#bakugo katsuki fluff
uravichii · 2 months
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"best friends who kiss?"
character/s: bakugo katsuki
summary: recently, your best friend has been kissing you at random times. you have no idea why because he refuses to talk about it. either way, you're not about to let this to ruin your precious friendship.
genre & trope: fluff, best friends to lovers, angry confessions, reader is terrified of love but bakugo wants them so bad 😁, tw kind of ooc bakugo
a/n: i've been watching a lot of pride & prejudice and bridgerton scenes n i'm now obsessed angry confessions 🤩 + this is heavily inspired by that scene in little women :) ALSO i haven't posted in a year 😟 so pls be nice ik my writing's rusty in this :'D
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the first time bakugou katsuki kissed you, he pretended he never did.
"what... " you brush your fingers against your bottom lip, your whole face hot. "what the hell was that for?"
"what?" bakugo shrugs, feigning innocence as he takes a swig of his soda.
you try and trace back the events that could have led to the kiss.
you said something along the lines of: "i wish i had a boyfriend. i could definitely pull a cute guy off the street."
then you heard him scoff and say: "no man's sane enough to put up with your insufferable ass." ーor something more insulting than that.
you can't remember what you said in response, and you rack your brain to figure out what prompted him to grab your face and kiss you. it's impossible when all you can think about is the unexpected supple feel of his lips, its faint ghost still lingering on yours.
"that kiss, katsuki! you violated my mouth!"
"dunno what you're talking about. you hit your head or something?"
you blink and second-guess yourself for a second.
"okay, no. you're not gonna gaslight your way out of this." you swat his arm, earning an irked glare from him. "why the hell did you kiss me?"
"you're imagining things, idiot. this stupid game's givin' ya some serious brain damage for sure."
he stands up and swings his bag over his shoulder.
"where are you going? we're not done yetー!"
and he's out of the door.
was he drunk off his soda? maybe he kissed you to mess with your head. he's not that cruel though, you think. maybe he couldn't think of any other way to shut you upー that was something he always struggled with after all.
at least the second time bakugo katsuki kissed you, he was kind enough to warn you.
after enduring the most awkward hour-long study session with him, you decide to put an end to your agony by wrapping it up. you start gathering your things when he stops you with a calloused hand on your wrist.
"what?" you turn to him, your cheeks already heating up from his touch.
there are no thoughts you could read behind those vermillion eyes, and all of a sudden, you don't know your best friend very well anymore.
he walks some tentative steps closer to you until the back of your knees hit the table. he cradles your jaw with such delicacy you didn't even know he was capable of. he slips past your awaiting lips and presses his nose on the side of your head, his warm breath kissing your flushed skin.
"punch me in the face and scram if you don't want this, got it?"
you gulp and forget to answer if not for the gentle squeeze on your wrist. "y/n, you got it?"
when you two kiss, it's different from last time. it's unhurried, curious, and so intoxicating. the kiss speaks: 'i want you. i want you. i want you' but whose thoughts are these?
he groans into your lips as if to urge you to keep up with the sheer hungriness that has consumed him. you try your best to do so as he deepens the kiss with a palm on the back of your head and practically drinks you in. he doesn't pull away until he hears the tiny whine that escapes you.
"shit, sorry." he mutters, avoiding your stunned gaze.
"t's okay."
"did i hurt you?" the quiet lilt of his voice surprises you.
"no, no. i'm okay, but why'd you kiー"
"bye." he blurts out as he turns to the door and leaves, as if he didn't just invaded your mouth and permanently tainted the years of friendship you two have had. you click your tongue as the heat subsides in your cheeks.
"son of a bitch."
the third time bakugo katsuki kissed you, you let him, and he didn't stop.
you had barely escaped death when you lost your footing while sparring with todoroki. naturally, bakugo yelled the poor guy's ear off and would have murdered him if eraserhead hadn't interfered at the last second.
now, you find yourself heaving in your bed. you don't know whether your hastened pulse is from the adrenaline rush or from the fact that bakugo is all over you right now.
he's planting feather-light kisses all over youー your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your eyelids, your hands, and your wrist, as panicked murmurs spill out of him in between kisses. 'you scared the hell out of me. you have no idea, fuck. are you okay? are you really okay? tell me you're okay, y/n.'
"i'm okayー" you barely manage to gasp before he dips his lips into yours, desperate and frantic. tremulous hands find solace in your hips as he holds you, gentle enough not to mar your injuries but snug enough to assure his restless heart that you are safe.
your head feels hazy. your limbs ache and lie motionless, and though your lips could barely move to reciprocate his kisses as much as you wanted to, bakugo didn't stop. you tried to ask him about it the next morning, but of course, he ignored you and walked away.
you don't know when he stopped kissing you that night. all you know is that there was a line that was crossed, and your friendship was never going to be the same again.
bakugo katsuki is going to kiss you again. your heart thrums incessantly. whether it's dread or anticipationー you don't know.
you think about the sensation of his lips that's become so familiar to you that you've learned to crave it. it shouldn't be familiar to you, and you sure as hell shouldn't want it. so you do what you think is necessary.
you kick him in the shin.
"motherfー!" sure enough, he's pissed. "what the hell is wrong with you?!"
"what the hell is wrong with you?!"
"i was going toー"
"no! you're not gonna kiss me again and walk away and pretend it never happened. you're messing with my head, katsuki! it's not funny!"
"wasn't trying to be funny!" he barks back.
"okay, so what exactly are you trying to do? what is this? i meanー" you stammer, struggling to find the words. "katsuki, what are we?"
he sighs and shifts his stance, his discomfort apparent. when the silence lingers on for too long, you speak.
"well, whatever it is that you want from me, we're going to stay friends. nothing more, nothing less. that's it." your breath hitches, and you don't know why you feel like crying as you speak. "... so i don't want your stinky mouth anywhere on me again."
silence weighs heavily between you. sometimes you wish you didn't know him too well, then the hurt he veils in his eyes wouldn't be so plain and vivid to you, and you would have walked away by now without an ounce of remorse.
"i like you, y/n." is all he could say when he finally speaks.
you shake your head. "no, you're just confused."
"i'm not confused. i like you."
"katsuki, you've been bitchless all your life, and i'm just the closest thing to a s/o. maybe go take a walk or something."
"i like you." he persists. "i've liked your stupid ass forー"
"stop saying that. you don't."
