#baulders gate 3
featherwurm · 3 days
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Just Karlach and Tav being sweet on each other. Goofily entreating and reciprocating affection, talking and thinking, and cuddling in their usual, familiar way (last one is just happy tail swishes.)
They do get married well after everything, it's some years after game events, and after they and Wyll venture through Avernus to force the repair of Karlach's engine, returning to their adventures in Faerûn (Tav takes Karlach's last name as she's always found hers, Felix*, to be slightly embarrassing. Plus with her Dad's many siblings there's lots of Felixes, but with Karlach's parents now gone, not a lot of Cliffgates.
*Some ancestor's attempt to stave off the tiefling penchant for bad luck, she supposes. Tav comes from quite the line of mostly tieflings, unusual though that is, people who found each other over and over, forming what is now quite a clan, although it's more than tieflings anymore, they're definitely the majority.
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Born to Survive (2/2)
part 2 of Astarion's Romance scene in act 1
part 1 link
Astarion x f!Tav (tiefling), Canon Compliant, Explicit af
//This one tried to kill me. Smut, angst, comfort, oh my. Game accurate dialogue up to a point. CW: Good in bed, bad at emotions. Unhealthy...everything when it comes to sex/emotions. Bad communication?? But happy ending. This is the night with Tav that changes everything for Astarion.// Song Rec: The Death of Peace of Mind by Bad Omens
Astarion’s keen ears caught the moment Tav entered the moonlit clearing.
The vampire spawn felt the familiar prickling anticipation of the game he was about to play—a dance of manipulation and survival, dressed up in the silvery light. Where he could slip into the role he was created play. The seductive predator, dangerous and irresistible.
Yet, not so much as to forfeit her faith in him.
An unfamiliar flutter stirred within the pale elf. She was just another pawn in his web. Nothing was different just because he knew her name. And he should not be secretly happy that she would survive to see the sun rise tomorrow.
Astarion ignored the rush of his long since dead heart. This was self preservation; nothing more.
This yearning for anything else was dangerous as putting a stake in her hands.
He could not afford to care how she felt about him, beyond whether or not she would protect him.
Astarion removed his jacket methodically, folding it with deliberate care. As he pulled at the laces of his white shirt, memories came unbidden—clothing pooled around ankles, ripped away from his body, discarded like they weren’t all he had to his name.
Cazador’s mocking voice sneered in his mind. Reminding him of his place. On his knees. On his back. All he was good for.
He draped his folded shirt over a low branch, silencing the heartless laugh echoing in his memory as he slid on the mask he’d donned for centuries.
Astarion’s undead heart might as well b e made of stone. There was nothing left of him but the charm he cast.
“There you are.” Astarion greeted with the hint of a purr in his voice as he stepped from behind a towering oak with a smile already curving his lips.
He let his gaze rake appreciatively over Tav’s form, gratified when her eyes darted from his face to drink in his bared chest and down his body.
The blush on her cheeks when she was caught was just…delicious.
“I’ve been waiting, waiting since the moment I set eyes on you,” Astarion soothed, gliding closer. The moonlight caressed his alabaster skin, lending him an ethereal, almost ghostly beauty. 
At least, he hoped that was how he appeared, striking and seductive in the silver glow.
His prowl came to a stop merely inches from Tav, catching the hitch in her breath as she still hadn’t spoken. Thrilling him with how utterly captivated she was.
“Waiting…to have you.” he finished in a silken murmur, reaching a delicate hand to trail his cool fingers over her flushed cheek.
Suddenly, the tiefling’s eyes snapped up to meet his. Her body reanimated as she shifted from foot to foot with a slash of her tail.
“You sure, Astarion?” Tav asked, Her voice was a maddeningly gentle whisper, her brow creased with a vexing worry.
Why did she have to make this so damn difficult? Couldn’t she just enjoy what they both clearly wanted?
Instead Tav had to ask those weighted words, like she was trying disarm his every charm.
He couldn’t let her pry her way under his flirtatious mask. Whatever broken, battered creature cowered behind his facade could not see the light of day. Astarion had a role to play. The lover Tav would do anything to protect.
