doddsmountain · 2 months
Yo, what's your favourite moment/line from Disco Elysium?
Shivers - Something moves in the depths of your mind, sending shocks of cold through the connective tissue. You're sitting on a kicksled, whizzing through the snow. A warm, kind presence is guiding the sled behind you, her mittened hand resting on your back. You feel very, very loved -- and very, very safe.
This one is so sad to me. Harry very obviously loves his mom, and she loved him (still does? We don't know if his parents are alive).
He was safe and loved as a kid, and we get to see him at his lowest - dying and broken - and it's utterly heartbreaking.
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delysiumzine · 2 months
Heya! I love the idea of a DE zine, and would also be overjoyed if I could contribute to it as a writer :D
I wonder if the zine needs poems? I have already written some. Most of them are about Harry: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54105421?view_full_work=true
I can also write short stories and film scripts :3
Hi, thanks so much for your interest in contributing to the zine! Applications to join will be open from May 18-June 16, so please fill out the forms when they release at that time ^_^ For zine submissions, we will ask that contributors create a new piece that hasn’t been published yet, but poetry, short stories, scripts, and other forms of writing, such as articles or in-game texts, are all welcome in both portfolios and pitch ideas!
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u3pxx · 3 months
Hallo it's Zo
me voice-acted your work. me had fun. thank you :3
WOAH, I'VE NEVER HAD ANYTHING OF MINE DUBBED BEFORE!!!!!! oh thank you! electrochem voice was very funny ASKSKS
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xexpaguette · 18 days
oh god, on the horseback statue? I'm gonna fall off and die lol
I'm putting you with the plasmid
the phasmid ran away :(
how do i get off the island...
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autiezo · 4 months
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[id: AutieZo says, "Saw this sign and had to make a bad disco elysium edit."
The edited sign says, "Historical Marker: On this exact spot in the afternoon of August 5th 2017, a martial dispute was won by Kim Kitsuragi. At 12.58pm, he told his husband he shouldn't drive the golf cart because he is a terrible driver. 5 minutes later, Tequila Sunset accidentally drove cart #42 into this lake. End id.]
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tmbatcat · 7 days
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request from @autiezo <3
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Heya! May I please request for a doodle art of Emo Teen Jean Vicquemare? XD
Here's my list of headcanons for him lololol
Hii, I haven't drawn Jean that much (2 times lol) but I really want to make those doodles, unfortunately I am really busy right now with exams. Once I find the free time I will gladly do it :3
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slonechnik · 27 days
ask game time :p !
7, 17, 33, 34 and 35 ~
7. what scares you the most and why?
my parents wellbeing? or lack thereof i guess
theyre doing well and theyre healthy and happy but i cant help but worry anyways especially as theyre nearing their 60s, which isnt that old!! but still i want to work hard so i can support them whatever happens
17. name 3 things that make you happy
books! i love collecting books especially more obscure things you can get at used books stores
a good meal especially when i make it myself
my dogs
33. any hobbies?
writing, art, recently ive been getting into calligraphy, and as always reading :3
34. any pet peeves?
so many! mostly i dislike when ppl put their phones on speaker in public, be it to listen to music or watch videos or such, and i hate when ppl tug their dogs on a leash hard when they only have collars on, if they tend to tug hard at least get them a harness! oh and i dont like when ppl spread their stuff on the seats in public commute, esp if its crowded, its just v inconsiderate
35. do you trust easily?
id say i trust a moderate amount but if someone breaks my trust its really hard to build that back
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doddsmountain · 4 months
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Based on this post by @autiezo
Don’t worry, your request for Swan Princess Jean will arrive soon lol
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doddsmountain · 3 months
Dodds, please help me with a hypothetical question. So a tumblr post declared that I have to marry whoever is on my phone screen, and... Well, your 'Swan Princess' DE comic is my phone screen - which features Jean, Judit, Harry and Kim.
I'm not opposed to this scenario but I am mildly stressed (/j)
How do I give the 4 of them equal affection, for a successful poly marriage? Jean might be jealous and pouty that I like Kim so much. By himself, Harry's already incredibly exhausting to deal with.
I feel like the best-case outcome would be to hope that they'd pair up and let me be their 5th wheel lmao. Since I'm asexual. Whadda ya think, got any other ideas? XD
And I know, I know. It's a silly thingy, but still
Hmmm.... break them into moods. You wanna have someone you can complain about things with? Jean. Maybe Kim. You feel like doing mundane things, like crosswords or admiring large machinery? Kim time, baybeee. Or if you want advice on car stuff.