"i do, and you like me tooー"
"what?!" you laugh incredulously.
'who does this dumbass think he is?' is he right? surely, he's not. then what are you so afraid of in the first place? why have you been counting down the days until he kisses you again? why do you yearn for his touch as if it's something you own? why do you feel so infuriated and so tormented when he leaves the room after kissing you?
you do what is necessary again.
"you're delusional!" you yell at his face, a childish shrill that's awfully familiar to your childhood best friend.
"jesus christ." he inhales sharply in frustration. "you're a fucking pussy, y/n."
you clench your jaw and match his glare. anger surges in your chest and bleeds into your voice.
"i'm not the one who chickens out after kissing their best friend! you can't even acknowledge the fact that you kissed me because you'reー!"
"do you think i want to chicken out? why do you think i run away after kissing you?! if i stayed and confessed all this shit the first time, you would've refused to hear it like the damn coward you are!" he leans close to you, his voice lowering into a ragged snarl that quickens your pulse. "and you're just proving it right now, y/n. you're always going to shut this down and deny your feelings because you're a fucking pussy. you're terrified of relationships, and it's dumbest shit ever. pathetic, really."
you rear back from his words. if anything, you always thought it was katsuki who was afraid of love. now, you can't help but feel small and vulnerable underneath his searing gaze.
"it's not dumb..." you shuffle uncomfortably. "what, i'm supposed to ruin our friendship for a relationship that we're going to break off anyway?"
"we're not going to break it off."
"how do you know that?"
"because i'll be the best goddamn boyfriend in the world!"
"first of all, gross." you scoff. "second of all, it's never gonna work out! you're going to get sick of me in three days max."
"i've known you since we were brats, and i still want you."
"you literally said no man's sane enough to put up with my obnoxious ass."
he smirks. "i said 'insufferable ass'."
"katsuki!" you fight the urge to strangle him and punch that stupid smile off his face.
"wasn't even serious that time." he grimaces and reluctantly continues. "you know damn well you can pull any guy you want, and he'd be the luckiest bastard on earth."
if it were any other day, you'd grin at him and say 'i told you so,' but your lips remain unmoved, and your eyes stay dim. you're afraid you'll never go back to being the same katsuki and y/n again.
"this is pointless, katsuki. i mean, look! we're already fighting." you grouch and tell yourself you don't want this. "i still don't want us to happen so while this friendship is still salvable, let's agree to stay friends, and whatever sappy shit you feel for meー suck it up."
in one swift motion, he closes the distance between you, his face hovering dangerously over yours.
"suck it up?" he breathes, his face taut in frustration. "restraining myself from you is the hardest shit i've ever had to do. it takes everything in me not to kiss your stupid face!"
he shudders, weakly resting his forehead against yours as if this conversation alone has exhausted him. still, he goes on.
"and everytime i failedー everytime i kissed those lips, it was... a moment of weakness, but that's the fucking problemー you're just..." he buries his face into the crook of your neck, a desperate attempt to escape your wide-eyed gaze. "i'm weak for you, y/n. every second. and it drives me fucking insane that you keep running away from me."
he rises to meet your eyes again. the cadence of his voice changes into something weak and desperate, stripped of all the pride and anger he's ever known.
"i love youー fuck. i love you." he lets the words hang in the air, letting the words hear itself spoken because for once, you're not stopping him. "i love you, so please... let me."
after much thought and another agonizing minute of silence, you lean in to kiss bakugo katsuki.
he kisses back almost instantly and revels in the way you wrap your arms around his neck and bear your weight on him completely. he kisses back ardently, his pent-up desires and years of longing etched in the way he seeks your lips, kiss after kiss after kiss.
when you finally pull away, you're met with a devilish smirk, his begging eyes long gone. you wonder to yourself when you'll see those eyes again.
"took ya long enough." he kisses you again. he raises a brow at the way you're caging him in your arms. "jesus, no one's gonna snatch me from you."
"i'm making sure you don't run away again, dumbass."
"i won't." he says earnestly as he props his forehead against yours. "and you won't either. i'll make sure of that."
you nod your head with a giddy smile as he pecks your lips again.
"so..." you say as you exaggerate a pensive look, a cheeky grin spreading across your face. "we're best friends who occasionally kiss?"
he rolls his eyes. "you're impossible."
"recite that speech again, and i'll consider calling you my boyfriend."
"fuck off!"
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TAGLIST [1/2] @uxavity @joy-the-reader @kiiraes @escapenightmare @afk-dreaminq @avocamich @theboredvee @wonderwrench @ur-local-simp @p-ol @x0xuglyh0tgrl2005xoxo @cosmonettica @melin-oe @mitzi127 @lilac-o @r2katsu @bakucumsackslut @idunnomynamesince2005 @astralwaifu @taurus852 @creepyproxies @maycat-19-142 @stella-fleurets @veenxys @devilgirlcrybabiey @drawingaddict @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @lexiv-web @angelshimaa @izukus-gf @christiansdior @homosexualjohnwayne @uwiuwi @hirugummies @cupidines @loveisningning (bold couldn't be tagged)
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ayustuff · 6 months
ᴋᴀᴛѕᴜᴋɪ'ѕ ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ | bakugou x fem!reader, fluff
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for how long katsuki brushes his teeth with such aggressiveness his toothbrush is… worn out if that's how you describe it. if you think of it, he just might have broken atleast one of his teeth long time ago.
as his girlfriend you worry about him, everytime he brushes his teeth you're there glaring at him, your eyes telling him to slow down. but of course at some point you can't help but to take care of him, now you're the one brushing katsuki's teeth.
at first, katsuki feels quite embarrassed, he looks away at anything else but you. you're so close, cupping his cheeks with one hand and your other hand holding the brush. you're so focused that you make cute faces. when you finished, you admire his lips and give it a peck which katsuki became more flustered about.
when you two get used to this routine it became normal that katsuki gets a peck at the end as a price for katsuki being a good boy. it gets even cuter at night time and it's a little past katsuki's bedtime, he has droopy eyes while he has his arms wrapped around you, he's barely keeping his mouth open for you to do your job.
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tootiecakes234 · 6 months
First “I love you” from Katsuki
Katsuki has been your boyfriend for about 3 months now and it was going great.
You guys were in the store doing his weekly grocery shopping.
