#barbie and ken
thapunqueen · 10 months
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Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you...
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goosewizard · 11 months
just saw Barbie so here are some (non-spoilery) highlights:
ken becoming DEEPLY obsessed with horses
MULTIPLE highly choreographed dance numbers that last for several minutes
kens job is beach
a tween calls Barbie a fascist (?????? ok screenwriters)
mojo dojo casa house
kens big mink coat having a HORSE THEMED LINING
i know we were deeply obsessed with the outfits but good god. the OUTFITS.
extensive Barbie lore
Barbie’s heart to heart with a lovely old woman
the kens building a wall
beaching one another off
like twelve executives on one tandem bike
depression Barbie
i am kenough :)
beautiful beautiful deeply camp coming of age story with layers and so much life. ive gained twenty new sewing projects from the opening shots of Barbieland alone. made my gf cry. 20/10
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everyonesannoyedwithme · 10 months
i feel like everyone's really glossing over the fact that allan canonically killed someone. there is a doll IN CANON with a kill count. i love him
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hausmakes · 10 months
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The Barbies… and Allan
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reprehensible-ghost · 10 months
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Is this anything?
The hanged man tarot card can often symbolize wisdom and enlightenment through sacrifice. Thought it was fitting for Barbie :)
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justemoi76 · 1 year
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arealtrashact · 10 months
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The Creation of Ken.
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perplexedhedgehog · 10 months
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about the Barbie movie and about the parts that touched on real-life dynamics, but the most uncomfortably real part to me is something I haven’t seen talked about yet, and it’s when Ken ultimately collapses and Barbie goes to talk to him. And EVERY TIME she tries to support him, he interprets her words as his cue to try and make a move romantically. And every time she gently rejects his advances he collapses wailing and slapping himself to the point that she feels bad. For being honest about not wanting a relationship with him.
“No, Ken, this isn’t the answer,” was the best line in response to his existential problems and I’m 100% glad they had both Barbie sticking to it and the other Kens positively supporting Ken without having to dunk on Barbie or call her a bitch for refusing to fake romantic feelings she does not have.
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a-curious-squirrel · 10 months
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Teenage Fashion Model and her Boyfriend
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fivevotesdown · 1 year
i love y'all but u gotta quit putting men as kens for being men ken isn't ken because he's a man. barbie isn't barbie bc she's a woman. ken is ken because he's maximum babygirl and barbie is barbie bc she's maximum girlboss. Naruto is a ken but Sasuke is a barbie. princess bubblegum is a barbie marceline is a ken. house is barbie wilson is ken gatsby is a barbie nick is a ken howl pendragon and Sophie are both Barbies zuko and sokka are ken4ken. are you getting it
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koreemii · 11 months
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I've never uploaded anything on Tumblr before idk but here's something I did
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byler-is-endgame7 · 10 months
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rollinrabbit · 9 months
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I'd give you the world on a silver platter Would it even matter?
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unoreversecowgirl · 1 year
ryan gosling was not picked as ken because he looks like ken, obvi lol. gosling was picked because of vibes, personality and what he represents: “all american”, conventionally attractive, generic but handsome, golden retriever, himbo. he’s not ken, he’s Ken-esque.
edit: and i like the casting :)
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peachhoneii · 10 months
Ken was more than an antagonist/villain but a representation/metaphor for all the sweet boys in our lives who eventually grew up to be misogynistic men. Who take more than they’ll ever give. They are the boys who felt under-appreciated and unloved and found validation from Andrew Tate podcasts.
A lot of women if not all can relate to that on some level. Son. Brother. Friend. Cousin. Nephew. Uncle. It happens so much more than we want to think about. It’s so prevalent and sad that despite everything Ken did, Barbie apologized to him and received no apology in return.
Barbie Land was far kinder than Kendom. The Barbies were dismissive about the Kens, yes, but they were always treated kindly and with some decorum. Kendom literally made the Barbies their servants designed to cater to their every whim. Just look at that. And even then, Barbie apologized. President Barbie gave them a (admittedly low) position in the courts as a token of good will. A fairly realistic take right there but so sad considering the harm they’d done.
He stole her dreamhouse. He stole Barbie’s dreamhouse. And she apologized for hurting him.
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buzz-season · 10 months
i think the difference between the barbie's treatment of ken's in barbieland vs the ken's treatment of barbie's in kendom can be summed up pretty easily actually:
barbie's ignored ken, realistically they were given an opportunity to have their own lives and do what they wanted and they didn't do it. everything revolved around their barbie's, ken would only have a good day if barbie did or if barbie acknowledged him. they never tried to do anything they genuinely wanted to.
whereas when the ken's took over, they brainwashed the barbie's into liking them and doing things for them. they would bring them beers and act like waitresses, give them foot massages or watch films they otherwise wouldn't be interested in. they became mindless and existed to serve the ken's. they were no longer just friends with the barbie's, they didn't want barbie to love them back, they wanted to own them.
people talking about ken falling down the patriarchy pipeline out of neglect or loneliness but why couldn't the ken's form friendships and communities like the barbie's did? why is it up to barbie to ensure that ken doesn't feel that way? at what point is it acceptable to blame barbie for ken's feelings? barbie let ken come to her party, watched him beach, held him whilst he went to the hospital, agreed to let him go on her journey, says hi to him when she sees him, things friends do and things she's shown doing with all the other barbie's, but if he still feels loneliness after that because she doesn't want to kiss him or doesn't love him back, why is that barbie's fault? meanwhile the entire time ken is ignoring other ken's out of his fixation on barbie and is even trying to "beach" other ken's off and causing problems with other ken's to gain barbie's attention
to me it's the perfect representation of the real world in the sense that women will leave men alone, men will want to own women, and women will be blamed for men's neglect and loneliness but it's a paper cage they create for themselves because they refuse to see women as individuals and arguably they don't actively try to create and nurture communities in the same way women do. ken's story is sad yes, but it's a story of his own design and what makes it worse is that he blames barbie for it. not himself, not mattel, no the real world but barbie, who's friendly disinterest in him means that she should be the one who is blamed and punished
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