#baul zigvolt
hanafubukki · 2 days
Hi Hana!
Something just hit me. So we know Lilia is most likely or was hella flexible. Do you think Baul is also flexible? Like it would make sense but what do you think?
Hello Althea 🌺🌷🌻
Ohhh Lilia was definitely flexible. He mentions in Malleus’ glorious masquerade, he would do calisthenics during his time in the guard. Lilia described it as a performance that would overwhelm others. And seeing as how Baul was part of the guard…he’s definitely flexible too 😌💞
Have you seen Lilia’s thighs in his general card?? That fae is hella flexible.
The personal story can be read here (it’s one of my faves 💞💞)
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tacc0yak1 · 1 month
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grandpas being grandpas….
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fearmeeeee · 2 months
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sunanthonyz · 2 months
I realized it's spring now
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shirofairy · 5 months
Baby Malleus
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Baby Lilia
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Baby Baul
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prinxurie · 2 months
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requests from the RP server
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luxthestrange · 11 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#547 Not in front of the babies-
You are currently dressed up in silks and cloak for Your and Silver's presence doesn't startle the locals of briar valley...tho having Lilia & Baul as your outfit helpers were...
Yuu*is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
RoyalGuard!Lilia*Eyes glued to the knot holding your pants to your...soft human skin waist*...Like its slips on and off really easily...
RoyalGuard!Lilia*Realized a tad too late what he said*N-No, I didn't mean it like that-
Baul*With Baby Sebek and Silver climbing him like monkies, unmoving looking at Lilia with judgy eyes*We know what you meant
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babylemonart · 11 months
The return of tsun grandpa Baul! Based on the tags from @satisfactoryanswer123
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ryllen · 6 months
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ventique18 · 4 months
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Meleanor (Goddess of the Entire Universe) Draconia commented: THOSE ARE OVERBLOT STONES.
Lilia replied to Meleanor (Goddess of the Entire Universe) Draconia: I think those are chicken pops. I also fed him some yesterday.
Baul Zigvolt replied to Lilia: Sir Vanrouge, please refrain from feeding the prince your home cooking. The Food and Drug Administration has blacklisted you from serving meals.
Headmage replied to Meleanor (Goddess of the Entire Universe) Draconia: They are overblot nuggets as they are smaller. They will make him powerful! He will be the strongest mage in Twisted Wonderland before we know it. #HealthyAndNatural 🥰
Meleanor (Goddess of the Entire Universe) Draconia replied to Headmage: COME HOME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!
Meleanor (Goddess of the Entire Universe) Draconia replied to Lilia: YOU! DO NOT TOUCH MY SON! I WILL FEED YOU COAL!
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suntails · 6 months
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rayroseu · 6 months
The Ordeal of Finding a Friend
(This is based on the theory that if Meleanor is in the dark mirror,,, then does that mean that she's responsible for recruiting students for NRC--?? then does that mean that she also chose someone to be Malleus' friend(Prefect🔥)-- with a little assistance from Levan if he's Crowley🐦‍⬛🐉
also inspired by that scene in Maleficent 2 where Maleficent was displeased about Aurora's engagement and the mini plan to just turn Philip as a goat cuz she thinks its better than a human--
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Thus,,, on the day of the Orientation...