“Since we are doing the work of grocery shopping right now, it means we can’t do the work of cooking when we get home Katsuki. We have to stop and get take out on the way home. It’s girl math”, you were explaining to him.
“What kinda dumb shit reasoning is that? The fuck is a girl math?”
He was walking at a brisk pace because he has a list of what he needs and that’s all he’s in here for. Katsuki does not like aimlessly scrolling and shopping. Perfect for you because you got anxiety in the grocery store.
“So you don’t actually watch all the TikTok’s I send you?? So you don’t actually care about me?” You were looking at him with a fake pout on your face to support your teasing.
“You send me 50 fucking videos at one time! I can’t watch every single one of them. I don’t have enough time in my day.”
“Wow! So you’re breaking up with me?? I can’t believe this”
Katsuki no longer entertains you. He just keeps walking and picking up the things he needs.
“I can’t believe our time together has come to an end. I really thought we could’ve been something.”
He continues to ignore you and starts heading for the register having finished checking off his list.
“You forgot to get your protein powder. You used the last of it this morning in your smoothie.” You told him before he actually got in line.
“Fuck, I forgot. I didn’t add it to my list.”, he mumbled looking at you like he was a shocked you’d noticed.
“Go ahead and get in line and I’ll go grab it. You like the peanut butter one right?”
“Uh… yea.”
You leave and go grab the powder and by the time you get back he’s almost done checking out. He pays and you guys head out to his car.
You help him unload everything and then hop in your seat while he puts up the cart. When he gets inside you’re scrolling on your phone while waiting.
You look up at him and smile.
“You promised I could control the music on the way home. Get prepared for non stop break up songs to cope with us being over.”
He looks you in your eyes and the words just kinda tumble out of his mouth, “ Y’know I love you right?”
Your mouth falls open a little and your eyes are stretched wide open. You can’t believe he just said that!? He’s never said that to you before.
It takes you a few seconds before your find words to use, “So we aren’t breaking up?”
Katsuki actually chuckles at you before he leans in and presses his lips softly against yours.
When he pulls back he asks you, “so where are we getting takeout from?”
The grin on your face is huge as you both get situated and buckle yourselves in.
As he starts driving you look over at him and you can see the little smile sitting on his lips.
“Y’know I love you too right?” You say mocking him.
“Obviously. I’m fucking amazing” he says all confidently even though there’s a deep blush settling in over his face.
Katsuki Masterlist
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Bakugou places his head on your shoulder and huffs furiously during one of your movie nights.
It's just a stupid romance film to be honest, one you insisted on watching and he couldn't find it in himself to deny your wish, you've always granted his desires wholeheartedly anyway, and the glint appearing in your eye when he easily gave in to you was worth sitting in for a two hour typical tear jerker that— for some reason, you seemed to enjoy.
_ "Oh look look! Did you see that? He finally confessed his feelings!" you're tapping on his thigh excitedly, too invested in the movie ahead to notice the warm hand slipping under your shirt and resting on your belly.
_ "Yeah I saw that, we're watching the same movie dumbass." but he's not, he's actually not following the predictable events unfolding, nor the long ass journey the main character had to embark upon in order to find his long lost love.
How could he be focused on anything other than the fragrant smell of your shower gel tickling his nose, and the soft skin under his rough fingers as he eagerly explored your delicate flesh.
He closes his eyes slowly, inhaling the faint flowery scent emanating from you, and pecking the side of your neck, right where he's been nuzzling the whole evening.
Maybe this is not such a bad idea after all, you're happily watching your sappy movie, and he's easily succumbing to a peaceful slumber in the comfort of your shared cushiony bed, right by the only one he's willing to bare his all around.. you.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
You’d gone to bed angry last night.
It was a promise you’d made to each other long ago, back when you’d gotten into your first big fight in the early months of your relationship, to never go to bed angry, to work through and compromise with whatever problems plagued your love. No one deserved to go to bed thinking their partner was angry at them.
But when Bakugo spit his venomous words, turned on his heel and slammed your bedroom door shut last night to leave you with the shattered heart he’d just created, your feet couldn’t even begin to move towards the closed door. You didn’t want to face him, want to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how bad he hurt you, and if he so badly didn’t want you in bed next to him, who were you to try and convince otherwise?
So, wordlessly, you climbed into the scratchy, lumpy couch he’d seemingly banished you to, and you pulled the too-small, too-thin blanket over you, and stared at the leather of the couch for the next six hours, the clock ticking all the while.
The rest of the morning was a blur; showered, brushed your teeth and had a cup of tea in the silence of it all, you’d finally found it in your means to make something to eat, and you’re also finally reminded of why you didn’t want to do that in the first place when a sleepy, albeit still tense Katsuki shuffles his way into the kitchen to face you for the first time since he’d yelled at you.
“Hey,” he mumbles, a calloused hand carding through the blonde locks of bed head that he sported. You don’t spare him a glance, instead, you keep slicing the fruit for breakfast, barely acknowledging him with a quiet, almost bored, ‘hi.’
In your peripheral, he winced at your coldness, clearly not used to it, “I… uh…” he chews his lip, and it’s a side of Katsuki you haven’t seen since high school, timid and hesitant to even look at you for fear of rejection. He’s always so confident in his snide remarks and quick reactions, but now he looks so… scared, like you’ll smack him with the pan you’re cooking on.
“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” you mumble, breaking an egg in the pan and watching it sear under the heat of the stove. When you’re met with more silence, you force yourself to not look at the man you’d fallen so hard in love with, because you knew if you did, you’d immediately forgive him for the pain of last night.
“You didn’t come to bed,” he says, clearing his throat.
“You made it pretty obvious that you didn’t want me there,” your reply comes quick, and it silenced him immediately.
Then, the signals in your brain surge and cross as thick arms wrap around your waist and a face nuzzles into the crook of your neck, and when you try to squirm out of his grip to be alone for even just a little bit longer before breakfast, the lips against your shoulder mumble out a quick, but sincere, ‘I’m sorry,’ and it finally causes you to still.
“I was shitty last night,” he continues. “I said dumb things to hurt you, and it… it wasn’t cool.” Fingers fiddle with the waist band of your sweats, but you know it’s more for search of your loving warmth than anything else. “I hated waking up without you. I always want you next me, I always want to kiss the corner of your eye to make you smile in your sleep, I always want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up. I don’t know how I knocked out last night without you. But this morning, when I saw you weren’t next to me, I just… Fuck, I can’t believe I ever-“
He shuts up at the use of his name, whole body tensing and arms tightening even more around you, almost scared to loosen them. You sigh, “you just… hurt my feelings last night.”
