#anti aemond targaryen
darklinaforever · 3 days
Greens stans to me : The Darkling / Darklina and Kylo Ren - Ben Solo / Reylo = sick shit / violence against women ! You think these characters are hot, so you turn a blind eye to what they do !
Also, still greens stans to me : Aegon II and Aemond (both rapists) = depth, complex, complicated and interesting characters in someone's perception.
Me, the one apparently displaying hypocrisy and stupidity :
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(I should point out, however, that these things were said to me by exactly the same person. It’s really crazy ! 😂)
Once again, Aemond is interesting (for me) in his writing angle in terms of Daemon's foil / dark reflection. But is he deep ? Is he complex ? Is he complicated ? I do not think so ! This guy is characterized as a little demon from birth, until the end of his life !
And Aegon isn't even one of the 4 things !
He's just a lazy person, in addition to an alcoholic rapist and pedophile, who enjoy watching their illegitimate children fight in an arena.
The aspect of him originally not wanting the throne and being forced out of it by pressure from Criston Cole and fear of Rhaenyra attacking / killing him and his siblings is just a positive propaganda bullshit reported by Maester Eustace, pro greens !
The proof being that Aegon II is subsequently reported to completely enjoy being in power, in fact not letting anyone influence him in his decisions, and rejecting Rhaenyra's peace proposal guaranteeing his own survival as well as that of his brothers and sisters if he recognized her as a legitimate queen, while insulting her as a whore afterwards...
(But then, if people find that Aegon II is an interesting villain in one way or another, good for them ! I do not claim to have the holy word about the love that one can have or not have for a villain. All tastes are in nature. Perhaps the depth of his pathos and monstrosity can be interesting and fascinating on a certain level ? But for me, the way he's written doesn't grab me at all and I can't really see anything interesting about him... On the other hand, I think I'm speaking completely objectively when I say that Aegon II from Fire and Blood, is not deep, complex and complicated. Sorry not sorry)
And don't tell me that Rhaenyra was lying and probably still would have killed them, because nothing in the text of Fire and Blood implies that she could harm her brothers and sisters before the war officially begins after Lucerys death. In fact, Rhaenyra is so merciful that she will let Alicent survive (the woman responsible for most of her suffering and her usurpation) once she has her in her hands, as a tribute to her father Viserys, even though Alicent was originally to be executed along with Otto under the terms of her peace proposal to Aegon II according to my memories. So it would surprise me a lot if Rhaenyra would have had her half brothers and sisters killed after giving her word.
In any case, the Greens really come from another dimension...
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lunasglow · 3 months
“They bullied Aemond!!!!!!”
the bullies in question:
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kissinganakin · 1 month
Why are team green stans always the first to talk about how Nyra didn't fight in the books? In the books Alicent was a grown ass women beefing with a child. In the books Criston was with Rhaenyra since she was seven and was such a creep even Alicent pointed it out. In the books Helena is not a dreamer. In the books Aemond is always making weird ass comments about female genitalia. In the books nobody cheered at Aegons coronation and were asking for Nyra. In the books Rhaenys is Rhaenyras number one supporter. The best is "fat Rhaenyra" What about fat Helena and Aegon? Both Helena and Aegon were said to be fuckin ugly but Rhaenyra was said to be beautiful before and after she gained her weight. Anywayssss
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drakaripykiros130ac · 15 days
More and more I see people questioning how the Blacks didn’t outright win and destroy the Greens in one go with all the advantages they had.
The answer is simple: The Greens were protected by plot armor.
GRRM gave the Blacks almost everything they could ask for (thereby favoring them):
1. The best allies (the Winter Wolves, the Lads, Cregan Stark, Jeyne Arryn, etc.)
2. The most Houses supporting Rhaenyra’s cause (53)
3. The largest territories (the North, the Vale and the Riverlands)
4. The largest and best fleet (commanded by the Velaryons)
5. The Velaryon fortune
6. The most dragons
Normally, with all these advantages, they should have won the war with their hands tied behind their backs. The Greens only had home-field advantage (King’s Landing) and Vhagar. That’s pretty much it.