His smile never wavered as he steered her away from anything more meaningful than their little dance now, until bairly a hair’s breadth separated their bodies.
“Don’t I have you?” he said with honey in his voice and want in his crimson eyes. “You’re here…and I don’t think you want to talk.”
Knowing her gaze was intent on him, Astarion let his focus drift down the curves of her body—taking in the way her tiefling tail betrayed her. Despite the worry on her brow, Tav’s arrant appendage curled at the tip in obvious interest.
Astarion’s charms were eroding even the hero’s defenses, as they should.
Tav’s full lips parted, and before she could voice another irritatingly perceptive question, Astarion wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling their bodies flush at last.
“I think you want to be known…to be tasted.” His breath ghosted across her skin.
Slowly, giving her time to pull away, he raised a hand to cup her cheek, caressing the fading puncture marks with his thumb.
Finally, Tav shivered at his touch. Her slit pupils went wide, and her tail curled fully to the small of her back. Just when he was about to taste her lips for the first time…she had to open her mouth.
“What do you want, Astarion?”
In his wretchedly long mockery of a life, no one had ever asked him that. No lover. No target. And certainly no master.
Why did Tav threaten to crack his facade with every damn word she said.
What did he want? Blood. Protection. Freedom. Safety.
Astarion sliced that thread before either of them could follow it too closely.
The vampire turned Tav’s head, breaking that too honest gaze, letting his lips brush her pointed ear instead. “What do any of us want? Pleasure. Yours, mine, our collective ecstasy.” He let each word drip with promise.
Her resistance finally melted away.
A smile graced that sweet mouth and her lithe form leaned into his. She reached for him at last, her hands coming to rest on his waist, and he could nearly sigh as the heat of her skin seeped into his perpetual chill.
Her touch was still too tentative for him.
Astarion captured her wrists in his long fingers, drawing her hands up along the sculpted planes of his chest to loop around his neck, ducking his head to tease his lips over hers. "
“That’s it. That’s what you want, isn’t it…to lose yourself in me?”
He wasn’t asking. It was what they always wanted. His touch. His attention. His body. All he was good for.
The vampire nearly gloated when she sighed his name—the noble tone was so weak under the want.
At last, Astarion had dragged the honorable Tav down to his level of depravity.
Her pulse thrummed wildly under his palms, betraying her at last. How badly she must want him. How he’d stripped away her suspicion and caution until only need remained.
“I thought so.” He purred with pure gratification.
Tav leaned up on her toes, pressing through the hands cupping her face, and closing the distance between their mouths.
Astarion had kissed countless lips in his time. Thousands of fleeting moments, rushed, careless, clashing, teeth and tongues.
Tav’s kiss was nothing like that.
It was warm, reverent in a way Astarion knew he did not deserve, even as he slid easily into the motions. Trying to bury her tenderness in wanton desire.
But then, Tav leaned into his palm, nuzzling her cheek into his hand, pointed fingers threading through his.
And it was such an artless, intimate gesture that suddenly threatened to choke him.
Desperate to quash this unnamed feeling before it could take root—Astarion claimed Tav’s mouth in a searing kiss. Biting her bottom lip to banish any sweetness she gave.
Tav could feel her pulse fluttering in her ears as Astarion caressed her every curve with effortless grace. His lips felt like they were everywhere, and his skilled tongue stoked a delicious heat within the tiefling.
She was lost to every delicate touch. His nimble fingers deftly undid the laces of her bodice, unhooking the fastenings of her trousers.
Tav hardly noticed until he was pulling her to step out of the puddle of her clothes to be pulled into the hard line of his body against hers.
His elegance was unmatched to any lover she’d had. They hardly needed to exchange—and Astarion seemed disinclined to speak at all as he lavished attention down her neck and her collarbones with his perfect mouth.
Tav was desperate. Not just for more skin-tingling touches, but to return some of the bliss he bestowed on her.
