#billy x y/n
multi-fandomfuckboy · 5 months
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 26: Attitude
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
Part 1,... (Masterlist)...Part 26, Part 27 (Coming Soon)...
AN: Wow, twice in one week. Wild. Hope you guys like it!! Let me know what you think! Word Count: 3,090 Warnings: none
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You relish the feeling of the asphalt under your shoes. Lengthening your stride, feeling the pull of your muscles, you set a steady pace. You barely notice the cold after a mile. In a way it’s almost comforting, the frozen air pressing around you biting at your exposed skin, almost like a kiss. The night is dark and peaceful, most people are already asleep at this hour. It swallows you whole, hiding all the parts of yourself you’ve been trying to ignore.
You know you should hate it. After seeing all the evil things that can hide in the dark, you should be terrified. But you’re not. A familiar shiver traces down your spine, like the darkness around you recognizes the darkness in you. A part of it will always live inside you, etched into your very skin, down to the bone. You can feel it with you now. The tingling sensation prickling around your scars, twisting down your back, it’s always there, but in the cold night air its caress feels like an old friend. 
You fall into it, the feeling allowing you to drift in and out of thought. The inky blackness pouring into you, filling the space in your mind where confusing and complicated thoughts once dwelled. Thoughts about Billy, about Steve, and Nancy, Jonathan, your mom, Hopper… all those loud thoughts smothered by the blanket of darkness. It’s peaceful here, in this place of no feeling. It would be easy to stay… It always was. 
You don’t know how long you walk, instinctively making your way down the street. Your stride is suddenly interrupted when part of your shoe becomes detached, flopping against your heel as you shuffle to a halt. Shaking yourself out of whatever fog you had fallen into, you lean down to inspect your sneaker. You can see in the dark that the back part of the sole on your right shoe has finally given up. The piece of rubber dangles loosely from the rest of the shoe. Prodding the damage gently you’re hardly surprised when another inch peels away from the main shoe. 
“Fuck.” You mutter under your breath, trying to press the rubber back into place hoping that maybe it will magically adhere long enough for you to make it home. A light flashes from behind you on the road, the sound of an engine disrupting the silence of the night. In the headlights you are able to see just how distressed your shoe is, illuminating the irreparable damage. 
Straightening up, you turn slightly to assess the oncoming car. Its headlights blind you for a moment, you lift your hand to shield your eyes as the car comes closer. You can tell it’s slowing down as it approaches you. Your heart beats a little faster, you try to tell yourself it’s probably nothing, just a concerned Hawkins resident out for a drive… in the middle of the night. You take a step back, off the road, your muscles tensing in preparation, keeping your arm loose at your side, knowing that it will take you 2 seconds to get the knife from your ankle. 
The car comes to a stop beside you, the drivers’ window already lowered. You can’t see into the car, your eyes struggling to readjust.
“Didn’t you learn your lesson last time you almost froze to death?” The driver says. Of course. As your eyes focus you can make out Billy’s sharp features, his white teeth flashing as he grins up at you. You can’t stop the upward tilt of your own lips, your stomach twisting at the familiarity of the situation.
“What can I say? My tutor says I’m a slow learner.” You say with a shrug, crossing your arms over your chest. Billy huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes. 
“Sounds like a smart guy.” He replies with a smirk. Before you can reply he cuts you off. “If you keep standing there giving me attitude your fingers are going to freeze. Get in the car before I have to drag your ass to the hospital.” You open your mouth to refuse but as you shift your feet you feel the sole of your shoe slide, reminding you of your current predicament. Another mile and you’ll be hopping on one foot. 
“Fine.” You agree. If it were another day you would laugh at the surprised look on Billy’s face. In all the times he’s offered to give you a ride, this is one of the first times you’ve actually accepted. “But only because I think my foot would actually get frostbite if I don’t, and I don’t feel like getting a lecture from my mom if I get taken to the hospital.” You explain, walking around the car, limping with the awkward flop of your sole with each step. 
Billy reaches over the seat to unlock your door before you get to it, rolling up his window as you climb in. The heat from inside the car washes over you, drawing your attention to how cold your limbs had grown. You hadn’t even noticed. Sliding into the passenger seat, you close your door and buckle your seatbelt. 
“Why are you limping?” Billy asks, his eyes searching over you in the dim light of the car before reaching above him to flick on the interior lights. He looks you over from head to toe, searching for any sign of injury. You prop your foot up on your knee, allowing the light to shine down on your busted sneaker. 
“Looks like they just finally gave up.” You comment, flicking the dangling piece of rubber. Billy’s expression relaxes slightly, seeing that it’s just your shoe falling apart, not you. 
“What are you doing walking out here anyway?” He asks, flicking off the light. “I thought you left with Harrington.” He says, turning away from you to face the road, putting the car into gear. You can see his shoulders tense, despite how calm his voice sounds, the muscle in his jaw fluttering. 
“I just drove him home.” You tell him, watching his expression carefully from the corner of your eye as you lean forward pretending to look at your shoe. You wonder why he would be so curious. You know he had seen you leave with Steve so why was he… Suddenly something occurs to you.
“What are You doing here?” You ask pointedly. You hear his hands tightening around the wheel, his gaze locked forward, again that muscle in his jaw ticks. 
“I was just in the area.” He says, attempting to keep his tone casual. You know he’s lying. It’s getting too easy to read him these days. 
“I saw you at Tinas’.” You tell him. His eyes flicker to you briefly before returning to the road. 
“I saw you too.” He says, his voice suddenly hard. Your stomach drops uncomfortably and you look back to your foot. You aren’t sure why you feel like you’ve done something wrong. You grit your teeth together in irritation. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You were just hanging out with Steve, Billy was the one with some girl hanging all over him.
“I thought you would have wanted to stay at the party. You looked pretty… occupied.” You try to keep your voice indifferent but a slight bitterness tinges the edges despite your efforts. You hate the jealous feelings swirling in your gut. You have no claim to Billy. The two of you hardly tolerate each other. 
Still, you find it hard to ignore the fact that there is something volatile between you, something wild, almost dangerous. You’ve been trying to stamp out the ember between the two of you since you met, somehow it keeps flickering back to life fanning itself into a flame the closer the two of you get. 
“Yea, if I was desperate and bored enough I might have considered it.” Billy says, immediately catching what you're alluding to. Who you’re alluding to. “Girls like that are only fun for a minute, they tend to get a bit clingy if you give them a taste.” He goes on, shooting you a devilish smirk, explaining it to you like it’s the most simple thing in the world. Your face burns at the implication of his words.
“oh.” Is all you can manage, toying with your shoelace hoping the dim lighting hides your undoubtedly flushed cheeks. Billy chuckles lightly, seemingly amused by your lack of response. You should be used to this, he’s always saying things to fluster you, he must get a kick out of it or something. He clears his throat after a beat, keeping his eyes ahead. 
“I thought you would have wanted to stay at Harringtons’, sure he wouldn’t have minded.” His tone sounds shockingly similar to how yours had, going for casual but a bitter undertone slipping through. The meaning behind his words is not lost on you. 
“We’re friends.” You say, reflexively defensive. Billy scoffs.
“Right.” He says, shaking his head. It’s clear he doesn’t believe you. You cut your eyes to him in a narrowed glare.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, letting your irritation bleed through. Billy seems unaffected, his shoulders shaking slightly with a humorless laugh. 
“Come on, Loca. I know you’re crazy but I didn’t know you were blind too.” He says, his smirk taking on the wolfish aspect you associate with his cruelty. “He hangs around you like a love-sick puppy! He can’t go two seconds without touching you. You’re really going to try and tell me you’re ‘just friends’?” He asks, lifting a brow in disbelief. Your face flushes with anger replacing any sort of embarrassment you would feel at Billy’s description of yours and Steves’ relationship. 
“Steve is going through a lot right now.” You respond tensely, meeting his eyes evenly. He turns his eyes back to the road, another dry laugh escaping him, causing you to grit your teeth harder. 
“Oh right! I forgot who I was talking to. The saint of Hawkins High, trying to save poor Stevie boy from his broken heart.” Your anger flares in your chest, pulsing against your ribs. Billy didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. He didn’t know Steve, he didn’t know what the two of you had been through together. How much death and darkness you had helped each other through. You would be DEAD without Steve Harrington. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” You hiss, struggling to keep your hands from shaking in anger, curling them into fists in your lap. Billy doesn’t miss this, he keeps pushing. 
“Trust me, the broken heart routine only lasts until he gets what he wants form you loca.” He tells you harshly. You scoff at that.
“Oh and you’re an expert, right? Had a lot of practice?” You spit back. You think you see hurt flash across his face but only for a moment and he’s back to himself. 
“I may not be an expert but I’ve definitely been around the block a few times.” He tells you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as they pull back from his teeth in a knowing grin. “Which is more than you can say if your reaction this afternoon is anything to go off of.” You gap at him, your anger coming to a screeching halt as you try to think of a response.
“I- That- That’s none of your business.” You blurt out. Billy laughs again. 
“Oh don’t be embarrassed loca, we all have to start somewhere.” He coos, giving you a look of fake sympathy. “I’m just surprised you’ve made it this long with how Harrington seems to be pawing at you.” You know he’s trying to hurt you. You’re not sure why, but he couldn’t be further from the truth.
“I told you it’s not like that.” You insist, pressing yourself further into your seat, turning your body away from him to face the window. You watch the dark shapes blur past, melting together. 
“What’s it like then?” He asks. You know he doesn’t expect a response. Anyone else would have nothing to say to that. But there is a small part of you that needs him to understand. You’re not sure why, but you tell him the truth. Or at least part of it.
“Steve was there when I was attacked last year.” You say calmly. It’s like all the air is sucked out of the car. Billy says nothing. You can feel his eyes on the back of your shoulder, where he knows the top of your scars starts. He’s seen them, he knows how the skin is puckered, still angry and raised along the flesh of your back, you know he’s picturing them. “He’s the one who drove me to the hospital, thinking I was dead. He held my hand when I was in a coma, visited me as much as he could when I woke up, brought me homework, kept me company even when I thought I didn’t want it.” You speak without emotion. These are all facts. It’s who Steve was even before he became one of your closest friends. “He’s been a good friend to me. An amazing friend.” You let yourself smile gently at the thought. “I intend to be the same for him.”
The car gently comes to a stop in front of your house. You turn back to Billy. He’s not smiling now, any trace of the cocky Billy that was teasing you moments ago is gone. Instead he keeps his eyes straight ahead, his knuckle white where they grip the wheel. He is eerily still, his tense shoulders barely rising with each breath. There is a beat of silence. It feels like you’re balancing on a tightrope, one wrong move and Billy will snap. 
“Thanks for the ride.” You nearly whisper, unbuckling your seatbelt. You reach to open your door, Billys’ hand on your arm stops you. You turn back to meet his gaze in the dim light of the car, he looks almost angry, his eyes intense as he focuses on your face. You steel your nerves, preparing for whatever hurtful comment he has ready.
“I didn’t know.” He says softly. The contrast between the hard edges of his expression and the gentleness of his tone is extreme. You realize then that the anger in him is for himself. You soften, knowing this is the closest to an apology Billy can give you. 
“It’s okay. You know now.” You tell him. His expression only tightens, his hand gentle on your arm tenses slightly. Leaning back you take his hand from your arm, holding it in your lap as you turn towards him fully. “It’s okay Billy. I didn’t tell you to make you feel bad.” You explain, hoping he can see the honesty in your eyes. He searches your face, his expression loosening a bit. 
“Why did you tell me?” He asks, keeping his voice low. You hesitate. 
Why did you tell him? Your thumb grazes over the knuckles of his hand, feeling the raised bumps of the scars there. Sometimes you forget that he has scars too, each one with their own story.
“Because I wanted you to know.” Is the only explanation you can offer. You’ve felt a connection to Billy from the moment he almost hit you with his car. Somewhere along the way between nearly dying again and living with the mess your life has become, you’ve found yourself drawn closer and closer to this angry boy. You want to tell him the truth, to offer him a part of you so few have access to. There is no explanation for it but you want to know Billy and you want him to know you too. 
It must be enough for him because after searching your face a moment longer, his shoulders relax slightly. You fight the urge to lean closer and use your fingers to smooth out the tension in his jaw.
You know what the stubble would feel like, you felt it against your neck earlier today. Your stomach swirls at the memory. You worry that he can see the thoughts dancing through your mind with how his eyes search yours. His hand gently takes one of yours, his thumb lightly swiping over your palm sending a shiver up your arm. 
“Come over tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at 12.” Billy tells you. It’s not so much an invitation as a demand. Very Billy. 
“And if I have plans?” You ask, living your brow in challenge. Billys’ small smirk sends warmth flooding through you. 
“Cancel them.” He tells you simply. Before you can reply, Billy cuts you off by bringing your hand to his lips. His breath ghosts over your knuckles as he presses a gentle kiss to the skin. Your hand reflexively tightens in his, the words catching in your throat. Goosebumps explode across your skin and you’re sure your face is so red it’s probably glowing in the dark. 
Billy’s light chuckle only adds to the heat gathering low in your stomach. 
“So that’s how I get rid of the attitude.” Billy muses, watching you closely. He moves to bring your hand to his lips again, turning it slightly to press another kiss to the inside of your wrist. You can barely hear his words over the sound of blood pounding in your ears. “I would have put my mouth on you a lot sooner if I had known that.” He whispers the words against the sensitive skin of your wrist. Just when you think your heart is going to pound out of your chest, Billys’ teeth gently nip at your arm causing you to let out a small gasp. The sudden noise from you seems to break the spell he must have put on you.
You rip your arm out of his grasp, whipping around in your seat to fumble at the door knob. You nearly fall out of the car when you finally fling the door open, the cold December air sobering you up as you scramble from the vehicle. Billy laughs from the driver’s seat, causing you to glare back at him. 
Your only response is to slam the passenger door and turn, striding up your driveway. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, loca! 12 o’clock!” Billy yells from the window before he revs his engine so loudly you’re sure you will be getting a call from your neighbors. You roll your eyes, not bothering to watch as his taillights disappear into the night.
