gabbuloffc · 5 months
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tsuyakiku · 3 months
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Which side do you choose?
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sdimoo · 1 year
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* Bruce petting Jason *
With Gifs
Done in 2020
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vile-bat · 5 months
Do you every just wake up one day and decide you now have an abnormal obsession with Batman and are going to read & watch anything and everything related to the Batverse? Ya..
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sleepygayratlady · 28 days
Help please I saw a thing that said Damian adopts strays and it involved Danny Dan and Ellie all being like urban legends to schools the keep leaving and when they try at ga they keep getting stopped but then I lost it and can find it please if anyone finds it tag me or something
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redhoodfetish · 19 days
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binniesunderworld · 4 days
They never tire of each other
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002yb · 1 month
No pressure, but I can't stop wondering about what happens in the Secretary AU when Bruce needs to travel for work--does he take Jason, having him act as his PA, or does Bruce go insane while tasking someone to look after him in Gotham while he's gone? And if he DOES tag along, what happens with Damian?
Oh! This is such an interesting idea to ponder. It's not something I'd considered before, but let's explore all the options!
In which Jason goes with Bruce:
It's 10% business, 90% Bruce wants to take Jason to all the places Jason never got to see before, but had always made passing comments about
Bruce wants to give Jason the world. Whatever tries to get between him and that dream will rue the day.
Only that 'whatever' is Damian. The boy that Jason cares for and works his schedule around.
Cue Bruce stewing as he plots on how to pawn off the child so that Bruce can have his babygirl Jason for a few days. Bruce will make this venture happen. Where there's a will, there's a way, and his will is unyielding.
Just as unyielding: Damian
Their first (unbeknownst to them) father-son meeting would be a standoff over Jason and it sets the tone of their future together so well ahahaha. Just Damian hating Bruce on principle for taking Jason away from him. And Bruce relenting because 'he's the adult,' and assuring Damian that he'll take care of Jason while they're away. And Damian clicks his tongue at him, scowling the meanest scowl and Bruce's eye twitches because what a little brat. But also? Those are Jason's habits through and through, damn it. How endearing.
More endearing is how Jason kneels down with Damian and chides him even as he offers sweet comforts. Touches fleeting because Jason is fretting over this boy. It's sweet. Gentle in a way Jason always was at heart and still so clearly is.
('Don't be mean to my boss, it's not his fault. Once we finish working I'll be back. I'll bring a souvenir, huh?' To which Alfred would give Bruce a look, because this 'business' isn't particularly pressing. It's entirely fabricated, one might say. Bruce.)
Jason parting with a press of their foreheads and an earnest request for Damian to mind Mr. Pennyworth and that Jason will come back to him as soon as he can. ;3;
And yes, Alfred is thriving because finally he gets to spend time with his grandson (though at this point no one would know just how true that sentiment is lol)
Damian? Not so much. But he plays it tough for Jason even if his face is pinched and his eyes are glassy and ahhhhhhh little baby sniffles that breaks Jason's heart because he's a parent walking away from their kid for the first time fffffffffff
Anyway, Bruce and Jason get as far as sitting in the car, parked in the driveway. Because Bruce can't in good faith drive off while Jason looks so distraught. There's something more going on than simple anxiety of leaving a child for some days, so with a rare show of compassion and grace, Bruce waits
And Jason gets embarrassed because he's worked up. All anxiety and uncertainty and not wanting to go but knowing he has to. Shaking hands and short breaths. Scrubbing his eyes in frustration before laughing pitifully and apologizing because it's stupid.
But it's not. Not if it's upsetting his boy so much. And Bruce has learned this from his mistakes before, so: 'Talk to me.'
Cue: amnesia reveal!!
Jason admits that for him, there's nothing before Damian. So to leave him is to leave behind the only comfort and security he's ever known. ;3;
And it breaks Bruce's heart because oh. To have tried to force Jason to walk away from something so important when his boy isn't ready. Obviously there's something there to talk about, but Bruce won't push. Not when even this was given in desperation.