But of course, GRRM wanted it to be a more balanced war, and despite giving the Blacks plenty of advantages, he protected the Greens so the story can actually take place.
1. There is just no way that Aegon the Usurper could have survived everything he endured (Rook’s Rest, and then battling with Baela etc.) In my opinion, he was one greenie who was definitely protected by plot armor.
2. Daemon using B&C to only kill one of Aegon’s heirs instead of eliminating everyone in that tower is also kind of plot armor for the Greens. There is no way that he wouldn’t have taken advantage to have everyone in that tower killed. It would have weakened the Greens considerably (not to mention that Alicent was the “brains” behind the operation).
3. Then you have Rhaenyra sparing Alicent after she took King’s Landing (the woman who bullied her as a child and stole her throne) for some dumb reason like “My father loved you so I am doing this for him”. Yeah right…With how much Rhaenyra hated the woman, she wouldn’t have hesitated to chop her head off.
4. For some reason, Rhaenyra decides to go to Dragonstone after the storming of the Dragonpit, instead of the Vale. Another plot convenience for the Greens. The Vale was obviously the best place to go. The Greens wouldn’t have been able to touch Rhaenyra there. The Arryns would have protected her and her child, until Cregan Stark arrived and dethroned the usurper. Happy ending, the end. But yeah, it’s Asoiaf. There are no happy endings, and GRRM had to give Rhaenyra a tragic end.
All in all, the Greens survived as long as they did because of plot armor. No, they were not politically savvy (believe it or not, that’s Daemon. He managed to convince the Red Kraken to side with the Blacks and didn’t really offer him anything in return).
Otto was a terrible Hand who got fired twice, Criston Cole was another terrible Hand who was all muscle and had no political intelligence (or any kind of intelligence), Alicent was a manipulating and greedy shrew hiding behind her sons, Helaena was completely useless, Aegon didn’t know what the hell he was doing or why he was doing it, and Aemond was a brainless psycho on the biggest dragon in existance.
Oh, and there’s also Daeron the Forgotten, who after torching Bitterbridge, managed to get himself killed by a fallen tent.
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daenerysies · 2 months
99.999% of arguments used against rhaenyra are the definition of bullshit btw
why should i give a shit about the random man DAEMON killed to use as laenor’s body double when alicent was complicit in the murders of named characters like lyonel and harwin? or the brothel house that she had larys burn down (that most likely had innocent women and children inside)? or when criston murdered joffrey (over him trying to broker a deal with him)? or when aegon sexually harassed serving girls as a teen and we see the aftermath of him raping dyana as an adult? or when aemond murdered luke over a debt that he claimed had already been paid AND singlehandedly started a war that killed thousands?
idgaf about the nameless extra that only had 30 secs of screen time get over yourself
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nrilliree · 3 months
Oh, so that's why, after Aemond's return, Aegon decided to throw a big party! Now that makes sense!
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lillysbitchfest · 1 month
I'm feeling very anti-Aemond Targaryen today. It's sad because I could have had fun with the character but his "poor me I was bullied" thing just makes me want to punch him in the face. Maybe it's because I was bullied up to hell and back and I never let it turn me into a bully that I just can't stand that kind of person? And yes Greenies, Aemond is a bully, him telling Rhaena she should ride a pig? That was bullying, she's like half his age and just lost her mother ffs! Him chasing down Luce (His name is Lucerys I will never call him Luke, okay?) on Vhagar? Bullying. He is the king of "I can dish it out but I can't take it" and those people suck.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 3 months
Imagine being Helaena Targaryen (show version)
You are raised mostly by governesses and maids and sometimes your mother comes spent time with you and sits by your side. You don't get her, she stresses you and her presence makes you feel uncomfortable. It's not her fault that you feel like that, but she always has that energy around her that makes you feel on edge. So you back away when she tries to touch you, afraid she may pass that energy on to you.