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AN: Let me know what you guys think!
@official-starcourt-mall@lem0ns77@bethii1 @wysteria-arts @fanficfanatic204 @theshinyrock @spacedaddydinn @raidxny @emmyawards1 @lucxxy @leia9817 @wounded-writing @taisab02 @goblinpit @howlerwolfmax @kilvru3 @blueberry-birdie @flamewriterr @im-julessssss @tsukibaby1@mikeyswifie@superblyspeedydragon @let-love-bleeds-red @m-rae23 @msrawog @speakinglikeconstellations @taintedxkisses @pineapleavocado @hawkinsavclub1983 @arael-asuka @velvet-spider @extra-3motions @uniquecookiepainterbear @crimsonsabbath @mushy-mushroom04 @jevdidv @vermillionwinter@black-kitten-imagines@sammysgirl1997@fillechatoyante @chaoticbilly @tmriddler @stanseventeen@katzenwahnsinn@wisdomcrys@twoochickens @devrill @loadivine@hermankopusortizorsumshite@0bsessedwithfictionalcharacters @primalsnack @peachyaeger@royaltysuite @sunnmoonsstuff @sobleedstherose@harmonics0537 @urmom-0987 @halbhohehalluzination@ladyapplejackdnd
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240 notes · View notes
munsluyt · 2 years
Bathroom Sex
b.h smut
pairing: billy and f!reader
genre: pure filth
summary: sex w billy in his bathroom
content & warnings: penetration, degradation, overstimulation, dacryphilia, billy getting too rough with you after a fight w his dad
A/N: I’m sorry, I haven’t written in for-fucking-ever but I needed to get this out of my system. Don’t judge me too harshly, I’ll get better as I start writing more often again. Plus I really feel like there needs to be more Billy posts <3
requested: no
word count: 1k +
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Billy was moaning into the back of your matted hair from behind, ruthlessly running his cock in and out of your wet cunt over and over and over, with so much force you could hardly fathom how much longer the night could carry on like this.
Delicious but all together disgusting sounds were filling his quiet bathroom, skin slapping on skin along with Billy’s hands smacking your ass raw as both of your moans coated the walls, coinciding together within the small confined space.
He’s been fucking you for at least an hour straight now, but you weren’t completely sure, genuinely losing your grip on time. You’re becoming so unbelievably sore from his relentless pace but he’s not even close to being finished.
Billy was groaning out deeply every time you clenched your warm walls around his throbbing cock, all too aware of the fact that the delightful torment he was inflicting on your body was slowly wasting away your mind.
“Fucking hell (Y/N).” He gasps “Do that again, God I love when you squeeze around me like that.” You whimper weakly in response to his unfamiliar praise, your tired throat incapable of anything more.
He tisked at your piteous disposition. “Aw… you poor thing. You’re so fucking pathetic aren’t you? Baby girl can’t take her Daddy’s cock can she?” he cooed in your ear, his tone laced with contempt.
You didn’t have an ounce of strength left in your body and all you could muster out was a string of moans falling from your open mouth, saliva running down your chin.
Your knees began to buckle underneath you, your body giving out on you by the second, breaking under his cruel affliction. You knew this was going to be one of those times where he wasn’t letting up until you were crying and begging for him to stop and God knows you were nearly there.
He had already came twice and you five before him. He was a persistent fucker, you’ll give him that. But there was something seriously bothering him tonight and you could tell by the abuse currently being plagued against you.
Assuming it had to be another altercation with his father, something you’d no doubt receive an ear full of sometime later, you gathered you would be able to properly soothe his nerves once he calmed down but for now he was using you as his own personal stress reliever, in which he had a particularly bad habit of doing.
Sweat is starting to running down his tanned chest, gathering in his curls across his forehead simply unable to pull the air into his lungs at steady rhythm but at this point he’s determined to fuck you senseless… until the pain stops burning in his veins, until he’s completely and utterly numb.
Pulling the freshly lit cigarette from his wet cherry lips with his free hand, the other wrapped securely around your waste holding you up with a vice grip making sure that you wouldn’t collapse on the floor.
Billy’s lays his the cigarette into the ashtray on the marble counter next to you, careful not to let it go out. As if you couldn’t quickly enough, pulls your face as close to his as he possibly could in this position, Billy’s hot breath fanning against your face and hair.
Muttering through his harsh thrusts “Look at me when I fuck your little cunt baby. I want you to watch me ruin you.”
You couldn’t find in you to meet his dark gaze, his demeanor entirely too overbearing. I mean you could barely hold you eyes open.
You turned your head away from him, trying your best to deflect his commanding words and praying to God he would just let it go. But that wasn’t in Billy’s nature, now was it?
Billy’s head tilted to the side, raising his brow and gave you a little “Huh.” to your blatant defiance. It more of statement then a question. He nodded placing the delicate wrap of paper between his teeth but not before his hand came across face with a brutally hard smack.
“What. did. I. just. fucking. say?” He spit, driving himself as deep as he possibly could into your core. His hand squeezing around your throat “Hmm? Are going to keep being a fucking brat? Go on, keep it up. I promise you you’ll regret it sweetheart.” he bellowed, seething through clenched teeth.
His grip around your neck growing tighter with every word he spat at you. Your face was tingling due to the lack of oxygen, the color draining from your face. Flinching at the sheer volume of Billy’s voice you advised yourself it would be much smarter of you not to make this that much harder on your self, if you wanted to breath that is. Seemed like a fair trade.
“I’ll listen, Daddy I’ll listen p-please.” you choked out, reaching for your throat, panic settling in you nervous system as the air left your lungs completely and didn’t return. “Then do as you’re told.” Forcing your head forward has he ripped his hand away, thankfully, releasing his grasp from your tender throat.
You gasped in the air around you desperately, giving your best attempt to collect yourself but it was nearly impossible in you current state. Billy didn’t leave you time to recover before his hands were back on your face, pressing his fingers into your cheeks firmly, his index finger and thumb forcing your lips to jut out in ridiculous pout. “Are you going to be a good girl and listen now?”
Your eyes snapped open to meet his furious one’s. “Yes sir, I will, I will.” you pleaded your voice breaking half away through. Your emotions had finally gotten the best of you as the tears that had been pricking at your eyes and swelling in the back of your throat for the last 20 mins had finally spilled down your cheeks with a small sob.
A sickening grin crept across his mouth at watching you crumble under his dominance, his features softening some and you thought maybe, just maybe he’d ease up on you now that you were upset but he only picked up his pace inside of you causing you scream out, Billy enjoying your pain that much more.
His thrusts began slamming into you at an agonizing pace, so hard there were bruises forming along your hip bones on the frame of the counter he had you crushingly pressed against. Items scattered across the floor, crashing down around you both as you trash under him, repeatedly crying out his name the tears running down in streams from eyes further dampening your red, sweaty and hair clamped face.
Removing the cigarette from his mouth once more Billy pulled you back to him so his lips could meet your swollen ones in a feverish kiss, only for them to pull away just as quickly as they came, a string of spit following their in absence.
“That’s. my. fucking. girl.” He grunted almost at a growl with every thrust of his hips. He had you a blubbering incoherent mess, witnessing your sanity slip away from you, your body going into shock.
He snaked his hand across your ass, coming down violently across the tender flesh and leaving yet another burning mark on the once smooth skin that was now riddled with purple and red handprints, blood rising to the skin.
“O-h my- Oh my God, Bil-ly… I can’t- fuckin-g take it anymore!” You cried, sobs breaking your every other word.
Your begging ultimately worthless as it only pulled him closer to the edge, sending shivers down his spine and right to the tip of his pulsing member. Instead he pulled you up by your legs taking them under his arms, raising you up on his chest from behind and continued to fuck you deeper then you could possibly stand. You weren’t able to comprehend how but it just kept getting worse.
“Jesus Christ!” you’re fully screaming out against him, grasping onto the nape of his neck from behind for dear life. “Look at yourself sweet girl, look what I’ve done to you.” He huffed through jagged breath tossing his head toward the bathroom mirror for you to look up into.
You didn’t hesitate to listen, terrified of any other punishment that might follow if you didn’t obey him. When your eyes fell open your gaze pulling up to the mirror in front of a chill ran through making shudder at your massacred figure . It was a gruesome display, every inch of your skin painted with pinks, blues and reds. Looking completely ravaged.
You couldn’t imagine cumming again but you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you as you watched him drive his dick in and out of your aching pussy, your wetness running down your thighs and down to his balls.
“Just look at yourself baby, look what I’ve done to you.” Billy purred against your neck. “You’re such a good girl for me, letting me take this out on you…” he sounded as if he was worshipping you but actions said otherwise, pressing a warm kiss to the side of your burning cheek never stopping for a moment, relentlessly driving himself inside of your cunt.
“Billy please, please cum, I can’t- I just can’t. I’m begging you.” You cried, borderline hysterical.
“Yeah? Just a little longer baby. I’m almost… there. Come on, you can do it.” His voice barely above a whisper, as he continued raising you up and down on his cock viciously, followed by your screams, losing control of your body entirely, squirting all over yourself and Billy’s thighs as your body shook violently against his toned chest.
That sent him over the edge. With a loud groan he buried his head deep into the crook of your neck letting out a animalistic growl, his nails digging into your skin as his third orgasm of the night overcame him.
His own legs began to tremble from the work of it all, as he grew weak himself. Billy mumbled your name a few times, placing kisses against your hot skin, switching on you completely now that he’d worn himself out.
He slowly rode out his high sliding in and out ever so softly now, cursing each time he did. When he finally came to a halt inside you releasing his grip on your thighs, he set you down gently, letting your exhausted body sink down the wall behind you.
Resting on the cold tile of the floor a sigh surpassed your lips of pure bliss and honest relief.
A small hiss pierced the silence of the room as the faucet began to run. It took everything in you to lift your head up in search of Billy, who was running a cloth under the rushing water. He’s never really been much of one to take up in aftercare so you were a bit confused.
Billy found his place next to you soon after, “What?” he questioned you, as if he had no idea what that perplexed expression was doing on your face.
A smile ran across your face so hard your cheeks began to ache. “Oh nothing, just didn’t realize you had a soft spot there, Hargrove.” Rolling his eyes he pulled you closer to him by your forearm “Shut up.” he muttered, earning a small giggle from you.
Billy without a word, began pressing the cold rag to the nape of your neck and carefully to each one of your reddened cheeks, your eyes fluttering shut as he did so. It almost hurt as you felt your heart swell at the small act of kindness.
Once Billy was satisfied with his little task, he chucked the now lukewarm fabric into the sink behind you both but not before extending his arm out to you, inviting you to rest there. You didn’t hesitate in accepting the the rare sentiment, leaning into him, embracing the warmth of his skin against yours.
Exhaustion spread throughout your body leaving you limp against his, somehow, stable frame. You sighed in contentment, feelings as if you had achieved something.
He was finally starting to break his walls down with you. Knowing Billy wasn’t necessarily all that comfortable with the prospect of intimacy but it was in these small moments that you didn’t question it, you were certain that he loved you.
Playing with his fingers as you sat with your thoughts, you pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Billy’s hand, silently thanking him.
You adjusted yourself so you were able to see him properly, Billy seemingly blissed out. You shook your head running a hand through your hair as laughter erupted from your chest one last time.
“All I know is… we need to get you a fucking stress ball or something.”
3K notes · View notes
How about 15 from your 3000k with either Arthur Curry or Billy Hargrove? 🙃
Small Town Summer Days
Billy Hargrove x plus size reader
Summer brings hot weather, which means days lounging by the pool, tiny swimsuits and sundresses
Warnings: Billy is hornee lol, vague mentions of bullying and fatphobia, mutual pining, sexual tension, implied smut
WC: 995
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
Billy knows that he should look away from her, that it was dangerous to stare at her. Because if he stared for too long, she’d notice. And if she noticed then she would smile. And if she smiled, Billy doubted he would ever be able to dig himself out of this hole he found himself in.
But to look away meant that he wouldn’t be able to see her anymore. He wouldn’t be able to watch as she leaned back into the pool chair, her overly curvy body on display behind a criminally tiny bikini as she read that dumb book Nancy had given her. And if he couldn’t witness that site anymore, then what was even the point of being a lifeguard at this shitty small town pool. 
She was the sweet girl in his grade, the quiet one who had instantly caught his attention when he strutted into math on his first day. She was bigger than the other girls who threw themselves at him, sure, but he did always enjoy women with a bit more meat on their bones, he knew they could handle him real well. And she was shy, so very shy. She got flustered when he said her name. By the time December had rolled around, Billy was already playing around with the idea of how his last name would sound after her first.
That’s how he justified not sleeping with her, she was just too damn innocent and he was too damn deep already. No matter how badly he wanted to corrupt her, he didn’t want to break his own heart when she would inevitably figure out what a bastard he was. But she was making it very difficult for him.
She showed up every day about an hour into his shift, a small tote bag on her shoulder, a floppy hat on her head, and the shortest, sluttiest sundresses he had ever seen covering her large body. The hem always landed in just a way that he could see the seam of where her plump ass met her thighs whenever she bent over. It was a far cry from her normal school wear (which he also found very attractive) and Billy couldn’t help but be thankful for the blistering heat.
Her routine was always the same: claim her chair (usually the one directly across from the life-guard tower), lay out her towel, slip whatever dress she was wearing over her head and carefully store it in her bag, lather up her perfect skin with sunscreen, and then settle down to read for a few hours. Occasionally, she would slip into the chlorinated water with a graceful dive and emerge on the shallow end like a Bond girl stepping from the surf in one of those spy movies. He loved those days, they were his absolute favourite.
His other favourite days happened to be whenever she would wear her purple swimsuit. Somehow it made her skin glow in the Indiana sun. Plus it helped that it was her tiniest swimsuit and it showed off everything.
His blue eyes were so firmly fixed on the way the lilac bikini top stretched over the soft fat of her tits that he didn’t notice the fact that her book was now forgotten beside her and her heart-shaped sunglasses rested at the tip of her nose. But he did see how her nipples pebbled under the thin fabric and goosebumps exploded all over her skin like a cold wind had washed over her. 
