#bakugo masaru
burquillos · 2 months
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Almost forgot to drop this here😅 “A boy raised with love”!!
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mymhameme · 8 months
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He always has shit to say about something.
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myheromedia · 7 months
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Bakugo Mitsuki & Masaru
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tawney · 6 months
(Mha 409 spoilers)
Hot take: Baby Katsuki is not that ugly, he just looks like a newborn. Most fresh newborns look like naked mole rats, Horikoshi is just being realistic. Give it a week and he'll look cuter.
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rowanwithaz · 7 months
Daily Reminder:
Mitsuki and Masaru are like married Dkbk but without the angst.
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(There are a lot of panels in the small little manga strip we got of the Bakugos,but I just love this moment)
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falil · 5 months
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I don't like that, bitch and I don't like that bitch aren't the same. right?
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fushiguros-mascara · 6 months
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Bakugo family crumbs in MHA 409
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They’re proud of him :)
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hailpiratekingrouge · 5 months
You know what I want? Just a panel of Mama Inko and Mama Mitsuki holding on to each other as they’re watching their boys on TV and Papa Masaru looking on the verge of passing out from stress
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ponpox · 1 year
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Suddenly remembering my favourite family
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nagisa-666 · 10 months
《WARNINGS!: Mentions of death, kind of crack fic, curse words, kind of explicit words, slight angst, lazy writing, crossover MHA x Blue Lock》
Of course. Early to bed and early to rise makes (Name) a massive bitch.
You'd think that for a guy with such a good reputation among his fellow football players would have a good personality, wouldn't you?
No, turns out they were only talking about his skills. In real life, his personality is worse then trash. With anger issues, a superiority complex, and an inferiority complex, he also has a foul mouth that goes with his foul attitude.
"Who are you call a loser, PUNK?!" And Raichi, an equally hot headed football geek.
No, he's not a pokemon.
With how hot headed the both of them are, they're constantly butting head in disagreements, sometimes even getting into physical fights because of such disagreements.
Everyone is annoyed by it.
"YOU HEARD ME, SHIT HEAD! OPEN UP YOUR DAMN EARS FOR ONCE AND MAYBE YOU WON'T BE DEAF!" (Name) shouted incredibly loud, making everyone wince as he glared at Raichi fiercely, his red eyes almost glowing from rage.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, HUNK OF JUNK! YOU AIN'T WORTH SHIT!" Raichi fired back, showing off his sharp teeth with a scowl while (Name) scoffed, everyone in the room with them sighing annoyed.
"WORTH MORE THAN YOU, OBVIOUSLY!" (Name) snarled like a dog, eyes enlarged with veins showing while Yoichi sweated in the back, trying to hold him back before (Name) threw him back effortlessly. Damn. RIP Yoichi, you will be missed. But some were eyeing his muscle with faint blushes.
"SAY THAT TO MY FACE, BITCH!-" Pokémon bitch attempted to shout, before a someone got annoyed and interrupted.
The girls were fighting.
"OH MY GOD WE GET IT YOU'RE BOTH GAY SHUT UP!" Bachira shouted, quickly quieting everyone down as they stared at him in silent horror, some even praying for him as they waited for the blondes to explode.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, DUNCE FACE!-" The girls are back at it.
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"Hey, Bakubro! How's everyone treating you?" Kirishima asked, glad that his calls are actually getting through.
(Name) actually scored enough goals to get his phone back, so he took the chance to call back anyone who was blowing up his notifications (his mom, shitty hair, dunce face, racoon eyes, soy sauce, and Deku, who he blocked before,) and of course the best comes first.
So he called Shitty hair back first.
"I don't care about them. How's Dunce face and Racoon eyes? Are they stealing my shit again?" He asked, getting straight to the point as he finished his work sheet, noticing how everyone slightly quieted down to hear the call.
"... Haha, no! In fact, I haven't seen them act this good in your room before!" He said, noticeably not talking in the beginning, as if he was staring at someone or someone was talking to him. He calls bullshit.
"They're stealing my protein powder, aren't they?" He said, voice bland and face stoic, just waiting for the other to confirm what he said as the other in the room sent glances to each other, sometimes even sneaking a peek at his face.
"Yeah man I'm sorry. But! Good news, I got the job! So I'll be able to pay you back when you get back! No worries! Oh, and Deku was trying to call you too! He wanted to asked what it was like to be with the best football teens in one place!" The red head chuckled, listening to the pink haired girl and the charge bolt boy thank him profusely before waving them off, waiting for the blonde boy to speak.
"Tell Deku that I ain't telling him shit. And tell the old hag that when I get back, I want some spicy tofu! Spicy enough it makes my taste buds bleed!" (Name) shouted, grinning his evil grin like he always does when he's hyped about something, which makes the red haired boy on the other end laugh wildly. (Name) can't wait until he gets home and is able to eat the spicy tofu his mom makes. The shit they call spicy tofu here isn't even spicy, it barely even burns.
(Everyone else is scared of what his definition of spicy is. The spicy tofu they give him looks like death.)
"Yeah, okay! Oh- sorry, your mom's calling us, I'm gonna hafta hang up!" Kirishima said, loud enough that those close enough heard him clearly.
