. 122)
Aside from that, there are a few subtle Grisha/Dina and Eren/Historia parallels, as well. Historia is a royal, hiding as a regular person - just like Dina did, before joining the revivalists. Dina also tears up when Grisha stands up for Eldians, just like Historia does when Eren stands up for her.
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(ch. 68)
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(ch. 86)
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(ch. 67)
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(ch. 86)
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(ch. 56)
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(ch. 86)
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(ch. 107)
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(ch. 86)
Quite interestingly, in a lot of these parallels Historia and Eren act in an opposite way as to previous generations. While Frida teaches Historia to be a good, selfless girl, Historia ends up abandoning this persona to save herself and Eren in the Reiss cave. She doesn’t want to devote herself to fate - instead, she’s prepared for a showdown with it. While the founder Ymir’s children are ordered to eat their own mother to ensure her power’s succession (...and a few hundred years later, Grisha fights to return the founder’s power back to his wife - Dina), Eren does everything he can to ensure Historia and her children are safe and never even titanised in the first place. 
As the story unfolds, we learn about it’s leading themes - some of which are: oppression and fighting for freedom, desire to change history, the mechanism of circle of hate, and how it affects children who are a part of it. In my eyes, Erehisu just perfectly fit with these themes, especially considering how later on Historia’s pregnancy was handled in the manga.
There were countless ways to answer the who’s the father question? immediately, without even starting up conversation about it - for example, I don’t understand why it was needed to bring up the fact that Historia didn’t marry the farmer in the first place. What was it’s purpose, aside from stirring up theories - especially considering how in the last chapter it’s revealed that they are married, after all? Why end up the Eren/Historia flashback on the What do you think about me having a child? question, when the whole conversation they had beforehand was literally about Eren disagreeing with Historia wanting to get pregnant just to save herself? It doesn’t make sense, and led me (and many other readers - judging from opinions I read online and chapter reactions on youtube) to belive that there were other reasons, and that there was more to this conversation then was initially shown.
If the conclusion to this plotline was always supposed to be that she got pregnant just to save herself...then what was this mysterious built-up for? Why show this conversation in the first place, and in such a weird manner, too? Why not have Historia just say it out loud in ch. 130: yes, I got pregnant to save myself in the beginning, and spare us this whole I will not allow it talk...you know, instead of ending the conversation on the What do you think about me having a child? when the whole previous talk was about Eren fighting against it? Where’s the logic?
The truth is - from my perspective, Erehisu had a lot of logical build up that would benefit the story, and stay true to it’s already established themes and both characters’ previous developement. On top of that, I also think they simply had great chemistry.
That’s all from me today 😄 I apologize you had to wait so long for this, anon...life got in the way, and as I said - I think I’m just getting over this series. Hope you’re doing well anyway 😊
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