“Fuck me.” He groaned under his breath, his already small swim shorts getting even smaller. 
Billy’s firm gaze was not unfamiliar to her, in fact, he had been glaring her way since the first time he waltzed into Hawkins High. He, like everyone else, seemed to find her infinitely fascinating in the worst way. But unlike the others who had tormented her throughout her school years, she found herself looking forward to his scrutinising looks. 
He was handsome, far more attractive than the boys she had grown up with, but he also had a confidence that drew her in like a moth to a flame. Like every other teenage girl in Hawkins, she fell quickly and she fell hard but unlike her peers, she knew that Billy wouldn’t even consider her as a hook-up.
So his tanned muscular body and perfectly messy blond hair remained firmly in her fantasies, fuelled by her daily visits to his work-place. She dreamed about him strutting over to her chair, his deep voice, tinged with a slight surfer dude accent, crooning to her. He would invite her to the private lifeguard locker room to “cool down” or offer her a ride home in his Camaro which he would pull over to the side of a dirt road and then pull her into his strong lap. When the images flashing behind her eyelids got too steamy, she would force herself to take a quick dip. Ignoring the intense glare from the King of Hawkins as she would emerge from the cold water.
And now, she felt like her whole body was on fire. Billy was watching her again, absentmindedly biting on the end of his sunglasses as he did so. Wetness pooled at the apex of her thick thighs and she squirmed, her nipples tightening with arousal. 
Even from across the pool, she saw the way his eyes darkened with lust. His plump lips curled into a smirk as he finally met her gaze. He kept eye-contact while he stepped off of the raised chair and began to saunter over. Her chest heaved with desire which grew stronger with each step he took. By the time he reached her chair, she felt like the air had been ripped from her lungs.
He gave her a slow once over, letting his blue eyes trail over every single piece of exposed skin. And then grinned wickedly.
“So princess, how bout I give you a ride home.” 
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thegreencanary · 10 months
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You’re So Damn Perfect
Inspired by this request. I didn’t do the single for a long time thing but if you want that to be more a part of it let me know and I will write another one!
Paring: Billy Hargrove x Fem! Reader (plus size)
Style: Y/N and You. A little ooc Billy, I mean he’s still alive soooooo
Summary: You and Billy have been dating a while and you’re a bigger girl. Some people have something to say about it but Billy has a great response. Set 1989, 5 years after Billy graduated High School.
TW: SMUT. MINORS DNI. GO. SHOO. AWAY!!! Also some body shaming. It’s light smut.
A/N: My work! I don’t give anyone permission to use it for any media or other reasons. Please don’t claim it as your own.
“Okay but hear me out…”
You laughed as Billy cut you off. The two of you were riding back from a date and you were trying to convince him to let you drive his car one day. He shut you down as he always did but the squeeze of your thigh let you know it was playful. The mid length dress you wore went over your knees but you could still feel the callouses on his strong hands. He parked his car outside of your job, a quick stop to pick up your paycheck, and the pair of you walked inside. It was a slow Tuesday night at the bar, but Sydney was working, and she sneered the moment you two walked in. You rolled your eyes but just went to the back to grab your shit.
Sydney was tan, beautiful and skinny; and she had a huge thing for Billy. It made your blood boil, but Billy assumed you knew that you were his type, not her. That didn’t stop you from getting pissed when you came out from the back and she was leaned over the bar trying to flirt with your boyfriend.
“Have you seen the new horror movie in theaters? Black Rainbow?”
Her hand reached out to touch his arm, but thankfully he moved away before she could. He saw you, and smiled; that calmed you down. Billy didn’t smile for a lot of people, but he did for you.
“Nope. Ready babe?”
You confidently walked to him and wrapped one of your arms around his waist while his strong arm went over your shoulder. He turned you away from her and lead you out the door but her last words still stung as he took you outside.
“Fat bitch.”
The ride was quieter than before, he talked and you gave little answers; but it was obvious the fun atmosphere was gone. You turned to him curiously when he passed the turn to get you to your apartment.
“Billy? Where are we—“
“Hush. Trust me.”
“Billy…I just want to go home…”
He sighed and pulled the car over, killing the engine. Unbuckling his seatbelt; he got out and you were even more confused. You watched him walk around to your side, so you unbuckled your seatbelt as well. He all but ripped the door off of the car and you tensed. Billy was bad but you didn’t know what you did. He grabbed your waist and turned you, so your legs were dangling outside the car; but your but was still on the seat. Billy got low, squatting before you.
He gave you a look that locked your jaw closed. There was a darkness in his eyes; it was something you’d seen before…and you tried to cross your legs to hide the excitement that began to warm up in you.
His hands lifted up your dress, and Billy broke his eye contact with you when he pulled your legs apart. Kissing from your ankle up to your knee, then pausing.
“You’re so damn sexy.”
Before you could respond he kissed up your thigh, and you became harshly aware of where you were. If a care drove by they would see his face in your lap.
“Billy…Billy wait…”
He groaned, but held back, looking up at you. The red blush that covered your face made him smirk.
“Someone could see…”
His grip on your thighs tightened as Billy pulled himself up to be face to face with you. His lips stopped just before yours.
“Let them see. I want everyone to know how much I fucking want you.”
A soft whimper left your lips. The sentiment was nice but…it was still embarrassing. He could see the hesitation, and Billy may have been an ass to everyone but not to you. He groaned, and rested his head on your shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he kissed your neck before standing, placing your legs back in his car; but your dress was still hiked up to your underwear.
The California boy shut your door and went back to his side. He sat, started up the car and when you went to put your dress down; his free hand stopped you. It rested high on your thigh, gripping it tightly. He slowly began to caress your thigh, going up and down your leg. Your hips shifted and he let out a deep chuckle.
“What do you expect Y/N? I can’t keep my hands off of you. You’re so fucking beautiful, I want you all the time.”
Damn it. Billy always knew how to make you blush. His hand moved further up until it rested right before your core. The angle was a little uncomfortable so he flicked his pinky under the fabric.
“Scoot down for me baby. I’m going to make you feel good.”
A soft gasp escaped your lips but your body obeyed. Hips moving forward, you slinked forward and leaned the chair back. It didn’t feel…sensual but doing anything for Billy had a sexual air to it.
“That’s my girl.”
His eyes were still firm on the road but Billy’s jaw was tense and he was white knuckling the wheel with his other hand. Slowly, his free hand slipped into your underwear and he let out a breathy laugh.
“Already wet. Have I told you how fucking sexy you are?”
Before you could answer his fingers began to move up and down teasing you. You bit down on your lip and screwed your eyes shut. Billy noticed how quiet your were being and he used two fingers to start rubbing circles on your clit.
“I want to hear you.”
You let go of your lip and soft, restrained moans left you. The road became more empty as he just drove and you had no idea where he was going. That didn’t matter as he sped up his circular motion. The lewd sounds filling the air, mixing with the soft sound of the radio.
He gripped the wheel tighter.
“Hold on baby. We’re almost there.”
He kept his pace while pressing on the gas pedal abbot more. It was just cornfields at this point, and the sun was almost fully set. Suddenly he pulled off into a clearing. It would have shocked you but his fingers went from your clit to entering you as he turned; and your gasp was from the pleasure. Billy didn’t even kill the engine, he just threw it in park and immediately turned his full attention on you.
“Holy Fuck. You’re so god damn gorgeous.”
He leaned over and captured your mouth in a kiss. There was no doubt his positioning was uncomfortable for him but he didn’t care. His fingers sped up inside you and your climax was close.
He pulled his lips away and looked into your eyes as it was closer and closer to you finishing.
“You’re mine. All mine. I just want you, no one else gets to see you like this. Cum for me baby. Just for me.”
Your head went back as you arched into his fingers; cumming. He smirked as you unraveled before him. Slowly, he removed his fingers; but he brought them up to his lips. Tasting you he chuckled, you could hear it but you still had your eyes closed. There was some shuffling and then a *click*.
Slowly you opened your eyes to see him taking a Polaroid picture.
He kissed your forehead as you came to a little bit.
“I want to remember this, how beautiful you are. Is that okay?”
You knew if you told him to burn it; he would. But you kinda liked the idea of him having some risqué photos of you. Nodding, you sat up fully.
“We should take some more…”
Billy smirked and finally killed the car engine. You were in the middle of nowhere and he was going to prove to you how he felt. He cared about how you looked, because he loved how you looked.
“I love you Y/N. I want to take pictures of you exposed. You’re so sexy baby. I won’t ever let you forget it.”
He got out of the car and went around to your side again. It was going to be a long night.
The end!
A/N: this is my first smut like piece. Be kind! As usual constructive criticism is appreciated!! I hope y’all liked it!
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You never had to fight me- Yandere Polyghostface
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You should have told them you’d be home early, you should have told them that you got the early bus. But you didn’t. Instead you wandered aimlessly into Stu’s home only to see a girl crawling towards you covered in the red sticky liquid that now adorned your hands.
Without thinking, you had ran to her aid pushing down on her stab wounds to try and stop the bleeding. Her hands wrapped around yours as she gurgled in pain, blood running from her lips. You recognised her as the girl who sat in front of you in history class. You recognised her as the girl that laughed when you had tripped in the hallway and dropped you papers all over the corridor. That’s why she was here. But you couldn’t leave her.
Just as you went to speak a voice from the kitchen did.
“Y/n go upstairs right now,” said Billy. He was dressed in the ghostface robe but his mask had been removed. Behind him was Stu, a knife in hand dripping red.
“No, don’t argue. Go upstairs,” Stu cuts in sternly. You slowly pull your hands away from her abdomen, feeling the blood begin to pour once more. You attempt to block out her cries, begging for you to come back and save her from your partners. You didn’t. Instead you continued walking, and closed the door to Stu’s bedroom.
The screams stopped eventually, but they replayed in your head. You hadn’t washed your hands of her blood, it left stains on Stu’s white Cotten bedsheets. Luckily you’d learnt how to rid of the stains in sheets, clothes and skin.
Their footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. The bedroom door opened with a slam. They weren’t happy.
“You aren’t meant to be back yet,” Billy says pulling off his costume. Stu follows suit.
“I finished running errands quicker than I expected so caught the early bus,” you explain. Your hands fiddle with your bracelet, not daring to meet their gazes.
“And why the fuck didn’t you call? What do we always say when you go out without us? Huh?” Billy says, his tone growing harsher with every word.
“To call you when I’m on my way back so you know where I am at all times,” you reply, repeating the words that had been drummed into you since you first started dating the boys. Clearly you hadn’t learnt their rules well enough.
“Not only did you disobey one of the most important rules we have for you but you tried to help that blonde bimbo from bleeding out!”
Okay, Billy was very angry now. His face had gone a deeper shade of red, his brows were screwed and his shoulders tense.
In one fast move his hand wrapped around your throat lifting you from Stu’s bed and pinning you to the wall. You try suck in any air you can but his hand remains firm against your neck.
You look over to Stu for some kind of reassurance that Billy wasn’t going to hurt you more than he had already but he wasn’t looking at you. His eyes were trained to the dried, crimson blood that marked your hands.
“You don’t have to fight me,” you whimper, struggling to speak as Billy holds his hand tighter. He looks at you, faltering slightly and allowing you to push away from his grasp and run to Stu arms and wrapping around his front. He doesn’t hug you back.
You begin to cry, the hot tears running down your cheeks and leaving wet patches on Stu’s T-shirt. Your knees buckle beneath you as you fall to the floor, sobbing over Stu’s feet. It hurts where your heart is. Like a hot metal iron has burned through any hope you had that they could be the ones to save you.
Two arms come under your armpits, lifting you up and forcing you legs around their waist. It’s Stu. He pushes your head into his shoulder and bounces you slightly trying to lull your tears.
“You never had to fight me,” you whisper.
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wild-lavender-rose · 1 year
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
Category: Hurt Comfort
Summary: When Billy saves you from your abusive ex, you slowly realize that he is much more than the arrogant bully you first took him to be. 
Warning: toxic relationship, physical and verbal abuse sequence (if this bothers you at all please scroll on), sexual abuse insinuation, description of injuries, cannon typical swearing 
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“Hey, angel.”  
    You jumped as Billy banged his shoulder against the locker next to you, looking up from where you had been twisting in your code sequence.  
    “They tell me you’re best friends with the king,” he crossed his bare arms and looked you up and down. “May he rest in peace.”  
    “He’s still king,” you gave him a look before returning your attention to your locker. “Steve’s just had a change of priorities.” 
      “Yeah, a ball and chain’ll do that.” Billy smirked.  
    “They say you’re gunning to take his place.”  
    “Actually I’m going for the title of god.” Billy leaned closer, his voice lowering. “Most of the girls already call me that anyway. Shouldn’t be too much of a stretch.”  
    “You mean most of the cows?” You opened your locker door so fast he barely had enough time to pull away before it smashed into his face. “Word travels fast, Mr. Tight Pants. I know who you’ve been fooling around with.” You began to absently paw through your locker. “Get the opinion of someone who actually has standards, then we’ll talk.”  
    “Yeah well, they say that you could be queen of the school if you weren’t such a freak.” Billy scoffed, waiting for you to respond, continuing at your silence. “Must be hard, wanting to get with Steve and him going off with a little miss prim and proper which you clearly can never be.”  
    “Get lost, Billy.” You breathed, gaze fixed on your locker.  
    “But getting under your skin is just so damn fun, baby. Are you Stevie’s little guard dog, defending his title? The king is dead,”  
    “Get away from me, I mean it!” You slammed the locker door so hard it banged shut and flew back open.  
   Billy caught it, brow furrowing. “Did I strike a nerve or something?”  
    You didn’t respond, fists clenching as you looked back at your locker. Billy followed your gaze, taking in the thing that had made you so upset. There, half-hidden among your books and jacket, was a piece of torn notebook paper. On it, scrawled in pencil, were the words ‘Tonight at nine’.  
    “Well, well, well,” Billy looked between you and the note. “You’re freakier than I thought.”  
    “Shit,” you grabbed your books and closed the locker, making sure it clicked into place this time.  
    “Hey, hold up,” Billy grabbed your arm before you walked away. “Are you bein’ blackmailed or somethin’?”  