Heartstrings tugged, Bruce leaves the car without a word
And Jason hits his head against the back rest and contemplates how he just got himself fired for being a hot mess
Only then Bruce returns with Alfred and Damian because they'll all go together, how about that? ;U;
Extra to the above:
When Bruce tries to force Jason's hand and Jason protests because he has an actual child that he can't leave, Bruce proposes that Alfred look after him. Which, damn. Jason has no argument for that; not really. Still, he has to float it by his other employer first!
Which Bruce is eager to speak with them. Put him on the phone if that will help. To which Jason snickers and snarks that there's no way Bruce could charm this lady. Nor buy her out. Jason's got this, chill.
(Meanwhile, Jason. Secretly hoping Talia will say no and being OTL when she agrees. Because little does Jason know that Talia is very charmed by Bruce lol).
Also, something with Bruce making guilty eye contact with Tim from across the office after Bruce unintentionally manipulates Jason into attending a 'business trip' with him when Bruce's attempts at vacationing goes rebuffed.
Just the deadpan judgment in Tim's eyes and the way Bruce would OTL because he knows, go away.
Bruce got flustered and panicked when it looked like Jason was about to turn him down, okay??
Also, Tim grumbling under his breath about Bruce and his HR violations and being the greatest HR risk to ever grace corporate America.
The other route, where Bruce goes and Jason stays:
Hands down, Tim is responsible for watching over Jason
Dick isn't allowed within a mile radius of him
Don't think Batman won't call in a favor to get back to Gotham the moment Dick pings past Bruce's stupid security. He's watching.
Pffft, the way Superman would ??? because it's not like Bruce to call for him? Especially for something so...trivial?
Only there's nothing trivial about Dick and his shenanigans, Clark. His babygirl's virtue is not trivial, CLark. D:<
But also Bruce overlooking the glaring error of his ways because Tim is essentially with Jason 24/7 between WE and staking patrol outside of Jason’s apartment ahahaha
Bruce seriously comes back and all of a sudden everything between these two is electrically charged and he’d brood over it so hard, forever stewing behind the steeple of his hands because ffs
One more bit with brotherly shenanigans bonding ft dickjay and timjay:
Where Tim and Jason have playful bants while the boss is away
Tim leaning against the doorframe of Bruce’s office to chat at Jason since Bruce had Jason’s desk moved as close as possible without actually being in Bruce’s office lolol
Or Tim leaning over Jason from behind as they review some correspondence that needs to go out
And Jason sitting on Tim’s desk to make sure he eats the food Jason brought him
Tim being all sorts of pleased and relieved because Jason acts as his PA since Tim takes over all of Bruce’s work while he’s out of office and wwwwww lighthearted flirts about poaching Jason for himself
A fireable offense, surely, given Bruce is Bruce
But yeah. Just timjay having a chill time together and it’s sweet. //u///
As for dickjay—
While the bat is away the robin will play, as it goes
So Dick keeps up with his usual visits of course. But one day he shows up incognito, dressed so smart and dashing for business. Slacks and a button down and hair done, looking good and feeling cheeky lol
And Jason freezes up because omg
Corporate kink awakened?
Jason, rosy cheeked and trying not to stare but very much 👀, tongue tied and too warm under the collar telling Dick that he looks nice
And Dick laughs a bit under his breath and tells Jason he looks nice, too ;////;
The occasion? Tim taking them out to a nice lunch at some fancy restaurant ahhhhhhhhh and they send Bruce a pic of all of them on their little date fffffff 💖
Meanwhile Bruce is in some business meeting, very blatantly looking at his phone beneath the table and being equal parts >C (because he’s gonna beat these punkasses off his babygirl with a stick when he gets home) and ;u; because those are his boysssss together at last as they always should have been!!
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bats8batarangs · 1 year
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Happy Valentines Day fellow degenerates 💖🦇
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muffinmonstah-art · 3 months
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Before breakfast
My pre-PC crash wip is already finished!
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sdimoo · 1 month
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🐺Wolf Jason drew in 2019
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cr0nu5 · 1 year
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daddy's little boy
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kieran-granola · 6 months
Sometimes I like to think about BruJay, feat Jason opening a food bank in Crime Alley.
He charges a 50¢ flat fare per week, because he can afford to cover the weeks when donations aren't enough, and lets people pay more if they'd like because he knows how important pride is when you're broke.
