#browser rpg
mythaura-blog · 5 months
Development Update - December 2023
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Hi folks, a very Happy New Year to you!
In the spirit of new beginnings, Mythaura has entered a new chapter in its development, which we detail in our December development update. We also take time to review what was accomplished in 2023 (our first full calendar year with Mythaura!).
We've also got our color contest winners, the winning Fighter companion, and much, much more. And of course: our demo is now live! We're so excited for you to traverse the Wild Area, a procedurally generated map with monsters for your team of three Beasts to defeat.
Demo Trailer
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Message From The Developers
We're thrilled to share this pivotal update about Mythaura’s development journey, which showcases many of the core features we have planned for this game. Today marks a significant transition: we're shifting from the intricate and challenging phase of game engine development to the exciting realm of feature development.
Since beginning this project, our focus has been on scoping and then crafting robust and core components. Features such as wild areas, battle, and multiplayer systems, not to mention the complex breeding system, passive effect management, player inventory system, and the beast image engine. We've also been diligently integrating these elements with complex user interfaces and ensuring they will work on most devices (an ever ongoing battle). It's been a journey of overcoming unknowns and technical challenges, and we're proud of what we've achieved.
Now, we're entering a new chapter. Our attention turns to fleshing out the game's features, with a special focus on developing an immersive questing and dialogue system, towns & shops, skill trees & progression, and tools for content development among other needed feature development. The hardest challenges have by and large been solved at this stage and our focus can now be how to best deliver an amazing gaming experience by bringing them together. This shift doesn't mean the work is done—far from it. But it's a major milestone that brings us closer to realizing our vision for the game.
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and enthusiasm, and look forward to a jam packed 2024.
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Year In Review
This year has been marked by numerous milestones. Below is a recap of our key accomplishments, excluding the latest updates which have been a major focus of our efforts for the past several months.
1. Introduction of 'Supers': Enhanced breeding complexity by introducing 'Supers' as a new mechanic, making well-structured breeding projects more valuable. We started with the debut of our first Super: Tegu.
2. Special Additions: Welcomed the special Panda to our list of Specials.
3. Expressions for Beasts: Implemented expressions for beasts, a significant and ongoing undertaking that gives life to your beasts as they interact with NPCs.
4. Elements System: Introduced the Elements system, assigning each beast a pair of inherent elements. An element page was added that delves into the lore of each element.
5. Beast Sizes: Standardized beast sizes, assigning each beast a unique size within its species' range.
6. Beast Classes: Initial build of beast classes, providing each beast with a class-based playstyle and initial items.
7: Radiant Companions: Unveiled Radiant companions, rare alternate colorations for companions that are bound to be highly sought-after.
8: Deep Dive into Seasons: Explored the planned feature 'Seasons', designed to reward ongoing gameplay.
9: The Weekend Traveler: Designed the Kobold NPC known as the Weekend Traveler, who deals in ultra-rare goods, along with the Kobold non-player species.
10. New Colors on the Wheel: Established a sustainable method to introduce new colors to our color palette, allowing us to add 16 new colors this year (including the 3 contest winners).
11. Ephemeral Inks: Introduced Ephemeral Inks, a way to alter the colors of a beast.
12. Color Wheel Page: Created a dedicated page listing colors and corresponding inks.
13. PvP Battle Demo: Rolled out a demo showcasing our multiplayer technology in PvP battles.
14. Mutations Feature: Added Mutations as a rare breeding-only feature, beginning with our first Mutation: Piebald.
15. Items By You: Crafted 11 sponsored companions (excluding recolors), 5 sponsored apparel pieces, and 2 sponsored items.
16. New Game Engine: Designed a render pipeline that can create the 2.5D effects used in Wild Areas during exploration. Including, but not limited to, dynamic shadows, volumetric fog, real-time lighting, collision detection, special & particle effects, and gravity simulation, all accelerated by your GPU.
17. Granular Settings: Created a UI to manage game settings, graphics settings, audio settings, etc as well as added gamepad support with keybind remapping to Wild Areas.
18. Procedural Map Generation: Developed technology to procedurally generate bespoke Wild Areas.
19. Ongoing Production: Work on ongoing behind-the-scenes features such as worldbuilding, map design, systems design, and the exploration features we showcased on this update!