He whimpers. So you rest a reassuring hand on his wrist.
“I know,” he swallows.
“I don’t understand why…”
“There’s not a ‘why,’” he sighs. “I just did, because I’m an asshole, and it was fucked up of me.”
You hum in agreement at his words, turning around in his arms to finally face him. His eyes look sunken in and they glimmer with a certain shame, but they’re still the eyes you fell in love with so many years ago.
“Please don’t talk to me like that again,” you whisper, fingers moving back a blond lock from his face. Meaty fingers wrap around your wrist to keep it close, and he turns his head to plant a kiss to your warm palm. “And… and no more going to bed angry.”
“We won’t, baby,” he promises, giving your wrist a reassuring squeeze. “I promise..” maroon eyes blink longingly at you before his pink pout curls into a small, rare smile. “Love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper, allowing him to pull you into an easy hug. Your cheek nuzzles against his shoulder, relishing in the familiar feeling, “even if you are the worst man ever.”
He chuckles shortly, “I know, babe.”
“I mean like, an absolute monster-“
“Got it, I’m an asshole.”
“-worst creature to shamble the face of the earth-“
“I fucking got it, dumbass!” He snarls, using his force to shove you backwards against the counter, your arms instinctively tossing around him to brace yourself while giggles pour from your lips. “Enough fuckin’ guilt tripping!” The hands on your waist gently move to your lower back to keep them from getting bumped and bruised by the counter; even in his worst, he prepares himself to protect you from anything, no matter how mad he wants to pretend he is.
But you don’t discount the way you hear the smile in his voice, and when you feel it stretched out against the skin of your neck, the weight off your shoulders eases in realizing that you two would be fine.
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michiviv · 7 months
comfortember, prompt: sweater weather
synopsis: katsuki has his own tradition with you.
pairing: katsuki bakugo x fem!reader
warning: reader has a little sibling (mentioned), reader and katsuki are married, katsuki towers over the reader, reader is referred to as wife
notes: i hate this one ughh, it’s cute though 🥹🥹but it’s also so short 😭
word count: 581
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before you katsuki hated traditions. he refused to partake in them with his family. Mitsuki wants to go to a pumpkin patch? you best believe he would rather stay home and do chores than do such corny and cheesy things.
now, when the two of you started dating, he didn't think this would be any different. he’ll let you do your own thing while he does his… but how could he say no to you? you were so cute, so reluctantly… he agreed.
he agreed to do matching costumes with you for Halloween and hell, he even went trick-or-treating with your little sibling. He agreed to go to the pumpkin patch with you, his lover. he went apple picking, carved jack-o-lanterns, and went to the corn maze with his group of friends for the first time.
it wasn’t just fall traditions too, he started celebrating Valentine's Day, started having movie nights with you, and went to the music festival with you. any tradition you wanted to create with him he would be more than happy to have with you.
eventually, he felt the need to create his own unnamed tradition. something that didn't come from you and solely from him. which is how he began to make any excuse to give you his sweater when the weather cooled..
he's made sure to do this since your second year dating even to now when you're three years married.
“oi,” he starts, sauntering over to you. the sweater he wore barely concealing his muscles. “’yer not appropriately dressed for this weather.”
you look up from the pumpkins you were currently inspecting and raised an eyebrow at him. you have noticed how during October and November he always tries to give you his sweater. not that you’d ever complain about that. you get to show the world that you’re wearing your husband’s sweater, it smells like him and you get to watch his muscles flex as he undresses. it seems like a win all around.
“how am i not appropriately dressed, katsuki?” you asked chuckling softly, standing up to “meet his height”, but your darn husband towered over you. practically craning your neck to look up at him.
“you have no sweater,” he said rather smugly, crossing his arms with a smirk, “you can catch a cold.”
“i think ill be alright, babe. i have long sleeves and it’s not that—“
“the weather is cooling. you don’t know if the weather can drop,” he argued, uncrossing his arms as he began to take off his sweater. careful to not flip it inside out before handing— no, forcing it into your hands. “i don’t want my beloved wife to get sick.”
you gave katsuki a look, raising your brow at him. “and what if my husband got sick instead, hm? what is japan going to do without their best hero?” you asked, heeding his request however and putting on his sweater.
his sweater completely enveloped you, his musky scent immediately enveloping your senses. it was nice, he smelled faintly like caramel, burnt caramel, but caramel nonetheless.
“they’ll have to survive; my wife is more important.” he replied smugly, crossing his arms.
“you’re so lame, katsuki. i don’t think your sidekick will like that” you laughed,
“he can survive a week.”
rolling your eyes, you turned your attention to one of the pumpkins in front of you, “what do you think about this pumpkin?”
“it’s too small, i want our pumpkin to be terryfing this year.”
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ayasuki · 11 months
5th Bakugou x Reader Fanfic recs
> • 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕
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all fics are angst (can have comfort ending and none)
" kiss it better " by laraleafs
pro-hero!bakugou x gn!reader
summary: katsuki finishes his shift at his hero agency, but a sudden villain fight leaving hi, with cuts and bruises. which you have to fix.
" better off " by awkatsukis
pro-hero!bakugou x gn!reader
warning: ex! highschool sweethearts, hurt with little comfort, mentions of breakups & heartbreak.
" no title " by bleedingredridinghood
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: angst to comfort/fluff
" no title " by aquadenks
bakugou x gn!reader
warning: angst and pining
" admit it " by lightseoul
pro-hero!bakugou x fem!worker!reader
series, 3 parts. ( Ⅱ | still do , Ⅲ | prove it )
summary: synopsis. loving him from afar was enough. at least, it should’ve been enough. until it wasn’t. (or, in which you subtly take care of your ex, bakugou katsuki, who also happens to be the namesake of the agency you’re working at.)