The donations are slow at first, because he doesn't really have the time to do both community outreach and walk into grocery stores to ask for their end-of-stock. He doesn't mind, and usually just buys stuff himself to distribute it.
And then one week, he gets a big "anonymous" donation. Including new shelves and fridges for the space he's repurposed as the bank.
Jason's like, Huh. Okay. Whatever. It's probably just a power move from Bruce to show that he knows what Jason is doing.
Except the donations keep coming. Quietly, on time, without any requests or cards. It's nothing extravagant—just practical items and staple foods—but it's what Jason's people need. And so eventually, Jason steels himself and pays Bruce a visit.
He's not sure what to expect, but he figures the mature thing to do is to approach Bruce like a businessman. He's a big donor, Jason is going to thank him for his contributions, ask if he needs any paperwork for his tax deductions and be on his way.
Their meeting starts off that way. Bruce lets him set the tone, and thanks him for his work for Gotham. They talk about Jason's goals for the food bank, and about how they could make it more efficient and accessible for the people Jason serves—neighbors help each other in Crime Alley, but Jason knows a few elderly and disabled people who would benefit from deliveries. The Wayne Foundation couldnsubsidize and organize that so he can give aboveboard work to people in need.
Just as he's leaving though, Bruce can't help but stand up and call out for him. "Wait, Jason. How have you been?"
Jason tenses and looks at him. "I'm doing just fine, Bruce."
"Good. That's... Good." Bruce smiles a small, awkward smile that looks nothing like the practiced grin he conjures up for the press. "I just want to say, the food bank is a fantastic initiative and I am grateful that you're letting me contribute."
"I'm not petty enough to fuck my people over just because you piss me off on a regular basis."
"I know. And I know you can handle yourself but... is there anything I could do for you?"
"I don't need anything." Jason glares at Bruce in warning. It should be enough, but he can't help running his mouth. "Unless you wanna find me a date, I'm all set."
"I see." Bruce gives him a long look. "Are you free on Thursday?"
Jason blinks. "What?"
"There's a new Italian place in the Diamond district. I've been invited to their opening night. I could use a partner."
"What the fuck. Are you seriously offering to take me on a date yourself?"
Bruce doesn't flinch. "I am."
"I was kidding."
"And I wasn't. Is that a no?"
"It's—" Jason swallows. "I'm not interested in spending a night with Brucie."
"All I'm asking is for you to spend an evening with me."
Jason bites his lip. He never expected Bruce to see him as a man and not as a child. Not in a way that would make Jason's pitiful crush seem attainable, at least. Saying yes is tempting, if only to see if Bruce is truly capable of treating him like an equal.
"I'll see if I can make it," he answers cautiously.
Tension seeps out of Bruce's shoulders. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me. I haven't decided not to stand you up yet."
"I look forward to the surprise. And I'm happy you came to see me today either way."
"Right." Jason gets to the door. "What happens on Thursday... It won't affect the food bank, will it?"
"It won't." Bruce smiles wryly. "I'm not petty enough to fuck our people over just because you piss me off on a regular basis."
Jason lets out a bark of surprised laughter. "That sounds wrong coming out of your mouth."
"I know. Don't tell Alfred."
┈━ ◇ ━┈
When Thursday comes, Jason heads to the vicinity of the restaurant. He doesn't show himself immediately. Instead, he watches as Bruce waits for him patiently, even though he goes way over reasonable lateness.
Eventually Jason understands that Bruce won't be going in without him. He comes out of hiding, flustered because Bruce looks gorgeous in his evening clothes, and because fuck, he didn't expect him to give him more than just the benefit of the doubt. Except apparently his company was the only thing that made the prospect of this evening worth Bruce's time.
They end up ditching the fancy opening night and grabbing chili dogs and ice cream in the park.
When Bruce kisses him goodnight, he tastes like all of Jason's favorite things, and Jason is pretty sure his heart is going to beat out of his chest.