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UI Update
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You may notice the UI has received an update. This redesign focuses on being accessible for players using controllers, which is something we are working towards supporting on all screens and not just the Wild Area demo. The about page has also been updated. All the links to informational pages you would have found in the left-side menu of the previous design can be found on the about page with the exception of the /species page, whose contents has been moved to the about page.
We have also added an install button to the homepage that will display for users who have browsers which support Progressive Web Apps. This will add Mythaura to your taskbar/home screen for easy full-screen access.
Mobile and tablet users may enable gyroscope to interact with the parallax graphics if they would like.
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Feature Spotlight: Wild Area
Wild Areas are a key pillar of Mythaura’s gameplay, and will be where you can expect to spend a lot of your time.
At A Glance
Procedurally Generated Levels
Traverse through uniquely generated levels with your trio of beasts. Control your adventure with WASD for movement and Space for jumps and shift for sprint. This can be remapped in the settings.
Each Wild Area boasts a series of floors. Your goal? Reach the top (or bottom)!
Your Safe Havens: Checkpoint Floors
Leave the Wild Area without any penalties
Choose to start from any previously reached checkpoint.
Encounter formidable bosses or minibosses at many of these checkpoints.
Prepare for the Journey: The Adventure Bag
Your Adventure Bag is your lifeline. Pack it with essential items for survival and success.
Provision Wisely: Stock up and get ready to face the unknown.
Limited inventory space for both what you bring with you and what you find along the way.
Keep Your Energy Up
Your team's energy is key. Keep it replenished with food from your Adventure Bag or found on your journey.
Running out of energy or facing defeat? You’ll black out, dropping your Adventure Bag's contents. But don't worry, you can retrieve them by returning to your last stand.
Encounter the Unexpected
From unlocking treasure chests with lockpicks to aiding NPCs, each exploration offers unique surprises.
Day and Night Dynamics: Encounter different enemies and events. A full day/night cycle completes every 12 real hours.
Wild Areas have natural water bodies, perfect for a fishing escapade.
Escalating Challenges
Increase difficulty with each New Game+ cycle and encounter new enemies and challenging secret bosses.
Multiplayer Co-Op
Up to 3 players can group up to take on a Wild Area together.
Take on enemies as a group with co-op battles.
See your friends jump and move in realtime, split up to make the most of your exploration while keeping tabs on your team-mates through the text chat and the minimap.
Fledgeling’s Forest Demo
The demo features a single floor of the Fledgeling's Forest Wild Area, with unlimited energy.
Day/Night Slider: Experience any time of day at your convenience. (Note: Creatures that spawn remain the same in the demo)
Currently Disabled: Fishing, lockpicking, loot & foraging, multiplayer, and other events are not available in this demo.
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NG+ Cycle Update
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In last month's update we revealed our plans for Mythaura's New Game+ system. Originally, our plan allowed players from NG+2 and beyond to create any Tier 1-Tier 3 Beast.
We have since changed it so that at the beginning of a player's NG+2 cycle they may make a Tier 1-Tier 3 Beast with up to three Specials, but NG+3 and beyond will not feature any custom Beast creation. The player will instead have access to a pool of NG+3-exclusive items that they will receive items from.
Thank you to our Discord members for all their input, it provided us with a much better direction to move forward with!
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Winter Quarter (2024) Concepts
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It’s the first day of Winter Quarter 2024, which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by January 29, 2024 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
All Fall 2023 Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Fall 2023 Glamour: Ghastly Grin
Fall 2023 Companion: Saddleback Rattlecat
Fall 2023 Solid Gold Glamour: Ryu
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Custom Color Contest Winners
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Last month we revealed the names of the winning colors of our first ever Custom Color Contest--now they've made their official debut in the Beast Creator!
Congratulations again to:
Xander's "Moonstone"
Rhahatl's "Wintergrass"
Andydrarch's "Trench"
We were so impressed by all the amazing entries you all submitted. We'll definitely be running more contests like this in the future, so please stay tuned for them in future updates. Thank you all for participating!
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Fighter Class Companion Winner
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The brutish Domestic Wolverine will be the starting Companion for the Fighter Class! These brave and hardy creatures are perfectly suited to aiding new Fighters. Next month, we will vote on the next class companion: Rogue.
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Meet the Team
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We've gotten to learn so much about our supporters over the past year and a half, we thought it was time to share a little bit about ourselves as well! On our About page you can find short bios on each of the devs, including their favorite Mythaura species, color from our color wheel, and other fun and (very miscellaneous) facts.