    “And here I thought you were stupid.” You jerked away from him. “Leave me alone, idiot.”  
    Strangely, Billy obeyed, staring after you as you hurried to your next class.  
                                                      # # # # #  
    “Let me go, Brandon, let go!” You squirmed and thrashed, desperate to get out of his hold. “I’m sick of this, I want out!”  
    “Aww, you’re so cute when you play hard to get.” Brandon released you, smirking as you fell to the ground. “Why’d you come if you don’t want it, baby?”  
    “I came to tell you I’m done, Brandon.” The leaves crunched under your hands as you tried to crawl backwards, never taking your eyes off him. “I’m done with the drinking, done with the parties, done with you!”  
    “Turning soft just like Steve, aren’t ya?” Brandon grabbed you by the front of your shirt and yanked you back up, grinning when the fabric ripped under his grip. “Too bad he’s not here, baby. Maybe he’d get some lessons on how to handle a girl like you.”  
    You gave a muffled cry as he smacked your face and jerked you around so that your back was pressed up against his chest. “We’re done, Brandon,” you clawed at his grip on your hips. “We’re done,”  
    “You’ll be screaming for me to keep you in a second.” Brandon pushed your hair aside and bit your neck, hard.  
    Your cries echoed through the woods, fighting to run in a place you had once met Brandon in for fun. It was dark and too cold for hunters to be out. No chance for anyone to hear you. Before this had been the reason you had chosen such a private spot in the woods. Now it was nothing but the biggest mistake in your life.  
    “Taste so good,” Brandon took a hand off your hip to wrap around your neck.  
    You took your chance, twisting around and punching him in the face.  
   “Shit!” Brandon released you and stumbled back with a hand to his nose.  
   You broke into a run, heart pounding in your ears louder than Brandon’s yelling. You headed for the road, dodging trees and jumping over roots and rocks. Just get to the road and find the car, you told yourself, forcing your panicked thoughts to focus even as you ran at breakneck speed. Get to the car, get to the car, get to the car.  
   You burst out onto the road and fell, knees throbbing painfully as you scraped yourself up from the gravel. This wasn’t where you had parked the car. Brandon was close behind, you could hear him crashing through the trees. The moon was bright but not bright enough. You looked around, trying to figure out which way to go. A car sounded in the distance, coming fast. You started towards the sound, only to scream as Brandon grabbed you from behind.  
    “I’m gonna kill you!” He whipped you around to face him and grabbed your hair, slapping you hard. “You broke my nose, you little freak! You’re dead!”  
   “Brandon, stop!” You raised your hands up, shielding yourself from his blows.  
    Car headlights shown on you both, causing Brandon to release you instantly. You stumbled away as the car you had heard in the distance now screeched to a stop in front of you both, headlights staying on as the driver stepped out and slammed the door behind him. “What the hell are you two doing?”  
    Your beating heart twisted into your stomach. It was Billy, his tall figure monstrous in the light of his car. Before you could think you were limping towards him, pretending that it wasn’t a bad idea, knowing that you had no other choice. You could see his face in the headlights, see his eyes slowly take you in. Your face was bleeding. Your clothes were ripped and covered in dirt and blood. Tears blurred your vision. Your body trembled.  
    Billy’s expression softened with surprise and something you hadn’t seen before. Something like pain. Then it hardened and he was pushing you behind him as he stepped between you and Brandon. “The hell did you do to her?”  
    “You know how it is, Bill.” Brandon shrugged as if his nose wasn’t dripping blood. “Dumb cows need training.”  
    “Well she’s mine now, so get lost.” Billy looked over his shoulder at you. “Get in the car.”  
   You blinked at him for a second but obeyed, looking at Brandon as you limped over to the passenger’s side and got in.  
    “That’s my girlfriend, Billy, you can’t just take her!”  
    “I can take whatever the hell I want, and you’re gonna stay out of my way!” Billy growled before turning away.  
    You watched as he slid back behind the wheel. “You’re gonna run him over.” You weren’t sure if it was a question or a statement.  
    “Damn right I will.” Billy gunned the engine and slammed down on the gas, giving a war whoop as Brandon just barely jumped out of the way.  
    You shivered and scrunched down in the seat, thoughts spinning so fast it made your head hurt. You were in Billy Hargrove’s car. This should not make you feel as safe as it did. Where was he taking you? Why had he been driving out in the middle of nowhere to begin with? Why was he alone? You pressed a hand to your head and made a small noise, looking to see your fingers covered in blood illuminated by the moonlight.  
    “Are you all right?” Billy’s voice sounded rusty, as if he was unused to asking such things. “Let me see.”  
    You tensed as he touched your chin, allowing him to shift your head so he could look you over.  
    “Jesus, he did a number on you.” Billy’s thumb brushed over your cheek before he pulled away, gaze flicking between you and the road. “I’m gonna kill him.”  
    “Not worth it.” You rubbed your hands together and shivered again. “But if anyone could get away with it, it’s you.”  
    Billy smirked at that, reaching over to crank up the heat and shift the vents towards you.  
    You looked at him, taking in his slicked back hair, his unbuttoned shirt, the smell of expensive cologne. “You’re going on a date.”  
    “Not anymore.” He glanced over at you. “We gotta get you cleaned up.”  
                                                 # # # # #  
    “Come on,” Billy opened the hotel door and flipped on the light, stepping back so you could walk inside. “You’re all right, I promise.”  
    “You want me out when your date shows up?” You regarded the double bed before looking up at him.  
    “I’m gonna call her and tell her to beat it.” Billy shrugged off his jacket and tossed it onto a chair. “You wanna shower or somethin’ while I go get the med kit? Maybe get something to eat, there’s a diner right down the-,”  
    “I’m not sleeping with you, Billy.” You hated the tremble in your voice as you said it, knowing full well that you were too weak to resist should he make a move.  
    “Eww, gross.” Billy grimaced. “And you say I’m the one with low standards? You’re not doing anything you don’t want to ever again, not with me or anyone else.” He pointed to the bathroom. “Now go shower.” 
    “What if I don’t want to?” You asked, giving him a look.  
    “That doesn’t apply to self-care shit.” Billy pulled his keys out of his pocket and left, closing the door behind him and leaving you alone.  
                                                    # # # # #
    The shower felt amazing. You kept making it hotter, hot enough to wash the dirt away, hot enough to burn the open wounds. So hot that you couldn’t think about the way Brandon grabbed you and pushed his body into yours. About the fact that you had been stupid enough to meet him in the first place. You hated him so much.  
    “I put some soap on the ledge.” Billy’s voice caused you to jump.  
    You peeked out around the shower curtain to see him close the door behind him, giving you the privacy you needed. Accepting the bottle, you couldn’t help but smirk as you realized it was Billy’s personal soap. Of course he would have soap, and everything else needed for a sexy overnight. The silky suds filled the room with a warm, fresh, musky scent. You slipped your hands over your skin, enveloping yourself with him, pretending it didn’t make you feel safe. That the scent of the man you had despised from day one was calming your racing thoughts.  
                                                 # # # # #
    You walked out dressed in Billy’s shirt and a pair of his sweatpants, trying not to limp when he looked up at you. “Thank you. For the soap.” 
    “Not a problem, sweetheart.” Billy smirked as he looked you over. “You, uh, you look good.”  
    You looked down. “Thanks.” You crossed your arms over your chest.  
    “Here, come sit down.” Billy moved the first aid kit he had been sifting through and sat on the edge of the bed.  
    “Why do you have a med kit?” You did as he asked, easing your aching body down with your back resting against the headboard.  
    “Susan wanted me to have one in case Max fell off her skateboard.” Billy noted the way you flinched when you moved your legs up onto the bed.  
    “Smart of her.” You watched as he tore open a packet of antiseptic wipes with his teeth.  
    Billy grimaced. “Pretty much the only smart thing she’s done.” He moved to sit on the edge of bed next to you, gaze focused on your cut lip. “Hold still.”  
    “What do you mean?” You cringed as the wipe touched your cut, fingers curling into fists in your lap.  
    “Easy,” Billy’s voice was soft, softer than you ever thought possible. “Well, she married my dad, and that was dumb. She moved us from Cally, also dumb. There’s a whole list.”  
    “That’s why you’re mad at everyone.” You watched as he finished with your lip and got another wipe.  
    “What’re you, some kind of shrink?” Billy scoffed and pressed the wipe to the cut on your cheek. “What’s up with you, dating scum like Brandon?”  
    “Wasn’t always like this,” you hissed at the pain.  
    “Almost done.” Billy’s hand pressed over your fists, his ring cool against your skin still hot from the shower.  
    You didn’t push him away. “It was fine starting out. Then he started pushing, asking for things I didn’t want to do,” Your throat tightened as the events of the evening flashed through your thoughts. “Not as bad as tonight.”  
    “What was different about tonight?”  
    “I broke up with him, like the idiot I am.” Your gaze fell to hide tears gathering in your eyes.  
    “Hey, he’s the idiot here.” Billy squeezed your hands before pulling away to get a band-aid. “And it’s over now, you’re gonna be done with him.”  
    “That’s easy for you to say, Mr. Tight Pants.” You gave him a look.  
    “Didn’t I tell you?” Billy tucked your hair behind your ear and held your head still as he pressed the band-aid over the cut. “We’re dating now.”  
    “What the-,” you cut yourself off with a hiss of pain.  
    “I’m done, it’s okay, I’m done now.” Billy caught your hand as you reached up to touch the band-aid. “Don’t mess with it.”  
    “I’m not dating you, I can’t.”  
    “Mmhmm, yeah you are.” His attention averted down to your knuckles, thumb brushing over the bruises starting to form from where you punched Brandon.  
    “Gotta keep an eye on you.” Billy’s eyes met yours as he brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently. “If you want me to.” Another soft kiss. “I’m not gonna force you to do anything.” Kiss. “Your choice, angel.”  
    God that made your heart stutter. You looked down, heat flooding your face. No wonder he had charmed so many girls into one-night stands that they talked about for days. But this, what he was implying, sounded long term. It sounded like a relationship, one that felt safe and warm and what the hell was this man doing to you?  
    “Look at that,” Billy was smirking proudly. “The freak is speechless.”  
    “You can’t call me a freak if we’re dating, Billy.” You looked up at him.  
    “Don’t call me Mr. Tight Pants and I’ll think about it, baby.” Billy’s hand moved down to rest on your leg, expression softening once more. “How’re your knees?”  
    “I got most of the dirt out in the shower.” You bit your lip, careful to avoid the cut. “I think…I think my ankle is twisted or sprained or something.”  
    “I’ll look at it, angel, don’t worry.” Billy slowly pushed the fabric of the sweatpants up to reveal your bruised and bloodied leg. “I’ll take care of it.”  
    “I don’t…Never had anyone say that before.”  
    “Oh yeah?” Billy grinned. “Well get used to it.”  
                                                 # # # # #  
    “Hey, angel.”  
    You looked up as Billy leaned against the locker next to you, smirking as he looked you up and down. “How’re you feelin’?”  
    “Better.” You nodded, glancing around at the people watching you as you closed your locker. “Brandon’s been talking, telling people I’m a…I’m a,”  
    “Don’t worry about it.” Billy pulled you close and draped an arm around your shoulders. “Brady and I’ve got a little hangout planned for after school. He’ll make sure to set everyone straight.”  
    “You’re not going to kill him?” You started to walk to class with Billy beside you.  
    “Do you want me to, princess?” Billy looked down at you, smiling as you bit your lip and took a second to decide. “Nah, I won’t. A little freak I know told me he isn’t worth it.”  
    “God you have got to stop calling me that, baby.”  
    Billy chuckled. “Love it when you call me that.”  
    You came to the doorway to your class and stopped. Billy wasted no time in leaning down to kiss you right in front of everyone. “See you later?”  
    You nodded with a smile. “See you later.”  
    Billy was grinning like a fool as he walked away, you and several other girls in the hall staring after him.  
    “I can’t believe it.” A blonde girl looked between you and Billy. “You? Billy chose you? What do you have that makes you so special?”  
    You shrugged. “You know what they say, Delores. I’m just a freak.”  
And with that you turned on your heel and walked into the classroom with a smile on your face.
Fanfic Masterlist
Taglist Request Form
Special shout out to @billysbabyy​. Our conversations inspired me to write this <3
Writer’s Haven Taglist: @alexxavicry @captainsophiestark
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Hi i was wondering how would slashers celebrate their s/o's birthday?
Omfg I was literally thinking about this a few weeks ago. I don't know if poly or separate so I'll just put separate + with making cake!
I'm sorry this took so long, it was basically like this
My day be so fine writing this, then boom. My mom wakes up and makes me do chores.
And I also lacking motivation. Let me know if I should add more slashers.
Slashers celebrating their s/o's birthday!
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You woke up to Michael standing over you, trying to catch your attention.
"What's wrong Michael..?"
He then drags you out of bed, it was unusual. You thought he might've accidentally knocked over some things but he dragged you to a calender and pointed at the date. It was marked... Your birthday! It wasn't marked before so that could only mean one thing.
"Aw, you remembered!" You hugged Michael's arm as he just stood there, you would've been a bit moody being woken up out of your sleep but you were happy your stoic mute expressionless boyfriend remembered your birthday. You walked over to the bathroom to get prepared. When you walked out you saw Michael with a note almost was unreadable that said "cake?"
"Oh, of course. There's no good birthday without cake."
Now you were both in the kitchen, Michael was just going to sit back and observe you but you insisted he'd join too. Now there was flour everywhere and egg bits on the counter and the sprinkles and chocolate chips no where to be seen, It suddenly disappeared when you told Michael about it. Hmm... You made a major mistake in telling Michael to put the cake batter in the oven while you were making icing and then a few minutes later your oven and cake was on fire and you ended up eating the icing and buying a small cake in a convenience store. Still a fun experience though. It was filled with laughter and giggling the whole time, he even smile secretly under his mask.
"Michael be more gentle, the eggs are flying everywhere! "
"Okay just pour the flou- not so fast!"
"Michael don't lick that you're gonna get salmonella."