" i'm done talkin' " by eijirousbestie
bakugou x gn!reader
2 parts. ( Ⅱ | i want you )
warning: unresolved anger issues
" no title " by bleedingredridinghood
bakugou x fem!reader
" walk away as the door slams " by grapementos
former pro-hero!bakugou x gn!reader
series, 3 parts. ( Ⅱ | ugly truth , Ⅲ | perseverance
warning: heavily toxic relationships, emotionally abusive (gaslighting, etc.), angst
"no title " by catzula
bakugou x fem!reader
summary: it’s bakugou’s birthday, so why isn’t he still home?
warning: angst but with good ending, reader being forgetful, katsuki being somewhat a shitty boyfriend
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missuga · 1 year
1:05 a.m. — Bakugo Katsuki
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+ established relationship, living together
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“Are you serious?” You huffed under your breath, rolling over slightly to look at your boyfriend who was currently using every blanket on the bed. Before both of you fell asleep, each blanket was perfectly draped the two of you, but now just the bottom half of your legs were covered. 
You tried your best to pull some of the blankets away from Bakugo without having to sit up but for no reason he had an iron grip on them. 
“You’re kidding me.” Groaning you pushed off the bed to sit up, pulling the blankets with both of your hands now hoping they’d give some at least. “Katsuki, stop hogging the blankets.”
“Go back to sleep.” His voice was low and you barely caught what he said. 
“I would love to but I can’t.” You pulled on the blankets once more but it didn’t work. “C’mon, I’m freezing and you’re the one who said using all these blankets was a dumb idea.” 
All he gave in response was a mumbled bunch of words that you couldn’t understand at all. You were getting tired of fighting for even a bit more of a blanket really quickly and even though you didn’t have to work in the morning you had wanted to get a good night's rest. 
“Oh my god whatever, keep the stupid blankets.” You sighed and let go of them, pushing yourself to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m sleeping on the couch.” 
You didn’t get the chance to even stand from the bed before he reached out and grabbed your arm. 
“No you’re staying here.” Bakugo was turned towards you now, one arm stretched across your side of the bed to stop you from leaving, and the other reaching to fix the blankets. 
“Oh, you’re going to be nice now?” You stared at him for a moment before he pulled you back into your bed fully. 
“I’m always nice.” He sounded so sleepy that even if you had wanted to argue with what he said, you couldn’t find the words to. “If you hadn’t kept the room so damn cold, you wouldn’t need all of these.” 
“That’s the best way to sleep in the winter.” You countered, remembering how he had said he’d be too warm with the amount of blankets and that he wouldn’t be using them. “Though, I thought you said you didn’t need them. Change your mind?” 
“Nope, I’m still sweating buckets.” 
You just managed to see him roll his eyes from the small bit of light drifting in through your windows, the smile pricking up the corner of his lips gave away his lie. 
“Mhm, right.” Settling back under the blankets you felt relieved that you weren’t going to have to sleep on the hard couch. “If you steal the blankets again you’re making breakfast in the morning.” 
“I was already planning to make breakfast.” He responded and you could hear the slight twinge of amusement in his voice. 
“I can’t stand you.” 
“Good.” He moved closer to you once you were fully settled, draping an arm across your waist and laying a good bit of his body on top of yours. “Oh my god, do not touch me with your cold ass feet.” 
You couldn't stop the laugh bubbling from your chest at his recoil when he felt your feet against his legs.
“You laid on me!” You protested, still laughing at his reaction. “They’re only this cold because you left me to freeze with no covers.”
“I thought we decided we were over that.” 
“We didn’t decide anything!” You rolled your eyes at how ridiculous he sounded. “Go to sleep, you’re becoming delirious.” 
“Only because you woke me up.” Bakugo mumbled, his warm breath against your neck sent small shivers down your back. 
“That’s because you woke me up.” You sighed softly, bringing a hand up to run through his hair almost as a reflex, enjoying how he snuggled against you even more at the feeling.
“Hmm, I don’t recall that.” His voice was so soft now and you knew he was just almost asleep again. 
“Night, Katsuki.” You said even quieter than him, knowing you weren’t too far behind now that you were a lot warmer than before. Tomorrow night you’d have to make sure you had a spare blanket just for yourself if he decided he needed all of them on the bed again. 
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theglitterypages · 1 year
BNHA Headcanons: What kind of person they would fall in to and how they'd fall in love.
Bakugo Katsuki
• We all know how aggressive this boy is. But Bakugo's aggressiveness is only because he wants everyone around him to give the same efforts he gives toward everything.
• IMO, Katsuki would fall in love to someone as passionate as him. You don't have to be in a hero course, once this man meets a girl who's as passionate as him, he'll be interested.
• He'll be interested to someone passionate in everything she does but this man will fall so deeply when a girl shuts him down and calls him out for his jerky behavior.
• In conclusion, this guy would fall in love to someone who can call him out the way his Mom does. You could be as aggressive as him when you call him out or you could be so gentle that he'll find himself zip his own mouth once you scold him.
• It's something not everyone has the guts to do. Some just knew him for too long that they don't make any efforts to call him out because that's just Bakugo Katsuki to them.
• He will be annoyed at you at first, thinking that you don't have the rights to call out his behavior but as time passes by, you calling him out will be the part he always look forward to everyday.
• He will be in denial. He'll think it's just a phase, that it'll pass, that he's just amused of you and your antics but once he saw somebody else tried to make a move on you? Boy he'll risk everything.
• He won't drop the rough persona even when he acknowledges his feelings. Instead, he'll win you with his sincerity: when you're obviously having a bad day, he'll silently hand you a chocolate that you love. When he noticed you haven't eaten lunch, he'll have some delivered, and sometimes he packs up a lunch for you, would give it to you with a post it note pasted onto it with a note "Eat it."
• Of course, you'll confront him about the little things that he does once it starts making your heart flutter, you're scared to get used to it, scared that you'll fall for him and he won't be there to catch you.
• Once you confront him about it, he'll have troubles whether he'll kiss you or knock you lightly in the head. He's doing it because he likes you! Why can't you take the hint?
• He was preparing a confession for you but he'll just end up blurting out that he likes you coz you'll keep on saying that you don't know his agenda why he keeps on doing the things that he does.
"Look, Katsuki. I'm thankful for everything that you do. But I don't understand whatever it is. So maybe you should just stop—"
"I like you, dumbass why can't you understand that?"
You'll freeze right then and there. Girl, you'll be staring at those ruby eyes with your knees shaking because of the sudden confession. "What?" It was all you could say. You couldn't believe what you just heard. Like you think that there's no way that this man just confessed his feelings for you.
Katsuki will be so frustrated. Sure, people will think he's unlikely to fall in love but he did fall in love and he didn't like that you're not acknowledging it.