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Safari & iOS Problems
At this time, iOS devices like iPad and iPhone are only partially supported. These are the issues that the dev team is aware of and actively working on:
On iOs, Safari forces a refresh if the memory usage spikes, forcing you back to the demo start page. This happens at different times on different devices dependent on its RAM usage.
Sometimes when starting a battle, battlers start shifted down, then snap to the correct position after interacting with a button.
The zoom in on a beast image is pixelated (Safari bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27684).
On Mac Safari, battle animations showing with a black background. iOS is fine. Solution is to disable battle animations in the settings.
You will need to be running at least iOS 15 and Safari version 15 or greater in order to use Mythaura.
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Mythaura v0.25.1
Improvements to AI Behavior: Improved target selection and behavior profiles for AI enemies.
Class Infrastructure Addition: Added new class infrastructure.
Stat Effects from Classes: Implemented functionality where classes affect stats.
Glamour CMS Process and Fixes: Updated and fixed issues related to the glamour content management system process.
Ability Usage Tracking: Implemented increments in the 'ability times used' counter, enhancing tracking of abilities' usage.
Policy Code Refactor: Conducted a significant refactor of policy-related code, improving efficiency and maintainability.
Item Actions Refactoring and Rename Feature: Refactored item actions and added a new feature to rename items, allowing users to name their companions.
Book Item Type Addition: Introduced a new item type - books, adding to the game's content.
Encounter and Description Fixes: Fixed issues with encounter metadata and corrected miss descriptions.
Shadow Maps Generation: Added tools that allow the system to generate shadow assets.
PHP 8.3 Compatibility Updates: Made updates to ensure compatibility with PHP 8.3.
Queue Configuration and Fixes: Improved the configuration of job queues and fixed related issues.
Fixes and Updates for Battler State: Addressed issues in practical testing and refined the battler state management.
Refactor of Current Effects: Refactored how current effects are stored and managed. Moved current effects to state and resolved turn resolution issues.
Map Generation and Space Management: Improved the map generator to add empty spaces when out of view.
Behavior Selection and Shadow Rendering Fixes: Fixed issues with behavior selection and shadow rendering in battle states.
Party Leader Management Updates: Implemented changes for setting new party leaders upon defeat.
Stat Resolution Enhancements: Updated the resolution of stats, improving the mechanics of stat calculations.
PvP and Demo Battle Fixes: Made fixes specifically for arena PvP and demo battles.
State Management and Pruning: Improved state management, including pruning data when no longer needed by the system.
Species Data Addition: Added species data to the about page.
Rest & Defend Action Health Gain: Resting no longer increases health but does recover more stamina. Defending no longer recovers stamina.
Remade Companion Page: Used the new scene component to improve usability and performance of companion page.
Adjusted Radiant Overlay: This fixes an issue Firefox users had with viewing radiant companions.
Updated Tooltips: Tooltips have been replaced with a more modern library.
Gyroscope Support: The game can use a devices gyroscope to move parallax scenes around.
Websocket Connection Updates: Ensures websockets get cleanly disconnected at the end of every battle.
Improved Hitboxes and Rendering: Objects no longer appear to "float" regardless of their size and their hitboxes have been refined.
Added Global Sound - App can now maintain music across different pages and the settings control master, sound effects, and music seperately.
Enhanced Settings - Greatly improved the number of modular settings a user can use in both graphics and gamepad.
Wild Area Game Pad Support - Wild areas now support game pag usage. Full game pad support is in progress.
Virtual Joystick - Touch screen devices can control movement with a virtual joystick.
General Cleanups and Tweaks: Conducted cleanups and minor tweaks across various parts of the system.
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Thank You!
Our first full calendar year with Mythaura has been one primarily focused on foundation-building. We're so excited to use these systems that we have built to create the content that players will engage with as they travel throughout Mythaura. Again, a heartfelt thanks to those who have supported us through all of this--we really couldn't have done it without you. We hope to deliver an experience that you'll want to revisit again and again.
As always: we'll see you around the Discord!
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mykria · 1 year
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This weekend:
- Randomly added water vessels 
- A lot of scripting work to enable dialogue to teleport you around
- The beginnings of a rat cult living in the walls of a small business???
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grim-echoes · 9 days
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Commission for @justgyr of her Lancer gal Leonida ⚔️
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arconinternet · 25 days
Dungeons of Kairn (DOS, Michael W. Lawrence, 1989)
You can play it in your browser here.