"Michael? Where did the sprinkles go?"
"Ok,I'm done with the ic- what? OMG THE CAKE"
"Oh this is really good, here have a bite."
Billy and Stu
You were awoken with crashing down stairs and a loud scream. Curious and worried you discreetly started to waddle your way down stairs. You probably shouldn't but your boyfriends were in your house what if they got hurt?
You called out "Billy? Stu?" You were getting really worried. And then you saw your boyfriend Stu on the ground with blood on him and a knife on the ground. You started to tear up.
And then a a ghostly figure jumped in front of you stabbed you in the stomach, you looked down and you were frozen, the knife retraced and you saw that it was a fake knife! Then you heard laughter. You saw Stu get up and the figure took off it's mask and you saw Billy.
"Oh my god.." You sighed. They do this every couple of months and you fall for it everytime, you swear they have an obsession with 'ghostface'.
Stu then ran to hug you.
"I'm sorry baby." He said still laughing and smiling though. Billy joined in too and said,
"Okay as an apology we'll bake a cake for you."
"Because it's your birthday duh."
"Oh. Right." You were so scared you forgot it was your birthday.
You cleaned up the mess on the floor as they got the ingredients ready, it was alot. They really prepared for this.
"Okay so what are we gonna decorate it as? I want something spooky."
"Uh... A pumpkin? Witch? A zombie...??"
"Nah too cliché."
"How about ghostface with red filling inside as blood?"
"Oh you are a genius Y/n!" You smile shyly. You liked it though, even though it was really fucked up.
You quickly put to work and Stu kept throwing flour at the two of you as a silly little joke and Billy would do it ten times harder. You'd have to eventually duck down every once in a while since they were really getting into it but it was still somehow working out. You got everything done you put it in the oven and you decided to join in the fun and then Stu fell down and accidentally turned the temperature really high so it was a little burnt but that's the good part. They were REALLY quiet and focused on the decorating part it almost looked uncharacteristic. The cake turned out awesome but not so awesome at the incredibly dusty chaotic filth on the floor.
"You're gonna mess up the cake!"
"Stop eating the icing it's for the cake."
"Apologize to the cake"
"Let's put some candies in it!"
"Wow you're really good at this"
"Wait how are we going to get the filling inside"
"Damn this shit hits."
You were chilling outside when you saw Jason come over to you with a shit ton of flowers in his arms and slowly drops it all over you. Making it rain flowers for a few seconds.
"What's the occasion?" You asked him smiling holding some of the flowers.
He signs "your birthday" Right, it's your birthday today!
You smiled at him "what should we do on my birthday?"
He shrugged. There wasn't really much around the woods you guys could do well. Except go outside out of the woods! But he was a little shy. him somehow once ending up in New York City in Manhattan doesn't count.
So you decided to get some groceries instead. After a few hours of being paranoid you come back. With baking ingredients! He was excited. He couldn't really bake anymore after he died so he was ecstatic and especially with you too? He was a really happy man.
He was really careful and gentle with his actions, making sure not to mess up and upset you. You could basically order him anything and he would do it. But as the good spouse you are you decided to help him. He carefully poured the flour and cracked the eggs. unlike Michael and listened to every word you instructed to him discreetly. The baking session ended with a small food fight and two hungry spouses. It was a beautiful forest decorated cake with a couple fruits in it which was soft and sweet just perfect for a birthday. You don't know if zombies can have normal human food but he got a couple slices anyway.
It was a very fun experience for the both of you and you'd bake again and not just for a birthday.
"It's okay, there's nothing to panic about."
"You're doing great!"
"Yeah pass me th- did you just throw that at me."
"Cut the fruits into half's."
"Oh you did wonderful!"
"Can you even taste that?"
Oh I'm not sure how he'll be able to celebrate your birthday when he's busy working 24/7 but I'm sure he can fix something.
You were babysitting babi while the others were busy with the victims. Even though it was your birthday you didn't mind hanging out with Babi, it kept you entertained anyways. You got thirsty and went into the kitchen and you saw your boyfriend and greeted him when he stopped you all of a sudden.
"What's worry Tommy?" But he just shook his head.
"Let me in I'm thirsty, I don't mind if there's a dead body on the ground." He then yet again shook his head and pushed you into the room you and Babi were previously in and ran out and came back with your water. That was weird.. But you choose to ignore it. Nothing was normal here anyway.
Babi started to get tired and fell asleep and you tucked her in but you were started to get really bored so you went outside into the woods for some fresh air. While walking you suddenly tripped and scratched yourself and started to bleed. Great. And you then heard running and the faint sound of a chainsaw from behind you and you saw a bleeding dirtied girl look at you and then grabbed you and started running. What the hell? She whispered.
"It's okay, I know you're scared but were gonna get out of this place together." Her voice was shaky and weak. Did she think you were a victim? Well in the state you were you did look like one. You tried to break out of her grip but they were like iron. You were about to say something but you shouldn't let her go. it'd be a great danger for you and the hewitts. So you decided to play along. But what you didn't expect was that she threw you in front of Thomas when he got near the both of you.
It was so sudden he managed to injure you. He immediately dropped his weapon and rushed over to you. There was a cut on your shoulder and blade but it was just a small minor injury. But the girl was getting away.
"Tommy I'm fine, get her!" You hissed slightly.
He was reluctant but he had to and not even 3 minutes later he comes back and carries you to the house. You were patched up and you saw Thomas walked to you holding a cake! But it wasn't without any icing or cream on it. And then he pointed at the table where there were cut up fruits and the icing. So you get to decorate whatever you'd like to. And God forbid hoyt says anything about this. He'll get a direct smack to the head by Luda. And hooray, everyone gets cake!
"Tommy put the blueberries over there."
"What should we make?"
"Is that supposed to be me?"
"Babi don't eat too much too much of the cream!"
"Oh thank you Mom, you were so generous to bake a cake for me."
"This is the best birthday I've ever had!"
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Shining Through ~ B.H
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Anonymous asked:
hii can you do a billy Hargrove x reader with the reader being a figure skater but she’s like super good like an Olympic level figure skater and no one at Hawkins high knows that and she’s lowkey bullied but billy has a crush on her but doesn’t say anything cause he wants to keep his reputation,
but one day an ice rink opens up in Hawkins and everyone is going there even billy and his friend group,
And they see the reader walking into the rink and they think she’s gonna be super bad and they plan on embarrassing her but she ends up being really good and she’s doing jumps, spins and billy just falls in love with her even more and at the end they start dating?
Omg I’m so sorry that’s like a whole ass story I was just rambling you don’t have to do this😭😭😭
Author's Note : Lovely, this is such a cute idea. I love it, I don't mind that's it's long.
" Look who it is, it's the human version of a headache" Carol scoffed at the sight of you as you walked past her with Tommy and Billy by her side. You didn't pay any attention to them with your bag slung over your shoulder making your way to your locker.
" How can someone look like that?" she asked, she eyed the outfit of choice you wore today with a white skirt and a black cut down shoulder with your hair flowing down your back.
" I would explain it to you, Carol but I don't have the time or crayons to explain to you" you tell her looking over your shoulder as you grabbed your textbook for class. " Nice perfume, did you marinate it?" you asked as you smirked at her. She gasped ready to pounce at you when Tommy held her back.
Billy stood there in awe of you as you walked away with a smirk on your face. He watched the way your hips swayed and the way the skirt looked on you.
You turned to look over your shoulder just in time seeing Billy was looking at you. His blue eyes sparkled as he bite his bottom lip. He didn't want any girl at Hawkins High. He wanted you. You had quite a mouth on you and he liked the way you told Carol off just now.
He walked off into the direction you left as he remembered he shared the very same class you were going to. When he walked into the classroom walking down the aisle where you chose to sit near the window. He slides into the seat next to you.
" I don't think we've met princess" your head turned toward the sound of his voice. " I know who you are" you said as you opened your notebook and textbook waiting for the class to start.
" I feel like we got off the wrong foot. How about a date later and we start over? Sounds good?" Billy leaned back in his chair, some of his curls fell over his eyes and you wanted to reach over to brush them away but held back. Billy was an attractive guy, he followed in a crowd that you didn't particularly followed. You liked the same music as him, hearing it every morning as he parks his car in the parking lot. But you didn't know him and didn't plan to.
" No thanks, Hargrove" he frowned as his eyes roam the side of your face.
" You're missing out then, princess" he shrugs.
Through out the rest of the day it bothered Billy that you had rejected him like that. You don't know him and just wanted to show you a good time. But you knew the reputation he had since walking through the doors of Hawking High School. Every girl wanted to get in his pants and every guy wanted to be him. He had a beautiful blue Camaro which you admired from a far.
You threw your bag into your car, smiling gently seeing the ice skates you had in the back remembering the time you would used to ice skate a lot. The last time you ice skated was around a couple of months ago when you went to visit your aunt, they had an ice skating ring there that you spend hours there practicing spins, forward and backward spins were your favorite.
No one knew how talented you were except your aunt, your mother and your father. It's not like you were hiding it but Hawkins didn't really have an ice ring that you could just put your skates on and spend your time there. Away from everyone. Where you were able to be yourself.
" Are those ice skates?" Tommy peered into the window of your car, squinting his eyes seeing your bag on the passenger side seat. A pack of gum in the cup holder with a walkman laying near your bag that you forgot you left it there. He stood back up, squinting as the sun shined down at him. " I bet she doesn't even know how to" Tommy snickered. Carol walked up to him, and wrapping her arms around him as she leaned into him.
" Little miss mouthful has ice skates? I bet she doesn't even uses them and has them there to show off" Carol mutters. Billy is leaning against his own car watching them talk to you. He sees that you weren't responded to them with your arms wrapped around yourself. He moved from his car as he made his way over to his so called friends.
"Are you coming to Tina's party?" Billy asks you with a cigarette dangling in the corner of his mouth. Tommy and Carol look at you then to Billy, arching their eyebrows.
" I bet wanna be skater girl doesn't even know what a party is" Carol snickered.
" I have better things to do than some stupid party" you muttered going around the driver side and getting into the driver side. Billy makes his way over to your side as he leans on. You put the window down wanting to drive off as fast as you could. You didn't want to be here anymore.
" Drive safe, princess" he winks at you as you pull out of the parking spot and drive off.
" Do you have something for wannabe skater girl?" Tommy asks. Billy didn't answer him as he still was watching your car drive off. He wasn't about to tell Tommy that he somewhat had this crush on you that he shouldn't.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you listened to what has brought you out your studying. It was a noise against your window like someone was throwing rocks to grab your attention. You stood up from the bed making your way to the window seeing Billy standing there with his leather jacket on, his curls laid perfect on his head as his blue eyes shined as he looked up at you.
" What are you doing here?" you asked Billy as you opened the window. Billy had already started to climb the side of your house as he made his way to your window, crawling through it. You stepped back letting him in.
His head turned to look around the room seeing the posters of the music he listened too, he eyes your bed the held your notebook and textbooks, the looks over to the small desk in your room that held pictures, books and stickers on it. His eyes go a bit wide seeing the hanging of your old ice skates on the wall, the one your dad gave you wen you first wanted to start ice skating. He eyes the trophy's on the shelves seeing your name on them.
" Are you going to admire my room or what?" you asked with your hands on your hips. His gaze drop down to yours, " Nice room."
" I didn't know you knew how to compliment"
" There are a lot of things you don't know about me, princess" he makes his way to your bed as he plops down sitting on your notebook. He brings it from under him as he inspects your hand writing which is really pretty and neat. He throws it off the bed along with your textbook as he leans against the wall with his legs stretched out.
" What are you doing here, Hargrove?"
" Instead of going to Tina's party, you chose to study and be bored out of your mind? I really thought you'd be a party girl" you settled to sit down next to him, moving to sit next to him against the wall.
" I'm not like every other girl that just wanna throw themselves at you"
" I've noticed" he turns his head as his blue eyes meet yours. They are so pretty just like the rest of him. You spot freckles dancing across his nose and some on his cheeks. He smells of cigarettes, leather and something else too, like shampoo.
" Why did you come here, Billy?" He shrugs not really giving you an answer but his heart speeds up just by sitting near you. There was something about you that attracted you to him. He liked it and he wanted it to keep it like that.
" I like the way you don't let Tommy and Carol get to you, I know how people treat you Y/N. I've seen it all happen to you, you don't deserve it"
" Thanks" you don't really know what to say to him. Not really understanding why in the first place he was being like this. It confused you.
" You're beautiful Y/N and you're different than other girls. I like that" he mutters. " Billy?" He made a hummed sound hearing you.
" Why are you being like towards me?" He shrugs, but he knows why because of the crush he has on you that's turning into that he's into you. He wants you.
You place your hand on his knee causing a shiver down his spine and he glances down at your hand on his knee. It surprises him but at the same time he likes the feeling of your hand on him. He likes the touch. To your surprise, his hands falls on top of yours.
The two of you sit in silence enjoying each other's company.
When you heard from your mom that in Hawkins an ice ring was finally opening up, you felt like you could cry. You were beyond excited to get back on the ice. It felt like you were a little girl once again.
The ice ring began to fill with people and when you walked through the doors with your ice skates in your hand looking around with a wide smile on your face, you felt like you were at home. This was your safe place.
" Is that? What is she wearing?" Carol says as she snickers with Tina. Tommy and Billy turns to see you dressed in a light blue figure skating dress with your hair up, bouncing at the end as you walked around the ice ring.
Billy's eyes watches as the happiness reaches your eyes seeing the ice ring in sight. He leaned back against the wall as his eyes fall to the skates in your hands. He notices them shine under the light, they looked sharp. It look like you took the time to sharpen them.
" Is she for real?" His ears picked up Carol as she continued to watch you in disgust. He really want to say something but held his tongue, he watched as you sat on one of the benches to put your ice skates on and make your way to the ring.
He watches as you glide on the ice like you knew what you were doing. He saw the trophies in your room and the old skates you had on your wall. He didn't question you about it but he noticed that they were important to you just like what you were doing right now.
People spread to make room for you as soon as they seen you do toe jumps. Billy made his way closer as he watched you in awe, he watched the happiness in your eyes, he watched you as you skated with ease. He understood that this was something you were passion about it.