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I like to imagine that this is Meleanor and Levan's dynamic ykyk its a nice callout to Maleficent and Diaval where Maleficent is dubious on Philip but Diaval is just supportive of Philip's proposal because it makes Aurora(in this case Malleus) happy 😭✨
I also like to imagine that Meleanor slowly opens up to humans like she isnt easily fond of them- so if you introduce one to her, you'll need to 'work' for it
so during those times where Meleanor still disapproves the Prefect and Malleus' dynamic... even though Levan and Lilia repeatedly confirms that theyre a green flag... they'll just annoy her like the annoying partners they are-- (also Lilia living the life‼️finally✨ he gets to bother Meleanor🔥(cuz she always bother him with her troubles lol))
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I really want other faes to react that Malleus first normal social experience was through a magicless human too‼️
they sheltered their prince out of humans (except for Lilia w/ Silver ehehe💖) but the first one to befriend him normally was a human too
like,,,, fr this nation is destined to get along with humans,,, no wonder Levan was trying to convince anyone to sign the peace treaty already 😭
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Baul reacting to MalleYuu and he's just having war flashbacks about his daughter eloping with her human husband whldhsk
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tacc0yak1 · 3 months
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hmmmm nothing changes between these grandpas
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anemonepoisson · 14 days
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So chapter 7 has me in shambles over the idea of Baul reading with Sebek every night so like
i had to get it outta my system
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hanafubukki · 8 months
Can be seen as a part 2 to this fic (after some time has passed that is) or can be read as a stand-alone.
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“Leave me alone human!”
“For someone who is chained to the ground and gravely injured, you’re pretty loud.”
“I’ll rip you from limb to limb.”
“Why don’t you get better first before we get there hmm?”
General Lilia Vanrouge screeched at you in the fae language, some of which you knew were curses. Ah yes, you can’t wait to make fun of your Lilia when you get back to your time. His cursing while playing video games had you easily recognizing some of them now.
Luckily for you and your ears, the General wore himself out. The wounds from the iron and those of the battles weakened him.
It didn’t help that he also had a fever as a result. You were put in this cell to help him recover. Humpty Dumpty- well, King Henrik, implied it was the least you could do.
A random human that was pick up by his men, who was using valuable resources that could go to his soldiers instead. Never mind the fact that you helped treat said soldiers and gather said resources.
The Knight of Dawn had clenched his fist, about to speak up on your behalf. But you simply grabbed his hand and shook your head. It wasn’t worth it. King Henrik would just make his life harder for talking back, and you didn’t want that. The Knight of Dawn dealt with enough, you didn’t want to add onto his troubles.
…But you also didn’t realize that meant staying locked up in this cell with General Lilia Vanrouge either.
The General wasn’t exactly happy when he first met you, and you couldn’t blame him. You just weren’t used to the open hatred from familiar eyes you would see everyday. Eyes that were always friendly to you, now burned you.
The first time you tried to provide him treatment, he had fought back until his wounds weakened him to an unconscious state. You had silently treated him then. Not a soul a witness to your tears.
As the weeks passed, the General gradually stopped fighting back, probably due to his weakening state…it didn’t shut his mouth though funny enough.
You were only let out for a change of clothes, a bath, a proper meal, and a bed to sleep in every few days. Even then, King Henrik made it seem as if that was too good for you.
You later found out it was due to the Knight of Dawn’s request that you were even allowed such accommodations. Your heart ached at the idea of what he must have gone through to get you this, as you knew King Henrik did not treat him well.
You breathed softly, you wished you could return home soon.
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You were dressing a wound on Lilia when you felt him stir.
You took a wet cloth and wiped his forehead.
He must be dreaming about his family.
You knew all would be well in the future, but that didn’t mean current events didn’t affect you.
It hurt you to see so many struggle in a useless war, due to greed from one man.
Lilia clutched at his stomach, his sharp claw like nails reopening the wounds you had painstakingly bandaged.
You quickly grabbed his hands and sucked in a breath of pain. His nails dug into your skin, drawing blood. His grip could break your bones to tiny, incomprehensible pieces, but you held on.
You knew he wanted to be free and return home, to protect his loved ones. You were determined to heal him for that very reason.
“Damn it Lilia Vanrouge! You will get through this! You have so much to look forward to. So many people who love you! Now, stop being a prick and let me go so I can treat you!”
Surprisingly, he let you go. You ignored your bleeding, aching hands in order to reseal his wound.
“…will you be in that future?”
You froze, turning and looking into feverish eyes.
General Lilia Vanrouge fell into a deep sleep for the next 10 days.
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You were returning to Lilia’s cell when a knife was held to your neck.