"Kay." A loose reply.
"See ya, Bakubro!" Affection through words, Kirishima loves telling him that.
"Kay." Another loose reply. Man, he is so tempted to just hang up.
"Say it back!" Kirishima whined, making (Name) feel as though he was able to just see the pout and teary eyes he gets when he's joking around dramatically.
"No." Then he hung up.
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"Hey, hot head, let's play 21 questions!" Bachira asked (more like demanded- but (Name) is the same, if not more stubborn-) dribbling a ball as he lightly treaded on the grass, playing with (Name) to pass time until one of them got annoyed.
"Fuck no." Sharp reply. (Name) didn't want this creepy 'monster' boy to know anything important about him. The way he kept talking about a 'monster' being in him and telling him what to do and who to talk to? Creepy. It's a miracle that he's even talking to him now.
"Aw, why not?!" Bitch boy Bachira whined, gaining a fake pout while (Name) scoffed, stealing the ball and running quickly, making a goal before Bachira got the the ball, continuing their 'conversation.'
"'Cause I don't fuckin' like you." Truer words have never been spoken. Whenn he dies, he wants 'my only regret is not flipping more people off' on his tombstone.
"Aw:(" (Name) wondered how the FUCK he said that out loud. Fuck, sometimes he wanted to put that boy in full body cast.
"Shut yo goofy ass up." Amazing. He's barely been talking to this fuck face for 5 minutes and he already wants to throw him under a bus.
"Anyway, let me go first! What's the color of your nipples."
"What's the color of your nipples."
"I'm fucking done with you. Get the fUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK-"
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"Hey, brat! You know better then to call me while I'm at work! I already know to make spicy tofu when I get home!-" Mitsuki said, answering her ringing phone with a rough voice as she began to change her clothes, looking at the ones her dear husband made himself with admiration.
"Excuse me, are you Bakugo (Name)'s guardian?" A sudden cold voice interrupted her, making her pause before looking at her phone, making sure it was (Name)'s number.
"Uh- Yeah? Listen, if he's in trouble just tell me where he is-" Suddenly feeling unsettled, she felt like something bad was about to happen. But that always happens with (Name). Sometimes he gets too mad and just beats someone up for being arrogant or something. Maybe he was in jail or something.
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but your son has been involved stabbing incident. He's in surgery right now.. We don't think he's going to survive." The cold voice said, and Mitsuki felt her heart drop. That couldn't be right. No, her little boy was always careful when out and about. Even if he was tired, he made sure that he knew where he was going and what to avoid. This had to be some elaborate prank his friends thought of.
"... Huh? Hey, if this is a joke, it's not very funny. Put him on the phone, let me talk to him." She demanded, putting her clothes back on before she stormed out, trying to find her husband frantically.
"This isn't a joke. He's at Musutafu hospital, Shizuoka Prefecture. I imagine you would want to spend his last moments together." Then a click and it went quiet.
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"This morning the young football prodigy, Bakugo (Name) was discovered to have died at a local hospital in Musutafu, in Shizuoka Prefecture after being a victim to a stabbing by an unknown stalker. Witnesses and CCTV footage have said and shown that he was walking when a man wearing a black hoodie and sweats ran up with a knife and stabbed him in the stomach. Officials still do not understand why the man did this. In later news, we'll talk about the wake and funeral of this young star. Thoughts and prayers to his parents."
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tawneybee · 6 months
Not agreeing or disagreeing with the abusive Mitsuki discourse, but I do wonder if people know a parent can be abusive and still love their child?
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maythebaebewithyou · 7 months
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She loves her son so much 🥹
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nemovanilla · 8 months
Masaru and mitsuki both give bi vibes
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mhabirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Masaru Bakugo – March 15th
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rowanwithaz · 10 months
No one,and I mean no one can convince me Katsuki's not a daddy's boy.
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I mean,he went hiking with his dad. I think he's actually close with his dad, I don't think he's too close with his mum,again this is just going off what we've see.
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xexiar · 8 months
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Can’t help stop thinking about why Masaru’s quirk, and the fact he could have gone the hero route. I’m attempting to drive into to my own head canon on the many reasons he chose design instead.
Like what other reasons did he decide design of all things, besides being a passion. What happened in his past that deterred him from going the hero route?
Based on how we’re introduced to how villains and heroes can destroy their surroundings. Like, all the destruction that comes with that line of work. It’s very similar how war effects daily lives of civilians. Some of us go numb to it when it doesn’t affect us. But those who are affected it’s like questioning if you’ll live to see tomorrow.
I recently drafted a chapter where I tried to address one of the reasons Masaru probably chose the “quiet” life. War is painful. Especially when you’re constantly surrounded by it.
Even people who’s line of work is putting their life in danger everyday is painful for the people they love. Never knowing if the next fire will be your last. Never knowing if you’ll be shot when dealing with a criminal. Never knowing if you’ll reach the hospital or you’ll be the one who needs an ambulance.
Then to add people who has abilities that can cause natural disasters any time. A constant struggle to survive and make it to the next day. Even why you don’t think you’ll be affected until it happens to you.
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