Her fingers grasped at Astarion’s silken hair, catching him for a moment so she could leave her own kisses along the chiseled line of his jaw, down the pale column of his neck.
The vampire’s throat went motionless under her mouth the lower she went. Of course, she didn’t expect to feel a fluttering pulse, but it was like he’d forgotten to breathe. Had passion erased his pretense of needing air?
Tav just wondered this as her lips reached the twin scars on his neck—and Astarion went rigid.
Her heart seized.
She overstepped, maybe reminded him of his painful past, and she had to apologize.
The words were already on her tongue, when he caught her by the chin and pulled her back.
“As much as I enjoy your affections, darling,” he purred, ruby eyes gleaming wickedly, “I have much better plans for that sweet mouth of yours.”
Then he was kissing her again, deeply, ardently. Tav whined as the points of his fangs grazed her bottom lip, sending licks of fire through her veins. He knew exactly what he was doing as he ravished her, and  her awkwardness forgotten as he tried to drown her in arousal.
Nothing existed but Astarion’s clever hands, his sinful lips, and the delicious ache building between her thighs.
The awkwardness of the moment was forgotten as she clung to him. Nothing compared to the intensity of being the focus of Astarions attention. She felt ravished before he even stooped to wrap her legs around his waist, but he barely broke their kiss.
Tav eagerly complied, locking her arms around his shoulders, careful of his neck, though curling her quivering tail around his torso too.
Astarion pressed her into the rough bark of a nearby tree, his hands digging possessively into her thighs.
She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her. She was giddy with arousal, slicker still as she felt the hard length of his cock just press against her.
Gods, she needed him inside her.
“Playful little tiefling.” Astarion murmured appreciatively, his voice like dark velvet against her ear.
Tav giggled again, giving a deliberate twitch of her tail. “Well, biting is basically foreplay for my kind,” she teased, fingers threading through his curls, careful of the points of her nails as she murmured against his lips. “I shoulda warned ya, before that first little nibble by the campfire.”
If their bodies weren't so closely interlaced, their noses gently grazing each other as Astarion teasingly ground his hips into hers, stirring her eagerness for the forthcoming fervor, she may have missed the swift flicker of emotion that danced across Astarion's handsome face.
Uncertainty. Discomfort even…at being bitten? That made sense he would be cautious of the reminder—but the expression was gone in a blink. Replaced with a roguish grin.
“Is that so? Then you’ve already surrendered yourself to me.”
Oh, how damn cocky could a man be?
Sure, he was turning her to a mess just rutting against her. But Tav arched a brow. “I can’t just…let you win.”
The tiefling simpered, even as she tilted her head to the side, baring the tantalizing line of her throat. Showing off the fading bite.
That bright ruby gaze darkened, rivited, zeroed in on her fluttering pulse. He leaned in, fangs bared, as she slid her tail away from him.
In flick of her tail, Tav leveraged herself off of the tree, sending them both tumbling into the soft grass.
She landed atop him, legs caging his hips, grinning at his startled expression.
To Tav’s surprise and delight, a warm and genuine laugh burst from Astarion’s lips. His eyes sparkled with an inner light, bright and unreserved in a way she’d never seen from him before. Tav was transfixed by just the glimpse of raw, unguarded emotion on his face.
The spell couldn’t last forever.
Astarion’s hands seized her hips, using his vampiric strength and speed to flip Tav onto her back, pinning her into the grass.
Her air escaped in a huff as he captured her wrists and pressed them into the ground, rendering her wonderfully helpless.
“Alright, alright, I yield!” Tav laughed breathlessly, squirming only half-heartedly in his stone grip. “You win.”
Still smiling, she tipped her head back, baring her throat in surrender—eliciting a low, greedy sound from Astarion. This time, he did not hesitate.
Hot, stinging pleasure burst through her blood as the vampire’s fangs sank into her skin. She shivered, happily helpless, under the icy ecstasy of his bite. His body leaned heavily and perfectly into the cradle of hers.