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thnksfrthgysx · 26 days
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evidently this was formatted for insta . but UM yeah i have a game demo of my game clock out on itch.io now! it technically kind of works on mobile but it’s made for laptops so if ur gonna fill out the play tester survey (THANKU SOMUCH IF U DO,!!) id appreciate if u specified which version u played :D
you play as a nervous but incredibly boring mc trying to calm himself down before a job interview in a strange office….
each run is only 3 minutes long and it works in browser so id love if you gave it a go :D
couple o screenshots to convince u :P vvvvv
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b4kuch1n · 11 months
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you’re created with hands circling your wrists. there’s never any offense meant, you must understand - it’s simply that you’re a story, and someone’s come by this desperate need to learn how to let the hell go.
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cali-kabi · 2 days
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~ Eshop C🌟MMISSIONS 🍬0/2🎨
💫DM me if your interested pls read everything on this post as well ^^
💫I will only take eshop codes since I don’t have a p4ypal account. USD eshop codes only please.
💫Every now or then I will change update this post, right now I want prices to be at least affordable right now ;w; My pixel art style will be around the $20-$35 range depends on the amount of details.
💫If you have any other questions just ask me.
💫Saves and Reblogs are very much appreciated it will truly help me out a lot :,)
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doyouknowthisgame · 1 month
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homieboon · 5 months
it plays in browser now. probably even on mobile
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apollo-cackling · 4 months
With every post you make about Fallen London I understand even less what the game is about. Pls continue to pet the kitties and big dog (?)
that's it that's the game
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crescent-cove-blog · 6 months
Donation Center NPC, Charity!
Been working on designs for Covelings recently, including NPCs. This is a work-in-progress design for one of the shopkeepers at the Donation Center, Charity! She's a kindhearted and outgoing Coveling who has a special interest in cats. The other Donation Center's shopkeeper, Salem, works the nightshift and we'll see them in the near future!
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Charity is also an example of one of the most common Covelings in Crescent Cove! They're currently an unnamed species (I'd love some suggestions if you have any ideas), and have raptor-inspired feet and faces, as well as large tails that are aquatic in nature.
Obviously, none of this is set in stone yet, and I'll probably redesign some things. However, I'm pleased with the idea so far and hope to expand on it more in the future. I also have some ideas for some other Coveling species in Crescent Cove, but I'm focusing on NPCs only for now. Once I get around to NPCs of those other Coveling species, I'll make sure to design and share them here!
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mythaura-blog · 1 year
Development Update - May 2023
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Hello hello folks, Miyazaki here! We've got a big update for this month--we've rolled out Mythaura's battle demo and are so excited for you to give it a try!
Topics covered include:
Battle Demo & Guide
Quarter 4 (2023) Rewards Reveal
Beast Creator Contest
New Homepage Splash Screen
More info available under the cut!
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Battle Demo Guide
Welcome to Mythaura's battle demo! Here's a concise guide to help you navigate the 3v3 battles and make strategic decisions:
1. Battle Setup
The battle takes place between your beasts (on the left) and the enemy beasts (on the right) and ends when one side is defeated. For this demo, all beasts in this demo are level 1 and have average size for their species.
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2. Beast Details
Click on the info icon in the corner of your beast's avatar to view its details. From here, you can read their abilities and see a breakdown of their stats.
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3. Elements
Each beast has 2 elements, including a species element that is always shown. You won't know your opponent's secondary element.
For this demo, a beast's secondary element is currently randomized.
Check the elements page for more information on elements and for a breakdown of type effectiveness.
4. Turn Actions
Each turn, your beasts can perform one of the following actions:
Use an ability or surge ability.
Defend themselves or an ally.
Rest to regain stamina.
Once all players have submitted their actions, the round is resolved with the following priority:
Resting beasts rest first.
Defending beasts defend next.
Abilities are resolved.
Within each action type, the order is determined by ability priority, beast speed, weight (with lightest going first), and then randomly if all those values are the same.
5. Abilities
Beasts start with 4 abilities: one surge ability (species-based), one neutral ability, and one ability for each element. If a beast's species and individual element match, they will have 3 abilities.
Abilities with elements can be super effective or resisted, affecting the damage dealt. Pay attention to moves' effectiveness and your foes' abilities for better results.
Abilities incur fatigue and the fatigue cost is shown on the ability button.
Abilities will generally have a small chance to miss or be a critical hit. The chances of these can vary per ability.