His mouth dropped as he watched you skate backwards, take off with one door and land on the other with ease. Other people stood to watch but Billy made sure he was the only one he wanted you to see.
It didn't even faze you on how many people were watching you, you had a huge smile on your face not evening noticing the look on Billy's face.
You pushed on one foot, shifting your weight to the other to create a circular shape. The figure looks like the letter "m" with another loop in the center.
Your favorite was a layback spin, a spin where you'd spins on one foot, with the other leg extended and pointed behind you and does a back bend with the upper body.
Cheers around you were heard as you stopped with wide eyes noticing how they were watching and your eyes catch on those blue familiar eyes and those dirty blonde curls. It's the smile he has on his face that catches you off guard. Your cheeks paint the color red as you stepped off the ice hurrying to get your shoes.
You reached down to untie your laces when you felt the bench dip underneath you.
" Didn't know you were that good, princess" Billy says. You look up to meet his eyes and he still had that smile on his face that made your heart flutter.
" That's not even the half of the things I could do" He titled his head, he was impressed. But his heart sped up seeing the smile you were giving him.
" Do you think you'd teach me some?" his eyebrow quirked up, you couldn't help but giggle.
" Billy Hargrove on skates? Doing spins and flips?" He shrugs.
" You don't know what you signed up for pretty boy" His cheeks are painted with red now as he looks away, he just wants to spend time with you and seeing you in your element makes him want you even more.
" Maybe this is what I want" he says as he turns to look at you, but his eyes drop down to your lip. " You need help?" he takes your leg and puts it over his leg to help you untie your skates.
" Oh, thank you" he takes them off and places them on the floor as his fingers run over the skin on your legs before he reaches for your other leg bringing it up. His touch sends a shiver down your spine.
" You're something else, Hargrove" his blue eyes lock with yours as he sends you that smile and you can't help it but reach over tracing your fingers over his lips. His breath hitches at the feeling of your fingers against his lips.
" It's a date" you tell him catching him off guard. " Huh?" He asks making you laugh. You point behind you, " The ice ring."
He nods, " Can't wait princess"
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pettydollie · 8 months
I Was Made For Lovin' You, Baby (Billy Hargrove x wheeler!reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: so happy it's finally out!! i did the first chapter AGES ago but i never knew where i wanted to go with this story. still kinda figuring it out but i already have some ideas tehe. the first chapter is the only chapter that will be in first person. there were some things that Everleigh (the reader) does that i think would be weird if it were written in her pov. so the rest of the chapters will be in third person :) hope u enjoy!!
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C H A P T E R  O N E
“Okay, okay next one! Hurry up already!” My sister Nancy giggled as we sat on her bed. I was helping (definitely not forcing) her study for her upcoming test. Pop music lightly played from the radio while I shuffled through her flashcards. “Alright, alright!” I smiled. I repositioned myself sitting cross legged on her bed. “Which polymers occur naturally?” I asked, looking up from the card. Nancy was looking up towards the ceiling, chewing on her bottom lip which was a habit we’d both had since we were little.
“Starch and cellulose.” She answered somewhat confidently. “Mhm.” I hummed, picking another card. “In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of--” Nancy sat up straighter, interrupting me. “Tetrahedrons.” I smiled again. “Way to go, Nance. I think you’ll ace that test.” I concluded, handing her back her flashcards. She grinned happily. Nancy and I got along quite well as sisters, surprisingly. We didn’t argue that much and when we did, it was over something silly. I’m the eldest child in the family, so I mostly take care of my siblings considering my dad is always asleep or watching the television and my mother is only really interested in Holly. Don’t get me wrong, they love us a lot. We just feel like strangers sometimes.
I was going to ask Nance about her luck with Steve Harrington, but her door suddenly slammed open, revealing Holly with syrup all over her face. “Mommy says breakfast is ready.” She announced and quickly took off back downstairs. I wasn’t even dressed yet, so I quickly exited Nancy’s room into my own where I changed into a cute but basic outfit. I added jewelry and my signature perfume and ran downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating Eggos. I sat down, fixing my skirt. I grabbed a plate and started cutting my waffles. Mike was already about to finish, on the other hand. We all looked at him grossly. “Slow down, Mike. That’s disgusting.” Nancy mumbled, looking away. Mike rolled his eyes at her and continued to eat. 
I grabbed my backpack once we had all finished eating. I walked over to grab mom’s car keys which I borrowed while Nancy and Mike said goodbye to mom and Holly. I hugged mom and kissed her cheek softly. “Have a good day, guys!” She waved as we walked out the door. I drive all three of us to school every day since I was allowed to legally drive last year. Once we were all sat, Nancy pulled out her flashcards from her backpack and began studying quickly. I pulled into the parking lot in my usual spot, and we all got out, grabbing our stuff. Mike walked the other way to the middle school, greeting his friends while me and Nance walked to the high school. “Everleigh, what if I fail?” Nancy whined, gripping her books as we walked in. I rolled my eyes.
“You’ll do fine, Nance.” I waved goodbye and walked over to my locker, putting stuff away. “Hey, Ev!” I didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was. I turned my head, looking at one of my best friends. “Hi, T!” I smiled, giving her a small hug. Tina was the life of every party, her outgoing personality and beaming smile made people adore her. Many boys threw themselves at her, but who wouldn’t? She’s drop dead gorgeous. I loved gossiping with her, it’s always fun. But don’t get it twisted, we have a very deep and understanding relationship. I shut my locker and slung my bag back over my shoulder. “There’s a new boy coming tomorrow. I hope he’s cute.” We walked to our first period which we shared together. First period was always loud and fun to be in, which I loved. It’s all fun and games until Mr. Mundy calls the deans. “You want a piece of gum?” I offered, changing the subject. Tina grinned and nodded. I gave her a large strip of bubblegum and I opened mine. We blew bubbles and gossiped, the both of us strutting through the halls. It’s not that I didn’t like boys. Of course, there weren’t any boys that peaked my interest. I’ve had two boyfriends before and they both used me for popularity and my looks. I don’t mean to sound full of myself, but that’s just what happened. “Are you coming to practice today?” I questioned. Me and Tina were cheerleaders, which I forced her to do. I was a cheer captain along with the ginger Chrissy Cunningham. “Not today, sorry babes. My mom needs an extra pair of hands for the bake sale. She said if I help her, I can get a few bucks.” She boasted. I nodded in understanding, also smiling at a girl who waved. Everleigh Wheeler was one of the most well known names in Hawkins High School, much unlike Nancy who’s quiet and to herself. Within a month of joining the cheerleading squad, I was at the top of the pyramid and by the end of freshman year, I’d been promoted to captain. “Oh my god, did you hear about Brian cheating on Samantha?!” My face changed into a disgusted one. “Yes!! And with Tiff? She’s such a skank. I heard she’s slept with half of the soccer team.” Tina spat. We pushed open the classroom, smiling at others. We walked to our seats, getting settled in. Tina and I sat next to each other, thankfully. I sat next to the window so I wouldn’t really have to interact with anyone but her. Math was nowhere near the top of my list of subjects I enjoyed, but I tolerated it enough for an easy pass. The class’ attention was pulled by Mr. Mundy’s booming voice who took attendance while me and Tina continued talking, not really caring, only ever stopping to say “Here”. Mr. Mundy cleared his throat. “Valentina and Everleigh. Please quiet down.” We looked up and muttered “sorry”. And we did stop talking- for about five minutes. As soon as attendance finished, we continued talking again. We turned our bodies to face each other and chuckled loudly. Mr. Mundy’s attention turned back to us. “That’s it. Tina, your new seat is there.” He pointed to the seat on the right of the one she was seated in. “Wait no, we’ll stop talking! For real this time.” She pleaded. We stared at him with sad eyes. “I’ve had enough. Move NOW.” He scowled. Tina pouted and grabbed her stuff. She stood up, heads turned to face her and walked to the seat next to her. She sat down and folded her arms, angrily. I frowned. Now I’m alone. I changed my mind, math is my absolute LEAST favorite class.
C H A P T E R  T W O
The bell finally rang after what felt like years. Everleigh grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, happy to leave. Annoyed that she no longer had anyone to talk to in first period, she stomped through the halls; her happy demeanor slipping. Her soft glossy lips fell into a pout, and she pushed a strand of gorgeous silky hair out of her face with a manicured finger. Life was just so hard.
As soon as the bell rang for the end of the last class, Everleigh strutted to her locker to put stuff away. Sure, she had some homework, but most of it wasn’t due until Friday so she’d just put that on hold for now. One of her other best friends, Melanie, was leaning against the locker next to Everleigh’s, holding two books in her arms. “Carl’s picking me up tonight for a date. I’m so excited! I need you to help me pick out an outfit.” She squealed. Everleigh didn’t like her boyfriend, Carl. He was always weird whenever she was around. He also didn’t treat her right, which made Everleigh furious. But there wasn’t much she could do because Melanie was absolutely head over heels for him.
But Everleigh could never not be excited to help her friends get ready. “Okay, what time do you want me to be over?” She grinned, shutting her locker. The girls began to walk out into the school’s parking lot. “Maybe five thirty-ish?” Melanie suggested. Melanie was decently popular. She enjoyed roller skating, cheerleading, and fashion. She had beautiful lush blonde waves which complimented her oceanic eyes. “Sure! I’ll ask my mom when I get home.” Everleigh beamed. The girls separated into their cars. 
Everleigh walked to her car where Nancy and Mike waited impatiently. “Finally, why were you late this time?” Mike grumbled, getting into the car after it was unlocked. Nancy clicked her seatbelt in while Everleigh started the car. “Calm down, I was only like ten minutes late.” She hated having to defend herself to her idiotic brother. Normally, he’d continue to scold her about how he and Nancy could’ve been kidnapped or died, but this time, he let it go. While she was driving, she felt a tap on her arm which rested on the armrest in between her and Nancy. Everleigh looked over to the passenger seat where Nancy mouthed some words to her. She raised an eyebrow to say “Wait, say it again?” The brunette nodded. Then, Everleigh took in what she was trying to say. “We’re dating.” Nancy leaned back into the chair, waiting for a reaction.
“We” was Nancy and Steve Harrington. It seemed like the entire school knew who he was. Everleigh had wanted the two of them to date since Nancy mentioned he began talking to her, except it was different. He was kind around her. He listened to her and didn’t judge her for what she believes in. Everleigh grinned, satisfied. This was definitely coming up in girl chat when Mike wasn’t around.
As the siblings arrived at home, Everleigh pulled into her family’s driveway, being careful not to hit the mailbox. They all got out, grabbing their stuff. Everleigh unlocked the door where Holly was visible in the living room, playing with her toys. “Mom, we’re home!” Nancy yelled. Mike dashed upstairs into his room, slamming the door and locking it. “Micheal, stop slamming my doors!” Karen yelled from the kitchen. The sisters walked in, kissing their mom on the cheek. “Hey girls, how was school?” Everleigh walked behind her mom, with her arms folded, waiting for Nancy to respond first. “It was good. Same as always.” Nancy replied, shifting her body weight slightly. Everleigh wiggled her eyebrows from an angle so only Nancy could see, making the girl giggle slightly. Karen nodded, turning around. “What about you, Ev?”
She relaxed her face in time for her mom to face her. “It was alright. Mr. Mundy changed Tina’s seat because we were talking too much.” She rolled her eyes, hanging her coat up by the front door. Nancy had walked away to her room, probably to dream about Stevie poo. “I told you there were going to be consequences to you two chatting all the time.” Karen joked, smiling. Everleigh pouted, but then remembered about Melanie. “Can I go over Mel’s after dinner?” She asked, with begging eyes. Karen changed her position with her hand by tapping her chin above her arm. “What did you get on Mrs. Click’s assessment from yesterday?” Dang it. Of course she was going to ask this. Her lowest grade was in Mrs. Click’s class. History just wasn’t her thing. It was so boring and why did we need to know about The Great Depression anyways? “I got a B..” Everleigh muttered. Karen perked up at this.
“Well that’s much better than your last grade! A C- to a B? Good job, honey. Sure, you can go.” Everleigh stood up, proudly. “Thanks, mommy! Love you!” She ran upstairs into her room, shutting the door. She placed her backpack down next to her bed on the white carpet. She walked over to her pink telephone on her nightstand. She dialed Melanie’s number and waited. “Hello?” She heard. “Hey, Mel! Mom said I can come over after dinner.” Everleigh sat down on her bed. “Okay! Carl said he’s coming to pick me up at 7:00.” There was a loud knock at the door, interrupting the call. Everleigh covered the receiver with her free hand and took her ear off. “Yes?” She called. “Where’s my walkie?!” She heard Mike yell outside her door. “I don’t know, go away, Mike!” Everleigh snapped, rolling her eyes. “How am I supposed to know what you did with it..” She muttered. She took her hand off the receiver and put her ear back. “-and my parents don’t know about it so we have to keep it as chill as possible.” Melanie continued talking. 
Once the call was over, Everleigh put the phone back. She opened one of her drawers and pulled out a silky white hair tie, shutting the drawer. She held the tie with her teeth while she gathered her hair up with her hands and tied it into a bun. She walked out of her room into the bathroom to shower. When she finished, she dried off and changed into a simple white long sleeve shirt with a pink plaid dress over top. She put on lace socks and tiny black booties. By the time she was finished, it was time for dinner. 
She walked downstairs to sit at the table. Surprisingly, Mike didn’t come down for a few minutes. Karen looked at the stairs while everyone else ate. She sighed, picking up her fork. “Can one of you go get your brother, please?” She asked, waving her fork at Everleigh and Nancy. Everleigh nodded at Nancy and went upstairs. She knocked on the door. Once. Twice. No answer. “Mike! Come on, it’s dinner time!” Everleigh’s face scrunched up. She opened the door to reveal no one was there. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. Meaning he was in the basement. 