His long fingers came around to cushion her head, just as the first night he fed from her. Tav hardly noticed when Astarion released her wrists, other than she could dreamily slide her fingers into his white curls. On instinct, she brushed the pads of her thumbs along the tender points of his ears.
Astarion startled in her hold.
A blissful sound echoed against her throat, and the twin points of pain disappeared as his focus wavered. He pulled back from her, crimson lingering on his lips.
“Elves and their ears.” Tav answered his unasked question, repeating the gentle stroke to prove her point, gratified when he was the one to give a shudder. “Shall I stop?”
“Don’t you dare,” Astarion growled playfully, before diving back down to reclaim her lips. She teased his gorgeous ears as long as he would allow, before he seemed to remember himself—and pulled back with a darker gaze.
“Let me show you my favorite trick.” He purred, kissing a trail down her heated body. Lavishing attention on her breasts before settling between her thighs like he belonged there.
His strong, elegant hands curled under her hips, lifting her soaking folds to his wickedly talented tongue.
The first stroke across her clit had Tav arching with a cry, sparks igniting behind her eyelids. Astarion was relentless, laving and suckling with single-minded focus, devouring her pussy like he hungered for nothing else. His clever fingers slid into her, thrusting and curling with unerring accuracy.
He was overwhelming in the most delightful way.
“Astarion,” Tav gasped, half a sob in her throat. Her fingers tangled in his hair. Pleasure was building inside her like a cresting wave until she thought she might shatter from it. 
Just as the peak crashed over her, Tav’s tail curled adoringly around Astarion’s arm, the spaded tip digging into his bicep. Astarion groaned against her, the sound reverberating through her pussy—until she was trembling in the grass.
“Darling…I am not finished with you yet.” his breath was panting against his thigh, his lips shining with her slick in the moonlight.
His eyes burned into hers as he lowered his mouth back to her, drawing a feral whimper from her mouth. He worked her through the aftershocks with his lips and mouth and the edge of his teeth—then built her back up again, drawing every ounce of pleasure from the tiefling’s body until she was left boneless and blissed out.
By the time Tav found her voice again, she’d lost count of how many times he’d made her come. 
“Astarion,” she rasped. “Please. I need you.”
In a flash, he was over her, the blunt head of his cock nudging against her entrance. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” he said with that damnable roguish grin.
Then he was sliding into her, hard and thick and perfect, and Tav could only hang on as he took her apart all over again. She was so sensitive, the pleasure bordering on pain, that it only took a few deep strokes before she was clenching around him, keening her release.
Astarion swallowed the sound with his mouth, kissing her deeply as he continued to move within her. Tav felt owned, treasured, utterly consumed by the brilliant creature in her arms. In that moment, she would have happily let him devour her whole.
Astarion thrust into her with smooth, measured strokes, the perfect rhythm to draw out her satisfaction. His face was buried in the crook of her neck as he murmured filthy praises against her skin, just as he was supposed to.
“You are so terribly intoxicating, my love. So perfectly wrapped around me. Like you were made just to undo me.”
Tav was a mess under him, her careful words lost to the sensation of him moving inside her. Her limbs tangled around him and she tried to pull him down for a kiss.
Astarion evaded her lips, lavishing attention on her throat instead. Letting his mind slip away again.
It wasn’t long before she was clenching around him again, shuddering through another intense climax. Astarion worked her through it, then gradually slowed his pace. When Tav finally resurfaced, sated and pliant in his arms.
Just where he needed her to be.
“Fuck,” she sighed, pressing the heel of her palm over her eyes as she still caught her breath. He slid from her still quivering body, though she still clung to him with her curled tail.
“I shall take that as a compliment.” He chuckled at her side, pressing his lips to the skin before her ear.
“Astarion, did you…?”
The vampire tensed almost imperceptibly before pulling back to look at her, a practiced smile curving his lips. 
“I was, concentrating…you had me captivated, darling.” He glossed over. It was easy to ignore his own ache, and most of his conquests were happy to let him. “Brilliant, beautiful thing you are.”
Astarion eased, pressing her back into the grass. He sat up, resting on his bent knee, as he let himself detachment from the moment.