You like bugs and insects, your mother says it's not proper so she forces you to leave them behind and focus on prayer and sewing. You hate it.
You have three brothers, but you aren't particularly close to them. Your older brother is bad, he too makes you uncomfortable, but he doesn't like you either so you stay away from each other. Your younger brother is obsessed with dragons, so much so that he tries to bond with your own dragon and take her from you. You know his obsession will only bring bad things. Your youngest brother is away, he has been away forever, by now you only know his name. You have an elder sister, she is the heir, you are happy for her, but you never talk her. The one time you tried your mother yelled at you, it hurt your ears, your head. So you don't try anymore, but sometimes she smiles at you.
You have two nephews, Rhaenyra's sons, they are just a little bit younger than you and they are kind. Your older brother often plays with them and uses them as weapons against your younger brother. It won't end well, Aemond is not the forgiving type nor the reflective type.
Your mother is mean, she is in pain so she wants everyone to be in pain too, it makes you sad. Your sister leaves the Red Keep and it somehow becomes a colder place.
Your aunt dies away in Essos so you and your family go to Driftmark for the funeral. The uncle you don't remember laughs at the eulogy for his wife. It wasn't really for his wife, it was for your nephews and your sister. You know high valyrian, you learned some from the maesters and most from your father. Your brothers aren't very good at it so they don't catch it.
When night falls everything changes. As you predicted, the obsession your brother had with dragons leads to nowhere good. He went to claim the dragon of your dead aunt without permission, he got into a fight with your nephews and cousins, his eye is gone.
He called your nephews bastards and even without an eye he laughs at the memory. You know that the word is bad and that your mother keeps saying it over and over again. You don't understand, Ser Laenor says they are his sons, so why does she insist they aren't? It's stupid and you want to say how stupid it is, but you won't because your mother will yell at you of slap you as she does Aegon. Your older brother says everyone can see it, but it's not true because you can't. It stresses you.
Your mother grabbs a dagger and charges to kill your nephew, everyone screams and you cover your ears. It feels as if they are bleeding. Rhaenyra stops your mother and ultimately nothing happens.
Your grandfather is Hand again. It's bad, you can tell by Lord Beesbury's face. And you know is bad, because he wants you to marry Aegon. Your father falls ill, he barely moves from the bed. There are whispers that say your uncle may kill your grandfather if he returns to the Keep. You pray for him to do so, but he doesn't.
Rhaenyra marries your uncle far away in Dragonstone and you are happy for them, you want to write to them and congratulate them. Your mother yells at you when she sees your letter and burns it. You want to scratch her eyes, but you don't because she will yell and hit you.
When you first bleed your mother marries you to your older brother. You are thirteen and in that same year you fall pregnant with twins. You want to write to Rhaenyra and ask her what to do. You ask your mother and she only says things about duty and sacrifice. You think you are dutiful enough and that you have sacrificed enough. Your mother doesn't, your grandfather doesn't.
You have two children and you love them, but you can handle them. They are too loud, so loud. But you love them, or so you think. Because if you don't you should throw yourself out off the window. Why don't you?
Your sister returns to the Keep with her children and husband. Your mother yells, she hates them. She yells so much you are surprised you can still hear anything. It doesn't hurt any less than it did before. Your uncle kills a man in the throne room, you cover your ears because the noise is unbearable. But it's not worse than anything else you have gone through.
There is a last dinner, your father is coherent and your mother makes an odd toast. Aemond mades a stupid one and it ends up in a fight that ruins the good day. The night ends like that, but at least you danced with someone kind. You wish you would be married to him instead.
In the following days your father dies, your mother commits treason and you do nothing. You think about going to Rhaenyra, to tell her, but it feels useless and your mother never allows you to go anywhere alone, it's been ages since you last visited Dreamfyre. There is a dragon in front of you, but it doesn't burn you, any of you. Disappointing.
Is there any reason you still live?