“Human, where is the fae you captured?”
Ah, it seems rescue finally arrived for Lilia. It took them long enough.
You looked up into hardened, familiar eyes. Baul Zigvolt would have been a sight for sore eyes if he didn’t, you know, have a knife to your throat.
“I would gladly show you if you take that knife away.”
“Besides, I was heading right in that direction. If you don’t want to be caught, you better hurry.”
You continued walking, listening to Baul grumble about frustrating humans. You couldn’t help the slight smile on your face as you remembered similar words said by his grandson.
You led Baul quickly and quietly to the cell that practically became a second home to you. No one in sight. You had noticed, unlike the men that the Knight of Dawn commanded, the men directly under King Henrik were…well, just like him: sleazy and lazy.
They let their guards down thinking The Right General of the Fae was too weak and couldn’t take any of them on. They even implied you were nothing but a sacrificial lamb should said Fae get angry, but of course, they would rescue you at a price.
It took you all you could not to spit in their faces or smash their heads on the wall. The self defense lessons Silver and Sebek taught you provided security that you would forever be grateful for.
It was due to this fatal thinking that Baul was able to infiltrate the base, as the men went to seek entertainment elsewhere.
When you arrived, you opened the cell door quietly so as to not hurt sensitive ears. The sun was high enough for the cell to be well lit.
You heard Baul hiss in anger before rushing to his general’s side. Lilia didn’t seem surprised to see him, telling you how he must have always known rescue would come for him.
“Careful! You’ll-”
Baul recoiled from the burns the iron chains struck at him.
“I tried to warn you.” You shook your head. You sat next to Lilia, taking his hand in yours. From the corner of your eye, you could see Baul tense but Lilia motioned for him to remain calm.
You picked at the lock. Another thing to be thankful for, your lock picking skills, which you learned quickly from days you were locked outside of Ramshackle Dorm because Grim forgot the key or the door just wouldn’t open.
“You got it in one go this time.”
“I told you I had surprises up my sleeves. I just needed the right tools.”
“Hmm, so you say.”
Baul looked at both of you as if you both at grown two heads each. Lilia noticed his look and waved towards his feet. Where chains that should have been locked were open.
“Any longer, Baul, and I would have rescued myself.”
Baul stammered before apologizing. You turned away to hide your smile.
Within moments, the atmosphere changed. General Lilia Vanrouge had to escape and return to his men.
“You have to leave. You need to return to your troops."
Lilia clenched his jaw, looking at you. You couldn't return with him; you both knew that. It didn't stop him from trying, but you shook your head before he could even open his mouth.
"I can't go with you."
A human amongst the fae would not last long, at least not now. There was too much hatred.
You took the cuffs that had been his tormentor for so long and locked them around your hands. You chose to ignore the angry growl Lilia tried to hide at the sight of the cuffs now imprisoning you.
"I'll make it look like you escaped, now go."
"They'll hurt you."
You shook your head.
"The Knight of Dawn would never let that happen."
He knew you were right. The Knight of Dawn had visited several times, helping you treat his wounds and restrain him when the fever would have him lash out at you.
The Knight of Dawn had honor, as a fellow general and soldier, Lilia respected him for it. Lilia pulled one of his magic stones off his belt before offering it to you.
"Take this. Smash it to the ground if you need help, I'll find you."
You agreed and watched the two soldiers turn to leave. General Lilia Vanrouge hesitated before speaking, "You told me you would be in my future."
"I will be."
"You better keep that promise, YN."
"I will."
General Lilia Vanrouge and Baul Zigvolt vanished from your sight.
I'll see you both soon.
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Part 3 (each part takes place after some time has passed) or can be read as a stand-alone.
Author’s Notes: I can’t believe this became a 1.5k fic, the way this bat fae drives me crazy. 😂💞🌺
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bklily · 2 months
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What could possibly defeat them when they're together?
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While the pair is having their bonding moment, Lilia is on the verge of a stress induced heart attack
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