Tav's frown caught his attention as she studied him from where she was still laid back in the moonlit grass. “Hey, is everything okay? I want to make you feel good, too.”
Her words took him by surprise. Make him feel good? That simply didn’t factor into any script he played in someone else’s bed.
His mouth opened and closed in silent confusion before he shook off the disorientation.
"I...no, everything’s fine. Wonderful, in fact. You’ve been perfect, darling," he responded smoothly. Astarion couldn’t pull his mask into place. Weak, vulnerable, aching—confused as to what he should do next.
But there was no dungeon to draw her towards. No master to turn her over to. Tav was not a target. What was he meant to do?
Astarion laid back, wondering if he should feign exhaustion. Until Tav fell asleep and he could slip away.
With a gentle smile, and a little unsteady as she rose, Tav slid her hands up Astarion’s chest to frame his face. “Let me concentrate on you now,” she murmured, shifting until she was straddling his hips again.
He clung to her waist on instinct, but didn’t grip hard enough to stop her from moving over him.
“Is that alright, Astarion?”
She kept saying his name, drawing his eyes back to hers, to the want in hers that was more than want.
The warmth was overwhelming.
“Yes,” He agreed, hearing his own breathless assent. Telling himself it was just to be relieved of that adoring look in her eyes.
Tav drew him along her palm, sinking down on his hardness inch by heavenly inch. 
Astarion gasped gently. For once, he seemed at a loss for words, ruby eyes wide and locked on hers as she began to move.
Undulating slowly, Tav leaned in to capture his lips, kissing him deeply, reverently. 
His own mouth was…hesitant. The way she kissed him, the way she kissed, the way she moved, dragged that unbidden yearning from somewhere deep inside him.
Like his first taste of her neck, something about this felt forbidden. Too rich for his blood.
But then Astarion was kissing Tav back feverishly, sitting up to tangle one hand in her hair to hold her close. Like he was starving all over again.
Tav kept the pace languid, letting Astarion savor every slide and press, her pussy quivering around him still. He’d thought he’d worn her out so thoroughly—but she persisted.
She peppered kisses across his angular cheekbones, the corner of his mouth, his temples. Astarion shuddered beneath her, a soft whimper escaping him as she rolled her hips just so.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Tav crooned. “Just feel. Let go for me.”
Time seemed to slip from him yet again—but he felt every breath against his lips, her forehead pressed to his with agonizing sweetness. Her fingers curled into the hair at the base of his neck, and he clung to her in turn.
Astarion felt his body stiffen involuntarily, a flicker of apprehension. His armor trying to snap back into place, one last ditch attempt to wall him off.
“Tav…” his voice was a broken plea.
Her relentless warmth ceased every vulnerability in him. Her arms wrapped around him, shielding out the rest of the world, the rest of his thoughts.
Those damnable eyes with unwavering affection as they locked onto his.
"I've got you," Tav murmured with a fervor that echoed through him. "You're so good, Astarion."
Her words sent him spiraling into the abyss with a ragged gasp as his climax washed over him, spilling deep within her.
Astarion could feel her arms drawing him closer, her fingers threading through his curls and whispering praises and reassurances that seeped into his dead marrow.
He clung to her desperately, hiding himself in the crook of her neck as he was the one to tremble.
In this moment, stripped bare of all pretenses and disguises he wore. All Astarion could do was cling tighter to Tav, hoping that she could feel even a sliver of the affection and reverence that burned within him.
Astarion watched her as she lay back, unable to rip his eyes away or compose his face in to something prettier.
She laughed breathlessly, but the elf remained still, waiting. Bracing himself for the inevitable withdrawal, for her warmth to leave him bereft and alone once more.
That part of the script was surely still intact.
They took their pleasure, then cast him aside. Or worse.
But Tav did neither.
She nestled close, resting her head on his chest with a contented sigh. Astarion glanced down at her, watching the way her fingers idly traced invisible patterns on his cool skin. The casual intimacy of it made his throat tighten.