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TG stans constantly complain about how "Rhaenyra was a threat" to Alicent's children. What I find interesting about that is not once in any scene of HOTD does Rhaenyra threaten her siblings' lives. Meanwhile, Alicent and her sons threaten Rhaenyra's children's lives in almost every scene they're in/discussed.
In episode 5: Alicent summons barely born Joffrey to her chambers; knowing how vulnerable newborns are. Criston pits teenage Aegon against prepubescent Jace and Aegon would have seriously hurt Jace if not for Harwin's interference. Alicent harasses both Viserys and Aegon about how Rhaenyra's children are bastards; something that could very likely lead to them being executed or exiled if Viserys chose to listen to her.
In the scene where Aemond loses his eye, that happens because Luke was trying to defend his brother. Aemond not only was about to bash Jace's head in with a rock, but also was screaming about how he and Luke would die screaming like Harwin. Then Alicent tries to stab out Luke's eye, something that would kill him (she was holding the knife to thrust it down and stab, not slash like Luke did).
From the first episode Rhaenyra's children are present, Alicent and the other greens are threatening their safety and lives. Even in the scenes TG stans point to the most often as "evidence" of the "danger" posed to Alicent's children, it's Jace and Luke who are actually in danger of being killed. It's Rhaenyra's sons who are being constantly threatened by the greens and it's her son who is killed first in the Dance. The greens are the ones who threaten and kill innocent children, not Rhaenyra.
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lovl3igh · 2 months
notice that when blacks talk about alicent's children it's "rapist" "murderer" "child slaver" "kinslayer" etc but the thing is when greens try to insult nyra's boys they say "strongs" or "bastards" like they really have nothing on them, it's hilarious
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sihtriggyr · 2 months
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aurabora · 2 months
alicent is a “childbride at 15” and suddenly her growth is stunted forever and she can’t be held accountable for her actions but luke was “nearly a man” when he died at 13 so therefore he deserved to die and has to answer for the “sin” of taking his uncles eye out? mkay.
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brynnsasha191 · 24 days
''Jacaerys and Lucerys are boring''
Yeah because the show took all of the interesting qualities that made them good people and gave them to yucky Aemond. Book!Jace won over so many of Rhaenyra's allies, was her right hand, and gave his life for his younger brothers at 15. And book!Luke was very skilled in arms and was very advanced in high Valerian.
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darklinaforever · 2 months
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OH MY GOD ?! 😂 Do you really think you have a chance against Daemon ?! And what's more, you have the nerve to think that he wouldn't dare face you ?! Oh my god... Don't worry boy, he's going to face you. And kill you like shit, in a beautiful tribute to Lucerys.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 1 month
Jacaerys Velaryon, a Prince of questionable parentage (whether it be true or false), turned out to be 10 times the man/leader than any one of Alicent’s “trueborn” sons (Aegon the Usurper, Aemond One-Eye, and Daeron the Useless) could ever be.
- confirmed by Green biased Maesters as well.
I love how GRRM addresses the issue of parentage here, and shows how children born under questionable circumstances can rise to be better than children born “the correct way”.
It also shows how simple-minded people in the Middle Ages used to be, believing that only children born from a sanctified union, could ever be worth something.
It’s not a coincidence that GRRM made Rhaenyra’s sons good, well-mannered, brave and loyal, while Alicent’s sons are all despicable, rude, anger-driven, and overall huge disappointments (yes, Daeron too. He ended up showing his true colors. Bitterbridge never forgets).
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daenerysies · 25 days
fiction mimics reality in the sense that mary i is remembered as ‘bloody mary’ despite having only executed 300+ people during her reign as opposed to her father who executed 50,000+ people during his. cut to rhaenyra who is remembered as ‘maegor with teats’ because she raised taxes after tyland lannister hid the royal treasury right before she retook king’s landing; all while her half-brother aemond was complicit in massacring the riverlands and the wiping out of house strong, along with her *other* half-brother daeron being liable for the atrocities that are bitterbridge/both battles of tumbleton. funny how that works.
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