#because *screams into my hands*
smlbirdds · 1 year
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Paper Rings ruined me in maybe the best way possible, I haven’t gotten these two out of my mind since reading.
art based on beautiful fic by @eeriebarbie <3
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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Just a silly guy, with silly silly thoughts.
@glowweek Day 2
Casual | Surprise
A casual surprise?😬😬😬
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fishbloc · 4 months
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death stranding au because ds2 trailer made me shameless and forced me to draw this idea i had in my head for months. sorry this won't make sense unless you've played the game...
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ride-a-dromedary · 3 months
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[May I kiss you?] I was hoping you would ask.
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3amsnek · 9 months
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weird (not quite) autumn- one layer practice Mae with some vague leaves stuck on for funsies
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theslimeologist · 3 months
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can we take a moment and ask what happened here? like what did they do to her??
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sualne · 11 months
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the puberty jokes now have a whole new meaning!!
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dogwittaablog · 6 months
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Hockey twitter didn’t need to post this 😪
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griancraft · 2 months
Hi guys, this is sort of my official "please, for the love of god, listen to Skyjacks with me” post because I’m losing my mind and all the content I can find is from the latest stuff right now, and I don’t want to spoil myself. I want to be able to talk about this with people!!!! I will make a watch (listen) party discord if there is enough interest. Just give it a chance; you won’t regret it. Also, some information may be wrong or outdated. I’m on episode 11 out of over 200.
Skyjacks is a ttrpg podcast about sky pirates in a world where there was a catastrophe about 200 years ago that left the sea unsafe to sail and maybe even damaged the entire world to the point where civilization is scattered and in small groups. There is very casual queer rep, and it’s casual to the point where it really just fits into the world perfectly.
A brief summary of the premise of the first episode will hopefully get you hooked. I’m really bad at summaries, but I promise it’s a billion times better than how I talked about it here:
Captain Orimar Vale is dead, and a mutiny will be on Gable, Jonnit, Travis, and Dref’s hands if they are unable to keep up the ruse of him being alive. To do this, necromancy (deeply forbidden magic) is performed by the Dref, the ship's doctor, to turn him into a semi-functional zombie. Captain Orimar is famous for his abilities as a captain; to replicate this will take great skill.
As they run out of supplies, they make a desperate decision: port on the land of one of Orimar’s scorned lovers or deal with the growing uneasiness of the rest of the crew. They haven’t seen their captain healthy in months, and whispers about his health are starting. However, greater danger will await them when they take to the skies again, lurking just beyond the clouds…
And more propaganda as to why I think you guys will like it:
There are unique and interesting gameplay mechanics they use to tell a really cool story, and if you like Hermitcraft or any other sorta storytelling-based SMP, I promise you’ll like it. Like. If you liked Boatem from Hermitcraft 8, you’ll love the characters in Skyjacks. The players are exceptionally good at playing their characters, their humour is unmatched by anything similar I’ve had the pleasure of seeing, and the story is prioritized, which I think is an amazing choice.
Best part? It’s still ongoing after, like, 5 years. Some people have left, but a good chunk of the OG cast has stayed. Not that leaving is bad, because holy crap, 5 years is a long time, and stories have to end at some point! It’s a good way of getting into something and knowing there is still a shit ton of content to be explored.
The music is good. The story is good. The characters and humour are amazing. The lore of the world is sprinkled throughout, and as you learn more about the world, the more excited you get. It’s incredible so far, and if you decide to listen to it, I will actually love you forever and ever. My boyfriend is on episode 190, and he finds it so funny every time I go. Oh my god, this is so cool.
Link to the podcast, but in a playlist (up to 180). So it’s in order and easy to find, since it’s a part of something else from the oneshot network:
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overtake · 6 months
thank you for that gifset because i think about the fact that professional driver 3 time formula 1 world champion max verstappen has said before that he doesn’t mind not driving if he knows the person who drives him is capable (he gave his sister as an example, even said she could go too fast) when in a road car, and how daniel likes to show off and be helpful, literally 24/7. max is the ideal passenger princess for daniel because he wouldn’t even insist on playing his own music he’d just go along with whatever daniel wanted 😭😭
Daniel said to Max in this video "You're a good passenger! I would've shat myself" when he's just going crazy in this car on a wet track, but look at Max down here, having the time of his life, so comfortable and confident in Daniel's abilities and never trying to make Daniel stop or tell him what to do.
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(And, despite what Daniel said about how he would've shat himself, he was so unbothered in the video where Max did the driving and raced the other car on rocky, dusty roads).
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And, to steal vital tags from @blamemma ...
#the strongest juxtaposition of daniel constantly being the passenger princess #doesn't necessarily like to drive on normal roads #gets driven to the track by other people #let his mate do most of the driving on the road trip video #prefers to be in the passenger seat #aux cord his responsibility #but YET everytime they do one of these #he takes responsibility #drives max around #feels somewhat....protective....familiar....endearing...
(And of course, like you said, the music would still remain Daniel's responsibility - making it a perfect match - because Max could probably do a full road trip in straight silence. His mind is a terrifying place. I haven't slept right since he said he runs without music.)
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thebrainrotsreal · 1 month
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FINALLYYYYYY. My guys of the jury, this has a tracked 30 damn hours and boy does it feel like it. ANYWAYS, I return for more AU shenanigans because Get Redeemed Loser AU lives in my head rent free. Felt like a nice way to experiment with more vertical style comics? Which is SM EASIER TO PANEL THAN CLASS LAYOUTS. I get why they're so much more common nowadays. Comic,,, so satisfying but at what cost,,, i'm tired. So proud of the top half tho :3.
Okay back to AU brainrot, Mark and Wasp fighting over one of their core differences! I think this is early in their relationship where Mark still thinks Wasp can at least understand what it's like being Nolan's son, only to get smacked in the face with how pride Wasp holds in that title. Anyways, look below to see my suffering made into video.
local artist redoes like 4 damn panels 8 bajillion times and screams into the sky ♡ also if you want fic of this au you should read the fic that @avisisisis wrote about it, ooooo you wanna read it so bad, it's good :3
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misslovasstuff · 14 days
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jula483 · 2 months
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HUG. again 💙🤎
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romance-rambles · 2 months
do you think...would luke feel weird about emma marrying gilbert? they're supposed to be close in age, while gilbert is probably the closest thing he has to a father figure, despite having maybe a max of a decade between them?
then there's also, uh, the elephant in the room
anyways, i can see some angst about where exactly luke slots into this mess of a family. to their kids, is he uncle luke? big brother luke? but, like, it's emma so he probably has to concede that she's good for him, right? idk i feel like that probably makes him feel worse.
[i haven't read gil's route yet]
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sadisthetic · 2 years
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hanbok!!! for fun!
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
holy shit i've spent the past four real life days trying to beat a minigame in stardew valley and i couldn't beat it until today i was doing it and i zoned out while thinking really hard about the logistics of vengestone production and distribution prior to the events of crystalized and i beat it moral of the story zone out and think about a very specific aspect of ninjago you can accomplish anything
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