Abilities have 3 types: Combat, Projection, and Support.
Combat: Attack vs Defense
Projection: Focus vs Barrier
Support: Non-damage dealing abilities
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6. Surge Abilities
When a beast's surge meter is full, they can use their surge ability for a powerful effect. Surge abilities don't incur fatigue and never miss. After using a surge ability, the surge meter goes back to 0%. Please note that the surge abilities in this demo may be changed before the game’s official launch.
7. Defending
Beasts can defend themselves or allies, reducing incoming damage by 75% for that turn. This effect does not stack. Defending slightly charges the defender's surge meter and recovers a small amount of stamina.
8. Resting
Resting recovers a substantial amount of stamina and a small amount of health.
Remember, understanding abilities, elements, defending, and resting will help you make the best decisions during battles. We have provided an in-app form you can use to report bugs and provide feedback. Good luck and enjoy the demo!
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Planned battle demo updates for the future:
A "quick queue" button that queues with the first available other quick-queue person and does not require a PIN
PvE Mode versus an ai battler
Timeout for move submission
Controller support
Weather effects
Ability to set desired element from the queue screen
Better reporting and improvements to history, such as remembering when you discover a super effective element on a specific opponent
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Quarter 4 (2023) Rewards Reveal
Our Quarter 4 rewards have been completed and are ready for their public debut! Thank you to the Ko-fi Sponsors who voted on the different Glamour and Companion concepts, we appreciate your support and feedback.
Q4 (2023) Glamour: Koi Pond
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Q4 (2023) Companion: Blooming Jackalope
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Q4 (2023) Solid Gold Glamour: Adult Basilisk
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Special One-Time Companion: Radiant Golden Ossiflage
1x copy will be awarded to all previous and/or current Bronze, Silver, and Gold Sponsors
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Sponsors of all levels may purchase one (1) additional copy of the Radiant Golden Ossiflage in our Ko-fi Shop.
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Beast Creator Contest
We're back with another Beast Design Contest! We're looking forward to all the fantastic creations that this community comes up with.
Here are the parameters:
Each individual can submit one (1) Beast option for consideration
Any species fine (babies included)
Fill out Google form; provide both a picture and the preview code
We’ll pick three winners to have their Beasts featured on the front page for Quarter 1 (July 1 - September 30). Winners will also receive:
1x Beta Key
1x Quarter 4 (2023) Skin: Koi Pond
1x Quarter 4 (2023) Companion: Blooming Jackalope
These rewards will be applied directly to your account.
Submissions for the Beast Design Contest are due by June 15, 2023. The form will close at 11:59pm PST. Winners will be announced in the July 1, 2023 Development Update.
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Homepage Splash Screen
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Our wonderfully talented senior artist, Luci, created a scene detailing an early stage in a group of adventurers' journey in Mythaura. This perfectly captures the vibe of the opening series of introductory quests that players will undertake at the start of the game. We hope you enjoy the art, and hope that you look forward to playing through Mythaura's single-player story when we launch!
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Mythaura v0.17
Updated homepage layout
Merged and finalized battle demo, fixing several bugs found along the way
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Thank You!
Thanks for sticking through to the end of the post! We hope you love the battle demo and are looking forward to your feedback, which will help shape the nature of the game while still in its early development--leading to a lasting impact when Mythaura launches. Your help here is invaluable!
See you around the Discord!
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 7 months
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Top 47K - NeoQuest II
Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank what Google claims is the “underrated NeoPets RPG.” Impressive if true!
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fatmoonbear · 1 year
there was a text based choose your own adventure game in probably 2015 or 2016 about an MC who has to craft a helm for a terrible empress, while struggling with memories of your past. There are dream flasks involved that give you little visions but don’t impact game mechanics. It’s based on day-long cycles and your character is not free until the helm has been crafted, but you can choose to make it out of things that will harm the empress like a silver knife I believe?
It was really surrealist and psychological but I loved it, you could type stuff in and there was a soundtrack that I really liked. Pls help me if you recall it I cannot for the life of me find it on google
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arconinternet · 23 days
The Aethra Chronicles: Volume One - Celystra's Bane - version 1.1, registered version (DOS, Michael W. Lawrence, 1994)
You can play it in your browser here.
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jalloweenknight · 1 year
Super Mario Bro's 1, 2, and 3 all got cartoon adaptations back in the day.
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But I'd have loved to see something based around Super Mario RPG - Legend Of The Seven Stars.
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