kirbysdx · 5 months
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Decided to take my Kirby theme further with menu icons that are portraits from the game. Also changed the little icon and the corner text. I want to also get new sparkly buttons!
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mostignored · 1 year
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alittlequirkygirl2 · 6 months
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This might be the most transfemme thing I've ever done...
Portmaster is so cool! Let me know if anyone wants help setting this up on one of these devices. Supposedly it's confirmed to run on the following devices running the following OSs:
Anbernic RG552 (AmberELEC, JELOS) Anbernic RG503 (JELOS, ArkOS, TheRA) *when available Anbernic RG351P (AmberELEC, JELOS, ArkOS wuMMLe fork) Anbernic RG351M (AmberELEC, JELOS, ArkOS wuMMLe fork) Anbernic RG351V (ArkOS, TheRA, AmberELEC, JELOS) Anbernic RG351MP (ArkOS, TheRA, AmberELEC, JELOS) PowKiddy RGB10 (ArkOS) GameForce Chi (ArkOS) RK2020 (ArkOS) ODROID Go Advance (ArkOS) ODROID Go Super (The RetroArena, RetroOZ) PowKiddy RGB10 Max (The Retro Arena, RetroOZ)
I’m running UnofficialOS on an Anbernic RG353PS for what it’s worth, so this list isn’t entirely accurate.
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cp-imagebank · 11 months
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mgodoy-br · 6 months
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Meet Skull Bomb!!!
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technoplanet · 11 months
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New toy
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awkwardgamergirl · 4 months
✨Help me choose my next handheld✨
So I’ve been seeing these different retro gaming devices everywhere and I’m obsessed 😍 they have all the games I used to play as a girl whether it’s sims, hamtaro, animal crossing, bratz, sailor moon, totally spies, like they have everything. So I know I’m going to purchase one I just want to make sure I get a quality console that’s going to be the best fit for me.
So first we have the miyoomini plus which is really cute but I haven’t seen as much on these as I have the other handhelds. Plus I just looked and realized I’m not the biggest fan of the fact there are no analog sticks and that’s actually a pretty big negative for me. But I’m curious on how you guys feel about it if you own one.
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The other gaming console I’m looking into are different forms of the anbernic I keep hearing about. I like this one because there is a lot of options to choose from when it comes to how you want the handheld styled. I love my switch but I was also a gameboy kid growing up so I have a lot of nostalgia with some of the other designs. All in all though, I think I might choose the one with a similar design to the switch. Just looking for second opinions and any drawbacks or positives that come with each design. Thanks so much guys 💕
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Ps. I’m already going to grab up a steam deck so I’m not including that in this post. This is just for the retro gaming needs.
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hollowgamer · 1 year
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mi-studies · 1 year
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Really been enjoying retro gaming on the Anbernic Rg35XX, it's great on the go and playing a bit of chill games in bed. Loving the old Metroid and Castlevania games.
Metroid Fusion! w/a grid matrix filter (amazing pizels)
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kirbysdx · 6 months
Decided to add Kirby's Dreamland 1 & 2 DX versions to my RG35XX device! Looks great!
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mostignored · 1 year
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addicted to this
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cozygaymes · 6 months
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ig: amatorszczyzna89
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dadrpg · 4 months
The Dad (Gaming) Experience!
I've just got my Anbernic handheld (after waiting for customs for two whole months) on my hands and let me tell you, those handhelds are so cool! The idea of carrying thousands of games - long, "proper" console games would blow anyone's mind back in the day those games were brand new. During the late 90s my favorite console was, easily, the Playstation 1. It was the first I bought with my own money and the first to be supplied by the grey market of Rio de Janeiro's street vendors. I was a teenager developing my English and using my allowance to play games in ways my earlier Sega Mega Drive days would never believe. Games that wowed me with their stories, characters and overall experience, like Final Fantasy 7 and Metal Gear Solid. The PS1 is still my favorite console but, of course, I ended up missing a lot of those jems - if one of those vendors didn't end up with a copy of Legend of Dragoon or Legaia, or if one of the multiple CDs got scratched and turning the console upside down didn't solve it... there was no chance of playing it.
So that's one of my handheld's missions: let me experience the vintage experiences I might have missed back then, now improved by being available on my pocket at any moment. And I'm going to share that on this little blog because that's also something I miss from retro days: plain text social media.
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The pre-rendered images look so good on low-res
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mikejolley · 1 year
I did a short comparison between a recapped GameGear, one with a modded screen (RetroSix kit), and the Anbernic RG353v which uses emulation.
The OG screen is pretty poor, even compared to old Game Boys etc. I had to tweak the curves for the video because it was so faded on camera! I’m gonna try a backlight mod at some point.
The modern modded screen, and the Anbernic, both have lovely depth, saturation of colour, and contrast, and overall were pretty close, with the emulation being spot on as you can see.
This was the game title demo so all ran at the same speed. The game is Shinobi 2, if you’re curious.
Really enjoying the Anbernic device, which has the advantage of offering a larger integer scale view than the modded GameGear.
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mgodoy-br · 6 months
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Picture of the weekend
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