After a moment, Tav lifted her gaze to his, a playful smile curving her kiss-swollen lips. “Not much for cuddling after?” she teased gently, but she was already lifting herself off of him.
Astarion huffed a laugh, hoping it masked the confused tangle of emotions her tenderness evoked. “It’s not exactly my forte.” 
He should be using his glib charm to get them back to camp, saying they should get some sleep. But with Tav...he hesitated. Loath to break this fragile, unfamiliar spell between them. 
As if sensing his inner turmoil, Tav shifted to lay her head in the grass beside him, relinquishing her claim on his space.
But as her warmth and weight left him, Astarion felt strangely bereft. Unmoored. His hand darted out to catch hers, lacing their fingers together as he turned to face her.
Tav’s ever-radiant smile dawned across her face. She squeezed his hand gently, like it was the most precious thing she’d ever held. “This okay?” she asked softly.
Slowly, deliberately, she brought his knuckles to her lips, pressing a lingering kiss to the back of his hand. Like he was the prey she feared startling.
Tav slid their joined hands up to rest over Astarion’s still heart, her expression open and tender in a way that made his breath catch.
Astarion swallowed hard to gain even a tenuous control. “More than,” he managed, voice rough with everything he couldn’t quite say.
Tav smiled at him, and those bright eyes held nothing—no guile, no ulterior motive. Only affection and a hint of something that looked dangerously close to…adoration.
It terrified him even as some long-dormant part of his soul ached for more.
“Good,” he breathed at last, barely recognizing his own voice.
As he slid his arm around Tav’s shoulders, pulling her back to his chest beneath the star-strewn sky, a sudden realization hit him with the force of a charging bulette.
In all his long existence, he had never spent the night with a lover. Had never wanted to. But now, with Tav a warm, trusting weight in his arms, he found himself hoping desperately that this wouldn’t be the last time.
There would be time to figure this out later, he told himself. To untangle the confusing snarl of warmth and want and unspoken yearning twisting beneath his ribs. 
And yet, as Tav’s breathing gradually slowed and deepened with the onset of sleep, Astarion discovered that there was nowhere in all the realms he’d rather be.
Perhaps, just this once, he could let himself have this. Could dare to imagine a future beyond mere survival.
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pileojunk · 3 days
Some various BG3 art and some designs for a new dnd character I’m playing, I will eventually get back on top of posting regularly I just kinda died after submissions and have been rotting in bed or playing BG lmao
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byrdling · 2 days
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“Haven’t I given enough?”
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imidnightrosei · 3 days
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Baby me loved this white hairrd traumatized bitch (affectionate)
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and teenage me loves THIS ALSO TRAUMATIZED WHITE HAIRED BITCH (affectionate)
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emmieart · 2 days
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my loves
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za-ra-h · 3 months
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Shadowheart 🖤
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midnigtartist · 1 month
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I’m taking his boon every time
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lucklessrat · 13 days
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I added a Gale to this lineup. Gonna turn these in to stickers hehe
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featherwurm · 19 hours
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Thinking about modern AU Karlach's bike - I don't want to just give her a Harley, pretty though they can be. I like specificity and detail. I feel like she'd be enough of a gearhead to be into more vintage bikes, and she deserves something really special, and so for the moment I wanted her to have a Vincent Black Shadow - a lovely (but still powerful for it's size and profile) British bike from the 40s with a distinctive shiny black engine.
While they're expensive (and rare), maybe she found an absolute junker of one and has poured a lot of time and energy into restoration.
(With the caveat that I think of the Modern AU as just being in a modern Baulder's Gate, so the same naming conventions of real world stuff shouldn't apply - but I wanted to sketch a cool bike.)
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teamblck · 6 months
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it’s me i’m girls
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generalxiaolong · 7 months
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How could I not draw them
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madbahlzstuff · 1 month
Karlach the SECOND you stand still lol
Volume up!
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 6 months
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my boyfriend husband doesn't believe that his cat bullies mine
pt. 2
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internetwesley · 10 months
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botanicalbard · 9 months
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