She ran downstairs past her family, opening the door to the basement. “Where’s Mike?” Karen called. “Hold on!” Everleigh replied. She walked in, seeing Mike under a blanket with his walkie talkie. He sat, frozen. He pushed the antenna down and cleared his throat. He looked… sad. “What are you doing? It’s dinner time. Don’t you hear us calling you?” Everleigh snapped, folding her arms. “Uhh.. well I was trying to talk to Dustin.” He lied. “Okay well tell him you guys will talk later, I’m starving.” She stomped back upstairs.
When dinner was finished, Everleigh cleaned her plate, rushing to grab the car keys. “I’m going now, bye mom! I’ll be back soon!” She waved, closing the door. She got inside the car, driving to Melanie’s house. When she arrived, she got out of the car and walked up to the porch. She rang the doorbell and stood politely waiting. Melanie’s father, who she’s seen a handful of times, opened the door. “Well, hello, Everleigh. How are you? Come inside. Melanie’s upstairs.” He moved over so she could enter the very homely household. “Thank you, Mr. Harris. I’m good, how are you?” She grinned with that candy sweet smile that almost everyone loved to see as she stepped inside. He nodded, smiling back and shutting the door.
Everleigh walked upstairs to Melanie’s room and knocked softly. The door opened revealing Mel in her pink nightgown with curlers in her hair. “Oh, come in!” The girls squealed, excitedly. Everleigh walked over to the girl’s divine wardrobe and began looking through. “Wait, where is he taking you?” She questioned, turning around. Melanie plopped down onto her queen sized bed, smiling dreamily. “He’s driving me to Enzo’s. How romantic, right?” Everleigh was happy for her friend. Happy that Carl wasn’t being such a punk and only taking her to his grandmother’s house. I mean, of course! Grandma’s cookies always scream “romance” to me, don’t you think so?
She turned back around, taking dresses out and handing them to Melanie. “Try all of those on! See which one you think fits.” The girls put on a mini fashion show, laughing and posing. Once they finally found a dress, Everleigh did Mel’s makeup. She sat down at a small vanity so Everleigh could stand over her. “One day, you have to teach me how to do more than just mascara, lipgloss, and blush.” Melanie half joked. Everleigh nodded, grinning. She spinned her chair around to face the mirror. “Like it?” She asked, hopefully. Melanie looked beautiful. “I feel stupid!” She laughed, staring at herself. “Well everyone feels stupid! Who cares?” Everleigh turned her chair back around, adding some finishing touches.
“Do you feel stupid?” Melanie asked, half smiling. Everleigh giggled. “Yeah I did, but then I chose not to feel stupid.” The girls smiled. They always had a strong bond together, feeling they could talk about anything and everything and never feel awkward. They took out Melanie’s curlers and waited for the phone to ring or a knock on her window, sitting on the bed. And they waited. And waited. And waited…
Everleigh started getting annoyed when it was already 8 and there was nothing. She scoffed. “That prick stood you up.” Everleigh’s face was disgusted. She stood up and kissed the top of Melanie’s head. Her mascara was ruined from her crying. Now she was just silent. Everleigh could tell the girl was thinking over her relationship and she didn’t want to interrupt it. She always knew Carl was a jerk, but this ends it. She was ready for her friend to find someone better. She knew she could stay and comfort her, but something was telling her it was time for her to be alone for a while with her thoughts. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, babes.” Everleigh sympathized.
“I’m gonna go home. My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m out past 8:30 on a school night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mel.” Melanie nodded. She walked towards the door blowing a kiss. She walked out and into her car. She took off home. “I’m going to kill him.”
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a/n: soo what do we think?? if u guys have any ideas or things u wanna see, please send me a request or a dm and if i write it, i will credit u for the suggestion! im actually really proud of this so far! and ik billy wasnt in these chapters, but hes coming in the next one ;)
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simphoursinc · 1 year
an idea i like is an afab reader w/ polyghostface and reader who for a second forgets who they're with.
reader: i cant have sex for like the next week
stu: WHAT?? what happened???
reader: period :((
billy: i mean,, i get that they suck but why cant you have sex?
reader: wdym?? my period. im going to be bleeding for the next week. like, im going to be leaking organs.
stu: and?
reader: "and"?? are you really not grossed out?
billy: babe.
reader: ooooh... right.
stu: >:)
236 notes · View notes
multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 months
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 27: Gifts
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
Part 1,... (Masterlist)...Part 27, Part 28 (Coming Soon)...
AN: Sorry about the wait Word Count: 3,816 Warnings: none
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The rest of your night is spent tossing and turning in bed. The prickling along the skin of your hand and wrist are your only reminder of what happened in the car, not to mention the memories that flood your mind every time you close your eyes. Billy’s coy smile, how his eyes devoured your every move, the hungry glint in them at the sounds you made. Your stomach writhes, flipping and swirling the more your mind lingers on the interaction. 
It irritates you, the effect he has on you. Every smirk, or touch sends your heart into overdrive. It doesn't help that your experience with relationships up to this point have never gone further than hand holding. But, this electricity that exists between you and Billy seems to be short circuiting all your logic and reason.
You’ve never spent a lot of time thinking about things like this, you’re not a child, Nancy has told you plenty about her relationship with Steve. You just never took any interest in it. Until now it seems. You're plagued by thoughts of Billy pressed against you, his calloused hands holding you tightly, his lips against your skin, the feel of his hot breath mixing with yours. Fuck. 
You turn your head, releasing a pent up scream into your pillow until you're out of breath.
When exhaustion finally wins out, you’re cast into another restless sleep. 
You’ve been here before. It’s dark and cold, familiar. Home. It’s quiet right now, for now. You’re not needed, yet. Fear twists through every tendril of your being, as much a part of you as the darkness. You can feel the shadow in your mind, waiting. Ready to bend, break if needed. You’re tired. But, there is no rest here. No peace. No hope. Forever. 
This is different. Not cold, warmth washes over you. The sound of crashing waves is rhythmic, almost like breathing. It soothes the initial panic of being in a new place, so bright and peaceful. It’s so different from the other place. You are able to glance around, there is no one else here. An empty beach. It’s nice. 
The sound of your mom trying to sneak out of your room wakes you the next morning. 
“Mom?” You ask, propping yourself up on an elbow, wiping sleep from your eyes. She stops, her hand on the door. She’s still in her scrubs, the only illumination in the room is the light coming in from the hallway. 
“Hey sweetie.” She greets you softly, turning to face you, an apologetic smile already on her lips. “I was just checking on you, go back to sleep.” She tries to reassure you. Your gut twists, you can barely see it in the dim light but it’s definitely there. The ever present worry you inspire in her. You were having some kind of nightmare, you can feel it in the tense in your muscles and the ache in your bones. Feeling the exhaustion that plagues you from the tension your dreams bring into reality. 
“I’m sorry mom.” You sigh, running a hand through your hair feeling the dampness of sweat. Her smile falters, pulling tighter at your apology.
“Don’t be sorry love. It just takes… time.” She reminds you. You know it’s what she needs to believe. That with enough time your mind will heal, that the nightmares will eventually fade. 
“It’s getting better.” The lie tastes bitter. Her shoulders sag slightly, like she can feel the lie physically. She won’t press though, both of you are happy to let it sit between you. It’s easier than facing reality. 
She pads over to your bed, gently stooping to press a kiss on your brow. 
“I love you.” She says softly. You can’t help the small smile that pulls from you. 
“I love you too.” You reply reflexively. You always say it back, just in case. It’s an easy truth, for the both of you. She pulls away, her smile a bit more relaxed than it was. “Go back to sleep.” She says again, patting your head as she steps back towards the door. She gives you a pointed look you know she normally only reserves for unruly patients, leaving no room for argument. 
“Alright. No need to pull out the nurse mom voice.” You joke, lying back down. She laughs lightly at your joke, slipping out the door. 
“Goodnight kiddo.” She says softly. You roll onto your other side, your back towards the door. You watch the light narrow into a sliver of the wall opposite you as she closes the door, leaving it open only a crack. Then laying still, you focus on slowing your breathing, listening to the sounds of your mom moving around the house getting ready for bed. She’s awake for another half hour, eating leftovers, looking through the mail, showering, and finally you hear the springs of her mattress creak as she gets into bed. 
You listen to the silence for a little bit. You like the quiet. Your life has been chaos for so long, from the moment you woke up in the hospital and every day since it feels like the world has erupted into too many sounds. Everyone talking, a constant low level buzz of activity. It’s sometimes enough to drive you crazy. 
When you're certain your mom is asleep, you quietly slip out of bed and get dressed. Glancing at the clock on your bedside table, you note that it’s only 6AM, still early enough for your morning walk to be peaceful. The house is still dark, but you move through it easily navigating in the dim light of morning. You gather your journal, and fill your water bottle placing both into your bag. When you go to put on your shoes, the dangling remainder of your sole catches your attention. You inspect the dilapidated sneaker for a moment, trying to think of the best way to cobble it back together. You eventually settle on duct taping the pieces back together, wrapping the tape around the shoe a couple of times to make sure it's secured. 
It’s not pretty, but technically it’s a whole shoe again. Satisfied that your solution is functional, you lace up your shoes and grab Steves’ jacket from the coat rack. Slinging your bag over your shoulder you head out the door. The dawn is cold, the sky a dim shade of gray, everything still cast in shadow the morning fog slowly creeping over the earth. 
You pick up a steady pace, heading for your favorite sunrise spot. There is a hill about a mile east that looks out over the currently barren fields and will be the first spot in Hawkins to see the sun. It also happens to have a very comfortable rock that is perfect for sitting and writing. 
By the time you reach it, the sun has just started to peak over the horizon, bathing the top of the hill in golden sunlight. You can feel its warmth on your exposed skin, the cold morning air still clinging to the shadows. You take out your water bottle and notebook, setting the empty bag down on the cold rock. You sit down, positioning yourself to face the sunrise, taking a moment to watch the earth in front of you slowly brighten, the light washing away the remaining shadows. It’s quiet here, as quiet as it can be in nature. There are still the chirps of the birds and the rustling of dead leaves as small animals pass by, but peaceful. 
You know that you can’t stay out too long. You may not notice the cold but your body still has a physical response to it and it's still the middle of December. So you open your notebook and begin.
The story you’ve been working on is not peaceful. It is a terrible story about a young boy raised to fight monsters. He’s known no other life, he was born with the burden of being the only one who can see these monsters, and he can never stop. But the older he gets, and the harder he fights to protect the world from evil, he realizes that a bit of that evil has taken root in him. It starts small, a black spot behind his ear, but it grows. It digs its roots in deep, twisting its way into his soul. 
In the beginning the young man starts off as the hero, but eventually the evil will consume him and he will become what he fought so hard against. You know the ending, but it’s not written yet. There is still hope in the middle of the story. 
When you notice the red tinge in your fingertips brought on by the chilly December air you stop and pack up your things. Taking one last glance around at the now illuminated field, you turn and head back home. 
You arrive at the same time Steve pulls into your driveway. You can see him through the window as you approach and he looks a bit worse for wear. His hair is damp, hanging loosely around his pale face. His eyes are hidden behind sunglasses but are no doubt blood shot with circles under them. He cuts the engine as you approach the drivers’ side, opening the door to haul himself out with a grunt of effort. 
“Alright grandpa, how’s that hangover treating you?” You ask, unable to stop your teasing smirk even for his sake. He sighs heavily, closing the door just to lean back against it, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What kind of friend are you?” He asks, lifting a brow. “How could you let me drink that much?” You come to a stop in front of him, crossing your arms to mirror him. 
“Because according to you, you’re ‘a grown ass man’ who ‘knows how to handle his alcohol’, and because I ‘never let you have any fun’.” You say, throwing air quotes around some of the excuses he gave you when you tried to get him to slow down the night before. A bit of pink brightens his cheeks at the reminder, but he laughs good naturedly at your teasing. 
“Stop holding me accountable for my own actions.” He groans. “I don’t feel good, so I’m just going to blame you to make myself feel better.” He goes on, pressing his finger tips against his temples. His small smile brings a bit of life back to his ashen face.
“Oh of course. Whatever makes your life easier Steve.” You concede, your own smile pulling at your lips. He huffs a laugh, lifting his sunglasses onto his head. There is a beat of silence before he clears his throat, his cheeks flushing a bit more.
“And- uh- thanks. For, you know, babysitting me last night.” He says sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his beck. Your stomach drops at the reminder, you didn’t think Steve was sober enough to remember much but apparently he remembered enough. You wonder if he remembers how he had held you against him, crying quietly in the kitchen while you whipped his tears. How he had gently lowered his forehead to yours and held your palm against his beating heart. You don’t want to press the subject, especially if he doesn’t remember everything. 
“Don’t mention it, I’ll bill your parents later.” You joke, forcing yourself to chuckle. Steve laughs lightly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He looks you up and down, nodding his head towards his jacket you’re still wearing.
“The jacket looks good on you.” He says. You look down at the old bomber jacket, moving to unzip it.
“Yea sorry I just borrowed it to walk home last night. I, uh, couldn’t sleep.” You tell him, the unspoken truth behind your words not lost on him. He’s familiar with your anxious habits that don’t always make sense. That you have a tendency to walk away when your brain won’t settle down. His hand stops yours on the zipper, pulling it away.
“It’s okay, you can keep it.” He tells you. “I don’t wear it anymore anyways.” He explains, looking down at his hand encircling your wrist. 
“Thanks Steve.” You beam up at him. He smiles back , his thumb running over the underside of your wrist. Your heart leaps. In that moment you wonder if he’s somehow feeling where Billy’s lips had been the night before. But that’s ridiculous. 
“It will be a nice reminder of me while I’m gone. Along with this.” He says, pulling something from his pocket. Your eyes widen at the sight of a delicate gold chain, glinting in the sun, a small pendant hanging perfectly in the center. 
“What is that?” You ask in confusion. Steves’ smile only grows as he drapes the shining metal over your wrist, easily clasping it in place.
“It’s your Christmas present. I’m giving it to you early cause I won’t be back until after new years.” He tells you, one hand still gently cupping your wrist. “The lady told me it’s real so it won’t leave a ring or anything.” He tells you as if it’s the most casual thing in the world. 