"Look, I'm new to this as well. But I'm serious, I like you and if we're on the same boat. We could just try and see where this will lead us."
You like him as well. You hated him at first but you get to know the man underneath his rough and explosive persona. You've seen him risk his own life for others, the way a pained look will paint all over his face when he overhears people not liking him much.
There's a heart hidden underneath those layers of tough guy act and you fell in love with him because of that.
"What now? I said I like you. If you don't like me I won't bother you aga—"
"No! I like you too..." Your voice slowly quiet down, being a little shy to confess your own feelings and a smile made its way across Katsuki's lips.
Even though he was hesistant he slowly reached out to you and pull you gently against his chest. "I won't mind if you'll want to take it slow..." He whispered and you wrapped your arms around him with a smile as you bury your face in his chest to hide your red cheeks.
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bkghq · 2 years
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bakugo katsuki is obsessed, truly utterly infatuated with you.
He loves the way you lay your head on his chest as if it's an instinct, he adores how you snuggle deeper because he feels as if he provides you comfort. even when he knows that you're quite self-sufficient enough to protect yourself, the thought of being your knight in shinning armour makes his heart beat faster.
The warmth that fills him when you gently run your fingers over his scars and talk about how beautiful they are, albeit him feeling as if they are the ugliest part of him. The tender tone in which you tell him that ;
"your scars are a part of your wholesome journey to who you've become today 'ki, they define you 'n i love them for that."
He may be a mess of a man, but you've accepted him with open arms, after every bad fight, every victory, every loss he knows, he knows that at the end of every day; good or bad, he'll find you with open arms inviting him in.
To him you're a breathe of fresh air, you let him catch a breather, he knows he doesn't need to play pretend when you're around, he still has no clue how, but something about your words is so affirming and they never fail to bring him at ease, "you did great 'suki but remember you don't always win, nonetheless i'm proud of you." while you run your finger through his hair.
when he looks into your eyes, the fluttering feeling in his heart never stops, he seems to be falling more and more in love with you. Even after dating for so many years, he still gets nervous around you acting as if he's not a twenty-five year old pro hero, but rather a school going teenager getting their first crush.
The symbol of victory they call him, but what they don't know is that once he was a hopeless man, a man with no desire but kill, kill the bad, but when he met you? it was like he was in a barren desert and had found water. Once glance at you and he knows why he wakes up everyday.
so beyond a shadow of doubt, bakugo katsuki can say, that butterflies can't stop him falling for you even more with every breathing second.
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ghostxrose · 6 months
One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Summary ~ Your soul and his were tied together by the hands of the Goddess of Fate. It never mattered where you were or what you were, you would always find each other. Every lifetime destined to fall in love with each other and every lifetime destined to die before you could have everything that you wanted together. With every death you questioned; were you and him really eternal soulmates or were you just star-crossed lovers meant to be laughed at by the Goddess of Fate?
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)
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If you tried hard enough, dug deep enough within your mind, you could still remember that very first life where you met him. You and him were brand new souls who had been freshly cast into some version of reality. The Goddess of Fate had just finished tying your soul to his when she sent you both to an Earthly plane to begin your eternal chase for each other.
Your first life hadn’t been easy and it seemed to set the premise for future lives to come. You had been born a wolf with beautiful dark fur and violet-colored eyes with cracks of piercing blue running through them, belonging to a fairly large pack. Unfortunately, and unlike the rest of the pack, you had been born weak. From the very start you were small, the runt of your littermates. Still, your mother cared for and loved you as she did with all of her pups.
As you grew, you tried to keep up with your siblings and the other pups of the pack. You tried to be strong, tried to be a good hunter, and tried to master the skills of your elders. But you lost every play fight with the other pups and you could barely successfully catch small game on your own. In the eyes of the pack, you were useless.
Your pack had been hunting one evening when you all crossed paths with another pack that had also been hunting. Growling, snarling, gnashing teeth, and howling filled the air as aggressive fighting broke out between the two packs. You fought as hard as you could but your weakness was your downfall. Your pack left you there alone and bleeding from multiple bite wounds as the chilly autumn night settled in.
That night when the moon was at its highest, he had found you at the base of a tree where you had dragged yourself. Disturbed by his sniffing and nudging nose, you startled from your slumber and weakly growled at him thinking he was a threat.
He growled back at you before going back to nudging you and licking at your wounds. You didn’t know that he was a lone wolf that had separated from his pack to try to search for his mate. You didn’t know that it was you who was his mate until somewhere in your brain, it just clicked.
You whined in pain when he nudged you a little harder in an effort to get you to stand up. You had barely been able to drag yourself to the spot where you laid, there was no way you could muster up the strength to get back up. There was more blood on the ground around and under you than there was in your body at this point. It was only a matter of time now.
Sensing that you weren't going to be getting up, he keened sadly and laid down next to you. He licked at your face as you absorbed the heat radiating off of his body. Your head rested on top of your front legs and your eyes looked up to meet crimson ones that almost seemed to glow in the moonlight.
Your breaths were coming out as short and shallow pants and your eyelids were becoming heavier with each passing second. Lowering his head to lick your face again, your mate let out a loud and heartbroken whine. A broken keening left you as you reciprocated his heartbreak and your eyes began to slowly shut.
Before your consciousness finally left your body, you heard your mate howl loudly into the night, the sound utterly heartbroken and full of misery.
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A Little Author's Note Here ~ Hello Lovelies, my name is Shasta Rose! This is my first time posting one of my fics to Tumblr so please forgive me if this post is rough or un-aesthetic! I am completely open to tips and helpful criticisms if y'all have any! I do hope that you come to enjoy the story and just know that I appreciate you! <3
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ayustuff · 11 months
ѕɪᴄᴋ ᴅᴀʏѕ || baku x reader
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katsuki , who takes care of you when you're sick.
you lay in the bed with katsuki. "baby," his hands caresses your hair. then cups your face feeling the heat, he places his forehead to yours. he examines your face then pecks you. "i'll be back i'm just gonna cook some soup for you."
he came back with the soup after minutes. then fed you. "mhm... so hot." you get closer to his embrace. "dont complain now. it's your own fault." he grumbles. "did i say i was complaining? was saying you're hot." you smirked at him. "yeah, yeah." he snuggles to your neck hiding his blush.
later that day he got sick too while you recovered. you two didn't left the bed, still in eachother's embrace. "look who's suffering from his own actions now."