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redhoodfetish · 3 months
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binniesunderworld · 9 months
Why was baby boy always crying? 😭
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002yb · 8 months
My heart???? I pove the amnesiac Jason being in love AGAIN with Dick. Please give us all your thoughts and Bruce and Tim and Damian and Alfred aaaaa
The trope of Jason having an undying crush on Dick Grayson is one that I'll shoehorn into every bit of anything I ever write, hahaha. I love it so much; it's so sweet. Thank you for following along with the secretary AU though. //u/// Here's some general thoughts for them:
There are times Bruce has to do his job. Unfortunately, part of that job includes playing nice with his employees. A lot of people want to get in good with the CEO so that they'll be better favored for promotions. Rubbing elbows is part of corporate culture.
Only Jason doesn't give a fuck. Do you have an appointment? Of course they don't; Jason sure as hell didn't make one for them. Get outta here.
Just Jason being the most ornery secretary/assistant, an actual guard dog outside of Bruce's office.
Meanwhile Bruce just looking on from the glass panes separating them and being so smitten because look at his boy - small as he ever was and just as fierce as before. Viciousness being innately Jason and Bruce appreciating it in a way he hadn't before.
And when Jason finally shoos whatever bootlicker comes along, he sits back in his chair with a huff, before glancing at Bruce and smiling that ornery little smirk and Bruce loves him so damn much.
Unrelated: when Bruce can't stay on task, Jason moves himself to temporarily sit in Bruce's office with him. Just sitting across from Bruce at his desk and supervising because they've got deadlines, boss.
The above is a strategy Bruce employs to get Jason closer to him. It works up until Jason realizes what Bruce is doing, after which Jason withholds himself until Bruce does his job and Bruce is despondent over it, of course, but also a little humored and fond and affectionate because that's his boy.
The way this man fishes for information on his grandbaby (Damian) being so next level. He laments to Jason about how he always wanted grandchildren, but... *sidelong glance to Bruce who straightens up in his office*
The joke being that Damian is actually Bruce's kid, only Jason still hasn't brought Damian around so they can't confirm anything.
Anyway, Jason shares pictures and Alfred adores them. Especially the ones that have both Jason and Damian in them.
And Alfred is a gentleman, a professional. He doesn't get cranky, only he does hahaha. Because he wants Jason home and he wants to meet his (great) grandbaby, Master Bruce. l<
Until they can sort that though, Alfred is very doting to Jason and Damian. He can't overstep, but when opportunity presents itself, Alfred offers up recipes that he knows Jason will like and that would be appropriate for a fussy child. He offers up little caretaking tips and tricks and bites back chortles when Jason jokes about trying them on Bruce.
Alfred startling when he gets a text from Jason one day asking for help with a sick child
And Alfred is halfway to the garage before he realizes how inappropriate that would be so he parks himself right beside the door just in case Jason requests him
Which he doesn't, which breaks Alfred's heart. But Jason does call and Alfred is able to talk Jason down and help him through whatever crisis Damian has brought on.
And later, Jason passing along a thank you card that Damian also contributed some baby scribbles to. Along with a little gift, a tea cup, that Damian helped pick out. Because they're really grateful and Alfred is composed about it until he gets back to the car and then he just holds this sweet note and gift and mourns how he wants his family back ahhhhhhhhhh
But Alfred is a strong person and bears the strain of it all and carries on.
It's his new favorite cup though ;U;
Dick uses the excuse of meeting Bruce and Tim for lunch all of once before he boldly asks Jason out
Bruce's jaw drops so fast. He's damn near tripping over every bit of furniture in his office and his own two feet, scrambling to the door where he falls dramatically against the frame with a lie that he needs Jason to fetch xyz thing from xyz area of WE
Once Jason is out of earshot, Bruce glowering so hard at Dick because don't lead their boy on; get those foul thoughts out of his head
And Dick just here without one impure thought in his head (yet) and being very l: because really, Bruce? Dick would never (only he will).
Anyway, Bruce cockblocking even the most innocent of interactions and Jason being a bit ._. about it because he's never so busy as when Dick turns up to say hi.