Heat flushes your cheeks as you inspect the bracelet. You take in the intricate beauty of the simple chain, small links twisting and interlocking into a light strand of glittering gold. A simple pendant hangs from the middle. A brilliant shining sun, catching and reflecting the light, casting off its own rays as it hangs from your wrist. It’s beautiful. More elegant than anything you’ve ever owned. Something twists low in your gut.
“Steve, I can’t take this.” You tell him, moving to unclasp the chain. He instantly pushes your hand away. 
“Of course you can.” He insists. Suddenly his eyes fill with worry. “Do you not like it?” He asks, his smile falling. Your stomach sinks.
“No, I- I like it, it’s really beautiful. It’s just too nice.” You try to explain. Steve sighs with relief, his smile returning in an instant. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just a bracelet, it’s not like I bought you a car or something.” He laughs at his own joke. You struggle to maintain your smile. You know that money isn’t really an issue with Steve’s allowance but it doesn’t make you feel any better. He should be saving his money for school, not spending it on pretty things for you. Steve’s eyes catch on to your discomfort almost instantly. “Please accept it.” He pleads sincerely. “I saw it and immediately thought of you.” He explains, one of his fingers flicking over the sun pendant. 
Your heart swells at the sentiment. It’s unbearably cheesy, and very Steve. When your eyes glance up to meet his you’re once again met with the big brown puppy eyes, the hangover makes them look especially sad. You have to suppress a groan. 
“Okay.” You finally give in, earning an ear to ear grin from Steve that pulls a smile out of you as well.  “Thank you, Steve.” 
“Merry Christmas, Babysitter.” He says, pulling you into a crushing hug. 
“Merry Christmas.” You reply, wrapping your arms around him. He holds you tightly, pulling you up and into him. “I didn’t get you anything.” You admit, shamefully burying your face in his shoulder. His responding laugh shakes both of you.
“Can I request an official document declaring that I’m your best friend?” He asks. Your cheeks burn at the memory of you and Steve admitting that you are each other's best friends the night before. You laugh, trying to swat at him but he keeps his arms locked around you. “Can I get it notarized as well?” He adds, still laughing.
“Oh shut up.” You groan, earning another laugh. When he finally lets you go, you take a half step back. You’re hyper aware of the bracelet, holding your arm slightly away from your body to keep it from catching on any of your clothes and potentially scuffing it. 
“Aren't you flying out today? When are you supposed to head to the airport? ” You ask, glancing at your watch. 
“I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago.” He tells you flatly. You gap at him. 
“You what? What are you doing here? You’re going to miss your flight you dork!” You practically yell at him, giving his arm a shot towards his car. 
“I had to come say goodbye.” He says, laughing as he opens the door and allows you to shove him into the driver's seat. 
“You could have just called!” You say, slamming the door closed as soon as his legs are in. You see him laugh again through the window. The engine roars to life as Steve cracks the window, still smiling. 
“No I couldn’t.” He says, like it’s a fact. That gets an eye roll from you.
“Get out of here before I’m stuck with you all winter break.” You tell him, unable to stop the small smile that he always manages to drag out of you. 
“I’ll call you from the resort!” He tells you, putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the drive. “Don’t miss me too much!” He calls from the end of the driveway. “I’ll try!” You call back, waving goodbye as Steve gives you one last smile before pulling into the street. You watch the car speed down your street and disappear around the corner before heading towards the house. 
An uneasy feeling settles over you as you make your way to your door. You and Steve had quickly become inseparable since the night the gate closed, it was a seamless partnership. It made you feel like there was someone there who had your back. You know that Nancy and Jonathan are still close but the knowledge that Steve will be alone for the next two weeks fills your mind with a low level of anxiety. 
A chill snakes down your spine and your hurry into the house. You feel unsettled from the thoughts of Steve being so far away and practically unprotected, your palms itch with the need to do something. Instinctively you begin checking the safety of your own home. Moving quickly and efficiently you check locks on all the doors and windows, then lay hands on all the hidden weapons in the house. When you’ve checked all of them, you settle at the table with your fathers Barretta, pulling out the cleaning kit. It's monotonous work, but cleaning the pistol always seems to ease the itch in your hands when your anxiety picks up. 
Rolling up the sleeves on the jacket your attention catches on the glint of gold around your wrist. You examine it for a moment, looking at how the delicate chain contrasts against your sun damaged skin. How it stands in opposition to your calloused hands, your fingernails chewed down to the quick, cuticles picked to an angry red. Your stomach twists. 
It really is a beautiful piece of jewelry, delicate and perfectly balanced. Traits you can’t see in yourself. It really is too nice for someone like you. 
What if you broke it or scratched it? What if you lost it on a walk? What if you fucked it up?
It’s too good for you. You wish it wasn’t, but it is. 
You carefully unclasp the chain, lying it gently on the table before you start cleaning. You lay out the cleaning supplies, setting the pistol down on a rag in front of you. Then you settle into the process of disassembling and cleaning all the small pieces of the weapon. You remember when Hopper had taught you how to properly clean a gun. He told you that he and your dad would sit in silence for hours just sipping on drinks and cleaning the small harmless parts of the deadly machines. He always stressed that it was vitally important for you to understand the inner workings of a gun before ever picking one up. How all the pieces fit together, and if even one small part was missing or broke it would alter the functionality with devastating results. 
Your fingers slowly darken with the combination of CLP cleaning oil and burnt carbon. You work diligently, rubbing at any blemishes remaining. When you’re satisfied that the gun is clean, and the anxiety in your mind has lessened slightly, you reassemble your gun and pack up your cleaning kit. 
You move to grab the pistol, intending to put it back where it was hidden in your nightstand but pause your eyes catching on how dirty your hands are. You go to the sink and scrub at your hands until they are rubbed raw. When you’re sure that no remnants of carbon or oil cling to your hands, you pick up the gun in one hand and the gold bracelet in the other. You walk to your room, securing the pistol to the underside of your nightstand and placing the glimmering chain on the surface. 
You can’t risk accidentally damaging it. Better to keep it here, safe. Your fingers ghost along the edges of the sun pendant, still managing to catch some of the light, glimmering up at you. 
The sound of a revving engine causes you to jump. 
Your eyes dart to the time. 1156. You had lost track of time and nearly forgotten that Billy told you he would pick you up at 12. Not knowing what to expect, you just grab your bag, still packed from your walk, and head out the door before Billy can make enough noise to wake your mom. 
Before you step out the door, you take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you have killed monsters before and faced shady government agencies, you should not let Billy fluster you the way he does. You are going to be so calm, he’s going to get bored and stop teasing you. That’s the plan. 
His eyes are on you from the moment you step out of the house, his gaze follows you all the way to the car. Climbing into the passenger seat you notice he’s playing a cassette, it’s the first time you’ve actually recognized the song. You can’t remember the name, but it’s one of the songs Max showed you that day after school. 
“You didn’t have to drive me.” You tell him, buckling your seatbelt. Billy immediately rolls his eyes, huffing a laugh. 
“Yea, tell that to the duct tape holding your shoes together right now, loca.” He shoots back. 
“It’s only one of them.” You grumble, settling into your seat. Billy just chuckles.
“It’s just a ride crazy, don’t make a big deal about it.” He tells you, putting the car in reverse and pulling out of your driveway.
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AN: sorry this took so long 😬
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littlemessyjessi · 2 years
"Mummy Calzones": Billy Hargrove and his Goth GF
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Billy Hargrove and His Goth GF
Billy Hargrove of Stranger Things 
Billy x PS Reader, Billy x Goth GF 
Pre-established relationship 
10/10 treats as you as his little dark queen. 
Doesn't matter if you're little or not. 
You're his baby batling and he'll accept nothing less. 
And so like maybe you have to take Home Ec.  Idk, maybe it was required (it was the 80s) or maybe you just wanted like an easy class.  Idk. 
But like maybe one day you have to make something for the whole class concerning bread.  And maybe you decided to make calzones because they're bread and you can fill them with delicious fillings.  And maybe you decided to make them mummies because it was the perfect opportunity to try the braiding technique. 
And then… nobody would even try them in class.  You're teacher gave you a weird look and your classmates made fun of you because you're the goth kid.  And because 'who makes mummies?' 
And like, you're kinda bummed because you worked really hard on them.  And so you just kinda drag your feet out to the parking lot at the end of the day because you know Billy is out there waiting to take you home.   
And he spots you standing there all dejected with your little tupperware container in your arms and a sad look on your face.  
Naturally, this will not stand.  So he ask you about it and you tell him because it's Billy and you know he's not gonna stop until he has found the source of your unhappiness and remedied it.   
And he's quiet for a moment but then he just takes it from your hands and places a kiss to your forehead.  
"Fuck them, baby.   More for me." he said and rips the lid off.  "I'm fucking starving." 
And homeboy just tears into them, complimenting you on your skills because they are admittedly fucking delicious.  And he tells you how he loves how you think out of the box.  And how creative you are.  And how these are clearly superior to regular calzones anyway. 
And you fall in love all over again because damn it, he's good. 
And it's like that alot with Billy because he knows what it feels like to be singled out. 
Sure, he knows he's hot when it comes to high school. 
He knows he's attractive and it would be easy for him to get what he wants in that crowd. 
He knows he can easily fit in with the popular crowd because he slaughters in basketball, is great in the pool and kills any keg stand competition there is. 
But he also knows what it feels like to be ridiculed on a personal level.  For literally doing nothing.  He knows that kind of pain. 
And he hates it.   He hates it even more because he loves you so much. 
You're his happy place and he couldn't care less what anyone thought about it. 
He knows that he can't change the opinions of others.  
He can't change the past or the hurt. 
However, he knows that he can act in the moment and let you know just how much you mean to him. 
So he does. 
Every chance he gets. 
Hey, loves.  Damn.  I'm fucking soft ok.  Nobody touch me.   Anyway, I would love to know what you think of Billy and his goth gf and if you want to see more of them, please just let me know.  Because, ugh,  I'm so soft for them.  
Love, K 
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shedoesnthaveaclue · 2 years
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Polyghostface- Come Taste
Some suggestive content
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You loved to cook, had done since you were a child. From chicken casserole to a mushroom risotto, you adored being in the kitchen. That was one of the many reasons that Billy and Stu loved you. Whenever they’d had a long day, they wanted nothing more than to come home to find you in your apron cooking their favourites.
Tonight was like many others, the boys squabbling over who gets to pick the movie whilst you stir the sauce to the pasta you had been making for tonight’s dinner.
“Billy, Stu come and taste this sauce I can’t tell what’s missing,” you shout towards the living room and hear the running of feet towards you. They liked to call themselves your sue chefs, always letting you know what needed to be added to your meals.
“Looks delicious baby girl, almost as much as you,” Stu says pulling your back towards his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands travel down to your behind, giving it a light squeeze but you shuffle away from him.
“Wait until after dinner for that Stu, now come taste,” you say and watch as Billy steps away from the doorway he was watching you both from and grabbing the spoon from your hands. He dips the spoon into the sauce and brings it to Stu’s lips, maintaining eye contact with you. Such a tease.
“Tastes good pumpkin, you don’t need to add anything,” Stu mumbles, dipping his head into your neck and leaving a trail of kisses. Billy steps towards you and lifts your chin with his finger. His stare is intense and almost consuming, if Stu’s hands weren’t wrapped securely around your waist your knees may have buckled beneath you.
He allows you to reach towards him and cup he cheek with your palm. His skin is rough having not shaved in a while, his lips are soft as they press lightly against yours.
Stu continues his attack on your neck, lightly sucking and nibbling hickeys into your skin. They loved to mark you, making sure that everyone at school knew you were taken. Whether it was the purple hickeys that had became an accustomed feature on your body or a light cut adorning your thigh from an extra rough session when they’d gotten in after a long evening.
“Might need a taste of something else y/n, what do you say?” Billy whispers against your lips.
“Hmm,” you moan as Stu’s hands move downwards. With the sauce long forgotten, you all made your way to your shared bedroom and like giggling children basked in the company of one another.
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munsluyt · 2 years
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nah bro who EVER said billy’s actions were okay? i wouldn’t say i’m a billy “apologist” and nobody’s saying what he did was all sparkles and rainbows.
girl half of billy stan’s look at him through a canon lens anyway plus we all just want to see him heal, grow and realize his actions were so wrong the fucking character development we were so cruelly deprived of.
also i think stans surrounding billy has a lot to do w empathy, let’s be honest here, a lot of us can relate to the trauma and brainwashing he experienced and how that alone can make you a pretty cold, selfish and ignorant person, you’re in defense mode all the time, that’s whats victim’s of a abuse do? (ESPECIALLY when it’s your own damn parents)
i myself have been through a scary amount of all kinds of abuse in my childhood- let’s not forget BILLY WAS ONLY 17-18- and it took years of therapy to develop a right state of mind. people have issues bro and they deserve the chance to become better people. (this whole “toxic people are damned” is some seriously prejudice shit.)
you’re literally wishing death against someone (granted he’s fictional, but that’s kinda backwards, to sit on your high horse and say someone deserved to die. who tf are you? it’s pretty sick that these billy haters are pretty much stating that the only solution for people like him is to off themselves. people fuck up especially broken/hurting one’s. billy could’ve turned himself around given a healthy environment and i can attest to that.
everyone deserves to better themselves (some people, i will say, are a lot harder to give that consideration but-) if you think otherwise just fuck off with your closed minded self.
lol this had me heated
(the people that are so pressed are pissing me off. LIFE ISNT PERFECT FOR EVERYONE, fuck me man. do you not understand how confusing and damaging it is to have abusive/racist parents? it takes a long time to come into your own line of thinking and heal. racism is disgusting and it’s a generational thing, for some people it’s something they grew up with and have to realize is not normal and wicked. remind yourself his character is only 17. if you don’t agree, if you don’t like what i’ve said here, keep scrolling and move on with your day.)
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Thinking about Billy’s hand resting on the back of the passenger seat where you’re sitting as he looks over his shoulder to back up. Thinking about how his hand lingers there as he keeps driving, sliding down to absently tug at your hair and rub the nape of your neck. Even though he does it without thinking, Billy can’t help but smirk when you lean back into his hands, loving the way you trust him, loving the way you respond to his touch.
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