"shut up."
honestly it's worth it, if he can hold, kiss or do anything to you.
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cascade05 · 5 months
Book Girl
Heads up: Language, suggestive but definitely not descriptive, also Bakugo Katsuki (he comes with a warning), and unedited—super unedited
Kay, so, hear me out… Bakugo Katsuki and an author reader. Yes, ooh, ahh, I know I know. For those of you, and I am sure there are many, who have no idea what I mean, lemme explain:
Bakugo with a reader who asks him the strangest, borderline worrisome question about his work. “What’s it feel like to get stabbed?” “Have you ever gotten shot? With a gun? Explain it to me. How did it feel?” Sometimes he thinks you’re a little psycho but it’s oddly therapeutic for him to explain the worst parts of his job and not care about being judged so he don’t mind none.
Bakugo with a reader who patches up his wounds like a pro and mumble “this would be perfect in chapter twelve.” And he’s just staring at her like “ma’m I’m dying plz don’t immortalize this in literature.”
Most importantly (the thought that had me on this tangent), Bakugo Katsuki with his cute little writer baby who tests things on him. It’s never easy to deal with things either. It’s not, like, fighting related things. You don’t go up to him and ask him if you could put him in arm-bar or ask him if he could put you in an arm-bar (Actually you did ask him to do that cause you wanted to know how to get out of one but—)
She does this… thing where she goes up to him and whispers the nastiest shit in his ear, like, you know, innocent book girl shit. Ya’ll know what I mean. Book girls are fucking wild and they read the sauciest shit. So she whispers some knee numbing curse and Bakugo freezes like a little schoolboy who just found out what puberty hormones are and she has the audacity to take a step back, examine him like he’s a fucking lab rat or some shit, then ask him if that made his heart flutter. Like, bitch it made something flutter, the hell did you think saying that would do? Does he answer? The first few times it happened, he couldn’t. The next few times he tried to deny it but mumbled and slurred his words like a drunk. When he wasn’t caught horribly off guard, he started just throwing her over his shoulder and showing her what it did to him. (It really helped her with that one scene—)
But that’s not the worst of it. No. No no no. You see, before Bakugo, she had never been in a relationship before. She had never been in love before and she most certainly had never done anything physical with someone else before. He was her first everything. So she has trouble writing particularly steamy scenes, at least when it comes to describing everything and it has to be perfect. Well, that’s what a boyfriend’s for, right?
So, there are times in Bakugo’s life where his writer girlfriend just decides to make out with him. That’s a normal thing to do, they’re together, but she doesn’t just kiss him. Remember, book girl shit, girl goes fucking—well, Bakugo doesn’t know what but it’s ridiculous.
Kay, first time it happens: She comes up to him all casually and cute-like and asks if she can try something. Blissfully unaware Bakugo raises a brow but lets her and she takes his breath away with a kiss that’s all passion and it’s hot—he’s hot. He’s melting, actually, and she takes it further and put her hands in exactly the right places and just when he’s getting ready to go all the way with it, she pulls back. Bakugo’s never felt whiplash quite so jarring but there she was asking him how it felt because she wants to write the scene from a man’s perspective. She asking him all these questions and bro’s on a different planet right now, he can’t answer, kay. Like, give him a second to breathe cause he can’t find the air, ya know. And it happens, well not all the time but enough for the poor man to think she just isn’t in to him like he’s in to her. If she was, she would’ve been frustrated too, right? But she wasn’t and there he was, sitting alone like a fool while she ran off to go write it all down before she forgot.
But, well, book girls, right? Those freaky shits know how to please a guy so you can bet your bottom dollar that she made it up to him. Thoroughly :)
Or, alternatively, writer gf who doesn’t write steamy shit and just does all of this to fuck with him cause his reactions are *chief’s kiss*
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
A lazy Sunday
Characters : Bakugo/ Fem reader
Genre : Fluff, just tooth rotting sweetness/ Suggestive themes on the verge of smut tbh/ Drabble
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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_ "G'morning princess." his hoarse, thick voice resonated across the room, breaking the rhythmic pitter patter of the rain outside.
_ "Good morning honey." you responded softly, snuggling deeper into his broad chest and relishing the flexing muscles against your back.
You smiled delightfully when his lips latched onto your nape, kissing you lazily as his arms squeezed you between them.
_ " Shouldn't we get up?" muttering your words, you craned your neck wishing to catch a glimpse of the man holding you close, and giggling as you were met with the smooth forehead you so much adore, "cute.." was what you added before attaching your lips to the soft skin that soon crinkled due to your playful comment.
_ "Huh?! Cute?" he sounded offended, his dramatic outburst was almost comical for a moment, just for a moment, until his voice dropped again, "was I cute last night when I made you scream my name and beg for mercy? I don't mind giving you a reminder."
You could sense the smirk lacing his whispered words as two big warm hands roamed your naked body, fingers ghosting over the marks he so proudly left on your delicate skin a few hours ago.
_ "Stop it.." still in his arms, you finally turned around to face him, feigning a cute pout as you voiced your protest.
He remained quiet, his teasing smirk turned into a sweet beam that mirrored itself upon your features.
You could hear the gentle sound of the drizzle again, prompting you to stay in your beloved's hold even just for a fleeting moment.
_ "Can we?"
_ "Of course we can princess, for as long as you want."
Breakfast would have to wait or be forgotten all together, as you were in no rush to leave the warmth of your bed.
_ "I love you." you murmured faintly, lips gliding along his own.
_ "I love you more." he kissed you once, quick and gentle, and then another, and another, until your giggles filled the quiet space of your cosy apartment.
_ "I still can't believe you're actually mine." he tightened his hold around your waist and nuzzled your neck as he longingly inhaled the sweet scent emanating from you.
_ "I am yours honey, forever." you kissed those soft blond unruly locks, smiling as you fiddled with the beautiful diamond ring he had put on your finger two years ago.
The rain had stopped at last, and beams of sunlight seeped through the curtains, illuminating the room and allowing you a better view of your hubby.
_ "Do we have to get up now? Can't we just stay in bed? It's Sunday after all." he whined against your sensitive skin -right under your ear- placing soft kisses along the side of your neck as if to convince you of something you already desired.
_ "I'm spoiling you rotten aren't I? Well I guess we can stay for a bit more if you want." you rolled your eyes and shrugged your shoulders as you struggled to stifle the laughter threatening to erupt.