Just Dick surprising Jason at the office with drinks and food, little pick-me-ups. And here's the thing - Dick doesn't know Jason like Alfred does. He doesn't know Jason's favorites or things he doesn't. He's figuring it all out in the moment and he keeps making efforts and there's a level of guilt there for not doing this before, sure, but there's also enjoyment because it's Jason and ahhhhhh
When Dick brings by the pick-me-ups and leans against Jason's desk or pulls up a chair to sit across from him and loaf around for a few minutes, Bruce and Tim are just l: because really? Nothing for them?
And Dick laughs because, 'no, Jason's special.'
Which just slays Jason where he stands as he misinterprets Dick's (current) interests and intentions
Something something Dick picking Jason up after work on his bike. And both Bruce and Alfred send death glares Dick's way, but Dick just smiles that cheeky Robin smile at them before helping Jason up behind him and telling him to hold tight
Alfred relents with his petulance immediately if only because his boys look so happy; this is how it should have always been
Bruce, on the other hand, is getting into the car and telling Alfred to follow them immediately, don't lose sight of them! D<
Copy room meet-cute scenario. Where Tim is about to commit property damage because all the copiers keep jamming on him and he doesn't have the fucking time; he's got a meeting in x number of hours and he needs to prep all the materials and the interns aren't there to help because Tim didn't finish the reports until x o'clock and he's stressed and just got off of patrol he doesn't have time to fight and be bested by a fucking copier and-- 'here, let me help.'
It's Robin. Jason. It's Jason. And Tim feels Jason looks as heroic as he ever did back when the mantle was his to wear.
Jason doing the copying for Tim and brushing off the gratitude. 'I'd rather not explain to the boss that all our copiers were thrashed in the midst of someone's corporate rage ¬‿¬' before it settles on a shrugged, self-aware, 'you take over a lot of boss's work, so it makes sense that I help you, no?'
The stress leaving Tim slowly but surely as Jason and he work side by side to put together Tim's meeting presentation materials for all of the board members/xxxxxx department heads/etc.
Not much chatter, but at the end after Bruce turns up and causes a scene (because Jason is missing from his desk and 'where is he!?') Jason turns to Tim with a crooked smile and insists that if Tim needs help with anything, Jason's there.
And Tim is left there being all awestruck and a little flushed
Plenty of casual interactions after that. Just casual greetings in the morning. Teasing from Jason that disguises blatant check-ins to make sure Tim is good. Which he is. Tim's embarrassed about it, but he notices Bruce taking back some of the work he pushed off onto Tim and...it's better.
So much banter though as they get comfortable. And Tim still sees Robin, but he starts to see Jason more and he likes him a lot.
Tim going to see Bruce and Jason knowing Tim is cool, but tormenting him anyway with the whole 'you got an appt, sir?' shtick
Jason sneakily switching out coffee with water and snickering when he catches Tim grimacing, head snapping to look Jason's direction while Jason gives a cheeky wave
Tim being teased as the next Brucie because of the supposed 'flirtiness' of their interactions; it's a scandal waiting to happen, he's following in Bruce's footsteps, etc. etc.
Tim is embarrassed about the rumors that start to circulate. He doesn't even flinch when Bruce looms over him with a rough demand of, 'what are your intentions with Jason?' like Tim is doing anything uncouth, come on man
Whether because Tim is genuinely interested or he wants to mess with Bruce (in retaliation for the copious amount of work Bruce has passed on to him), Tim pointedly asking Jason out. Right outside of Bruce's office.
Weeks later, Bruce still creeps outside of Jason's apartment. He hates the neighborhood. Crime rates are too high and the apartment isn't up to code, but he hasn't figured how to tell Jason to move yet. Telling his boy to come home would be inappropriate, as would buying the property beside the manor for Jason to have. He'll figure something out, but before that--
A flutter of sheer curtains and movement in Jason's apartment.
Bruce being persistently curious about the child, Damian, but not having much information outside of passing commentary from Jason (but mostly shared stories from Alfred).
The child is always well-guarded. Regardless of how Tim has tried to get close, the tutors that are with Damian are always very alert. Which is...good. But not conducive to the answers Bruce wants.
Anyway, Bruce being a creep outside of Jason's apartment. Listening in on recently placed bugs and startling because Damian talks.
Apparently Damian has aspirations to be Batman. And Jason humors him even as he laughs under his breath because why.