Need someone to listen to you and tell it to you straight? Judit. She's no nonsense. She'd probably teach you self-defense stuff, I feel.
You need crazy zany times? Harry's your man. Or someone to cry to, or be cried on by.
Otherwise, pair them off and suggest instead of marriage, get adopted by them all. Joint custody between JeanJudit and HarryKim lolol
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doddsmountain · 4 months
Heya Doods! If you have the spare time, I got an art request. Could you pretty please draw Jean as "The Swan Princess", based off this post? https://www.tumblr.com/autiezo/742134616643731456/1-morale-lost?source=share
Because it'd be really, really funny XD. If no, that's totally fine!
I would love to but the link took to your page and not the specific post ;-;
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tmbatcat · 25 days
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Bonus small comic with the lads
@autiezo helped me with the dialog <3 thank you
this is specifically from what I said in the Empathy and Endurace post
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tmbatcat · 30 days
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promt by @volivolition and @autiezo (thank you for exiting)
Zo already gave me ideas for the next one and they're good ones!
below for refrence and my options
This cool... clothing... for Drama. don't know what it's called
And these for Esprit from the game
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also inspired from this to make Esprit cloak thing
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Esprit has like their body cloak and on top their uniform (they are that dedicated) Also, they don't have sleeves on their body cloak so they just tied the uniform sleeves on the back (they do have arms but they sit under their body cloak 98% of the time)
Context/ Headcannon: Esprit is sleepy because Harry has a difficult case rn (Esprit is more sleep deprived then the others cuz they are thinking about the case 24/7 and they are not letting themselves sleep til the're done ) and these events are all happening when Harry is asleep. In his sleep he can only talk with Limbic system and Ancient reptilian brain so the skills have a lil bit of free time to do whatever, like dress-up for no reason (only for my and everybody else's injoyment)
The other skills are also sleep deprived, but they recharge when Harry is sleeping by doing stuff they like their hobbies but Esprit is just thinking about the case and nothing else...
maybe I'm going to make a tag for these drawings. maybe like #de dress-up au so I could have all my drawings in one place
have some side stuff I wanted to do... may take a bit til I finish the next one (also It's a comic maybe, so that too)
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tmbatcat · 18 days
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suggestion and script by @autiezo (thank you again <3)
Finally finished procrastinating :] Zo helped me <4
very nice idea, I have another bonus comic and then going back to do the rest of the skills <3
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autiezo · 28 days
Heya guys. So I wrote down headcanons of what I think Kim Kitsuragi's skills are. There's like 6 different ones? They're similar to Harry's, but it sounds like Kim talking. Please check it out, I spent hours on it lol
Wait... is this just a description of autism. Lmao it is
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tmbatcat · 27 days
Your turn! 7, 17, 33, 34 and 35 :D
ok, tnx for asking me back, I like the back and forth :]
sorry this took a while
7 What scares you the most and why?
The future. I don't have a plan for it and I can't predict it. What will I do? Idk, I don't like working, jobs don't like me cuz I'm not a productive machine and I feel like my art skills are not enough to keep me afloat if I ever want to start commissions. Also being alone...
17 Name 3 things that make you happy?
Uff, eh, making artistic stuff, seeing other people exited or happy about stuff and... talking with friends and then randomly they tell you small things that they like about you and you were anxious about [they like my voiceeeee !!!!] (if you're curious about the context, we can talk in dms <3 )
33 Any hobbies?
Drawing mainly (digitaly and traditionaly), playing the same 3 games over and over again (binding of isaac, dead cells, minecraft)... tried to get into sawing but had the problem of "not being good at it instantly" and now that is on pause. Collecting stuffed animals; I have a big collection and some handmade ones (not by me). I could show pics if you're interested :]
34 Any pet peeves?
Hypocriet and dumb people that are confident, that double down and not search if they are right... I'm going to ramble for a bit.
Once, when I was in an art club (specifically clay modeling), we were talking about stuff and a girl said "Ants aren't insects. " and I stopped everything I was doing just to make sure I heard her right. And I did, she also said that insects aren't animals which got me fucking pissed. How, how can you be that dumb and confident in yourself?? Also, the most annoying part, the teacher didn't want to take parts and only said that we should stop arguing. I asked him multiple times if I was right and he didn't answer.
I will forever be annoyed at that interaction.
35 Do you trust easily?
We started talking about 3 days ago and I overshared my heart out, told you where I come from, about my psihologie (my skills), Jean opinions, art and fanfics ... I think it's kinda obvious (I would probably give my life to save you if I had to)
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