_ "Well in that case.." he pushed you gently on your back before hovering over you, "how about another round?"
You could feel the smooth head of his cock rubbing against your naked thigh, and you pulled him down for a deep heated kiss, moaning when two fingers slid into your wetness..
Entangled in the warmth of one another is all you've ever needed, so no matter who you meet or where you go, only each other's company is what makes you feel complete.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
... give me the soft bakugo 👀
If this flops or gets me ostracized from the fandom you’re uninvited to my birthday party-
Bakugo could never stay awake during movies.
It was a problem for him, genuinely. The amount of times he’s fallen asleep, and grumbles in annoyance when you tell him the movie’s over is truly staggering. It’s not that he wants to miss the action, he’s just so exhausted from being… well. Bakugo, that when the end of the day comes, and you’ve got a hand buried in his hair and a blanket tossed over you both, he never stands a chance.
And it’s a ritual at this point, merely part of your daily routine. He comes home. He showers. He curls up against you, and before the movie’s rising action can start, he’s out cold.
And nine times out of ten, you’re more than willing to stay, scratching his scalp and watching Bakugo’s handsome face twitch and lax with each detail of dreams…
But today? The one out of ten? You’re fucking hungry.
You so wish you’d eaten before you decided to be his snuggle buddy for the next few hours, knowing he’d already had a bad enough day and you leaving to have a snack would only disturb him further, but if it wasn’t you slowly leaving the warmth of bed, it would be your growling stomach.
Okay. Slowly now. You pinch the arm that’s tossed over your waist and slowly lift it up, slipping from under the appendage and out to freedom.
Once out of his warm embrace, you quickly scurry to the kitchen for a sandwich- heavy enough to get through the night, but light enough where you can quickly eat it- and a quick look through of your phone so you can update your friends and family to be officially his for the night.
And it seems to all go well! He’s still knocked out, as you assumed he would be after such a long day, and you’re just about ready to bite when-
“…the hell in the fuck are you doing?”
The voice makes your eyes wander from the brightness of your phone screen, to the culprit himself, standing in the hallway with sweats low on his hips and a blanket wrapped around just the top half of his torso. He knuckles his tired eyes, his lips in a sleepy scowl, and god he looks so snuggly you want to bring him straight back to his warm bed and let him sleep off the day.
But your rumbling stomach would never allow that.
Stopping your staring, your teeth hover over the sandwich before coming down to a biteless close, and you look at him with a clear of your throat, “I’m… eating?”
“You left the bed.”
“Yeah, because you don’t like crumbs-“
“You left me in the bed.”
You blink at him in complete confusion, trying your hardest not to laugh in his face as he growls deep in his throat, “you left me alone in the bed, to make yourself a sandwich!”
“Well I sure as hell wasn’t going to wake you up,” you snort, watching as he struggles back a yawn to continue his ‘threatening’ look. “You were tired babe, I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“Well… well I didn’t like not knowing where you were,” he grumbles. “And when I pat the damned bed and it was empty, that was an even worse way to wake up.”
All an elaborate way of saying ‘I didn’t like that you left me and our cuddle time.’ You could’ve sworn he’d only be mad if you’d woken him up in the process of leaving, but that’s very clearly not the case. When a loving grin spreads over your face, you know he knows he’s been figured out, and he crosses his blanket-covered arms and avoids your gaze. “Awww, Katsuki-“
“Don’t even.”
“Did you want me to-“
“Fuck off.”
“Stay and snuggle?” His words of empty threats do nothing to deter you from finishing your sweet coo, which he scoffs at while you slowly pull out the chair next to you for him to sit in. “Baby, you know I’d never leave if I knew it would make you upset!”
“It didn’t make me up-fucking-set,” he growls, but he does let his long legs carry him to the chair next to you, plopping down sleepily while maroon eyes struggle to stay awake. “It’s the principle of the matter- you leave, you fuckin’ tell me where you’re going. End of discussion.”
You snort and shake your head at his words, finally taking a bite of your sandwich and thus, ending the conversation. Despite his efforts, he doesn’t look half as mad as he thinks he does, lips pouty and cheeks a titch flushed from your affectionate words and the last remnants of sleep being pulled from his soul.
“For what it’s worth,” you hum, slowly tugging his chair closer to yours, which he instantly rests his head on your shoulder when he’s close enough. “I always want to cuddle with you, too, stinky.”
“Quit it with your stupid pet names,” he grumbles. “I am a man, and I find it disgusting the way you are able to make my heart race.”
“Of course you do,” you agree with him to relax his protests, turning your head to kiss the fluffs of hair that adorn the crown of his head. “Let me finish eating, then we can go nap for real.”
He grunts, a pouting language for ‘fine,’ before he lets you eat in slight peace, just without the use of your right arm which is now being held hostage by his own two limbs.
“C’ I have a bite?” He mumbles, opening his mouth expectantly, as if already knowing you’d say yes. You chuckle and bring the sandwich to his lips, which he bites softly and chews slowly. “‘fank you.”
“You’re welcome, my love.”
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obitohno · 2 years
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continuing to daydream about husband! bakugo who still tries his very best to comfort you whilst you’re unwell. it’s been days now, and the heat of your fever still rivals that of the signature scorch of the palms of his hands. the nights are worse, spent wide awake, fretting over the wheeze that catches on the rise and fall of each of your stuttered breaths that are fanned across the expanse of his chest, the crown of your head pressed under the sharp cut of his chin. he’s long peeled away the dampened fabric of your shirt, soiled with the remnants of the fever that he’s been (im)patiently waiting to break for the last few days, the calloused pads of his fingers tickling down the length of your spine. but when your skin is pinpricked with the evidence of a shiver, it isn’t his touch that makes you tremble, a chill forcing a discomforted whine from the back of your throat, only to catch on the tune of yet another bout of chest-heaving coughs that shorten your breath. helpless, bakugo knows that he can do nothing more than to envelop you within the heated cocoon of his embrace, the shape of his mouth pressed to the clammy surface of your temple, and yet, as he wakes the next morning to find that—finally—your temperature is starting to settle into one that is deemed safe, he can’t help but feel a little silly when a relieved smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. because, of course, he knew you’d pull through. you’re strong, and it was your strength that made him fall for you in the first place, after all.
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© obitohno. all rights reserved. do not repost my works.
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