And to sucker-punch Bruce in the throat, Damian makes a proclamation that wounds Bruce deeply: 'To protect you.'
Jason being all endeared and sweeping Damian up off the ground to hold on his hip and smacking his head with a kiss
'Why not Robin?'
There's a pause, but Damian is quick even at such a young age and proclaims, 'Because you will be my Robin.'
And Bruce just cries on the inside a bit because ouch.
What started as a Damian section became a Dickjay with a Damian cameo section. Truth be told, idk how hold Damian should be.
Where the first member of the batfam Damian meets is actually Dick
Jason invites Dick up after Dick brings him home one evening
And Dick is so happy to be welcomed into this private part of Jason's life - smug because Dick is the first of them to be welcomed and this is an enormous step up from always being the last to know anything
Jason switching off with the tutor (LoA assassin lol) and the assassin and Dick eyeing each other up as they pass one another by because they both sense something's off about one another, just not what
Anyway, Jason locks up (extensive; perfect for the neighborhood, but also hopeful of all that Robin training having lingered in the back of Jason's head) then excuses himself to check that Damian was put to bed properly
Dick taking the opportunity to look around and being so enamored with every detail. There aren't many personal belongings, but there's enough. Used books and well-loved art supplies; second-hand furniture and a half-knitted blanket. There are drawings posted up on the fridge that Dick looks over fondly: depictions of Damian and Jason and few others that make up his family (which spoilers is gonna include Dick once Damian and Dick come to an understanding about Jason)
Anyway, Jason is so proud of Damian's artistic endeavors - a new hobby that Jason encouraged because Damian is otherwise so serious and morose for such a little guy. And Jason's smile when he talks about it, fuck. It's devastating. Dick could listen to Jason talk about this forever - he would love that.
Instead they talk about other things while they have a nightcap. They keep their voices low. Hushed so they don't disturb Damian in the next room.
By this point Dick would be well aware that Jason is still a sassy, ornery little menace firecracker, but it's still a joy to experience it. To trade quips, to banter. Keeping up with Jason's wit and playing a playful game of who has the sharper tongue.
It's them curled on either end of a stubby, narrow couch. Where Jason reaches out his sock-clad foot to shove at Dick's leg and Dick catches him and squeezes and holds on, a mindfully mindless point of contact - tentatively intimate.
And Dick isn't aware of how intimate the moment is - how captivated he is by Jason until suddenly a kid comes between them, face pinched as they click their tongue (and oh, that's a habit of Jason's, isn't it? Cute), taking Dick's hand in the tiniest of grips and forcibly removing Dick from Jason
Then Damian buries himself in Jason's chest before peeking back to glare at Dick. The declaration is clear as anything: he's mine
Jason introduces him, but Damian having none of it because Jason's attention being on another man? In their home? Unforgivable.
Jason being flummoxed because what? He's allowed to have friends, Damian.
Dick smiles at that. He might understand that desire to be possessive.
Introductions made, but Damian being very grumpy
Child rearing difficulties for Jason with setting boundaries and getting Damian to bed because he wants to spend time with Dick, but Damian doesn't want to share
And Dick wants more of Jason. Of course he does, but he's not going to put Jason in a position to pick. Never. So he calls it a night so that Jason can take care of Damian. That besides, it's late. They should both turn in.
Jason grumbling and being a little petulant about it as he sees Dick out at the door, Damian nestled in his arms and resting on his hip, arms wrapped tight around Jason's neck. But really? He'd stay up all night. It's been nice.
Their parting being all sorts of electric although there's nothing more than lingering gazes and slow pull aways and second looks over shoulders only to catch one another still there and sheepish, giddy titters ahhhhhh
Jason resting his back against the closed door while Dick sort of bounces down the hall, invigorated and happy and excited for next time
Next time being: just an hour later when Jason texts to see if Dick made it home safely
They proceed to text through the night and come the following day when Jason looks exhausted? Bruce is concerned. When Dick comes in later with Jason's choice caffeine, looking just as tired? Bruce quickly switches to paranoid because what's happening and why and how does he stop it? l:
Still waffling with how Damian should be, hence his section being a little scarce/vague. It'll get there!
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